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Best Cold Press Juicers 2023

Best Cold Press Juicers: It sounds like a dream to start your day with fresh­ly squeezed juice packed with vit­a­mins and nutri­ents, but you’ll need a good juicer to make it hap­pen. Whether you enjoy start­ing your day with a hydrat­ing cucum­ber green juice or pre­fer to end it with a hol­i­day cock­tail made with fresh juices, invest­ing in a cold press juicer (also known as a mas­ti­cat­ing or slow juicer) is worth­while. And don’t for­get about all the advan­tages of fresh fruit and veg­etable juice for boost­ing immu­ni­ty, par­tic­u­lar­ly dur­ing the cold and flu sea­son. Accord­ing to experts, cold press juicers’ slow juic­ing method pre­serves more nutri­ents and is gen­tler on the ingre­di­ents than oth­er juicers, like cen­trifu­gal ones.

It can be chal­leng­ing to look for a new cold press juicer. How­ev­er, how do they per­form and how long do they actu­al­ly take to clean? The major­i­ty have excel­lent fea­tures and com­pelling claims. The Good House­keep­ing Kitchen Appli­ances and Culi­nary Inno­va­tion Lab eval­u­ate each cold press juicer based on per­for­mance, effi­cien­cy, taste, and tem­per­a­ture by juic­ing hard, fibrous car­rots, flop­py kale, which fre­quent­ly jams machines, and pulpy apples with a wide diam­e­ter that oxi­dize quick­ly. Over the past two decades, we have test­ed more than 50 juicers.

Read More: Best Cheap Chi­nese Knock­off Juicers

Table of Contents

List of  Best Cold Press Juicers

Cold Press Pro

Cold Press Pro

With a sim­ple one-touch bot­tom that enables you to start, stop, and reverse your juicer all with one touch, the Nin­ja Cold Press Pro is a small hor­i­zon­tal cold press juicer. Addi­tion­al­ly, com­pared to rival juicer mod­els, this juicer is much more afford­able at its cur­rent price. Since this mod­el is small and does­n’t take up much space on your coun­ter­top or inside your cup­board, stor­age is also made simple.

In our tests, this mod­el gen­er­at­ed sweet-tast­ing car­rots and apple juice. Both juices stayed below 70o F, which is cru­cial because the cool­er the tem­per­a­ture of the juice, the more vit­a­mins, min­er­als, enzymes, and fla­vor are retained. There was a tiny bit of pulp in the apple juice but none in the car­rot juice. This juicer oper­ates a lit­tle slow­er than oth­er mod­els and has a small­er feed tube, so you must cut fruits and veg­eta­bles into small­er pieces.

How­ev­er, for the price, it’s a great buy due to the juice’s qual­i­ty and sim­plic­i­ty of clean­ing. Addi­tion­al­ly, it includes a clean­ing brush, which we did­n’t use as much as we did with oth­er mod­els. With the excep­tion of the motor base, all the pieces are dish­wash­er-safe, includ­ing the three strain­ers that come with it.

Pros and Cons of Cold Press Pro


  • com­pact style
  • sim­ple to clean
  • To alter the amount of pulp in the juice, use three strainers.


  • Small feed tube

Whole Slow Juicer

Whole Slow Juicer

The Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer is the only cold press juicer you need if you want it to do almost any­thing. It scored near­ly per­fect in our tests for ease of assem­bly, oper­a­tion, and clean­ing. Your prepa­ra­tion does­n’t need to be as exact because it has a 3.2‑inch wide-mouth feed tube, but it still effec­tive­ly liq­ue­fies thin­ner ingredients.

If you want to remove more pulp before drink­ing, the machine also comes with an extra-fine mesh strain­er, but our testers did­n’t find that it was nec­es­sary because the juice it pro­duced was already large­ly pulp-free. There are two brush­es and a spe­cial­ized clean­ing tool for clean­ing, which makes cleanup sim­pler. Addi­tion­al­ly, Kuvings backs up its goods with a 10-year lim­it­ed warranty.

