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Best Air Fryers of 2025 to Buy in the USA

Are you chal­lenged with the task of find­ing the best air fry­ers of 2025 brands for your cook­ing needs? The best air fry­ers make every­thing from guilt-free chips to roasts and are avail­able from a wide range of pop­u­lar kitchen appli­ance brands like Nin­ja, Instant, Hamil­ton Beach, Tefal, and oth­ers. How­ev­er, the most val­ued fea­ture of the air fry­er is that instead of rely­ing on a cup of oil like tra­di­tion­al deep fry­ers, all the air fry­er needs is a few drops of oil to cre­ate that crispy crunch tex­ture. At the same time, some air fry­er recipes omit the oil alto­geth­er. Despite the name, an air fry­er does not fry your food. Instead, it cir­cu­lates hot air around your food to crisp the out­side, sim­i­lar to how your con­vec­tion oven works.

Anoth­er great thing about the air fry­er is its speed: the gad­get takes less time to reach the desired cook­ing tem­per­a­ture than a reg­u­lar oven. In fact, many air fry­er recipes can be made in 20 min­utes or less, which is per­fect for peo­ple with busy schedules.

Thus invest­ing in an air fry­er can help you make your favorite recipes a lit­tle more nutri­tious and faster, and many come with extra func­tions that make meal prep easier.

“An air fry­er will cook your food faster, using hot air that cir­cu­lates around the food,” explains Hap­py­S­trongHealthy cre­ator Gina A. Wern­er, RD.
See a few of the top brands below.

Read More: Best Blenders for Mar­gar­i­tas 2023 

Table of Contents

List of Best Air Fryers of 2025 to Buy in the USA

#1 Best Air Fryer 2023 Overall Cosori Pro Air Fryer

Best Air Fryer 2023 Overall Cosori Pro Air Fryer

You would nev­er guess that this award-win­ning, sleek, com­pact design 5.8‑quart air fry­er can roast a whole 5‑pound chick­en and cook any­where from 170 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

The 12 one-touch pre­sets take the guess­work out of cook­ing seafood, bacon, steak, desserts, and oth­er foods. It will be appre­ci­at­ed by those who are new to air fry­ing. Plus, this air fry­er comes with a cook­book of 100 break­fast recipes, lunch­es, din­ners, and desserts.

One of the most pop­u­lar and well-reviewed air fry­ers on Ama­zon, the Cosori Pro, has under­gone a redesign and now has an even more user-friend­ly inter­face. Pre­sets are cus­tomiz­able, and there’s an option to remind you to shake the bas­ket between cook­ing times, which comes in handy if you for­get to flip your chick­en tenders.

I can speak from per­son­al expe­ri­ence to the speedy cook­ing times of this mod­el. In addi­tion, the air fry­er is small­er than my old one but has a larg­er capac­i­ty, so I can cook more using more of my counter space.

In terms of per­for­mance, it even out­per­forms my pre­vi­ous air fry­er. It roasts pota­toes, cau­li­flower wings, and banana chips more even­ly than I’m used to, and I appre­ci­ate the reminder to shake the bas­ket or flip the con­tents. Of course, the cher­ry on top is the com­pet­i­tive price tag — for an intel­li­gent device, that’s a pret­ty good price.

Pros and Cons of Over­all Cosori Pro Air Fryer


  • Big enough to serve up to five peo­ple at a time;
  • 12 cook­ing functions;
  • It reminds you to shake the bas­ket while cooking;


  • It can be noisy.

#2 Cosori Pro LE Air Fryer L501

Cosori Pro LE Air Fryer L501

If you want a bud­get-friend­ly air fry­er that’s as styl­ish as it is effi­cient, the Cosori Pro LE Air Fry­er L501 is worth con­sid­er­ing. Unlike any air fry­er we have test­ed before, the LED and touch con­trol pan­el is locat­ed on the glossy top of this kitchen gad­get, giv­ing it a sleek look.

Upon test­ing, we found that the Air Fry­er pro­duced crisp, crunchy fries with soft, crispy pota­toes and juicy chick­en wings. How­ev­er, it strug­gled to brown food even­ly, so we found our­selves chang­ing cook­ing times, and it was­n’t help­ful when cook­ing frozen meals.

It has sev­en pre­sets for dish­es like bacon, seafood, and cake. It also has a stir­ring reminder, which can be acti­vat­ed when set­ting a cook­ing time that will alert you halfway through cook­ing so you can switch foods for a tasti­er meal.

Pros and Cons of Cosori Pro LE Air Fry­er L501


  • Make crispy fries and chick­en wings;
    Sleek, min­i­mal­ist design;
    Sev­en pre­sets for dish­es like bacon and seafood;


  • Strug­gling with frozen meals;
  • Achiev­ing even­ly browned results requires some experimentation.

