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KitchenAid 5‑Speed Diamond Blender vs Oster Pro 1200 Blender

The KitchenAid kitchen appli­ances are renowned for their high qual­i­ty and per­for­mance, and the KitchenAid 5‑speed Blender is not an exclu­sion. It comes in 3 mod­els and is avail­able in mul­ti­ple col­ors, which also makes it incred­i­bly attrac­tive to con­sumers. How­ev­er, to eval­u­ate the real val­ue of KitchenAid 5‑speed, we will com­pare to it anoth­er top-rat­ed blender, the Oster 1200 Pro.

Think­ing about the alter­na­tive option? Check here our arti­cle Best Coun­ter­top Blenders under $100.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

KitchenAid 5‑Speed Dimond Blender

KitchenAid KSB1575ER Diamond BlenderKitchenAid 5‑Speed Dia­mond comes in 3 pack­ages that are iden­ti­cal but dif­fer by capac­i­ty and selec­tion of pitch­ers – (1) 60 oz. Dia­mond-shaped pitch­er, a (2) 56 oz. sim­ple round­ed pitch­er and (3) round­ed 56 oz. round­ed pitch­er and 20 oz. milling container.

It is equipped with only 670 watts at peak and 550 watts of an effec­tive pow­er motor. The machine-based unit inte­ri­or design looks nice and sol­id, but the motor-to-blade cou­pling sys­tem is not so reli­able and part­ly made of plas­tic as a weak side of this gadget.

KitchenAid 5‑Speed Dimond gad­get con­tain­ers are made of heavy-duty and shat­ter-resis­tant plas­tic and are designed to han­dle liq­uids up to 180F. The blade sys­tem is irre­mov­able and per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt into the pitch­er which makes this blender quite easy to use and clean. The blades are made of good qual­i­ty stain­less steel; how­ev­er, the spline on the bot­tom of the pitch­er that con­nects the blade sys­tem to the motor dri­ve is made of plastic.

The KitchenAid 5‑speed con­trol pan­el is equipped with 5 speeds, one Ice Crush pre-set pro­gram, and a pulse func­tion. What makes this machine quite ver­sa­tile and allows the user to cre­ate an array of var­i­ous recipes.

Although this KitchenAid 5‑Speed Dia­mond machine comes with quite a low-pow­er motor, its over­all con­struc­tion still makes this machine quite pow­er­ful, so it is designed to per­form the fol­low­ing functions:

  • It makes decent qual­i­ty drinks, includ­ing greens smooth­ies but requires extra time for pul­ver­iz­ing hard ingredients;
  • Crush­es ice cubes for snow cones, process­es ice in drinks but will not make ice creams or frozen yogurts;
  • It makes nut milk, and with a lot of effort, it is pos­si­ble to pro­duce nut but­ter on this machine, but it also will require adding a con­sid­er­able amount of water for this task;
  • Chops veg­gies for sal­sa, mari­nades, and sal­ad mixes;
  • Puree­ing food but requires a lot of liq­uid for smooth consistency;
  • Grinds cof­fee beans and herbs into decent pow­der but can mill only soft grains like oats.

KitchenAid 5‑Speed comes with only a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. The cus­tomer ser­vice is quite sup­port­ive and eas­i­ly replaces the faulty units with­in the war­ran­ty peri­od. How­ev­er, the motor does not han­dle over­loads well and is not very durable. The plas­tic parts in the cou­pling sys­tem also do not add strength to this gadget.


Oster Pro 1200 Blender

oster pro 1200 blenderThe Oster Pro 1200 is avail­able in two pack­ages – (1) with the main pitch­er and sin­gle-serve cup and (2) with the main pitch­er, sin­gle-serve cup, and an addi­tion­al food proces­sor attachment.

