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Vitamix Certified Refurbished Blenders — Are They Worth to Consider?

Vita­mix Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished Blenders: Their lofty price often stops con­sumers who are inter­est­ed in buy­ing high-pow­ered blenders for home use. How­ev­er, it seems there is a solu­tion to this prob­lem. For exam­ple, Vita­mix, which is a leader in the high-end blender mar­ket, offers a cer­ti­fied recon­di­tioned mod­el that is dis­count­ed by an aver­age of 38% and even more than the orig­i­nal price. There­fore, many cus­tomers won­der if the Vita­mix-cer­ti­fied recon­di­tioned machines demon­strate the same dura­bil­i­ty and qual­i­ty of per­for­mance as the orig­i­nal mod­els and thus are wor­thy of buying.

In our arti­cle, we will ana­lyze all of the pros and cons of Vita­mix refur­bished blenders to answer this question.

Table of Contents

What is wrong with the units that went through reconditioning?

The recon­di­tioned machines are select­ed from those returned by cus­tomers. But Vita­mix machines are well-known for their excep­tion­al qual­i­ty and very low num­ber of faulty fea­tures. So, where do those machines that go through the recon­di­tion­ing process come from? Why were they returned, and why are there so many of them?

1. Wrong mod­el or col­or orders

Some­times peo­ple pur­chase the wrong col­or or mod­el. Then, when the machine arrives, the cus­tomer may change his or her mind and decide, for exam­ple, to replace the brushed stain­less mod­el with the cheap­er black mod­el and thus save some mon­ey or vice ver­sa. Or, the cus­tomer may decide to upgrade the mod­el to one with pre-set pro­grams or, in the oppo­site sce­nario, down­grade to the machine with­out pre-pro­gram set­tings, thus sav­ing some mon­ey. Con­sid­er­ing the 30-day free ship­ping return option, Vita­mix con­sumers can quite eas­i­ly change their minds because it does not affect their bud­get. Hence, the returned units will go into the recon­di­tion­ing process.

2. Orders on impulse

Vita­mix sells a large vol­ume of their prod­uct on demon­stra­tions — Cost­co, Whole Foods, and oth­ers. The sales­peo­ple are so per­sua­sive that many peo­ple buy the blender on impulse. But when they bring the unit home, they real­ize that they can­not afford it or they sim­ply will not uti­lize all of the func­tion­al­i­ty of the blender, and then they decide to go for a cheap­er and sim­pler machine. These “impulse orders” will be sent back to Vita­mix, and these units often were nev­er even turned on.

 3. Live demon­stra­tion units

The demon­stra­tors use a sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of the machines dur­ing road­shows, some for demon­strat­ing the blender oper­a­tion process and some for dis­plays. The ones that are used for dis­play usu­al­ly are nev­er even turned on, while those that are used for demon­stra­tions only run a small num­ber of cycles. How­ev­er, these machines also need to be sold, and they are in per­fect order to be uti­lized. So, this cat­e­go­ry also fills the stock for recon­di­tion­ing candidates.

How are these Vita­mix units reconditioned?

Reconditioning Process

Vitamix reconditioned process

There is a strict process every recon­di­tion­ing can­di­date blender must go through. First, the machines are test­ed and re-inspect­ed by trained tech­ni­cians using a 17-step inspec­tion process. Then, this recon­di­tion­ing process is applied to the base unit and blade assem­bly only. All of the oth­er blender parts and acces­sories will be replaced by BRAND NEW items.

The inspec­tors will keep only the machines that have “like new” base units and blades. Any tech­ni­cal faults with the motor, dri­ve sys­tem, con­trol pan­el, or obvi­ous exte­ri­or issues will exclude the machine from any fur­ther refurbishing.

