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The Most Popular Kitchen Appliance Brands In America

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KitchenAid is an Amer­i­can kitchen appli­ance brand owned by Whirlpool Cor­po­ra­tion. It is well-known in the world of kitchen appli­ances for its high qual­i­ty and inno­v­a­tive products.


The Com­pa­ny was start­ed in 1919 by The Hobart Man­u­fac­tur­ing Com­pa­ny as a divi­sion of the Whirlpool Cor­po­ra­tion to pro­duce stand mix­ers. It all start­ed with their ground-break­ing intro­duc­tion of the first stand mix­er for home use, a game-chang­er that lat­er became syn­ony­mous with stand mix­er excellence.

As time passed, KitchenAid expand­ed its prod­uct range and now includes a wide array of kitchen appli­ances and accessories.

 Product Range

Today, KitchenAid pro­duces diverse kitchen gear famous for its robust­ness, high per­for­mance, and dis­tinc­tive designs.

They come in var­i­ous sizes and col­ors to com­ple­ment any kitchen style.

  1. Stand Mix­ers: KitchenAid’s stand mix­ers are ver­sa­tile devices that are able to han­dle a wide range of mix­ing, knead­ing, and blend­ing tasks. They are avail­able in var­i­ous sizes and col­ors to suit dif­fer­ent kitchen styles.
  2. Coun­ter­top Appli­ances: KitchenAid man­u­fac­tures blenders, food proces­sors, cof­fee mak­ers, and oth­er coun­ter­top appli­ances that have the pur­pose of sim­pli­fy­ing food prepa­ra­tion and bev­er­age making.
  1. Small Kitchen Acces­sories: KitchenAid does­n’t just offer appli­ances; they have a splen­did selec­tion of kitchen acces­sories and add-ons. Think of handy attach­ments for their stand mix­ers, top-qual­i­ty cook­ware, and bake­ware to ele­vate your culi­nary adventures.
  2. Cook­ing Appli­ances: They offer wall ovens, ranges, cook­tops, and microwave ovens that have won a good rep­u­ta­tion among the con­sumers thanks to their cook­ing performance.
  3. Refrig­er­a­tors and Dish­wash­ers: KitchenAid offers refrig­er­a­tors and dish­wash­ers with advanced tech­nol­o­gy and styl­ish designs to enhance kitchen functionality.

Production Facilities

Today, KitchenAid prod­ucts are man­u­fac­tured in the Unit­ed States, Cana­da, Mex­i­co, India, and Chi­na. How­ev­er, every KitchenAid stand mix­er has been made at their Greenville, Ohio fac­to­ry since 1919. For instance, their Greenville fac­to­ry is the largest employ­er in town, pro­vid­ing over 1400 jobs to the local com­mu­ni­ty. KitchenAid also has U.S. man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­i­ties in South Car­oli­na, Ohio, Arkansas, Indi­ana, Ten­nessee, and Mis­sis­sip­pi. How­ev­er, the die-cast parts of the Kith­ce­nAid gad­gets are man­u­fac­tured in var­i­ous pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties around the world.


Nin­ja is a kitchen appli­ance brand owned by SharkN­in­ja Oper­at­ing LLC, an Amer­i­can design­er, mar­keter, and dis­trib­u­tor of home devices and appliances.


The Nin­ja com­pa­ny was estab­lished by Mark Rosen­zweig in 1993 under the name Euro-Pro Oper­at­ing LLC and spe­cial­izes in pro­duc­ing vac­u­um clean­ers. Lat­er, it under­went a trans­for­ma­tion, rebrand­ing itself as SharkN­in­ja Oper­at­ing LLC and broad­en­ing its prod­uct port­fo­lio. Now, “SharkN­in­ja” is formed by com­bin­ing its two pri­ma­ry brands: Shark, which main­ly pro­duces vac­u­um clean­ers and sim­i­lar devices, and Nin­ja, which focus­es on kitchen appli­ances such as blenders, mul­ti-cook­ers, air fry­ers, and cof­fee makers.

