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Lexen GP27 Manual Healthy Juicer Review — The Most Affordable Manual Slow Juicer

healthy juicer lexen gp27The Lex­en Man­u­al Juicer (the GP27 mod­el) is def­i­nite­ly one of the best man­u­al wheat­grass juic­ing machines avail­able today. It is no won­der that the USA Com­pa­ny in Chi­na was man­u­fac­tured in 2003 to make avail­able afford­able mas­ti­cat­ing juicers for healthy, aware people.

The juicer is approved and sold by the Hip­pocrates health insti­tute, one of the world’s top alter­na­tive health cen­ters, since 1956.

Con­tin­ue read­ing the review on Lex­en Man­u­al Healthy Wheat­grass Juicer to find out more about its func­tion and use.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Are you also inter­est­ed in an alter­na­tive man­u­al mas­ti­cat­ing juicer? Check our arti­cle Best Man­u­al Sin­gle Auger Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicers.

Table of Contents

Lexen GP27 Design and Parts

Lex­en GP27 Healthy is a man­u­al sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing device by design. This means that it uses sim­i­lar to stan­dard elec­tri­cal sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing tech­nol­o­gy for juic­ing ingre­di­ents, yet, no elec­tri­cal pow­er is required to oper­ate it. How­ev­er, the qual­i­ty of the juice it extracts is sim­i­lar to mas­ti­cat­ing juicers and far beyond a cen­trifu­gal juicer. Man­u­al juicers are best for juic­ing small quan­ti­ties of juice and are great for tak­ing on hol­i­day or to places with­out power.

The Lex­en GP27 Healthy mod­el con­stric­tion parts are also very sim­i­lar to the typ­i­cal mas­ti­cat­ing juicer; they include a base, auger with bush­ing, juic­ing cham­ber, end cap with the small adjust­ments cap, han­dle, and juice col­lec­tion cup with the screen.

Besides, all parts of the Lex­en man­u­al juicer that have con­tact with food are made of non-tox­ic, BPA-free, and FDA-approved Poly­car­bon­ate, which is prac­ti­cal­ly durable and makes it an eco-friend­ly choice for a juicer.

Base Unit: This mod­el comes with an enhanced com­bo to fix the device to the sur­faces, includ­ing the suc­tion base and G‑clamp. The patent­ed suc­tion base is rat­ed at over 100lbs (45kg) of force and affix­es the base very tight­ly to the sur­face. In addi­tion, the durable, chrome-plat­ed, and cor­ro­sion-proof met­al G‑clamp can be used by itself or togeth­er with the patent­ed suc­tion base.

Thus the device can secure­ly attach to almost any table or kitchen counter and needs no extra hands to keep it in place while juicing.

Juic­ing Cham­ber: The hous­ing is made from BPA-free plas­tic mate­r­i­al and fea­tures the feed­ing hop­per and auger hous­ing. One of the ben­e­fits of the juicer is that the cham­ber is trans­par­ent, and the user can observe all the juic­ing processes.

Auger: The Lex­en Healthy GP27 mod­el has a BPA-free plas­tic auger that has an improved shape for max­i­mum juice yield. The auger tip of the juicer that takes the max­i­mum stress is made out of stain­less steel, ensur­ing it will last sev­er­al years with­out any wear and tear.

Lock­ing Cap: The Lex­en GP27’s lock­ing cap that secures the auger inside the cham­ber is anoth­er part exposed to the high pres­sure dur­ing the pro­cess­ing of the ingre­di­ents and came with the stain­less steel inner lin­ing for longer dura­bil­i­ty and ser­vice. Besides, the lick­ing cap is also equipped with a small­er adjustable cap that reg­u­lates the pres­sure for pulp ejection.

Han­dle: The device han­dle is con­nect­ed to the back end of the auger and turns easy for leafy veg­eta­bles, and a bit of effort is required for car­rots, radish­es, and hard veggies.

Extra attach­ments: Two addi­tion­al acces­sories are includ­ed in the Lex­en GP27 mod­el set. 1) A plunger tool that helps you to push the veg­gies into the juicer’s large-mouthed open­ing. The plunger can also act effec­tive­ly as a lever to help fit and take out the suc­tion base. 2) A wrench that will help you in tight­en­ing or loos­en­ing the machine’s end cap cover.


A reg­u­lar cus­tom fit 16 ounces juice col­lect­ing cup and juice strain­er are also sup­plied to hold the juice pro­duced from wheat­grass, veg­gies, or fruits. Since the Lex­en Man­u­al GP27 mod­el does not design with the stan­dard for the sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer fil­ter screen cone, the remov­able strain­er plays the role of the screen cone. It will sep­a­rate the excess pulp from the liq­uid when the juice drops from the juice out­let to the container.

The juicer set does not include the pulp col­lec­tion container.

Using and Cleaning

Assem­bling: This man­u­al juicer mod­el is very easy to assem­ble, and the instruc­tions pro­vid­ed are clear and complete.

