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Best Woks in Australia 2025 — Everything You Need To Know

Best Woks in Aus­tralia 2025: Lovers of Asian cui­sine are already famil­iar with the wok. With its thin walls and shal­low bowl-like design with han­dles on either side, the wok facil­i­tates stir-fry­ing by pro­vid­ing ample space for the con­tents to move with­out spilling. The Chi­nese cook­ing wok is ide­al for stir-fry­ing real Asian foods, as well as steam­ing, toast­ing, flash-fry­ing, brais­ing, deep-fry­ing, and many oth­er cook­ing techniques.

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Why should you use a wok when cooking Asian dishes?

The wok, often known as a Chi­nese fry­ing pan, is fan­tas­tic for enhanc­ing stir-fried meals with its dis­tinc­tive “wok hay.” Its flex­i­ble cook­ware is not lim­it­ed to stir-fried dish­es alone; it is also ide­al for steam­ing dumplings, deep-fry­ing, and smok­ing food indoors. If you fre­quent­ly pre­pare Asian cui­sine and enjoy exper­i­ment­ing with new recipes, the wok may be the finest cook­ware for you.

Which Wok material is right for you?

Woks are offered in a range of mate­ri­als to accom­mo­date diverse kitchen demands and pref­er­ences. Con­ven­tion­al woks are made of car­bon steel; how­ev­er, cast iron woks, stain­less steel woks, and non-stick woks are gain­ing favor due to the ease they offer.

Car­bon Steel Wok

Car­bon steel woks heat up quick­ly and dis­perse heat even­ly, mak­ing it sim­ple to reach the ide­al wok tem­per­a­ture for flash cook­ing. It is also resilient and inex­pen­sive, mak­ing it suit­able for every­day use. The Chi­nese car­bon steel wok must be sea­soned; how­ev­er, it will acquire a great non-stick sur­face with time for effort­less food release.

Cast Iron Woks

Cast iron woks offer great heat reten­tion and uni­form heat dis­tri­b­u­tion and are also a fan­tas­tic low-tox cook­ware alter­na­tive for your home. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, these woks are weighty and may be dif­fi­cult to maneu­ver and shake dur­ing cooking.

Stain­less Steel Woks

Very resilient and non­re­ac­tive, stain­less steel woks are ide­al for prepar­ing acidic foods. These woks are lighter than cast iron woks, which makes cook­ing and trans­port­ing food eas­i­er. Woks made of stain­less steel are rust-resis­tant and easy to clean, pro­vid­ing max­i­mum convenience.

Non-stick Woks

Non-stick woks enable cook­ing with min­i­mal oil. These items are ide­al for mak­ing healthy eat­ing sim­ple. Non-stick woks are also extreme­ly sim­ple to clean and require no care, mak­ing them the ide­al cook­ware for every­day use in your home.

Here is a list of Best Woks in Australia 2025

Tefal E49219 Virtuoso Wok 28 cm

Tefal E49219 Virtuoso Wok 28 cm
Tefal E49219 Vir­tu­oso Wok 28 cm

You can pre­pare a stir-fry feast with the Tefal E49219 Vir­tu­oso Wok 28 cm effort­less­ly. This mag­nif­i­cent wok, made of high-qual­i­ty stain­less steel with a pol­ished inside, will com­ple­ment con­tem­po­rary kitchens well. This set may be used safe­ly on all types of cook­tops, includ­ing induc­tion, due to the stain­less steel-clad alu­minum core of the Scan­pan Impact cookware.

It is com­pat­i­ble with the Tefal lid, which you can buy sep­a­rate­ly. The fit­ting tem­pered glass cov­er pre­vents food from splat­ter­ing onto the kitchen counter, traps heat and steam, and lets you pre­pare meals per­fect­ly. This wok is ide­al for prepar­ing excel­lent Asian-style foods, such as gin­ger chick­en, beef stir fry in 10 min­utes, and black bean stir fry.


  • High-qual­i­ty 18/10 stain­less steel base with a thick bottom.
  • The unsealed stain­less steel is built to han­dle the heat, allow­ing you to sear with pre­ci­sion at extreme temperatures.
  • Sep­a­rate­ly avail­able to buy tem­pered glass lids for safe and progress viewing.
  • Riv­ets secure the handles.
  • Non-drip pour­ing rim.
  • The wok is oven-safe to 250 degrees, and lid is up to 170 degrees.
  • Com­pat­i­ble with all forms of heat, includ­ing induction.


