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Ninja BN801 Professional Plus Kitchen System Review

ninja bn801 kitchen systemThe Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem is a fair­ly new Nin­ja blender that came to the mar­ket in the autumn of 2020. It is a full-size type blender that includes an extra sin­gle-serve and small food pro­cess­ing attachments.

Read here our com­pre­hen­sive review to find more details about this great machine.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie: The Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem pro­duces very smooth smooth­ies from soft and tough ingre­di­ents, includ­ing kale, spinach, car­rots, cucum­bers, apples, pineap­ple, and oth­er usu­al sus­pects, into the fine chun­k­less drink. So it suits well for mak­ing green smoothies.

It usu­al­ly oblit­er­ates straw­ber­ries, rasp­ber­rys, and oth­er seedy berries but may leave some seeds residues at the bottom.

The drinks will usu­al­ly warm up a bit dur­ing the blend­ing process, so adding the ice cubes may be good.

Frozen ingredients/desserts: The blender han­dles ice with ease. It can crush or pul­ver­ize ice with and with­out liq­uid added using the vari­ety of set­tings on the con­trol pan­el. So, the machine is also able to make frozen desserts using the mix­ing bowl or sin­gle-serve cup with no issues at all.

Juice: Although the man­u­fac­tur­er claims that the blender is able to extract juice, it is not. A juicer must remove the fiber from the liq­uid and leave you with pure juice. As a result, this machine can only pro­duce smooth smooth­ies, some­times referred to as “whole juice,” but will still con­tain fiber. And you can always strain out the fiber through a strain­er to obtain the pure liquid.

Soup/hot ingre­di­ents: The user man­u­al clear­ly states that this machine is not designed to process hot liq­uids in either the bowl or the sin­gle-serve cup. So, when pro­cess­ing hot ingre­di­ents for soup, users should cool them down before plac­ing them into the blender.

Chopping/food prep: The Nin­ja BN801 han­dles var­i­ous food pro­cess­ing tasks like sal­ad chop­ping, cheese and crumbs grat­ing, chop­ping veg­gies for sal­ads, and ‘ric­ing’ cau­li­flower, dips, pesto, sauces, sal­ad dress­ings, and many oth­er things. How­ev­er, the food pro­cess­ing bowl holds up to 8 cups of ingre­di­ents and thus is suit­able for prepar­ing fam­i­ly meals.

Puree­ing: The machine can per­fect­ly puree any ingre­di­ents for soup using the sin­gle-serve cup or Nutri bowl, but you have to cool down the ingre­di­ents before pro­cess­ing as it is not suit­able for use with hot food. The Nutri bowl is also able to pre­pare mashed pota­to or puree baby food.

Nut milk: This machine is pow­er­ful enough to make nut milk, but you may need to soak nuts before pro­cess­ing and use a strain­er to strain the liq­uid for a per­fect result.

Nut but­ter: The Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem is pow­er­ful enough to make nut but­ter but rather of chunky con­sis­ten­cy. The user will also have to stop and mix ingre­di­ents man­u­al­ly to cre­ate a prop­er vor­tex dur­ing the processing.

Dough/batter: The Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem comes with a dough hook, so it is per­fect­ly suit­able for mix­ing var­i­ous bat­ter and dough, includ­ing the bread one. How­ev­er, the capac­i­ty of the bowl (3.5 cups max) is not enough for a large por­tion of food.

Grinding/milling: The user man­u­al warns not to per­form any grind­ing job with the blender and advice to pur­chase the Nin­ja Cof­fee & Spice Grinder Blender attach­ment (sold sep­a­rate­ly) com­pat­i­ble with the Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem base unit. This attach­ment will grind cof­fee beans, any herbs, nuts, and grains into flour.

This machine comes with two types of con­tain­ers and 3 blades that are quite ver­sa­tile and suit smooth­ie-mak­ing and prepar­ing many dif­fer­ent types of dishes.


The Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen is equipped with a selec­tion of con­tain­ers. All of them are made from BPA-free poly­car­bon­ate (not glass) with black mea­sur­ing marks in ounces and ml. This selec­tion of con­tain­ers includes:

  • The 72 oz Total Crush­ing Pitch­er and secure­ly locked Lid for mak­ing smooth­ies, shakes, frozen desserts, ice con­coc­tions, puree­ing soup, and oth­er typ­i­cal coun­ter­top blender tasks;
  • The 8‑cup Pre­ci­sion Proces­sor Bowl with the secure­ly locked lid could be used for dough knead­ing and light food pro­cess­ing tasks such as chop­ping and puree­ing, and others;
  • Two (2) X 24 oz. Sin­gle Serve Cup and Sip and seal Lids that are spills-free and allow you to take the drinks out. The sin­gle-serve cup is part of an attach­ment designed to process smooth­ies, shakes, ground ingre­di­ents, nut milk, and others.

