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Best Coffee Grinders 2025

Best Cof­fee Grinders 2025: The most impor­tant appli­ance you can pur­chase for mak­ing bet­ter cof­fee at home is a good burr grinder, not an expen­sive brew­er or fan­cy fil­ters. Even the best beans won’t taste as good if they aren’t ground con­sis­tent­ly, regard­less of how you pre­pare your cof­fee. Since 2015, we have been test­ing grinders (and using our top picks every day) and have dis­cov­ered that the straight­for­ward Baratza Encore pro­duces high-qual­i­ty, ultra-con­sis­tent grind­ing. Addi­tion­al­ly, for a rea­son­able cost, it is sim­ple to main­tain, clean, repair, and even customize.

Read More: Best Bar­tend­ing Kits 2025

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List of Best Coffee Grinders 2025

Fresh Grind Electric Coffee Grinder

Fresh Grind Electric Coffee Grinder
Fresh Grind Elec­tric Cof­fee Grinder

Burr grinders are more expen­sive than blade grinders, but the Hamil­ton Beach Fresh Grind Elec­tric Cof­fee blade grinder is not only more afford­able but also per­forms bet­ter than most. It can con­fi­dent­ly quick­ly and even­ly grind up to 9 table­spoons of cof­fee beans. Addi­tion­al­ly, it’s sim­ple to use by sim­ply press­ing one but­ton. The remov­able grind­ing con­tain­er makes it sim­ple to emp­ty the con­tents into a cof­fee fil­ter, and the clear lid makes it pos­si­ble to see inside to see how your beans are grind­ing. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the sta­t­ic in the con­tain­er caus­es grinds to stick to the sides, which is the only issue we have.

The 6‑, 10‑, and 12-cup cof­fee grounds mark­ings, which were absent from oth­er blade grinders, were par­tic­u­lar­ly well-liked by our experts because they make it eas­i­er to deter­mine how much cof­fee to grind to make a spe­cif­ic size pot. We also adore the base’s con­cealed cord stor­age, which allows you to tuck the cord away when not in use to lessen clut­ter. Final­ly, although we typ­i­cal­ly advise using dif­fer­ent grinders for cof­fee and spices, the brand claims that you can use this one for both.

Baratza Virtuoso+

Baratza Virtuoso+

The Burr Set on the Baratza Vir­tu­oso+ is supe­ri­or to the Encore’s in terms of speed and con­sis­ten­cy, and it offers a slight­ly more com­pre­hen­sive range for both fine and coarse grounds. In addi­tion, instead of hav­ing to mea­sure the beans every time you make cof­fee, this grinder, unlike the Encore, has a pre­cise, 60-sec­ond dig­i­tal timer that enables you to grind a pre­de­ter­mined quan­ti­ty of beans from the hopper.

(Hop­per exten­ders can also be added, enabling your Vir­tu­oso+ to hold an entire bag of beans.) A light for the bin is includ­ed with the Vir­tu­oso+, so you can quick­ly see how much you’ve ground. Even so, this mod­el does­n’t grind any more effec­tive­ly than the Encore. If cof­fee is a bud­ding pas­sion or hob­by for you, you’re pay­ing for minor improve­ments that might be significant.

DBM‑8 Supreme Grind Automatic Burr Mill

DBM-8 Supreme Grind Automatic Burr Mill

You can cus­tomize the Cuisi­nart Supreme Grind Auto­mat­ic Burr Mill to your pref­er­ences for a vari­ety of cof­fee styles, includ­ing espres­so, drip cof­fee, French press, and more, thanks to its 18 grind sizes. The coars­est grind set­ting is ide­al for a cold brew and French press, the medi­um grind set­ting is suit­able for drip and pour-over, and the fine grind set­ting is good for espresso.

