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Champion Masticating Juicers Review | KitchenGearPro

best beets carrots juicerThe Cham­pi­on Juicer has been 100% man­u­fac­tured by US-based Plas­taket Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Inc since the 50s. The first Cham­pi­on juicer was pro­duced in 1955 and, for its time, was the first and only house­hold mas­ti­cat­ing juicer in the entire country.

The Cham­pi­on juicer tech­nol­o­gy is a fusion between mod­ern mas­ti­cat­ing and cen­trifu­gal juicers. First, its hor­i­zon­tal­ly rotat­ing auger has addi­tion­al met­al teeth that the sim­i­lar to cen­trifu­gal juicers. The sec­ond, its augers rotate at the fast for mas­ti­cat­ing juicers 1750 RPMs speed that is clos­er to the cen­trifu­gal juicer. Because it uses a very fast speed, it tends to oxi­dize the juice, and thus it must be con­sumed immediately.

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The Cam­pi­on juicer mas­ti­cat­ing process involves grat­ing and mas­ti­cat­ing or chew­ing the pro­duce first and then squeez­ing it against the meshed screen to extract the juice.

The Cham­pi­on juicer cur­rent­ly man­u­fac­tures five (5) mod­els – 2000 clas­sic, 2000 Com­mer­cial, 3000, 4000, and 5000.

The clas­sic Cham­pi­on machines are per­fect for juic­ing root veg­eta­bles and cel­ery but could not han­dle the leafy greens, soft fruits, and veg­eta­bles. So in 2011, the man­u­fac­tur­er released the attach­ment for the Cham­pi­on 2000 mod­el to process wheat­grass and leafy greens. The lat­er mod­el’s sets — 3000, 4000, and 5000 — also includ­ed the addi­tion­al wheat­grass and leafy greens green auger.

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Pros for juic­ing roots:

  • Pro­duce the high juice yield from car­rots, beets, gin­ger, and oth­er firm veg­gies and fruits;
  • Process beets, car­rots, and firm roots juice easily;
  • Eas­i­ly feeds the whole car­rot and pre-cut beets (due to the feed­ing chute sizes) and does not jam;
  • Very fast to make a large amount of juice;
  • Quite easy to clean;
  • Durable;
  • Makes out­stand­ing frozen dessert;

Cons for juic­ing roots:

  • Does not han­dle leafy greens, wheat­grass, and soft pro­duce with­out an extra auger;
  • Oxi­dis­es juice.

Table of Contents

Champion Classic 2000 vs. Classic Commercial 2000 vs. Legacy 3000 vs. Elite 4000 vs. Professional 5000 

The Cham­pi­on juicer is avail­able in 5 models:

  • Cham­pi­on Clas­sic 2000 (G5-NG-853S),
  • Cham­pi­on Clas­sic Com­mer­cial 2000 (G5- PG710),
  • Lega­cy 3000, Elite 4000
  • Cham­pi­on Pro­fes­sion­al 5000.

All five mod­els have iden­ti­cal motors, but the dif­fer­ent exte­ri­or, inte­ri­or parts designs, and attach­ments are available.

The Cham­pi­on Clas­sic 2000 and Com­mer­cial 2000 are almost iden­ti­cal juicers. Both mod­els have exte­ri­or bod­ies made from paint­ed stain­less steel which makes this machine incred­i­bly durable. The only dif­fer­ence between them – is the Com­mer­cial 2000 mod­el comes with the same pow­er but a bit stronger motor that is designed to run longer with­out stop­ping and pro­vides a high­er start­ing torque.

The Lega­cy 3000 mod­el has very sim­i­lar to the Clas­sic 2000 con­struc­tion­al parts design but only a slight­ly redesigned screen hold­er. In addi­tion, the 3000 machine comes with com­plete­ly redesigned exte­ri­ors, a small­er foot­print, the plas­tic body han­dles, a clear drum, and a chute opening.

