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5 Best Air Purifier Of 2025: Everything You Need to Know

The kitchen is one of the most impor­tant rooms in every house, but it can also be a source of indoor air pol­lu­tion. In fact, cook­ing can pro­duce many unpleas­ant fumes and odors, as well as trig­ger asth­ma attacks, aller­gies, and oth­er res­pi­ra­to­ry problems.

By remov­ing these con­t­a­m­i­nants and unpleas­ant odors, an air puri­fi­er can help improve indoor air qual­i­ty. How do you choose the best mod­el for your kitchen when there are so many on the market?

A good air puri­fi­er can improve your qual­i­ty of life by reduc­ing aller­gens such as pollen and mold spores and cap­tur­ing bac­te­ria, virus­es, and smoke from wild­fires, among oth­er con­t­a­m­i­nants. To be con­sid­ered great, an air puri­fi­er must func­tion well and be robust­ly engi­neered and thought­ful­ly designed. To us, this means that the air puri­fi­er should be pow­er­ful enough to clean the air in a large liv­ing room or play­room, qui­et and dark enough to allow you to sleep near the machine in a bed­room, and afford­able enough for you to have mul­ti­ple units through­out your home.

Read More: Best Rice Cook­er in 2023 : Every­thing You Need to Know 

Table of Contents

List of 5 Best Air Purifier Of 2025

 Coway AP-1512HH Air Purifier

 Coway AP-1512HH Air Purifier
Cow­ay AP-1512HH Air Purifier

This air puri­fi­er is specif­i­cal­ly designed for kitchens. It fea­tures a HEPA fil­ter capa­ble of remov­ing 99.97% of all par­ti­cles 0.03 microns or larg­er. The acti­vat­ed car­bon fil­ter on the Cow­ay AP-1512HH Air Puri­fi­er can remove smoke, odours, and chem­i­cals from the air.

Our review of the Cow­ay AP-1512HH will inform you of every aspect of this air puri­fi­er, from its appear­ance and oper­a­tion to its per­for­mance. Using an air par­ti­cle meter, we’ll con­duct a series of tests to deter­mine how well this air puri­fi­er traps and removes par­ti­cles, giv­ing you a good idea of how well the Cow­ay AP-1512HH can per­form in your home.

Blueair Classic 480i Air Purifier

Blueair Classic 480i Air Purifier
Blueair Clas­sic 480i Air Purifier

This air puri­fi­er is specif­i­cal­ly designed for use in kitchens. It fea­tures a HEPA fil­ter capa­ble of remov­ing 99.97% of all par­ti­cles 0.03 microns or larg­er. The Blueair Clas­sic 480i Air Puri­fi­er includes an acti­vat­ed car­bon fil­ter that can elim­i­nate smoke, odors, and chemicals.

Ide­al for rooms between 300 square feet and 400 square feet in size. (As per AHAM, 434 square feet.) Exam­ples include bed­rooms, small liv­ing rooms, kitchens, and offices.
Ide­al for med­ical and den­tal offices with heavy foot traf­fic. The built-in sen­sor adjusts the fan speed auto­mat­i­cal­ly by scan­ning the air in real time.
99.97% of air­borne pol­lu­tants, includ­ing dust, mold, pet dan­der, and pollen, are cap­tured by Hepasi­lent Tech­nol­o­gy. Addi­tion­al­ly, it cap­tures virus­es and bac­te­ria, such as the nov­el air­borne coronavirus.
Dual pro­tec­tion fil­ters with acti­vat­ed coconut car­bon WiFi-enabled for con­trol via the Blueair friend app and com­pat­i­ble with Ama­zon Alexa.

Honeywell HPA300 Air Purifier

Honeywell HPA300 Air Purifier
Hon­ey­well HPA300 Air Purifier

This air puri­fi­er is intend­ed for larg­er spaces. It fea­tures a HEPA fil­ter capa­ble of remov­ing 99.97% of all par­ti­cles 0.03 microns or larg­er. The acti­vat­ed car­bon fil­ter on the Hon­ey­well HPA300 Air Puri­fi­er can remove smoke, odors, and chem­i­cals from the air.

This Hon­ey­well air puri­fi­er is pri­mar­i­ly fil­ter-based and portable.
  • a fil­ter indicator
  • pro­gram­ma­ble timer
  • 4 speeds.
It is intend­ed for floor or table­top use in an area mea­sur­ing 465 square feet and weighs 17.76 pounds.
We antic­i­pate iden­ti­cal per­for­mance from the white Hon­ey­well HPA304 vari­ant of this model.

