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Best Juicer for Apples, Pears and Other Fruits

best juicer for apples and pears1Any Mas­ti­cat­ing and Cen­trifu­gal Juicer can extract the juice from such com­mon fruits as apples and pears and out­put a respectable juice yield with an aver­age dif­fer­ence of only 5–10%. The soft­er fruits are more prob­lem­at­ic to juice, and the yield from cen­trifu­gal and dif­fer­ent types of mas­ti­cat­ing juicers will dif­fer to a greater degree than for firmer ones.

If you intend to juice only apples and pears, then you can pick almost any prop­er juicer, and it will do an excel­lent job juic­ing apple and pear fruits. How­ev­er, sup­pose you will decide to pre­pare juice recipes from a com­bi­na­tion of ingre­di­ents or sim­ply decide to use your juicer for addi­tion­al juice ingre­di­ents like pineap­ple, wheat­grass, or cel­ery. In that case, you have to select the juic­ing extrac­tor pay­ing atten­tion to a range of oth­er impor­tant parameters.

To select the tru­ly best machine for extrac­tion of apple pears and oth­er fruits juice, we will look at impor­tant char­ac­ter­is­tics such as its func­tion­al­i­ty and which ingre­di­ents it can han­dle well, how easy the juicer to use and clean, speed of ingre­di­ents pro­cess­ing, the dura­bil­i­ty of the machines and oth­ers. So, you will make the deci­sion which juicer will suit your needs best.

It should also be men­tioned that we will con­sid­er only rep­utable brand juicers for a sim­ple rea­son; they are durable. They guar­an­tee not only the qual­i­ty of con­struc­tion but also the mate­r­i­al they man­u­fac­tured from is safe for use in con­tact with food.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Read More: Bre­ville JE98XL Juice Foun­tain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extrac­tor Review

Table of Contents

Single Auger Masticating Slow Cold Press Juicers

The mas­ti­cat­ing juicers are con­struct­ed to employ a slow­ly rotat­ing auger (43 — 80 rpm), which crus­es ingre­di­ents while pulling through the drum, then press­es them out against the juic­ing screen to squeeze the juice. Giv­en that the auger rotates at a slow speed and uses cold press­ing tech­nol­o­gy to press the juice, any mas­ti­cat­ing machine, in fact, could be called a slow cold press juicer.

Besides, most mas­ti­cat­ing juicers and squeez­ing juice can also per­form addi­tion­al func­tions such as puree­ing, grind­ing, homog­e­niz­ing ingre­di­ents, and extrud­ing noo­dle dough.

The Sin­gle Auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicers come in two styles – the ver­ti­cal and hor­i­zon­tal ones.

Vertical Slow Cold Press Masticating Juicers

The ver­ti­cal mas­ti­cat­ing juicers have the auger locat­ed ver­ti­cal­ly, mak­ing them vir­tu­al­ly self-feed­ing and very easy to use. At the same time, the ver­ti­cal juicers are prob­a­bly the most ver­sa­tile machine and han­dle the widest range of ingre­di­ents they are con­sid­ered to be the ulti­mate fruit juicers.

They also come in two styles nar­row chute and wide chute machines. Although both styles of ver­ti­cal juicers – nar­row and wide chute/mouth — excels at juic­ing fruits, a wide mouth is the best because they do not require much ingre­di­ents prepa­ra­tion for juic­ing and could be fed with a whole apple in one go.

Vertical Slow Press Juicers Pro and Cons for Juicing apples and pears:


  • Deliv­er high apple and pear juice yield:
  • Do not need pre-cut;
  • Ver­sa­tile and han­dle a wide range of ingredients;
  • User-friend­ly;
  • Pro­duce low oxi­da­tion high-qual­i­ty juice;
  • Quite;


  • Expen­sive;
  • Quite elab­o­rate to clean.

Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer EVO820CG

kuvings evo820 juicerKuvings Whole Slow Juicer EVO820CG is the lat­est 5th gen­er­a­tion ver­ti­cal mas­ti­cat­ing machine released in mid-2018 and man­u­fac­tured by a rep­utable South Kore­an com­pa­ny spe­cial­iz­ing in juicers pro­duc­tion for over 40 years. This machine is dif­fer­ent from oth­er home use slow juicers on the mar­ket not only of the largest diam­e­ter feed chute but also by that it is designed with an option­al cit­rus juicer attachment.