#3 Best Budget Air Fryer 2023: Chefman 4‑in‑1 Air Fryer

Best Budget Air Fryer 2023: Chefman 4-in-1 Air Fryer

Home cooks on a bud­get don’t have to miss out on air fry­er action. The 6.3‑quart capac­i­ty by Schiff­man is under $90, although the price varies depend­ing on the size you choose. Tem­per­a­tures range from 90 to 400 F.

Volpe rec­om­mends this mod­el because of the BPA-free mate­r­i­al. “This is great for any­one try­ing to keep track of hor­mone bal­ance. BPA, which stands for Bisphe­nol A, can dis­rupt hormones,

She also likes it because it’s so ver­sa­tile: this air fry­er comes with a few acces­sories to help you use its var­i­ous func­tions. For exam­ple, instead of a stan­dard bas­ket, it uses a rotis­serie bas­ket. You can also cook a whole chick­en on a rotis­serie split. This mod­el also comes with two remov­able racks for some­one a lit­tle more tra­di­tion­al so that users can cook mul­ti­ple dish­es at once.

Pros and Cons of Chef­man 4‑in‑1 Air Fryer


  • The view­ing win­dow allows you to check the food with­out remov­ing it;
  • Capac­i­ty is high­er than sim­i­lar models;
  • Inte­grat­ed air fil­ter reduces food odors;


  • The drip tray is not big enough to hold all the grease.

#4 Ninja Foodi Max Dual Zone Air Fryer AF400

Ninja Foodi Max Dual Zone Air Fryer AF400

This air fry­er has two sep­a­rate com­part­ments, so you can cook two dish­es ready to serve simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. In our review, we were impressed with how quick­ly the air fry­er crisped and browned our fries evenly.

The two cook­ing draw­ers, with crisper plates inside, have a total capac­i­ty of 10-quart / 9.5 liters and are deep enough to hold 3lb/1.4kg of fries or 4.4 lb/2 kg of chick­en. Nin­ja also offers a small­er capac­i­ty ver­sion, which holds 8 quarts / 7.6 liters, and is known as the Nin­ja Foo­di Dual Zone Air Fry­er AF300.

This handy kitchen gad­get can roast, dehy­drate, bake, reheat, and air fry, although, like most air fry­ers, the reheat func­tion can’t replace a microwave. We were impressed that each com­part­ment can be used for dif­fer­ent cook­ing meth­ods simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, and the ‘Sync’ fea­ture ensures that both cham­bers cook simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, so you’ll nev­er have to over­cook your food. No wait­ing for a por­tion to cook. It’s one of the larg­er air fry­ers we’ve test­ed and takes up a lot of work­top space. How­ev­er, it looks styl­ish with a glossy black fin­ish and sil­ver accents.

Pros and Cons of Nin­ja Foo­di Max Dual Zone Air Fry­er AF400


  • Dual zones make it a ver­sa­tile device;
  • Great poten­tial;
  • Good range of cook­ing methods;


  • Rather takes up a lot of space;
    A reminder to change the func­tion is lacking.

#5 Best Dual Basket Air Fryer: Ninja Foodi 2‑Basket Air Fryer

Best Dual Basket Air Fryer Ninja Foodi 2-Basket Air Fryer

Imag­ine being able to use a lit­tle device to pre­pare a full sup­per with­out hav­ing to cook each com­po­nent sep­a­rate­ly. That’s the real­i­ty of thou­sands of hap­py cus­tomers of Nin­ja’s unique dual-bas­ket air fryer.

This type fea­tures two side-by-side bas­kets that each con­tain 4 quarts instead of one bas­ket that may car­ry 5 to 6 quarts. You may thus pre­pare your pro­tein in one bas­ket while prepar­ing your veg­gies in anoth­er. In addi­tion, you do not need to use both bas­kets at night; you can just use one because they work independently.

Foods pre­pared in this air fry­er by actu­al review­ers include steak and baked pota­toes, salmon and aspara­gus, and chick­en nuggets and tater tots.. With its ver­sa­til­i­ty, the sky is the lim­it. This air fry­er can broil, dehy­drate, bake, reheat, and more with a max­i­mum tem­per­a­ture of up to 450 F.

Pros and Cons of Nin­ja Foo­di 2‑Basket Air Fryer


  • Heats up to 450 F;
  • Two bas­kets for inde­pen­dent cooking;
  • The “Smart Fin­ish” fea­ture ensures that both bas­kets fin­ish cook­ing at the same time;


  • Take up a lot of space;
  • More expen­sive than oth­er models;
  • Each bas­ket has less capac­i­ty than one basket.

