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7 Best Affordable Personal Blenders | KitchenGearPro

Best Afford­able Per­son­al Blenders: There are so many var­i­ous per­son­al blender brands and mod­els avail­able, but con­sumers hard­ly know them except for the one or two most adver­tised ones. Those adver­tised ones are often mar­ket­ed as “whole juicers or nutri­ent extrac­tors” that extract the nutri­ents from the food the way no oth­er blenders can. Con­sumers have no desire to look any fur­ther and rush to buy those blenders to become healthy quick­ly. In fact, those unique “nutri­ent extrac­tors” are just upside-down blender that, like any oth­er blender, pul­ver­izes food for eas­i­er diges­tion. For exam­ple, if you throw an orange, banana, kale, or frozen straw­ber­ry into such an upside-down gad­get, the result will be a blend­ed smooth­ie with no extraction/separation of juice or pulp.

In this arti­cle, we will no longer con­tin­ue to praise those blenders, aka nutri­ent extrac­tors, but hon­est­ly com­pare the para­me­ters and func­tion­al­i­ty of a list of sin­gle-serv­ing units. We intend to dis­cov­er sev­en afford­able, reli­able, and high-pow­ered sin­gle-serv­ing blenders for con­sumers who are look­ing for a com­pact, easy-to-use, and clean per­son­al gadget.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

How Blenders Were Selected and Rating Assigned

We select­ed a list of 20 best-sell­ing bul­let blenders from Ama­zon and Wal­mart, with motor pow­er from 300 to 900 watts. Then we stud­ied man­u­fac­tur­er user man­u­als, con­sumer reviews, videos, and per­son­al expe­ri­ence with func­tion­al­i­ty, dura­bil­i­ty, ease of use, and clear cri­te­ria to select a short­list of the blenders. Final­ly, after a detailed study of the rel­e­vant cri­te­ria, we select­ed the 7 best val­ues for the per­son­al mon­ey blenders that the con­sumer may be inter­est­ed in.

Why did we select a wide range of 300 to 900 watts for our list and refer to them as pow­er­ful? It is com­mon to judge a blender on pow­er, func­tion­al­i­ty, and per­for­mance abil­i­ty by motor wattage, but expe­ri­enced blender and juicer users are well aware that low­er-wattage prod­ucts often eas­i­ly out­per­form machines with a high­er pow­er. Qual­i­ty engi­neer­ing, design, and man­u­fac­tur­ing play a more impor­tant role than just bare motor power.

Dur­ing the study, it also became obvi­ous. We want con­sumers to con­sid­er it when decid­ing to go for a bul­let-type blender. The major­i­ty of per­son­al blenders come with com­mon build and design weak­ness­es. The major one is that all sin­gle-serve gad­gets (exclud­ing high-end Vita­mix s30/s50/s55) come with a plas­tic motor-blade cou­pling that sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduces their dura­bil­i­ty and often caus­es the blender to have a short lifes­pan. Anoth­er weak­ness is that the blade assem­bly is made of plas­tic parts that make it too frag­ile to han­dle high­er loads. The com­mon high load is ice crush­ing, and user man­u­als usu­al­ly point out that the unit is not designed and test­ed to han­dle frozen ingre­di­ents with­out liq­uid added. If users ignore this fact, then they risk con­sid­er­ably short­en­ing the lifes­pan of their blender. Per­son­al blenders are sup­posed to be more afford­able and thus are not very ver­sa­tile or well-built.

With all weak­ness­es men­tioned above, we come out with the fol­low­ing results.

#1 Nutri Ninja Pro (BL455/456)

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00Y2U1QUM&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=kitchen0a03 20&language=en USir?t=kitchen0a03 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B00Y2U1QUMNutri Nin­ja BL455/456 comes with a 900 Watt motor and a high 21000 rpm. The motor is tru­ly pow­er­ful, and this is the only per­son­al blender in the price range under $100 that can crush ice with­out added liq­uid, turn­ing it into a snow-like consistency.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: It is also quite good for mak­ing green smooth­ies and has no prob­lem pro­cess­ing tough ingre­di­ents like car­rots into a fair­ly smooth drink. The blender can per­form some chop­ping, mak­ing nice sal­sa, dips, sal­ad dress­ing, and mix­es. It can han­dle seeds and nuts in smooth­ies also. But it will not han­dle hot ingre­di­ents, and you have to cool food to room tem­per­a­ture before pro­cess­ing with this gad­get. And this gad­get has lim­it­ed grind­ing abilities.