Set includes:

  • Base Unit,
  • Juic­ing Bowl,
  • Auger,
  • Juic­ing Screen, Blank Screen, and Smooth­ie Screen,
  • Rota­tion Wiper,
  • Tri­tan Juic­ing Drum with Feed Chute,
  • Tri­tan juice cup and pulp container,
  • Food Push­er,
  • Lid open­er (you sup­pose to use it when the juic­ing drum is dif­fi­cult to remove),
  • Over-sized clean­ing brush, Spout Clean­ing Brush, and Spe­cial Screen Clean­ing Tool,
  • Instruc­tion manual,
  • Recipe Book (Full Col­or) 75+ Pages.

Motor and Body Unit: The EVO820 has a lux­u­ri­ous leather pat­tern body unit design and is avail­able in Sil­ver and Gold colors.

The machine fea­tures a pow­er­ful 120V, 240 Watts motor, which rotates auger with a slow 60 RPM speed allow­ing high­ly nutri­tion­al cold press juice extrac­tion. In addi­tion, the machine comes with a ven­ti­la­tion sys­tem to ensure effi­cient motor cool­ing. The motor is designed for 30 mins of con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion before it must rest for cooling.

Juic­ing Bowl, Drum, and Feed­ing Chute: The juicer fea­tures a new­ly designed Evo 820 mod­el juic­ing drum with few­er bot­tom grooves for easy clean­ing. It has a 400ml/13.5 ounces capac­i­ty and is made from BPA FREE Tri­tan copoly­ester material.

The machine is also equipped with the new­ly designed and largest on the mar­ket O‑shape 3.2”/82 mm feed­ing chute diam­e­ter, which allows fit­ting larg­er ingre­di­ents with­out pre-cut­ting; it can lodge a small whole apple. In addi­tion, the feed­ing chute has a safe and con­ve­nient new flip feed­er gate, which works as a safe­ty fea­ture, so the user’s hands will not fit through the mouth.

The juice out­let has the smart cap closed, which allows mix­ing juice inside the drum and get­ting more nutri­tion before real­iz­ing it.

Gears/Auger: The Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer EVO820CG fea­tures the sin­gle-wing auger that is designed to brute force push, squeeze and then grind the pro­duce. It is made with chem­i­cal-resis­tant and very strong GE ULTEM plas­tic material.

The auger is designed with a deep hole at the bot­tom that ensures that pulp is not build­ing up under the inside but is processed prop­er­ly, smooth­ly extract­ed via the pulp out­let, and ensures a high­er juice yield.

Juic­ing Screen/Strainer: The juicer comes with 3 screens/strainers in the pack­age — the juic­ing screen with fine holes for juic­ing tasks, the smooth­ie screen with larg­er holes for mak­ing low oxi­da­tion smooth­ies, and the blank screen for homog­e­niz­ing tasks such as frozen treats, nut but­ter and puree­ing food.

The juic­ing screen is well designed; it sits firm­ly inside of the juic­ing bowl and allows it to work prop­er­ly, extract­ing max­i­mum juice.

It also comes with well-designed wip­ing blades that move when the auger moves and cleans the screen to achieve a high­er yield.

Con­tain­ers: The juicer comes with BPA-free Tri­tan copoly­ester pulp and juice containers.


The Kuvings EVO820 is a tru­ly mul­ti­func­tion­al juicer; it is not the only process all soft and firm fruits and veg­gies but also designed to per­form a range of food pro­cess­ing tasks:

  • Firm fruits juice such as apples and pears;
  • Veg­etable juice such as car­rots and beets;
  • Cel­ery juice;
  • Cit­rus juice includ­ing limes and grapefruits;
  • Leafy greens juice;
  • Wheat­grass juice;
  • Nut but­ter;
  • Smooth­ies;
  • Nut milk;
  • Baby food;
  • Sauces and dips.

Yield: 2lbs of apples are expect­ed to yield approx­i­mate­ly will deliv­er around 20–23 oz. of apple juice.

Clean­ing and assembling/disassembling: The Ver­ti­cal juicers are con­struct­ed of few parts and are not the eas­i­est to assemble/disassemble and clean. They are cer­tain­ly more com­pli­cat­ed to clean than ded­i­cat­ed cit­rus juicers.

Nev­er­the­less, the Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer EVO820CG user man­u­al has very detailed instruc­tions on assem­bling the machine. In addi­tion, the Kuvings design­ers did their best to min­i­mize your clean­ing efforts; it comes with the 3 brush­es includ­ed in the set and a spe­cial screen/strainer clean­ing tool (the strain­er is the most dif­fi­cult part to clean in any juicer), it has very well designed pulp out­let that is very easy to clean, and it has a new, improved juic­ing bowl that is much eas­i­er to clean than oth­er Kuvings mod­el (but not the eas­i­est com­pere to oth­er ver­ti­cal juicers). The entire clean­ing process will take about 5 min­utes on average.

