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The Best Manual Single Auger Masticating Juicers — Entry Juicer Options

 Best Man­u­al Sin­gle Auger Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicers: Man­u­al mas­ti­cat­ing juicers make up a qual­i­fied cat­e­go­ry in the juic­ing world that con­tributes to obtain­ing high-qual­i­ty juice from a range of fresh ingredients.

Although these juicers are main­ly designed for extract­ing juice from wheat­grass and leafy greens, they can juice oth­er ingre­di­ents, includ­ing firm car­rots and apples. While it is not what they do best, they could be used suc­cess­ful­ly for many com­bi­na­tion juice recipes com­pris­ing leafy greens and firm pro­duce types.

Besides, they are pow­ered by the user’s phys­i­cal effort instead of elec­tri­cal ener­gy and use a lever or a crank to oper­ate; thus, they are silent and can be used with­out dis­turb­ing your home dwellers and are also less expen­sive than elec­tric juicers. Despite being man­u­al, this cat­e­go­ry of juicers uses mas­ti­cat­ing tech­nol­o­gy, hence being able to extract high-qual­i­ty juice that pre­serves a vast quan­ti­ty of dis­solved nutri­ents from very tricky ingredients.

Read More: Excal­ibur 3926TB 9‑Tray Food Dehy­dra­tor | Review 

Today, there are many brands of man­u­al mas­ti­cat­ing juicers in the mar­ket. If you need to pur­chase one, you might go through strug­gles to dis­tin­guish the best mod­el from the many vari­eties. Here are some of the best man­u­al mas­ti­cat­ing juicers.

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Table of Contents

The Original Healthy Juicer (Lexen GP27)

healthy juicer lexen gp27Lex­en GP27 Man­u­al Juicer is man­u­fac­tured by Healthy Juicer Com­pa­ny, which was estab­lished in 2003 with the idea in mind to bring good qual­i­ty and afford­able Juicer to life so that con­sumers on the bud­get could also lead a healthy lifestyle by juic­ing. The Juicer is man­u­fac­tured in Chi­na, dis­trib­uted by USA com­pa­ny Healthy juicers, and comes with a 1‑year warranty.

Juicer design: The Healthy Juicer has mas­ti­ca­tion sin­gles auger design and thus comes with the body, crank, auger, the cham­ber that cov­ers the auger, end cap, end cap screw, and 16 oz juic­ing con­tain­er with a strainer.

The Juicer expels the pulp from the end cap out­let in front of the device and juice from the juice out­let at the back of the device. The Juicer does not have a juic­ing screen; instead, the juice col­lec­tion con­tain­er comes with a remov­able strain­er for sep­a­rat­ing the excess pulp from the juice. How­ev­er, it has a very sim­ple but very effi­cient design that han­dles a range of ingre­di­ents very well.

Dur­ing juic­ing, the Juicer could be attached to the kitchen counter or oth­er sur­face for sta­bil­i­ty in two ways – with a very strong suc­tion base or with the stain­less steel table clamp. Then, depend­ing on the sur­face you need to fix it to, you can use one of the fix­a­tion meth­ods or both. Both meth­ods, sep­a­rate­ly and togeth­er, work very well and keep the Juicer very stable.

The Juicer comes with a plunger and dou­bles as a wrench to fix the suc­tion base mech­a­nism; how­ev­er, it is rarely need­ed as it vir­tu­al­ly self-feeds and does not require much effort to oper­ate. Anoth­er wrench is includ­ed in the set and designed to fix the end cap pressure.

Con­struc­tion mate­ri­als:  Its auger and parts that con­tact food is made from BPA-Free plas­tic that is health-safe. The auger has its tip made of stain­less steel, and the end cap that con­tacts the con­tact with an auger is also has a stain­less steel insert which enables it to process even the tough food ingredients.

The exte­ri­or part of the body and crank are made from sol­id, tough Poly­car­bon­ate (Lex­an), which is prac­ti­cal­ly inde­struc­tible. All mate­ri­als that are used for the Healthy juicer con­struc­tions are FDA approved.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: Notably, Healthy Juicer Lex­en GP27 is excel­lent at juic­ing wheat­grass and oth­er leafy greens such as chards, kales, let­tuce, spinach, col­lard greens, cab­bage, sprouts, and herbs. It squeezes a decent juice yield from leafy greens and wheat­grass, which is com­pa­ra­ble to this elec­tric mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer. It also out­puts a good juice yield when pro­cess­ing cel­ery, apple, and cit­rus fruits (very dry pulp). Juic­ing oth­er ingre­di­ents like car­rots or beets can also be done, but with some strains; how­ev­er, you can use it for com­bi­na­tion juicers that include firm car­rots or apple and leafy greens.

For bet­ter results, keep the green end cap very tight for most of the ingre­di­ents and remove the white end cap for apples, but keep it for oranges.