Using, clean­ing: Nutri Nin­ja Pro is a pulse-type blender, and it is very easy to use. It is assem­bled the same way as a cof­fee grinder and starts run­ning with a clock­wise twist. It is also very easy to clean after use by hand or in a dish­wash­er, and all parts of this machine are dish­wash­er safe.

Con­tain­ers, blades: This blender comes with two or three 12 oz., 18 oz., and 24 oz. poly­car­bon­ate con­tain­ers (not pre­mi­um qual­i­ty) and sip and seal lids to take the drink out with you—the num­ber and vol­ume of cups depend on the pack­age. The BL456 set includes 18 oz. and 24 oz. cups, while the BL 455 includes an extra 12 oz. cup.

This machine is also equipped with one set of quite strong 4‑pronged stain­less steel blades. How­ev­er, the blade and cup acces­sories have some dura­bil­i­ty issues. The blade assem­bly and motor-to-blade cou­pling are made of plas­tic, and they are prone to wear quick­ly. Besides, the blade assem­bly and cups need to be tight­ened well to avoid leak­ing, and it is often very dif­fi­cult to unscrew the blade assem­bly from the cups thus, the cups may devel­op some ear­ly cracks.

War­ran­ty: This machine comes with a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. The unit is not ter­ri­bly durable and well-built, but it is made of rea­son­able qual­i­ty. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Nin­ja cus­tomer ser­vice has a ques­tion­able reputation.

Sum­ma­ry: It is not the cheap­est, stur­di­est sin­gle-serve gad­get on the mar­ket, but it is the only per­son­al blender under $80 to $100 that can crush ice cubes with­out added liq­uid and make shaved ice or snow cone desserts. It also makes decent-qual­i­ty smooth­ies and is fair­ly com­pact for easy stor­age. How­ev­er, it is not designed for grind­ing, and if you intend to use your sin­gle-serve blender for grind­ing rather than smooth­ies and ice-crush­ing, look for anoth­er choice below.

This blender comes in two mod­els: Nutri Nin­ja Pro BL455 and BL456. The dif­fer­ence between the mod­els is only in the num­ber of acces­sories and recipe books, and the BL456 is the cheap­est one of these two models.


#2 NutriBullet 600 Watts Blender

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B007TIE0GQ&Format= SL300 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=kitchen0a03 20&language=en USir?t=kitchen0a03 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B007TIE0GQNutriBul­let 600 Watts blender comes with a qui­et, pow­er­ful 600-watt at-peak motor pow­er but comes with a very unrea­son­able price. How­ev­er, this unit looks sleek with a stain­less steel unit base and seems durable at first look.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: It makes quite good smooth­ies, but the smooth­ie may come out a bit chunky when green ingre­di­ents are used. It does process frozen ingre­di­ents, but only if you add enough liq­uid. This blender is not designed and test­ed to shave ice with­out liq­uid mak­ing ice cones. This gad­get can make sal­sa, sal­ad dress­ing, and any oth­er recipes that include chop­ping food. The blender does not han­dle hot ingre­di­ents and is not able to process nut but­ter. How­ev­er, it can chop nuts and herbs with a sep­a­rate dry blade assembly.

Using, clean­ing: NutriBul­let, like any oth­er per­son­al blender, is easy to use. It does not have any con­trol pan­el and is oper­at­ed by push­ing the cup against the base unit. The user just adds ingre­di­ents, places it upside down on the base unit, and then turns it clock­wise for oper­a­tion. It is run­ning while the user keeps push­ing, the same way as a cof­fee grinder.

The blender has cups that are dish­wash­er safe, but the blade assem­bly must be hand washed only. Most users find per­son­al blenders easy to clean because the cup is tak­en out with a drink and the blade is the only part that needs imme­di­ate cleaning.

Con­tain­ers, blades: The NutriBul­let 600 watts blender comes with many acces­sories that include one or two 32 oz. and 24 oz. cups depend­ing on the pack­age (8‑piece, 12-piece, and 14-piece pack­ages avail­able). The con­tain­ers are made of poly­car­bon­ate but are of quite low qual­i­ty, so the cup tends to crack with­in one year of use. Many cus­tomers also find it quite dif­fi­cult to screw it to the blade assembly.

The set also includes wet and dry blade assem­blies for mak­ing smooth­ies and for grind­ing. The blades, how­ev­er, are not very durable and may dull soon or devel­op chips on the met­al part.