The machine comes with a juice out­let cap so that it could be pre-cleaned with a self-clean­ing procedure.

Con­trols: The juicer is con­trolled with only one switch with the REVERSE/ OFF/ FORWARD func­tions, where the REVERSE func­tion will dis­lodge the ingre­di­ents, FORWARD will start run­ning the machine, and OFF stops the operation.

War­ran­ty: Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer EVO820CG comes with 10 year-lim­it­ed man­u­fac­tur­ers, and their cus­tomer sup­port is in Chica­go, Illinois.

Dimen­sions: 7.9″ W x 9.44 D” x 19.29″ H, weights15.7lbs/7.1 kg.

Sum­ma­ry: Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer EVO820CG is a pre­mi­um ver­ti­cal juicer. Although it is an expen­sive machine but it cost every pen­ny. It does a great job juic­ing a wide vari­ety of pro­duce from apples and pears to hard fruits and veg­gies, leafy greens, and a vari­ety of food pro­cess­ing tasks.

Most impor­tant­ly, this juicer deliv­ers a very high juice yield from most ingre­di­ents, ejects a very dry pulp, and has the widest O‑shape feed­ing chute that great­ly reduces the ingre­di­ents’ prepa­ra­tion efforts.


Horizontal Single Auger Masticating Juicers

Sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing hor­i­zon­tal juicers are the most pop­u­lar mas­ti­cat­ing machines because they are not only like ver­ti­cal mas­ti­cat­ing juicers able to process a wide range of prod­ucts but also very easy to clean. How­ev­er, they have the auger locat­ed hor­i­zon­tal­ly and have nar­row­er than ver­ti­cal juicers feed­ing chute thus, and they require the effort to push the pro­duce while feed­ing and need ingre­di­ents pre-cut­ting for ingre­di­ents like apple and pears because of the nar­row chute opening.

Horizontal Single Auger Juicers Pro and Cons for Juicing apples and pears:


  • Easy to assemble/disassemble and clean;
  • Pro­duce high-qual­i­ty, low oxi­da­tion apple and pear juice;
  • Out­put high yield apple and pear juice;
  • Quite;
  • User-friend­ly;


  • Need apple and pear pre-cut because of the nar­row chute.

NC1000HDS Premium Juicer and Nutrition System

OmegaNC1000HDS Juicer best apple juicerThe Omega NC1000HDS is a pre­mi­um sin­gle auger cold press slow mas­ti­cat­ing Omega juicer that was released in Jan­u­ary 2020. It is the lat­est Omega sin­gle auger mod­el is an update for the most pop­u­lar Omega flag­ship sin­gle auger CN800/900 mod­els that were released in 2012 and were not updat­ed since.

Set Includes:

  • Motor Base Unit;
  • Juic­ing cham­ber with chute and funnel;
  • Sin­gle user;
  • Plas­tic juice bowl with strain­er and pulp container;
  • Juic­ing screen and homog­e­niz­ing cone;
  • 6 noz­zles;
  • User man­u­al.

Yield: aver­age yield from juic­ing 2 lbs of apples is about 20–22oz of juice.

Motor and Body Unit: The juicer fea­tures the new body design with an ergonom­ic built-in handy han­dle. The motor unit hous­es the upgrad­ed more pow­er­ful com­mer­cial type 200 Watts motor with gear reduc­tion equiv­a­lent of 2 HP motors and a bet­ter toque to process firm ingre­di­ents like beets and car­rots more effi­cient­ly. In addi­tion, the motor rotates the juicer auger with a slow 80 rpm speed.

Drum, Chute, and Pro­duce Feed­ing: The Omega NC1000HDS juicer comes with the drum, chute, and irre­mov­able hop­per part made of clear Tri­tan copoly­ester plas­tic which is a new fea­ture for this mod­el. The NC800/NC900 mod­els have a non-clear hop­per and chute parts but a clear drum. The chute open­ing has a cres­cent shape and a good size of 2” X 1.5” (51mm X 38mm), so it ensures easy feed­ing for larg­er ingredients.

Gears/Auger: The Omega NC1000HDS mod­el fea­tures a slight­ly redesigned auger, which is made from an extra strong and sol­vent resis­tant GE ULTEM plas­tic, which is wide­ly used in med­ical and chem­i­cal instrumentation.

