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Vitamix Ascent A2300 and A2500 Blenders Review

Vitamix A2500 BlenderThe A2300 and A2500 Ascent are the base Vita­mix Smart Sys­tem Prod­uct Line mod­els, togeth­er with the more sophis­ti­cat­ed A3300 and A3500 Ascent Smart Sys­tem mod­els were released on 26 Decem­ber 2016.

The A2300 and A2500 blenders have the same func­tion­al­i­ty and motor as the old­er Vita­mix Clas­sic Blenders prod­uct line but a new exte­ri­or design, con­trol pan­el with dig­i­tal dis­play, and high tech fea­ture of self-detect con­tain­ers and wire­less connectivity.

Do you want to find out which Vita­mix blender suits you best? Go to our Vita­mix Blender Guide arti­cle and review — Which is Best Vita­mix Blender to Buy? – All Mod­els Comparison

For detail about this excit­ing new mod­el, read our com­pre­hen­sive review below.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.
$50 off Ascent Series Blenders – While Sup­plies Last, 11/19–12/31 — US image 9289749 15102563

Table of Contents

Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie: The Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 make a super smooth smooth­ie from soft or tough ingre­di­ents; no chunks or tiny dots are left after blend­ing even the most stub­born food like kale stems, pineap­ple, or chia seeds. The user will always get a per­fect­ly smooth drink, whether made from soft, hard, or green ingre­di­ents. It is also suit­able for pro­cess­ing green shakes with pro­tein pow­der. Berry seeds are no prob­lem for this machine either. It will com­plete­ly pul­ver­ize straw­ber­ries, rasp­ber­ries, blue­ber­ries, black­ber­ries, and oth­ers with­out any residues left.

Juices:  The blender will not sep­a­rate the fiber from the liq­uid for mak­ing text­book juice, but it is more than capa­ble of pro­duc­ing gen­uine­ly smooth smooth­ies, aka “whole juice.”

Crush­ing Ice and Frozen Desserts: The Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 will process with and with­out any liq­uid added and will make the most deli­cious sor­bet, ice cream, snow cones, and oth­er frozen desserts with­in 40 sec­onds usu­al­ly. The user may need to use a tam­per when pro­cess­ing frozen ingre­di­ents that come with a blender. The blender is also able to make non-alco­holic slushy drinks.

Nut milk:  The Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 will also make per­fect nut milk from dry or soaked nuts.

Puree­ing: The Ascent A2300 and A2500 blenders do such a tough job mak­ing a veg­gie puree from cooked or even raw ingre­di­ents. So it has no prob­lem pro­cess­ing mashed pota­to or cau­li­flower. With a very min­i­mum amount of added liq­uid, it com­plete­ly pul­ver­izes firm and fibrous fruit/veggie. No won­der it will also process per­fect baby food purees.

Soup/ hot ingre­di­ents: The Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 are designed to process hot ingre­di­ents or heat food from cold to boil­ing tem­per­a­ture. The con­tain­er lid is equipped with a unique cap that allows releas­ing hits dur­ing the pro­cess­ing of hot ingre­di­ents. It does not have a sep­a­rate heat­ing ele­ment but, via fric­tion, will heat liq­uid with­in 6 ½ min­utes of blend­ing. So, the user can enjoy mak­ing steam­ing hot soup with­out a stove or process bul­let­proof coffee.

Chopping/food prep: The blender is equipped with defi­cient speed (1400 RPMs) and pulse func­tion, so it is more than capa­ble of per­form­ing a vari­ety of food prep tasks. It will chop onion and cab­bage for coleslaw or oth­er sal­ads, make cau­li­flower rice, and pre­pare var­i­ous sal­sa, dips, and oth­er recipes with­out much effort.

Nut but­ter: The Vita­mix is pow­er­ful enough to grind the most deli­cious home­made nut but­ter in under 2 min­utes. The machine is equipped with a cus­tom-built tam­per, which will help remove the air pock­et and help the vor­tex, often a prob­lem when pro­cess­ing thick ingredients.

