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Best Blenders For Soup 2025

Best Blenders For Soup 2025: There are some cru­cial qual­i­ties to con­sid­er when search­ing for a blender to pre­pare restau­rant-qual­i­ty meals at home, whether you want to make a silky but­ter­nut squash soup or a chunky gaz­pa­cho. As many soup recipes require you to oper­ate with hot liq­uids, the safest soup blenders have heat-resis­tant Tri­tan or borosil­i­cate glass jars with vent­ing lids. Some blenders include advanced capa­bil­i­ties, such as pre­pro­grammed set­tings or built-in heat­ing ele­ments, that allow you to blend the entire recipe in the jar.

Even if you let your soup gen­tly cool in a saucepan before trans­fer­ring it to a blender, it will con­tin­ue to pro­duce steam. Thus, your blender must fea­ture a vent­ing cov­er that allows steam to escape in a safe man­ner. More­over, plac­ing a tow­el over the top of your blender helps shield your hands from hot steam and pos­si­ble splat­ters. Sim­i­lar­ly, the mate­r­i­al of your blender’s jar is cru­cial; borosil­i­cate glass and BPA-free Tri­tan plas­tic are resis­tant to ther­mal shock and won’t absorb fla­vors or aro­mas, mak­ing them ide­al for hot ingredients.

Read More: Best Blenders for Hot Liq­uids 2025 

Table of Contents

List of Best Blenders For Soup 2025

NutriBullet 1200-Watt Blender

NutriBullet 1200-Watt Blender
NutriBul­let 1200-Watt Blender

The NutriBul­let blender has a 64-ounce con­tain­er made of BPA-free, heat-resis­tant Tri­tan and a stain­less steel blade assem­bly for break­ing down and puree­ing whole ingre­di­ents into smooth soups. The NutriBul­let blender has an amaz­ing 4.6‑star over­all rat­ing on Ama­zon. Low, medi­um, and high speeds, as well as a pulse func­tion, allow you to grad­u­al­ly increase blend­ing speed and tai­lor the tex­ture of your recipes, while the vent­ing cov­er on the top pre­vents splat­ter while allow­ing steam to escape while mix­ing hot ingre­di­ents. Although it lacks pre­set pro­grams, the mul­ti­func­tion­al blender can also pro­duce nut milk, smooth­ies, and dips, mak­ing it suit­able for more than just soup prepa­ra­tion. For easy cleanup, the pitch­er, lid, and vent­ing cap are all dishwasher-safe.

Instant Nova 1,000-Watt Hot And Cold Blender

Instant Nova 1,000-Watt Hot And Cold Blender
Instant Nova 1,000-Watt Hot And Cold Blender

Sim­i­lar to how the Instant Pot changed cook­ing in a sin­gle pot, their Ace Nova blender is rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing blend­ing. A built-in heat­ing ele­ment at the base of the 54-ounce borosil­i­cate glass pitch­er makes it pos­si­ble to assem­ble, cook, and com­bine soup com­po­nents in a sin­gle ves­sel for max­i­mum con­ve­nience with­out the need for a stove. The Ace Nova fea­tures ten vari­able speeds and eight pre-pro­grammed modes for prepar­ing hot soups, smooth­ies, frozen desserts, rice milk, soy milk, nut milk, and oat milk.

There is also a pulse func­tion, a “stay warm mode,” and ice-crush­ing and puree­ing set­tings. The blender comes with a col­lec­tion of handy acces­sories, includ­ing a mesh bag for fil­ter­ing nut milk, two tam­pers, and a clean­ing brush, as well as a vent­ed cov­er. Owing to the mechan­ics in the pitch­er of the blender, it should not be cleaned in the dish­wash­er; nonethe­less, the blender fea­tures a self-clean­ing mode to save time. Use the free Instant Pot app, which con­tains hun­dreds of recipes, to gain inspiration.

Oster Blender Pro 1,200-Watt Blender

Oster Blender Pro 1,200 -Watt Blender
Oster Blender Pro 1,200-Watt Blender

Oster pro­duces one of the only cheap blenders with a borosil­i­cate glass jar, and this spe­cif­ic mod­el includes a 24-ounce blend­ing cup for smooth­ies on the road. The stain­less steel blade assem­bly employs Oster’s pro­pri­etary dual blade direc­tion tech­nol­o­gy, which com­bines both for­ward and reverse motion to release and break down mate­ri­als that might oth­er­wise become stuck by blender blades. You can also choose from three pre-pro­grammed but­tons for pro­duc­ing smooth­ies, sal­sa, and milkshakes.

Sev­en speeds let you grad­u­al­ly increase blend­ing to pre­vent splat­ter­ing when pro­cess­ing hot mate­ri­als, and there are three but­tons for prepar­ing smooth­ies, sal­sa, and milk­shakes. The lit­tle blend­ing cup should not be used to pre­pare hot soup, but it is ide­al for pro­duc­ing on-the-go smooth­ies and small batch­es of dress­ings and sauces. The blend­ing jar is dish­wash­er-safe, and the lid has a remov­able vent­ing cap for releas­ing steam.

Mueller Austria Ultra-Stick 500-Watt 9‑Speed Immersion Hand Blender

Mueller Austria Ultra-Stick 500-Watt 9-Speed Immersion Hand Blender
Mueller Aus­tria Ultra-Stick 500-Watt 9‑Speed Immer­sion Hand Blender

Among the addi­tion­al advan­tages of an immer­sion blender are its afford­able pric­ing and its abil­i­ty to blend hot soups imme­di­ate­ly in the cook­ing pot with­out the need for trans­fer­ring (which also means one less bulky ves­sel to clean). The change­able dial with eight speeds and a high-speed tur­bo option on the Mueller immer­sion blender allows you to mix and puree foods care­ful­ly and efficiently.

The shaft and blades of the stain­less steel blender can reach into deep pots and sep­a­rate effort­less­ly for dish­wash­er or hand wash­ing. This flex­i­ble mod­el lacks pre-set rou­tines, but it comes with a whisk attach­ment for whip­ping cream and eggs and a froth­ing attach­ment for foam­ing milk. Keep in mind that an immer­sion blender is less pow­er­ful than a tra­di­tion­al blender; thus, it is best suit­ed for soft com­po­nents or chunki­er soups.

Posted in Best Products, Other Blenders Reviews

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