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Best Rice Cooker in 2025 : Everything You Need to Know

Best Rice Cook­er in 2025: If you have a rice cook­er, you can make a bowl of sushi rice even on a busy night. You can also cook a big batch of rice on Sun­day to have for grain bowls and fried rice all week. Even purists who believe they pre­fer the stove­top method and peo­ple who dis­like sin­gle-use appli­ances can be per­suad­ed by the best rice cookers.

Because, despite its sim­plic­i­ty, cook­ing rice can be finicky, and no home cook wants to serve over­cooked or under­cooked rice. But with the aid of a rice cook­er, you can make per­fect­ly ten­der grains with the push of a but­ton, allow­ing you to focus on oth­er aspects of the meal. If there is a sin­gle-use kitchen appli­ance wor­thy of cab­i­net space, this is it.

With a rice cook­er, you can make sushi rice on even the busiest of nights or cook a large batch of rice on the week­end to pre­pare for the entire week’s worth of grain bowls and fried rice. Rice cook­ers are sim­ple to use, sim­ple to clean, and take the guess­work out of cook­ing grains. After test­ing over a dozen top-rat­ed rice cook­ers and count­less cups of steamed rice, we set­tled on a mod­el that con­sis­tent­ly pro­duced the best rice batch after batch. Learn more about our top picks and how we eval­u­at­ed each machine by scrolling down.

Rice is one of the most ver­sa­tile foods in the world; you could eat a dif­fer­ent rice dish every day for weeks with­out grow­ing tired of it. If this appeals to you, you may appre­ci­ate a rice cook­er that can pro­duce per­fect, plump grains with min­i­mal effort.

Table of Contents

Here is a list of Best Rice Cookers in 2025

Toshiba TRCS01 Rice Cooker

Toshiba TRCS01 Rice Cooker
Toshi­ba TRCS01 Rice Cooker

This rice cook­er per­formed just as well as pre­mi­um Zojirushi mod­els. Each batch of rice turns out excep­tion­al­ly well. And if you are over­whelmed by the Zojirushi rice cook­ers’ pre­ci­sion and slight nuances in cook­ing func­tion, the Toshi­ba will be easy to use but supe­ri­or to the basic one-but­ton rice cooker.

The con­trols are extreme­ly user-friend­ly and intu­itive, with pre­sets for white, brown, mixed grain, por­ridge, and oats, among oth­ers. In addi­tion, it includes a delay timer and a bas­ket for steam­ing pro­teins and vegetables.

As with many high-end rice cook­ers, the Toshi­ba uti­lizes fuzzy log­ic AI, which enables the rice cook­er to make pre­cise tem­per­a­ture adjust­ments to opti­mize the rice’s qual­i­ty. Toshi­ba receives bonus points for pro­vid­ing a com­plete count­down from the begin­ning instead of appear­ing 10 min­utes before the end. It also fea­tures a delay timer, allow­ing you to do things like soak grains overnight and cook them automatically.

Zojirushi 3‑Cup Rice Cooker

Zojirushi 3-Cup Rice Cooker
Zojirushi 3‑Cup Rice Cooker

For the pur­pos­es of test­ing, we cat­e­go­rized as a mini rice cook­er any appli­ance that could cook no more than four cups of uncooked rice, an amount suit­able for house­holds of two to four peo­ple. Both the top-rat­ed induc­tion Zojirushi and the bud­get-friend­ly Toshi­ba can cook a lot of rice at once, mak­ing them ide­al for large groups or fam­i­lies who want to pre­pare rice for the week in advance. But for the aver­age user, a rice cook­er with a capac­i­ty of one to four cups is more than adequate.

The Zojirushi 3‑cup cook­er is a favorite of Team Epi; it’s sim­ple, straight­for­ward, easy to clean, and does­n’t pro­duce a starchy mess dur­ing oper­a­tion like some oth­er mini mod­els. It has a glass lid, which is ide­al for mon­i­tor­ing the rice’s cook­ing progress. Because it has only one but­ton, any­one can use it, and it’s small enough to store in a draw­er or cab­i­net when not in use. Due to its sub-$50 price point, it is the ide­al rice cook­er to own if you fre­quent­ly pre­pare one cup of uncooked (or three cups cooked) rice at a time, which is suf­fi­cient for two peo­ple with some leftovers.

Zojirushi 5.5‑Cup Induction Rice Cooker

Zojirushi 5.5-Cup Induction Rice Cooker
Zojirushi 5.5‑Cup Induc­tion Rice Cooker

This Zojirushi rice cook­er has a capac­i­ty of 5.5 cups (uncooked). It is sim­ple to use and sim­ple to clean. The non­stick inner pot was the heav­i­est of those we exam­ined, and the mark­ings indi­cat­ing how much water to add for dif­fer­ent types of rice were the eas­i­est to read (the mark­ers are white, which con­trasts nice­ly with the dark pot). But what tru­ly dis­tin­guished this appli­ance was its use of induc­tion heat­ing, which pro­vides a pre­cise, uni­form heat source that warms the entire pot, not just the bottom.

(The major­i­ty of rice cook­ers only have a heat­ing ele­ment that warms the bot­tom of the pot, result­ing in uneven cook­ing and browned bits at the bot­tom of the batch.) The rice pro­duced by the Zojirushi was nev­er uneven­ly cooked; it was always fluffy, per­fect­ly ten­der, and over­all supe­ri­or to the rice pro­duced by any oth­er machine. Addi­tion­al­ly, it nev­er adhered to the bot­tom of the pot.

