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Ninja Nutri Professional Personal Blender Review

ninja bl450 bl456 personal blender

The Nin­ja BL455 Nutri Pro­fes­sion­al Per­son­al Blender is the most basic mod­el in the Nin­ja per­son­al blender prod­uct line. It used to come in 3 dif­fer­ent pack­ages — Nutri Nin­ja Pro BL451, BL456, and BL455 — which dif­fered by num­ber and the capac­i­ty of cups and recipe books includ­ed. Now only one BL455 mod­el is avail­able for con­sumers to buy. This gad­get is a very pop­u­lar per­son­al blender main­ly due to a pro­fes­sion­al adver­tis­ing cam­paign. But does it real­ly per­form that well and have all of those incred­i­ble fea­tures that the Nin­ja claims in the advertising?

Here is our hon­est review, which reveals all of this pop­u­lar blender’s good and bad sides.

Would you like to look at alter­na­tive options? Check here our arti­cle the Best pow­er­ful but afford­able per­son­al type’s blenders 

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie: This blender makes decent drinks, includ­ing green smooth­ies. It oblit­er­ates well not only fruits but also leafy and tough ingre­di­ents like kale, chard, or car­rots. This machine is also able to han­dle straw­ber­ry or blue­ber­ry seeds and pul­ver­ize them in the drinks with­out any residue left. It will also blend nuts and oats to mix them with the drinks, but some nuts need pre-soak­ing. How­ev­er, it may leave some small chunks of very tough ingre­di­ents, but, in gen­er­al, it does an excel­lent job.

Ice-crush­ing, frozen desserts: It does crush ice very well in the drinks. More­over, this is the only per­son­al blender in the price range that process­es ice with­out any liq­uid added to the snow-like con­sis­ten­cy. This is also a per­fect machine for mak­ing var­i­ous frozen desserts or shav­ing ice for mar­gar­i­tas and oth­er drinks.

Juic­ing: This machine will not squeeze clas­sic-style juice by sep­a­rat­ing the fiber from a liq­uid, but it is able to make a creamy enough drink with liq­uid added to process “whole juice” or smooth smoothie.

Nut milk: This gad­get is pow­er­ful enough to make decent nut milk from a vari­ety of nuts.

Hot food: As stat­ed in the user man­u­al, Nutri Nin­ja Pro gad­gets are not designed to han­dle hot food. If you require liq­ue­fy­ing ingre­di­ents for soup, you will need to cool them to room tem­per­a­ture before putting them in the Nin­ja. This machine is also not suit­ed for pro­cess­ing bul­let­proof coffee.

Nut But­ter: This blender is bare­ly able to pro­duce decent nut but­ter, prob­a­bly only a mix­ture of very coarse con­sis­ten­cy. In gen­er­al, bul­let-type blenders are not good for this pur­pose because it is quite dif­fi­cult to process nut but­ter with­out mix­ing ingre­di­ents and remov­ing air pock­ets dur­ing blending.


Puree­ing and chop­ping and mix­ing: Although this machine oper­ates with only one pulse func­tion, it is able to pro­duce a sim­ple vari­ety of vinai­grette, sal­ad dress­ings, dips, and sauces. It will homog­e­nize not very tough veg­eta­bles into a fair­ly smooth puree. It will chop quite well and turn all types of nuts into very good nut powder.

Grind­ing and milling: This blender is capa­ble of sim­ple grind­ing, such as pow­dered cof­fee beans, herbs, or oats, but it can­not mill bak­ing qual­i­ty grain flours.

Dough knead­ing: The machine is not designed to knead the dough. How­ev­er, it will make quite decent cook­ies and pan­cake batter.

Although a major­i­ty of per­son­al blenders are designed to han­dle a quick and sim­ple range of tasks, the Nutri Nin­ja Pro is a quite ver­sa­tile machine and is able to pro­duce a vari­ety of recipes. The only draw­back of this machine design is that it is not able to han­dle hot liquids.


Speed Settings and Programs

The Nin­ja Pro BL455 Nutri Pro­fes­sion­al Per­son­al Blender does not have a typ­i­cal con­trol pan­el, speed choice, or on/off switch. They are oper­at­ed on one speed with a pulse func­tion by press­ing down the top of the cup against the base unit in short inter­vals. The user must hold and push the cup dur­ing oper­a­tion until the desired food con­sis­ten­cy is reached. This type of oper­a­tion is com­mon for per­son­al-type blenders. How­ev­er, it does not allow a lot of flex­i­bil­i­ty dur­ing the blend­ing process; many peo­ple like this type of gad­get because it is so easy to use.

