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5 Best Food Processors to Satisfy All Budgets

With the increas­ing demand for fast and healthy food prepa­ra­tion, Food Proces­sors are becom­ing more crit­i­cal in the kitchen. A good qual­i­ty food proces­sor auto­mates many kitchen rou­tine tasks and reduces food prepa­ra­tion time. In addi­tion, the more jobs it can do, the bet­ter since it also can replace some kitchen appli­ances and declut­ter your kitchen coun­ter­top and stor­age space.

How­ev­er, if you are con­sid­er­ing acquir­ing the best device, you will be con­fused by the num­ber of mod­els and options avail­able. All this makes it a bit dif­fi­cult to select the tru­ly best ones.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

How We Selected the Best Food Processor

Top-qual­i­ty per­for­mance was the pri­ma­ry fac­tor for get­ting into our short­list for select­ing the best food proces­sors. We test­ed most of the food proces­sors per­son­al­ly on our list, and oth­ers relied on trust­ed reviews. Since test­ing by one per­son often could be biased, we think this approach is the best prac­tice. Since peo­ple could have sub­jec­tive pref­er­ences for a par­tic­u­lar appli­ance or have bet­ter expe­ri­ences using some machine while anoth­er machine they approach the first time, this could result.

The next step was to choose the best food proces­sors with var­i­ous para­me­ters such as price, capac­i­ty, motor pow­er, acces­sories and attach­ments, feed­ing chute size, con­trol pan­el, design, war­ran­ty, noise lev­el, and oth­ers. So the poten­tial buy­er can decide which one will suit their needs best and budgets.

So, if you have a large fam­i­ly and often enter­tain your guests, you will need a food proces­sor with a larg­er capac­i­ty. While the selec­tion of acces­sories and attach­ments the food proces­sor comes with deter­mines the tasks it may per­form. Indeed, all food proces­sors are designed to do the stan­dard job set, such as chop­ping, mix­ing, puree­ing, grind­ing, slic­ing, shred­ding and dough mix­ing. If you do not need more than this, you can choose any­one accord­ing to your bud­get from our list. How­ev­er, if you need a par­tic­u­lar task with your food proces­sor, you should be more selec­tive when choos­ing the best machine; the nec­es­sary attach­ment should be includ­ed in a Food Proces­sor set or avail­able to buy separately.

Final­ly, think about the fea­tures that are impor­tant to you. For exam­ple, some food proces­sors have big­ger feed­ing chutes than oth­ers and thus make it eas­i­er to process cer­tain ingre­di­ents; some are nois­i­er, and your house­hold may be noise sen­si­tive. Choose the food proces­sor that has the fea­tures you need and want.

#1 Magimix Compact 3200 XL 650 Watt Food Processor by Robot Coupe

Magimix food processorThe Mag­im­ix Com­pact 3200XL Food Proces­sors is designed to per­form. It is man­u­fac­tured in France by the Robot-Coupe com­pa­ny that invent­ed com­mer­cial food proces­sors in 1963. The com­pa­ny start­ed to build home-use machines in 1971. How­ev­er, it is still assem­bled in Bur­gundy, France, by hand from the parts man­u­fac­tured local­ly with no parts or labor out­sourced in China.

Pow­er, capac­i­ty, and con­trols: The Mag­im­ix Com­pact 3200XL Food Proces­sor design is very well thought out. It has a stur­dy 650-watt induc­tion motor sim­i­lar to Robot Coupe com­mer­cial machine; no doubt it will last many years. This mod­el also fea­tures 3 ABS and BPA-free nest­ing bowls with 12, 10, and 6 cups capac­i­ties to han­dle large and small ingre­di­ent volumes.

This appli­ance also comes with a 3‑in‑1 design extra-large moon-shape 5.32″ X 2.9″ X 3.3″ (W135mm x D73mm x H83mm) feed tube. The feed­ing fea­tures a large, small chute and whole for pour­ing liq­uids dur­ing operation.

