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6 Best Cold Press Juicers of 2025

Best Cold Press Juicers of 2023: Con­trary to what it may sound like, the cold-press­ing process does not require any cold tem­per­a­tures. In con­trast, cold press­ing refers to the absence of heat. Slow­ly extract­ing juice from fruits, veg­eta­bles, and oth­er fibrous plants using hydraulic machines.

Alex Velasquez, gen­er­al man­ag­er and bar­tender at Lost Boy in down­town Mia­mi explains, “We enjoy using cold-press juicers because they elim­i­nate the need for fric­tion and heat.” This may help pre­serve the nutri­tion­al val­ue and fla­vor of the food.

From the per­spec­tive of cock­tails, cold-pressed juices have a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions. The fresh lime juice will enhance a Mar­gari­ta, where­as grape­fruit juice is an excel­lent base for a Palo­ma vari­a­tion. Aside from alco­hol, hav­ing fresh juice on hand has a spec­trum of benefits.

Read More: Best Orange Juic­ing Machine in 2023 for Small Budget 

Table of Contents

List of 6 Best Cold Press Juicers of 2025

 RA Chand J500 Manual Citrus Juicer
RA Chand J500 Man­u­al Cit­rus Juicer

We use the RA Chand J500 man­u­al cit­rus juicer at Bar­ta­co to press only the fresh­est limes, “Nicole Quist, the bev­er­age direc­tor, states. “It is heavy-duty and extracts all of the juice and pulp, as well as press­es the oils with skin con­tact, with­out over-juic­ing.” “or hav­ing bit­ter pulp con­t­a­m­i­nate the fresh juice.”

The man­u­al press is oper­at­ed by plac­ing cit­rus in the bowl and depress­ing the lever. The met­al com­po­nents are dis­as­sem­bled for easy clean­ing. Note that this only process­es cit­rus fruits, includ­ing lemons, limes, and grapefruits.

When it comes to fresh juice, “there is no sub­sti­tute for fresh­ly squeezed cit­rus at the moment; you can tru­ly taste the dif­fer­ence!” says Quist. The bev­er­age pro­gram at Bar­ta­co empha­sizes fresh fla­vors. Pineap­ple and ruby grape­fruit are favored ingre­di­ents in a vari­ety of cock­tails, includ­ing Mar­gari­ta vari­a­tions and Palo­mas Fres­cas, accord­ing to Quist. ” Tart, fresh lime juice adds bright­ness and bal­ance while cut­ting the sweetness.

Nama Cold Press Juicer
Nama Cold Press Juicer

This can be used to make juices, smooth­ies, nut milk, etc. It offers a great deal of val­ue for the price and is extreme­ly user-friend­ly. I appre­ci­ate the ver­sa­til­i­ty and how well it sep­a­rates pulp from the juice. This is essen­tial because it ensures that the fla­vor is not masked by peel, pith, or seeds.”

Using a press­ing method, the machine crush­es entire veg­eta­bles, sep­a­rat­ing pulp and pro­duc­ing fresh juices. The ver­sa­tile cold press juicer pro­duces cold-pressed juices, smooth­ies, nondairy milk, and frozen desserts.

Tribest Greenstar Pro Heavy Duty Juice Extractor
Tribest Green­star Pro Heavy Duty Juice Extractor

This is the option for you if you need a heavy-duty juicer that quick­ly breaks down every­thing in its path. The elec­tric cold press juicer process­es veg­eta­bles, fruits, and nuts while pre­serv­ing liv­ing enzymes and vit­a­mins and pre­vent­ing nutri­ent loss. This is made pos­si­ble by stain­less steel gears designed to emit min­i­mal heat dur­ing juic­ing. There is no need to stop the machine from break­ing down mate­ri­als in order to clean its var­i­ous components.

A clever safe­ty hood shields you from fly­ing juice while the machine is in oper­a­tion. A major advan­tage of using a com­mer­cial juicer such as this is that it cre­ates fresh juice on the spot, which lasts sig­nif­i­cant­ly longer than reg­u­lar juice.

Dash Compact Cold-Press Power Juicer
Dash Com­pact Cold-Press Pow­er Juicer

Typ­i­cal­ly, juicers can be quite pricey, but this option is espe­cial­ly afford­able. For smooth­ies, nut milk, and more, the machine can process fruits, veg­eta­bles, leafy greens, nuts, and wheat­grass. Also includ­ed is a frozen-goods attach­ment for mak­ing home­made sorbets.

In addi­tion, the set includes a com­pact pow­er slow juicer, a frozen attach­ment, a pulp mea­sur­ing cup, a clean­ing brush, and a recipe book.

Even though it is a com­pact appli­ance (ide­al for small apart­ments), it is still pow­er­ful enough to pro­duce a vari­ety of smooth­ies, fresh juices, and sor­bets. Dash’s machine is pow­er­ful enough to juice, among oth­er fruits, veg­eta­bles, nuts, and treats, gin­ger, car­rots, and beets. Its small size makes it ide­al for coun­ters in small­er kitchens or for portability.

Breville Juice Fountain
Bre­ville Juice Fountain

While oth­er options we like uti­lize spi­ral­ing tech­nol­o­gy, Bre­ville’s option uti­lizes cold spin. The machine gen­tly rotates the pro­duce in this man­ner, allow­ing the juices to flow through the Ital­ian mesh fil­ter and into your glass.

It has a 3.5‑inch extra-wide chute feed that allows you to push whole veg­eta­bles through the machine with­out hav­ing to chop or dice them. It also has an excep­tion­al­ly large juice capac­i­ty. At any giv­en time, the machine can process 70 ounces of juice, enough for you and your entire fam­i­ly (or a full range of cock­tails). Per­fect if you’re a morn­ing per­son, but the rest of your fam­i­ly isn’t! The qui­et set­ting reduces mechan­i­cal noise by 40%.

Hurom HZ Slow Juicer
Hurom HZ Slow Juicer

This juicer is not inex­pen­sive. How­ev­er, it is craft­ed with the utmost care and includes a vari­ety of fea­tures that jus­ti­fy the price. Includ­ed are the juicer’s body and main com­po­nents, as well as a dry­ing rack for hang­ing veg­eta­bles, a tofu press for mak­ing tofu from scratch, a recipe book for ideas, and a fine, coarse, and ice cream-spe­cif­ic strainer.

The motor of Hurom’s high-end machine oper­ates at a whis­per­ing 150 watts. It rotates slow­ly, at a rate of 43 rev­o­lu­tions per minute, resem­bling the motions of man­u­al­ly squeezed juice. It pro­duces high-qual­i­ty juices with min­i­mal effort, and in a short amount of time; it takes less than five min­utes to extract 16 ounces of juice.

Posted in Best Products, Juicers

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