1. Base unit

Only base unit with a “like new” appear­ance, which was man­u­fac­tured less than 5 years ago (accord­ing to the base unit date stamp), are allowed in the recon­di­tion­ing process. To qual­i­fy, these base units must also be free of notice­able scratch­es, chips, or oth­er appear­ance issues. All base unit rub­ber feet must be in place and with­out vis­i­ble wear signs. The cen­ter­ing pad on the top of the unit base must be free of visu­al wear or scratch­es; oth­er­wise, it will be replaced with a brand-new one. The inspec­tion of the base unit is final­ized with a check for motor func­tion­al­i­ty with tech­ni­cal devices. It will be run 3 times.

2.  Con­trol Panel

The con­trol pan­el must look new, with­out scrapes or any oth­er marks. Like­wise, the Pulse, On/Off switch­es, and dial knob must be clean, ful­ly func­tion­al, and with­out any scratch­es or vis­i­ble marks.

3. Blade

To be qual­i­fied for the refur­bish­ing process, the blade date stamp must indi­cate that it was man­u­fac­tured less than 1 year ago. Any blade with wear signs, any indi­ca­tion of rust or dam­age, or assem­bly rota­tion prob­lem will be ruled out and replaced by a brand new blade. All blades that get through the re-inspec­tion pro­ce­dure at this stage will be high-tem­per­a­ture san­i­tized and fit­ted in a new container.

4. Brand New Accessories

All Vita­mix refurbished/reconditioned machines include the fol­low­ing brand-new accessories:

  • Pre­mi­um qual­i­ty Tri­tan copoly­ester 64 oz. high pro­file or 48 oz. low pro­file (depend­ing on mod­el) container;
  • Cus­tom tam­per suit­able for the con­tain­er type;
  • Rub­ber lid and plug;
  • Cook­books (depend­ing on model).

Warranty and Customer Service

vitamix warranty

All of the recon­di­tioned Vita­mix mod­els usu­al­ly come with a 5‑year FULL WARRANTY, com­pared to the typ­i­cal 7 years for the major­i­ty of orig­i­nal mod­els. The Full war­ran­ty cov­ers all parts, per­for­mance, repair labor (when need­ed), and ship­ping both ways. The recon­di­tioned model’s 5‑year war­ran­ty does not mean that the life expectan­cy is short­er on aver­age than for the orig­i­nal mod­els. Vita­mix blenders are famous for their dura­bil­i­ty, and a 5‑year war­ran­ty for refur­bished mod­els just reflects the low­er sell­ing price. An extra 3‑year Extend­ed War­ran­ty is also avail­able for Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished machines if the extend­ed war­ran­ty is paid for at the same time as the machine is purchased.

Vita­mix cus­tomer ser­vice is the best in the indus­try and is always ready to resolve any issues. The refur­bished machine also offers a risk-free, 30-day mon­ey-back guar­an­tee if cus­tomers are not com­plete­ly sat­is­fied with the prod­uct. This all con­firms the true high qual­i­ty of the cer­ti­fied con­di­tioned machines and the neg­li­gi­ble dif­fer­ence between the refur­bished and the orig­i­nal models.

Would you like more infor­ma­tion about Vita­mix mod­els? Check our arti­cle Which Vita­mix to Buy? — Vita­mix Mod­els Explained.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Reconditioned Classic Product Line

Vita­mix man­u­fac­tures 2 Prod­uct Lines – Clas­sic, includ­ing Expro­r­i­an E310 and E320 Blenders, C–Series and G‑Series, and the Smart Sys­tem Series. The Space Sav­ing Prod­uct Line was dis­con­tin­ued at the end of 2019.

Reconditioned Explorian Series Blenders

Vitamix E320

The Recon­di­tioned Vita­mix Explo­ri­an Blenders are rep­re­sent­ed only by the E320 mod­el, which com­bines the design and tech­ni­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics of C- series and G‑series machines.

The blenders have the fol­low­ing features:

  • 2.2HP motor and C‑series and Ascent series fusion base unit;
  • Min­i­mal­is­tic con­trol pan­el with 10-speed dial knob, Pulse, and Stat/Stop switches;
  • 64 oz. low pro­file wide bot­tom tem­per­a­ture and stress-resis­tant Tri­tan copoly­ester con­tain­er with per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt 4” blunt blades system;
  • Cus­tom-built tamper;
  • Cook­book and user manual;
  • With size 11” x 8” x 18” just fits under stan­dard kitchen cabinets;
  • 3 years Full warranty.

