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Ninja Chef CT805 / CT810 / CT815 Blender Review

Ninja Chef CT805 CT810 CT815 blender

The Nin­ja Chef Series 800 — CT805, CT810, and CT815 — blenders were intro­duced in 2017, and so far, it is prob­a­bly the best Nin­ja blender cur­rent­ly on the market.

They have a pow­er­ful motor, inbuilt blade sys­tem, high-qual­i­ty Tri­tan copoly­ester Jar, Smart Ves­sel Recog­ni­tion, and LCD con­trol pan­el. With all these fea­tures, Nin­ja Chef seeks to com­pete with Vita­mix and Blendtec blenders.

Read our com­pre­hen­sive review to find out if this machine is a worth­while addi­tion to your kitchen countertop.

Would you con­sid­er an alter­na­tive option? Check our pop­u­lar article:

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie: Nin­ja Chef CT805/810/815 makes qual­i­ty smooth­ies, creamy and smooth with­out lumps. It eas­i­ly process­es hard ingre­di­ents like car­rots, kale, and oth­er gree­nies; how­ev­er, it some­times chokes up. It also han­dles flaxseeds, straw­ber­ries, blue­ber­ries, and oth­er seeds, not per­fect­ly but does a decent job with them. The blend­ing is not quite Vita­mix /Blendtec qual­i­ty but fair­ly close.

Juice: The blender will not make text­book juice sep­a­rat­ing the juice from the fiber; how­ev­er, it can process ingre­di­ents into a smooth tex­ture. You can always use a nut bag to sep­a­rate the fiber and get the close juice consistency.

Ice Crush­ing and Frozen Treats: The blender has the pow­er to crush ice in smooth­ies and drinks to a super-fine lev­el. The machine makes per­fect snow from the ice cubes with­out much effort. It can make qual­i­ty Pina cola­da, daiquiris, and oth­er iced drinks of per­fect frothy con­sis­ten­cy. You can make ice cream, sor­bet, or frozen yogurt using a pre-set ice cream pro­gram and Nin­ja Chef Recipe book. If you are sug­ar or dairy-free, you can use the appro­pri­ate ingre­di­ents for your dessert recipes.

Nut milk: The blender is capa­ble of pro­cess­ing nuts into home­made nut milk. It is advised to soak nuts overnight and use a nut bag to remove fiber from a blend­ed drink for bet­ter results.

Nut but­ter: Also, it is a pow­er­ful machine and claims to make nut but­ter eas­i­ly; in fact, it does not. The pro­duc­ing nut but­ter will require soak­ing nuts before pro­cess­ing or/and adding some oil dur­ing the pro­cess­ing. Oth­er­wise, you will be involved in the tire­some process. Sure­ly, you will have to use a tam­per dur­ing processing.

Soup/Hot ingre­di­ents: The blender is designed to process hot liq­uids. It does a great job of puree­ing hot ingre­di­ents to make a creamy soup or process bul­let­proof cof­fee but does not heat them with fric­tion like Vita­mix. For the heat­ing liq­uids with the fric­tions, the blender needs to process for over 5 min­utes with 25000rpm while Nin­ja Chef is lim­it­ed to process only up to 2 min­utes with the high­est speed of only 18000 rpm.

Chopping/food prep: This machine is also good at prepar­ing vinai­grette, dress­ings, sauces, dips, sal­sa, and spreads. It makes very creamy hum­mus and smooth pates. Not only it have 10 vari­able speeds and a very use­ful pulse func­tion but a few pre-set pro­grams such as puree, dip/salsa, and the dress­ing are per­fect for this job. Use the pulse func­tion for mak­ing cau­li­flower rice and oth­er pro­cess­ing tasks.  It also does well at chop­ping stuff and will chop a car­rot, cucum­ber, and oth­er ingre­di­ents for a salad.

It has an IQ mode Puree inbuilt pro­gram. The recipe book also has sev­er­al purees and dip recipes, so puree­ing car­rots, for exam­ple, is not a prob­lem for this gadget.