The con­trol pan­el is sim­ple and intu­itive, with three )3= but­tons – Auto (con­tin­ues speed), Pulse, and Stop. When using Auto speed, the Mag­im­ix motor auto­mat­i­cal­ly amends the torque depend­ing on the ingre­di­ents’ hard­ness, mak­ing food pro­cess­ing almost effortless.

Attach­ments: This gad­get comes with good attach­ments, mak­ing your food prepa­ra­tion tasks a breeze. And includes the fol­low­ing attachments:

  • Two (2) stain­less steel Sabati­er blades (S‑blades) for fit­ting all three (3) bowls and per­form­ing chop­ping and mix­ing jobs,
  • Two (2) Slic­ing Discs (2mm and 4mm),
  • two (2) Grat­ing Discs (2mm and 4mm),
  • Dough Blade,
  • Egg Whisk,
  • And Blender Mix Ring blend­ing tasks.

It is the only prop­er food proces­sor on the mar­ket that can per­form all blend­ing tasks very well because it includes the patent­ed blend­ing acces­sories that allow for mak­ing silky smooth soups and smoothies.

To expand food pro­cess­ing func­tions, the Robot Couper offers a range of extra attach­ments for All Mag­iM­ix food proces­sor mod­els, includ­ing a juice extrac­tor, spi­ral­iz­er, cit­rus press, and a few Juli­enne Disks parme­san disks, flut­ed disks, slic­ing and shred­ding disks.

Sum­ma­ry: This Magi mix Com­pact 3200 XL Food Proces­sor has the pow­er you need for fast, effi­cient food prepa­ra­tion. It comes with three bowls for pro­cess­ing small and large food batch­es and a prop­er selec­tion of acces­sories for per­form­ing var­i­ous food pro­cess­ing tasks beyond their stan­dard set. Besides, it is the only food proces­sor on the mar­ket to ful­fill all blend­ing duties well.

In addi­tion, it comes with a com­mer­cial rate motor and has a Qui­et Mark award for ultra-qui­et oper­a­tion; no won­der it is still hand-pro­duced in France with no Chi­nese parts and labor involved.

Mag­im­ix Com­pact 3200 XL Food Proces­sor, via Amazon


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#2 Cuisinart DFP14BCNY 14-Cup Food Processor

cuisinart DFP14BCNY 14-cup food processorCuisi­nart is a trust­ed name in the kitchen­ware indus­try and man­u­fac­tures a wide range of Food proces­sor mod­els, includ­ing basic food chop­pers. So, it is no sur­prise that it has a rep­re­sen­ta­tive in our list of best food processors.

Pow­er, capac­i­ty, and con­trols: This food proces­sor has a pow­er­ful 720 Watts. Its high-capac­i­ty work bowl can hold up to 14 cups of ingre­di­ents so that you can make large batch­es of recipes at one time; at the same time, this device is effi­cient at pro­cess­ing small vol­umes of many ingre­di­ents. In addi­tion, the sim­ple one-speed and Pulse func­tion con­trol pan­el makes it easy to use even for food proces­sor beginners.

The 3‑in‑1 feed­ing chute with the largest 4.5 inch­es by 3 inch­es open­ing is designed to accom­mo­date a vari­ety of food sizes and shapes.

Attach­ments: The Cuisi­nart DFP-14BCNY 14 Cup Food Proces­sor has min­i­mal attach­ments that allow you to per­form all stan­dard food pro­cess­ing tasks well. The attach­ments include:

  • S‑blade,
  • 4mm Slic­ing disc
  • And medi­um-size Shred­ding disks.

It does not include dough-knead­ing acces­sories; how­ev­er, the S‑blade is designed to per­form all dough-mak­ing tasks very well.

For those who want to expand food pro­cess­ing capa­bil­i­ties, Cuisi­nart offers to buy addi­tion­al attach­ments sep­a­rate­ly for an extra price.

Despite a lim­it­ed set of acces­sories and attach­ments, it still effi­cient­ly per­forms all typ­i­cal food proces­sor chop­ping, mix­ing, and puree­ing func­tions at top quality.