War­ran­ty: It comes with a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty and does not seem very durable, as report­ed by many cus­tomers. Mag­ic Bul­let cus­tomer ser­vice has a rather bad rep­u­ta­tion with its customers.

Sum­ma­ry: It is an over­priced blender. Although it does quite good smooth­ies, it is not designed to crush ice. The cups’ qual­i­ty and the blades are quite bad as the cups tend to crack, and the blades wear with­in one year of fre­quent use. The motor is not too durable either and usu­al­ly will not last more than one year. It is very pop­u­lar and heav­i­ly adver­tised, but that does not mean that it is worth the money.


#3 COSORI Blender for Shakes and Smoothies 800W Blender

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B076DZJSHL&Format= SL300 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=kitchen0a03 20&language=en USir?t=kitchen0a03 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B076DZJSHLCosori  Per­son­al Blender comes with an 800-watt pow­er motor and is quite rea­son­ably priced.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This gad­get will make a good qual­i­ty smooth­ie with no siz­able grit or chunks, even from tough ingre­di­ents like frozen fruit, leafy veg­eta­bles, and flax seeds. Do not for­get to add enough water or oth­er liq­uid. This machine will not crush ice cubes or shave pure ice with­out liq­uid. It is also not able to han­dle straw­ber­ries or any oth­er berry seeds very well. They usu­al­ly will be left intact in the drink. But this machine is very good at grind­ing nuts, spices, and cof­fee beans (it comes with a sep­a­rate grind­ing blade assem­bly). It will chop some veg­eta­bles for sal­sa, mix­es, and sal­ad dress­ing. You can also puree hum­mus and oth­er deeps with some liq­uid added very well. This unit is not rec­om­mend­ed for mak­ing nut but­ter as it was not designed to process wet ingre­di­ents with­out a suf­fi­cient amount of liquid.

Using, clean­ing: As are all sin­gle-serve blenders, Cosori  Per­son­al Blender is very easy to use: put the ingre­di­ents into the jar, screw the cap to the blade assem­bly, flip it upside down and posi­tion it on the base unit. It will click and will turn instant­ly. Blend it until you achieve the desired con­sis­ten­cy; how­ev­er, the user man­u­al says not to run it over 3 min­utes at a time.

It is also very easy to clean, and the cup and blade assem­bly are dish­wash­er safe.

Con­tain­ers, blades: This blender comes with a lot of acces­sories; Cosori  Per­son­al Blender set includes three 24oz., and two 12oz. poly­car­bon­ate cups and a few trav­el lids for drinks on the go. The cups are made of strong and durable heavy-weight plastic.

This blender is also equipped with one grind­ing and one blend­ing high-grade stain­less steel blade. Both of the blade assem­blies are made of plas­tic with a wear­able seal­ing gas­ket, but this is a com­mon per­son­al blender issue.

War­ran­ty: It comes with a two-year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty, and accord­ing to cus­tomer reviews, it is like­ly to last for at least two years, even with fre­quent use.

Sum­ma­ry: This very stur­dy lit­tle machine is a very good val­ue for mon­ey. It is like­ly to serve you for 2 years or longer, which is quite good con­sid­er­ing the price. The blender works great, is quite ver­sa­tile, and comes with many acces­sories, but most impor­tant­ly, it costs a lot less than the very com­pa­ra­ble NutriBul­let. In addi­tion, it is com­pact and takes up very lit­tle space on the kitchen counter or in a stor­age drawer.


#4Hamilton Beach 800W Personal Blender (53620)

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07QZH6JPC&Format= SL300 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=kitchen0a03 20&language=en USir?t=kitchen0a03 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07QZH6JPCThis is a recent­ly released per­son­al blender that comes with a quite pow­er­ful 800-watt motor and a very rea­son­able price.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: Hamil­ton Beach Go Sport Blender can pro­duce good qual­i­ty smooth­ies from soft fruits and tough green veg­eta­bles. It will also process seeds and nuts well for added blend­ed ingre­di­ents. In addi­tion, it will crush ice cubes with up to ½ of the liq­uid in the con­tain­er. The user man­u­al advis­es using cres­cent-shaped ice cubes, but it also will do well with cir­cles or sticks.

This per­son­al unit is also good for mak­ing nut milk, light sal­ad dress­ing, mix­ing, and chop­ping some soft ingre­di­ents. How­ev­er, it is not designed to process hard food like meat, crack­ers, or cheese. The man­u­al advis­es not to process hot liq­uids in it.