The E320 is the bud­get and cheap­est mod­el of the Vita­mix, which is also reflect­ed in the unusu­al­ly short Vita­mix blender war­ran­ty. Nev­er­the­less, it does affect the life expectan­cy of the blender. Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E320 is as durable and well-built as any oth­er Vita­mix blender.

The Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E320 Blender is avail­able at 20%-30% less expen­sive than the E310 model.



Reconditioned C‑Series

The C‑Series com­prise 5 mod­els, while some cur­rent­ly avail­able in var­i­ous pack­ages. How­ev­er, with­in the C‑Series, there are 4 major Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned mod­els Stan­dard 5200, Stan­dard pro­grams, 3‑Speed Tur­bo,  5300, and 6500.

The Certified Reconditioned Vitamix 5200 Standard Blenders

vitamix 5200

These blenders include machines with the label Vita­mix 5200 Stan­dard and are avail­able in black, red, white, plat­inum, or brushed stain­less colors.

The Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned Stan­dard Vita­mix prod­uct line fea­tures a 2HP (1380 watt) motor and a con­trol pan­el, which is equipped with an On/Off switch, a Variable/High switch, and a 10 vari­able speed dial knob. The pack­age will always come with 64 oz con­tain­ers regard­less of the orig­i­nal mod­el’s size con­tain­er (some orig­i­nal mod­els come with 48 oz con­tain­ers). The Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned Stan­dard Vita­mix set will contain:

2HP motor base unit with 10-speed vari­able knob con­trol panel;

  • 64 oz. con­tain­er with inbuilt 3‑inches blades;
  • Rub­ber lid and plug;
  • Cus­tom size tam­per for high pro­file 64oz. container;
  • Instruc­tion­al DVD;
  • Recipe book;
  • With dimen­sions 8.75” x 7.25” x 20.5”, it does not fit under the stan­dard kitchen cabinet;
  • 5 years Full Warranty.

The Vita­mix 5200 Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned Stan­dard pack­age will not include the get­ting start­ed guide or the extra con­tain­ers and acces­sories that the orig­i­nal mod­els included.

The price for a recon­di­tioned stan­dard mod­el is usu­al­ly avail­able at 15%- 25% cheap­er than the orig­i­nal mod­el. More­over, dur­ing the pro­mo­tion­al time, the con­sumer can save even more money.


2. Certified Refurbished Standard Programs Blenders

vitamix 1891

The Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned Stan­dard Pro­grams blenders are com­prised of mod­els with labels — Pro­fes­sion­al Series 500, 6500, and Total Nutri­tion Cen­ter 3 (TNC 3) – and come in a selec­tion of black, brushed stain­less, plat­inum, red, and white colors.

These blenders come with a 2HP (1380 watt)  motor, a 64 oz. high-pro­file con­tain­er and a con­trol pan­el that fea­tures not only the stan­dard on/off, pulse levers, and 10 vari­able speed dial knobs but also 3 pre-set pro­grams (Smooth­ies, Frozen Desserts, and Hot Soups).

The Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned Stan­dard Pro­grams Vita­mix set includes:

  • 2HP base unit with pulse func­tion and dial knob fea­tur­ing the 10 speeds and 3 pre-set programs;
  • 64 oz. con­tain­er with inbuilt 3‑inches blades;
  • Rub­ber lid and plug;
  • Cus­tom Tamper;
  • Instruc­tion­al DVD;
  • Cook­book (may include spi­ral-bound copies of Savor or 3‑ring easel-style Create);
  • With sizes 8.75” x 7.25” x 20.5”, it will not fit under the stan­dard kitchen cabinet;
  • 5 years Full Warranty.

The set will not include the get­ting start­ed guide.

The price for Vita­mix Stan­dard Pro­gram blenders nor­mal­ly costs up to 35%-40% cheap­er com­pared to the orig­i­nal mod­els. This is quite a bar­gain con­sid­er­ing the qual­i­ty of recon­di­tioned models.