Ease of Using and Cleaning

Using: The Nutri Nin­ja Pro is a very easy machine to use. Add the ingre­di­ents into the cup, screw the blade assem­bly until there is a good seal, flip it over and place on the base unit, turn it clock­wise, and it is ready to use. When blend­ing is fin­ished, just unscrew the blade from the cup and replace it with the sip­py lid. The oper­a­tion is also a sim­ple task, and blend­ing is acti­vat­ed by the push of the top part clock­wise on a base.

The blender is not sup­posed to run longer than 1 minute in one go, but that is the usu­al case for bul­let pulse-type machines. Usu­al­ly, you have to keep an inter­val of a few sec­onds before ini­ti­at­ing anoth­er push for running.

Clean­ing: This machine is also very sim­ple to clean. The cups and blade assem­bly are dish­wash­er safe. How­ev­er, some peo­ple report cups’ edges melt­ing and seal­ing dam­age after clean­ing in the dish­wash­er. So, hand wash­ing is prob­a­bly prefer­able for this gad­get, which also is an absolute­ly sim­ple task. Just rinse out with soap and water or fill the cup with water and a few drops of soap and run the blender for a few sec­onds. Self-clean­ing is effec­tive for thor­ough­ly clean­ing the blender because it removes even the tini­est food residue from all blade assem­bly cavities.

Base Unit and Motor Power

The Nin­ja Nutri Pro­fes­sion­al Per­son­al Blender has very pow­er­ful 1000-watt motors for a per­son­al blender. The motors are equipped with a safe­ty sys­tem that auto­mat­i­cal­ly shuts off the machine in case of over­load­ing and pre­vents motor dam­age. The machine requires 30 min­utes of cool­ing time before the gad­get will be ready to use again.

But it has a weak point; the blade-to-dri­ve con­nec­tion is made with frag­ile plas­tic, and this makes the machine not very durable.


The blender comes with 18 oz. and 24 oz. (all mod­els) BPA-free poly­car­bon­ate cups. Accord­ing to the user’s man­u­al, the cups are not tem­per­a­ture resis­tant and may melt and devel­op cracks if used with hot liq­uids. The cups are also not stress-resis­tant and may also crack if often exposed to heavy loads. They often have unscrewed prob­lems after use since they may accu­mu­late extra pres­sure inside the con­tain­er dur­ing the blend­ing. This also may cause the cup to crack. So the qual­i­ty of the poly­car­bon­ate the con­tain­ers are made of is not the best, which obvi­ous­ly con­tributes to this machine’s lim­it­ed durability.


Nutri Ninja iQ Blade

The unit is equipped with one blade assem­bly, which is attached to the appro­pri­ate cup when need­ed. The assem­bly comes in one piece and is not sup­posed to be dis­as­sem­bled for clean­ing or oth­er pur­pos­es. The blade is made of stain­less steel and is 4 pronged (2 faces upward and 2 down­ward). Although the blade is made of steel, it is report­ed to dull with­in a few months of reg­u­lar use, but replace­ments are eas­i­ly avail­able. The rest of the assem­bly is made of plas­tic, which is weak, and could eas­i­ly break or wear out. The most vul­ner­a­ble part of the assem­bly is the rub­ber ring, and this needs to be replaced more often than desirable.

Special Features

Col­ors: This gad­get is avail­able only in black and sil­ver in gen­er­al, but there are exclu­sive edi­tions for var­i­ous retail­ers in oth­er col­ors that are priced more expen­sive­ly than the black and sil­ver models.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: The refur­bished ver­sion is avail­able for the BL455 mod­el only, which comes with two cups and 30 recipes book. The refur­bished machine is priced at $20 cheap­er than the orig­i­nal one.

Volt­age sys­tem and use out­side of USA/Canada: The Nin­ja Nutri Pro­fes­sion­al BL455 is sold in many coun­tries around the world and has a volt­age sys­tem that is rel­e­vant to the par­tic­u­lar region. The machines sold in the USA come with a 110–120 volt­age sys­tem for the USA and Cana­da. So, for reg­u­lar use in coun­tries with a 220–240 volt­age sys­tem, it is bet­ter to buy from local retail­ers. The blender could be run with a volt­age trans­former for occa­sion­al use abroad. Check here the 220–240 volts mod­els for Nutri Nin­ja Pro BL450, BL451, BL456 sold via UK retailers.