As is the case with all rice cook­ers, one of the great­est plea­sures of using the Zojirushi Induc­tion Rice Cook­er was that it could be set and for­got­ten. This Zojirushi is a par­tic­u­lar delight due to the auto­mat­ic Keep Warm set­ting that keeps the rice at the ide­al serv­ing tem­per­a­ture for hours. This Micom rice cook­er (also known as a micro­com­put­er­ized rice cook­er) has the intel­li­gence to adjust tem­per­a­tures and cook­ing times based on sen­sor feedback.

This is use­ful when your mea­sure­ments of water or grain are impre­cise. If you add too much water by acci­dent, for instance, the machine will adjust cook­ing times and tem­per­a­tures so that you won’t end up with mushy rice despite your mis­take. In addi­tion, it is the only one of our top picks that counts down your cook­ing time from start to fin­ish, so you always know how close you are to a bowl of per­fect­ly cooked rice.

This rice cook­er is unques­tion­ably more expen­sive than most, but this is because it offers more than most: induc­tion heat­ing, a large capac­i­ty, and pro­gram­ma­ble func­tions. It auto­mat­i­cal­ly man­ages the numer­ous vari­ables that can result in under­cooked rice on the stove. This Zojirushi mod­el is unri­valed in pro­duc­ing great-tast­ing rice with vir­tu­al­ly no effort.

Other Pressure Cookers That We Tested

Cuckoo CRP-P1009SW 10-Cup Electric Pressure Rice Cooker

The Cuck­oo CRP-P1009 pro­duces the best sushi rice of all the rice cook­ers we test­ed, with per­fect­ly cohe­sive, dis­tinct grains. Because it is a pres­sure cook­er, it also pro­duces these results faster than the oth­er rice cook­ers we eval­u­at­ed. In some tests, the Cuck­oo was able to cook brown rice near­ly half as quick­ly as the Zojirushi.

If you pre­fer soft­er brown rice, you may need to adjust the amount of water in your recipe; our batch­es were quite dense, albeit not unpleas­ant. We believe that the pres­sur­ized cook­ing ren­dered our del­i­cate long-grain rice some­what mushy. Because the Cuck­oo is expen­sive and only comes with a 10-cup capac­i­ty, we rec­om­mend it to those who fre­quent­ly pre­pare large quan­ti­ties of short- or medi­um-grain white and brown rice.

Dash Mini Rice Cooker

The Dash Mini Rice Cook­er is adorable and sim­ple to oper­ate, with a sin­gle-but­ton lever sys­tem sim­i­lar to the Zojirushi 3‑cup mod­el. How­ev­er, the lid was too flim­sy to stay in place; as the rice cooked, the result­ing steam kept push­ing the lid out of place. This allowed exces­sive heat to escape, neces­si­tat­ing con­stant mon­i­tor­ing through­out the process. In addi­tion, it took 34 min­utes to cook one cup of uncooked rice, the longest of any of the mini mod­els we evaluated.

Hamilton Beach Rice and Hot Cereal Cooker

Giv­en its low price, the Hamil­ton Beach Rice and Hot Cere­al Cook­er is a mar­vel for pro­duc­ing excel­lent white rice in record time. Although the results were not as ten­der or well-sep­a­rat­ed as those pro­duced by the Zojirushi or the Cuck­oo, the rice pro­duced by this mod­el was supe­ri­or to many oth­er high-end mod­els, we eval­u­at­ed. The Hamil­ton Beach rice cook­er can cook a good batch of white rice in rough­ly 35 min­utes, mak­ing it faster than our top pick. In addi­tion, it has delayed cook­ing and brown rice settings.

Instant Pot Duo

The Instant Pot Duo is a mul­ti­cook­er, and among its many ver­sa­tile func­tions is a set­ting for cook­ing rice. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it pro­duced the worst results of all the rice cook­ers we eval­u­at­ed and failed to advance past the round of medi­um-grain rice. The rice was gum­my, dif­fi­cult to fluff with the rice pad­dle, and stuck to the stain­less-steel pot (the only pot insert that retained rice, like­ly because it was the only mod­el with­out a non­stick pot). As a pres­sure cook­er, it is excel­lent, but cook­ing rice suc­cess­ful­ly is not one of the Instant Pot’s many features.

Cuckoo 6‑cup Rice Cooker and Warmer

The Cuck­oo 6‑Cup Rice Cook­er and Warmer offer excep­tion­al val­ue for the qual­i­ty it pro­vides. It pro­duced rice of com­pa­ra­ble qual­i­ty to the Zojirushi Induc­tion Rice Cook­er but at an accel­er­at­ed rate. It out­paced the Zojirushi by fif­teen min­utes. Addi­tion­al­ly, it has a slight­ly larg­er capac­i­ty than the Zojirushi, hold­ing 6 cups of uncooked rice as opposed to 5.5 cups for the Zojirushi. It’s a great deal for $90 (at the time of writ­ing), and you’ll get deli­cious rice from it repeat­ed­ly. How­ev­er, the lid opens so vio­lent­ly that it can knock itself or oth­er objects off the counter, and the count­down is not dis­played from begin­ning to end.


Posted in Best Products, Other Appliances

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