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5 Best Juicers for Oranges, Grapefruits and other Citrus Fruits — 2025 Guide

citrus juicer

Cit­ruses — oranges, lemons, limes, grape­fruits, tan­ger­ines, clemen­tine, man­darin, sat­suma, tan­ge­lo, cit­ron, kabo­su, kiy­o­mi, sudachi — are the most suit­able and hence very pop­u­lar fruits for juic­ing. They can be juiced in a few ways, such as with

  • Ded­i­cat­ed cit­rus juicers, which are avail­able in the form of 
    • Elec­tric Ream­er;
    • Mechan­i­cal Cit­rus Press;
  • Ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicers with cit­rus attach­ment;
  • Any juic­ing extrac­tor.

Where­as the cit­rus juice extract­ed by each type of juicer will vary not only by yield but also by qual­i­ty. The pur­pose of this arti­cle is to make clear the way each juicer type extracts the cit­rus fruit juice, the qual­i­ty of the final prod­uct, and eas­i­ness of using and clean each type of juicer after use. So you will be able to make your own deci­sion about which type of juicer is the best to meet your needs.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Read More: Best Juicer for Apples, Pears and Oth­er Fruits 

Table of Contents

Dedicated Orange and Citrus Juicers – Electric Reamer and Manual Press

The ded­i­cat­ed cit­rus juicers – elec­tric ream­er and man­u­al cit­rus press — do not require peel­ing oranges or oth­er cit­rus fruits for juic­ing. Instead, the prepa­ra­tion pro­ce­dure involves only cut­ting the fruit in half and extract­ing the juice sim­ply from the fruit segment.


  • Very fast to extract juice;
  • Pro­duce high-qual­i­ty slow cold-press­ing juice;
  • Require lit­tle prepa­ra­tion time because do not need to peel produce;
  • Extract the best juice yield from Oranges, Lemons, Limes, and Grapefruits;
  • Usu­al­ly cheap­er than slow juicers;
  • Easy to use and clean;


  • Not ver­sa­tile and juices only cit­rus produce.

Electric Citrus Reamer

An elec­tric cit­rus ream­er is a straight­for­ward machine that employs a rotat­ing reamer/auger to press juice. The user, either man­u­al­ly with a hand (cheap­er machine) or a fruit dome (expen­sive machine) holds half of the fruit against the rotat­ing auger to squeeze the juice. Then, the liq­uid is passed through a strainer.

Elec­tric cit­rus ream­er has a small num­ber of parts such as a motor body, ream­er cone, strain­er, and juicer bowl with juice out­let, the more expen­sive machine may also have a juic­ing dome and han­dle to hold the half fruits against the cone dur­ing juic­ing. So, they are straight­for­ward to use and clean.  Some machines may have a few coned auger sizes for small and large fruits.

The ream­ers process juice via slow-speed press­ing tech­nol­o­gy and thus deliv­er high-qual­i­ty juice with a long shelf-life.

There is a vast vari­ety of elec­tric motor-pow­ered cit­rus juicers to choose from – styl­ish Bre­ville or Smeg, bud­get Cuisi­nart, BLACK+DECKER, or well-known juic­ing brand Cit­riS­tar. This arti­cle will look at the two most effi­cient and pop­u­lar machines.

Tribest CS-1000 CitriStar Electric Citrus Juicer

tribest citripress

The Tribest CS-1000 Cit­riS­tar is a bud­get cit­rus ream­er juicer. Nev­er­the­less, it is very effi­cient, deliv­ers high orange and oth­er cit­rus fruit juice yields, and is very pop­u­lar among consumers.

Base Unit and Motor: The Tribest Cit­ris­tar comes with a plas­tic juicer body and a 120 V 50 Watts motor. It has a broad base and rub­ber feet with con­ve­nient wrap cord stor­age under the base. Keep­ing your juicer clean when it sits on the counter or stored in the cab­i­net is pro­vid­ed with a plas­tic dust cov­er, which appears to be very handy.


Cone/Ream: The juicer han­dles all larg­er fruit sizes, from small lime to the largest grape­fruits, for juic­ing. It is equipped with two sizes nest­ed, one in anoth­er lemon/lime clear plas­tic reams. So if you need to juice small­er fruit, just remove the large team to get the small­er lime one. A large fruit such as orange or grape­fruit just returns the large ream into place above the small ream to juice.

