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NutriBullet Pro 900 Blender vs Nutri Ninja BL480 Blender

NutriBul­let Pro 900 Blender vs Nutri Nin­ja BL480 Blender: NutriBul­let or Nutri Nin­ja blenders, which one to choose? This ques­tion trou­bles many cus­tomers who decid­ed to add a bul­let-type blender to their kitchen coun­ter­top. No won­der, NutriBul­let, and Nutri Nin­ja are cur­rent­ly the major com­peti­tors in the high-pow­ered per­son­al blender mar­ket cat­e­go­ry. They both rep­re­sent rel­a­tive­ly new brands that are broad­ly adver­tised with the same con­cept: To make quick smooth­ies or shakes and take them out in a ready-to-go cup.

Here, we are offer­ing to take a clos­er look at the fea­tures and ben­e­fits of NutriBul­let Pro 900 and Nutri Nin­ja Auto iQ blenders, and by the end of the arti­cle, you will have an answer as to which one of these two per­forms the best and may suit your needs better.

Are you inter­est­ed in alter­na­tive options? Check here our arti­cle, the Best Afford­able but Pow­er­ful Per­son­al Blenders or Best Coun­ter­top Blender Under $100.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

NutriBullet Pro 900 Blender

NutriBullet Pro 900 BlenderNutriBul­let Pro 900 Hi-Speed blender comes with a 900-watt motor, which is very pow­er­ful for a per­son­al type gad­get. This mod­el is avail­able in 3 dif­fer­ent pack­ages — 9‑piece, 13-piece, and 15-piece. All three mod­els have the same unit base and motor but dif­fer in the selec­tion of acces­sories, infor­ma­tion­al mate­r­i­al, and recipe book includ­ed in the pack­age. So the typ­i­cal NutriBul­let pack­age includes:

  • Unit base with the 900-watt motor (all models);
  • Blade assem­bly (all models);
  • and 32 oz. cups (one of each for 9‑piece, two 32 oz. for 13-piece, and one 24 oz. and two 32 oz. for 15-piece);
  • Lids, flip to go or/and reseal­able, depend­ing on the num­ber of cups in the package;
  • Lip rings with a han­dle or with­out, depend­ing on the num­ber of cups in the package;
  • User man­u­al, nutri­tion­al guide, and recipe book (all pack­ages, but the 9‑piece comes with­out recipe book);

The NutriBul­let Pro 900 comes with cups made from quite a low-qual­i­ty poly­car­bon­ate, and these have a high chance of devel­op­ing cracks with­in 1 year of reg­u­lar use (as many cus­tomers report). The blade assem­bly also has qual­i­ty issues. Though the 6‑pronged blade is made of stain­less steel, the plas­tic assem­bly parts are not durable and are prone to crack, while the blade seal­ing gas­ket usu­al­ly wears out with­in 1 year of use. NutriBul­let must be aware of this prob­lem because they sell replace­ment cups and blade assem­bly parts through numer­ous online and offline retailers.

The blender’s tech­ni­cal design is also quite basic, as it is equipped with just one speed, which is acti­vat­ed by turn­ing the cup clock­wise against the base. Blend­ing with one speed does not allow the user very good con­trol over the blend­ing process; For exam­ple, the speed lim­it makes it dif­fi­cult to pre­pare decent sal­sa or sal­ad dress­ing. Yet, the NutriBul­let 900 Pro is designed to per­form the fol­low­ing functions:

  • Make smooth­ies, but hard and fibrous ingre­di­ents are not pul­ver­ized com­plete­ly, so green smooth­ies come out quite tex­tured, and berry seeds and skins are also not blend­ed properly;
  • Process­es ice and frozen ingre­di­ents ONLY with liq­uid added (also stat­ed in the user manual);
  • Able to grind flax seeds, herbs, or sim­i­lar, but will not mill cof­fee beans properly;
  • Not designed to han­dle hot ingre­di­ents, so it will not suit mak­ing bul­let­proof coffee.

This machine comes with a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the Mag­ic Bul­let NutriBul­let cus­tomer ser­vice is not very help­ful and respon­sive. Over­all, it is not a bad entry-lev­el gad­get, but it is over­priced and made from cheap mate­r­i­al and is thus not durable.