It must be men­tioned that the Pre­ci­sion Proces­sor Bowl does not come with any acces­sories for slic­ing or grat­ing tasks, nor is it com­pat­i­ble with any grat­ing or slic­ing attach­ment from oth­er Nin­ja models.

Yet, the Total Crush­ing Pitch­er, Pre­ci­sion Proces­sor Bowl, and sin­gle-serve cup are not very durable and have a few com­plaints from cus­tomers that they may be frag­ile or wear out with­in 1 year of blender usage. Keep in mind that you be required to buy replace­ment con­tain­ers. Make sure you use them care­ful­ly and do not drop them so they will have a longer lifespan.


Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem fea­tures four (4) blades — Stacked Blade Assem­bly, Chop­ping Blade Assem­bly, Dough Blade Assem­bly, and Pro Extrac­tor Blades Assembly.

  • The Stacked Blade Assem­bly is con­struct­ed with 6 stain­less steel blades lurched around the plas­tic post and used with 72 oz. Total Crush­ing Pitcher;
  • The Chop­ping Blade Assem­bly has a design sim­i­lar to the main pitch­er blade; how­ev­er, it comes with 4 stain­less steel blades stag­gered around the plas­tic shaft. They are used with an 8‑cup Pre­ci­sion Proces­sor Bowl only;
  • The Dough Blade is made of plas­tic and fits into 8 cups. The 8‑cup Pre­ci­sion Proces­sor Bowl is only for mix­ing dough and batters;
  • Pro Extrac­tor Blades Assem­bly is used with any Sin­gle-Serve Cup. They have a stan­dard design with 4‑prongs stain­less steel blades attached to the plas­tic assembly.

The Main Pitch­er blade assem­bly, Chop­ping Blade Assem­bly, and Dough Blade are not designed to be locked in the con­tain­ers; they will be fixed in place con­tain­er lids when assembled.

Speed Settings and Programs

Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem con­trol pan­el is equipped with a Pow­er but­ton, a Timer pan­el, Five (5) Auto-iQ iQ pre-set pro­grams, Three (3) speeds, And a Pulse Func­tion.

The Pow­er but­ton turns the unit on or off. The Timer pan­el counts up time in sec­onds for speed func­tions and counts down­time in sec­onds for pre-set programs.

The five (5) Auto-iQ pre-set pro­gramsSMOOTHIE, ICE CRUSH, EXTRACT, CHOP, and DOUGH — are a com­bi­na­tion of dif­fer­ent blend­ing speeds and paus­ing modes over a set time peri­od that stops auto­mat­i­cal­ly at the end of the set time cycle. To stop the pre-set pro­gram before the end of the cycle, the user can press the cur­rent func­tion but­ton again or the Start/Stop button.

The pre-set pro­grams and man­u­al func­tion do not work with all types of con­tain­ers; each con­tain­er is designed to run only ded­i­cat­ed pro­grams and func­tions. The Nin­ja BN801 base unit iden­ti­fies the con­tain­er installed and auto­mat­i­cal­ly lights up the func­tions avail­able for them:

  • The SMOOTHIE but­ton works with 72 ounces of Total Crush­ing Pitch­er and Sin­gle-Serve Cup. It is a 55 seconds/(60 sec­onds sin­gle-serve) cycle used for blend­ing frozen fruit, ice, pro­tein, or shake drinks.
  • The ICE CRUSH is also designed to oper­ate with 72 72-ounce Total Crush­ing Pitch­er and Sin­gle-Serve Cup. This pre-set 60 sec­onds func­tion crush­es ice, makes whole juices, and process­es frozen drinks.
  • The EXTRACT func­tion works only with Sin­gle Serve Cup and is designed to process hard, leafy, or fibrous ingre­di­ents, includ­ing fruit skins, seeds, and veggies.
  • The CHOP but­ton works with Pre­ci­sion Proces­sor Bowl. It is the 16-sec­ond cycle that is timed with puls­es and paus­es that could be used for food-prep tasks such as dips, sauces, chop­ping veg­gies, nuts, sal­sas, and grat­ing cheese, crumbs, and meat grounding.
  • The DOUGH func­tion is also used only with Pre­ci­sion Proces­sor Bowl and with a dough hook and with­in 30 sec­onds cycle intend­ed for pro­cess­ing bread, piz­za, and oth­er dough.