Strainer/Screen: Although the juicer is made main­ly from plas­tic, it has a stur­dy, rust-free stain­less steel strain­er, and it does a good job catch­ing seeds and most of the pulp out of the juice.

citristar cone and strainerJuicer Col­lec­tor Bowl with Spout: It has a plas­tic juicer bowl and an inbuilt and irre­mov­able stain­less steel spout. How­ev­er, the spout is moved up and down and could be locked dur­ing pro­cess­ing by push­ing it up and released when­ev­er you want to pour the juice into the glass.

There are such things as com­plaints from cus­tomers about the small spout hole because it tends to clog. Yet, you can unclog the drain sim­ply by flick­ing the spout open and closed a few times, and it works; you do not need to dis­as­sem­ble the juicer for this purpose.

Clean­ing: The juicer has only 3 parts – body unit, juic­ing rem, bowl, and screen — thus, it is very easy to assemble/disassemble and clean.

Oper­a­tion: The oper­a­tion is also sim­ple; the machine is switched by firm­ly press­ing the halved fruit against the ream.

The juicer is designed to oper­ate no more than 15 con­sec­u­tive­ly and must rest 15 sec­onds after the oper­a­tion; it is also rec­om­mend­ed to run no more than 5 min­utes before a few min­utes rest.

Juice yield: 4 Navel oranges deliv­er just under 2 cups/16 ounces of juice.

Dimen­sions: 8 W x 8 D x 9.5 H inch­es, weights 7.7 Lbs (3.5 KG).

War­ran­ty: The juicer has only a 1 Year War­ran­ty; how­ev­er, it is a well-made machine and could eas­i­ly serve for 3–5 years. Besides, the Tribest Man­u­fac­tur­ing Com­pa­ny is a well-known man­u­fac­tur­er with decent cus­tomer ser­vice locat­ed in the USA.

Sum­ma­ry: Although the Tribest CS-1000 Cit­riS­tar juicer is a rather basic machine made most­ly of plas­tic, it is very well made and has a decent life expectancy.

Though it deliv­ers an excel­lent juice yield and could be a per­fect machine for those who like to hold the cit­rus fruit in hand while oper­at­ing the device, it allows to con­trol the juic­ing process and get max­i­mum juice out of the fruit.


Breville 800CPXL Die-Cast Stainless-Steel Motorized Citrus Press

breville 800CPXL Citrus juicerThe 800CPXL Cit­rus Juicer is the pre­mi­um Bre­ville juicer that is made in Chi­na while engi­neered and patent­ed in the USA. This brushed stain­less steel machine is designed with a unique pull-down juic­ing arm/lever that allows juice oranges and oth­er cit­rus fruits with min­i­mal effort but indus­tri­al power.

Base Unit and Motor: This elec­tric ream­er has an ergonom­ic exte­ri­or design, with its body made 100% from durable die-cast resis­tant to cor­ro­sive cit­ric acid stain­less steel.

The styl­ish body hous­es 120 volts, 110 watts very qui­et motor. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the machine has a plas­tic motor shaft that is sub­ject to com­plaints from some cus­tomers. The good thing is that the replace­ment shaft is avail­able to buy from the man­u­fac­tur­er, and the price is reasonable.

Juic­ing Cone: The Bre­ville 800CPXL ream­er is equipped with an acid-resis­tant die-cast stain­less steel juic­ing cone. It is designed with 4‑fins around it to keep secure fruits in place while pro­cess­ing and extract­ing a max­i­mum juice yield from all sizes of cit­rus fruits, from the small­est lime to orange to the largest grapefruits.

Breville citrus juicer cone1Strainer/Pulp Fil­ters: It comes with two (2) dif­fer­ent stain­less steel pulp fil­ters – the coarse with larg­er holes for pulpi­er juice and the fine with small­er holes for less pulpy juice

Juicer Bowl: The machine has a die-cast stain­less steel juice bowl with a non-drip juice spout. The juice bowl col­lects the sieved juice from the strain­er, which then goes into the glass through the juice spout. You can also push the spout up to keep the juice inside the bowl and release it when you fin­ish juicing.

Juic­ing Dome and Han­dle: It has a dome and lever design sim­i­lar to com­mer­cial mod­els. When you place the half fruits on the cone, the dome will keep the orange in place while pro­cess­ing. So, you do not require apply­ing a lot of pres­sure while juic­ing; you can do it with one finger.

