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Best Nut Chopper Reviews 2025

Best Nut Chop­per Reviews 2025: If you’ve ever tried to chop wal­nuts by hand, you know it’s a dif­fi­cult task. For­tu­nate­ly, some great nut chop­pers are on the mar­ket to make this job a lot easier.

Keep read­ing if you’re try­ing to choose the best nut chop­per for your kitchen. We espe­cial­ly like the Nin­ja Food Chop­per. In this post, we’ll dive deep­er into the reviews to help you choose the best nut chop­per to add to your kitchen.

Read More: Best Blenders for Hot Liq­uids 2023 

Table of Contents

What is a Nut Chopper?

Before the review, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. What exact­ly is a nut chop­per? As the name sug­gests, a nut chop­per is a handy kitchen tool that helps in chop­ping nuts. Nut chop­pers come in both man­u­al and elec­tric ver­sions. Pro­fes­sion­als and home cooks use this tool to sim­pli­fy the cook­ing process.

best nut chopper

Parameters to Consider When Choosing a Nut Chopper

When it comes to choos­ing the per­fect nut chop­per, it’s tempt­ing to assume that they all deliv­er sim­i­lar per­for­mance. How­ev­er, sev­er­al para­me­ters can sig­nif­i­cant­ly influ­ence their func­tion­al­i­ty, includ­ing capac­i­ty, pow­er options, blade size, ease of use, and more.

Manual vs. Electric vs. Nut Grinder

Nut chop­pers come in three main types: man­u­al, elec­tric, and nut grinder, each with its own set of advan­tages and drawbacks.

Man­u­al nut chop­pers oper­ate sim­i­lar­ly to sal­ad spin­ners. Users rotate the blades by turn­ing a crank or pulling a cord. They don’t require an elec­tri­cal out­let, pro­vid­ing more pre­cise results due to the user’s con­trol over the final con­sis­ten­cy. Gen­er­al­ly, man­u­al nut chop­pers are small­er and more bud­get-friend­ly than their elec­tric counterparts.

Elec­tric nut chop­pers, often referred to as mini food proces­sors, are more pow­er­ful and eas­i­er to use. How­ev­er, they tend to be nois­i­er and occu­py more kitchen space. While most elec­tric mod­els need to be plugged in, some are cord­less, offer­ing the con­ve­nience of on-the-go use.

Nut grinders are sim­i­lar to nut chop­pers but are designed to grind nuts into a fine pow­der. They are ide­al for mak­ing nut but­ter or adding nuts to baked goods. Exam­ples include the RSVP Hazel Nut Grinder.

Motor Power

The Nut chop­pers usu­al­ly come with a range from around 100 watts to 400 watts or more. A more pow­er­ful motor can chop nuts more quick­ly and with less effort, which can be espe­cial­ly impor­tant if you use the chop­per fre­quent­ly or for large quan­ti­ties of nuts.

Chopping Bowl Capacity and Material 

When select­ing a nut chop­per, two fac­tors to con­sid­er are the bowl capac­i­ty and the bowl mate­r­i­al. The bowl capac­i­ty deter­mines how much food you can chop at once, with small­er nut chop­pers hav­ing lim­i­ta­tions in break­ing down quan­ti­ties of nuts and larg­er mod­els offer­ing ver­sa­til­i­ty by han­dling var­i­ous nuts and oth­er food items. Your ide­al bowl capac­i­ty depends on your house­hold size and the dish­es you fre­quent­ly prepare.

The bowl mate­r­i­al is also impor­tant to con­sid­er, with nut chop­pers com­ing in glass or poly­car­bon­ate con­tain­ers. Poly­car­bon­ate is cheap­er and eas­i­er to han­dle because of its light­weight, but health-aware con­sumers choose glass bowls because they do not leak any chem­i­cals into food, are durable, do not accu­mu­late food odor, and are easy to clean.

Blade Material

The nut chop­per’s per­for­mance depends on its blades, so it is cru­cial that they are con­struct­ed with sharp, durable, high-qual­i­ty blades that can with­stand fre­quent use. The stain­less steel blades are an obvi­ous choice, as they resist rust and cor­ro­sion and are easy to clean.

It is advis­able to steer clear of nut chop­pers that use plas­tic blades, as they are unlike­ly to have the same life longevi­ty as their stain­less steel counterparts.

User Friendliness

Nut chop­pers are gen­er­al­ly user-friend­ly, requir­ing the sim­ple press of a but­ton or lid to oper­ate. How­ev­er, for man­u­al nut chop­pers, hav­ing a com­fort­able grip is essen­tial. Thus, high-qual­i­ty man­u­al chop­pers are designed with ergonom­ics in mind to ensure ease of use.