Man­u­al three-speed set­tings (Low, Mid, and High with the high­est speed up to 22000 RPMs.) are run con­tin­u­ous­ly for up to 60 sec­onds or until the user press­es this but­ton again. You can choose a man­u­al com­bi­na­tion of any of three speeds to achieve the best blend­ing result. How­ev­er, you can­not oper­ate man­u­al speeds in com­bi­na­tion with any pre-set programs.

The Pulse func­tion oper­ates only when it is pressed and could be use­ful for chop­ping jobs or cre­at­ing vor­tex dur­ing hard ingre­di­ents or ice pro­cess­ing. How­ev­er, it oper­ates only with man­u­al programs.

Ease of Use and Cleaning

Assembling/disassembling/operation: The Nin­ja Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem comes with three types of con­tain­ers; thus, they are assembled/disassembled in dif­fer­ent ways.

Chop­ping Blade Assem­bly 72 oz Total Crush­ing Pitch­er Pre­ci­sion Proces­sor Bowl Chop­ping Blade Assembly

The 72 oz Total Crush­ing Pitch­er and Pre­ci­sion Proces­sor Bowl are assem­bled in a sim­i­lar way, though they are paired with dif­fer­ent blades. The Total Crush­ing Pitch­er works with Chop­ping Blade Assem­bly, while the Pre­ci­sion Proces­sor Bowl is used with the Chop­ping Blade Assem­bly and Dough Blade. So, to assem­ble them, the user should:

  • Place the bowl on the top of the base unit, align the tab on the con­tain­er to the tab on that motor base, and turn clock­wise until the click;
  • Place the blade assem­bly inside the bowl; both assem­blies are not locked inside; the Chop­ping Blade is very sharp and thus should be han­dled with care;
  • Lock the lid by push­ing down the lever and seal­ing it;
  • The nin­ja con­trol pan­el will iden­ti­fy which con­tain­er is con­nect­ed by illu­mi­nat­ing appro­pri­ate lights.

The secure­ly locked lid is quite incon­ve­nient dur­ing use because it does not allow adding extra ingre­di­ents or mix­ing food when need­ed with­out stop­ping the machine and open­ing the lid. The lid has a lit­tle kind of “add hole,” but it is so tiny that it seems useless.

Assembling/disassembling a Sin­gle-Serve Cup is a sim­pler task and requires:

  • Add ingre­di­ents to the cup or container;
  • Screw the Pro Extrac­tor blade assem­bly tightly;
  • Turn the cup upside down and place it onto the motor base, align­ing the tabs on the cup with the motor base; rotate clock­wise until you hear a click,
  • Once the cup is locked, the pro­grams avail­able for the attach­ment will illuminate.

The sin­gle-serve cups come with Spout Lids. The user can screw the lid and remove the drink imme­di­ate­ly after blending.

Clean­ing: Nin­ja Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem blades, con­tain­ers, and lids are all dish­wash­er-safe (on the top rack), so this machine is quite easy to clean.

They could also be hand-washed in warm, soapy water or self-cleaned by plac­ing some soap and water inside the con­tain­er and blend­ing it for about 30 sec at high speed. Final­ly, the motor base should be cleaned by sim­ply wip­ing it with a damp cloth.


Base Unit and Motor Power

The Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem is equipped with a pow­er­ful 1400W at peak (1200 W off-peak) and 120V, 60Hz motor. It has a mod­ern, sleek design with a nice-look­ing black and sil­ver fin­ish. The con­trol pan­el but­tons are clear­ly labeled with their func­tions and are easy to press. Fur­ther­more, the cool suc­tion feet on the bot­tom of the blender pre­vent it from mov­ing dur­ing the operation.

The machine also has a ther­mal sys­tem that stops machines auto­mat­i­cal­ly if the motor is overheated.

Special Features

Col­ors: The Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem is avail­able only in a com­bi­na­tion of black and silver.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: The machine is new to the mar­ket and thus has not yet been cer­ti­fied refur­bished mod­el avail­able for sale.