Using and clean­ing: The juicer has only 4 parts – body, bowl col­lec­tor, strain­er, and dome — which are eas­i­ly put togeth­er for assembling.

The juic­ing cone, strain­ers, bowl col­lec­tor, and dome are all remov­able parts that can be cleaned under run­ning water or on the dish­wash­er’s top shelf.

Oper­a­tion: There is only one but­ton on the back of the body that pow­ers the machine. It is acti­vat­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly when you place the halved fruit onto a cone, pull down the juic­ing dome, and rest on the cit­rus fruit. You stop the oper­a­tion when you push the lever up to release the cit­rus peel.

The juicer is equipped with a safe­ty fea­ture, so it will not oper­ate until the dome and lever place enough pres­sure on the top of the cone.

Juice yield: The machine is very effi­cient and eas­i­ly squeezes 1 glass from 3–3.5 large Navel oranges.

Dimen­sions: The juicer is huge and mea­sures 11″ x 9″ x 18″.

War­ran­ty: The Bre­ville comes with an ONLY 1‑year war­ran­ty the help­ful and sup­port­ive cus­tomer ser­vice. Despite the very short war­ran­ty, the machine is very well made and durable.

Sum­ma­ry: Although the Bre­ville 800CPXL Cit­rus machine comes with a high price tag, it is worth every pen­ny. It is well-made, styl­ish, fast, and qui­et, unlike most oth­er juicers. It is easy to use that even a child (under super­vi­sion) or a per­son with severe arthri­tis could eas­i­ly oper­ate this gadget.

The juicer works smooth­ly with any fruit, nev­er torque­ing and han­dles all types of fruits, from small lime to huge grape­fruits. It squeezes every drop of juice, leav­ing the peel absolute­ly dry. It actu­al­ly deliv­ers the high­est yield among all types and makes elec­tric ream­er cit­rus machines.


Mechanical Citrus Press

The Mechan­i­cal Cit­rus Juicer is a hand-oper­at­ed press that uses the can­tilever action to mul­ti­ply force to press the cit­rus fruit juice. They indeed do not need elec­tric­i­ty for oper­a­tion. These juicers are nor­mal­ly very large and heavy but are very easy to use and clean.

You place the halved cit­rus face on the ream­er and low­er down the lever­aged met­al han­dle to press out the juice. It employs a slow juice extrac­tion process; hence, juice extract­ed with the mechan­i­cal press is tasty, has high nutri­tion­al val­ue, and has a long shelf life (up to 48 hours).

There are a large num­ber of mechan­i­cal cit­rus press­es avail­able on the mar­ket. The bad news is that they are all made in Chi­na, whether they are dis­trib­uted by a rep­utable or short-lived com­pa­ny (the major­i­ty of them are). The good news is that a few USA and Euro­pean dis­trib­ut­ing com­pa­nies ser­vice this type of juicer and sell replace­ment parts.

Here we will review only brands that are ser­viced by rep­utable com­pa­nies that will stand behind the prod­uct and serve the war­ran­ty for them.

Gourmia GMJ9970 Large Citrus Juicer

Gourmia GMJ9970 Citrus PressGour­mia GMJ9970 Large Cit­rus Press is a bud­get ver­sion of cit­rus press juicers. It is man­u­fac­tured in Chi­na and dis­trib­uted by a USA Brook­lyn-based com­pa­ny that was estab­lished in 2015 and spe­cial­ized in kitchen appli­ance distribution.

The juicer is con­struct­ed with the fol­low­ing parts:

  • Met­al frame with feet, body neck,
  • Rub­ber handle,
  • Pres­sure dome,
  • Strain­er cone,
  • Fun­nel cup/bowl.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: It han­dles the fol­low­ing ingredients:

  • Lime,
  • Lemon,
  • Oranges,
  • Grape­fruit.
  • Tan­ger­ine (sat­suma),

Base: The base is stur­dy and made from cast iron with rub­ber feet and rub­ber grips.

Pres­sure Cup/Dome: The Pres­sure dome is made from aluminum.

Strain­er Bowl and Cone: It has a stain­less steel drain bowl and an alu­minum strain­er cone. The 4.5” in diam­e­ter strain­er bowl eas­i­ly fits from small lime or aver­age grapefruit.