First, the bush­ing should be placed onto the auger end and insert­ed into the cham­ber. Now the green cap is to be twist­ed onto the cham­ber. Next, the small white cap should be placed on the green cap and tight­ened. Next, attach the assem­bled cham­ber to the juicer base, and twist the knob into the ‘locked posi­tion to secure the juicer’s cham­ber. The han­dle is attached by tight­en­ing onto the auger’s back­side. Final­ly, place the buck­et pro­vid­ed with a mesh screen below the juic­ing spout.

Using: The GP27 is pow­ered by crank­ing the han­dle, and the crushed pulp will be pushed out of the front side where the green end cap is attached. At the same time, the juice will come out of the juice spout locat­ed at the back­side between the base and the han­dle. The spout is noth­ing but the hole on the bot­tom of the back cham­ber end.

Clean­ing: The Healthy juicer is sim­ple in design with few­er parts. The juicer takes just under one minute to dis­man­tle and under 30 sec­onds to clean. Clean the parts direct­ly after using the juicer by rins­ing them with warm soapy water.

Lexen GP27 Manual Healthy Juicer Functionality

  • This Lex­en Man­u­al device is basi­cal­ly a wheat­grass device. Still, it can also accept kale, chard, pars­ley, spinach, let­tuce, and oth­er leafy greens mak­ing it a mul­ti­func­tion­al leafy greens juicer. In fact, it obtains the juice yield from leafy greens com­pa­ra­ble with elec­tric sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicers. We test­ed the juicer with wheat­grass, and it deliv­ers about 5 ounces of juice from 0.5 pounds of wheat­grass, and it is sim­i­lar to the Omega J8008 juicer yield.
  • This machine is also very good at juic­ing cel­ery. The fibrous stems must be pre-cut into small­er up to 2 inch­es pieces or placed into the hop­per slow­ly one by one stem; oth­er­wise, they may wrap around the auger clog­ging the device.
  • It does well with cru­cif­er­ous veg­gies such as cab­bage, broc­coli, cau­li­flower, and oth­ers. Just sprin­kle a lit­tle bit of olive oil when you are juic­ing cab­bage. This could reduce the groan­ing caused by the fric­tion between the juicer body and rub­bery leaves.
  • The apples, pears, and cit­rus fruits are also will out­put decent yield and quite sim­ple to crank; juic­ing them does not need much effort from the user.
  • While pro­cess­ing firm veg­gies such as beet­root and car­rots will require effort from use turn­ing the han­dle. How­ev­er, with small­er pieces, min­i­mum turn­ing effort is need­ed, and the pro­duce does not require pushing.
  • The juicer can also make decent nut but­ter and frozen fruit sorbets.

Besides, this mod­el comes with an adjustable cap, the best prac­tice shoes that the leafy greens, oranges, and cel­ery require tight­en­ing the cap to the max­i­mum while los­ing the pres­sure for apples,

Also, there is not much oxi­da­tion that occurs with the juicer com­pared to oth­er juicers because it does short work of crush­ing the plant cell walls and releas­ing their enzymes with­out reduc­ing the nutri­ent val­ue as plant enzymes gen­er­al­ly do the work of break­ing down and absorb­ing the nutrients.

Set Includes

  • Auger bush­ings (2);
  • Wash­ers (3);
  • End Caps (2) with an adjustable knob;
  • It has a clamp;
  • It comes with the con­tain­er with a remov­able sieve;
  • Plunger;
  • Wrench;
  • User man­u­al.


The Lex­en GP27 mod­el is 7.48 inch­es high by 8.27 inch­es long. The han­dle is about 8 inch­es long, and the base is only 5.51 inch­es across. So the juicer is real­ly portable and com­pact enough to take with you when you travel.


A 1‑year man­u­fac­tur­er war­ran­ty cov­ers the Lex­en GP27 mod­el on all parts and a 30-day mon­ey-back guar­an­tee. The device is pro­duced in Chi­na and is a brand owned by the USA Healthy Juicers company.

Lexen GP27 Manual Healthy Juicer Price

The Lex­en Man­u­al GP27 comes at a very com­pet­i­tive price. At a frac­tion of the stan­dard elec­tri­cal juicer price, you will get a high-qual­i­ty device that process­es a wide vari­ety of ingredients.



The Lex­en Man­u­al Juicer (the GP27 mod­el) is a great entry-lev­el device and no doubt is the best val­ue for mon­ey option for peo­ple on a bud­get. It not only juices an excel­lent qual­i­ty wheat­grass juice with a yield com­pa­ra­ble to the best wheat­grass juicer but also process­es all leafy greens amaz­ing­ly well. Although juic­ing oth­er ingre­di­ents such as apples and car­rots can give you a lit­tle arm exer­cise, it still does these ingre­di­ents also well.

Besides, it is easy to use and clean, con­sumes less counter/table space than a small plate, and scores over oth­ers in terms of portability.

For more options, check our arti­cle Best Man­u­al Sin­gle Auger Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicers.

Posted in Juicers

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