It is also designed for mak­ing fair­ly decent nut but­ter and frozen fruit sorbets.

Using and clean­ing:  This device is very easy to assemble/disassemble, use, and clean, and almost every­one can use it to juice. Fur­ther­more, the Juicer does not come with a juic­ing screen that is most labo­ri­ous to clean. The plas­tic body, auger, cham­ber, and con­tain­er are easy to clean; all clean­ing process­es will not take more than 30 sec­onds. It is not dish­wash­er safe, but it is not need­ed since man­u­al clean­ing is fast and straightforward.

Sum­ma­ry: Gen­er­al­ly, Lex­en GP27 Man­u­al Juicer is an excel­lent device if you intend to process small vol­umes of most­ly wheat­grass, leafy greens, or com­bi­na­tion juice with occa­sion­al juic­ing of oth­er fruits and veg­eta­bles. It does deliv­er excel­lent juice yield for greens and wheat­grass, is very afford­able, has a sim­ple design while remark­ably stur­dy, and is very easy to use and clean. In addi­tion, the plas­tic body makes this juicer mod­el one of the light­est and small­est (7.5″ x 8.5″ x 4.25″, weighs 2 lbs) and there­fore mak­ing it suit­able when on the go.

Addi­tion­al­ly, the Hip­pocrates Health Insti­tute spe­cial­ists rec­om­mend Healthy Juicer Lex­en GP27 as the best man­u­al wheat­grass juicer.


Tribest Z‑Star Z‑710 Manual Juicer

tribest z-star z-710 manual juicerTribest Z‑710 Man­u­al is a juicer mod­el that has gained pop­u­lar­i­ty over time and can be clas­si­fied among the best in the juicers’ mar­ket. It is man­u­fac­tured by Tribest Juicers com­pa­ny in South Korea and has a 1‑year warranty.

Juicer design: The Tribest Z‑Star Z‑710 Man­u­al Juicer has a sin­gle auger design, and most of the parts are sim­i­lar to the Tribest Solostar III Juicer (with an elec­tric motor), with the only dif­fer­ence it is pow­ered man­u­al­ly. It means it can per­form all the Solostar func­tions, but you need to use some man­u­al efforts for this. So the Juicer comes with a plas­tic body, extras strong auger, dual-stage strain­er, plas­tic trans­par­ent cham­ber cov­er, end cap, and juic­ing container.

Addi­tion­al­ly, the Juicer comes with a homog­e­niz­ing screen for food pro­cess­ing tasks and four (4) noz­zles set for extrud­ing pasta.

Con­struc­tion mate­ri­als: The Tribest Z‑Star Z‑710 body is paint­ed alu­minum plas­tic. Its juic­ing parts, such as the auger and strain­er frame, are made from extra strong BPA Free GE Ultem mate­ri­als that assure you that a longer juic­ing time is durable. The device’s per­fo­rat­ed strain­er part is made of stain­less steel. The cham­ber and end cap are durable BPA plas­tic to guar­an­tee a chem­i­cal-free juice. And the crank that does not con­tact food is made from strong polycarbonate.

Func­tion­al­i­ty:  With this mod­el, you will be sure of extract­ing juice not only from leafy greens and wheat­grass, cel­ery, cit­rus, and apples but also from both soft and hard veg­gies and fruits, includ­ing fibrous gin­ger, with­in min­utes. Before feed­ing the Juicer, ensure that firm fruits and veg­eta­bles are chopped into small pieces.

The Juicer also comes with an extra blank/ homog­e­niz­ing screen for the prepa­ra­tion of frozen desserts, nut but­ter, sor­bets, and purees, and four (4) pas­ta noz­zles for extrud­ing dif­fer­ent pas­ta and noo­dles shapes.

Using and clean­ing: The Tribest Z‑Star Z‑710 Man­u­al Juicer is very easy to assem­ble, dis­as­sem­ble, and use, the same as a typ­i­cal sin­gle auger machine with a motor.

When it comes to clean­ing, it is not as easy to clean as a Healthy juicer since it is equipped with a prop­er juic­ing strain­er. The man­u­fac­tur­er rec­om­mends clean­ing all juicer parts man­u­al­ly (no dish­wash­er). Use warm water and a clean­ing brush that accom­pa­nies the Juicer. In case there is sticky pulp on the screen, you can put those parts in a bowl con­tain­ing warm water for 1–2 hours.

Sum­ma­ry: Tribest Z‑Star Z‑710 is a ver­sa­tile man­u­al juicer that han­dles the most com­pre­hen­sive list of prod­ucts for the man­u­al device, the same as motor­ized Tribest machines, not only leafy greens but the full range of firm and soft fruits and veg­gies. Besides, it is com­pact (13″ x 11.5″ x 5″, weighs 7.6 lbs/ 3.1 kg) and there­fore can turn out to be a vital appli­ance in your kitchen if you are seek­ing to buy a full capac­i­ty sin­gle auger juicer but pow­ered in a man­u­al old school way.