Juic­ing con­tain­er: The press does not include the juice col­lec­tion con­tain­er but will fit the 4.5” tall cup for juice col­lec­tion under the funnel.

Oper­a­tion: To squeeze the juice, you have to place the cit­rus on the cone and press down the handle.

The Gour­mia GMJ9970 Large Cit­rus Press is not very easy to oper­ate, and you have to have some force to apply to do it; oth­er­wise, you might not get all the juice out. You also have to hold the press down when you pull the han­dle because the gad­get may move when you apply pressure.

Dimen­sions: It is 27.5” tall with the han­dle up and 15.5” with the han­dle down. Weight – 12 lbs.

War­ran­ty: The Cit­rus press comes with a lim­it­ed one-year warranty.

Sum­ma­ry: The Gour­mia GMJ9970 Large Cit­rus Press is stur­dy, very sim­ple to assem­ble, and clean. It does require some effort to apply when push­ing the han­dle down, but this is the bud­get ver­sion sold at a low price for the qual­i­ty cit­rus press and ser­viced by a new but estab­lished com­pa­ny with excel­lent cus­tomer support.


Focus Foodservice 97336 Jupiter Large Commercial Juice Press

Focus Foodservice 97336 Jupiter Citrus PressFocus Food­ser­vice 97336 Jupiter Juice Press is well known on the mar­ket for its qual­i­ty. It is man­u­fac­tured in Chi­na but dis­trib­uted by the USA-based Focus Prod­ucts, LLC. The Jupiter juicers were for­mer­ly known under OrangeX, which lat­er was acquired by Focus Prod­ucts Com­pa­ny. It is one of the few NSF-approved cit­rus press juicers (as indi­cat­ed on the box).

The juicer is com­prised of the fol­low­ing parts:

  • Base with sta­ble feet,
  • The neck of the body with a fun­nel holder,
  • Han­dle,
  • Pres­sure cup/dome,
  • Strain­er cone,
  • Fun­nel cup/bowl.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: It will eas­i­ly press out every drop of juice from

  • Oranges,
  • Grape­fruits,
  • Lemons,
  • Limes,
  • Key limes,
  • Pome­gran­ates

Base: The Jupiter Press juicer base, feet, and neck of the juicer are all made from cast iron and stain­less steel with an enam­el coat­ing to resist cit­rus acids and cor­ro­sion. It has a wide base and rub­ber suc­tion cup feet for sta­bil­i­ty dur­ing operation.

This juicer is very well con­struct­ed; its 3‑pinion design mech­a­nism allows the appli­ca­tion of min­i­mum efforts from the user to exert 2300 PSI (pounds per square inch) force. In addi­tion, the juice-squeez­ing process is so effort­less that even a child can oper­ate it.

Pres­sure Cup/Dome: The pres­sure cup/dome of the press is made of chromed alu­minum, but it does not con­tact the fruit flesh or juice.

Strain­er Cone: The per­fo­rat­ed strain­er cone is made of 18–8 stain­less steel. It is 4.75” in diam­e­ter and can effi­cient­ly accom­mo­date dif­fer­ent sizes of cit­rus fruits, from key lime to the aver­age size grapefruit.

Juic­ing con­tain­er: The Press pack­age does not include any juice col­lec­tion cup. But you can fit a 5” tall juice con­tain­er under it its fun­nel for juice collection.

Oper­a­tion: The press oper­a­tion is a no-brain­er. To squeeze out the juice, you just lever down the han­dle, and the pres­sure cup press­es the halved cit­rus fruit that sits on the strain­er cone.

Dimen­sions: The press is huge and heavy. It mea­sures with the han­dle down 15″ (H) x 10.5 (D) x 7″ (W) and 28″ x 10.5” X 7” with the han­dle up posi­tion. It weighs 14.6 lbs.

War­ran­ty: The machine comes with only a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. How­ev­er, it is very durable and will serve you for many years. You can also buy a replace­ment part from spe­cial supplies.

Sum­ma­ry: The Focus Food­ser­vice 97336 Jupiter Juice Press is undoubt­ed­ly the best man­u­al cit­rus press avail­able on the mar­ket; no oth­er com­pet­ing cit­rus press comes close at a com­pa­ra­ble price and equiv­a­lent per­for­mance. It is tru­ly a com­mer­cial-grade juicer. It is stur­dy, very easy to oper­ate, and will last for many years. Its han­dle and bear­ing mech­a­nism are very effec­tive; they apply a huge amount of force to squeeze any cit­rus fruit to the last drop.