Nutri Ninja Auto iQ BL480 Blender

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B01N7Y3H73&Format= SL300 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=kitchen0a03 20&language=en USir?t=kitchen0a03 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B01N7Y3H73The Nutri Nin­ja Auto iQ Blender comes with a very pow­er­ful 1000-watt motor and is avail­able in 4 dif­fer­ent mod­els – BL480, BL482, BL487, and BL487T. All mod­els are equipped with absolute­ly the same base unit but a dif­fer­ent set of acces­sories and recipe books, which are:

  • Base unit with 1000 watt motor (all models);
  • Blade assem­bly (all models);
  • Selec­tion of 18 oz., 24 oz., and 32 oz. cups (18 oz. and 24 oz. — BL480, one of each — BL481 and BL482, and with one 18 oz., one 32 oz., and two 42 oz. — BL482Z);
  • Sip and Seal Lids for Each Cup;
  • Get­ting start­ed guide with recipes and a sep­a­rate recipe book (NL480 and BL481 do not include a recipe book).

The cups are made of thick poly­car­bon­ate mate­r­i­al, and the BL482Z mod­el includes an addi­tion­al two 24 oz. stress-resis­tant pre­mi­um qual­i­ty Tri­tan poly­car­bon­ate cups. The gad­get is also equipped with a 4‑pronged, sharp stain­less steel blade and a plas­tic blade assem­bly. The plas­tic blade assem­bly parts are a com­mon prob­lem for all per­son­al blenders because of ear­ly wear out, which short­ens the machine’s lifespan.

Nutri Nin­ja Auto iQ is equipped with a 3‑speed con­trol pan­el — one pulse mode and two pre-set pro­grams with 45 sec. and 60 sec. cycles — that is an advanced fea­ture for a sin­gle-serve gad­get. The choice of 3 speeds expands the gad­get’s ver­sa­til­i­ty, giv­ing the user more con­trol for mak­ing recipes like sal­sa, dips, or may­on­naise. So this machine is able to per­form the fol­low­ing functions:

  • Makes good qual­i­ty drinks, includ­ing green smooth­ies and drinks from tough and fibrous ingredients;
  • Crush­es ice to snow cone con­sis­ten­cy even with­out any liq­uid added and makes decent frozen desserts from frozen fruits and berries;
  • Makes sal­sa, dips, and sal­ad dress­ing and per­forms oth­er food prep functions;
  • Able to puree and chop raw and cooked vegetables;
  • Not designed to process hot food, so it is not suit­able for mak­ing bul­let­proof coffee;
  • It is able to grind herbs and chop nuts, but the qual­i­ty of grind­ing is not very good.

The gad­get comes with a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty and not very help­ful cus­tomer ser­vice. There is, how­ev­er, a ten­den­cy for improvement.

Over­all, this is quite a good and ver­sa­tile per­son­al blender and the only sin­gle-serve machine in the price range that is designed to crush ice with­out liq­uid added. Still, this blender suf­fers from the typ­i­cal prob­lem that the major­i­ty of sin­gle-serve gad­gets do, not hav­ing a very long life expectancy.


List of the NutriBullet Pro 900 and Nutri Ninja Auto IQ Differences

  NutriBul­let PRO 900 Blender  Nutri Nin­ja Auto iQ BL48
Motor 900 watts with the plas­tic motor to the blade connection; 1000 watt with the plas­tic motor to the blade couplings;
Blades 6‑pronged stain­less steel blade with plas­tic assem­bly parts; 4‑pronged stain­less steel blade with plas­tic assem­bly parts;
Con­tain­ers 24 oz. 32 oz. not good qual­i­ty poly­car­bon­ates cups; 18 oz., 24 oz., and 32 oz. thick poly­car­bon­ate cups, pre­mi­um qual­i­ty 24 oz. Tri­tan poly­car­bon­ate con­tain­ers for BL482Z mod­el only;
Con­trol panel One speed; Pulse func­tion, 2 pre-sets pro­grams and on/off button;
War­ran­ty 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. Bad rep­u­ta­tion for Cus­tomer Service. 1‑year Lim­it­ed, not good cus­tomer ser­vice but with ten­den­cy get­ting better.
Per­for­mance Does not blend decent fruit and green smooth­ies, process­es iced and frozen ingre­di­ents only with liq­uids added, will not han­dle hot liq­uids, and will grind herbs and seeds but not cof­fee beans;


