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Best portable blender for 2025 — Personal blenders for travel

Best portable blender: To bring you the great­est deals on the mar­ket, we test­ed the top portable blenders, includ­ing cord­less and per­son­al mod­els. If you fre­quent­ly pro­duce sin­gle-serve serv­ings, enjoy blend­ing and drink­ing on the move, or have a small­er fam­i­ly and don’t require a full-size appli­ance, portable blenders, also known as per­son­al blenders, are a great investment.

The best per­son­al blenders, includ­ing cord­ed and cord­less mod­els, have under­gone exten­sive test­ing for every­thing from pow­er to porta­bil­i­ty, blend­ing capa­bil­i­ty, and ease of clean­ing. We put them to the test for a vari­ety of recipes, from sal­sas to smooth­ies, to ensure that we can accu­rate­ly assess their per­for­mance, weight, and ease of use.

Though the Cuisi­nart Evo­lu­tionX Cord­less Blender is our top pick since it has a lot of pow­er in a tiny instru­ment, heav­ier options are often more pow­er­ful. Here is fur­ther infor­ma­tion on that.

Don’t assume that because a portable blender is portable and can be tak­en anywhere—including the gym—that it can’t per­form all the same tasks as larg­er, more pow­er­ful blenders. The major­i­ty of per­son­al blenders can per­form the same blend­ing chores, sim­ply in small­er batch­es, which may be ide­al for you.

Read More: Best Blenders You Can Buy in 2025

Table of Contents

List of Best Portable Blender for 2025

Ninja Nutri Blender Pro AUTO-IQ


The best per­son­al blender. Larg­er blend­ing capac­i­ty than small­er vari­ants because of the strong 1100W engine; rec­om­mend­ed for usage at home only.

Nin­ja Nutri Blender Pro AUTO-IQ - Pow­er­ful blending

The Nin­ja Nutri Blender Pro with Auto-IQ has greater pow­er than com­pa­ra­ble coun­ter­top blenders and pro­vides you with a lit­tle more lat­i­tude in terms of the ingre­di­ents you can blend. The blender han­dled light fruits with ease, but when you add hard­er fruits or even frozen items, you can under­stand why the 1100W motor is there: you get results that are sim­i­lar­ly smooth to what you’d expect from a blender that is much larg­er. Despite being able to han­dle dry ingre­di­ents, the Nutri Pro per­formed uneven­ly in terms of chop­ping and blending.

Nin­ja Nutri Blender Pro Ease of use

Addi­tion­al­ly, this one-speed blender is quite sim­ple to use: after load­ing every­thing into a cup, you sim­ply press down to start the engine. To remove the guess­work from blend­ing, it has the same Auto-iQ pro­gram­ming as its coun­ter­top blenders, such as the Nin­ja Pro­fes­sion­al Plus Kitchen Sys­tem. The includ­ed 18oz and 24oz cups have trav­el lids, and everything—including the blades—can be cleaned in the dishwasher.

Nin­ja Nutri Blender Pro is Best for home use

This mod­el has a chord and a large base, it offers a pow­er­ful blend and a larg­er capac­i­ty. For those of you who don’t have room for or require a large stan­dard blender or who want one for your RV, we believe this makes it an excel­lent medi­um ground. It ranks sec­ond on our list because you would­n’t bring it to the gym.

Specifications of Ninja Nutri Blender Pro AUTO-IQ

  • Capac­i­ty
  • 24 oz.
  • Dimen­sions
  • 15 x 6 x 6 inches
  • Pow­er
  • 1100W

Pros and Cons of Ninja Nutri Blender Pro AUTO-IQ

Pros Cons
  • Sim­ple to operate
  • Loud
  • Smart Blend­ing programs
  • Doesn’t han­dle dry foods
  • Well priced
  • Pow­er­ful motor

BlendJet 2 (Best Portable travel blenders)

BlendJet 2

Although this com­pact blender is a use­ful pur­chase for on-the-go use, you can also use it at home to pro­duce dips and mix through thick­er mate­ri­als thanks to the blend­ing mode and pulse set­ting. Accord­ing to Mil­lie, our Head of Reviews, who eval­u­at­ed this per­son­al blender, “this is use­ful if you’ve been look­ing at the best food proces­sors but can’t afford the space or price to acquire one — this portable blender can step into some of those functions.”

