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Ninja Professional Blender 1000 (BL610) vs Oster Pro 1200 Blender

Nin­ja Pro­fes­sion­al 1000 (BL610) is a very pop­u­lar gad­get in the seg­ment of coun­ter­top blenders under $100. It is often com­pared to Vita­mix; to be exact, the Nin­ja man­u­fac­tur­er pro­motes all its blenders as Vita­mix com­peti­tors. Is it fair? No, Vita­mix pro­duces an array of mod­els with the price rang­ing from $250 (refur­bished mod­els) to almost $700 for the newest machines, and Nin­ja also has dozens of mod­els. So which Vita­mix mod­el will be the rival of Nin­ja Pro­fes­sion­al BL610? To be fair, none of them. Vita­mix has a long his­to­ry of man­u­fac­tur­ing blenders with pro­duc­tion locat­ed in the USA; it also invests a lot of mon­ey into research and devel­op­ment of its prod­ucts, while Nin­ja is the new com­pa­ny on the mar­ket that out­sources all its prod­ucts in China.

Yet, Nin­ja Pro­fes­sion­al 1000 (BL610) has real com­peti­tors on the mar­ket, and they are in the same price range of under $100. One of these com­peti­tors is Oster Pro 1200, which we are going to com­pare in this arti­cle with the Nin­ja Pro­fes­sion­al BL610.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Read More: Nin­ja Nutri Pro­fes­sion­al Per­son­al Blender Review

Table of Contents

Ninja Professional Blender 1000 (BL610)

Ninja Pro containers

This machine comes with quite a pow­er­ful 1000-watt motor that is con­struct­ed with too many plas­tic parts, includ­ing the motor-to-dri­ve con­nec­tion that is total­ly made out of plas­tic; thus its qual­i­ty is far from the best. Fur­ther­more, the machine con­trol pan­el is equipped with only 3 speeds and a pulse func­tion which does not allow a lot of con­trol for the user over the blend­ing process.

The unusu­al blade design and too many dif­fer­ent lock­ing mech­a­nisms make this blender quite com­pli­cat­ed to get ready for run­ning. The sharp and bulky blade assem­bly is also quite inse­cure to use and may cause injuries to the user. Besides, 72 oz. poly­car­bon­ate con­tain­er is made from a low-qual­i­ty mate­r­i­al that tends to devel­op stress cracks or melts when used with hot liq­uid or washed in the dish­wash­er (although the pitch­er is sup­posed to be dish­wash­er safe).

This gad­get is not very ver­sa­tile and will per­form the fol­low­ing functions:

  • Smooth­ies but not the smooth con­sis­ten­cy, the green smooth are very grainy;
  • Crush­es ice well and is able to make snow cones the ice cubes;
  • Chops veg­gies for mari­nades, sal­sas, and sal­ad mixes;
  • Puree­ing food, but the qual­i­ty is not good at all;
  • Milling/grinding only soft grains like oats will not be able to make decent flour from wheat, for example.

Nin­ja Pro­fes­sion­al BL610 is not very durable. It comes with only a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty that the man­u­fac­tur­er does not per­form well. This machine’s replace­ment and repair ser­vice will often be sub­ject to extra charges.

Ninja Professional Blender 1000 (BL610) Pros and Cons


Oster Pro 1200 Blender 

Oster Pro 1200 blender

The Oster Pro 1200 comes in two pack­ages the first includes the main pitch­er, and sin­gle-serve cup and the sec­ond includes an addi­tion­al food proces­sor attachment.

This machine is equipped with a pow­er­ful 1200 watts motor.  The motor was built very well and sol­id with an all-met­al blade assem­bly and blade-to-dri­ve cou­pling. This machine con­trol pan­el is equipped with 3 speeds (low, medi­um, and high), and 3 pre-set pro­grams (Green/Frozen Smooth­ies, Food Chop/Salsa, and Milk­shake) with reverse action and pulse func­tions. In addi­tion, it has 6 speeds and a pulse mode, which allow some flex­i­bil­i­ty for the user over the blend­ing process.

