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Best Blenders for Hot Liquids 2025

Best Blenders for Hot Liq­uids 2025: To deter­mine the best blenders for hot liq­uids, you must first decide if you wish to use the same blender for smooth­ies, ice-blend­ed cof­fee, and oth­er frozen bev­er­ages. The next fac­tor to con­sid­er may be the amount of food pro­cess­ing you need to per­form with your immer­sion blender. The best hot food blender for you will have suf­fi­cient capac­i­ty for your require­ments. Final­ly, con­sid­er whether you want to be able to fine-tune the blend­ing process using a pro­fes­sion­al blender with pre­cise man­u­al con­trols or whether ease of use and pre-pro­grammed options for blend­ing hot soup and oth­er foods are more impor­tant to you.

Read More: 5 Best Blenders for Juic­ing 2025

Table of Contents

Here is a list of Best Blenders for Hot Liquids 2025

Vitamix Explorian E310

Vitamix Explorian E310
Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310

This Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310 is ide­al­ly suit­ed for those who wish to blend hot liq­uids pro­fes­sion­al­ly. In addi­tion, we rec­om­mend it to any­one inter­est­ed in prepar­ing hot soup and oth­er dishes.

It has every­thing you need to cre­ate vir­tu­al­ly any blend­ed dish you can imag­ine, includ­ing soups, smooth­ies, bat­ters, sauces, sal­sas, ice-crush­ing, etc. In addi­tion, it lacks any extrav­a­gant fea­tures that would arti­fi­cial­ly inflate its price. It is an excep­tion­al blender for hot liq­uids with an excel­lent warranty.


  • The pow­er­ful motor will blend at an expert level.
  • You are able to pre­pare hot soups one moment and sal­sa the next.
  • It is easy to clean for use in a busy com­mer­cial kitchen.


  • The con­tain­er could have been slight­ly larger.
  • Some indi­vid­u­als may find this to be quite pricey.

Vitamix 5200 Blender for Hot Liquids

Vitamix 5200 Blender for Hot Liquids
Vita­mix 5200 Blender for Hot Liquids

This blender has a durable pro­fes­sion­al motor with a radi­al cool­ing fan for long-last­ing per­for­mance, vari­able speed con­trol, and a self-clean­ing mode for heat­ing soups and oth­er hot liq­uids by friction.

This pro­fes­sion­al blender has blades that spin quick­ly enough to heat soup through fric­tion alone, as well as 10 speeds and a vari­able speed knob for pre­cise con­trol. In addi­tion, its sophis­ti­cat­ed, BPA-free pitch­er has a unique design that directs the con­tents back to the blades for effi­cient, smooth blending.

Although it lacks the pre-pro­grammed fea­tures of some per­son­al blender mod­els, this is, with­out a doubt, one of the best blenders for hot liq­uids and all types of food pro­cess­ing. It also works well for mak­ing smooth­ies and blend­ed iced drinks. A high­ly use­ful and prac­ti­cal self-clean­ing mode is an addi­tion­al ben­e­fit. Giv­en its ver­sa­til­i­ty, it would make an excel­lent gift for any­one seek­ing the best blender food processor.


  • A vari­able speed con­troller for vary­ing textures.
  • Unique pitch­er design swirls mix­ture towards blades.
  • Capa­ble of heat­ing soup sole­ly through friction.


  • Lacks pre-pro­grammed modes

Breville BSB510XL Blender for Hot Liquids

Breville BSB510XL Blender for Hot Liquids
Bre­ville BSB510XL Blender for Hot Liquids

This immer­sion blender is high­ly adapt­able due to its whisk attach­ment, 3‑cup chop­ping bowl, ergonom­ic han­dle, and 15 speeds. This immer­sion blender is dis­tin­guished by its ergonom­i­cal­ly designed han­dle and user-friend­ly con­trols. It has fif­teen vari­able speeds and blender blades that gen­er­ate tur­bu­lence to mix ingre­di­ents more thor­ough­ly and smooth­ly. In addi­tion, it includes a 42-ounce pitch­er and a func­tion­al chop­ping bowl for prepar­ing ingre­di­ents for hot soups.

This blender and mix­er’s soft-touch han­dle and trig­ger-style oper­a­tion make it easy to use, and its six-foot-long cord makes it portable in the kitchen, adding to its con­ve­nience. The stain­less steel blades are tough enough to crush ice and grind frozen ingre­di­ents, mak­ing this an excel­lent choice for the best blender for frozen drinks. In addi­tion, this hot food blender comes with a whisk attach­ment, allow­ing it to be used as a mix­er for whipped cream and oth­er desserts.