Using, clean­ing: The blender is very sim­ple to put togeth­er and oper­ate. It is equipped with a one-touch but­ton that allows a pulse func­tion or blend­ing while you hold it.

It is easy to clean up in the dish­wash­er or just fill the blender jar with water, and a drop of soap deter­gent and pulse it for 10–20 seconds.

Con­tain­ers, blades: Hamil­ton Beach Go Sport Blender comes with a 20 oz. pre­mi­um poly­car­bon­ate shat­ter­proof Tri­tan con­tain­er, and it is dou­ble-walled for insu­la­tion. This blender is very con­ve­nient to take out after mak­ing a smooth­ie, just remove the col­lar and blade from the jar, replace it with the lid, and it is set to go. The cup is well-sized for trav­el­ing, the bot­tle fits in most car cup hold­ers, and the han­dle is built right into the lid.

It comes with a 4‑pronged blade with a per­ma­nent gas­ket but a sep­a­rate col­lar to screw on the blade assem­bly. The assem­bly is made of plas­tic, but it seems quite stur­dy and well-made.

War­ran­ty: The blender is made in the USA and comes with a good-for-per­son­al blender 3‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty, so it most like­ly last at least three years.

Sum­ma­ry: Over­all, it is a sleek, well-made, and rea­son­ably priced gad­get for smooth­ie fans, and it is ready to grab and go. The blender is very light­weight (only 2.5 pounds) and per­fects to take with you when trav­el­ing. The small foot­print of only 4.65 x 5.63 takes up very min­i­mal counter space or can be stowed in a draw­er when not in use. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the set includes only one bot­tle, but it is pos­si­ble to buy the extra one from many online retailers.


#5 Oster MyBlend Pro Series BLSTPB2-GTL Blender

Oster MyBlend Pro Series Personal Blender

The Oster MyBlend Pro bul­let blender is a fair­ly robust gad­get with 500 watts at peak and 350 effec­tive watts of motor pow­er. It is clear that this gad­get is intend­ed for smoothies.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This is a pret­ty pow­er­ful blender that is eas­i­ly able to make smooth­ies and shakes from fresh fruit, leafy veg­eta­bles, fibrous gin­ger root, pro­tein pow­der, flaxseed, nuts, and frozen fruit ingre­di­ents. This blender does a great job of liq­ue­fy­ing all the ingre­di­ents into even con­sis­ten­cy with­out notice­able chunks. The gad­get will crush ice only with at least 1/2 cup of liq­uid in the jar, but it is not able to shave ice cubes to the snow cone con­sis­ten­cy. This blender also could be used for light chop­ping or mak­ing sal­ad mix­es and dress­ings. It is not very good at grind­ing dry ingre­di­ents, but it will pul­ver­ize them in your smooth­ies with liquid.

Oster MyBlend Pro is not rec­om­mend­ed for blend­ing hot liq­uids. For exam­ple, mak­ing nut but­ter may over­load the motor and cause the pre­ma­ture death of the blender.

Using, clean­ing: There is no con­trol pan­el or any but­tons on this blender. It is oper­at­ed by just push­ing and turn­ing the cup clock­wise in the base, and it oper­ates until you unlock it. This blender comes with good air­flow and can be run for up to 3–4 min­utes with­out overheating.

This machine is easy to clean, and the cup, lid, and blade are all dish­wash­er safe. This blender also can be self-cleaned by run­ning for 30 sec­onds with a few drops of soap and water.

Con­tain­ers, blades: This machine comes with a durable and pre­mi­um qual­i­ty 20 oz. con­tain­er made of Tri­tan poly­car­bon­ate. The dou­ble-walled con­tain­er pre­vents exter­nal con­den­sa­tion and keeps the drink tem­per­a­ture cold­er longer than ordi­nary cups. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it comes with only one cup, but it is a very well-designed lid, so it is quite easy to take it on the go. The cup and lid are also equipped with a car­ry clip and a snap clo­sure that could be clipped to the bag for tak­ing out.

It comes with a stain­less steel blade that does not unscrew from the base. The rub­ber ring can be removed for clean­ing. The Oster blade assem­bly and motor-blade gear­ing are made of plas­tic, but it is well made and like­ly to last for 2–3 years.