Product Range

Nin­ja’s prod­uct range pri­mar­i­ly focus­es on small kitchen appli­ances that are designed to sim­pli­fy cook­ing and food prepa­ra­tion. Some of the pop­u­lar prod­ucts offered by Nin­ja include:

  1. Blenders: Nin­ja blenders are very pop­u­lar nowa­days due to their strong adver­tis­ing cam­paigns. Their coun­ter­top blenders fea­ture inno­v­a­tive blade designs, and they also pro­duce sin­gle-serve blenders that are a good qual­i­ty and capa­ble of blend­ing qual­i­ty smooth­ies and var­i­ous oth­er easily.
  2. Food Proces­sors: Nin­ja offers a range of food proces­sors and blender-food proces­sor com­bos with mul­ti­ple functions.
  3. Air Fry­ers: Nin­ja offers a wide range of air fry­er mod­els with good qual­i­ty and rep­u­ta­tion among consumers.
  4. Pres­sure Cook­er­s/­Mul­ti-Cook­ers: Nin­ja’s mul­ti-cook­ers com­bine func­tions such as pres­sure cook­ing, slow cook­ing, steam­ing, and sear­ing in one appli­ance, allow­ing users to pre­pare a wide range of dishes.
  5. Cof­fee Mak­ers: Nin­ja also offers cof­fee mak­ers that come with var­i­ous brew­ing options, includ­ing sin­gle-serve and spe­cial­ty cof­fee settings.
  6. Toast­ers and Ovens: Nin­ja pro­duces toast­er ovens that can bake, roast, toast, and more, pro­vid­ing ver­sa­til­i­ty in the kitchen.

Production Facilities

Nin­ja Kitchen Appli­ances head­quar­ters office is based in Need­ham, Mass­a­chu­setts, near Boston. How­ev­er, all their prod­ucts are made in Chi­na, where SharkN­in­ja Oper­at­ing LLC has man­u­fac­tur­ing facilities.


The Bre­ville name came from its co-founders – Bill O’Brien and Har­ry Norville. It has become an icon­ic glob­al brand oper­at­ing for near­ly a cen­tu­ry. The Com­pa­ny now holds over 100 active patents and has won over 40 pres­ti­gious inter­na­tion­al awards, includ­ing the iF Design Award and the Web­by Awards in the U.S.


The Com­pa­ny was found­ed in Mel­bourne in 1932 and began with radios and mine detec­tors. In the late 1950s and ear­ly 1960s, Bre­ville expand­ed its prod­uct line to include small kitchen appli­ances such as toast­ers and sand­wich makers.

Today, the Com­pa­ny’s brands include Bre­ville, Kam­brook, and Ron­son (out­side of North Amer­i­ca). In the U.K. and Europe, the Com­pa­ny goes to mar­ket as the Sage brand (because the name Bre­ville is tak­en by the unre­lat­ed Jar­den com­pa­ny in the U.K.) and as the Bre­ville brand in the rest of the world. Bre­ville is cur­rent­ly rep­re­sent­ed in more than 70 coun­tries around the globe.

Product Range

Bre­ville offers a diverse range of kitchen appli­ances that cater to cook­ing, bev­er­age prepa­ra­tion, and food pro­cess­ing needs. Some of the pop­u­lar prod­ucts offered by Bre­ville include:

  1. Espres­so Machines: Bre­ville’s espres­so machines are high­ly regard­ed for their pre­cise con­trol and cus­tomiza­tion options, allow­ing cof­fee enthu­si­asts to brew café-qual­i­ty espres­so at home.
  2. Toast­ers and Ovens: Bre­ville pro­duces toast­ers and toast­er ovens known for their advanced fea­tures, such as smart toast­ing tech­nol­o­gy and con­vec­tion cook­ing options.
  3. Juicers: Bre­ville’s juicers are designed for effi­cient­ly extract­ing juice from fruits and veg­eta­bles, often with fea­tures like wide feed chutes for whole produce.
  4. Blenders and Food Proces­sors: Bre­ville offers a range of pop­u­lar blenders and food processors.
  5. Grills and Grid­dles: Bre­ville’s grills and grid­dles are designed for indoor grilling and cook­ing, with fea­tures like adjustable tem­per­a­ture con­trols and non-stick surfaces.
  6. Ket­tles: Bre­ville ket­tles are known for their styl­ish designs and rapid boil­ing capabilities.