Extract Citrus Juice with Masticating or Centrifugal Juicer

You can extract orange and cit­rus fruit juice using a mas­ti­cat­ing or cen­trifu­gal type of juicer. The only prob­lem, you will have to peel the fruits for this pur­pose. The­o­ret­i­cal­ly, you can juice unpeeled limes and lemons since their rind is edi­ble. Still, the oranges, tan­ger­ines, and grape­fruit must be peeled because their skin con­tains bit­ter oil that is not only unpleas­ant­ly test­ed but also con­tains chemicals.

So, to juice oranges and oth­er orange col­or cit­rus fruits, you will require to peel them, cut them if need­ed, and extract the juice using a mas­ti­cat­ing or cen­trifu­gal juicer. The white pith con­tains a high lev­el of bioflavonoids, and this method brings the creami­er tex­ture, the most nutri­tion­al val­ue, and the best yield of juice.

So peeled cit­rus fruits could be juiced with any mas­ti­cat­ing or cen­trifuge juicer. How­ev­er, the cen­trifu­gal juicer will deliv­er almost 20–30% less juice than the mas­ti­cat­ing type, and the qual­i­ty is also worse with them than with mas­ti­cat­ing machines because it will sep­a­rate into watery and pulpy parts. So the cen­trifu­gal juicer is not a very good option for juic­ing the citruses.

The twin gear juicer will per­fect­ly han­dle any cit­rus fruits, but they are the most expen­sive type of juicer and are known as ulti­mate leafy greens machines rather than soft fruits. So the twin gear juicers are also not the best option for extract­ing cit­rus juice.

So the best mas­ti­cat­ing machine for extract­ing cit­rus juice is the sin­gle auger juicer.

Vertical Single Auger Masticating Juicer with Citrus Attachment

The Ver­ti­cal Sin­gle auger juicers with a wide chute are the most effi­cient machine across the mas­ti­cat­ing juicers for extract­ing juice from the cit­rus fruits. They are not only the best to deal with soft fruits, but they can be fed the whole orange with­out pre-cut­ting. Besides, the ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger machines are the most ver­sa­tile mas­ti­cat­ing juicer that can effec­tive­ly juice almost any ingredient.

How­ev­er, there are more good things about slow ver­ti­cal machines. For exam­ple, some Kuvings and Hurom ver­ti­cal juicers come with the cit­rus ream­er attach­ment. So, with such a machine, you can extract both types of orange juice – from the peeled orange with­out the pith and from the whole fruits with the pith that have more bioflavonoids and oth­er nutri­tion­al­ly valu­able ingredients.

Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer Elite C7000

best citrus juicerThe Kuvings C7000 Juicer (known as C9500 in Europe and oth­er coun­tries) was released in 2016, upgrad­ed in 2018 (with a new gen­er­a­tion drum), and belongs to the 3rd gen­er­a­tion ver­ti­cal slow mas­ti­cat­ing juicers.

It is man­u­fac­tured by the Kuvings – a rep­utable South Kore­an com­pa­ny that pro­duces juicers and blenders and has oper­at­ed since 1978. It was actu­al­ly the inven­tor of the first wide chute ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer, and lat­er, the tech­nol­o­gy was copied by oth­er manufacturers.

Set includes:

Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer Motor Base C7000 with 3″ Wide Feed Chute and Fun­nel Attachment;

  • Juic­ing Bowl;
  • Juic­ing Screw (Auger);
  • Rota­tion Wiper/spinning brush;
  • Juic­ing Screen and Blank Screen;
  • Juice cup with Sieve attach­ment and pulp container;
  • Food Push­er;
  • 3 types of clean­ing brush­es — large clean­ing brush, spout brush, screen clean­ing tool;
  • Instruc­tion manual;
  • Recipe Book (Full Color).

Option­al smooth­ie screens and cit­rus attach­ments are avail­able to buy direct­ly from Kuvings.

Kuvings Citrus AttachmentCit­rus Remer Attach­ment: The cit­rus ream­er attach­ment is not includ­ed in the set, but you can buy it from the manufacturer.