Grinding/milling:  The A2300 and A2500 blenders are designed to ground cof­fee beans into ground cof­fee, turn herbs into pow­der or make per­fect bak­ing qual­i­ty flour from any even tini­est grains.

Dough/batter: Like any oth­er Vita­mix mod­el, the A2300 and A2500 eas­i­ly mix bat­ters for pan­cakes, cook­ies, crêpes, and oth­ers or knead even thick dough for bread or pizza.

Speed Settings and Programs

vitamix 2300 2500 controlsThe A2300/2500 blender con­trol pan­el is straight­for­ward but very func­tion­al as any oth­er Vita­mix machine. The A2300 and 2500 machines have a dig­i­tal dis­play with a timer, man­u­al dial knob, Pulse, and Start/Stop switch­es. The A2500 machine is also equipped with three (3) pre-set programs.

Dig­i­tal dis­play. The dig­i­tal dis­play with a timer is new for the Vita­mix blenders fea­ture. The dis­play will show infor­ma­tion if the con­tain­er is com­pat­i­ble with the blender and ready to run. While it starts run­ning, the dig­i­tal timer counts up or down in min­utes and sec­onds depend­ing if you run var­i­ous speeds or pre-set programs.

The dig­i­tal timer shows exact­ly how much time your recipe has been blend­ing. This makes it easy to adjust the blend time and repli­cate your recipes in the future.

Dial knob. The A2300 and A2500 mod­els have the dial knob with ten (10) speeds select­ed by turn­ing the dial by half step increas­es, so in fact, it has 19 speeds (0+, 1, 1+, 2, 2+, etc.).

The 10-speed mark­ing is locat­ed around the knob on the A2300 con­trol pan­el. In com­par­i­son, the A2300 has the 10 speed locat­ed in the anti­clock­wise posi­tion and 3 pre-set pro­grams (Smooth­ies — 50 sec, Frozen Desserts — 55 sec, and Soups — 5 min 15 sec) on the clock­wise posi­tion around the dial knob. Thus, the blender has tru­ly low speed (the low­est is 1400rpm) and true high speed (the high­est is 24000rpm), which is high enough to heat to boil tem­per­a­ture liq­uids via fric­tions. In addi­tion, the Vari­able Speed Con­trol allows a lot of flex­i­bil­i­ty for a vari­ety of recipes and textures.

Switch­es. The Pulse switch func­tion is ben­e­fi­cial for chop­ping, cre­at­ing chunky tex­ture, or remov­ing air pock­ets. While the Start/Stop switch acti­vates or stops the run­ning cycle.

Base Unit, Motor Power and New Technology

The Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 blenders come with a new design of the entire machine: sim­ple, min­i­mal­is­tic, and clean. And the same 2.2HP pow­er and tech­ni­cal design motor as the pre­vi­ous Clas­sic Next Gen­er­a­tion series. Like all oth­er ver­sions, it is designed to auto­mat­i­cal­ly shut off the sys­tem when the blender is over­heat­ed. The dig­i­tal dis­play will show the error mes­sages when it is over­heat­ed and the shut­ter is triggered.

The base unit’s right side has a pow­er switch (I/O) that acti­vates the machine once it is turned on. After the blender is turned on, (—) will appear on the con­trol pan­el, and now the user can test the new Built-In Wire­less Con­nec­tiv­i­ty feature.

Built-In Wire­less Con­nec­tiv­i­ty: It is the major new tech­ni­cal fea­ture for the Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 mod­els. The machine uses near-field com­mu­ni­ca­tion (NFC) tech­nol­o­gy, which, paired with self-detect con­tain­ers, iden­ti­fies the con­tain­er com­pat­i­bil­i­ty and type (64 oz., 48 oz., 20 oz., or 8 oz.) you just placed on the top of the base unit. If the con­tain­er is not com­pat­i­ble with the blender or is placed the wrong way, the machine will not start run­ning shows on the dig­i­tal dis­play, indi­cat­ing the prob­lem. This smart tech­nol­o­gy will also auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjust the max­i­mum blend­ing times for the con­tain­er size you just placed — 6 min 30 sec is the max­i­mum blend­ing cycle for the 64 oz. con­tain­er, 7 min 30 sec for 48oz. jar, 1.15 min for the 20 oz. cup and 8 oz. bowl. The blender will auto­mat­i­cal­ly shut off at the end of the max­i­mum blend­ing cycle.