Production Facilities

Bre­ville’s head­quar­ters are locat­ed in Aus­tralia and is in the inner sub­urb of Alexan­dria, Syd­ney. It has man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­i­ties pri­mar­i­ly in Chi­na and Aus­tralia. The Com­pa­ny’s brands include Bre­ville, Kam­brook, and Ron­son (out­side of North Amer­i­ca). In the U.K. and Europe, the Com­pa­ny goes to mar­ket as the Sage brand (because the name Bre­ville is tak­en by the unre­lat­ed Jar­den com­pa­ny in the U.K.) and as the Bre­ville brand in the rest of the world.


NutriBul­let is a lead­ing per­son­al, sin­gle-serve coun­ter­top blender brand with over 80 mil­lion hap­py cus­tomers worldwide.


NutriBul­let brand was first intro­duced in 2012; it is devel­oped and mar­ket­ed by Cap­i­tal Brands LLC, a Los Ange­les-based com­pa­ny. The Com­pa­ny’s founders, Col­in Sapire and Richard L. Cousins.

De’­Longhi Group acquired Cap­i­tal Brands Hold­ings Inc., the par­ent com­pa­ny of NutriBul­let, in a deal val­ued at approx­i­mate­ly $420 mil­lion. The acqui­si­tion was finalised in 2020, with the trans­ac­tion expect­ed to be accre­tive to De’­Longhi in the fol­low­ing year.

Product Range

NutriBul­let pri­mar­i­ly spe­cial­izes in blenders; how­ev­er, it has expand­ed its range of prod­ucts, and now they include:

  1. Per­son­al Blender
  2. Coun­ter­top Blenders
  3. Mul­ti-cook­ers
  4. Immer­sion Blenders
  5. Food Steam­ers:
  6. Food Proces­sors:

Production Facilities

NutriBul­let blenders are not made in Chi­na; they are made in Tai­wan. How­ev­er, it is unclear where the pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties are locat­ed in Taiwan.


Oster is one of the vet­er­an brands on the U.S. mar­ket; it has been around for over 100 years and has an extend­ed his­to­ry of pro­duc­ing high-qual­i­ty, durable, and user-friend­ly kitchen appliances.


The Oster Man­u­fac­tur­ing Com­pa­ny was found­ed in 1924 in Racine, Wis­con­sin, by John Oster. Ini­tial­ly, it pro­duced hair clip­pers, and only by the mid-20th cen­tu­ry did it start small kitchen appli­ances man­u­fac­tur­ing, such as blenders, mix­ers, and toast­ers. In 1960, Oster intro­duced the Oster­iz­er blender, a well-known house­hold name still pop­u­lar now.

In 1963, the Com­pa­ny was acquired by Sun­beam Cor­po­ra­tion, which lat­er became Sun­beam-Oster Com­pa­ny, Inc. Today, Oster oper­ates under the umbrel­la of Newell Brands, a glob­al con­sumer goods company.

Product Range

Oster offers a range of kitchen appli­ances designed to sim­pli­fy food prepa­ra­tion and cook­ing tasks. Some of the pop­u­lar prod­ucts offered by Oster include:

  1. Blenders: Oster blenders are known for their afford­abil­i­ty and ver­sa­til­i­ty. The Oster is one of few com­pa­nies that still pro­duce one of the best blenders with glass con­tain­ers, mak­ing them eco-friend­ly and suit­able for blend­ing smooth­ies, soups, and var­i­ous recipes.
  2. Toast­ers and Toast­er Ovens: Oster pro­duces toast­ers and toast­er ovens with fea­tures like mul­ti­ple brown­ing set­tings and con­vec­tion cook­ing options.
  3. Food Proces­sors: Oster’s food proces­sors are designed to chop, slice, shred, and mix ingre­di­ents for var­i­ous culi­nary needs.
  4. Cof­fee Mak­ers: Oster man­u­fac­tures drip cof­fee mak­ers, espres­so machines, and sin­gle-serve cof­fee brew­ers for cof­fee enthusiasts.
  5. Elec­tric Grid­dles and Grills: Oster’s grid­dles and grills are pop­u­lar for indoor grilling and cook­ing, often fea­tur­ing non-stick surfaces.
  6. Rice Cook­ers and Steam­ers: Oster offers rice cook­ers and food steam­ers for con­ve­nient meal preparation.