The Nin­ja Nutri Pro­fes­sion­al Per­son­al Blender is a noisy machine that pro­duces over 100 deci­bels. To reduce the noise com­ing from the gad­get, the user may put a rub­ber mat under­neath the base unit, which notice­ably damp­ens the sound.

Warranty and Customer Service

nutri ninja warranty

These blenders come with only a one-year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty, which means that any repairs and replace­ment parts ship­ment will be sub­ject to extra charges. The user also has the option to buy var­i­ous extend­ed pro­tec­tion plans from Ama­zon and oth­er retailers.

SharkN­in­ja cus­tomer ser­vice does not have a very good rep­u­ta­tion, and they often try to avoid per­form­ing the war­ran­ty oblig­a­tion. There­fore, buy­ing the unit from rep­utable retail­ers who will per­form the war­ran­ty oblig­a­tion is a rea­son­able solu­tion for poten­tial cus­tomers. The extra pro­tec­tion plan is anoth­er good solu­tion in this situation.

Optional accessories

The major­i­ty of extra acces­sories and parts are not inter­change­able between all Nin­jaShark blenders. How­ev­er, some cups from BL480, BL482, and BL482Z mod­els will suit this mod­el. It is also pos­si­ble to buy the replace­ment parts from var­i­ous retail­ers for this machine, such as

Set Includes

  • 1000 Watt Motor Base Unit;
  • One Blade Assembly;
  • Nutri Nin­ja Cups;
  • Sip and Seal Lids;
  • Instruc­tion book;
  • Recipe and well­ness guide.


The Nin­ja Nutri Pro­fes­sion­al BL455 is the  Per­son­al blender type and is sup­posed to be com­pact, so they have quite a small base foot­print of 4x4 inch­es, and they are only 14.8 inch­es tall. The unit eas­i­ly fits under any stan­dard kitchen cab­i­net. How­ev­er, with a weight of around 8.2 lbs. these blenders are not very light, so they will be the per­fect com­pact gad­get for a small kitchen but prob­a­bly a bit heavy for tak­ing on travel.

Ninja Nutri Professional Personal Blender Pros and Cons

Ninja BL455 Professional Nutri Blender Consumer Reviews

The Nutri Nin­ja Pro is a very pop­u­lar blender with many favor­able reviews from con­sumers. The dura­bil­i­ty prob­lems are not usu­al­ly reflect­ed in the review prob­a­bly. The flashy and pro­fes­sion­al com­mer­cials have the pow­er to influ­ence the con­sumer, and they refuse to notice faults in over­sold products.


The price for these blenders is get­ting low­er over time, and it is nor­mal­ly under a hun­dred dol­lars unless there is a spe­cial offer when you can grab this gad­get at a very attrac­tive price.



This machine does a decent job and pro­duces very good qual­i­ty smooth­ies, includ­ing the green ones. Even though Nin­ja Nutri Pro­fes­sion­al Per­son­al Blender is prob­a­bly an over­priced per­son­al blender, how­ev­er, still a good choice for some­one who is look­ing for a sin­gle-serve gad­get to crush ice and blend smooth drinks, just remem­ber, this is not the most durable machine.

Alter­na­tive­ly, check here our arti­cle the Best pow­er­ful but afford­able per­son­al type’s blenders .

Posted in Personal Blenders, Ninja Reviews

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  1. scott

    i have used this 5 times a week for 3 years and it still works great. The only com­plaint is the cups get hard to clean after 6 months or so. You can still use them.…i did­n’t replace the cup until last month (got two for $12 on amazon)…but it devel­ops a hazy film that is impos­si­ble to get off. They should offer glass cups. They do have a stain­less steel one…but that seems imprac­ti­cal as you can’t see if every­thing is prop­er­ly blend­ed. The blade has not dulled. Frankly the machine feels fair­ly durable…and has proven to be.

  2. Stephen

    I’ve had mine for 6 months and now for some rea­son it’s Not blend­ing as it use to. And the blade are still sharp, (as I sharp­en knifes as a hob­by). What it does is, it basi­cal­ly stirs it in a cir­cle real fast. Milk­shakes come out good but not smooth­ies. Scale of 1 — 10 It use to be a 10 now it’s an 7.

    • lucy

      Hi Edward,
      You can find the link for the Nin­ja per­son­al blenders seal­ing gas­ket replace­ment in the arti­cle above.

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