Blend­Jet 2 — Great blending

Mil­lie cre­at­ed a smooth­ie with fresh fruit using Blend­Jet 2. While it had some dif­fi­cul­ty han­dling hard­er items, includ­ing the core of berries, over­all, she says, “it per­formed an out­stand­ing job.” And since it’s cord­less, you can shake it while blend­ing to ensure that the ingre­di­ents for dips are thor­ough­ly combined.

Blend­Jet 2 — Easy to clean

You will need to pour your drink out or drink from the blend­ing cup because there is a built-in, non-remov­able blade. Clean­ing is sim­ple: just add some water and dish soap, blend, or shake, and then wipe down the surface.

Specifications of BlendJet 2

  • Capac­i­ty
  • 16oz
  • Dimen­sions
  • 9 x 3 inches
  • Pow­er
  •  5V

Pros and Cons of BlendJet 2

Pros Cons
  • Very portable
  • Strug­gles with tough ingredients
  • Comes in tons of colors
  • Easy to clean
  • Can be used for drinks, dips, and more

Read More: Vitamix Ascent A3500 and A3300 Blender Review 

 Cuisinart EvolutionX Cordless Blender

 Cuisinart EvolutionX Cordless Blender  

Alto­geth­er, the best portable blender. Recharge­able bat­tery with a long lifes­pan; eas­i­ly breaks the ice and frozen fruit.

Cuisi­nart Evo­lu­tionX — Pow­er­ful blending

The Cuisi­nart Evo­lu­tionX han­dled the trick­i­est ingre­di­ents, such as ice and frozen fruits, with ease, pleas­ing our review­er Lind­sey, Direc­tor of Home Ecomms at H&G. As she dis­cov­ered when attempt­ing to blend half a frozen banana, “you may have to make sure frozen foods are prepped in small­er bits; a stan­dard-sized ice cube caused no prob­lems, but any­thing slight­ly big­ger will get trapped between the blade and the side of the cup.”

Cuisi­nart Evo­lu­tionX — Easy to use

It could­n’t be sim­pler to use the blender: just put every­thing into the 16-ounce cup and click the but­ton to turn on the sin­gle-speed motor until you get the mix you want. Addi­tion­al­ly, a trav­el lid is includ­ed so you may sim­ply drink from the container.

Cuisi­nart Evo­lu­tionX — bat­tery power

The bat­tery can be used for up to 20 min­utes before need­ing to be recharged, which is more than enough time to pre­pare sev­er­al smooth­ies as well as sal­sas or pastes. My main com­plaint is that it won’t oper­ate when plugged in, so if you intend to use it at home, make sure the bat­tery is ful­ly charged.

Specifications of  Cuisinart EvolutionX

  • Capac­i­ty
  • 16oz
  • Dimen­sions
  • 3.9 x 3.5 x 11.69 inches
  • Pow­er
  •  2 lithi­um-ion batteries

Pros and Cons of BlendJet 2

Pros Cons
  • Cord­less
  • Can’t use when plugged in
  • Pow­er­ful
  • Only 4 pounds

NutriBullet GO Portable Blender 

NutriBullet GO Portable Blender 

Cheap­est and best portable blender Extreme­ly portable; lit­tle weight; long-last­ing battery.

The NutriBul­let GO Portable Blender is not only incred­i­bly light­weight (only 1.5 lbs), but it also has a clever two-part design that allows you to trans­port the bottle—full of fruits or pro­tein shakes—and the blend­ing unit sep­a­rate­ly. This is your best portable option if you’re try­ing to decide which Nutribul­let to purchase.

NutriBul­let GO Portable Blender — Pow­er

While it blend­ed fresh fruits eas­i­ly, its lim­it­ed pow­er made it dif­fi­cult to com­bine ice cubes, accord­ing to our tester, H&G’s Reviews Edi­tor Mil­lie Hurst. But she adds, “For shakes and smooth­ies, this is a great-val­ue portable blender.” An excel­lent safe­ty pre­cau­tion to avoid any acci­dents is that the Nutribul­let GO won’t mix unless it is firm­ly attached to the base. When we need­ed to blend for longer than 30 sec­onds, we had to start a new cycle because it shuts off auto­mat­i­cal­ly after that.