Dough/batter: Although the man­u­al claims it can make per­fect dough and bat­ter, from my expe­ri­ence, the out­come was not flaw­less. I tried using it to make a lava cake from a Nin­ja Chef cook­book. The bat­ter required some man­u­al help to get flour mixed in, and I end­ed up using a spat­u­la instead of a tam­per and blender. How­ev­er, for a more watery mix­ture like pan­cake bat­ter, it can do a good job.

Grinding/milling: This blender allows for to milling of flour. I test­ed it with wheat berries, flaxseed, rice, and chick­peas, and it worked very well on them, turn­ing every seed/berry into a con­sis­tent­ly fine, per­fect flour. The func­tions are indis­pens­able if you like exper­i­ment­ing in the kitchen. Or if you have dietary restric­tions like being aller­gic to gluten aller­gies, this machine will allow you to incor­po­rate back the flour into your diet.

Despite the fact that the machine has a lot of pow­er and does a great job, I noticed that the man­u­al mode is the only way to prop­er­ly blend par­tic­u­lar recipes to avoid cavitation.

Speed Settings and Programs

The blender Touch con­trol pan­el looks rather con­fus­ing, but it turns out to be sim­ple when you learn how it works. The con­trol pan­el has

  • 6 but­tons (Pow­er, Clean, IQ, Man­u­al, Timer+ and Pulse modes) at the bot­tom of the panel;
  • dial-up knob, with a start/stop but­ton in the center;
  • and the LCD timer.

The Nin­ja Chef blender is equipped with a Smart Ves­sel Recog­ni­tion sys­tem that allows the machine to auto­mat­i­cal­ly dis­play pre-set iQ Pro­grams spe­cif­ic to each ves­sel attached (72 oz. pitch­er or 24 oz. sin­gle-serve cup).

72 oz. container

ninja chef control panel IQ

Once you place 72 oz. con­tain­er on the top of the base and turn the pow­er but­ton ON (while using), the 72 oz. IQ pro­grams become acti­vat­ed. Now the 10 pre-set pro­grams (Flour/mill; Frozen Drink; Extract; Smooth­ie; Soup; Ice Cream; Pureee; Dip/Salsa; Dress­ing; Nut But­ter) are light­ed up around the dial knob and avail­able for use. You turn the knob to the desired pro­gram and push the Start/Stop but­ton in the cen­ter of the knob, and the blender will start run­ning. The timer on the inter­face counts down until the pro­gram is fin­ished. These 10 pre-set pro­grams com­bine a unique set of puls­ing, paus­ing, and blend­ing with vari­able speed pat­terns to achieve the best result.

Alter­na­tive­ly, you can use Man­u­al mode by push­ing the Man­u­al but­ton; the 10 vari­able speeds grad­u­at­ed indents (rang­ing from 7 000 to 18, 000 rpm) will be light­ed up around the dial knob. Push the Start/Stop but­ton to run the blender. You can use the dial to res­e­lect anoth­er speed while it is run­ning. To stop man­u­al mode, just push the Start/Stop but­ton again.

If you want to set up your own count­down timer, push the Time+ mode, and the flash­ing timer at the cor­ner of the con­trol pan­el will show 10 sec­onds; repeat­ed­ly push the Time+ but­ton to add blend time in 10-sec­ond inter­vals for up to 2 min­utes, then select the speed with the dial and push Start/Stop but­ton in the cen­ter of the dial. Blend­ing will stop auto­mat­i­cal­ly when the count­down is complete.

For using the CLEAN mode, select the Clean mode but­ton and then press the start/stop to begin. The unit will shut down when the cycle is complete.

The PULSE mode is acti­vat­ed by turn­ing the dial to the desired speed and press­ing the start/stop but­ton in short bursts to pulse. The Nin­ja Chef will blend only while the but­ton is pressed.