The Hon­ey­well HPA300 is test­ed as part of Con­sumer Reports’ Air Puri­fiers pro­gram. In our lab­o­ra­to­ry tests, mod­els of Room Air Puri­fiers such as the HPA300 are eval­u­at­ed based on mul­ti­ple cri­te­ria, includ­ing those list­ed below.

Dust, pollen, smoke removal (low) Dust, pollen, and smoke removal refers to how well a mod­el removed fine clay dust and cig­a­rette smoke from the air when oper­at­ing at a low speed that was typ­i­cal­ly one set­ting above the low­est speed. The low­est speed on a num­ber of mod­els is not as effec­tive at clean­ing the air. A mod­el that is effec­tive at remov­ing dust should also be effec­tive at remov­ing pollen.

Dust, pollen, smoke removal (high) Dust, pollen, and smoke removal refer to a mod­el’s abil­i­ty to clear the air of fine clay dust and cig­a­rette smoke when oper­at­ing at its max­i­mum speed. A mod­el that is effec­tive at remov­ing dust should also be effec­tive at remov­ing pollen.

Noise (low speed) (low speed) With the mod­el oper­at­ing at a slow speed, noise is derived from instru­ment read­ings. The low­est speed may result in even qui­eter oper­a­tion, but it will be less effec­tive at air purification.

LEVOIT Air Purifier

LEVOIT Air Purifier
LEVOIT Air Purifier

This unit is equipped with a HEPA fil­ter that can remove 99.97% of par­ti­cles 0.03 microns or larg­er. In addi­tion to a True HEPA fil­ter, the LEVOIT Air Puri­fi­er for Home with Acti­vat­ed Car­bon Fil­ter can remove smoke, odors, and chem­i­cals from the air. This air puri­fi­er is qui­et and has a sleek design, mak­ing it an attrac­tive addi­tion to any kitchen.

The Lev­oit Core 400S ranks high­ly in our unbi­ased rat­ings and is an excel­lent option for those who need to puri­fy the air in a space no larg­er than 403 square feet. A nylon pre-fil­ter, an H13 True HEPA fil­ter, and an acti­vat­ed car­bon fil­ter are uti­lized. These fil­ters should last between six and twelve months. The cost to replace the fil­ters is $50. The Lev­oit Core 400S is one of the least expen­sive air puri­fiers in our com­par­i­son at $219.99.

Medify MA-25 Air Purifier with H13 HEPA filter

Medify MA-25 Air Purifier with H13 HEPA filter
Med­i­fy MA-25 Air Puri­fi­er with H13 HEPA filter

The H13 HEPA fil­ter-equipped Med­i­fy MA-25 Air Puri­fi­er is anoth­er excel­lent option for a kitchen air puri­fi­er. This device includes a pre-fil­ter, an acti­vat­ed car­bon fil­ter, and an H13 HEPA fil­ter as part of its three-stage fil­tra­tion sys­tem. With an H13 HEPA fil­ter, the Med­i­fy MA-25 Air Puri­fi­er can remove 99.97% of all par­ti­cles 0.03 microns or larg­er. Addi­tion­al­ly, this unit is very qui­et and has a sleek, con­tem­po­rary design.

Cleans up to 1,000 square feet in one hour, 500 square feet in thir­ty min­utes, and 250 square feet in fif­teen min­utes. [*Based on the aver­age CADR for pollen, smoke, and dust at fan set­ting 3 Assumes an enclosed space with an 8‑foot ceil­ing.] Per­fect for rooms of aver­age size.
HEPA H13 FILTRATION: Proven to remove 99.9% of harm­ful par­ti­cles, includ­ing aller­gens, odors, VOCs, smoke, pollen, pet dan­der, dust, smog, and con­t­a­m­i­nants, down to 0.1 microns in size. Cap­tures par­ti­cles small­er than HEPA H11 (0.3 microns).

ULTRA QUIET: Choose from three fan speeds, the low­est of which is vir­tu­al­ly silent. The min­i­mum noise lev­el is 35dB, and the max­i­mum noise lev­el is 51dB at 110 Volts. Enable sleep mode to com­plete­ly dim the pan­el lights for the most dis­crete oper­a­tion possible.

Includes a sleek touch­screen oper­a­tion pan­el with a 0–8 hour timer, fan speed, sleep mode, fil­ter replace­ment indi­ca­tor, and child lock, mak­ing it ide­al for chil­dren and pets.
TESTED AND BACKED FOR QUALITY: CARB, ETL, and Ener­gy Star cer­ti­fied. When gen­uine Med­i­fy replace­ment fil­ters are used, they are backed by a US-reg­is­tered life­time war­ran­ty. The replace­ment fil­ter (B081NWVMCH) lasts approx­i­mate­ly 3–4 months or 2,500 hours.


Posted in Best Products, Other Appliances

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