Juic­ing Screen: The machine fea­tures 2 stages juic­ing screen where the frame of the screen is made from an extra strong Tri­tan copoly­ester with stain­less steel meshed part. The 2 stage screen means that ini­tial­ly, it sieves the juice that comes from the smashed ingre­di­ents, and the sec­ond stage squeezes the last drops of juice from the pulp before it is ejected.

The Juicer also comes with an addi­tion­al blank screen for per­form­ing food pro­cess­ing tasks.

Noz­zles, End Cap, and Adjust­ment Knobs: The Omega NC1000HDS gad­get comes with an adjustable end cap the small­er in diam­e­ter and longer in size than pre­vi­ous NC800/NC900 models.

The tight cap set­ting is used for firm pro­duce like apples, pears, car­rots, beets, cel­ery, and leafy greens, while the loos­er set­tings are best suit­ed for soft­er pro­duce such as cit­rus, pineap­ple, cucum­ber, and oth­ers; the mid set­ting is designed for a com­bi­na­tion of firm and soft ingredients.

Con­tain­ers: It comes with a plas­tic 32 oz. juic­ing and pulp containers.

Omega NC1000HDS Func­tion­al­i­ty:

  • Apple and pear juice;
  • Leafy greens juice;
  • Cel­ery juice;
  • Beet­root, car­rot, gin­ger, and oth­er roots juice,
  • Wheat­grass juice;
  • Cit­rus juice;
  • Baby food;
  • Nut but­ter and nut milk;
  • Pas­ta;
  • Grinds spices and coffee;
  • Frozen desserts.

The juicer comes with a blank screen designed to make the frozen treats and per­form puree­ing tasks. The set also includes 5 pas­ta noz­zles that allow you to make deli­cious home­made pasta.

Clean­ing and assembling/disassembling, oper­at­ing: The machine has a small num­ber of parts — Drum, auger, juic­ing screen, blank and adjustable end cap — and thus, it is very easy to assemble/disassemble and clean. It is the eas­i­est juicer to clean.

War­ran­ty: The juicer comes with 15 years USA/Canada War­ran­ty on parts and per­for­mance and a 1‑year Com­mer­cial and Inter­na­tion­al Warranty.

Dimen­sions: 6.1” W × 18.5” D × 12.3” H (154mm × 470mm × 312mm), Weight: 20.0 lb/ 9kg

Sum­ma­ry: Omega NC1000HDS is a ver­sa­tile machine that also pro­duces the sec­ond-high­est apple and pears juice yield and shows many oth­er pos­i­tive sides. First, the machine comes with a few extra attach­ments designed to per­form a range of non-juic­ing func­tions such as mak­ing sauces, nut but­ter frozen desserts, baby food, and extrude pas­ta. Sec­ond, it is almost self-feed the firm pro­duces like apples and pears and does not require any efforts to push them. It han­dles a wide range of ingre­di­ents very well from firm fruits and veg­gies to leafy greens. The last, it is the eas­i­est machine to clean.


Centrifugal Juicers

The cen­trifu­gal juicer extrac­tion process uses the fast rotat­ing bas­ket (1500 ‑13000 rpm), which is con­struct­ed with blades and a holed screen. The pro­duce is ground by the tiny blades and a cen­trifu­gal force pressed against the bas­ket screen to squeeze the juice.

The juice squeezed by a cen­trifu­gal machine is not as high qual­i­ty as made with a mas­ti­cat­ing juicer. Because it oxi­dizes or aer­ates due to the rota­tion speed of the bas­ket. As a result, it deliv­ers watery juice con­sis­ten­cy, which usu­al­ly sep­a­rates into thin and dense parts. The juice extract­ed by this style of juicer has a short shelf-life and must be con­sumed straight away after extraction.

Nev­er­the­less, the juice extract­ed with a cen­trifu­gal juicer is still much bet­ter and has a much high­er nutri­tion­al val­ue than that bought in the store. The cen­trifu­gal juicers are a very quick, easy, and con­ve­nient way to extract fresh juice with decent nutri­tion­al value.

The Centrifugal Juicer Pro and Cons for Juicing Apples and Pears:


  • Quick to process even high quan­ti­ties of apple, pear, and pineap­ples juice;
  • Very easy to use;
  • A wide chute does not require pro­duce pre-cutting;


  • Lim­it­ed to juic­ing hard fruits such as apples, pear, han­dle but not very well pineap­ples and will not able to juice soft fruits;
  • The low­est qual­i­ty of juice with a short shelf-life;
  • Messy;
  • Not easy to clean.

Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite 1000-Watt Juice Extractor

Breville 800JEXL Juicer Fountain EliteThe 800JEXL is a pre­mi­um Bre­ville cen­trifu­gal machine that fea­tures stain­less steel hous­ing and a sleek and styl­ish exte­ri­or design.

Set includes

  • Die-cast body unit;
  • Met­al and plas­tic juicer cov­er and feed chute
  • Met­al fil­ter basket
  • Juic­ing bowl
  • Juice and pulp con­tain­er with froth sep­a­ra­tor and lid;
  • Push­er;
  • Clean­ing brush; User manual.

Motor unit

The Bre­ville 800JEXL juicer is very well made and stur­dy. Its hous­ing unit is made total­ly from Die-cast steel. An inte­grat­ed Lock­ing Arm does not allow the oper­a­tion with­out the cov­er locked into place and Lock­ing Arm lift­ed into a ver­ti­cal oper­at­ing position.

It has a heavy-duty 110–120 Volts, 1000 watt motor that rotates the bas­ket fast from 6,500 RPM to 13,000 RPM. You can­not oper­ate the juicer for longer than a minute when juic­ing firm fruit and veg­gies at high speed; you have to allow the motor to rest for one minute between each use.

The Juicer is fit­ted with an over­heat­ing pro­tec­tion sys­tem, which auto­mat­i­cal­ly shuts off the machine when overloaded.

Chute and Pro­duce Feeding

The Juicer comes with a cir­cu­lar 3‑inch feed­ing tube and allows it to accom­mo­date the whole fruits and veg­eta­bles such as apples, car­rots, beets, toma­toes, and peeled oranges into the juicer with­out pre-cut­ting, which will save ingre­di­ents prepa­ra­tion time and effort.

Juic­ing Basket/Filter Basket:

The Fil­ter bas­ket fea­tures ultra-sharp tita­ni­um rein­forced cut­ting blades and teeth, and stain­less steel Ital­ian-made micro-mesh fil­ter with over 40,000 fil­ter­ing pores.

Juic­ing Bowl

The machine fea­tures stain­less steel juic­ing bowl with a spout.


The juicer comes with 3.2 quarts grey plas­tic pulp con­tain­er with an inte­grat­ed han­dle and 34 ounces/966 ml/1.1 quarts clear plas­tic juic­ing con­tain­er. The juic­ing cup is also equipped with the lid and inbuilt froth separator.

Clean­ing and assembling/disassembling

It has only 3 parts to assemble/disassemble. First, place the juic­ing bowl on the top of the base unit, fit the juic­ing bas­ket inside the juic­ing bowl, place the juicer cov­er over the bowl, raise the Lock­ing Arm and lock the ver­ti­cal posi­tion. Now it is ready to operate.

The clean­ing must be done imme­di­ate­ly after you fin­ish juic­ing; oth­er­wise, the juic­ing fil­ter may clog and be impos­si­ble to clean in the Future. The clean­ing is not com­pli­cat­ed; more­over, all the juicer parts are dish­wash­er safe but still, it is bet­ter to clean it with your hands to pro­long the juicer’s life expectan­cy. The juic­ing bas­ket is the most time-con­sum­ing to clean. How­ev­er, it is bet­ter to soak it for 10 min­utes in warm water and then scrub its lit­tle mesh­es with the brush includ­ed in the juic­ing package.

Con­trol pan­el and using.

The base unit has the red OFF but­ton and high and low switch to reg­u­late low 6,500 RPM and high 13,000 RPM speeds. A low speed (6,500rpm) is designed for juic­ing soft­er fruits and veg­eta­bles, while a High speed (13,000rpm) is for hard­er pro­duce like apples, pears, car­rots, and beets.


  • Apples, pears, and oth­er firm fruits juice;
  • Beet, car­rots, fen­nel, Brus­sel sprouts, broc­coli, and oth­er juice;
  • Cel­ery Juice;
  • Peeled oranges;
  • Pineap­ples;
  • Cucum­ber, tomatoes
  • Man­goes, grapes, melons

This machine can deliv­er a high yield for firm fruits and veg­eta­bles, while the soft­er pro­duce will not pro­duce a high yield.

The Juicer tends to gen­er­ate a lot of foam and will make a lot of mess, splash­ing the pulp all over the place.