24 oz. Sin­gle-Serve Cup

When you attach sin­gles serve cup, the IQ mode will show the pre-set pro­grams for sin­gle-serve ves­sels, includ­ing Frozen Drink, Extract, Smooth­ie, Puree, Dip/Salsa, and Dress­ing. Apart from the lim­it­ed selec­tion of IQ pre-set pro­grams, the con­trol pan­el works the same for 72 oz. con­tain­er and sin­gle-serve cup.


Ease of Using and Cleaning

Assem­bling, dis­as­sem­bling, oper­a­tion: The Nin­ja Chef mod­el is equipped with inbuilt blades and an improved lid design which makes it, unlike to major­i­ty of Nin­ja blenders, rather easy to assem­ble and use.

You just have to place the con­tain­er onto the motor base and rotate the pitch­er clock­wise until it clicks into posi­tion. Add ingre­di­ents, mak­ing sure that they do not exceed the MAX LIQUID line indi­cat­ed on the pitch­er. Low­er the lid onto the con­tain­er so that side clips on the lid snap onto the lip of the con­tain­er, place the lid cap into the lid, and lock. Now the blender is ready to use.

The blender comes with a tam­per, which makes it easy to process stub­born ingredients.

Clean­ing: The blender comes with an irre­mov­able blade sys­tem and self-clean­ing pro­gram pre-set, so it makes it extreme­ly easy to clean. You just place some warm water in the pitch­er with a few drops of soap, select Clean mode, and then press Start/Stop to begin. The blender will shut down when the clean­ing cycle is finished.

All the gad­get attach­ments gad­get is dish­wash­er safe, so they could be cleaned in a dish­wash­ing machine, make sure to place the lids and tam­per on the top rack. Hand-Wash­ing with kitchen uten­sils is anoth­er alternative.

The motor could be cleaned with a damp cloth and a con­trol pan­el with a soft cloth to avoid scratching.

Base Unit and Motor Power

The Nin­ja Chef blender comes with a pow­er­ful 1500-watt, 120V, a 60Hz motor sys­tem that allows its blade to rotate with vari­able speeds from 7000 to 18000 RPMs. Although, it is an obvi­ous­ly pow­er­ful motor but not the most effi­cient when com­pared to the Vita­mix motor which has 1400 watts and is able to reach 23000- 2800 RPMs.

Although the motor base is bulky but has quite a mod­ern design and sleek OLED screen con­trol pan­el. There are suc­tion cups at the base, so it does not move around while blend­ing. The elec­tri­cal cord infolds around a base unit tidi­ly for storage.

The Machine is also equipped with a safe­ty sys­tem that pre­vents dam­age to the motor and dri­ve sys­tem. When the machine is over­loaded, the safe­ty sys­tem tem­porar­i­ly dis­ables the motor. You can resume using the machine again after allow­ing it to cool for approx­i­mate­ly 15 minutes.


Nin­ja Chef CT805/CT810/CT815 comes with 72 oz. high-qual­i­ty shat­ter­proof BPA-Free and BPS-Free Tri­tan copoly­ester pitch­er. Tri­tan copoly­ester is light­weight, shat­ter­proof, clear as glass, and resis­tant to stains and dish­wash­er dis­col­or­ing mate­r­i­al. The con­tain­er has a clear­ly grad­u­at­ed mea­sure­ment in liters, mil­li­liters, ounces, and cups. There is a ‘Max-Liq­uid’ for cold and for hot ingredients.

The pitch­er is equipped with a plas­tic lid, which locks firm­ly into place with two clips, and a lid cap to use with the includ­ed Tam­per or to add extra ingre­di­ents dur­ing blend­ing. The only com­plaint is that the lid is made of plas­tic rather than more eco­log­i­cal rub­ber, and the pitch­er does not have a spout, so it is impos­si­ble to pour the liq­uid out of the pitch­er with­out drib­bling it all around.

The Nin­ja CT810 and CT815 mod­els include an addi­tion­al 24-oz. dou­ble-walled to-go tum­bler/s­in­gle-serve cup and spout lid.


