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Best Cheap Chinese Knockoff Juicers

It is well known that South Kore­an juicer man­u­fac­tur­ers pro­duce juicers of the high­est qual­i­ty in the juic­ing world. South Korea has invest­ed heav­i­ly in devel­op­ment and tech­nol­o­gy research in its pro­duc­tion facilities.

Through this invest­ment, it has suc­ceed­ed in com­ing up with gen­uine and most rep­utable juicers. How­ev­er, Chi­na has ven­tured into the juicer pro­duc­tion mar­ket but lacks its research and devel­op­ment facil­i­ties. Chi­nese have been copy­ing the best tech­nol­o­gy from the USA and South Korea in their man­u­fac­tur­ing facilities.

Juicer made in Chi­na seems sim­i­lar to the South Kore­an juicers though they are of poor qual­i­ty. Cus­tomers some­times can­not tell their dif­fer­ence unless they are famil­iar with those from South Korea. Although Chi­nese mod­els are of low­er qual­i­ty, they pro­vide rea­son­able ser­vice to the users and are also afford­able. Here, we have select­ed some of the best afford­able Chi­nese knock-offs.

Read More: Best Afford­able Qual­i­ty Juicer — 2021 Reviews.

Table of Contents

How they were selected

Before rat­ing these Chi­nese mod­els, we have con­sid­ered var­i­ous fac­tors that make them stand out among oth­er knock-offs. The first fac­tor is the qual­i­ty of the mod­el. We select­ed the mod­els that can work rea­son­ably. Sec­ond­ly, we chose mod­els that are made from safe mate­ri­als to safe­guard users and enhance clean­ing. Fur­ther­more, we select­ed brands with a long war­ran­ty if the mod­el devel­ops some inef­fi­cien­cies after pur­chase. Our find­ings also con­sid­ered the avail­abil­i­ty of cus­tomer sup­port ser­vices; hence we picked out com­pa­nies that have these after-sale services.

It is worth not­ing that, although Chi­nese juicers pro­vide rea­son­able juic­ing ser­vice, they are made from out­dat­ed tech­nol­o­gy. This is because Chi­na does not invest in the improve­ment of tech­nol­o­gy and func­tion­al­i­ty of juicers but instead copies from Korea. They sim­ply make the best tech­nol­o­gy looka­likes. Some of the best cheap Chi­nese knock-off juicers include the following.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

#1 AMZCHEF Slow Masticating Juicer

AMZCHEF Slow Masticating Juicer

AMZCHEF Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer is a hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer that is man­u­fac­tured in Chi­na and dis­trib­uted under the Aicok brand that was reg­is­tered in 2016.

Motor and pow­er: The juicer comes with a 150 watts pow­er motor that rotates the auger with 80 RPM. This is a slow mas­ti­cat­ing mod­el; hence pre­serves more vit­a­mins, min­er­als, and enzymes in the juice and reduces foaming.

This machine is designed for up to 20 min of con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion and should allow rest­ing before resum­ing working.

Design, feed­ing chute, and cham­ber: The design is a Chi­nese fusion of the clas­sic Sam­son and Hurom DU Hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle auger machines. It comes with a trans­par­ent plas­tic cham­ber and round 1.5 inch­es feed­ing chute open­ing. Mate­ri­als that are con­tact­ing with food are claimed to be made BPA-free.

It is con­trolled with a sin­gle switch that has ON/Reverse and off func­tions; the reverse is acti­vat­ed if the machine jams ingre­di­ents and it moves the auger in the oppo­site direc­tion to unclog it.

Auger: AMZCHEF Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer has a stan­dard for sin­gle auger machines auger design. How­ev­er, the auger is made from PMAA acrylic and claims to be safer than stan­dard for South Kore­an brands ULTEM mate­r­i­al. Whether it is true or not remains unknown since the AMZCHEF does not reveal any mate­r­i­al cer­ti­fi­ca­tion documentation.

Screen/strainer: It comes with a plas­tic screen frame and stain­less steel mesh insert. It has one stage screen, while the lat­est gen­er­a­tion of sin­gle auger machines usu­al­ly has a two-stage screen which means two seg­ments of meshed inserts are used for high­er juicer yield.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: As any sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal machine, it han­dles firm fruits and veg­gies well, also good and leafy greens, and is able to juicer wheat­grass, it deliv­ers less yield than a ver­ti­cal juicer from soft ingre­di­ents. How­ev­er, this Chi­nese mod­el is not a heavy-duty machine, and it will not process the ice or frozen ingre­di­ents; it is not also designed for tougher ingre­di­ents like pomegranates.