The Elite 4000 mod­el has very sim­i­lar to the 3000 mod­el exte­ri­or but upgrad­ed clear drum. It also has an entire­ly new auger and screen design. It also has a new pulp out­let reflec­tor. It comes with two augers – the grind­ing auger for firm fruits and veg­gies and the green one for the leafy greens, wheat­grass, and soft produce.

The Pro­fes­sion­al 5000 has very sim­i­lar to the 4000 with an exte­ri­or and inte­ri­or design. How­ev­er, the Pro­fes­sion­al 5000 mod­el comes with an absolute­ly unique fea­ture — 11 vari­able speeds, which start from low 350 to high 1750 RPMs.

Champion Juicer Set Includes

  • Motor and O‑rings(all models);
  • Juic­ing Drum/motor body with funnel(all models);
  • Juic­ing Screens and blank screen(4000 and 5000 mod­els) or screen with screen hold­er (2000 and 3000 models);
  • Grind­ing and green auger(4000 and 5000 mod­el) or cut­ter (2000 and 3000 models) ;
  • 2 X Pulp Adjust­ment knobs/restrictors (4000 and 5000 models);
  • Deflec­tor (4000 and 5000 models);
  • Tam­per (all models);
  • Body seal;
  • Juice bowl with a sieve (all models);
  • Clean­ing brush (4000 and 5000 models);
  • User man­u­al.

Motor and Body Unit

All 5 Cham­pi­on juicer mod­els come with a sim­i­lar pow­er­ful 540 Watts motor. While the Clas­sic Com­mer­cial 2000 machine has the same 540 Watts but a bit stronger motor, that means it has bet­ter torque and is designed to run with­out stop­ping for cool­ing for longer than domes­tic models.

The Cham­pi­on Clas­sic 2000 (G5-NG-853S), Cham­pi­on Clas­sic Com­mer­cial 2000 (G5- PG710), Lega­cy 3000, and Elite 4000 mod­els come with sim­i­lar 1750 rpm speeds.

While the lat­est Pro­fes­sion­al 5000 mod­el is equipped with 11 speeds rang­ing from 350 – 1750 RPMs, Pro­fes­sion­al 5000 mod­els are the only machine that can pro­duce low oxi­da­tion cold press juice.

The Cham­pi­on Clas­sic 2000 and Clas­sic Com­mer­cial 2000 mod­el body is made from paint­ed stain­less steel, while all oth­er mod­els are made from very strong and durable plastic.

Drum, Chute, and Produce Feeding

The Cham­pi­on juicers come with a fair­ly large hor­i­zon­tal juicer feed­ing chute open­ing — 1.75″ in 2000 and 3000 mod­els and  2.25″ in 4000 and 500 mod­els. The large chute could be fed with a whole car­rot and quar­tered beets.


Cham­pi­on 2000 and 3000 mod­els come with an auger that is called cut­ter in Cham­pi­on ter­mi­nol­o­gy. Not sur­pris­ing, as it has a very dif­fer­ent design com­pared to com­mon sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicers. The cut­ter has a sharp­er edge with eight (8) rows of sharp tiny met­al teeth.

Although the 4000 and 5000 Cham­pi­on machines auger more resem­bles mod­ern design augers, it still comes with a few rows of sharp teeth that grate the pro­duce before it goes for the mas­ti­ca­tion process.

Juicing Screen

The Cham­pi­on 2000 and 3000 mod­els juic­ing screens have a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent design com­pared to mod­ern tra­di­tion­al sin­gle auger juicers. It con­sists of the meshed stain­less steel screen and the slid­er con­nect­ing the screen to the drum.

The Cham­pi­on 4000 and 5000 mod­els have an upgrad­ed juic­ing screen design that is very sim­i­lar to the mod­ern singer-auger juicer’s con­i­cal design.

Nozzles, End Cap, and Adjustment Knobs

The 2000 and 3000 mod­els were designed with­out pulp reg­u­la­tion adjust­ing knobs.

The Cham­pi­on 4000 and 5000 machines come with the 2 (open and juic­ing) pulp adjust­ing knobs named restric­tors in Cham­pi­on terminology.