Sum­ma­ry: This food proces­sor can be used to chop, dice, and slice, as well as puree, and makes food prep very easy and is actu­al­ly fun to use. The machine is very pow­er­ful and has a great capac­i­ty. I espe­cial­ly like the feed tube, which is larg­er than most. It is also a very qui­et machine which is a big plus for such a pow­er­ful machine.

Addi­tion­al­ly, this device comes with a three (3) year war­ran­ty for all attach­ments and a five (5 ) year full war­ran­ty for the motor. Although it comes with a lim­it­ed set of acces­sories, it sells at a very rea­son­able price, allow­ing buy­ing a per­fect food proces­sor with­out break­ing the bank.

Cuisi­nart DFP14BCNY 14-Cup Food Proces­sor, via Amazon


#3 Breville Sous Chef 16 Pro Food Processor

Breville Sous Chef 16 Food ProcessorThe Bre­ville Sous Chef 16-Cup Food Proces­sor is the ulti­mate kitchen tool for all your food prepa­ra­tion tasks. Effi­cient­ly whip up appe­tiz­ers, entrees, desserts, and more with the Bre­ville Sous Chef 16 Pro Food Processor.

Pow­er, capac­i­ty, and con­trols: The Bre­ville Sous Chef has a very pow­er­ful motor that gen­er­ates up to 1200 watts at peak pow­er, giv­ing you the best actu­al per­for­mance for every­thing you throw into it. It boasts a siz­able 16-cup proces­sor bowl plus a 2.5‑cup mini proces­sor bowl, the per­fect size for small­er jobs and leftovers.

For your con­ve­nience, it fea­tures the 2‑part feed chute that includes a large 5.5 x 2.5‑inch moon-shaped open­ing and a 2‑inch round open­ing that sits inside the large one. It also has a sim­ple con­trol pan­el with one speed and pulse function.

Attach­ments: The Sous Chef 16 is designed to do more than a set of just stan­dard food pro­cess­ing tasks. It comes with a vari­ety of attach­ments, such as:

  • a micro-ser­rat­ed uni­ver­sal S blade ( for 16 cups bowl),
  • mini pro­cess­ing blade (for a small bowl),
  • adjustable slicer disc (Disc) with 24 dif­fer­ent slic­ing settings,
  • reversible shred­ding Disc (small and medium-size),
  • juli­enne disc,
  • French fry/vegetable stick disc,
  • emul­si­fy­ing Disc,
  • and dough blade that allows you to chop, mix, shred, slice, and dice ingredients,

juli­enne fruit and veg­gies, mix the dough, emul­si­fy sauces, and more.

Such an exten­sive set of attach­ments does not need a com­pli­cat­ed con­trol pan­el; thus, it has a sin­gle speed plus a pulse func­tion for added precision.

Sum­ma­ry: The Sous Chef 16 is a pow­er­ful, good-per­for­mance device; it does not require addi­tion­al order blades for juli­enne or French fries. It is designed to make cook­ing more acces­si­ble, so you can spend your time mak­ing some­thing gen­uine­ly deli­cious. Its large capac­i­ty and exten­sive set of attach­ments make it suit­able for fam­i­lies and larg­er house­holds. It is rec­om­mend­ed to any­one who is sure they would use it many times a week, and thus if I can afford the more promi­nent space on my counter for this device, you are most like­ly using the prod­uct reg­u­lar­ly. On the oth­er hand, it is big, heavy, and has a large foot­print. Not worth haul­ing out to chop one car­rot. And of course, it is a pri­cy machine (cost over $500).

In addi­tion, the Sous Chef 16 is easy to use and clean, backed by a 3‑year war­ran­ty, giv­ing you peace of mind should any­thing go wrong with the appliance.

Bre­ville Sous Chef 16 Pro Food Proces­sor, via Amazon


#4 KitchenAid 13-Cup Food Processor (Best Food Processors to Satisfy All Budgets) 

kitchenaid 13-cup food processorKitchenAid has been man­u­fac­tur­ing kitchen appli­ances for over 100 years, spe­cial­iz­ing in stand mix­ers. How­ev­er, it has a Food pro­cess­ing and chop­pers prod­ucts line that is also very pop­u­lar with the consumers—KitchenAid KFP1318 13-Cup bud­get prices food proces­sor with out­stand­ing performance.

