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The Best Coffee Makers 2025: Everything You Need to Know

Best Cof­fee Mak­ers 2023: No kitchen is com­plete with­out a cof­fee mak­er of the high­est qual­i­ty. This appli­ance should pro­vide an opti­mal bal­ance of fla­vor and con­ve­nience. This means that your cof­fee mak­er should be easy to set up and oper­ate while still pro­duc­ing deli­cious cof­fee. There should be suf­fi­cient set­tings for your needs and a suf­fi­cient cup capac­i­ty (if nec­es­sary) — the lat­ter is essen­tial if you fre­quent­ly serve large groups. It should also be easy to clean up after use; if acces­sories are dish­wash­er-safe and easy to clean, then the design will be even more appealing.

Obvi­ous­ly, it can be chal­leng­ing to deter­mine which cof­fee mak­er will meet all of your needs. And the best cof­fee mak­er for your cir­cum­stances will be unique to you. To assist you in this chal­leng­ing task, we have eval­u­at­ed a vari­ety of designs to deter­mine the opti­mal options for every house­hold. We brewed cof­fee in each of these machines and used them as you would choose the design’s strengths and weak­ness­es. We con­sid­ered set-up and oper­a­tion sim­plic­i­ty, ver­sa­til­i­ty, clean­ing con­ve­nience, and, of course, the fla­vor pro­duced. Con­se­quent­ly, we are con­fi­dent that the fol­low­ing list will assist you in mak­ing a deci­sion. So, you will be able to find the best cof­fee mak­er for your bud­get, whether you are brew­ing for one or a crowd.

Table of Contents

List of The Best Coffee Makers 2025: Everything You Need to Know 

Technivorm Moccamaster KBGV Select

Technivorm Moccamaster KBGV Select
Tech­nivorm Moc­ca­mas­ter KBGV Select

The Tech­nivorm Moc­ca­mas­ter KBGV Select is the com­pa­ny’s most recent mod­el, which debuted in Europe in late 2019 as the Moc­ca­mas­ter KBG Select. The new release main­tains the Moc­ca mas­ter’s rep­u­ta­tion as our list’s high­est-qual­i­ty and most laud­ed cof­feemak­er. It has inno­v­a­tive fea­tures that have earned it recog­ni­tion from the Spe­cial­ty Cof­fee Asso­ci­a­tion, includ­ing opti­mal brew­ing tem­per­a­tures and water dis­tri­b­u­tion. Fur­ther­more, it accom­plish­es all of this while oper­at­ing incred­i­bly quick­ly, as we dis­cov­ered when we tried it for ourselves.

This expen­sive cof­feemak­er is hand­craft­ed in the Nether­lands and has an indus­tri­al aes­thet­ic that some peo­ple adore and oth­ers despise. This mod­el, how­ev­er, is intend­ed for enthu­si­asts and lacks some of the con­ve­nience fea­tures found on less expen­sive mod­els. For exam­ple, the water tank is fixed to the machine, and no auto-brew fea­tures are built in. How­ev­er, what it lacks in ameni­ties typ­i­cal of mod­ern home brew­ers, it makes up for in its abil­i­ty to pro­duce smooth, well-bal­anced cof­fee, mak­ing it one of the best cof­fee makers.

How­ev­er, there is tech­ni­cal bril­liance beneath the hood. This machine can reach and main­tain indus­try-stan­dard tem­per­a­tures (196°F to 205°F) in less than one minute. The water then trav­els up a glass tube and into a spray arm with nine holes, where it is even­ly dis­trib­uted over ground cof­fee in a cone-shaped bas­ket. In addi­tion, the KBGV Select can accom­plish all of this in four to six min­utes, depend­ing on the size of the brew. For cof­fee enthu­si­asts, the high price is jus­ti­fied by the pro­duc­t’s supe­ri­or per­for­mance and con­struc­tion quality.

Best cold-brew coffee maker
Best cold-brew cof­fee maker

For those who wish to cre­ate supe­ri­or iced cof­fee. In com­par­i­son to sim­ply refrig­er­at­ing hot-brewed cof­fee, slow cold-brew­ing extracts few­er bit­ter fla­vors. So you will obtain a cof­fee with a milder, sweet­er flavor.

The OXO Good Grips Cold Brew Cof­fee Mak­er is our pick for the best cold-brew cof­fee mak­er because it is well-designed, user-friend­ly, and pro­duces a more con­sis­tent, fla­vor­ful cup of cof­fee than oth­er mod­els in our tests. In addi­tion, it pro­duced iced cof­fee with well-bal­anced acid­i­ty, a more pun­gent aro­ma, and a clean­er aftertaste.

Some of our testers believed the Fil­tron Cold Water Cof­fee Con­cen­trate Brew­er (our run­ner-up) pro­duced a smoother, more mel­low cup of cof­fee. Oth­ers, how­ev­er, pre­ferred the OXO cof­fee’s more potent, more robust fla­vor. In addi­tion, our pick was more acces­si­ble to oper­ate than the Fil­tron (which is a bit more cumbersome).