The Cit­rus ream­er attach­ment will eas­i­ly turn your Kuvings EVO820 machine into a ded­i­cat­ed elec­tric cit­rus squeez­er. So will be able to extract oranges and oth­er cit­rus fruit juice just by cut­ting them in half and press­ing them down onto a spin­ning ream­er cone.

Yield: from 2 lbs of peeled oranges, the Kuvings C7000 Juicer extracts approx. 570–650 ml of juice, depend­ing on the fresh­ness and tex­ture of the ingredients.

Motor and Body Unit: Kuvings C7000 Juicer fea­tures a com­pact and sleek body unit with an in-house pow­er­ful 240 Watts brush­less motor. The motor rotates the auger at a slow 60 rpm speed.

The juicer comes with a safe­ty lock sys­tem that allows it to run only if the gad­get is assem­bled prop­er­ly and pre­vents the machine from wob­bling. The motor is also equipped with cool­ing motor tech­nol­o­gy that extends the life expectan­cy of the machine.

The C7000 is designed with a duty cycle of 30 min­utes; after 30 min­utes, it should be allowed to rest before resum­ing operation.

Juic­ing Bowl, Hop­per, and Feed­ing Chute: The 13.5 oz./400ml juic­ing bowl is made of BPA-free clear plas­tic, which has at the bot­tom 4 inter­lock points, ensur­ing a more secure fit. In addi­tion, the upgrad­ed 2018 juic­ing bowls come with­out the sil­i­cone ring, mak­ing them eas­i­er to clean eas­i­er and pre­vent­ing leak­ing when not assem­bled properly.

The machine also fea­tures a smart-look­ing juice out­let cap with a met­al top.

The Kuvings 7000/C9500 has a 3”/77mm feed chute that allows less prepa­ra­tion for not very firm ingre­di­ents (for exam­ple, it will take small apple oranges). While it still needs to cut beets in half or quar­ters and car­rots in half ver­ti­cal­ly and feeds them more grad­u­al­ly; oth­er­wise, the big­ger firm roots may strain the machine.

Gears/Auger: The Kuvings C7000 Juicer auger is made from BPA-free heavy-duty plas­tic and has a new com­pared to the pre­vi­ous 6000 mod­el design fea­tur­ing the hol­low bot­tom, which col­lects the excess pulp pro­duced dur­ing juic­ing and pre­vents it from dis­turb­ing the juic­ing process. The new auger design is also designed to pro­duce less pulpy juice.

Kuvings juicer screenJuic­ing Screen: The Kuvings C7000/C9500 comes with a stan­dard juic­ing screen with stain­less steel mesh­es for pro­cess­ing all types of ingre­di­ents for juic­ing and a blank plas­tic screen for mak­ing frozen treats and puree­ing food.

It also comes with a typ­i­cal ver­ti­cal juicer BPA-free plas­tic clean­ing brush with sil­i­con brushes.

Con­tain­ers: The juicer fea­tures BPA-free Tri­tan copoly­ester juic­ing and pulp con­tain­ers. The 32 oz. capac­i­ty (with­out mea­sur­ing marks) juic­ing con­tain­er comes with BPA-free 5 Screen plas­tic strain­er for siev­ing the juice from the exces­sive pulp.


Kuvings C7000 is a ver­sa­tile machine and per­forms the fol­low­ing functions:

  • Peeled oranges, grape­fruits, and oth­er cit­rus fruits;
  • Soft fruit and veg­gies such as pineap­ple or cucumber;
  • Cel­ery juice;
  • Cit­rus juice;
  • Leafy greens such as kale and oth­ers and includ­ing wheat­grass juice;
  • Firm veg­gies like car­rots and beets;
  • Frozen desserts;
  • Food pro­cess­ing tasks include smooth­ies, but­ter, milk, baby food, purees, and sauce.

This machine allows us to extract orange and oth­er cit­rus juice in two ways – from peeled fruits when you feed the whole fruits into a feed­ing chute for juices c extrac­tion and from unpeeled cit­ruses using the mount­ed on the motor base cit­rus ream­er attachment.

The set comes with a blank screen (not typ­i­cal for ver­ti­cal juicers) designed for frozen desserts, nut but­ter, and baby food.

You can also buy the smooth­ies screen sep­a­rate­ly for pro­cess­ing smooth­ies, soft­er fruits, and veggies.

