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5 Best Blenders for Juicing 2025

Best Blenders for Juic­ing 2025: Juic­ing is a great way to add addi­tion­al nutri­ents to your diet or sim­ply to enjoy your fruits and veg­eta­bles. For­tu­nate­ly, a ded­i­cat­ed juicer is not required to make deli­cious, healthy juice at home. You can juice to your heart’s con­tent if you choose the right blender.

But how can one locate a mod­el that will per­form well as a juicer? With this guide to the five (5) best blenders for juic­ing, we hope to be of assis­tance. We com­pared a few para­me­ters such as design, price, dura­bil­i­ty, juice qual­i­ty, and war­ran­ty for the list of most pop­u­lar pow­er­ful blenders avail­able on the mar­ket in order to assist you in your pur­chas­ing decision.

Read More: 5 Best Juicers for Oranges, Grape­fruits and oth­er Cit­rus Fruits — 2023 Guide

Table of Contents

List of 5 Best Blenders for Juicing 2025

Oster Pro 1200 Juice Blender

Oster Pro 1200 Juice Blender
Oster Pro 1200 Juice Blender

Are you attempt­ing to stretch your bud­get? The Oster BLSTMB-CBG-000 Blender is the most cost-effec­tive blender for juic­ing among the mod­els we evaluated.

This light­weight, sev­en-pound machine has a well-designed, fea­ture-rich body and is priced very rea­son­ably. The user-friend­ly inter­face fea­tures three man­u­al speeds and three intel­li­gent pre­sets, includ­ing but­tons for green and frozen smooth­ies. The motor reach­es a max­i­mum of 1,200 watts, so you will have no trou­ble com­plete­ly juic­ing your pro­duce. This blender includes a 48-ounce glass blend­ing con­tain­er and a 24-ounce smooth­ie cup with blend­ing capability.

Dur­ing test­ing, we dis­cov­ered that this mod­el per­formed par­tic­u­lar­ly well with green prod­ucts and seeds. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the dual-direc­tion blades are not as durable, and the mix­ture is quite noisy. There were also reports that replace­ment acces­sories were dif­fi­cult to locate. Oster pro­vides a 10-year war­ran­ty on all-met­al dri­ves and a 3‑year sat­is­fac­tion guarantee.


  • Sev­en speeds with intel­li­gent presets
  • Dri­ve motor with a 1,200-watt output
  • Afford­able and lightweight
  • Styl­ish with an intu­itive user interface
  • Supe­ri­or glass jar and smooth­ie cup that is dishwasher-safe
  • Par­tic­u­lar­ly effec­tive on greens and seeds.


  • Replace­ment parts can be dif­fi­cult to locate.
  • Less durable blades
  • Very loud

Ninja BL770 Blender For Juicing

Ninja BL770 Blender For Juicing
Nin­ja BL770 Blender For Juicing

Our pre­ferred juicer blender is the Nin­ja BL770 Mega Kitchen Sys­tem, a rea­son­ably priced, pow­er­ful blender with blend­ing, chop­ping, and sin­gle-serve capabilities.

This blender, which weighs 9.2 pounds and has a 1,500-watt motor, can juice any fruit or veg­etable you throw at it. The pack­age con­tains a 72-ounce plas­tic pitch­er, a 64-ounce food pro­cess­ing bowl, and two 16-ounce trav­el cups with lids. In addi­tion, it includes blade assem­blies for blend­ing, chop­ping, and sin­gle-serv­ing blend­ing. The five-but­ton inter­face is sim­ple and con­tem­po­rary, and we appre­ci­at­ed the sin­gle-serve but­ton. You can juice direct­ly into a trav­el cup, which is very con­ve­nient for juice lovers on the go.

Extreme­ly sharp stain­less steel blades make them more dif­fi­cult to clean. We dis­cov­ered through test­ing that the plas­tic con­tain­ers are not par­tic­u­lar­ly durable and may crack under heavy use. Nin­ja pro­vides a one-year war­ran­ty, but it only cov­ers the motor, and the com­pa­ny charges ship­ping fees regard­less of the war­ran­ty status.


  • Ele­gant with a straight­for­ward interface
  • It con­tains mul­ti­ple blend­ing ves­sels and blade assemblies
  • Well-designed for sin­gle-serve juicing
  • One year of coverage
  • afford­able and rel­a­tive­ly lightweight
  • Strong motor and blades


  • The war­ran­ty only cov­ers the motor, and ship­ping costs are charged.
  • Less durable con­tain­ers may crack
  • More dif­fi­cult to clean

Vitamix 1782 Blender

Vitamix 1782 Blender
Vita­mix 1782 Blender

The Vita­mix 1782 Tur­boBlend Two Speed Blender is an expen­sive mod­el that offers very smooth blend­ing and juic­ing, stur­dy blades, and a straight­for­ward interface.

