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Best Orange Juicing Machine in 2025 for Small Budget

Best Orange Juic­ing Machine in 2025: If you squeeze a lot of oranges and oth­er cit­rus fruits for fresh juice or cook­ing, you are aware that it can be dif­fi­cult on your hands. The most effec­tive orange juicers stream­line the juic­ing process, mak­ing it eas­i­er and faster to extract every last drop of juice from your favorite fruits.

There are sev­er­al vari­eties of orange juicers on the mar­ket today, includ­ing man­u­al and elec­tric mod­els. Man­u­al mod­els require you to push cit­rus onto the ream­er and rotate the fruit to extract juice, where­as elec­tric mod­els have spin­ning ream­ers that do the major­i­ty of the work for you. There are also portable cit­rus juicers that squeeze the fruit, but these are typ­i­cal­ly too small for oranges, so we did not test them.

If you’re sick of buy­ing sub­par orange juice from the super­mar­ket and are ready to reap the full ben­e­fits of fresh fruit, you’re like­ly look­ing for a juicer. Man­u­al juic­ing is effi­cient, but who wants to do it every morn­ing? If you fre­quent­ly con­sume orange juice and pre­fer it fresh­ly squeezed, an orange juicer is a way to go.

Read More: 5 Best Juicers fr Oranges, Grapfruits, and oth­er Cit­rus Fruits — 2023 Guide

Table of Contents

Here is a List of the Best Orange Juicing Machines in 2025

Eurolux Electric Orange Juicer

Eurolux Electric Orange Juicer
Eurolux Elec­tric Orange Juicer

The Eurolux Elec­tric Orange Juicer is our top pick for the best elec­tric orange juicer because of its 160-watt motor and user-friend­li­ness. Sim­ply plug it in and depress the han­dle to acti­vate the machine’s auto­mat­ic one-touch oper­a­tion. It is also con­struct­ed with supe­ri­or mate­ri­als. The fil­ter, lock­ing spout, and han­dle are all made of stain­less steel. It has remov­able com­po­nents for sim­ple cleanup. We also appre­ci­at­ed the juicer’s suc­tion cups, which pre­vent­ed it from mov­ing around.

We dis­cov­ered that if you attempt to juice more than a hand­ful of oranges (such as more than ten), the juicer over­heats, and you must wait for it to cool down. Be aware that this may not be the best option if you intend to process large quan­ti­ties of fruit simultaneously.


  • Sim­ple to use.
  • Lock­ing stain­less steel spout.
  • The fil­ter is made of stain­less steel to remove pits.
  • Strong 160-watt motor
  • Parts that are remov­able for easy cleaning.
  • Auto­mat­ic one-touch control.


If an exces­sive num­ber of oranges are juiced simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, the juicer may overheat.

BLACK+DECKER CJ625 Orange Juicer

BLACK+DECKER CJ625 Orange Juicer
BLACK+DECKER CJ625 Orange Juicer

The BLACK+DECKER 34oz Cit­rus Juicer is the best orange juicer for the mon­ey because its con­tain­er has a large capac­i­ty, a pour­ing han­dle, and a drip-free spout. The mea­sure­ments on the con­tain­er’s side are leg­i­ble, allow­ing you to obtain the exact amount of juice you desire. It has auto-revers­ing juic­ing cones for max­i­mum juice extrac­tion and a pulp bas­ket for adjust­ing pulp quan­ti­ty. Addi­tion­al­ly, we appre­ci­ate that its com­po­nents are remov­able for easy cleaning.

How­ev­er, this is not the most potent juicer avail­able. It only uses 30 watts, which could be advan­ta­geous if you don’t want some­thing that con­sumes a lot of ener­gy every morn­ing. Also of ques­tion­able qual­i­ty is the pulp bas­ket, which allows a great deal of pulp to pass through.