The Oster Pro 1200 is equipped with a 48 oz pitch­er made from shat­ter­proof and tem­per­a­ture-resis­tant glass, a 24 oz poly­car­bon­ate sin­gle-serve cup, and 5 cups of poly­car­bon­ate food proces­sor con­tain­er (the pack­age with the food proces­sor attach­ments). It also has a high-qual­i­ty all-met­al blade that serves both the main jar and sin­gle-serve cup. The addi­tion­al food proces­sor con­tain­er also includes shred­ding and slic­ing blades.

This Oster Pro 1200 machine comes with quite a pow­er­ful 1200 watts at peak and 900 watts effec­tive pow­er motor that is well built and has an all-met­al blade assem­bly and motor cou­pling sys­tem. The Oster 1200 con­trol pan­el is equipped with low, medi­um, and high speeds, Green/Frozen Smooth­ies, Food Chop/Salsa, and Milk­shake pre-set pro­grams and pulse mode, which makes in total 6 speeds and pulse func­tion and allows some flex­i­bil­i­ty over the blend­ing process.

So, The Oster 12000 Pro is designed to per­form the fol­low­ing tasks:

  • Make smooth drinks, includ­ing the excel­lent qual­i­ty green smooth­ies; it also pul­ver­izes well blue­ber­ry and oth­er seeds in the drink;
  • Crush­es ice well in smooth­ies, and iced drinks, makes snow cones, ice cream, and frozen desserts;
  • Makes nut milk;
  • It can process nut but­ter but requires some effort;
  • Purees well raw or cook ingre­di­ents and even able to make smooth con­sis­ten­cy humus with­out any liq­uid added;
  • Han­dles eas­i­ly hot liq­uids and process boiled tem­per­a­ture ingre­di­ents for soup or per­fect­ly suit­able for mak­ing bul­let­proof cof­fee;
  • Chops food for sal­sa, mari­nades, and sal­ad dress­ings, shreds veg­gies for coleslaw;
  • Grinds and mills herbs, chopped nuts, or soft mill grains like but will not pro­duce bak­ing qual­i­ty flour from wheat or oth­er hard grains;
  • Knead the dough with food pro­cess­ing attach­ment ONLY.

The Oster Pro 1200 comes with a 3‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty on the blender and 10 years on the motor. It is also well known for its very polite and help­ful cus­tomer service.


KitchenAid 5‑Speed Diamond Blender and Oster Pro 1200 Blender Differences and Features

  KitchenAid 5‑Speed Diamond Oster Pro 1200  
Motor 670 watts at peak and 550 effec­tive pow­er with a part­ly plas­tic motor-blade connection; 1200 watts at peak and 900 watts of effec­tive pow­er with the all-met­al motor to the blade couplings;
Blades Non-remov­able qual­i­ty 4‑prong stain­less steel blade inbuilt in the pitcher; Remov­able all-met­al blade assem­bly with high-qual­i­ty 6 –prongs stain­less steel blades; blade assem­bly is not nec­es­sary to remove after each use but advis­able for thor­ough cleaning;
Con­tain­ers High-qual­i­ty stress-resis­tant poly­car­bon­ates con­tain­ers with tem­per­a­ture tol­er­ance up to 180F; Lab­o­ra­to­ry qual­i­ty shat­ter and tem­per­a­ture resis­tant glass con­tain­er, good qual­i­ty poly­car­bon­ate per­son­al blender cup and food proces­sor container;
Using & Cleaning Very easy to assemble/disassemble for oper­at­ing, straight­for­ward to oper­ate; safe for clean­ing in a dish­wash­er and with the self-clean­ing procedure;


Easy to use if not requires assem­bling the machine how­ev­er, remov­ing the blades sys­tem for clean­ing or for using it with a sin­gle-serve attach­ment will need some effort;
Con­trol panel Equipped with 5 speeds (1) stir, (2) mix, (3) chop, (4) puree, and (5) liq­ue­fy), Ice Crush pre-set pro­gram and pulse function; Equipped with 3 speeds (low, medi­um, high), 3 pre-pro­grammed set­tings (Green/Frozen Smooth­ies, Food Chop/Salsa, Milk­shakes), and pulse mode;
War­ran­ty 1‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty. Help­ful Cus­tomer Ser­vice with an easy replace­ment for faulty units with­in the one year war­ran­ty  period;