Pow­er, capac­i­ty, and con­trols: With an ample 13-cup/3.1 L bowl and a pow­er­ful 500-watt motor, the KitchenAid 13-Cup Food Proces­sor can process large amounts of food simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. Nev­er­the­less, it is still quite good at chop­ping and mix­ing small batch­es also; for exam­ple, you can chop one medi­um onion or ten olives with­out effort. In addi­tion, the 500 watts motor has very good torque, so it can well chop and mince meat, for exam­ple, or knead bread dough.

The 3‑in‑1 nest­ed feed­ing tube makes it easy to add ingre­di­ents. The feed­ing tube with 2 1/2″ x 1 3/4″ /6.35 cm X 4.5 cm in size allows you to add even the largest chunks of food with­out cut­ting them up before­hand. The large food push­er has anoth­er mouth open­ing for small­er ingre­di­ents, and the medi­um push­er also has an open­ing for pour­ing liq­uids such as water or oil.

The gad­get pro­vides a con­trol pan­el with two speeds (LOW and HIGH) and an OFF/PULSE func­tion that is more than enough for per­form­ing well all the chop­ping, mix­ing, knead­ing, blend­ing, and puree­ing jobs.

 Attach­ments: It has a fine set of attach­ments for such a non-expen­sive machine, which includes:

  • Stain­less steel S‑blade for chop­ping, mix­ing, puree­ing, and grind­ing tasks;
  • Adjustable Slic­ing Disc with 1–6 set­tings that allow slic­ing veg­gies and fruits for 7 dif­fer­ent thicknesses;
  • Reversible Shred­ding Disc with fine and medi­um shred­ding sizes;
  • Dough Blade is designed for knead­ing all types of dough, from bread to cookies;

You can also buy the theme food proces­sor with a dic­ing kit or buy the dic­ing kit sep­a­rate­ly as an addi­tion­al one.

Sum­ma­ry:  KitchenAid KFP1318 13-Cup Food Proces­sor is an impres­sive device for a rea­son­able price. It comes with a few attach­ments that per­form more than stan­dard food pro­cess­ing tasks. The adjustable slicer disc can make sev­en (7) dif­fer­ent sizes for slic­ing; it also kneads dough very well. Its 13-cup capac­i­ty bowl with han­dle is engi­neered with a spe­cial­ly designed han­dle to make remov­ing ingre­di­ents a breeze. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it comes with only one year war­ran­ty, but giv­en its price, it is a very worth­while food proces­sor to con­sid­er. Espe­cial­ly if you have oth­er KitchenAid appli­ances, they will match nice­ly in your kitchen.

KitchenAid 13-Cup Food Proces­sor, via Amazon 


#5 Ninja BN601 Professional Plus Food Processor

ninja bn601 food processorThe Nin­ja brand has been around since 1990 and is still one of the top-sell­ing brands today due to the aggres­sive adver­tis­ing and mar­ket­ing cam­paign. It man­u­fac­tures a wide range of kitchen appli­ances and does not spe­cial­ize in one par­tic­u­lar. It has a range of blender and food proces­sor com­bo gad­gets and only 2 or 3 prop­er Food proces­sor devices. Nev­er­the­less, this bud­get food proces­sor is per­form­ing well and is very pop­u­lar with consumers.

Pow­er, capac­i­ty, and con­trols: The Nin­ja BN600 Food Proces­sor is equipped with 9 cup work­ing bowl that is designed for small­er house­holds. Nev­er­the­less, it has a very pow­er­ful 1000 Peak Watts motor that is quite a lot for 9 cup bud­get device. So it has enough pow­er for qual­i­ty per­for­mance and is able to process not only large batch­es of food but also herbs of a few gar­lic cloves.

Besides, it fea­tures a round­ed shape 2 “x 3” feed­ing chute; it is not a big feed­ing tube like most pre­mi­um food proces­sors have, but enough to process most ingre­di­ents with pre-cut­ting preparation.