The Oster Pro 1200 gad­get comes very rarely for such a pow­er­ful gad­get 48 oz. the main pitch­er is made from stress and tem­per­a­ture-resis­tant glass, 24 oz. poly­car­bon­ate sin­gle-serve cup and 5 cups poly­car­bon­ate food proces­sor bowl (for the pack­age with food proces­sor attach­ment only).

This machine is designed with the remov­able all-met­al pre­mi­um-qual­i­ty blade that is used for both the main pitch­er and sin­gle-serve cup.  The addi­tion­al food proces­sor bowl also includes shred­ding and slic­ing blades.

So, this sol­id and well-built machine is able to per­form the fol­low­ing functions:

  • Smooth­ie of very smooth tex­ture, it also pro­duces excel­lent qual­i­ty green smooth­ies and will even han­dle straw­ber­ry and oth­er seeds in the drinks;
  • Crush­es ice eas­i­ly makes frozen desserts and able to pre­pare snow cones desserts;
  • Puree­ing raw and cook­ing food is also eas­i­ly han­dled by this machine; it is also able to puree to very smooth con­sis­ten­cy the tough ingre­di­ents like carrots;
  • Hot liq­uids, this blender is designed to process hot liq­uids up to the boil­ing tem­per­a­tures since the main pitch­er is made from tem­per­a­ture-resis­tant glass;
  • Chop­ping food for sal­ad, hum­mus, sal­sa, or shred­ding veg­gies for coleslaw is now the prob­lem for this blender, espe­cial­ly the one with a food proces­sor attachment;
  • Nut milk is also pos­si­ble to make with this machine;
  • This machine is even able to process decent nut but­ter, although with some effort;
  • Grind­ing and milling herbs, chop­ping nuts, or milling oats is pos­si­ble with this blender, but it will not han­dle hard­er grains.

Besides, the Oster Pro 1200 comes with a 3‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty on all parts and 10 years on the motor. Final­ly, Oster’s cus­tomer ser­vice is very good and helpful.

Oster Pro 1200 Blender Pros and Cons


Ninja Professional 1000 (BL610) and Oster Pro 1200 Differences and Features

 Nin­ja Pro­fes­sion­al BL610Oster Pro 1200
Motor1000 watts with the plas­tic motor to the blade couplings;1200 watts with the all-met­al motor to the blade connections;
BladesRemov­able blade con­struct­ed as a plas­tic tow­er with 6 sharp stain­less steel blades fit­ted around it;All-met­al blade assem­bly, remov­able but could be kept most of the time and removed only for a full cleaning.
Con­tain­ersNot good qual­i­ty poly­car­bon­ates con­tain­ers with a ten­den­cy to devel­op cracks;Pre­mi­um lab-qual­i­ty stress and tem­per­a­ture resis­tant glass con­tain­er for the main pitch­er, qual­i­ty poly­car­bon­ate sin­gle-serve cup, and food proces­sor bowl;
Using & CleaningNot easy to assemble/disassemble for run­ning with a lot of clicks and lock­ing required. Not safe to han­dle for clean­ing due to the very sharp blade and dan­ger­ous blade assem­bly construction;Very easy to use in gen­er­al but remov­ing the blade assem­bly for a full clean­ing or using it with the sin­gle-serve cup will require lit­tle effort;
Con­trol panelEquipped only with 3 speeds (low, medi­um, high) and pulse function;Equipped with 3 speeds (low, medi­um, high), 3 pre-set pro­grams (Green/Frozen Smooth­ies, Food Chop/Salsa, Milk­shakes) with reverse action and pulse function;
War­ran­ty1‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty. Bad rep­u­ta­tion Cus­tomer Service.3 ‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty for blender parts and 10 years for a motor. Very help­ful Cus­tomer Service.
Per­for­mancePro­duce grainy smooth­ies, espe­cial­ly from leafy and hard ingre­di­ents, how­ev­er very good at crush­ing ice even with­out liq­uid added and able to make a good qual­i­ty frozen desserts and shaved ice drinks, not able to puree food up to the smooth con­sis­ten­cy, but good at chop­ping and minc­ing vegs, grinds, and mills only soft grains;