NutriBul­let GO Portable Blender — Qui­et operation

The qui­et oper­a­tion of this portable blender will be appre­ci­at­ed by those that get up ear­ly like Mil­lie. It is so silent that nei­ther your fam­i­ly nor your cowork­ers will hear you min­gle in the wee hours of the morning.

Specifications of NutriBullet GO Portable Blender

  • Capac­i­ty
  •  13oz
  • Dimen­sions:
  • 7.52 x 7.01 x 4.06 inches
  • Pow­er
  • 1 lithi­um-ion battery

Pros and Cons of NutriBul­let GO Portable Blender

Pros Cons
  • Great safe­ty features
  • Can’t blend ice
  • Designed for traveling
  • Super light­weight
  • Very qui­et

BlenderX Cordless Portable Blender

BlenderX Cordless Portable Blender

Camp­ing’s best portable blender is Pow­er­ful enough to smash ice; quick; quick charge; long bat­tery life.

BlenderX Cord­less Portable Blender — Pow­er­ful ice-crushing

The BlenderX Cord­less Portable Blender sur­passed the oth­er portable blenders when it came to ice crush­ing, accord­ing to H&G’s Reviews Edi­tor Mil­lie Fend­er, even though we haven’t writ­ten a review of it yet. Won­der­ful if you enjoy frozen smooth­ies. I enjoy that it includes a big­ger 20-ounce plas­tic cup, and so do we.

BlenderX Cord­less Portable Blender  Easy to use
It only requires screw­ing onto the plas­tic cup to begin blend­ing, accord­ing to Mil­lie. The one front but­ton lights when the blender is charg­ing and when it is turned on. When not in use, there is a screw-on cap that keeps your blades safe.

Best for RV and house use
Because the base is sub­stan­tial, the weight of this portable blender was my biggest com­plaint, claims Mil­lie. Its over­all weight of 4.62 pounds explains why it ranks fifth. But it does have a trav­el case and suc­tion cups to keep the base firm­ly attached to your sur­face, so I believe it’s ide­al for use on camp­ing or RV vaca­tions. But for slip­ping inside your handbag.

Specifications of BlenderX Cordless Portable Blender

  • Capac­i­ty
  •  20 oz jar
  • Dimen­sions:
  • 5.75 x 5.75 x 13 inches
  • Pow­er
  • Lithi­um-ion battery

Pros and Cons of BlenderX Cordless Portable Blender

Pros Cons
  • Very pow­er­ful
  • Only one cup
  • Easy to use
  • A bit heavy
  • Comes with a car­ry bag


We take pride in the way we test blenders. In addi­tion to con­duct­ing test­ing in our test kitchen and their own homes, our in-house reviews team does so over the course of weeks rather than just a sin­gle day. We fre­quent­ly have the good for­tune to keep the prod­ucts, which allows us to update our buy­ing tips with obser­va­tions con­cern­ing durability.

We first tried mix­ing smooth­ies with this portable blender tuto­r­i­al. We exper­i­ment­ed with blend­ing fresh and frozen fruits with reg­u­lar or nut milk and a sprin­kle of hon­ey. We record­ed how many times it took to bring the smooth­ie to the ide­al con­sis­ten­cy if the blender had an auto­mat­ic shutoff.

In order to test how well our portable blenders han­dled less watery ingre­di­ents, we also attempt­ed to pre­pare pesto in them. This allowed us to deter­mine whether any scents would linger in the blend­ing cup after usage.

To test whether the blenders could han­dle a few ice cubes, we lat­er man­u­fac­tured crushed ice. For a portable blender, this is a sig­nif­i­cant chal­lenge, but some of them impressed us with how effec­tive­ly they performed.

While a cord­less blender is rarely as pow­er­ful as a cord­ed one, the best ones can han­dle what the major­i­ty of us want from them: well-blend­ed smooth­ies we can make on the go. For this rea­son, we test­ed both cord­ed and cord­less per­son­al blenders.

Posted in Best Products, Personal Blenders

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