How­ev­er, it has a mul­ti­func­tion­al con­trol pan­el with two speeds, Pulse func­tion, and CHOP, PUREE, DOUGH, and DISC pre-set programs.

Attach­ments: The Nin­ja BN601 fea­tures a lim­it­ed selec­tion of attach­ments, including

  • chop­ping blades for chop­ping and mix­ing tasks,
  • a reversible 4mm Slic­ing and a Shred­ding Disc for grat­ing and slic­ing jobs,
  • and Dough Blade.

This food proces­sor is good at mix­ing and chop­ping tasks; how­ev­er, it has only one size of grat­ing and chop­ping discs. You can buy an addi­tion­al grat­ing disc and Julien disc; how­ev­er, they are able to make only lim­it­ed chop­ping and slic­ing tasks.

Sum­ma­ry: The Nin­ja food proces­sor is one of the most ver­sa­tile and pow­er­ful bud­get food proces­sors in the mar­ket, and it does its job very well. It comes with a lim­it­ed set of attach­ments, and even there is not a great selec­tion of addi­tion­al attach­ments that are not includ­ed in a set, and you buy at extra cost. So it does all stan­dard food pro­cess­ing tasks but not beyond just basic tasks. Besides, it has only a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. But it is a good-bud­get food processor.

Nin­ja BN601 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Food Proces­sor via Amazon


Final Thoughts 🙂

The Mag­im­ix Com­pact 3200 XL 650 Watt Food Proces­sor by Robot Couper is not very well known to con­sumers in North Amer­i­ca. How­ev­er, it is well known world­wide to peo­ple in the restau­rant and cater­ing busi­ness. No won­der the Robot Couper Com­pa­ny is a French com­pa­ny and an inven­tor of the food proces­sor that still man­u­fac­tures top-notch com­mer­cial Robot Couper machines in France. So Mag­im­ix is a top-qual­i­ty food proces­sor that does an excel­lent job with a wide range of food pro­cess­ing tasks and beyond, so it is not only chop­ping, slic­ing, and Shred­ding but also whisk­ing and doing great dough. And it is the only food proces­sor with a blend­ing acces­so­ry that allows all blend­ing tasks to the top lev­el. In addi­tion, it has a huge selec­tion of addi­tion­al attach­ments; if you buy some of them, you can beat Bre­ville Food Proces­sor func­tion­al­ly. How­ev­er, Mag­im­ix with attach­ments includ­ed in the set is about half cheap­er than Bre­ville. It also has the most extend­ed war­ran­ty in the indus­try and will suit a medi­um house­hold size of up to 5 people.

The Cuisi­nart DFP14BCNY 14-Cup Food Proces­sor is a favorite among USA con­sumers and is praised by most reviews. Undoubt­ed­ly, it is an excel­lent qual­i­ty, all-round­ed food proces­sor that is avail­able at a rea­son­able price. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it comes with a lim­it­ed selec­tion of attach­ments. So, to expand its func­tion­al­i­ty, you have to spend extra mon­ey to buy addi­tion­al attach­ments. Even if you buy all of them, you will not beat Mag­im­ix’s func­tion­al­i­ty. While It is the qui­etest machine on the mar­ket, noise-sen­si­tive peo­ple may con­sid­er it the best option.

Bre­ville Sous Chef 16 Pro Food Proces­sor has the largest selec­tion of attach­ments in a set; how­ev­er, it is the most expen­sive machine on our list. It does well on all tasks com­pa­ra­ble sim­i­lar to Mag­im­ix and Cuisi­nart proces­sors. How­ev­er, it comes with a huge 16-cup work­ing bowl and will suit only large fam­i­lies that use food proces­sors often. Addi­tion­al­ly, it is loud­er than Cuisi­nart and Magimix.

If you are look­ing for a food proces­sor at a low­er price point, con­sid­er Nin­ja BN601 Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Food Proces­sor. It has a lim­it­ed selec­tion of acces­sories but does all basic food pro­cess­ing tasks well. In addi­tion, it has a mighty motor and elab­o­rate con­trol pan­el so that it can do all tasks very well.

Posted in Best Products, Food Processors

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