War­ran­ty: The machine comes with an ONLY 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty, which is rather short for an expen­sive juicer.

Dimen­sions: 16.5 x 9 x 16 inch­es; it does take up a fair bit of counter space; the juicer is also very heavy and weighs about 17 lbs.

Yield: from 1 lb of apples, the Bre­ville extracts on aver­age 11.9 and sieved 11.4 oz. of apple juice. How­ev­er, the juice sep­a­rates on watery and pulpy parts if it sits a bit, so it must be con­sumed imme­di­ate­ly after extract­ing. 3 lay­ers after 1 hr in the fridge, foam, juice, and water.

Sum­ma­ry: The stain­less steel and brushed die-cast make for a visu­al­ly impres­sive prod­uct. The only plas­tic evi­dent in the juicer’s busi­ness end was the top cov­er, which directs the pulp into the bin. Even the feed chute was stain­less steel, and it was installed with stain­less screws. So depend­ing on what you want to juice, this machine will get the job done. One of the dis­ad­van­tages of cen­trifu­gal juicers is that they are not effec­tive at juic­ing green leafy veg­eta­bles. So if you are explor­ing the ben­e­fits of those green leafy veg­eta­bles like spinach and kale juice, you need to look else­where. But for every­thing else, this juicer won’t let you down, and it’s worth every bit of the ask­ing price of $300.

This very pop­u­lar cen­trifu­gal juicer has an auto­mat­ic pulp ejec­tion mechanism.
So it is fast, con­ve­nient, lit­tle mess, quick clean up while the screen will have to be replaced at some point, it isn’t qui­et, and not juice a wide range of ingre­di­ents, fibrous greens will yield less juice.

The yield seems pret­ty good, except for juic­ing super juicy things like toma­toes or pineap­ples, which leaves the pulp feel­ing a lit­tle wet like it has a lot of juice left in it. I would only juice the car­rots and beets. This machine only has a one-year war­ran­ty com­pared to the much longer war­ranties giv­en by oth­er manufacturers.



As it was men­tioned already, all 4 types of juicers deliv­er approx­i­mate­ly the same yield for juic­ing apples and pears; for this rea­son, we take into con­sid­er­a­tion oth­er juicer para­me­ters to select the best machine for juic­ing fruits.

Unde­ni­ably, the ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer EVO820 is the best option if you plan to juice apples, pears, and a selec­tion of oth­er fruits, includ­ing cit­rus, trop­i­cal, and even berries. The Kuvings EVO820 wide moth allows juice many ingre­di­ents with­out pre-cut­ting, range of addi­tion­al attach­ments – cit­rus ream­er, blank screen, and screen – expand its func­tion­al­i­ty to juic­ing cit­rus with­out peel­ing and mak­ing smooth­ies, nut but­ter, frozen treats, and oth­er homog­e­niz­ing tasks. Besides, it deliv­ers high-qual­i­ty and low oxi­da­tion tasty juice with a long shelf-life. Alas, it has a bit high cost, but it is worth it because of this machine’s qual­i­ty and functionality.

The hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle augers Omega NC1000HDS Juicer is the sec­ond-best option for juic­ing apples, pears, pineap­ples, and oth­er fruits. It deliv­ers sim­i­lar ver­ti­cal Kuvings EVO820 juicer apples and pears fruit juice yield and also han­dles well pineap­ple and cit­rus fruits. With regards to mul­ti-func­tion­al­i­ty and han­dling a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent ingre­di­ents, this machine is very sim­i­lar to Kuvings; how­ev­er, it has a nar­row 1.5 x 2 inch­es feed­ing open­ing (com­pared to Kuvings’ 3.2 inch­es), so it requires some time and effort for ingre­di­ents prepa­ra­tion for juic­ing. The same as Kuvings, it deliv­ers high qual­i­ty and low oxi­da­tion juice with 48 hours shelf-life.

Although the cen­trifu­gal Bre­ville 800JEXL Foun­tain Elite Juicer is a mul­ti­task­ing juicer as ver­ti­cal and hor­i­zon­tal mas­ti­cat­ing machines and does not deliv­er the best yield still 5–10% less than the mas­ti­cat­ing juicer, I also do not out­put as high juice qual­i­ty as oth­er mas­ti­cat­ing juicers. But it is very quick and easy to use. Thus, the cen­trifu­gal Bre­ville 800JEXL Foun­tain Elite Juicer will suit best peo­ple with a busy lifestyle but who want to incor­po­rate fresh juice into their diet.


Posted in Juicers, Best Products

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