Some nut chop­pers fea­ture a crank on the side, while oth­ers posi­tion it on the lid. The most com­fort­able option may vary from per­son to per­son, but a larg­er, non­slip plas­tic or sil­i­cone crank is often eas­i­er and more com­fort­able to use.

Versatility and Functionality

Some nut chop­pers are designed to chop more than just nuts, such as veg­eta­bles, fruits, and herbs. If you plan to use your chop­per for more than just nuts, look for a ver­sa­tile mod­el that can han­dle var­i­ous foods.

The Best Manual Nut Chopper

Let’s check out these three great man­u­al nut chop­per reviews to help you choose the best nut chop­per for your kitchen.

#1 Prepworks by Progressive Nut Chopper with Non-Skid Base

Prepworks by Progressive Nut Chopper with Non-Skid Base
Prep­works by Pro­gres­sive Nut Chop­per with Non-Skid Base

This pre­mi­um man­u­al nut chop­per fea­tures a hand crank and a patent­ed ellip­ti­cal design. This chop­per is spe­cial­ly designed for nuts and is ide­al for those who pre­fer man­u­al mod­els. It works well for all kinds of nuts, includ­ing hard ones like Brazil nuts, almonds, and hazel­nuts. You can eas­i­ly switch the grinder between fine and coarse grinds depend­ing on which direc­tion you crank the han­dle. Con­sumers love this nut chop­per because it cre­ates uni­form chips. This is espe­cial­ly good if you want to use chopped nuts on top of a baked good.

This is a great option if you eat nuts often. How­ev­er, it does not work well for oth­er food products.

It is a styl­ish nut chop­per that does­n’t take up much stor­age space. It is an afford­able option, espe­cial­ly com­pared to oth­er gad­gets on the market.

Mate­ri­als: The base unit mate­r­i­al is plas­tic. The 1.5‑cup capac­i­ty bowl is made of plas­tic as well.

Main­te­nance Tips: The nut chop­per is easy to clean. Sim­ply remove the base and clean every­thing with soap and warm water. Dry the nut chop­per thor­ough­ly before stor­ing it.


  • Afford­able option
  • Styl­ish design
  • Easy to use
  • Cre­ates uni­form chips
  • Easy to clean


  • Only works well for nuts

Why Choose: Choose the Prep­works by Pro­gres­sive Nut Chop­per with Non-Skid Base if you often eat nuts and want a styl­ish, afford­able, easy-to-use nut chop­per that cre­ates uni­form chips. How­ev­er, this nut chop­per may not work well for you if you want to chop oth­er food products.

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#2 The Pampered Chef Food Chopper

The Pampered Chef Food Chopper
The Pam­pered Chef Food Chopper

The Pam­pered Chef Food Chop­per is a plunger-style nut chop­per that is an excel­lent option for home cooks. The stain­less steel blade can cut tough nuts quick­ly and eas­i­ly, and the more pres­sure you put on the blade, the fin­er the cut. It is also an excel­lent chop­per for oth­er food items, includ­ing veg­eta­bles and meat.

The clear design allows you to see the nuts while cut­ting, which helps ensure that the nuts will suit your needs.

Main­te­nance Tips: This nut chop­per is easy to dis­as­sem­ble, clean, and store. It’s dish­wash­er safe, so you don’t have to wor­ry about cut­ting your hands when you try to clean it.


  • Stain­less steel blade for quick and easy cutting.
  • Clear design for easy viewing.
  • Easy to dis­as­sem­ble, clean, and store.
  • It can be used for chop­ping oth­er food items besides nuts.


  • Man­u­al oper­a­tion may require more effort than elec­tric choppers.
  • Lim­it­ed bowl capacity.

Why Choose: Choose the Pam­pered Chef Food Chop­per if you are look­ing for a reli­able and easy-to-use man­u­al nut chop­per that can also chop oth­er food items. Its stain­less steel blade and clear design make it a great option for quick and easy cut­ting, and its easy-to-clean and store fea­tures make it a con­ve­nient tool for any home cook.


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#3 Manual Food Chopper, Compact & Powerful Hand-Held Vegetable Chopper

Brieftons Manual Food Chopper, Compact & Powerful Hand Held Vegetable Chopper
Brieftons Man­u­al Food Chop­per, Com­pact & Pow­er­ful Hand-Held Veg­etable Chopper

The Brieftons Man­u­al Chop­per is a com­pact, pow­er­ful, hand-held veg­etable chop­per with an anti-skid base and sharp stain­less steel blades. It has a man­u­al quick-pull cord that gives you more con­trol over the size of the grind, unlike some elec­tric choppers.