  • 34-ounce vol­ume.
  • Auto-revers­ing juic­ing cones extract the most juice possible.
  • Adjustable pulp con­trol with a bas­ket for pulp.
  • On the juic­ing con­tain­er are read­able measurements.
  • Parts that are remov­able for easy cleaning.


  • A mere 30-watt motor.
  • The pulp bas­ket allows a great deal of pulp to pass through.

Breville 800CPXL Citrus Juicer

Breville 800CPXL Citrus Juicer 1

The Bre­ville Die-Cast Stain­less-Steel Motor­ized Cit­rus Press may be exact­ly what you’re search­ing for if you’re in the mar­ket for a sleek-look­ing juicer made of high-qual­i­ty mate­ri­als. It has a quadra-fin juic­ing cone, allow­ing it to extract all of the juice from the fruit. We appre­ci­at­ed the drip-stop juice spout, which pre­vents juice from drip­ping onto the coun­ter­top. In addi­tion, the arm of the juice press is ergonom­i­cal­ly designed, mak­ing it eas­i­er to press down on the handle.

How­ev­er, this option is more expen­sive than the major­i­ty of those on our list. Addi­tion­al­ly, it over­heats if you attempt to press too many cit­rus fruits at once, so it may not be the best option if you require a large quan­ti­ty of juice each morn­ing. While the major­i­ty of the cit­rus press is con­struct­ed of stain­less steel, the piece that fits over the fruit is made of plas­tic and eas­i­ly detaches.


  • Die-cast stain­less steel
  • Pow­er­ful
  • Quadra-fin juic­ing cone
  • Drip-stop juice spout
  • Easy to use


  • Over­heats
  • Expen­sive
  • Some plas­tic parts

Citristar Citrus Juicer

Citristar Citrus Juicer
Cit­ris­tar Cit­rus Juicer

If you have a large num­ber of oranges to juice, the Cit­ris­tar Cit­rus Juicer was among the most pow­er­ful elec­tric mod­els we eval­u­at­ed. It is larg­er and heav­ier than oth­er mod­els, and its ream­er extracts orange juice in sec­onds by spin­ning excep­tion­al­ly quick­ly. The juicer comes with two dif­fer­ent-sized ream­ers, depend­ing on the type of fruit you’re using, and a lock­ing spout that allows you to keep the juice inside the machine until you’re ready to pour.

This mod­el, unlike oth­ers, does not include a carafe, but we found it easy to pour juice into a mea­sur­ing cup. (Addi­tion­al­ly, that’s one less piece to store.) This juicer’s com­po­nents must be hand-washed, as they are not dish­wash­er-safe; how­ev­er, the unit’s base fea­tures a con­ve­nient cord wrap for com­pact storage.


  • Works extreme­ly quickly
  • Two ream­er sizes
  • Lock­ing spout
  • Con­ve­nient cord wrap


  • Not dish­wash­er safe

Gourmia GMJ9970 Orange Juicer

Gourmia GMJ9970 Orange Juicer
Gour­mia GMJ9970 Orange Juicer

The Gour­mia GMJ9970 Large Cit­rus Juicer has a sim­ple, user-friend­ly mech­a­nism. It has a cast-iron base and a sur­gi­cal-grade steel han­dle. We liked that the base includes suc­tion cups for added sta­bil­i­ty. The detach­able com­po­nents make cleanup eas­i­er, and the prod­uct is dishwasher-safe.

How­ev­er, with this design, the juice is eas­i­ly spilled. In addi­tion, the use of so much cast iron makes the entire struc­ture heavy and cum­ber­some. Last­ly, the pulp can­not be fil­tered out.


  • A straight­for­ward mech­a­nism with a firm squeeze.
  • Cast iron and stain­less steel construction.
  • Suc­tion cups on the base increase traction.
  • Parts that are remov­able for easy cleaning
  • Safe for dish­wash­er use.


  • Juice spills easily
  • Very heavy
  • No way to fil­ter out the pul


Posted in Best Products, Juicers

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