Out­puts good qual­i­ty drinks, includ­ing green smooth­ies, able to crush and shave ice in drinks even with­out liq­uid added to pro­duce frozen desserts, mar­gar­i­tas, and oth­er ice drinks, process very smooth qual­i­ty puree from soft and hard food, designed to process hot liq­uids, chops veg­gies well for sal­sa, coleslaw, and oth­ers, makes nut milk and even able to pro­duce nut but­ter, able to grind herbs and soft grains into power.
Dimen­sionsThe foot­print is 10.6 x 8.2 inch­es; the pro­file height is 15.8 inch­es with 72 oz. pitch­er on top of the base unit. The weight is 9.0 pounds.The foot­print is 8.5 inch­es x 10.2 inch­es; the pro­file height is 14 inch­es tall with the 48 oz. pitch­er on the top. Weight is 13.4 pounds.



How to Choose Between the Ninja Professional BL610 and Oster Pro 1200 Blenders

From the above com­par­i­son, it is clear that Oster Pro 1200 is a much bet­ter choice than the Nin­ja Pro­fes­sion­al BL610 for any­one who is search­ing for a ver­sa­tile and good-qual­i­ty blender under $ 100. It is supe­ri­or in all aspects, such as qual­i­ty of per­for­mance, ver­sa­til­i­ty, and dura­bil­i­ty. Oster per­forms a broad­er range of func­tions than Nin­ja and at a high­er qual­i­ty. It pro­duces very smooth green smooth­ies, excel­lent­ly crush­es ice, purees food, well han­dles hot liq­uids, and is even able to make almost per­fect nut but­ter. While Nin­ja excels only at crush­ing ice with pro­cess­ing mediocre qual­i­ty smooth­ies and is not able to han­dle even hot liquids.

The Oster is also a solid­ly built machine with an all-met­al blade assem­bly, dri­ve con­nec­tion, and high-qual­i­ty glass pitch­er while Nin­ja is con­struct­ed with a lot of plas­tic parts and a low-qual­i­ty poly­car­bon­ate jar. Also, Oster is famous for its dura­bil­i­ty among con­sumers while Nin­ja Blender’s aver­age life expectan­cy is rang­ing from 1 to 1.5 years.


Prod­ucts with aggres­sive adver­tise­ments are so often over­sold and over­praised. For exam­ple, Nin­ja has very entic­ing adver­tis­ing that com­pares its blenders to Vita­mix and claims the same per­for­mance results as Vita­mix at a few times cheap­er price. But Vita­mix is an estab­lished brand with an excel­lent rep­u­ta­tion and long-last­ing his­to­ry of pro­duc­tion. So the Nin­ja claim is too good to be true.

The rea­son­able advice to the con­sumers, to check all para­me­ters care­ful­ly, do home­work, and not buy on impulse is com­plete­ly based on infomer­cials because it often hap­pens that the infomer­cials’ rep­re­sen­ta­tion of prod­ucts could be far from reality.

Check here our arti­cle Best Coun­ter­top Blenders under $100.

Posted in Ninja Reviews, Oster Review

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    • ej

      I pur­chased the Nin­ja believ­ing that a blender capa­ble of crush­ing ice had to be amongst the best. I felt good about my choice. The con­stant tele­vi­sion pro­mo­tions con­firmed that I had made the cor­rect choice. But then my sis­ter-in-law used it to make smooth­ies. She com­plained about them being grainy and not being smooth at all. She claimed her Oster made bet­ter and tru­ly smooth smooth­ies. I had to find out if this was true. It is and the Nin­ja will soon be replaced!

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