The tool has two high-speed rotat­ing stain­less steel blades that can han­dle hard nuts like almonds and wal­nuts. The bowl is avail­able with a 2‑cup or 4‑cup bowl so that you can chop many nuts at once. It is a mid-range priced chop­per that is use­ful for veg­eta­bles, herbs, meat, and ice.

Main­te­nance Tips: The chop­per is easy to dis­as­sem­ble and dish­wash­er safe, mak­ing clean­ing quick and hassle-free.

Mate­r­i­al: The bowl and base unit are both made from ABS plastic.


  • Com­pact and powerful
  • Anti-skid base
  • Sharp stain­less steel blades
  • Man­u­al quick-pull cord gives you more con­trol over the size of the grind
  • Two high-speed rotat­ing stain­less steel blades that can han­dle hard nuts like almonds and walnuts
  • Large 3‑cup capac­i­ty bowl
  • Easy to dis­as­sem­ble and dishwasher-safe


  • Made from ABS plastic

Why Choose: If you’re look­ing for a ver­sa­tile chop­per that is com­pact and pow­er­ful, the Brieftons Man­u­al Food Chop­per is a great option. It gives you more con­trol over the size of the grind and can han­dle hard nuts like almonds and wal­nuts. The chop­per is also easy to dis­as­sem­ble and dish­wash­er safe, mak­ing clean­ing quick and hassle-free.

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The Best Electric Nut Chopper 2023

As you con­tin­ue to think about the best nut chop­per for your kitchen, let’s review these top picks for an elec­tric nut chopper.

#4 Ninja Food Chopper Express Chop

Ninja Food Chopper Express Chop
Nin­ja Food Chop­per Express Chop

Nin­ja makes an excel­lent 200-watt pow­er nut chop­per. This is an advanced food proces­sor that works well for chop­ping veg­eta­bles and chop­ping hard nuts. If you are look­ing for an elec­tric chop­per that can be used for many dif­fer­ent foods, this is a great tool to add to your kitchen. To use this chop­per, press down on the ergonom­i­cal­ly designed pow­er head, allow­ing the 4‑blade set to cut through nuts easily.

The clear con­tain­er has a capac­i­ty of 16 oz. Because it’s clear, you can eas­i­ly check the nuts to make sure they’ve reached your desired con­sis­ten­cy. This nut chop­per is also very easy to clean. The no-slip base and splash guard helps keep every­thing clean dur­ing cook­ing. All remov­able parts are dish­wash­er-safe. As a bonus, this chop­per comes with a stor­age lid so you can eas­i­ly store any chopped food in the con­tain­er. This heli­copter comes at a mid-range price. It’s a great val­ue, espe­cial­ly if you’re look­ing for a mul­ti-func­tion­al nut chopper.

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Hamilton Beach Mini 3‑Cup Food Processor & Vegetable Chopper

Hamilton Beach Mini 3-Cup Food Processor & Vegetable Chopper
Hamil­ton Beach Mini 3‑Cup Food Proces­sor & Veg­etable Chopper

The Hamil­ton Beach Mini Chop­per is a high-qual­i­ty food proces­sor that works well for nuts. It has a pow­er­ful 350-watt motor and stain­less steel cut­ting blades. This food proces­sor is a great mul­ti­func­tion­al kitchen gad­get that can chop nuts, veg­eta­bles, and cheese.

This elec­tric nut chop­per is clean and easy to use. Sim­ply press the patent­ed lid to pulse the blade. The 3 cups bowl, lid, and blade are all remov­able and dish­wash­er-safe. This is a great time-sav­ing fea­ture as you con­tin­ue to pre­pare your food.

This nut chop­per comes in at a mid-range price point. It works well for hard nuts and oth­er foods. This is a good option if you want a mul­ti-pur­pose food chopper.

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Cuisinart SG-10 Electric Spice-and-Nut Grinder

Cuisinart SG-10 Electric Spice-and-Nut Grinder
Cuisi­nart SG-10 Elec­tric Spice-and-Nut Grinder

The Cuisi­nart SG-10 Elec­tric Spice & Nut Grinder is a heavy-duty elec­tric nut chop­per with a 200-watt motor and dual stain­less steel blades. This nut chop­per has a push-top lid and easy on-and-off con­trols. The bowl holds up to 90 grams and pro­vides addi­tion­al stor­age space in the lid. The feet are made of non-slip rub­ber, so you don’t have to wor­ry about acci­dents when cut­ting nuts.