Handy Pantry HJ Hurricane Stainless Steel Manual Wheatgrass Juicer (BL-30)

handy pantry hj hurricane stainless steel manual juicerHandy Pantry HJ Hur­ri­cane juicer is anoth­er high-qual­i­ty sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing man­u­al Juicer that can be ranked among the best; 100% made from stain­less steel and will last a life­time. This juicer mod­el is man­u­fac­tured in Tai­wan and comes with a five (5) year warranty.

Juicer design: The Juicer has a sim­ple but typ­i­cal sin­gle ager design and is con­struct­ed with the fol­low­ing parts – juicer body, crank han­dle, auger, per­fo­rat­ed screen, end cap, and plas­tic push­er. The juicer set does not include any juic­ing or pulp con­tain­ers and will fit a small shot glass or cof­fee cup under it for juice col­lec­tion. The body has a very gen­er­ous cir­cle shape feed­ing inlet with a size of 3.4″ x 3.4″ (86 x 86 mm) in diam­e­ter, which is very easy to feed.

The device does not have any suc­tion fix­ing and comes with only clamp fea­tures that keep the juicer sta­ble dur­ing juic­ing; the clamp will suit the coun­ter­tops less than 2 ¼ “thick and a min­i­mum 1” of depth for prop­er attach­ing to it.

Con­struc­tion mate­ri­als: Handy Pantry HJ Hur­ri­cane is 100% made from stain­less steel (grade 304), includ­ing the auger, body screen, end cap, and even crank han­dle, which makes the device durable, and ensures it will not rust, hence ensur­ing the user enjoys a most like­ly life­time juic­ing service.

More­over, this type of mate­r­i­al is food grade and thus health-friend­ly; there­fore, you will enjoy the juice with no doubt about your health. Final­ly, to those who mind the appear­ance, the mod­el has a bet­ter fin­ish that can match your mod­ern kitchen.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: Handy Pantry HJ Hur­ri­cane Stain­less Steel has the best juice yield on wheat­grass, bar­ley grass, and oth­er leafy green ingre­di­ents, includ­ing kale, spinach, pars­ley, dan­de­lion, sprouts, and oth­ers. It also han­dles per­fect­ly stringy food such as cel­ery and gin­ger. But, it can still juice oth­er food ingre­di­ents such as both tough and soft fruits and veg­eta­bles like car­rot, pears, apples, pineap­ple, and cit­rus fruits, but you have to cut them into small­er bites.

The juice out­put from this Juicer is of high qual­i­ty and very dry pulp. It is esti­mat­ed that it can juice 1 oz of juice dur­ing oper­a­tion per minute.

Using and clean­ing: The Juicer requires some effort to crank; how­ev­er, an aver­age per­son can do it eas­i­ly. In gen­er­al, it is intu­itive to oper­ate the Juicer, for it does not require many skills.

The Juicer comes with few parts and is thus very easy to assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble. You can also eas­i­ly mount this Juicer on a 2.25 inch­es thick coun­ter­top, for it has a rub­ber­ized clamp. Fur­ther­more, since this kitchen device is made of stain­less steel, it will take you a very short time to clean its parts. Also, the parts of this juicer mod­el are dish­wash­er safe.

Sum­ma­ry: This mod­el is main­ly pre­ferred for juic­ing wheat­grass and bar­ley grass among all the man­u­al juicers. It is not only afford­able but also has a five years war­ran­ty. Fur­ther­more, it has a mod­er­ate size of 12.6 “x7.9” x4.7″ and a rel­a­tive­ly light­weight (5.7 lbs (2.6 kg)) mod­el that will give you a superb expe­ri­ence. By pick­ing it, you will improve juic­ing and reduce your incurred cost when using an elec­tric juicer.


Moongiantgo Manual Wheatgrass Juicer Extractor

moongiantgo manual wheatgrass juicerMoon­giant­go is anoth­er man­u­al mas­ti­cat­ing sin­gle auger wheat­grass juicer, and it is man­u­fac­tured by the Moon­giant­go Com­pa­ny spe­cial­iz­ing in com­mer­cial kitchen equip­ment in India. It offers a few wheat­grass crank juicer styles.

Juicer design: The Com­pa­ny offers four (4) major juicer styles — Clas­sic, Clas­sic Upgrad­ed, Detach­able Slag, and Suc­tion cap. These devices come with the fol­low­ing sim­i­lar parts – the juicer body, auger, per­fo­rat­ed screen, and crank han­dle – while dif­fer­ing in the design of pulp pres­sure reg­u­la­tion and juici­er fix­a­tion to the coun­ter­top surface.

