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Choosing The Best Margaritaville Margarita Maker

Best Mar­gar­i­taville Mar­gari­ta Mak­er: The num­ber one pur­chase for many Jim­my Buf­fett fans must be a Mar­gari­ta machine, but there are so many offi­cial Mar­gar­i­taville mod­els to choose from that it’s dif­fi­cult to know which one to buy. The beau­ty of the Mar­gar­i­taville blender line is that they are all designed to be user-friendly.

This means that if you love the Par­rot Head lifestyle and want to throw a par­ty for your friends, you do not need a Ph.D. in chem­istry or expe­ri­ence work­ing in a swanky bar in Tahi­ti. You can return to your guests with a pitch­er of beau­ti­ful, ice-cold mar­gar­i­tas by going to the kitchen, throw­ing all the ingre­di­ents into the blender, press­ing the but­ton, and then return­ing to your guests with the pitcher.

Sup­pose you have ever perused the Mar­gar­i­taville recipes on the offi­cial web­site. In that case, you will have noticed that there is a vast assort­ment of drinks made from var­i­ous liquors, mix­es, and fruits, as well as some addi­tion­al cock­tails. Due to the fact that any­thing can be made in this machine as long as the mea­sure­ments are cor­rect and there is enough ice in the reser­voir, there is a wide vari­ety of pos­si­ble beverages.

Read More: Best Blenders For Soup 2023

Table of Contents

Which Model Should You Get?

Once you have the recipes, mak­ing drinks with these Mar­gar­i­taville drink mak­ers is sim­ple. The tricky part is choos­ing which of the numer­ous mod­els to pur­chase. Bud­get can undoubt­ed­ly be a decid­ing fac­tor. You can buy the Bahamas mod­el for approx­i­mate­ly $200, or you can pay a bit more for addi­tion­al fea­tures or a larg­er capac­i­ty. Here are three of the most intrigu­ing designs that you may wish to try.

The Bahamas

As a “no-brain­er” mix­er, Mar­gar­i­taville Bahamas Frozen Con­coc­tion Mak­er (DM0700) is an excel­lent start­ing point for begin­ners. There is a 36-ounce blend­ing jar, a top-mount­ed ice reser­voir with a shav­ing blade, a pitch­er, and a few straight­for­ward con­trols. That is essen­tial­ly it. Oth­er essen­tial fea­tures include shat­ter-resis­tant mate­ri­als, dish­wash­er-safe clean­ing parts, and the abil­i­ty to make more than just mar­gar­i­tas. Cus­tomers love how it shaves the ice for a smooth tex­ture instead of crush­ing it and say it’s very easy to use. Although some may believe that $200 is a bit steep for a basic mod­el, most users would dis­agree due to the con­sis­tent per­for­mance and high-qual­i­ty produce.

Choosing The Best Margaritaville Margarita Maker
Choos­ing The Best Mar­gar­i­taville Mar­gari­ta Maker

The Explorer

The Explor­er mod­el’s key sell­ing point is that it is cord­less. This could be a con­cern if you’re plan­ning a long night of drink­ing, as the bat­tery life is only suf­fi­cient for two batch­es, but it does mean that you can move the par­ty to the gar­den and not have to keep return­ing to the house to recharge. Despite the poten­tial pow­er issues, numer­ous buy­ers have report­ed that the machine has the same ice-crush­ing pow­er as its cord­ed coun­ter­parts and can pro­duce the same high-qual­i­ty drinks with rel­a­tive ease. Not nec­es­sar­i­ly the best option for the home, but ide­al for the boat or tiki bar.

The Bali

margaritaville Bali concoction maker
Bali Mar­gar­i­taville Mar­gari­ta Maker

The new mod­el, the Mar­gar­i­taville Bali Frozen Con­coc­tion Mak­er, is antic­i­pat­ed to be an improve­ment over pre­vi­ous options. With pre-pro­grammed set­tings, a self-ser­vice option, and sim­ple one-touch but­tons, the automa­tion has been enhanced even fur­ther here. Addi­tion­al­ly, the machine’s but­tons have been relo­cat­ed to the side to make it eas­i­er to use. Anoth­er sig­nif­i­cant dis­tinc­tion is that the capac­i­ty of the blend­ing cham­ber is near­ly dou­ble that of the Bahamas mod­el, at 60 ounces. The Bali mod­el is not inex­pen­sive, which is to be expect­ed giv­en all of its extras. Is $399 too much for a Mar­gar­i­taville machine when the sig­nif­i­cant­ly less expen­sive Bahamas mod­el con­tin­ues to be so high­ly regarded?

Key West

The Key West is a visu­al­ly appeal­ing Mar­gari­ta mak­er that is regard­ed as an improve­ment over the orig­i­nal Bahamas mod­el. Here, the capac­i­ty of the drinks reser­voir has been increased to accom­mo­date two pitch­ers of bev­er­ages, and there is a sim­ple dial on the base to select the desired quan­ti­ty. As with the oth­er mod­els, the straight­for­ward con­trols make shav­ing and blend­ing effort­less. The user-friend­li­ness is enhanced by the easy-to-clean design, the straight­for­ward con­trols, and the inclu­sion of four coast­ers. This may be prefer­able to the Bahamas in many ways due to the added advan­tage and the fact that it is only $300-$350 more expensive.


The Tahi­ti mix­er is the mod­el for larg­er par­ties where your ser­vices are in high demand. This large mod­el has three sep­a­rate, indi­vid­u­al­ly con­trolled blend­ing sta­tions with set­tings includ­ing pina cola­da, daiquiri, and moji­to because the offi­cial Mar­gar­i­taville menu includes numer­ous oth­er frozen drink options. This capac­i­ty trans­lates to a price tag of $499, which buy­ers believe is jus­ti­fied due to the high qual­i­ty of each drink and the attrac­tive design. Guests are attract­ed by the revolv­ing ice reser­voir, while oth­ers enjoy the use of bamboo.

Posted in Best Products, Blenders

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