Per­fect Blend App: Blue­tooth is anoth­er fan­cy fea­ture inbuilt into the new Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 blenders. So, when you down­load the Best App on your phone, the Blue­tooth will con­nect it with the blender and allow you to send the 17 pre-set pro­grams to your machine to run, and unlock hun­dreds of recipes which you can use paired with the smart scales, or with­out and pre­pare dif­fer­ent recipes adjust­ed to the vol­umes and con­tain­ers used. The Vita­mix sug­gests that there are many more func­tions to come that will expand the Ascent wire­less and Blue­tooth con­nec­tiv­i­ty capabilities.


vitamix ascent jar 64 ouncesCon­tain­er: The Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 come with a self-detect 64oz low pro­file con­tain­er made from East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester, a heat-shat­ter-resis­tant mate­r­i­al. The self-detect con­tain­er has the spe­cial NFC chip inbuilt into the retain­er nut part with the “SELF-DETECT” sign on it; the con­trol pan­el dis­play will show the (—) mes­sage if there is no con­tain­er con­nect­ed to the base when you place it on the base unit the sys­tem iden­ti­fies the con­tain­er and if it is com­pat­i­ble and placed in secure posi­tion the con­trol pan­el will dis­play 0:00, means it is ready and secure to run.

As with any oth­er Vita­mix machine, the Ascent blender does not have any lock­ing sys­tem; the pitch­er sets on top of the base unit with­out any lock­ing and twist­ing. How­ev­er, it is still very secure as it is cap­tured by four guards locat­ed on the base unit cen­ter pad.

Lid: Apart from the self-detect fea­ture, it has anoth­er com­plete­ly new design trans­par­ent copoly­ester lid to observe bet­ter the blend­ing con­tent through the lid. The lid also has a trans­par­ent plug that dou­bles as a mea­sur­ing cup. The lid has side clips to secure it to the pitch­er safe­ly. It attach­es per­fect­ly with a soft click when the user puts it into place and takes it off.

Large vs. small batch­es: The wide bot­tom 64 ounces low pro­file pitch­er with an inbuilt 4 inch­es blade usu­al­ly will require a min­i­mum of 2 cups/16 ounces of food to cov­er the blades to get the vor­tex going. The Vita­mix offers 48 oz. nar­row bot­tom jar with inbuilt 3 inch­es blades, 20 oz. cup and 8 oz. bowl with remov­able blade assem­bly to buy sep­a­rate­ly for pro­cess­ing small­er batch­es of ingredients.

Tam­per: All Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 blenders come with a cus­tom-made tam­per. The tam­per is designed to process thick­er mix­tures and help ingre­di­ents move around dur­ing pro­cess­ing food with­out stop­ping the machine.


The Ascent A2300 and A2500 blenders come with the stan­dard for Vita­mix blade assem­bly per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt into a con­tain­er that is a typ­i­cal design for the major­i­ty of the high-end com­mer­cial type of blenders for home use.

The Ascent A2300 and A2500 blades are made of high-qual­i­ty air­craft stain­less steel and are stan­dard for Vita­mix low-pro­file con­tain­ers 4‑inches in diam­e­ter. The A2300 and A2500 blenders have durable and all met­al to met­al blades to dri­ve cou­pling that will last for many years with­out replace­ment of any part of the construction.

Ease of Using and Cleaning

Oper­at­ing: Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 are very easy and straight­for­ward, so the user can start oper­at­ing Vita­mix machines almost immediately.

To start oper­at­ing the blender, (1) the user has to turn the blender on by press­ing the (I/O) Switch on the right side of the base unit, the con­trol pan­el will show (—); (2) then, place the con­tain­er on the base unit cen­ter­ing pad (no need to twist/lock any­thing into place), the dig­i­tal con­trol pan­el will dis­play 0:00 that means the Vita­mix wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty sys­tem detects the con­tain­er was placed on the top of the base unit and approved. Now it is ready to operate.