The Clas­sic and Clas­sic Upgrad­ed mod­els only come with the clamp fix­a­tion option and have sim­i­lar pulp reg­u­la­tion mech­a­nisms; how­ev­er, the upgrade one is more advanced and eas­i­er to use. These mod­els allow the user to adjust the pulp pres­sure expelled from dif­fer­ent ingre­di­ents, ensur­ing a bet­ter juicer yield for a wider vari­ety of ingre­di­ents. They also have a sim­i­lar juice out­let con­struc­tion with an inner drill fea­ture around the feed port and three juice holes where the juice is dripping.

The detach­able Slag Out­let mod­el is iden­ti­cal to the Handy Pantry HJ Hur­ri­cane juicer design, with the clamp fix­a­tion is the only option and a screw-able end cap.

The Suc­tion Cap Base is also very sim­i­lar to the Handy Pantry HJ Hur­ri­cane juicer design; how­ev­er, it comes with a suc­tion base and fix­a­tion clamp options that allow the Juicer to use on a wider vari­ety of sur­faces. The suc­tion base design is very sim­i­lar to the Healthy Juicer one.

Con­struc­tion mate­ri­als: The Juicer’s main body is made from a zinc alloy, but this part does not come into con­tact with the ingre­di­ents. Instead, the ingre­di­ents’ con­tact parts are made from food-grade stain­less steel (304), which is a food-safe material.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: As a mat­ter of fact, this is a mul­ti­pur­pose juicer and can effi­cient­ly juice not only wheat­grass and leafy greens such as cel­ery, spinach, kale, pars­ley, and oth­ers but a wide range of food prod­ucts like gin­ger, pome­gran­ate, apple, orange, grapes, and firm and soft veg­etable. Hard ingre­di­ents like sug­ar­cane are not suit­able for this Juicer.

Using and clean­ing: You need no spe­cial skills to run this kitchen appli­ance; hence, most users can intu­itive­ly oper­ate it. Before feed­ing it with the ingre­di­ents, you are to clamp its body to one edge of your kitchen coun­ter­top. The coun­ter­top edge should not be more than 5.5 cm.  After juic­ing, the parts of this Juicer can be cleaned man­u­al­ly or using a dish­wash­er. The ease of assem­bling and dis­sem­bling parts makes it sim­ple to clean.

Uses a sin­gle auger to squeeze high-yield juice from juic­ing ingre­di­ents. There should be a gap between the shaft sleeve and the auger to ensure that the Juicer’s han­dle rotates normally.

Sum­ma­ry: Moon­giant­go man­u­al juicer is your go-to mod­el, espe­cial­ly if you need a mul­ti­pur­pose juicer. Its ease of use, ease of clean­ing, dura­bil­i­ty, and the three juic­ing holes are some of the fea­tures that make it efficient.


Final Thoughts

All the above man­u­al mas­ti­cat­ing juicers are very effi­cient at leafy greens and wheat­grass juic­ing and will deliv­er a very sim­i­lar yield: approx­i­mate­ly 5 ounces of juice from 0.5 lbs (225 g) of wheat­grass. In addi­tion, they are all more afford­able than elec­tric sin­gle auger juicers, light, com­pact, and pro­duce high-qual­i­ty nutri­ents-packed juice. There­fore, pur­chas­ing one will excel in your juic­ing expe­ri­ence. But, do you won­der how to select between them?

The Healthy Juicer (Lex­en GP27) is the cheap­est and most afford­able; while it can han­dle a few ingre­di­ents but it will be excel­lent entry wheat­grass and leafy greens juicer option for peo­ple on a bud­get. How­ev­er, the Juicer is made of plas­tic but very sta­ble and deliv­ers the same wheat­grass and leafy greens juice yield from wheat­grass as the most expen­sive stain­less steel man­u­al juicers.

Tribest Z‑Star Z‑710 Man­u­al Juicer is also made of plas­tic; still, it has an absolute­ly iden­ti­cal design to the elec­tric Sam­son III sin­gle auger mas­ti­ca­tion juicers, which is the most mul­ti­func­tion­al juicers and deliv­ers the excel­lent 5 ounces of juice from 0.5 lbs. of wheatgrass.

The Handy Pantry HJ Hur­ri­cane Juicer is the old­est man­u­al stain­less steel juicer that is very pop­u­lar and well known among con­sumers. It is life­time durable, han­dles well leafy greens and wheat­grass and a vari­ety of oth­er ingre­di­ents, is very easy to use and comes with a five (5) years warranty.

While Moon­giant­go Man­u­al Wheat­grass Juicer Extrac­tor is not very well known, it offers four stain­less steel durable sin­gle auger man­u­al juicer designs. You can select the best that suits your require­ment, such as an adjustable pulp out­let or a suc­tion base.


Posted in Juicers, Best Products

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