Clean­ing and assembling/disassembling: The juicer is assem­bled the stan­dard way for a ver­ti­cal slow juicer. First, you set the juic­ing bowl, then the juic­ing screen with the scrap­per, fol­lowed by the auger and chute with cover.

The machine is not the eas­i­est but also not very dif­fi­cult to clean, which is typ­i­cal for the ver­ti­cal slow juicer. The juic­ing screen is the most labored part to clean. How­ev­er, the set comes with a set of 3 brush­es that do a great job.

Although some of the machine parts are top-rack dish­wash­ers, it is bet­ter to clean all the parts by hand to extend the juicer’s life expectancy.

Con­trols: The machine comes with one switch which has the OFF (neutral)/ On/Reverse functions.

War­ran­ty: The Kuvings C7000 juicer comes with 10 years lim­it­ed war­ran­ty and very help­ful cus­tomer ser­vice. The USA Kuvings sup­port is locat­ed in Chica­go, Illi­nois, and must be con­tact­ed direct­ly when need­ed: Tel 1–888-682‑5559, email: [email protected].

Dimen­sions: 9″ x 8.25″ x 17.5″, weights 16 lbs/6.9kg.

Sum­ma­ry: The Kuvings C7000 is a pre­mi­um juicer with a wide chute that takes less time for food prepa­ra­tion. It deliv­ers excel­lent juice yield from peeled oranges and oth­er cit­rus fruits. It is very easy to use, very quick to process ingre­di­ents (the ver­ti­cal juicer is the fastest among slow juicers) and han­dles the widest range of ingredients.

It has an option­al cit­rus ream­er attach­ment, so you can juice your oranges with­out peel­ing them. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, only a few mas­ti­cat­ing juicer machines are avail­able with such a feature.

Although, it is not a ded­i­cat­ed cit­rus press juicer and needs some preparation/peeling for juic­ing cit­rus fruits or extra cost if you decide to buy and cit­rus ream­er attach­ment and if you plan to juice not only the cit­rus fruits but a vari­ety of oth­er ingre­di­ents and want to process the high-qual­i­ty cold press juice with a long shelf life than this machine is worth to consider.



If you want a quick and easy way to extract the juice with­out peel­ing them, you have to go for the elec­tric ream­er or man­u­al cit­rus press. The juice from unpeeled cit­rus fruits will be pulp-free and taste sweet with­out any bit­ter pith.

The Bre­ville 800CPXL Cit­rus Juicer is cer­tain­ly the best pre­mi­um elec­tric ream­er. It deliv­ers the high­est yield across all elec­tri­cal and cit­rus press ream­ers, well made and durable. There­fore, it is avail­able at a pre­mi­um price. The Tribest CS-1000 Cit­riS­tar is the best bud­get machine with a rea­son­ably high juice yield that is approx­i­mate­ly 10% less than the Bre­ville 800CPXL machine. It is the best bud­get machine if you decide to go for an elec­tric cit­rus reamer.

Sup­pose you decide to go for the man­u­al cit­rus press, which does not require elec­tric­i­ty and deliv­ers the low­est juice yield across all juici­er styles but out­puts nice and sweet, pure juice with­out bit­ter pith. Again, you have the option to select from pre­mi­um Focus Food­ser­vice 97336 Jupiter Juice Press or bud­get GMJ9970 Large Cit­rus Press.

If you pre­fer to extract juice from peeled cit­rus fruits, then you have to select a mas­ti­cat­ing juicer.

The juice from peeled fruits will be rich, creamy, and con­tain more nutri­ents than juice from unpeeled fruits sim­ply because the cit­rus fruit pith is a loca­tion with the high­est con­cen­tra­tion of valu­able bioflavonoids.

Kuvings C7000 Juicer is the best mas­ti­cat­ing machine for juic­ing cit­rus fruits not only because it extracts one of the high­est juice yields across the mas­ti­cat­ing juicer but also because it has the cit­rus ream­er attach­ment avail­able to buy as an option­al acces­so­ry. The Kuvings C7000 juici­er is also a mul­ti­func­tion­al machine and han­dles a wide range of ingre­di­ents, from the firm and soft fruit and veg­gies to leafy greens and wheat­grass. So if you plan to juice cit­rus fruits and var­i­ous oth­er ingre­di­ents, this machine is the obvi­ous choice.

Posted in Juicers, Best Products

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