Blends good qual­i­ty drinks, includ­ing green smooth­ies, crush­es ice, makes ice cream and frozen desserts, chops and minces for sal­ad dress­ing and dips, does not grind herbs well nor chop nuts, and does not han­dle hot ingredients;
Dimen­sions The foot­print is 5 ½ inch­es in diam­e­ter; the pro­file height is 15.6 inch­es tall with a colos­sal (32 oz.) cup on the top of the unit base. Weight is 3.6 pounds. The foot­print is 5.6 X 6.6 inch­es; the pro­file height is 15.5 inch­es. Weight is 4.7 pounds.

How to Choose Between the NutriBullet Pro 900 and Nutri Ninja Auto IQ BL480

Tak­ing into account that both blenders have a good selec­tion of cups and com­pa­ra­ble prices, it is obvi­ous that the Nutri Nin­ja Auto IQ is a bet­ter choice for those who are look­ing for a blender that makes quick, decent-qual­i­ty smooth­ies to take them out. It also blends bet­ter qual­i­ty green smooth­ies, crush­es ice to snow cone con­di­tions, and is able to chop veg­eta­bles for sal­sa and dips, while the NutriBul­let 900 Pro Hi-Speed blender is not designed for this pur­pose. But Nutr­Bul­let does a slight­ly bet­ter grind­ing job.
The bot­tom line, the Nutri Nin­ja Auto IQ is a supe­ri­or per­former when com­pared to Nun­triBul­let, and it is more ver­sa­tile and has a longer life expectancy.


The NutriBul­let Pro 900 and Nutri Nin­ja Auto IQ BL480 blenders are both wide­ly adver­tised and pop­u­lar with con­sumers, but there is a good selec­tion of decent sin­gle-serve blenders on the mar­ket with con­sid­er­ably low­er prices, and their per­for­mance is com­pa­ra­ble to these mar­ket lead­ers. Our arti­cle on the Best Afford­able but Pow­er­ful Per­son­al Blenders revealed some bril­liant, cheap­er alter­na­tives that may bet­ter sat­is­fy the needs of con­sumers who are not ready to pay $100 and over for this kitchen gadget.

Posted in Ninja Reviews, NutriBullet Reviews

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    Some­thing else worth not­ing with the Nin­ja Pro is that while it can very effi­cient­ly break up and blend ice into fluffy, snow like tex­ture, if the pieces of ice ini­tial­ly placed in the blender are too large, you might end up with a few small chunks remain­ing at the end of blending.

  2. Diane Eberle

    Anoth­er thing worth not­ing is that with Nutri Nin­ja is that even though the arti­cle states it can­not han­dle hot drinks, I did not find this to be true. I have made hot drinks to cre­ate a lat­te effect and found that it worked nice­ly. It breaks up hard pieces like cacoa but­ter which does not melt in the hot liq­uid. If you do not like the feel­ing of seeds in the smooth­ie, I did not find that it breaks them down com­plete­ly. How­ev­er the oth­er parts of my green smooth­ie were very smooth. I do not taste any parts of spinach or kale.

    • lucy

      Hi Diane,

      You are right, the blender can han­dle hot drinks but if you do it often the blender jar will break pre­ma­ture­ly since it is not designed to han­dle hot drinks as some blender do. The user man­u­al clear­ly states this fact.


    How come no one is men­tion­ing how loud the Nutri Nin­ja Auti IQ is? So loud I have tried numer­ous ways to cov­er the sound. Any sug­ges­tions oth­er than the $200 covers?

  4. Karen Kroetsch

    I have had the orig­i­nal nutri bul­let for 5 years is extreme­ly effec­tive and would only sug­gest tak­ing suc­tion ring out sparat­icly to clean. I have decid­ed to upgrade to the pro only because I am giv­ing my orig­i­nal nin­ja to my son as he moved out. I high­ly rec­om­mend this blender. I am curi­ous to how the nin­ja func­tions but will stick with the nutri bul­lit as it has nev­er let me down !!!????????

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