Addi­tion­al­ly, a mov­able dial that can be set to grind a batch of beans for 4 to 18 cups of cof­fee brew­ing is includ­ed. In con­trast, we found it to be loud­er than a few of the machines we test­ed dur­ing our tests. A tiny hole in the grounds con­tain­er allows for a mess-free trans­fer of the grounds into a cof­fee fil­ter. With just one hand, we were able to quick­ly and eas­i­ly replace the con­tain­er in the base. The grinder includes a clean­ing brush and dual-pur­pose cof­fee scoop.

Timemore Chestnut C2 Manual Coffee Grinder

Timemore Chestnut C2 Manual Coffee Grinder

The Chest­nut C2 Man­u­al Cof­fee Grinder is the best option under $100 if you’re on a tight bud­get, have a tiny kitchen, or want a more portable or off-the-grid burr cof­fee grinder. Cof­fee pro­fes­sion­als val­ue Timem­o­re’s man­u­al grinders; the C2 is the com­pa­ny’s most afford­able grinder. Time gave the C2 a slight­ly less com­plex burr and crank arm, which is still eas­i­ly detach­able for stor­age or trav­el. In order to sell the C2 for a low­er price than its high­er-end mod­els, Time sub­sti­tut­ed durable, high-qual­i­ty plas­tic for the met­al in those models.

The C2 is sol­id and well-built, and its grind­ing action is impres­sive­ly quick and smooth. Some options have an alu­minum sur­face that is grip­py and peb­bly. The C2 is not intend­ed for espres­so mak­ing, like the elec­tric mod­els in this guide, and because it is much small­er than an elec­tric grinder, it can only pro­duce enough grounds for one or two cups of cof­fee at a time. But even crank­ing slow­ly, it only takes a few min­utes to grind through that, and it is sim­ple to refill.

Ode Brew Grinder Gen 2

The Ode Brew Grinder Gen 2 is easy to spot thanks to its clean aes­thet­ic and con­tem­po­rary mat­te fin­ish. In our tests, it oper­at­ed intu­itive­ly, and we appre­ci­ate that the lid shows the grind set­tings for var­i­ous cof­fee prepa­ra­tion meth­ods, includ­ing drip, pour-over, Aero­press, and more, mak­ing it sim­ple to locate your grind set­ting with­out con­sult­ing the instruc­tion book.

This cof­fee grinder is ide­al for those who pre­fer a fresh grind of cof­fee every morn­ing because it is made to deliv­er one dose of grounds at a time to max­i­mize the cof­fee’s fresh­ness (If you want to grind in bulk batch­es, this one might not be for you.)

Our experts dis­cov­ered that the grind set­tings were pre­cise for medi­um and coarse grinds. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the fine grind set­ting was­n’t as pre­cise or reli­able, pro­duc­ing a mix­ture of coarse, medi­um, and fine grounds at var­i­ous ratios each time we ground a batch of beans. Accord­ing to the man­u­fac­tur­er, the machine can­not pro­duce fine grounds for bev­er­ages like espresso.

We were impressed by the pow­er­ful mag­net­ic base that held the ground cup in place as well as how sim­ple it was to fill the hop­per thanks to its large open­ing. Using one table­spoon of ground cof­fee per cup can hold up to 100 grams of beans, which is enough for a drip cof­fee mak­er that makes 10 to 12 cups. Because it isn’t as tall as oth­er cof­fee grinders, it is sim­ple to store under cabinets.

Silent Vortex Electric Grinder

The Krups Silent Vor­tex Elec­tric Grinder was the qui­etest blade grinder we test­ed after a few unavoid­able clang­ing puls­es. Although not silent, it had a muf­fled sound that would be advan­ta­geous for any home­’s sleep­ing res­i­dents (not to men­tion neigh­bors, for those in thin-walled apartments).

It can grind enough cof­fee for up to 12 cups and is qui­et while pro­duc­ing even grounds quick­ly. There are no grind size set­tings, so you will need to watch the grind time to achieve the desired size care­ful­ly. Apart­ment dwellers with a small­er counter or less stor­age will find the small foot­print to be even more ide­al. The stain­less steel grind con­tain­er has a lid to keep any left­over grounds fresh and is dish­wash­er safe.

Posted in Best Products, Buying Advice

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