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Ken Hom KH327001 Carbon Steel Non-Stick Wok | 27 cm 

Ken Hom KH327001 Carbon Steel Non Stick Wok | 27 cm
Ken Hom KH327001 Car­bon Steel Non Stick Wok | 27 cm

This Ken Hom, car­bon steel wok is intend­ed for Asian cooks. This wok is ide­al for high-tem­per­a­ture cook­ing with­out food stick­ing, as it is expert­ly made from car­bon steel that devel­ops a non­stick coat­ing with usage. With a larg­er beech­wood han­dle, this wok makes it sim­ple to shake and toss your ingre­di­ents. This wok is com­pat­i­ble with all types of cook­tops, exclud­ing induc­tion, to pro­vide ide­al con­ve­nience for all households.


  • Car­bon steel con­struc­tion for excel­lent performance.
  • It with­stands tremen­dous heat, mak­ing it ide­al for rapid cooking.
  • Wok of north­ern design with a beech­wood han­dle that reduces heat trans­mis­sion and is ide­al for cook­ing at high heat.
  • Com­fy grip handle.
  • Hang­ing loop for stor­ing convenience.
  • Met­al uten­sil safe.
  • Com­pat­i­ble with any cook­ing sur­face, exclud­ing induction.

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Anolon Professional Stirfry-26cm-Premium Non Stick Wok 

Anolon Professional Stirfry-26cm-Premium Non Stick Stir Fry pan
Anolon Pro­fes­sion­al Stir­fry-26cm-Pre­mi­um Non-Stick Stir Fry pan

The Anolon Pro­fes­sion­al Stir­fry-26cm-Pre­mi­um Non-Stick Wok, is ide­al for ded­i­cat­ed and pas­sion­ate home chefs since it com­bines the util­i­tar­i­an beau­ty and dura­bil­i­ty required for dai­ly cook­ing. With a qual­i­ty non-stick coat­ing that is PFOA-free, you can be con­fi­dent that your food is cooked safe­ly while cleanup is a breeze. The anodized fry­ing sur­face dis­trib­utes heat quick­ly and uni­form­ly for supe­ri­or cook­ing per­for­mance. ThisAnolon Pro­fes­sion­al Stir­fry-26cm Wok fea­tures a broad induc­tion base for smooth cook­ing with­out hot spots.


  • The anodized alu­minum con­struc­tion is twice as durable as stain­less steel.
  • The thick alu­minum foun­da­tion may achieve opti­mal heat con­duc­tiv­i­ty and dispersion.
  • Expe­ri­ence effort­less food release and sim­ple cleanup thanks to the non­stick inside surface.
  • PFOA-free.
  • Riv­et­ed assist han­dles with sil­i­cone inserts for increased dura­bil­i­ty and comfort.
  • Comes with a life­time guarantee.
  • Met­al uten­sil safe.
  • Safe for dish­wash­er use.

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Vibrant wok to add charm to your kitchen: STAUB Cast Iron Wok 30 cm with Glass Lid 

STAUB Cast Iron Wok 30 cm
STAUB Cast Iron Wok 30 cm

This exquis­ite Sig­na­ture STAUB Cast Iron Wok, 30 cm with Glass Lid, will add a touch of ele­gance to any kitchen. This wok is ide­al for brais­ing, steam­ing, poach­ing, and stir-fry­ing. This Wok, hand­craft­ed from supe­ri­or cast iron at STAUB’s fac­to­ry in north­ern France, mix­es East­ern tra­di­tion with con­tem­po­rary style. The con­struc­tion of cast iron and the design of the flat base guar­an­tees that heat is even­ly dis­trib­uted for improved cook­ing results and good heat reten­tion, keep­ing meals warm for longer.

This wok has been mod­ern­ized to be com­pat­i­ble with all sorts of cook­tops, includ­ing ceram­ic, halo­gen, induc­tion, gas, oil, and wood. In addi­tion to being durable and sim­ple to clean, the unusu­al cerise red enam­el fin­ish is par­tic­u­lar­ly love­ly when dis­played on the table.


  • Man­u­fac­tured in France from robust cast iron that has been quadru­ply enameled.
  • The enam­el coat­ing is sim­ple to main­tain and does not absorb stains or flavors.
  • Ener­gy-effi­cient, requir­ing only low to medi­um heat.
  • A heavy lid keeps heat and fla­vor in.
  • Ver­sa­tile cook­ing pan.
  • Freez­er, oven safe.
  • Com­pat­i­ble with all cook­ing sur­faces, includ­ing induction.
  • Life­time lim­it­ed warranty.
  • Gift-wrapped and ready for giving.