War­ran­ty: The blender comes with a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty and a 3‑year sat­is­fac­tion guar­an­tee. The unit is stur­dy, and the Oster brand usu­al­ly stands behind its products.

Sum­ma­ry: This lit­tle blender is cute, pow­er­ful enough to make good smooth­ies even with green veg­eta­bles or frozen fruits, is quite com­pact, and with a base unit diam­e­ter of 6 inch­es, it takes lit­tle space on the counter. It is per­fect for peo­ple on the go, and the cup per­fect­ly fits into a bag or car cup hold­er, and it is tight with no spills. And most impor­tant­ly, it is a very good val­ue for the money.


#6 Conair Cuisinart CPB-300 Blender

Conair Cuisinart CPB-300 Portable Blender

The Conair Cuisi­nart CPB-300 Blender comes with high torque, 350-watt motor. It has a very sleek stain­less steel hous­ing with an elec­tron­ic touch­pad and a light LED indi­ca­tor front pan­el. The base unit weighs 3lbs and is about 5 inch­es in diam­e­ter. This blender would be fine for those who want to take it with them to travel.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This blender does fruit and veg­etable smooth­ies very well and han­dles frozen ingre­di­ents and small cubes of ice well when you com­bine them with a suf­fi­cient amount of water. When blend­ing drinks with frozen ingre­di­ents, it is best if you start by puls­ing and then use high speed. It does quite tex­tured smooth­ies from tough or green veg­eta­bles, but it seems it was not designed for high-qual­i­ty green smooth­ies. It also will not han­dle cubes of ice as most per­son­al-size blenders. How­ev­er, this blender can bril­liant­ly chop dif­fer­ent veg­eta­bles and make sal­ad dress­ing and mix­es well-suit­ed. It also han­dles nut and seed grind­ing very well using grind­ing blades.

Using clean­ing: This machine is very easy to use and clean, as are the major­i­ty of per­son­al blenders. To start run­ning, just add all the ingre­di­ents, attach the blade assem­bly, turn it upside down, and pop the cap on the base unit, and it is ready to use. Unlike oth­er sin­gle-serve machines, this one has 3 speeds — High, Low, and Pulse con­trols — and allows more con­trol over blending.

This machine is dish­wash­er safe, but it also can be self-cleaned using a few drops of soap and water and run­ning for 30 sec­onds at high speed. It has wide con­tain­ers, so it is also no prob­lem to wash by hand.

Con­tain­ers, blades: The set includes two blade assem­blies – blend­ing and grind­ing. The set also comes with a plas­tic blade assem­bly and cou­pling. The blades are quite durable, while the gas­ket will need to be changed after about one year of fre­quent use.

This gad­get includes a 32-ounce blender cup, an 8‑ounce chop­per cup, and four 16-ounce cups for tak­ing out. All cups are made of high-qual­i­ty, durable, and shat­ter-resis­tant Tri­tan copoly­ester, and they will not break eas­i­ly if you drop them. The qual­i­ty of the con­tain­ers is def­i­nite­ly the strong side of this blender.

War­ran­ty: This machine comes with a 3‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty, good for a per­son­al blender. The war­ran­ty reflects the blender’s dura­bil­i­ty. And, as con­firmed by many cus­tomers, it is like­ly to last for three years.

Sum­ma­ry: This is a great, reli­able, good-qual­i­ty per­son­al blender for light-duty use, but if you plan to use it main­ly for frozen drinks or green smooth­ies, then this blender is prob­a­bly not for you. How­ev­er, this machine is very good for nuts, cof­fee, and spice grind­ing. It will also per­fect­ly do any light kitchen chopping.


#7 Epica Personal Blender

Epica Personal Blender

Although the Epi­ca Per­son­al Blender is not equipped with the most pow­er­ful motor (300 watts) in our selec­tion, it does oper­ate with a high torque of 23000 rpm. Most impor­tant­ly, it comes at a fan­tas­tic price, mak­ing it afford­able for many peo­ple who are look­ing for a per­son­al unit with a take-along cup.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: Epi­ca is able to make quite good smooth­ies from fruits, raw veg­eta­bles, and frozen ingre­di­ents with no unblend­ed lumps. This blender will not shave ice, but it does a great job on frozen ingre­di­ents and crush­es ice with a suf­fi­cient amount of liq­uid added.

This machine is also great for light chop­ping and makes good dips, sauces, and whip­ping cream. It will chop nuts fine­ly and herbs with­out any trou­ble. This machine comes with a qual­i­ty cup that is able to process ingre­di­ents with a tem­per­a­ture range of ‑40° to 175°F, so you can blend hot and cold liq­uids using this blender. 