Vari­able speeds: To use vari­able speed user has to turn the dial knob to Speed 1 and press Start/Stop. The dig­i­tal timer will dis­play the count-up timer, spec­i­fy­ing how long the cycle lasts. The user can increase or decrease the speed any­time dur­ing the blend­ing cycle. To stop the blender user has to press again Start/Stop switch. The vari­able speed will also auto­mat­i­cal­ly shut down the blender after 6 ½ min­utes (for a 64 oz. con­tain­er) if the user has not pressed the Start/Stop switch.

Pre-set pro­grams: To use Pro­grams, rotate the dial counter-clock­wise to the appro­pri­ate pro­gram (Smooth­ies, Frozen Desserts, and Soups), and press Start/Stop to start the pro­gram. The dig­i­tal dis­play will show the count­down timer indi­cat­ing how much time is left until the end of the cycle. The Ascent A2300 and A2500 blenders will auto­mat­i­cal­ly stop at the end of the pro­gram. The user also can press Start/Stop at any time to stop the pro­gram before the end of the cycle.

Clean­ing: The Vita­mix Ascent con­tain­ers with inbuilt blade assem­bly, lids, lid plug, cen­ter­ing pad, and tam­per are all now dish­wash­er safe, so the machine is straight­for­ward to clean.

The self-clean­ing pro­ce­dure or hand­wash­ing is also a breeze. For self-clean­ing, the user has to fill the pitch­er with some water and a few drops of soap, run it for 30–40 sec­onds, pour it out, and rinse with clean water.

Optional Accessories and Attachments

blending-bowl-starter-kit-for-ascentThere are two types of con­tain­ers avail­able for the Vita­mix Ascent A2300/A2500 blenders. Ascent attach­ment will not fit C‑series, G‑series, and S‑series machines (because Ascent has a Wire­less Con­nec­tiv­i­ty sys­tem while oth­er series do not) but is inter­change­able between the Ascent series models.

  • Food Proces­sor Attach­ment. It expands the food pro­cess­ing func­tion of the Vita­mix blender.
  • 48 oz. Wet Stain­less Steel Con­tain­er is a new jug released in July 2020. It is very sim­i­lar to East­man Tri­tan Copoly­ester 48 oz jar but made of stain­less steel.
  • 48 oz. Wet Con­tain­er has a nar­row bot­tom with 3 inched diam­e­ter inbuilt blades, so it is designed for pro­cess­ing small to medi­um vol­umes of recipes. It han­dles a min­i­mum of 1–3 cups of liq­uid vol­umes and 2–3 cups of thick ingredients.
  • 48 oz. Dry Con­tain­er is specif­i­cal­ly designed for effi­cient grain milling to make bak­ing qual­i­ty flours and thick dough knead­ing. It has slight­ly dif­fer­ent blades designed than the wet con­tain­er has, so it will not only do the dry job bet­ter but will save your wet con­tain­er last­ing longer because the dry job in the wet con­tain­er rends to scratch the jar quickly.
  • Blend­ing Cup Starter Kitincludes two sin­gle-serve 20-ounce Cups, two spill-proof Lids, and a ded­i­cat­ed Blade Assem­bly. The sin­gle-serve cups allow one to make indi­vid­ual drinks in the same cup and take them out. These cups could also be used to process small batch­es of any wet and dry ingre­di­ents, includ­ing chop­ping, baby food, grind­ing, and oth­ers. The only exclu­sion is hot liq­uids; the user can­not process hot liq­uids using the 20 oz. cups.
  • Blend­ing Bowl Starter Kitincludes two 8‑ounce Con­tain­ers with two Lid and a ded­i­cat­ed Blade Sys­tem. These cups are use­ful for grind­ing small batches of herbs, cof­fee pro­cess­ing dips, baby food, sal­ad dress­ings, chop­ping gar­lic or onion, and oth­ers. The con­tain­ers also could be used for stor­ing food using the lids pro­vid­ed in the kit. The same as 20 oz. cups these 8 ozs. Con­tain­ers could not be used for pro­cess­ing hot ingredients.
  • Per­fect Blend Smart Scale and Recipe App includes a per­fect blend scale and free app that will help you mas­ter Vita­mix recipes, add pre-set pro­grams to your blender, and much more.
  • Vita­mix Aer Disc Con­tain­er is a 48-ounce jar that is designed for whip­ping, mud­dling, foam­ing, and emul­si­fy­ing tasks.