Certified Reconditioned Classic 3‑Speed Turbo models

vitamix 3 speed Turbo

This machine fea­tures C‑series mod­els that have a 2 HP (1380 watt) motor and 64 oz. con­tain­ers. The dis­tin­guish­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic of these mod­els is the con­trol pan­el that has only two (2) or Three (3) speeds (Low, High or Low, Med, High) instead of 10 vari­able speeds. How­ev­er, unlike in 5200, it has a Pulse switch.
The Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned 2‑Speed or3-Speed Tur­bo mod­els set includes:

  • 2HP base unit with the 3‑speed dial knob, Pulse, and On/Off levers con­trol panel;
  • 64 oz. high pro­file and nar­row bot­tom pre­mi­um qual­i­ty BPA-free East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester con­tain­er with 3” per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt blades;
  • Cus­tom tam­per designed for high pro­file 64 oz. pitcher;
  • Cook­book;
  • 5 years Warranty;
  • It does not fit under the kitchen cab­i­nets with the fol­low­ing sizes 75” x 7.25” x 20.5”.

These mod­els come with­out the get­ting start­ed guide and the instruc­tion­al DVD.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished 2‑Speed or 3‑Speed Tur­bo Vita­mix costs about $300 via the man­u­fac­tur­er’s web­site and Ama­zon, and both offer free ship­ping. In addi­tion, the machine is often avail­able on spe­cial offers and could be a good bar­gain for con­sumers who are look­ing for a cheap­er Vita­mix machine.


Certified Refurbished Vitamix 5300

vitamix 5300

Vita­mix 5300 Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned mod­el fea­tures a 2.2 HP (1440 watt) motor, 64 oz. low pro­file con­tain­er with a 4‑inch inbuilt blade and con­trol pan­el with pulse func­tion and 10 vari­able speed dial knob.

Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned 5300 mod­els set includes:

  • 2HP motor base unit and con­trol pan­el with 10 vari­able speed dial knobs and pulse function;
  • 64 oz. low pro­file wide bot­tom pre­mi­um qual­i­ty BPA-free East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester con­tain­er with a big­ger 4‑inch inbuilt blade;
  • Cus­tom tam­per designed for low pro­file container;
  • Get­ting Start­ed Guide with recipes;
  • 5 years Full Warranty;
  • With dimen­sions 8.75” x 7.25” x 17.25”, it fits under a stan­dard kitchen cabinet.

These mod­els come with­out a sep­a­rate cook­book and instruc­tion­al DVD, but the Get­ting Start­ed Guide includes over 100 Vita­mix recipes.

Vita­mix 5300 Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished is usu­al­ly sold at a very attrac­tive price of up to 20% less than the new mod­el. Thus, it is a good bar­gain for a cus­tomer on a tight bud­get but one who is look­ing for a com­mer­cial-type blender.



Reconditioned Classic G‑series

The Vita­mix G‑series prod­uct line includes only 3 mod­els: Vita­mix 7500, and Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750.

These mod­els fea­ture the machines with a 2.2HP (1440 watt) motor, low-pro­file 64 oz. wide bot­tom pre­mi­um qual­i­ty Tri­tan copoly­ester con­tain­er and inbuilt 4‑inch blade. The 7500 and Pro­fes­sion­al 750 mod­els come with Start/Stop, Pulse tog­gle, 10 vari­able speed dial knob, and/or pre-pro­grammed set­tings (Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 only), while the 780 mod­el has a dig­i­tal touch con­trol panel.

Certified Reconditioned Next Generation Vitamix Blenders


The Vita­mix 7500 mod­el fea­tures the con­trol pan­el, which has Start/Stop, a Pulse switch, and 10 vari­able speed dial knobs. How­ev­er, it is not equipped with any pre-pro­grammed setting.

Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned Next Gen­er­a­tion set includes:

  • 2HP (1641 watt) motor base unit with 10-speed dial knob;
  • 64 oz. wide bot­tom con­tain­er with lid and plug;
  • Cus­tom tam­per for low pro­file container;
  • Get­ting start­ed guide;
  • Instruc­tion­al DVD;
  • Cook­book;
  • 5 years Full Warranty;
  • With 17.5” x 9.4” x 7.7” dimen­sions, it fits under the kitchen cabinet.

Vita­mix 7500 Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished Next Gen­er­a­tion machines are usu­al­ly avail­able at 25%-35% cheap­er than the new mod­els from the man­u­fac­tur­er’s web­site and most pop­u­lar retailers.


Certified Refurbished Classic Professional Series 750 Blender

vitamix pro 750

The Vita­mix Pro­fes­sion­al 750 machine is equipped with a con­trol pan­el that has Start/Stop, Pulse switch, and knob dial that reg­u­lates 10 vari­able speeds and 5 pre-pro­grammed set­tings (Smooth­ies, Frozen Desserts, Hot Soups, Purees, and Clean).

The Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned, Next Gen­er­a­tions Pro­grams set, includes the fol­low­ing parts and accessories:

  • Base unit with 2.2 HP motor and 10 speed and 5 pre-sets con­trol panel;
  • 64 oz. container;
  • Rub­ber lid and plug;
  • Cus­tom tam­per for low pro­file 64 oz. containers;
  • Get­ting Start­ed Guide;
  • Cre­ate a recipe book;
  • 5 years Full Warranty;
  • Fits under the kitchen cab­i­net with 17.25” x 9.4” x 7.7” dimensions.

Vita­mix Pro­fes­sion­al 750 Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished Next Gen­er­a­tion Pro­grams blenders are also avail­able to buy via the manufacturer’s web­site and oth­er retail­ers’ web­sites with a dis­count of 15%-20% to the orig­i­nal price. This mod­el is very pop­u­lar and rarely avail­able, heav­i­ly discounted.


Certified Refurbished Vitamix 780 Blender

This is the dig­i­tal dis­play blender rep­re­sent­ed by Vita­mix 780 machine that comes with an upgrad­ed 2.2HP motor, base unit and air­flow sys­tem, low pro­file con­tain­er, 10 vari­able speeds, and 5 pre-set (Smooth­ies, Frozen Desserts, Hot Soups, Purees, and Clean) programs.

The blender is equipped with the lat­est sen­si­tive mod­ern touch con­trol pan­el and has a sleek mod­ern look; its tap but­tons are acti­vat­ed with the touch. It also includes The Intro­duc­tion to High-Per­for­mance Blend­ing Cookbook.

The Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished  Vita­mix 780 set includes the fol­low­ing parts and accessories:

  • the motor has 2.2HP at the peak out­put power
  • low-pro­file Tri­tan copoly­ester 64-oz. capac­i­ty container
  • Cus­tom tam­per designed for low pro­file container;
  • Cook­book;
  • User Man­u­al;
  • 5 years Full Warranty;
  • Fits under stan­dard kitchen cab­i­net ‑17.25” x 9.4” x 7.7”.

Vita­mix 780 Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished blenders are avail­able from the man­u­fac­tur­er’s web­site and on Ama­zon at a heav­i­ly dis­count­ed price to the orig­i­nal model.


Reconditioned S‑series

vitamix s50 blender

The Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned Vita­mix S‑series Per­son­al Blender prod­uct line includes only two blenders – S30 and S55. The orig­i­nal mod­els have 3 dif­fer­ent S‑series mod­els. These machines’ sig­na­ture fea­tures are (1) the remov­able blade assem­bly that is inter­change­able between two con­tain­ers and (2) the two con­tain­ers, one of which has a bul­let-type design and could be tak­en out­side with a to-go lid while anoth­er one is an upright pitch­er with vent­ed lid and suit­able for hot liq­uids and pro­cess­ing thick mix­tures. In addi­tion, the S30 mod­el is equipped with 10 vari­able speeds and a pulse fea­ture con­trol pan­el, while S55 has addi­tion­al 4 pre-set programs.

The Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned Vita­mix S‑series Per­son­al Blender pack­age includes the fol­low­ing parts and accessories:

  • 790 watts Motor Base;
  • 40-ounce Con­tain­er with 2 parts vent­ed lid;
  • 20-ounce Con­tain­er with trav­el lid;
  • Remov­able Blade assembly;
  • Cus­tom-designed tam­per for use with 40 oz. container;
  • Cook­book.

Both S30 and S55 Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned come with 5 years full warranty.

Cur­rent­ly, Vita­mix S‑series Per­son­al Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned Blenders are avail­able only from the Ama­zon web­site. The S30 mod­el has a rea­son­able dis­count and costs $249 com­pared to the $400 orig­i­nal one. Like­wise, the S55 mod­el has a rather mod­er­ate dis­count for a refur­bished mod­el and is sold 15%-25% cheap­er than the orig­i­nal models.


Refurbished Smart System Product Line Blenders

The Recon­di­tioned Smart Sys­tem Blenders are rep­re­sent­ed by the A2300, 2500, A3300, A3500, and bud­get Ven­tur­ist V1200 mod­els. This prod­uct line was released on 26 Decem­ber 2016; it is the most recent, inno­v­a­tive, and advanced Vita­mix blender edition.

The Smart Sys­tem Series Blenders have the fol­low­ing sim­i­lar features:

  • 2.2HP motor while new base unit design and cool­ing sys­tems that make these machines qui­etest among all oth­er Vita­mix models;
  • 64 oz. the low wide bot­tom and low pro­file copoly­ester con­tain­ers with 4‑inch blades and clear lids;
  • Self-detect con­tain­er sys­tem that rec­og­nizes which type of con­tain­er (64 oz., 48 oz., 20 oz., or 8 oz.) you placed on the top of the base unit and adjust­ed the blend­ing time and pro­grams for the appro­pri­ate container;
  • Wire­less Blue­tooth Smart Sys­tem Vita­mix Blender con­nec­tion to the smart­phone app and smart scale for using the 500+ recipes;
  • Ten (10) years warranty.

Certified Refurbished Vitamix Ascent A2300/2500

Vitamix Ascent A2300

Vita­mix A2300 and A2500 are the econ­o­my Ascent mod­els. They are equipped with a sim­ple con­trol that features:

  • Ten (10) vari­able speeds dial knob, the Pulse, and Start/Stop switches;
  • Dig­i­tal timer which dis­plays up/downtime when blender runs vari­able-speed or pre-set programs;

The A2500 mod­el comes with an addi­tion­al 3 pre-set pro­grams (Smooth­ies, Frozen Dessert, and Hot Soup), while the A2300 mod­el has only vari­able speeds and pulse mode.

Vita­mix’s web­site offers recon­di­tioned mod­els start­ing from $399, while Ama­zon usu­al­ly has low­er prices.



Certified Reconditioned Vitamix Ascent A3300 and A3500

vitamix A3500

The Vita­mix Ascent A3300 and A3500 blenders are the pre­mi­um Smart Sys­tem Vita­mix mod­els that feature:

  • State-of-the-art dig­i­tal touch­screen con­trol panel;
  • Ten (10) vari­able speeds dig­i­tal dial knob, capac­i­tive touch­screen pulse, and On/Off controls;
  • Capac­i­tive pro­gram­ma­ble timer controls;

The A3500 blender comes with five (5) pre-pro­grammed set­tings (Smooth­ies, Frozen Desserts, Hot Soups, Dips/Spreads, and Self-Clean­ing), while A3300 blenders do not have any.

The A3300 and A3500 are pre­mi­um Vita­mix mod­els and have one of the high­est Vita­mix machine price tags, the cer­ti­fied recon­di­tioned mod­els are not often avail­able, but they are usu­al­ly dis­count­ed by 15%-25% to the orig­i­nal blender’s price.