This nut chop­per is easy to clean. Both lid and bowl are dish­wash­er safe. This grinder is spe­cial­ly designed for grind­ing both nuts and spices. If you are look­ing for a chop­per that works for veg­eta­bles as well as nuts, this may not be the best option for you. But this is a great choice if you are look­ing for a chop­per that can han­dle tough nuts like almonds. This is one of the more expen­sive options on the mar­ket. As you con­sid­er the price, remem­ber that it is durable, easy to use, and works well for tough nuts.

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Final Thoughts

The Nin­ja Food Chop­per is the best option if you con­sid­er an elec­tric nut chop­per, and it fits into your bud­get. It is a robust machine that is well-suit­ed for nut and food-chop­ping tasks. It fea­tures a trans­par­ent con­tain­er for mon­i­tor­ing and sim­pli­fy­ing clean­ing and includes a stor­age lid, offer­ing excel­lent val­ue for its multifunctionality.

Hamil­ton Beach’s Mini Chop­per, boast­ing a 350-watt motor, han­dles nuts, veg­eta­bles, and cheese. It’s user-friend­ly, easy to clean, and a prac­ti­cal choice for mul­ti­task­ing in the kitchen.

Cuisi­nart’s SG-10 is a heavy-duty elec­tric nut chop­per with dual stain­less steel blades, excelling in nut and spice grind­ing, espe­cial­ly tough nuts like almonds. Despite a high­er price point, it’s durable, user-friend­ly, and effi­cient for nut pro­cess­ing, albeit less ver­sa­tile in oth­er foods.

Prep­works offers a man­u­al nut chop­per tai­lored for nut enthu­si­asts. It’s both afford­able and styl­ish, with adjustable grind set­tings for con­sis­tent nut chips. While easy to clean, it’s pri­mar­i­ly designed for nuts and may not excel with oth­er foods.

The Pam­pered Chef Food Chop­per is a ver­sa­tile, man­u­al nut chop­per capa­ble of han­dling var­i­ous foods. It boasts an effi­cient stain­less steel blade and a clear design for easy mon­i­tor­ing. Clean­ing is straight­for­ward, though it demands more man­u­al effort than elec­tric alternatives.

Brieftons presents a com­pact, potent man­u­al food chop­per suit­able for var­i­ous foods, includ­ing tough nuts. It grants con­trol over grind size, dis­as­sem­bles eas­i­ly, and is dish­wash­er-safe, but it’s con­struct­ed from ABS plastic.

Ulti­mate­ly, your choice hinges on spe­cif­ic pref­er­ences and needs. If you pri­or­i­tize man­u­al nut chop­ping and pri­mar­i­ly work with nuts, Prep­works, and Pam­pered Chef are suit­able. Con­sid­er Nin­ja, Hamil­ton Beach, or Cuisi­nart for ver­sa­tile elec­tric options based on your bud­get and requirements.

FAQs About Nut Choppers

Q: What is a nut chopper?
A: A nut chop­per is a small tool that allows you to chop nuts into small­er pieces.

Q: What are the types of nut choppers?
A: There are two types of nut chop­pers: man­u­al and electric.

Q: What is the best nut chopper?
A: Accord­ing to the arti­cles, the best nut chop­per is the BLACK+DECKER 3‑Cup Elec­tric Food Chopper.

Q: What are the top-rat­ed nut choppers?
A: The top-rat­ed nut chop­pers are:

  • Nin­ja Food Chop­per Express Chop with 200-Watt
  • BLACK+DECKER 3‑Cup Elec­tric Food Chopper
  • Pro­gres­sive Inter­na­tion­al Man­u­al Nut Chopper
  • Prep­works by Pro­gres­sive Nut Chopper
  • Cuisi­nart Mini-Prep Plus Food Processor

Q: What should I con­sid­er when buy­ing a nut chopper?
A: When buy­ing a nut chop­per, you should con­sid­er the following:

  • Type (man­u­al or electric)
  • Capac­i­ty
  • Blade qual­i­ty
  • Ease of use and cleaning
  • Dura­bil­i­ty
  • Price

Q: How do I use a nut chopper?
A: To use a nut chop­per, fol­low these steps:

  • Place the nuts in the chopper.
  • Close the lid.
  • Turn the crank (for man­u­al chop­pers) or press the but­ton (for elec­tric chop­pers) to chop the nuts.
  • Open the lid and remove the chopped nuts.

Q: How do I clean a nut chopper?
A: To clean a nut chop­per, fol­low these steps:

  • Dis­as­sem­ble the chopper.
  • Wash the parts with warm, soapy water.
  • Rinse and dry the parts.
  • Reassem­ble the chopper
Posted in Best Products, Food Processors, Other Appliances

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