3 ‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty for blender parts and ten years for the motor. Help­ful Cus­tomer Service.
  • Pro­duce good smooth­ies, includ­ing green ones, although with some effort;
  • crush­ing and shav­ing ice, able to make snow cones, but not able to pro­duce ice creams and frozen desserts;
  • Make nut milk and pos­si­ble nut but­ter with liq­uids and a lot of effort;
  • Does not han­dle hot ingredients;
  • Puree cooked vegs but with liq­uid added will not han­dle very thick mixer;
  • Chops and minces veg­gies, grinds cof­fee beans and herbs, and mills only soft grains;
  • Out­puts good qual­i­ty drinks, includ­ing green smoothies;
  • Crush­es ice in drinks and shaves it for snow cones, ice creams, frozen yogurts, and oth­er iced desserts and drinks;
  • Out­put smooth puree from soft and hard food;
  • Designed to process hot liquids;
  • Chops veg­gies for food prep tasks;
  • Makes nut milk and nut butter;
  • Grind herbs, cof­fee beans, and soft grains into powder;
  • Kneads the dough with a spe­cial attach­ment ONLY.
Dimen­sions It comes with a 7 x 9 inch­es foot­print and 18 inch­es pro­file height with the pitch­er on top of the base unit, so it will NOT fit under the stan­dard cab­i­net. Weight is 9.4 pounds. It comes with an 8.5 x 10.2 inch­es foot­print, 14 inch­es pro­file height is 48 oz. pitch­er on the top of the base unit. Weight is 13.4 pounds.


How to Choose Between the KitchenAid 5‑Speed Diamond and Oster Pro 1200 Blenders

Although these two machines are both quite ver­sa­tile and well-made, the Oster 1200 Pro out­per­forms the 5‑Speed Dia­mond Blender. The Oster pro­duces slight­ly bet­ter qual­i­ty smooth­ies and needs less blend­ing time to achieve the best result than what requires the KitchenAid. The Oster also bet­ter han­dles ice and is able to pro­duce iced drinks, snow cones, ice creams, and frozen desserts, while KitchenAid only process­es ice in drinks and shaves it for snow cones only.

The Oster 1200 Pro han­dles hot ingre­di­ents up to the boil­ing tem­per­a­ture, so it will process soup veg­gies straight from the oven and is per­fect­ly suit­able for mak­ing bul­let­proof cof­fee. While the KitchenAid can han­dle only liq­uids heat­ed up to 180 F.

The Oster Pro 1200 also has a much stronger and more pow­er­ful motor, pro­duc­ing smooth purees, hum­mus, and even decent nut but­ter. For KitchenAid, these tasks are so chal­leng­ing that they often over­load the motor and cause the machine to halt.

Besides, the Oster 1200 Pro has a much bet­ter built and strong motor and a rep­u­ta­tion as a durable machine that is reflect­ed in a 10-years motor warranty.


Although the KitchenAid 5‑Speed Dia­mond looks like a very sol­id and pow­er­ful machine in fact, Oster Pro 1200 is a bet­ter-built and much more durable machine. It is also designed to per­form more tasks than KitchenAid. It is also, on aver­age, 40%- 60% cheap­er than KitchenAid and comes with a bet­ter war­ran­ty that con­firms its dura­bil­i­ty. So the Oster is a bet­ter option when choos­ing between those two machines for cus­tomers look­ing for a durable, reli­able, and ver­sa­tile blender but do not want to break the bank.

Check here our articles

Best Coun­ter­top Blenders under $100

Best Blender with Glas Jar


Posted in Oster Review, Other Blenders Reviews

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