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How To Start Juicing Without Breaking The Bank?

Start Juic­ing With­out Break­ing The Bank: It is well-known that juic­ing is not the cheap­est thing you could do health-wise. Nev­er­the­less, I can assure you that it is an afford­able task for all bud­gets, as long as you know what you are doing.

Still, so many peo­ple have start­ed juic­ing and stopped due to the expense. Because you need to buy a juicer that STARTS at around $60 for a new one to $2,700 and keep feed­ing it fresh pro­duce, you can see how expens­es add up over time.

Read More: How To Make Smooth­ie With Yogurt

Thus, here I will share a few prac­tices and adher­ences that I fol­low when I go pro­duce shop­ping, so you can learn how to be healthy while keep­ing expens­es with­in your budget.

Some ideas/practices when juic­ing on a bud­get. Get the most for your money!

Table of Contents

pumpkin juice ingredientsBuy A Decent Juicer As Soon As You Realize That You Are Going To Stick With Juicing

It is nor­mal and wise to start juic­ing by buy­ing a cheap juicer. No won­der peo­ple can get stick­er shock when they see a $300 or $400 juicer and think, “I am not even sure if I am going to like use it often.” Thus, juic­ing new­bies usu­al­ly buy the most afford­able cen­trifu­gal juicer at Ama­zon or Wal-Mart. While the more advanced juic­ing enthu­si­ast will go for Chi­nese knock­off mas­ti­cat­ing juicers at under $100.

How­ev­er, it is also well-known that a cheap juicer is only 55%-65% effi­cient (which they typ­i­cal­ly are); you can spend $100 on pro­duce and only get about $55-$65 worth of juice out of it. There­fore, once you deter­mine you like juic­ing, you see its ben­e­fits, or you just gen­er­al­ly enjoy the fla­vors you come up with; my best sug­ges­tion is to buy a QUALITY and EFFICIENT juicer soon as you can.

If you spend $100 every month on pro­duce to enjoy about $60 worth of juice, you are short­ing your­self by about $45 over­all. A decent mas­ti­cat­ing or cold press juicer is about 85% effi­cient at extract­ing juice, so with that set­up, you are get­ting $85 worth of juice for every $100 spent on pro­duce. That puts you up $25 every month than if you were using the cheap­er, less effi­cient juicer.

Let’s take this a lit­tle bit fur­ther… Over the course of the year, with a high­er qual­i­ty juicer, you are hypo­thet­i­cal­ly sav­ing your­self about $300 than with a less effi­cient juicer ($25/mo x 12 = $300). So that pret­ty much paid off your new juicer.

Decide on Your Favorite Recipes 

pumpkin juice process “Vari­ety is the spice of life” even though I agree with that, your bank account may not. Do you know where most peo­ple get trapped? It is their taste buds. Although such pro­duce as Star­fruit is great and tasty, it is also com­par­a­tive­ly more expen­sive than many oth­er less exot­ic fruits out there. The same goes for pome­gran­ates, black cher­ries, man­gos, etc.

Of course, this is all loca­tion-depen­dent; for most peo­ple, exot­ic pro­duce is not cheap. I acknowl­edge that they taste good and have some great stuff in them for you, but you real­ly have to ask your­self, “Is the juice worth the squeeze?”.

What is it you want in these expen­sive fruits oth­er than the taste? Is some­thing else cheap­er that has the same prop­er­ties, nutri­ents, enzymes, vit­a­mins, and min­er­als? Is there some­thing that comes close? There are some things that are unavoid­able, like gin­ger. That stuff is expen­sive, but there are a few things that puri­fy your blood and near­ly cleanse your body. You also have to use SO LITTLE OF IT that it is pret­ty cost-effective.

Once you have your favorite recipes, stick with them to devel­op a con­sis­tent shop­ping list. Of course, mix it up a lit­tle bit, but I do not believe that it is finan­cial­ly wise to get a mil­lion dif­fer­ent ingre­di­ents and con­stant­ly switch every­thing around if you already know what you like.

Shop Around And Buy Some Produce In Bulk

Although it may seem this is com­mon knowl­edge, it is not. Peo­ple usu­al­ly do not both­er to shop around to find cheap­er prod­ucts, and I am guilty of it myself. Also, learn to buy things sea­son­al­ly. For exam­ple, you must know how expen­sive it is to buy fresh straw­ber­ries in Jan­u­ary. Also, con­sid­er how far those straw­ber­ries trav­eled (prob­a­bly from Pana­ma or some­where else) and what treat­ments they could get through to extend their shelf life before reach­ing the gro­cery store.

There are some items you can buy in bulk and oth­ers you can­not. When I say you “can­not,” I mean that prod­ucts with a very short shelf life are not worth buy­ing in bulk; for exam­ple, leafy greens, such as kale, col­lards, spinach, cel­ery, etc., will start to wilt and expire if you buy too much of them.

On the oth­er hand, I tend to buy things like apples, oranges, gin­ger, lemons, turnips, beets, and car­rots in bulk because half can sit in a cup­board, and the oth­er half will last for a cou­ple of weeks in the refrig­er­a­tor. So you will vis­it gro­cery stops for juic­ing ingre­di­ents more often because you may typ­i­cal­ly pick up your leafy greens every three or four days.

Grow Your Stuff When Possible

backyard greenhouseOrgan­ic herbs are very cost­ly and do not typ­i­cal­ly last very long in the fridge. In my expe­ri­ence, they stay a week before they are just total­ly limp, rub­bery, and life­less. Is grow­ing your own herbs could be a solution?

Indeed, it is not for every­one. Not every­one has a large gar­den for grow­ing its own juic­ing ingre­di­ents. If you have very lim­it­ed liv­ing space, you will hard­ly be able to do it. While if you have a small out­door area for a green­house and are seri­ous about a healthy lifestyle and juic­ing, you can set up a green­house even in your small out­door space.

More­over, there are many indoor herbs grow­ing kits such as wheat­grass sets or Hydro­pon­ic Grow­ing sys­tems. So, it is still pos­si­ble to grow your own herbs year-round in your kitchen.


When I say “juice max­i­miz­ers”, I mean pro­duce that pro­duces vol­umes of juice. One of the biggest com­plaints I hear from peo­ple and ques­tions is, “I’ve used so much pro­duce and got so lit­tle juice!”. Well, if you juice only car­rots, kale, spinach, and a bunch of berries, it will take quite a bit to get any juice. There are cheap­er things out there to fill up your glass. My favorite is prob­a­bly cucumbers.

They are incred­i­bly afford­able, and they are like 90% juice. They are a tremen­dous anti-inflam­ma­to­ry item and have a very “cool” taste to them. Just pop one of those into what­ev­er recipe you are mak­ing, and then your cup will be brim­ming over the top with liv­ing juice. Oth­er juicy ingre­di­ents such as Oranges, grape­fruits, apples (my favorite is Fuji when I can get them on sale), let­tuce, cab­bage, romaine, savoy, and cel­ery could also work as “juice maximizers.”

Final Thoughts

Is juic­ing always going to be a some­what expen­sive prac­tice? Prob­a­bly. But I hope you can learn some tips here that may help you start juic­ing and not spend a for­tune on it. A lot of the tips above are self-explana­to­ry, but at the same time, some­times, things do not sink in unless you hear them from some­one else. But as I have men­tioned above, there are some prac­tices that you can do that will keep it as low as pos­si­ble. Enjoy!

Posted in Buying Advice, Juicers

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