  • Dimen­sions: 9.50 x 9.50 x 14.70 centimetres
  • 32 ounces capac­i­ty (4 cups)

Braun Brew Sense Drip Coffee Maker KF6050

Braun Brew Sense Drip Coffee Maker KF6050
Braun Brew Sense Drip Cof­fee Mak­er KF6050

Whether you’re look­ing for a bud­get-friend­ly machine to fill a void in your kitchen or a com­pact device for a col­lege dorm, the Braun Brew Sense strikes a bal­ance between price and qual­i­ty that earns it the top spot on this list. The Brew Sense KF6050 costs less than $100, yet it brews great-tast­ing cof­fee and offers excel­lent qual­i­ty-of-life attrib­ut­es. If you want to make a cup of cof­fee in the morn­ing, the fact that you won’t have to fid­dle with too many com­pli­cat­ed set­tings may be a bless­ing. You will still have access to a pro­gram­ma­ble timer, and brew pause set­tings, and a 1- to 4‑cup set­ting for small­er brews.

Although this com­pact design looks great, we found it dif­fi­cult to access the water tank, which is non-remov­able — not ide­al if you want to fill it from the sink. How­ev­er, at this price point, the minor incon­ve­nience of refill­ing the machine is an excel­lent trade-off for supe­ri­or performance.

There are numer­ous addi­tion­al fea­tures that are uncom­mon in this price range, such as the char­coal water fil­ter and per­ma­nent gold-tone fil­ter. How­ev­er, it is essen­tial to note that you will not have access to any strength set­tings per this basic but afford­able design phi­los­o­phy. Despite this, the Brew Sense KF6050 is one of the least expen­sive mod­els in the line­up and pro­vides an excel­lent performance.

Breville Bambino Plus

Breville Bambino Plus
Bre­ville Bam­bi­no Plus

The Bre­ville Bam­bi­no Plus (known as the Sage Bam­bi­no Plus in the Unit­ed King­dom) is the best espres­so machine for any­one desir­ing both the sim­plic­i­ty of an easy-to-use sys­tem and the free­dom to exper­i­ment with more advanced tech­niques. We dis­cov­ered excel­lent con­sis­ten­cy between brews and a well-bal­anced shot as a result of the adapt­able pre-infu­sion techniques.

Addi­tion­al­ly, we were able to make the most of some pre­mi­um beans thanks to the Bam­bi­no Plus’s pro­fes­sion­al-grade fil­ter bas­kets and user-friend­ly dou­ble-walled fil­ters. While this will only appeal to those with a pre­cise grinder and tamp­ing expe­ri­ence, it is essen­tial to note that all skill lev­els are accom­mo­dat­ed here. In addi­tion, unlike the oth­er mod­els men­tioned, the Bre­ville Bam­bi­no Plus has a built-in steam wand, mak­ing it an excel­lent option for milk-based beverages.

It only takes three sec­onds for this machine to heat up, a remark­able feat con­sid­er­ing it can take min­utes for cheap­er machines to be ready for use. While you’re pay­ing a bit more for this mod­el than you would for an entry-lev­el device, fea­tures such as cus­tomiz­able pre-infu­sion times and the vari­ety of bas­kets includ­ed with the machine indi­cate that you’re get­ting top-tier fea­tures at a great price.

 Nespresso Vertuo Plus

 Nespresso Vertuo Plus
Nespres­so Ver­tuo Plus

Pod cof­fee mak­ers are the most con­ve­nient machines avail­able. The Nespres­so Ver­tuo Plus, how­ev­er, demon­strates that this does not nec­es­sar­i­ly imply a low­er qual­i­ty of cof­fee. Although it is one of the more expen­sive Nespres­so machines, the Ver­tuo Plus is the best Nespres­so machine because it pro­duces the best easy-to-brew pod coffee.

Larg­er pods allow for a wider vari­ety of bev­er­ages, up to 14oz sin­gle brews. How­ev­er, the beau­ty of Nespres­so lies in how it han­dles each pod. Before brew­ing, the machine will scan the pod to deter­mine the bev­er­age type and auto­mat­i­cal­ly set the brew­ing time and tem­per­a­ture for the per­fect cup every time. There­fore, even though you sac­ri­fice some cus­tomiza­tion options by opt­ing for the con­ve­nience of a pod machine, you still receive the opti­mal set­tings for each cof­fee type automatically.

Espres­so is this machine’s forte; cups emerge with a pic­ture-per­fect lay­er of cre­ma, the char­ac­ter­is­tic frothy head of a true espres­so. This is due to Ver­tuo Plus’s cen­trifu­ga­tion tech­nol­o­gy, which uses mul­ti­ple holes punched into the pod and a rapid spin­ning process to pro­duce cof­fee with a creami­er tex­ture. Pods are also entire­ly sus­tain­able. This is the best sin­gle-serve cof­fee and espres­so mak­er for this reason.

Posted in Best Products

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