Pros and Cons


  • Eas­i­ly put together
  • sim­ple to clean
  • a large feed tube


  • Rel­a­tive­ly loud
  • Pricey

Slow Masticating Juicer

Slow Masticating Juicer

Over 4,500 peo­ple have giv­en this cold press juicer five stars on Ama­zon, most­ly because of com­ments about how sim­ple it is to set up, oper­ate, and clean. We have not yet had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to test this cold press mas­ti­cat­ing juicer, but we are eager to do so giv­en the pos­i­tive reviews. This juicer mod­el is very rea­son­ably priced and avail­able in a vari­ety of col­ors to go with your kitchen’s design.

Since your hand can­not fit inside the feed tube of this cold press juicer, the man­u­fac­tur­er claims that it pre­vents injury. How­ev­er, this means more prepa­ra­tion is required to make sure that all fruits and veg­eta­bles are pre­pared to fit inside the feed tube. All parts—with the excep­tion of the motor—are dish­wash­er-safe, but a brush is pro­vid­ed for clean­ing. The AMZCHEF juicer offers life­time tech­ni­cal and cus­tomer sup­port in addi­tion to a two-year warranty.

Pros and Cons of Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer


  • Afford­able
  • Review­ers adore how sim­ple it is to put togeth­er, use, and clean.
  • Dish­wash­er-safe


  • Small feed tube

Easy Clean Slow Juicer

Easy Clean Slow Juicer

For some­one who is new to juic­ing, the Cuisi­nart Easy Clean Slow Juicer is a good option. It is a small, inex­pen­sive, ver­ti­cal cold press juicer that is sim­ple to assem­ble. You can either open the larg­er feed tube or feed larg­er or mul­ti­ple ingre­di­ents at once through the small hole on top. While a whole apple did fit inside the 3.5‑inch feed tube when we tried it, it was very dif­fi­cult to push it through the machine. Still, cut­ting apples in half makes them eas­i­er to use.

In our exper­i­ment, the Cuisi­nart pro­duced bright green, extreme­ly sweet apple juice, but there was also a 1/4‑inch lay­er of foam on top. Although foam isn’t harm­ful, it can grow in size if a juicer runs faster because foam is made of fiber and air. You can either skim it off or mix it back into the juice because it might be off-putting. The juicer is able to extract almost all of the juice from fruits and veg­eta­bles because the pulp that was extrud­ed out the oth­er side was bone dry. This juicer’s lack of a mesh pulp strain­er makes it eas­i­er to clean than those that do, and all of its remov­able parts are top-rack dish­wash­er safe.

Pros and Cons of Easy Clean Slow Juicer


  • Eas­i­ly put together
  • dry bone apple juice pulp
  • Large-capac­i­ty juice pitcher


  • juice that was made with a 1/4‑inch lay­er of foam

Two-Stage Juicer

Two-Stage Juicer

This choice is a siz­able, expen­sive juicer that is incred­i­bly heavy and durable because it is made entire­ly of food-grade stain­less steel. A sys­tem on the left side of the machine grinds pro­duce into a superfine pulp, and a hydraulic press on the right side of the machine squeezes every last drop of juice from the superfine pulp. In a recent lab test, it pro­duced an apple, kale, and car­rot juice with zero sed­i­ments, clean, and sweet fla­vor, as well as an incred­i­bly vivid col­or, min­i­mal foam, and min­i­mal, bone-dry pulp.

Despite the fact that this method of cold press juic­ing requires two steps and some man­u­al labor, once you get the hang of it, you’ll be reward­ed with plen­ty of silky, smooth juice. The juicer comes with a 12-year trans­fer­able war­ran­ty and all stain­less steel parts are dish­wash­er safe in addi­tion to being sim­ple to clean by hand.

Pros and Cons of Two-Stage Juicer


  • Amaz­ing juice results in lab­o­ra­to­ry testing
  • stain­less steel parts that are dishwasher-safe


  • an ardu­ous, mul­ti-step procedure
  • comes with­out a juice pitcher


Posted in Best Products, Juicers

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