The juicer does not come with any extra attach­ment and thus will not process but­ter, baby food, nut milk, or any oth­er food pro­cess­ing task (while the orig­i­nal South Kore­an juicer is usu­al­ly designed for the extra tasks).

Con­tain­ers: The juice is equipped with juic­ing and plas­tic pulp containers.

Weak points:

  • There is no replace­ment part avail­able for these juicers;
  • Cus­tomer ser­vice is hard­ly responsive;
  • It also has a very tricky screen that is very dif­fi­cult to clean prop­er­ly if pos­si­ble at all;
  • It can stack when you dis­as­sem­ble the machine, and you will need the effort to fin­ish the tasks;
  • It can start to release a much high­er noise lev­el after a few times use than it did initially.

Sum­ma­ry: The AMZCHEF Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer is known as the best Chi­nese knock-off hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle auger juicer on the mar­ket. It does deliv­er a decent yield from the firm and leafy ingre­di­ents; you also can juicer cel­ery suc­cess­ful­ly with it; how­ev­er, it is not the high duty, and tougher ingre­di­ents may cause fatal jams. 16.1 x 7.9 x 11.6 inch­es. Although the juicer comes with 3 years war­ran­ty, it is not a durable juicer and lasts around 1–2 years, and if you are lucky, it may serve you longer. Just remem­ber that you will not ever find any replace­ment part for the juicer, and cus­tomer ser­vice is unlike­ly to be help­ful if major prob­lems will hap­pen with the juicer.


 #2 Jocuu Slow Masticating Juicer

Jocuu Slow Masticating JuicerJocuu is anoth­er Chi­nese juicer that is dis­trib­uted under the Jocuu brand reg­is­tered at the end of 2019. There are anoth­er few juicers that have a very sim­i­lar design but are dis­trib­uted under oth­er brands — AMZCHEF Pro­fes­sion­al Cold Press Juicer Extrac­tor Machine (reg­is­tered in 2019)/ Picberm PB2110A Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer Extrac­tor (reg­is­tered in 2019) /CIRAGO Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer Extrac­tor Two Speed Adjust­ment (reg­is­tered in 2018). These mod­els may dif­fer just slight­ly by motor unit exte­ri­or design but have iden­ti­cal tech­ni­cal parameters.

Motor and pow­er: All mod­els are equipped with 150 watts motor and 60 – 80 RPMs rota­tion speed; the machine comes with two speeds for soft and hard pro­duc­tion, and the soft speed oper­ates at 60 RPMs while the hard speed oper­ates at 80 RPMs.

Jocuu/ AMZCHEF/ Picberm/ CIRAGO juicer motor is equipped with a motor pro­tec­tion sys­tem and auto­mat­i­cal­ly stops every twen­ty min­utes allow gives your juicer to cool hence, pro­vid­ing longer motor ser­vice life.

Design: The design of this set of juicers seems copies of the Hurom Chef mod­el. These mod­els come with a plas­tic body and 2 speeds. The cham­ber and feed­ing chute is made of trans­par­ent plas­tic.  The juicer’s user man­u­al does not say any­thing if the plas­tic they use is BPA-free, while if you ask cus­tomer ser­vice ques­tions, they insist it is BPA-free. Quite a con­fus­ing moment. The juicer comes with 1.5 inch­es feed­ing chute open­ing that is typ­i­cal for Chi­nese dupe and applies to old­er 4th and ear­li­er sin­gle auger gen­er­a­tion models.

Auger: The juicer comes with a stan­dard shape plas­tic auger; as was already men­tioned, the user man­u­al says noth­ing about the mate­r­i­al the juicer auger is made from. How­ev­er, few cus­tomers report that the auger is not durable and may start to chip after a few months of use.

Screen: The screen is made of a plas­tic frame and stain­less steel holed inserts. The plas­tic frame is not durable and tends to break eas­i­ly. The screen is one stage that is typ­i­cal for old­er gen­er­a­tion juicers if com­pared to a well-built South Kore­an machine.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: Jocuu Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing is designed to juice hard and soft fruits and veg­eta­bles, leafy greens, wheat­grass, and cit­rus fruits. At the same time, the juice is rather pulpy. The juicer also may have a jam­ming prob­lem when juic­ing hard ingre­di­ents such as car­rots or beets. How­ev­er, it juices well leafy greens and soft­er pro­duce. The juice is not designed to process frozen ingre­di­ents or nuts, or per­form any oth­er food pro­cess­ing tasks.

Weak points:

  • Frag­ile plas­tic auger material;
  • Break­able screen frame;
  • Uncon­firmed if the juic­ing bowl, auger, and strain­er are made from BPA-free materials.