Production Facilities

Accord­ing to the Com­pa­ny’s web­site, most of Oster’s appli­ances are man­u­fac­tured in the Unit­ed States by Sun­beam Prod­ucts, Inc., a Newell Brands sub­sidiary. The Com­pa­ny has its head­quar­ters in Shel­ton, Con­necti­cut, and oper­ates fac­to­ries in var­i­ous loca­tions, includ­ing Cleve­land, Ohio, Mex­i­co, Venezuela, and Peru. Oster’s prod­ucts are made with care and atten­tion to detail and are designed to meet the needs of home cooks and pro­fes­sion­al chefs alike.


Vita­mix – that name rings a bell in the world of kitchen appli­ances. They’ve earned their stripes as a top-tier brand, known far and wide for their top-qual­i­ty blenders.


The Vita­mix Cor­po­ra­tion, based in the heart of Cleve­land, Ohio, has a his­to­ry that goes way back, all the way to 1921. It all began when a fel­low named William G. Barnard estab­lished the Com­pa­ny Vita-Mix. Fast for­ward to 1936, and the Com­pa­ny unveiled the very first Vita­mix blender.

Since then, Vita­mix has been on a relent­less inno­va­tion jour­ney, con­stant­ly refin­ing and enhanc­ing its prod­ucts. It’s no won­der they’ve become the num­ber one blender pro­duc­er known for its high qual­i­ty and longest life span in an industry.

Product Range

Vita­mix spe­cial­izes in blenders and blend­ing acces­sories designed for a vari­ety of culi­nary tasks. Some of the pop­u­lar prod­ucts offered by Vita­mix include:

  1. High-Per­for­mance Blenders: Vita­mix blenders are known for their pow­er­ful motors, pre­ci­sion engi­neer­ing, and ver­sa­til­i­ty. They are able to per­form the widest range of func­tions, such as blend­ing, puree­ing, chop­ping, and even heat­ing and mak­ing soups from scratch, pro­cess­ing frozen prod­ucts, mak­ing frozen desserts, and much more.
  2. Com­mer­cial Blenders: Vita­mix Com­mer­cial Blenders cater to the needs of busi­ness­es, whether it’s a bustling eatery or a vibrant smooth­ie haven.
  3. Per­son­al Blenders: Vita­mix also offers com­pact per­son­al blenders that are designed for indi­vid­u­als and small house­holds, allow­ing for easy on-the-go blending.
  4. Food Proces­sors: Some Vita­mix mod­els are com­pat­i­ble with food proces­sor attach­ments, expand­ing their func­tion­al­i­ty to include chop­ping, slic­ing, and grating.

Production Facilities

As the Com­pa­ny’s web­site states, the major­i­ty of Vita­mix blenders are man­u­fac­tured in the Unit­ed States at the Com­pa­ny’s head­quar­ters in Cleve­land, Ohio. Some parts of the Food proces­sor attach­ment are out­sourced in Chi­na. The motors for some Vita­mix mod­els are pro­duced in Sweden.

The Com­pa­ny is very ded­i­cat­ed to using top-notch mate­ri­als and top-of-the-line man­u­fac­tur­ing meth­ods. No won­der all the Vita­mix prod­ucts are cov­ered with a best-in-indus­try war­ran­ty. It’s their way of shout­ing from the rooftops about their ded­i­ca­tion to qual­i­ty and mak­ing sure you’re one hap­py blend­ing enthusiast.


Blendtec is an Amer­i­can com­pa­ny pro­duc­ing the high-per­for­mance blender indus­try known for its pow­er­ful blenders and inno­v­a­tive blend­ing technology.


Blendtec was found­ed in 1975 by Tom Dick­son in Utah, USA, and it is a divi­sion of K‑TEC, Inc.. Ini­tial­ly, the Com­pa­ny spe­cial­ized in com­mer­cial blend­ing equip­ment for busi­ness­es, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the food ser­vice indus­try. Now, Blendtec is a wide­ly rec­og­nized High-End Com­mer­cial and domes­tic blender pro­duc­er. Their Blenders are famous for their abil­i­ty to blend a wide range of ingre­di­ents, includ­ing tough items like ice and frozen fruits.