Apart from the con­tain­ers, the selec­tion of replace­ment parts is also avail­able to buy sep­a­rate­ly. Still, the own­er of the Vita­mix blender will not usu­al­ly require them as the replace­ment of all parts includ­ed in the 10-years full Vita­mix warranty.

Besides, the user also can buy a selec­tion of Vita­mix cook­books, nut bags, kitchen scales, a selec­tion of spat­u­las, and others.

Special Features

Col­ors: The Ascent A2300 and A2500 blenders are avail­able in four dif­fer­ent col­ors – black, red, slate, and white.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: The Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned Ascent A2300 and A2500 blender are cur­rent­ly avail­able from the Ama­zon web­site at an attrac­tive price.

Use in coun­tries out­side of USA/Canada: Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 machines come with a 110–120 volt­age sys­tem for use in USA/Canada ONLY. It is not avail­able yet in the 220–240 volt­age ver­sion but is expect­ed in the future. For now, the 110–120 volts blenders could be oper­at­ed via a trans­former in coun­tries with 220–240 voltage.

Set Includes

  • Motor Base
  • 64-ounce Low-Pro­file Container
  • Low-Pro­file Tamper
  • Ascent Series Cookbook
  • User man­u­al

The Ascent A2300 and A2500 blender cook­books do not have as many recipes as the C and Next Gen­er­a­tion series binder ver­sions. But the user now has access to the 500+ recipes via the best blend app. Addi­tion­al­ly, there is also a vari­ety of Vita­mix cook­books avail­able online or on the man­u­fac­tur­er’s website.

Warranty and Customer Service

vitamix warrantyThe Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 blenders come with a 10-Year Full War­ran­ty and 30-days mon­ey-back guar­an­tees if you decide to return your blender for any rea­son. The full war­ran­ty means that the man­u­fac­tur­er will serve, ship, and replace parts — all free of charge for the entire 10 years peri­od from the pur­chase date. Vita­mix Cus­tomer Ser­vice is undoubt­ed­ly the best in the indus­try, and they treat all their cus­tomers with atten­tion and resolve all the issues raised with­out any problems.

The Vita­mix war­ranties are trans­fer­able and applic­a­ble to the machine’s sec­ond-hand own­er but count from the orig­i­nal own­er’s date of pur­chase. Any own­er can reg­is­ter war­ranties online or over the tele­phone at any time since pur­chase. You do not need to keep the receipt to reg­is­ter your war­ran­ty but will have to pro­vide the ser­i­al num­ber on your machine’s base.

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The Vita­mix Ascent A2300/A2500 blenders are not very noisy, con­sid­er­ing the high-pow­er motor it has. The Vita­mix Ascent blenders out­put 78–90 deci­bels which are slight­ly less than the Next Gen­er­a­tion units.

How­ev­er, there is stan­dard advice for very noise-sen­si­tive users — place the rub­ber mat under your machine’s base unit to damp­en the sound out­put from the blender.


With a base unit foot­print of about 8 inch­es X 11 inch­es long, Vita­mix Ascent A2300/A2500 will not occu­py much space on your counter; it will fit into a big draw­er or on a good-sized shelf. With a height of 17 inch­es, it will just fit under a stan­dard kitchen cabinet.

The blender weighs 11.86 lbs with a cord of 4 ft. long.

