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Best Hand Mixers of 2025 to Buy

Best Hand Mix­ers of 2025: These top picks can han­dle every­thing from whip­ping cream to mix­ing cook­ie dough. A hand­held elec­tric mix­er is ide­al for whip­ping up a sim­ple bak­ing recipe or your fam­i­ly’s pre­ferred hol­i­day dessert if you enjoy bak­ing but lack the space for a full-stand mix­er (or just don’t feel like get­ting it out). Because of its adapt­abil­i­ty, a hand mix­er is a cru­cial tool for home cooks and bak­ers. It can whip, blend, and mix a wide range of foods, includ­ing every­thing from mashed pota­toes to but­ter­cream frost­ing to egg whites. It can also be a won­der­ful gift for a novice bak­er who wants to exper­i­ment with more com­pli­cat­ed recipes but may not want to spend a lot of mon­ey on an expen­sive stand mixer.

Over the years, we’ve test­ed 22 dif­fer­ent hand mix­er mod­els in the Good House­keep­ing Insti­tute Kitchen Appli­ances & Inno­va­tion Lab, putting them through a vari­ety of tasks both there and at home. For exam­ple, we test mix­ers to see how well they whip cream, beat egg whites, and mix the cook­ie dough. We also look at how sim­ple it is to use the mix­ers, swap out the attach­ments, and clean them.

Read More: Stand Mix­er Buy­ing Guide | KitchenGearPro

Table of Contents

List of Best Hand Mixers of 2025 to Buy

6‑Speed Electric Hand Mixer

6-Speed Electric Hand Mixer
6‑Speed Elec­tric Hand Mixer

Ama­zon cus­tomers love this cheap hand mix­er because it comes with a snap-on case that keeps the two beat­ers and whisks togeth­er with the mix­er instead of in a sep­a­rate draw­er. Despite not hav­ing been test­ed in the Lab, this mod­el has more than 31,000 reviews. Although the mix­er has six-speed options, many review­ers point­ed out that there isn’t a low speed, mak­ing it chal­leng­ing to begin slow­ly or grad­u­al­ly incor­po­rate the flour into a batter.

Pros and Cons 6‑Speed Electric Hand Mixer


  • Snap-on stor­age pro­vides order­ly organization.
  • There are two beat­ers, two speed set­tings, and a whisk attachment.


  • Reviews claim that there isn’t a true low speed.

Handy Mix Scraper

Handy Mix Scraper
Handy Mix Scraper

The Bre­ville hand mix­er per­formed excep­tion­al­ly well in our tests, beat­ing cake bat­ter, whip­ping egg whites, mix­ing oat­meal cook­ie dough, and knead­ing bread dough. This nine-speed mod­el can rec­og­nize the beat­ers, dough hooks, or whisks you’ve insert­ed and will auto­mat­i­cal­ly change its speed to suit each task. The sil­i­cone coat­ing on the beat­ers helps to pre­vent scratch­es and the annoy­ing clank­ing sound that can occa­sion­al­ly be pro­duced when the beat­ers hit the bowl’s sides. Addi­tion­al­ly, it has a light that illu­mi­nates as it beats to allow you to see into the bowl and make sure every­thing is com­bined. The addi­tion­al fea­tures and attach­ments make up for the some­what high price.

Pros and Cons of Handy Mix Scraper


  1. aced every lab test, includ­ing ones involv­ing bread dough, cook­ie dough, and others
  2. Three attach­ment options, nine speeds
  3. auto­mat­i­cal­ly mod­i­fies speed accord­ing to the cur­rent task


  • Pricey

MultiMix 5 Hand Mixer

MultiMix 5 Hand Mixer
Mul­ti­M­ix 5 Hand Mixer

The Braun Mul­ti­M­ix 5 is a flex­i­ble option whether you’re new to bak­ing or an expe­ri­enced pro. It has nine-speed set­tings and a rotat­ing dial so you can quick­ly switch between incor­po­rat­ing the flour into a bat­ter or fold­ing nuts into a dough. You can use it for del­i­cate and sub­stan­tial baked goods because it passed our cook­ie dough and egg white whip­ping tests with fly­ing col­ors. Only two whisks and two dough hooks are includ­ed, but the mak­er claims that these whisks are “mul­ti-use” and can be used both as beat­ers and whisks. The whisks’ tines are broad­er and more wide­ly spaced than those of tra­di­tion­al beat­ers, mak­ing them eas­i­er to clean as well. In addi­tion, if you decide to use the dish­wash­er, all of the attach­ments are safe to use. They come with a stor­age pouch to keep them togeth­er. How­ev­er, it is only offered in black.

Pros and Cons MultiMix 5 Hand Mixer


  • demon­strates pro­fi­cien­cy across all task types.
  • There are three attach­ment choic­es and nine-speed settings.
  • con­ve­nient pouch for loose items storage


  • The mod­el is only offered in black

Hand Mixer With HeatSoft Technology


Hand Mixer With HeatSoft Technology
Hand Mix­er With Heat­Soft Technology

This mod­el is a fan­tas­tic choice if you’re a last-minute bak­er who can­not wait for ingre­di­ents to come to room tem­per­a­ture. You won’t have to wait around for uneven microwav­ing because it has an inte­grat­ed fan that will gen­tly soft­en cold but­ter by blow­ing warm air into your mix­ing bowl. In our tests, we dis­cov­ered that it was able to soft­en the but­ter in just 1.5 min­utes, as opposed to the 30-minute peri­od it usu­al­ly takes when left out at room tem­per­a­ture. It can beat through cook­ie dough, whipped cream, and more. It has sev­en-speed set­tings. Addi­tion­al­ly, it includes a whisk attach­ment, dough hooks, and beat­ers that all fit into a snap-on con­tain­er. Be aware that all of the attach­ments must be hand-washed.

Pros and Cons Hand Mixer With HeatSoft Technology


  • as you mix, cold ingre­di­ents become softer.
  • There are three attach­ment choic­es and sev­en speed settings.


  • Only hand-wash attachments

Ultra Power 5‑Speed Hand Mixer

Ultra Power 5-Speed Hand Mixer
Ultra Pow­er 5‑Speed Hand Mixer

Despite being small, the KitchenAid Ultra Pow­er hand mix­er per­formed flaw­less­ly in our tests when whip­ping cream and knead­ing dough. This hand mix­er comes in red, blue, or yel­low to add a nice pop of col­or to your kitchen. It only comes with beat­er attach­ments, but they are dish­wash­er safe. The motor of this mod­el, which has five speeds, is qui­eter than the motors of the oth­er mix­ers we test­ed. Left- or right-hand­ed peo­ple can eas­i­ly maneu­ver it thanks to the swiv­el pow­er cord.

Pros and Cons Ultra Pow­er 5‑Speed Hand Mixer


  • han­dles dense doughs with ease
  • a qui­et oper­a­tion and five-speed
  • acces­si­ble in three vibrant colors


  • only con­tains beat­er attachments


Posted in Best Products, Buying Advice

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