  • One-touch pre­ci­sion control.
  • Whisk is provided.
  • Capa­ble of heat­ing soup sole­ly through friction.


  • The 42-ounce pitch­er size is small­er than that of some competitors.
  • Not as pow­er­ful as a pro­fes­sion­al coun­ter­top blender.

Instant Pot Ace Nova

Instant Pot Ace Nova
Instant Pot Ace Nova

Want a blender that can pre­pare not only hot food but also smooth­ies, baby food, and more? This blender can effort­less­ly process hot liq­uids and oth­er hot ingre­di­ents. The dis­tinc­tive fea­ture of this blender is that, unlike Vita­mix and Blendtec, it has a heat­ing ele­ment rather than a fric­tion heat­ing system.

We appre­ci­ate the soup blender’s stain­less steel blade and abil­i­ty to crush ice while blend­ing hot soups. The vari­able speed con­trol also allows this blender to han­dle hot liq­uids eas­i­ly. When soups are com­bined with­out the best vari­able speed con­troller, hot liq­uids tend to be a bit sloppy.

We strong­ly rec­om­mend this option for indi­vid­u­als who intend to con­sume soup fre­quent­ly. This option, unlike a Nin­ja blender or oth­er coun­ter­top blenders, is capa­ble of blend­ing very thick soup ingre­di­ents. Intent on prepar­ing home­made soups con­tain­ing dense ingre­di­ents such as car­rots? This option includes the nec­es­sary pre-pro­grammed set­tings as well as a suit­able blender jar.

In addi­tion, we strong­ly rec­om­mend this option for peo­ple who fre­quent­ly con­sume home­made soups, as its blender jar is large enough to accom­mo­date the major­i­ty of veg­eta­bles and soup ingre­di­ents. Although it does not per­form as well with frozen fruit or hot cof­fee as some of the oth­er best blenders for hot recipes, we believe this blender and brand is still a good choice for those who con­sume soup more than three to four times per week.


  • If you intend to con­sume soup dai­ly, this blender is ide­al for you.
  • The mate­r­i­al qual­i­ty is slight­ly supe­ri­or to that of com­pet­ing blender mod­els, espe­cial­ly the blender jar.
  • We appre­ci­at­ed how well its speed com­pared to oth­er blenders for hot soup.
  • It con­tains a heat­ing ele­ment that pro­vides heat.


  • Cof­fee beans and hot cof­fee should not be com­bined in this machine.
  • It is not as effec­tive with cold recipes as it is with hot ones.
  • It is more dif­fi­cult to clean.

Cleanblend Countertop Blender for Hot Liquids

Cleanblend Countertop Blender for Hot Liquids
Clean­blend Coun­ter­top Blender for Hot Liquids

This blender’s pow­er­ful motors and durable con­struc­tion make it ide­al for prepar­ing large quan­ti­ties of hot soup. In addi­tion to func­tion­ing as a food proces­sor, it can han­dle nut but­ter, pro­tein pow­der, sauces, and ice cubes.

This three-horse­pow­er pro­fes­sion­al blender is among the most pow­er­ful coun­ter­top blenders on the mar­ket and is ide­al for blend­ing hot liq­uids and mak­ing soups, sauces, and hot cof­fee mixed drinks with MCT oil or nut but­ter. It is pow­er­ful enough for ice cubes, frozen fruit smooth­ies, nut but­ter, and sup­ple­ments, and the stain­less steel blades spin quick­ly enough to heat ingre­di­ents. The vari­able speed dials and respon­sive man­u­al con­trols increase the device’s ver­sa­til­i­ty, while the plas­tic han­dle and stain­less steel blade should be durable over time.

Although it lacks the sophis­ti­cat­ed self-clean­ing mode of the Vita­mix blender, it has a BPA-free and impact-resis­tant 64-ounce blender jar and a rel­a­tive­ly qui­et, sealed-ball-bear­ing motor design that ensures long-last­ing per­for­mance. Check out our list of the top com­mer­cial blenders for more pro­fes­sion­al-grade machines.


  • 3HP engine.
  • Inte­grat­ed mor­tar for blend­ing ingredients.
  • BPA-free pitch­er with impact resistance.


  • Lacks pro­grammed modes and settings.
  • No auto­mat­ic clean­ing mode.
Posted in Best Products, Blenders

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