Vitamix Ascent A2300 and A2500 Pros and Cons


  • It is a mul­ti­func­tion­al machine designed to per­form a vari­ety of tasks from frozen desserts to heat­ing liq­uids to boil­ing tem­per­a­ture, not for­get about food prep tasks;
  • It is the reli­able and well-built machine that is con­firmed the rep­u­ta­tion of the Vita­mix machine to last for decades;
  • The blender has a new sim­ple but sleek design;
  • It is very easy to use and clean;
  • The 20 oz. and 8 oz. sep­a­rate con­tain­ers with blade sys­tems avail­able to buy sep­a­rate­ly for pro­cess­ing small­er batch­es of food;
  • The machines come with an out­stand­ing 10 years full war­ran­ty and the best in the indus­try Cus­tomer service;
  • The Vita­mix SELF-DETECT Ascent A2300 and A2500 con­tain­ers pro­vide extra safe­ty features;
  • With wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty, this machine will stay at the top of the mar­ket blender for many years ahead;


  • The SELF-DETECT Ascent A2300 and A2500 con­tain­ers cost extra mon­ey and are not cheap;
  • Like all Vita­mix machines, the A2300 and A2500 mod­els are not cheap.

Consumer Reviews

The Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 blenders have many favor­able reviews. No won­der, con­sid­er­ing the man­u­fac­tur­er’s excel­lent rep­u­ta­tion, the new exte­ri­or design of the blender, and new inbuilt Wire­less Con­nec­tiv­i­ty, the blender promise to be prevalent.

Vitamix Ascent A2300/A2500 Blender Price

Despite being the newest Vita­mix mod­els, the Ascent A2300 blenders are priced not sim­i­lar­ly to the old­er Clas­sic Vita­mix blenders. The A2300 man­u­fac­ture price is set sim­i­lar to the 5200 Stan­dard mod­el and A2500 to a for­mer G‑series prod­uct line 7500 machine. The machines are often avail­able at a sol­id dis­count via online retailers.

Besides, most online retail­ers, includ­ing Ama­zon, offer the same man­u­fac­tur­er free ship­ping and a stan­dard Vita­mix Full 10-year warranty.




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Despite the Vita­mix blender’s high price and Ascent A2300 and A2500 not exclu­sion, they are def­i­nite­ly worth the mon­ey. They have an out­stand­ing pow­er to blend almost every­thing and have a sleek design that looks great in any kitchen. The new wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty and Blue­tooth fea­tures already make the Vita­mix Ascent series the most advanced blender on the mar­ket. The man­u­fac­tur­ers ensure it will expand its high-tech capa­bil­i­ties, so it will remain an up-to-date gad­get for many years ahead if you buy it now.

The good news is that the A2300 and A2500 are not priced high­er than the old­er Clas­sic Vita­mix mod­els, so you will not need to stretch your bud­get to invest in these top-notch machines.

Vitamix Ascent A2300 vs. Ascent A2500

The Vita­mix A2300 and A2500 are iden­ti­cal mod­els that con­cern tech­ni­cal para­me­ters, acces­sories includ­ed, con­tain­er capac­i­ty, and con­struc­tion. The only dif­fer­ence they have is that the A2300 mod­el is equipped with 19 speeds dial knob, while the A2500 mod­el has a sim­i­lar 19 speeds and extra 3 pre-set pro­grams — Smooth­ies, Frozen Desserts, and Soups.

Do you want to find out which Vita­mix blender suits you best? Then, go to our Vita­mix Blender Guide arti­cle and reviews.


Posted in Vitamix Reviews

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  1. Nancy

    I would like to print the Vita­mix Ascent A2300/A2500 Blender Review on your web­site. How can this be done since it is not respond­ing to man­u­al print, high­light, nor mouse-ini­ti­at­ed print cues? Thank you!

    • lucy

      Sor­ry Nancy,
      The copy/paste and print­ing func­tions on the web­site are dis­abled to pre­vent the vio­la­tion of copy­rights by disin­gen­u­ous review­ers who aggres­sive­ly copy, rewrite and pub­lish as orig­i­nal reviews the rewrit­ten text from oth­er websites.

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