Using, clean­ing: No doubt, this com­pact machine is easy to use; fill the con­tain­er with ingre­di­ents, and lock it into the base unit. The machine is oper­at­ed with the on/off but­ton that is pushed until the blend­ed ingre­di­ents reach the desired con­sis­ten­cy. Once you are done, replace the blade assem­bly with the spout drink­ing lid, and you are ready to take it out. The cup you take away, and the blade assem­bly is the only parts you have to clean. All of the blender parts are dish­wash­er safe, but this type of com­pact blender is also eas­i­ly cleaned by hand with a lit­tle soap.

Blades and con­tain­ers: This sin­gle-serve gad­get comes with one 20 oz. Tri­tan copoly­ester con­tain­er that is break and tem­per­a­ture resis­tant. Unlike many oth­er per­son­al blender types, the con­tain­er is well made, and does not require the effort to screw/unscrew the blade assem­bly and cup before and after use.

The Epi­ca blender comes with good-qual­i­ty stain­less steel blades, a plas­tic assem­bly, and motor/blade cou­pling. Nev­er­the­less, all assem­bly parts are well-made, and this blender is pro­duced to last.

War­ran­ty: This gad­get comes with a 2‑year, 100% risk-free war­ran­ty, which says that the man­u­fac­tur­er believes in its product.

Sum­ma­ry: While it is not the most pow­er­ful and ver­sa­tile blender in our selec­tion, it has a fan­tas­tic price. It does qual­i­ty smooth­ies and pro­tein shakes to take out. With a small foot­print of 5.25 x 5.25 inch­es, it does not occu­py too much room on the kitchen counter, and it is very light­weight to take with you on travel.



The Nutri Nin­ja won the first posi­tion in our rat­ing even though it is the most expen­sive one and is not a very durable blender. But it has the most pow­er­ful motor, and it is the only gad­get in this range of afford­able blenders that is able to crush ice with­out liq­uid added. It also deliv­ers the best qual­i­ty green smooth­ies and is able to make frozen desserts. How­ev­er, it has one draw­back, as it is not able to do grind­ing and milling very well.

So, if crush­ing pure ice is not cru­cial for you and you most­ly intend to use your blender for smooth­ies, then you will be bet­ter off with one of the rest of our choices.

The NutriBul­let 600 watts is the sec­ond-best option. Although it does not han­dle ice with­out liq­uids added, it is a fair­ly ver­sa­tile gad­get; it grinds and chops well. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it also has some issues with the gas­ket. How­ev­er, it is a com­mon prob­lem for small per­son­al upside-down blenders. Over­all, it per­forms rea­son­ably well and is very pop­u­lar with customers.

Cosori Per­son­al Blender’s third posi­tion is the most mul­ti­func­tion­al machine, even if it does not crush ice. It han­dles frozen ingre­di­ents well and ice with liq­uid added. It is also able to per­form a grinding/milling job very well. Most impor­tant­ly, this blender comes at a very rea­son­able price. It does a com­pa­ra­ble job to the NutriBul­let 600W but costs slight­ly cheap­er than the NutriBullet.

The next two blenders — Hamil­ton Beach 800 W Blender and Oster MyBlend Pro Series BLSTPB2-GTL- have very sim­i­lar para­me­ters, and both are very new on the mar­ket. They have a sim­i­lar design, good qual­i­ty durable cups, very sim­i­lar pow­er, and qual­i­ty of blend­ing. Nei­ther will han­dle a milling/grinding job very well but will make excel­lent qual­i­ty smooth­ies. But they look trendy, are offered at a very attrac­tive price, and although they are new mod­els on the mar­ket, both seem quite durable.

The Conair Cuisi­nart CPB-300 does not offer a very pow­er­ful motor but has won its cus­tomers over for its dura­bil­i­ty, func­tion­al­i­ty, and good brand reputation.

The Epi­ca blender is also a very new blender on the mar­ket, but it is well-made, durable, and sold very attractive.

So, there is a large selec­tion of decent and afford­able per­son­al-size blenders as an alter­na­tive to the over-mar­ket­ed Nutri Nin­ja and NutriBul­let. But, if you do a lit­tle research and home­work, you will not buy the most adver­tised ones on impulse.

Posted in Personal Blenders, Best Products

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