Ninja Chef blades

The 72 oz. blender pitch­er is equipped with the inbuilt four-prong stain­less steel qual­i­ty Vita­mix design blades that guar­an­tee prop­er down­ward suc­tion. It is a much bet­ter solu­tion than tra­di­tion­al Nin­ja pil­lar-style blades. While inbuilt blades usu­al­ly are no trou­ble to use, be aware the Nin­ja blade is crazy sharp, so sharp that you can injure your­self if you decide to hand wash the pitch­er or dry it with the cloth.

The Nin­ja Chef CT815 mod­el also comes with a sin­gle-serve cup and remov­able Pro extrac­tor blades assembly.

Special Features

Dif­fer­ences between CT805, CT810, and CT815 mod­els: The Nin­ja Chef CT805, CT810, and CT815 come with the same motor base and 72 oz. pitch­er, the only dif­fer­ence is that the CT810 mod­el includes an addi­tion­al sin­gle-serve cup with a spout lid, while the CT815 mod­el has an addi­tion­al sin­gle-serve attach­ment sys­tem that includes a per­son­al cup and Pro extrac­tor blade. All three mod­els are equipped with the “Smart Ves­sel Recog­ni­tion” sys­tem. That means when you attach the sin­gle-serve sys­tem, the blender will auto­mat­i­cal­ly rec­og­nize it, and with the IG mode, show the pre-set pro­grams suit­able for the sin­gle-serve cup. Which includes only six (Frozen Drink, Extract, Smooth­ie, puree, Dip/Salsa, Dress­ing) out of ten that are avail­able for 72 oz. pitcher.

Col­ors: The Nin­ja Chef CT805 and Nin­ja Chef CT810 are both avail­able only in black color.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: Ama­zon sells the Nin­ja Chef CT805/CT810 cer­ti­fied refur­bished mod­el with a rea­son­able dis­count; how­ev­er, they are not all the time avail­able, only while the stock lasts.

 with a rea­son­able dis­count, how­ev­er, they are not all the time avail­able, only while the stock lasts.

Use in coun­tries out­side of the USA/Canada: This blender is equipped with a 110–120 volt­age sys­tem and designed to oper­ate in the USA/Canada and regions with sim­i­lar volt­age. Cus­tomers with 220–240 volt­age are rec­om­mend­ed to buy the machine from the local sup­pli­ers. Alter­na­tive­ly, the volt­age adapter may be a solution.

Option­al Acces­sories and Attachments

Nin­ja blenders’ parts, acces­sories, and attach­ments are not com­pat­i­ble with each oth­er and suit only spe­cif­ic mod­els. The Nin­ja Chef CT805, CT810, and CT815 are com­pat­i­ble with the fol­low­ing attachments:

  • 24 oz. dou­ble-walled to-go tum­bler/s­in­gle-serve cup with spout lid (rel­e­vant for CT805);
  • Pro Extrac­tor Blades Assem­bly (rel­e­vant for CT810);
  • Nin­ja Chef motor base.

Set Includes


Nin­ja Chef CT805

Nin­ja Chef CT810

Nin­ja Chef CT815

1500-Watt Base




72 oz. Tri­tan copoly­ester Pitcher




Lid with Vent­ed Lid Cap








Quick Assem­bly & Instruc­tion Manual




50-Recipe Book­let




35-recipe inspi­ra­tion guide




24 oz. dou­ble-Walled To-Go Tum­bler with spout lid




Pro extrac­tor blades assembly





Like all the Nin­ja blenders, the Nin­ja Chef is a very noisy machine, so noisy that your entire neigh­bor­hood will be aware when you make your morn­ing smooth­ies. The only relive that the aver­age blender cycle lasts around 1 minute.

Warranty and Customer Service

nutri ninja warranty

Nin­ja CT805/810 Chef as a major­i­ty of Nin­ja machines have only 1 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY. The lim­it­ed means that you must pay the ship­ping cost if you send it for repair, replace­ment, or return. Besides, the pro­duc­er may charge you for some replace­ment parts. Gen­er­al­ly, Nin­ja’s cus­tomer ser­vice is not very help­ful and does not have a good rep­u­ta­tion for its services.