#6 Cuisinart TOA-60 Air Fryer 2023 Toaster Oven

Cuisinart TOA-60 Air Fryer 2023 Toaster Oven

While most of the choic­es on this list are bas­ket fry­ers, this offer­ing from Cuisi­nart rais­es the bar with its mini oven or oven toast­er design. The Cuisi­nart TOA-60 Air Fry­er Mini Oven is a lit­tle more expen­sive than oth­ers, but you get a lot of bang for your buck because it offers every cook­ing func­tion you could ever need.

It does not just air fry, roast, bake and reheat. It also makes con­vec­tion bakes and con­vec­tion broils. And we found it to be a pow­er­ful air fry­er with sev­en func­tions that per­formed well dur­ing test­ing. Just keep in mind that, as in our expe­ri­ence, get­ting cook­ing times and tem­per­a­tures right requires a bit of tweak­ing and guesswork.

Final­ly, while the air-fry­ing func­tion does not make full use of its gen­er­ous capac­i­ty, its spa­cious inte­ri­or pro­vides more real estate to spread your food around dur­ing cook­ing. Plus, you’re also sav­ing counter space since there are sev­er­al cook­ing appli­ances in one.

Pros and Cons of Cuisi­nart TOA-60 Air Fry­er 2023 Toast­er Oven


  • The sev­en func­tions of cooking;
  • Qui­et and discreet;
  • Plen­ty of space;


  • The door may be obscured;
  • Takes up a lot of counter space;
  • Expen­sive.

#7 Best Air Fryer 2023 for Small Kitchens: Instant Vortex 2‑Quart Mini

Best Air Fryer 2023 for Small Kitchens: Instant Vortex 2-Quart Mini

Find­ing a counter or stor­age space is a has­sle that comes with every extra appli­ance pur­chase, but not with this air fry­er. As far as air fry­ers go, it’s tiny at just 9 x 11 x 12 inch­es. It is, there­fore, ide­al for those with lit­tle room. Two and four-quart options are avail­able. Typ­i­cal­ly, one serv­ing is equiv­a­lent to one quart.

Even small-capac­i­ty air fry­ers pre­heat quick­ly, and this one is no excep­tion. It takes almost no time to pre­heat at 400 F, which cuts down on your cook­ing times. And despite how fast it works, review­ers agree that it cooks even­ly and efficiently.

That cook­ing for just one per­son finds the 2‑quart size per­fect, although some peo­ple want more room to ensure left­overs for lat­er. Oth­ers have found cre­ative ways to use this air fry­er for more than just fry­ing, like melt­ing cheese and reheat­ing left­over water.

Pros and Cons of Instant Vor­tex 2‑Quart Mini


  • Small foot­print is easy to store;
  • Bud­get-friend­ly price;
  • Smart fea­tures make it easy to use;


  • Small capac­i­ty is not for everyone;
  • No pro­gram­ma­ble options like oth­er models.

 #8 Best All-in-One Air Fryer 2023: Ninja Foodi Indoor Grill and Air Fryer

 Best All-in-One Air Fryer 2023 Ninja Foodi Indoor Grill and Air Fryer

I can per­son­al­ly attest to the ver­sa­til­i­ty of the Nin­ja Food­ie Indoor Grill and Air Fry­er. I want­ed an appli­ance that could cook veg­gie burg­ers but also roast and air fry veg­gies, so I went with this mod­el, and I’m glad I did.

Hav­ing owned sev­er­al air fry­er mod­els, I found this to be the eas­i­est to use. It only has a few pro­gram­ma­ble options, but I per­son­al­ly pre­fer hav­ing few­er but­tons to press.

While the max­i­mum capac­i­ty is 6 quarts, the air fry­er bas­ket can only hold up to 4 quarts. I found it to be on the small side, but it makes up for what it lacks in cook­ing. Apart from air fry­ing, this unit can grill, bake, roast, and dehydrate.

Depend­ing on the food, it can also grill on mul­ti­ple heat set­tings, allow­ing you to grill on low, medi­um, high, and high. It does not fry the same charred tex­ture as a tra­di­tion­al grill, but it gets pret­ty close to air-fry­ing instead of deep-frying.

Pros and Cons of Nin­ja Foo­di Indoor Grill and Air Fryer


  • Extreme­ly ver­sa­tile with five cook­ing modes;
  • Heats up to 500 F;
  • Durable stain­less steel construction;


  • It takes up a lot of space;
  • Heavy to move around the kitchen;
  • Small­er air fry­er bas­ket size com­pared to oth­er models.


Posted in Best Products, Other Appliances

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