Use in coun­tries out­side of the USA/Canada: This machine sold in the USA, or Cana­da comes with a 110–120 volt­age sys­tem and also could be used in the North and South Amer­i­can region, Tai­wan, Japan, Sau­di Ara­bia, and oth­er coun­tries with the same volt­age. How­ev­er, the machines with 220–240 volt­age sys­tems are sold in the rest of the world. So, con­sumers should pay atten­tion to this fea­ture when buy­ing the unit. Oth­er­wise, the device will be only usable over a volt­age transformer.


The Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem is a very noisy blender that many cus­tomers are con­firm­ing. The user should be mind­ful of using it ear­ly in the morn­ing unless they have very thick walls in the kitchen and no neigh­bors. It out­puts over 100 deci­bels when pro­cess­ing soft ingredients.

Warranty and Customer Service

nutri ninja warrantyThe Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem comes with a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty for the motor only, and there is no cov­er for acces­sories, includ­ing con­tain­ers, lids, and blades.

The lim­it­ed war­ran­ty assumes extra charges for the repair, select­ed replace­ment parts, and ship­ping costs; typ­i­cal­ly, Nin­jaShark charges $19.95 for ship­ping. You also have to keep your pur­chase receipt safe and ready to send it to Cus­tomer Sup­port in order for them to per­form repair or replace­ment services.

Nin­ja Cus­tomer Ser­vice does not have a very good rep­u­ta­tion, but it has made an effort to improve it in recent times.

Optional Accessories and Attachments

Like most oth­er Nin­ja prod­ucts, the Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem is incom­pat­i­ble with oth­er Nin­ja blender acces­sories; you can only pair it with a selec­tion of dif­fer­ent-capac­i­ty sin­gle-serve cups.

This machine is not com­pat­i­ble with a mason jar, however.

Set Includes

  • 1400-Peak-Watt Motor Base;
  • (2) 24-ounce Sin­gle-Serve Cups, Pro Extrac­tor Blades Assem­bly, and Spout Lids;
  • 72 oz. Total Crush­ing Pitch­er, Stacked Blade Assembly;
  • 64 oz. Pre­ci­sion Proces­sor Bowl, Chop­ping, and Dough Blades;
  • Recipe Inspi­ra­tion Guide;
  • Instruc­tion Book;
  • Quick Start Guide.


The gad­get has a com­pact foot­print of 10.82 x 8.86 inch­es and thus will not occu­py much of the kitchen space. How­ev­er, with a pro­file of just under 18 inch­es with the 72-ounce Total Crush­ing Pitch­er and the lid on the top of the base unit, it must fit under the stan­dard countertop.

The base unit stays sta­ble on the counter dur­ing pro­cess­ing and has a cool suc­tion cup that makes it even more stable.

Pros and Cons


  • Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem is a fair­ly ver­sa­tile blender with few attach­ments and pre-set pro­gram choices;
  • The blender crush­es ice well (with main pitch­er and sin­gles serve cup), makes good qual­i­ty smooth­ies (with sin­gles serve cup), kneads a dough with­in 30 seconds;
  • The blender comes with a very good recipe book that includes sev­er­al very use­ful cook­ing ideas;


  • This machine is very loud;
  • It comes with a mod­er­ate one-year war­ran­ty and no rep­utable cus­tomer service;
  • The Nin­ja blender does not have a long life expectan­cy, and pitch­ers are fair­ly fragile.

Consumer Reviews

The Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem comes with few attach­ments and thus quite a ver­sa­tile machine con­tain­er. Con­sid­er­ing the blender’s pow­er­ful motor and ver­sa­til­i­ty, it serves its pur­pose for a typ­i­cal house­hold very well.

The machine has quite a few prais­ing con­sumer reviews.

Ninja BN801 Professional Plus Kitchen System Price

The price for the Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem dif­fers depend­ing on the mod­el or retail­er. The price may drop by over 25% dur­ing the spe­cial offer period.



Nin­ja BN801 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem has a sleek and func­tion­al design. With var­i­ous con­tain­ers and blade assem­blies, it can per­form var­i­ous func­tions, includ­ing blend­ing, ice crush­ing, chop­ping, mix­ing, or even knead­ing the dough. There­fore, it will be use­ful not only for mak­ing take­away smooth­ies but also for small food pro­cess­ing tasks. So, any con­sumer who is look­ing for a ver­sa­tile per­son­al blender with food pro­cess­ing func­tions will cer­tain­ly find this machine very use­ful for its kitchen.

Posted in Ninja Reviews, Food Processors

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