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Swiss Diamond Prestige Clad XD Induction Wok 32cm

Swiss Diamond Prestige Clad XD Induction Wok 32cm
Swiss Dia­mond Pres­tige Clad XD Induc­tion Wok 32cm

This Swiss-made Swiss Dia­mond Pre­mi­um Clad XD Induc­tion Wok will make light work of your cook­ing respon­si­bil­i­ties. The five-lay­er con­struc­tion and 18/10 stain­less steel base of this wok are intend­ed to dis­trib­ute heat even­ly and pre­vent hot spots from form­ing. Coat­ed with Swiss Dia­mond’s unique Dia­mond Non-Stick Coat­ing, the wok is con­struct­ed with thou­sands of gen­uine dia­mond crys­tals embed­ded in the non-stick coat­ing, mak­ing it 25% more durable than com­pet­ing brands. Fur­ther­more, the pans are ener­gy-effi­cient, requir­ing only low to medi­um heat for opti­mal per­for­mance and durability.


  • Man­u­fac­tured in Switzerland.
  • Life­time lim­it­ed warranty.
  • Five-lay­er stain­less steel foun­da­tion construction
  • Fea­tures a rev­o­lu­tion­ary Dia­mond Non-Stick Coat­ing for nat­ur­al and safe non­stick cooking.
  • The glass lid is provided.
  • Oven-safe up to 260 degrees Celsius.
  • Com­pat­i­ble with any cook­ing sur­face, includ­ing induction.

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Scanpan Classic Wok 30cm

Scanpan Classic Wok 30cm
Scan­pan Clas­sic Wok 30cm

The Scan­pan Clas­sic Wok is an addi­tion­al excel­lent alter­na­tive for Asian cui­sine. The Scan­pan Clas­sic series is suit­able for mak­ing exquis­ite stir-fry dish­es and is favored by many ama­teur and pro­fes­sion­al cooks. The Dan­ish-made, PFOA-free Strata­ni­um non-stick coat­ing on Scan­pan ensures out­stand­ing dura­bil­i­ty and effort­less food release. The wok is craft­ed from 100% recy­cled, high-grade alu­minum that has been refined for equal heat dis­tri­b­u­tion and resis­tance to high heat temperatures.


  • Designed and pro­duced in Denmark.
  • Unique Strata­ni­um non-stick coat­ing with­out PFOA guar­an­tees effort­less food release.
  • Man­u­fac­tured from 100% recy­cled, refined, high-grade alu­minum that is extreme­ly durable and resis­tant to high temperatures.
  • The help­ing han­dle makes lift­ing the wok eas­i­er, espe­cial­ly when it is full of ingredients.
  • Oven-safe up to 260 degrees Celsius.
  • Com­pat­i­ble with all heat sources except induc­tion, the induc­tion-com­pat­i­ble ver­sion is avail­able here: Scan­pan Clas­sic Induc­tion Wok.

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De Buyer Mineral B Wok 32cm

De Buyer Mineral B Wok 32cm
De Buy­er Min­er­al B Wok 32cm

The De Buy­er Min­er­al B Wok is suit­able for pro­fes­sion­al chefs or ama­teurs who enjoy cook­ing with com­mer­cial cook­ware. This exquis­ite French wok is fash­ioned from high-qual­i­ty car­bon steel that has been pre­sea­soned with nat­ur­al beeswax. Through con­tin­u­ous usage and sea­son­ing, beeswax con­tributes to the devel­op­ment and improve­ment of a nat­u­ral­ly non­stick surface.

Engi­neered to resist high tem­per­a­tures and tough cook­ing set­tings in indus­tri­al kitchens, this wok is suit­able for quick sear­ing and brown­ing of meats and poul­try dur­ing stir-fry­ing, as well as deep-fry­ing. The long han­dle and slant­ed edges make it excel­lent for sim­ply toss­ing and flip­ping ingre­di­ents, and it is our top rec­om­men­da­tion for any­one who wants to pre­pare true wok-fried meals, val­ues non-tox­ic cook­ware, and is accus­tomed to the sea­son­ing process.


  • Man­u­fac­tured in France.
  • Con­struct­ed from pre­mi­um car­bon steel and coat­ed with nat­ur­al beeswax to pre­vent oxidation.
  • The con­struc­tion is of com­mer­cial qual­i­ty and may be uti­lized at high tem­per­a­tures where fre­quent sea­son­ing would gen­er­ate a nat­ur­al non-stick coating.
  • Ergonom­ic triple-riv­et­ed steel han­dle for com­fort­able handling.
  • Non-PFOA and non-PTFE.
  • Com­pat­i­ble with all types of cook­tops, includ­ing induction.

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