Sum­ma­ry: Notably, the juicer is very easy to assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble; it is easy to clean and dish­wash­er safe. How­ev­er, the juicer has frag­ile plas­tic parts such as a screen frame and auger. Although it is gen­er­al­ly not bad and deliv­ers decent juice yield, it still has very ques­tion­able plas­tic mate­r­i­al wish also tends to break.

It is a very cheap machine, and you can buy it with the prob­lems list­ed above in mind. The juicer also has a con­fus­ing war­ran­ty; ama­zon says 3 years on part and 10 on the motor, while the user man­u­al says only 1 year.

Although it is one of the best sell­ers, I would not rec­om­mend one of these juicers.


#3Dash Deluxe Compact Masticating Slow Juicer/LINMETIC Compact Slow Juicer/Blamdoil Compact Slow Juicer Masticating Extractor/TEC Slow Masticating Juicer

tec and aobosi juicersThis machine is dis­trib­uted under numer­ous brands — Dash Deluxe Com­pact Mas­ti­cat­ing Slow Juicer/LINMETIC Com­pact Slow Juicer/Blam­doil Com­pact Slow Juicer Mas­ti­cat­ing Extractor/TEC Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer, and you may come across anoth­er cou­ple of oth­er names for this machine. Actu­al­ly, it is not sur­pris­ing. This mod­el very sim­ple but suc­cess­ful ver­sion of a ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer that has most of its parts is made from rep­utable East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester material.

Motor and pow­er: The juicer body is made of durable stain­less steel and enclos­es 200 watts motor with a rota­tion­al speed of 40 RPM, which ensures low oxi­da­tion, hence, extend­ing the juice shelf life for up to 48 hours.

The motor is designed only for up to 10min of con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion and thus will make a max­i­mum of up to 60 ounces of juices in one cycle.

Design, feed­ing chute, and cham­ber: The cham­ber is made from East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester mate­r­i­al, which the FDA approves as safe and BPA-free. The cham­ber has a well-designed U‑shaped pulp out­let that min­i­mizes jam­ming as you juice and juic­ing out­let with a cap that allows releas­ing juice any time dur­ing or after juic­ing; the juic­ing cap also sim­pli­fies the juicer clean­ing process.

Fur­ther­more, the machine is equipped with a 1.5 X 2.5 inch­es cres­cent feed­ing opening.

Auger: It is equipped with a well-designed sin­gle auger from BPA-free plas­tic that ensures min­i­mum jamming.

Screen/strainer: The juice has the stan­dard plas­tic frame with stain­less steel holed insert strain­er; how­ev­er, it is not equipped with the part of the wip­ing blade that is typ­i­cal for high-end South Kore­an juice extractors.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This machine per­forms all typ­i­cal ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger machine func­tions and han­dles well firms and soft fruits and veg­gies, leafy greens includ­ing the wheat­grass, and cit­rus fruits.

How­ev­er, this machine does not come with any extra attach­ment and is not designed to make frozen desserts, nut but­ter, baby food, and oth­er food pro­cess­ing tasks.

Con­tain­ers: the juice is equipped with BPA-free plas­tic 32 oz juice and pulp cups.

Weak points:

  • It can oper­ate only up to 10 min with­out stop­ping; oth­er­wise, it is a very suc­cess­ful model.

Sum­ma­ry: This Chi­nese juicer knock-off mod­el is worth con­sid­er­ing. It is made from safe BPA-free plas­tic parts, has a decent design, and is able to deliv­er a rea­son­able juice yield. More­over, it has a com­pact size and portable design (16.3″ by 6.4’’by 8.5″) and a mass of 7.9 lbs. This size makes it the best option dur­ing vaca­tion or if your kitchen counter space is lim­it­ed. The juicer is also equipped with a unique han­dle and a non-skid base, easy to assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble, and clean.

How­ev­er, the dif­fer­ent “brands” come with dif­fer­ent war­ranties: Aobosi – 30 days, Sag­nart — 1‑year War­ran­ty Ser­vice, Tec – 2 years, and Geek Chef – 1 year. Need­less to say, if you decide to buy this juicer mod­el, go for the one with the most extend­ed warranty.



In a nut­shell, the above juicers are among the best cheap Chi­nese knock-off juicers, which can offer you a rea­son­able ser­vice. Though they are not of high qual­i­ty as Kore­ans, they can cater to your needs, espe­cial­ly if you need a cheap mod­el. The Chi­nese knock-off juicers have great fea­tures like auto shut off in case of over­heat­ing, extend­ed war­ran­ty, and com­pact size. Addi­tion­al­ly, they are less noisy and easy to assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble. If you are look­ing for a cheap Chi­nese juicer, you can con­sid­er the above brands, for they can serve your purpose.

Posted in Juicers, Best Products

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