[i2pc show_title=“true” title=“Pros & Cons” show_button=“false” pros_title=“Pros” cons_title=“Cons” ][i2pros]Well-built and easy to clean.
Amaz­ing per­for­mance, beau­ti­ful design.
The cost is less than A3500.
[i2pc show_title=“true” title=“Pros & Cons” show_button=“false” pros_title=“Pros” cons_title=“Cons” ][i2pros]Well-built and easy to clean.
Amaz­ing per­for­mance, beau­ti­ful design.
The cost is less than A3500.
Comes with advanced series-only fea­tures like a touch screen.[/i2pros][i2cons]There are no pre­sets avail­able direct­ly on the con­trols.
It is a pre­mi­um blender and com­mands an equal­ly pre­mi­um price.
There is no pro­gram pre­sets.
A 64oz con­tain­er is too much for a small amount of food.[/i2cons][/i2pc]


Certified Reconditioned Venturist V1200 Blender

vitamix v1200

Vita­mix Ven­tur­ist V1200 is the bud­get Vita­mix Ascent Prod­uct Line Blender with a smart sys­tem. It fea­tures self-detect con­tain­ers, wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty, and smart tech­nol­o­gy para­me­ters. How­ev­er, it has a unique base unit design (not sim­i­lar to A2500 and A3500 machines) and a con­trol pan­el that is a com­bi­na­tion of A2300 and A3300 blenders con­trol pan­els with the fol­low­ing unique features:

  • Phys­i­cal dial knob (sim­i­lar to Clas­sic mod­els like Vita­mix Pro 750), Pulse, and On/Off switches;
  • Dig­i­tal pro­gram­ma­ble timer (sim­i­lar to Ascent A3500 model);

The recon­di­tioned mod­els are avail­able from the Vita­mix web­site and








The Vita­mix recon­di­tion­ing pro­ce­dure includes a rig­or­ous selec­tion and qual­i­fy­ing process, and the mod­els that reach cus­tomers are undoubt­ed­ly qual­i­fied to have “like new” con­di­tions. There is no per­for­mance or visu­al dif­fer­ences between the orig­i­nal and refur­bished mod­els. All the func­tion­al­i­ty, tech­ni­cal para­me­ters, and includ­ed acces­sories are the same as the orig­i­nal mod­els. Some units come in the orig­i­nal full-col­or box, while oth­ers come in a brown box with print­ed Vita­mix logos. All blenders are prop­er­ly pack­aged, fit­ted in cus­tom-cut Sty­ro­foam, and have no sign on the unit or pack­age that it is a recon­di­tioned model.

Since the man­u­fac­tur­er offers recon­di­tioned mod­els for all its prod­uct lines, those Vita­mix recon­di­tioned mod­els that have a more attrac­tive price tag, no doubt, are an excel­lent option for cus­tomers who are on a tight bud­get but are look­ing for a qual­i­ty, high-per­for­mance blender.

To bet­ter under­stand Vita­mix mod­els, check out the arti­cle Which Vita­mix to Buy? — Vita­mix Mod­els Explained.

Posted in Vitamix Reviews

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  1. Barbara Buiter

    I have a Vita­mix blender that I bought at a home show in my area 22 years ago. The motor is still pow­er­ful. How­ev­er the vari­able speed con­trol quit work­ing about 2 years ago. I would like to have this machine recon­di­tioned. What num­ber would I call for that. It’s still a good oper­a­ble machine.

  2. Doris Coleman

    When will I be reim­bursed with new blades for my 5200 vita­mix machine I pur­chased in 2009?..I filled out the form but have not received the blades yet…I real­ly need this machine because it is the best machine ever..Hope to hear from you soon..Love,

    • lucy

      Hi Doris,

      The war­ran­ty for Vita­mix 5200 machine is 7 years, so it has expired in 2015 if you pur­chased yours in 2009. Cur­rent­ly, your machine is not cov­ered with warranty/ How­ev­er, you still able to order the new blades with man­u­fac­ture but you will need to pay for them. The best way to order a new part is to con­tact Vita­mix cus­tomer ser­vice on 0800 5870 019.

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