This 10-pound blender fea­tures a 64-ounce Tri­tan blend­ing pitch­er and durable stain­less steel blades with laser-cut edges. The blender has a sim­ple inter­face with only two but­tons and two speeds, but it can be used for a vari­ety of cook­ing tech­niques and can han­dle hot liq­uids. The two-horse­pow­er motor is equipped with a radi­al cool­ing fan and ther­mal pro­tec­tion, so you can be con­fi­dent that it will not over­heat even when juic­ing tough produce.

The tam­per, which can be used through the lid while juic­ing and has a col­lar to pre­vent it from hit­ting the blades, is our favorite fea­ture. We dis­cov­ered that this machine is effec­tive at blend­ing and juic­ing, despite being fair­ly loud and lack­ing in speeds and pre­sets. We did not find this mod­el to be as high-end or durable as its price would indi­cate. The Tur­boBlend is backed by a five-year war­ran­ty that includes all acces­sories from Vitamix.


  • Easy inter­face
  • Motor with cool­ing fan and pro­tec­tion against overheating
  • A five-year war­ran­ty cov­ers accessories
  • Durable stain­less steel blades
  • Extreme­ly seam­less juic­ing and blending.


  • More cost­ly and heavier
  • Few speeds and no pre­sets or intel­li­gent features
  • Less durable plas­tic pitcher

Breville BBL620 Juicer Blender

Breville BBL620 Juicer Blender
Bre­ville BBL620 Juicer Blender

The Bre­ville BBL620 Fresh & Furi­ous Blender has a num­ber of use­ful fea­tures, but it is rel­a­tive­ly expen­sive, not very durable, and has a weak­er motor.

This 11.35-pound appli­ance has blades made of stain­less steel, a 50-ounce Tri­tan pitch­er, and auto­mat­ic over­load pro­tec­tion. Although the design of the blender con­tain­er is intrigu­ing, the mod­el’s com­pli­cat­ed inter­face and sil­ver plas­tic body make it feel less expen­sive than its price. The inter­face fea­tures a timer and three pre­de­fined pro­grams, includ­ing smooth­ie and green smooth­ie options. We liked the ded­i­cat­ed self-clean­ing but­ton, and the includ­ed juic­ing cone dur­ing testing.

Even with the attached ring pull, we found it dif­fi­cult to remove the lid. This was our least favorite fea­ture. This blender was also extreme­ly loud, with less durable plas­tic com­po­nents and a motor that fre­quent­ly seized. Bre­ville pro­vides a one-year stan­dard warranty.


  • Mul­ti­ple pre-sets, a timer, and a self-clean­ing button.
  • It con­tains a juic­ing cone
  • One year of coverage
  • Attrac­tive con­tain­er for blend­ing and stur­dy blades


  • More cost­ly and heavier
  • Dif­fi­cult interface
  • Very loud
  • Less durable plas­tic components
  • The motor may fre­quent­ly stall

Blendtec Total Classic Blender

Blendtec Total Classic Blender
Blendtec Total Clas­sic Blender

The Blendtec TB-621–20 Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal Blender is an expen­sive blender with addi­tion­al fea­tures that is nei­ther as durable nor as aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing as we would like.

Giv­en all of its fea­tures, this blender is sur­pris­ing­ly light­weight at 7.28 pounds. The user-friend­ly inter­face pro­vides six pre-pro­grammed cycles, ten vari­able speeds, and a pulse func­tion. The two-tip stain­less steel blade is designed to be dull, mak­ing it safer and eas­i­er to clean, while the 1,560-watt motor can han­dle the tough­est ingre­di­ents. The BPA-free jar has a 32-ounce capac­i­ty and a fifth wall designed to pull ingre­di­ents into the blade with­out the need for a tamper.

This blender lacks visu­al appeal, but we appre­ci­at­ed its self-clean­ing but­ton and pow­er­ful motor, which eas­i­ly crushed ice. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it is extreme­ly loud, and the gas­kets and plas­tic com­po­nents are not robust enough for fre­quent use. Blendtec pro­vides an excel­lent eight-year war­ran­ty and sat­is­fac­to­ry cus­tomer service.


  • Numer­ous speeds and settings
  • Strong motor and robust, dull blades
  • Excel­lent eight-year warranty
  • Auto­mat­ic-clean­ing button
  • Blend­ing and juic­ing with ease
  • Light­weight


  • More expen­sive
  • Not very fashionable
  • Very loud
  • Less robust gas­kets and plas­tic parts


Posted in Best Products, Blenders

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