The Nin­ja Chef blender is bulky, approx­i­mate­ly 8.46 x 9.72 x 17.99 in, and weighs 10.33 lbs (CT805), 13.45 (CT810), and 14.1 lbs (CT815). It is too tall to fit under the tra­di­tion­al upper cab­i­nets; thus, it is most unlike­ly that you will leave it to be sit­ting out on your coun­ter­top. It also has indus­tri­al-strength suc­tion cups on the bot­tom of the base to keep it stable.

Pros and Cons


  • Pow­er­ful, ver­sa­tile blender which crushed ice with­out effort, makes smooth smooth­ies, mills flours, etc.;
  • Comes with inbuilt blades thus very easy to use and clean;
  • Equipped with a tam­per that makes it more func­tion­al for tough food processing;
  • Has a mod­ern look, equipped with 10 speeds and 10 pre-set pro­grams with a sleek LCD con­trol panel;
  • It comes with a recipe book that includes a large vari­ety of recipes, from smooth­ies to sal­ad dressings.


  • It comes with only a 1‑year war­ran­ty and is not the best in the indus­try cus­tomer service;
  • The dial knob is too sen­si­tive, so even the slight­est touch can make it turn up or down even;
  • The pre-set pro­grams are not always bring­ing the per­fect result, so for many recipes, the man­u­al mode is the only way to achieve an essen­tial result;
  • The blender is huge and takes up a lot of counter space.
  • The machine is very loud.

Consumer Reviews

The Nin­ja an over adver­tised brand. No won­der it is very pop­u­lar among con­sumers. It has over 80% excel­lent reviews. Even though the Nin­ja Chef is cer­tain­ly the best blender pro­duced by SharkN­in­ja but the mod­el is rel­a­tive­ly new on the mar­ket, and it is hard to make an opin­ion about blender reli­a­bil­i­ty. How­ev­er, the cus­tomer prais­es the Nin­ja Chef’s Func­tion­al­i­ty and the abil­i­ty to deal with ice and frozen ingredients.


The blender is priced usu­al­ly under $200 with most retail­ers; how­ev­er, it is often avail­able with a dis­count of up to 40%. The fair price for this type of blender is under $160, so if you decide that this gad­get sat­is­fies your require­ments and find a fair price, then you can be sure you found a bargain.



The Nin­ja Chef CT805, CT810, and CT 815 is a ver­sa­tile mid-range blender. It is pow­er­ful, makes smooth smooth­ies, mill grains, and makes dips, dress­ings, sal­sa, soups, and so much more. It blends well and is easy to main­tain with irre­mov­able blades and self-clean­ing func­tions. The machine has a mod­ern design with an LCD con­trol pan­el and suc­tion caps so, if you do not have spare cash for one of those high-end Vita­mix or Blendtec, though, the Nin­ja Chef is cer­tain­ly a good option.

Would you con­sid­er an alter­na­tive option? Check our pop­u­lar article:


Posted in Ninja Reviews

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  1. Diamond

    I have had my blender for one month and not real­ly hap­py on the per­for­mance i feel in love with it when i saw it because it is a beau­ti­ful blender. But i real­ly want­ed and need­ed it to kill the ice. But it did ok after i put it on man­u­al # 3 . But my next prob­lem is every­time i turn it on to use it and i use it it has a real weird smell almost like wires burn­ing but no smoke not sure if this is some­thing that just wears off in time or is there a prob­lem with the unit only used 4 times with­in the month every­time i smell that same smell.

  2. Ribin Key

    We got that too, and all this black stuff always on my counter. Then today it start­ed leak­ing, and a piece of met­al came off under the blade. Not happy.

  3. Karen

    Same His­to­ry like Robin Key, mine start leak­ing from the bot­tom and one of the met­al balls on bear­ing below the jar fell off. very un hap­py with the prod­uct. now is use­less and no parts avail­able, for some­thing that expen­sive you expect bet­ter quality.

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