The Cham­pi­on juicers mod­els do not come with a pulp con­tain­er; the sets include only a plas­tic 34 oz juice con­tain­er with the strainer.


The Cham­pi­on Juicers are designed to juice the fol­low­ing ingredients:

  • Very effi­cient at juic­ing car­rots, beets, gin­ger, and oth­er root veggies;
  • Cel­ery juice;
  • Frim fruits such as apples and pears juice;
  • Nut milk;
  • It makes the silki­est nut but­ter bet­ter qual­i­ty than all oth­er juicers;
  • Baby food;
  • It makes the best qual­i­ty frozen treats;
  • Grat­ing tasks and even minc­ing meat;
  • Shaves ice;
  • Oth­er food homog­e­niz­ing tasks.

The Cham­pi­on juicers are not very good at juic­ing leafy greens and soft fruits and veg­gies; how­ev­er, the 4000 and 500 mod­els come with the sec­ond green auger that is specif­i­cal­ly designed for the leafy greens.

The 2000 and 3000 mod­els do not include a leafy green auger in the set, but it is avail­able to buy from dif­fer­ent Cham­pi­on juicer part suppliers.

Cleaning and Assembling/Disassembling, Operating

Although the Cham­pi­on juicer mod­els have a slight­ly dif­fer­ent design, they are sim­i­lar to oth­er sin­gle auger juicers and are the eas­i­est among the mas­ti­cat­ing machines to assem­ble and clean. How­ev­er, the Cham­pi­on auger must be han­dled with care while clean­ing as it has sharp teeth that may cut your skin.

Oper­at­ing: 2000, 3000, and 4000 mod­els con­trol pan­el com­pris­es only a sin­gle swith­er with On/Off func­tion and thus very easy to operate.

The 5000 juicer comes with an 11-speed dial knob that ranges from allow­ing 350 rpm to high 1750 rpm speeds. The low speed is designed for pro­cess­ing leafy greens, while the high speed works effi­cient­ly for juic­ing root pro­duce like beets and carrots.

The 4000 and 5000 mod­els also have pulp ejec­tion restric­tors that reg­u­late the pres­sure the pulp is expelled, so the firmer pro­duce needs more pres­sure to apply for bet­ter yield while the soft­er ones require to release of the pressure.


All the Cham­pi­on juicer mod­els come with a non-trans­fer­able 10-years war­ran­ty and 1 year on the auger, blade, and screen warranty.

The juicer also could be returned only with­in 30 days with a 15% restock­ing fee applied.


The Cham­pi­on Juicer is a mas­sive well-built unit. The 2000 mod­els have a large foot­print, 9 x 12 x 12 inch­es, and weigh 27 pounds. While the 3000, 4000, and 5000 mod­els have a more mod­er­ate foot­print of 20.7 x 10.9 x 8.2 inch­es and slight­ly low­er weight of 23 pounds.


From 2 lbs of car­rots and beets, it extracts 450 ml of juice on aver­age.



The Cham­pi­on juicers are the ulti­mate car­rot, beets, and oth­er firm veg­gies and fruit juicers. They will pro­duce a decent yield com­pa­ra­ble with twin auger machines and are very rich in test and col­or juice. How­ev­er, since the juicers oper­ate at high speed of 1750 rpm, their juice will have a short shelf life due to high oxi­da­tion and must be con­sumed immediately.

Although the 2000 mod­el does not han­dle leafy greens with­out extra attach­ment, it is very good at food pro­cess­ing tasks and makes the most deli­cious nut but­ter and a frozen treat. The 4000 mod­el lacks the prob­lem with leafy greens and comes with a sec­ond green auger.

Besides, it is a non-expen­sive, very durable, and well-made mas­ti­cat­ing juicer that will serve you for many years. And if you decide to go for the Cham­pi­on 5000 mod­el, it could avoid the oxi­diz­ing prob­lem when oper­at­ed at a low speed.

Posted in Juicers

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