Product Range

Blendtec pri­mar­i­ly focus­es on blenders that are known for their robust build and inno­v­a­tive fea­tures. Some of the pop­u­lar prod­ucts offered by Blendtec include:

  1. High-Pow­ered Blenders: Blendtec blenders are char­ac­ter­ized by their pow­er­ful motors and unique blade designs that can han­dle var­i­ous blend­ing tasks, from smooth­ies and soups to ice cream and nut butter.
  2. Com­mer­cial Blenders: Blendtec con­tin­ues to offer com­mer­cial-grade blenders for busi­ness­es, includ­ing restau­rants and smooth­ie shops.
  3. Blendtec G.O.: This is Blendtec’s line of portable blenders designed for on-the-go blend­ing, mak­ing it con­ve­nient for indi­vid­u­als with active lifestyles.
  4. Immer­sion Blender: Blendtec’s immer­sion blender, which was intro­duced in 2023, is the lat­est addi­tion to the Com­pa­ny’s prod­uct line, and it is designed to pro­vide ver­sa­til­i­ty and con­ve­nience to home cooks.

Production Facilities

Blendtec is proud to build its kitchen appli­ances in its facil­i­ties locat­ed in Orem, Utah. The Com­pa­ny insists that it uses only high-qual­i­ty mate­ri­als and man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es to ensure that all prod­ucts are top quality.


Braun orig­i­nat­ed from a Ger­man brand and pro­duced a wide range of well-known kitchen appli­ances and oth­er con­sumer products.


Braun was found­ed in 1921 by Max Braun in Frank­furt, Ger­many. Ini­tial­ly, The Com­pa­ny was a small engi­neer­ing shop spe­cial­iz­ing in radio sets and oth­er elec­tri­cal devices. Over the years, Braun became syn­ony­mous with Ger­man engi­neer­ing and design excel­lence, earn­ing a rep­u­ta­tion for pro­duc­ing high-qual­i­ty, inno­v­a­tive, and styl­ish products.

In the mid-20th cen­tu­ry, Braun expand­ed its prod­uct offer­ings to include var­i­ous house­hold appli­ances, includ­ing kitchen appli­ances. The Com­pa­ny’s kitchen appli­ances are known for their mod­ern design, func­tion­al­i­ty, and atten­tion to detail.

Product Range

Braun’s kitchen appli­ance range cov­ers a vari­ety of prod­ucts designed to sim­pli­fy cook­ing and food prepa­ra­tion. Some of the pop­u­lar kitchen appli­ances and prod­ucts offered by Braun include:

  1. Hand Blenders: Braun is renowned for its hand blenders, also known as immer­sion blenders, which are ver­sa­tile tools for blend­ing, chop­ping, and mix­ing ingredients.
  2. Cof­fee Mak­ers: Braun pro­duces cof­fee mak­ers that brew cof­fee pre­cise­ly, offer­ing var­i­ous mod­els, includ­ing drip cof­fee mak­ers and espres­so machines.
  3. Food Proces­sors: Braun’s food proces­sors are designed for chop­ping, slic­ing, grat­ing, and mix­ing ingre­di­ents, mak­ing meal prepa­ra­tion more efficient.
  4. Juicers: Braun offers juicers for extract­ing fresh juice from fruits and veg­eta­bles, pro­mot­ing a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Toast­ers: Braun man­u­fac­tures toast­ers with fea­tures such as pre­cise brown­ing con­trol and extra-wide slots for dif­fer­ent types of bread.

Production Facilities

Braun has man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­i­ties world­wide, includ­ing Ger­many, Bel­gium, Roma­nia, and the U.K. Today, Braun focus­es on its core cat­e­gories, such as shav­ing and groom­ing, beau­ty and hair care, and small house­hold appli­ances. The Com­pa­ny’s head­quar­ters is locat­ed in Kro­n­berg, Ger­many, where par­ent com­pa­ny Proc­ter & Gam­ble oper­ates its ‘Glob­al Cen­ter of Excel­lence for Devices.’

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