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Best blender for Small Kitchen 2025

Best blender for Small Kitchen 2025: If you have lim­it­ed kitchen space, live in a dorm or small apart­ment, or don’t like the look of appli­ances clut­ter­ing your coun­ter­tops, a com­pact per­son­al blender is a bet­ter choice than a full-size machine. Probably.

Per­son­al blenders are designed to blend sin­gle serv­ings of smooth­ies and shakes that can be tak­en on the go, often blend­ed in a sin­gle jar. And, like a stan­dard blender, per­son­al blenders are often pow­er­ful enough to pulse and puree small batch­es of dips, sauces, bat­ter, or crushed ice for frozen drinks.

A per­son­al blender for mak­ing deli­cious smooth­ies on the go is a kitchen gad­get that is per­fect for busy lifestyles, kids, and even trav­el. When research­ing and in-house test­ing the top per­son­al blenders avail­able on the mar­ket today, we con­sid­ered pow­er, porta­bil­i­ty, and budget.

Read More: Best Blenders for Mar­gar­i­tas 2023 

Table of Contents

List Of Best blender for Small Kitchen

Runner-Up, Best Overall NutriBullet Pro 900

Runner-Up, Best Overall NutriBullet Pro 900

With a 900-watt motor, the NutriBul­let Pro is the per­fect alter­na­tive to a high-pow­ered blender in small kitchens. It makes sauces, soups, and smooth­ies as smooth as you want, and even thick ingre­di­ents don’t need to be re-opened and stirred to get a good mix. Even after years of con­tin­u­ous usage, this blender still func­tions well.

This blender comes with two BPA-free 32-ounce blend­ing cups, allow­ing you to work with larg­er batch sizes than most per­son­al blenders, though it is still plen­ty for indi­vid­ual smooth­ies and small-batch dips. The blender also comes with two cup rings, two han­dle lip rings, two lids for con­ve­nience, and a recipe book.

It is not a hands-free mix­ing machine, blender cups lock onto the base and you turn the top part in order to run it. The motor is not meant to run for more than 60 sec­onds at a time, but it’s more than enough for tough blend­ing jobs. The price at the time of pub­li­ca­tion is under $100

The cups, blades, lids, and rings of the blender are sim­ple to wash by hand or in the dish­wash­er. One of the prici­est alter­na­tives for a per­son­al blender is the NutriBul­let Pro, but its strength, pow­er, and adapt­abil­i­ty make the cost worthwhile.

Tribest PB-350 Personal Blender

Tribest PB-350 Personal Blender

The major­i­ty of per­son­al blenders uti­lize exclu­sive cups or jars for blend­ing, and addi­tion­al jars might be pricey if you need more. This blender is designed to work with stan­dard mason jars, so you can mix and match with exist­ing jars with a mason jar adapter.

Many review­ers found their Mason jars very easy to attach, although some note that the Mason jar adapter can some­times get caught in the blade mech­a­nism, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult to remove. Along with mason jars, mason jar lids, trav­el lids, big and small cups with lids, a grind­ing blade, and a chop­ping blade are all includ­ed. If you desire even larg­er cup options, Tribest now pro­vides an XL option.

The blender has a 200-watt motor, so it is not as pow­er­ful as some sin­gle-serve gad­gets, but it’s more than enough for smooth­ies, shakes, and sauces.

Cuisinart CPB-300 350 Watt BPA

Cuisinart CPB-300 350 Watt BPA

With a 350-watt engine, this per­son­al blender has plen­ty of pow­er. The elec­tron­ic touch­pad has con­trols for puls­ing, low-speed blend­ing, and high-speed blend­ing with LED indi­ca­tor lights. Accord­ing to our tester, every­thing about the design is clear and user-friendly.

The 32-ounce blender jar in the 15-piece set lets you pro­duce four 8‑ounce smooth­ie serv­ings. Along with that, it includes a set of four 16-ounce trav­el cups, an 8‑ounce chop­ping cup, a blend­ing blade, and a chop­ping blade. This means more than one per­son can enjoy the smooth­ie at the same time, mak­ing it a great choice for fam­i­lies and large house­holds. The cups come with lids and are BPA-free and dish­wash­er-safe for quick cleanup.

Beyond smooth­ies, this gad­get also ab;e to process dips, sal­ad dress­ings, crushed ice, and grounds herbs and cof­fee beans. One com­plaint is that it is loud and vibrates a bit on the high­est setting.

Frigidaire 300-Watt Retro Smoothie Maker

Frigidaire 300-Watt Retro Smoothie Maker

Most per­son­al blenders look sim­i­lar and are designed to be hid­den away in a cab­i­net, but this one has an attrac­tive retro style that gives it some per­son­al­i­ty, so it will look good on the counter for every­day use. It includes a 300-watt motor with two speeds for effec­tive mix­ing, and it is start­ed and stopped by a pecu­liar chrome side lever.

It comes with two lids, a big 20.3‑ounce plas­tic drink­ing jar, and a 16.9‑ounce han­dle-equipped glass mason jar. Although it includes a glass mason jar, the blender threads are not com­pat­i­ble with stan­dard mason jars, so they can­not be used as a substitute.

BlendJet 2 Portable Blender


BlendJet 2 Portable Blender

The Blend­Jet 2 was cre­at­ed with mobil­i­ty in mind and is mobile. The blender cup and base work as one unit and can eas­i­ly be tossed into a gym bag, large purse, or even lug­gage. It is bat­tery-pow­ered and recharges via a USB‑C con­nec­tion, allow­ing for any-time, any­where com­mu­ni­ca­tion. It may be charged in a car or con­nect­ed to a lap­top. We like using the first-gen­er­a­tion Blend­Jet One, so we were eager to test the new­er mod­el, which has a larg­er blend­ing cup (16 ounces), greater pow­er, and longer bat­tery life. Addi­tion­al­ly, this updat­ed ver­sion has the force to break ice cubes effortlessly.

Our tester espe­cial­ly liked that the Blend­Jet 2 can get at least 15 uses out of each full charge—a sig­nif­i­cant improve­ment over the pre­vi­ous ver­sion. Anoth­er upgrade is the mea­sur­ing marks on the cup, which makes it easy to apply eye­ball ingre­di­ents on the go. This type is self-clean­ing for increased con­ve­nience, just like the original.

Hamilton Beach Personal Blender with Travel Lid

Hamilton Beach Personal Blender with Travel Lid

If you are some­one who likes quick break­fast smooth­ies or pro­tein shakes at the gym, this per­son­al blender from Hamil­ton Beach is an excel­lent sin­gle-serve option that dou­bles as a trav­el cup. Just make your drink, remove the cup from the base, and you are on your way with the lid­ded 14-ounce smooth­ie cup. Both lid and cup are dish­wash­er safe.

Stain­less steel blades can crush ice and frozen fruit for a smooth drink. It is a sim­ple blender with just one but­ton plus, but a 175-watt motor does the job. As this item is a per­son­al blender, it is small and light­weight, per­fect for easy stor­age. The cups also have to mea­sure marks so you know how much you are adding to each ingre­di­ent. Con­ve­nient and fast, this blender is ide­al for those who are always on the go.


Posted in Blenders

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