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Oster Reverse Crush Counterforms Blender Review — Best Glass Jar Blender for Crushing Ice

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B002RBXHSC&Format= SL300 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=kitchen0a03 20&language=en USir?t=kitchen0a03 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B002RBXHSCThe Oster Reverse Crush Coun­ter­forms BVCB07-Z00-000 Blender is a stur­dy, durable, and afford­able gad­get that was released in Jan­u­ary 2007. This machine is rel­a­tive­ly basic but has a glass pitch­er, is com­pact enough to fit under most kitchen cab­i­nets, and has a good brand rep­u­ta­tion. You do not have to won­der why Oster Reverse Crush is one of the most pop­u­lar bud­get coun­ter­top blenders on the mar­ket today. It has a rea­son­able price for its func­tion­al­i­ty and blends frozen food pret­ty well.

Read this review to deter­mine if this blender is what you are look­ing for.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Read More: Best Coun­ter­top Blender Under $100,

Table of Contents

Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie: This machine can make fine tex­ture smooth­ies from soft fruit and veg­eta­bles with­out any prob­lem. How­ev­er, to make decent-qual­i­ty frozen drinks and green smooth­ies from leafy veg­eta­bles, you have to learn some tricks to achieve the best results. To get per­fect­ly smooth drinks from hard fruits and veg­eta­bles, you have to run two or more Frozen Drink cycles or use man­u­al high speed for 2–3 min­utes. This may also require occa­sion­al stir­ring from the user.

It does not han­dle straw­ber­ry and blue­ber­ry seeds well, and you also have to run a few Frozen Drink cycles to achieve accept­able results. The machine will not process any dried fruits well and also will out­put quite tex­tured consistency.

This machine pro­duces a con­sid­er­able amount of foam on the top of the drink when mak­ing smooth­ies. To remove air pock­ets and lessen this foam, blend your smooth­ie on low speed for anoth­er 30 seconds.

The gad­get also does not process whey pro­tein very well. How­ev­er, it out­puts a mod­er­ate­ly tex­tured con­sis­ten­cy when mak­ing smooth­ies and shakes. To get a decent result while pro­cess­ing whey pro­tein, add your pro­tein pow­der after your shake or smooth­ie is ready and pulse it into your drink.

Frozen ingre­di­ents: This machine comes with an ice-crush­ing blade that is designed to crush ice every time. The pre-set Frozen Drink pro­gram is designed to do this job prop­er­ly. Run­ning the Frozen Drink cycle a few times will deliv­er a per­fect frozen drink con­sis­ten­cy. This gad­get can also chop pure ice cubes into tiny crys­tals on the Frozen Drink pro­gram or at High speed.

Puree­ing: It will puree soft fruit and veg­eta­bles, but the extra liq­uid will be need­ed with the hard­er ones. It can make hum­mus or may­on­naise with­out much effort, but it will require more liq­uid than usu­al for pesto.

Chop­ping: It has the pre-set Chop Food but­ton, and with this pro­gram, you can make per­fect-qual­i­ty sal­sas, dips, or mix­es. Do not use the pro­gram for chop­ping toma­to or onion, for exam­ple, as you will end up with puree rather than chopped veg­eta­bles. Instead, use man­u­al con­trol for this pur­pose to attain the desired con­sis­ten­cy. You can chop nuts with this blender, but not per­fect flour; for the best results, use the puls­ing func­tion until you get to the cor­rect size.

Soup and hot liq­uids: This gad­get will not heat food. How­ev­er, you can blend hot liq­uids with this blender because it has a tem­per­a­ture and stress-resis­tant pitcher.

Nut but­ter: It is not rec­om­mend­ed that you make nut but­ter with this blender as it may over­load the machine. Still, you can try to achieve some­thing close to nut but­ter using the pulse func­tion, but it will take a very long time.

Grind­ing: This gad­get will not prop­er­ly grind cof­fee beans, grains, or herbs. For this pur­pose, con­sid­er the Oster food proces­sor or a more pow­er­ful blender.

Dough: This machine is not equipped to make dough.

This blender can make good qual­i­ty drinks, but it requires some con­trol over the blend­ing, such as turn­ing off and stir­ring to get rid of air pock­ets. So you have to be pre­pared to do this from time to time for decent-qual­i­ty blending.

Speed Settings and Programs

oster control panelAccord­ing to the man­u­fac­tur­er, this machine con­trol pan­el is equipped with a back­lit dis­play and sev­en speeds, although sev­en speeds is a bit decep­tive. In fact, it has 3 speeds – Low, Medi­um, and High (for crush­ing ice), two pulse set­tings — Low Pulse and High Pulse, and 2 pre-set pro­grams — Food Chop and Frozen Drink.

The Frozen Drink pro­gram is designed for smooth­ies and shakes. It is the one that revers­es, start­ing the blade in one direc­tion and then auto­mat­i­cal­ly chang­ing it in anoth­er direc­tion before con­tin­u­ing full blend­ing. The Food Chop pro­gram is also designed to switch, but it is not very use­ful, and chop­ping is per­formed bet­ter using the High and Low Pulse but­tons. Low, Medi­um, and High-speed but­tons and Low Pulse and High pulse but­tons are intend­ed for man­u­al oper­a­tion of the blender and work in one direc­tion. The pulse but­tons are oper­at­ed until you press them, and Low, Medi­um, and High speeds until the Stop but­ton is pressed. There are also On/Off but­tons for activating/deactivating the blender.

Oster Reverse Crush Blender Ease of Using and Cleaning

Set­ting up: The blender set­up is easy. First, the plas­tic adden­dum cup must be screwed tight with the blade and gas­ket in between the jar to avoid leak­ing. Then put it onto the top of the base unit and twist it slight­ly until there is no resis­tance and it is ready for oper­a­tion. The con­tain­er sits on the base unit quite secure­ly and firm­ly with­out any lock­ing mechanism.

Tam­per: There is no plunger or tam­per avail­able for this gadget.

Clean­ing: This machine is very easy to clean, but the blade assem­bly must be removed from the plas­tic cap for clean­ing. All the blade assem­bly parts and the glass pitch­er are safe for dish­wash­ing. Wash­ing the con­tain­er and all pieces by hand in warm soapy water is also pos­si­ble. The base unit may be wiped with a damp cloth when needed.

Base Unit and Motor Power

The Oster Reverse Crush Machine is a well-designed machine with an all-met­al dri­ve assem­bly and blade mount­ing that ensures a longer lifes­pan and dura­bil­i­ty. In addi­tion, it is a rea­son­ably pow­er­ful gad­get for the price, with a 1000-watt peak-pow­er motor and with an ade­quate capac­i­ty of 600 watts. The gad­get’s peak pow­er means the pos­si­ble upper out­put with­out load­ing, while effec­tive is more rep­re­sentable and indi­cates the gad­get’s actu­al capacity.

The machine exte­ri­or is made of stain­less steel cov­er­ing on plas­tic hous­ing with black plas­tic trim­ming. This gad­get is sol­id and well-built with rub­ber feet for sta­bil­i­ty, and it does not vibrate or trav­el over the counter dur­ing processing.


This machine comes with a 6‑Cup (48 oz.) Boro­class glass pitch­er. It is made of pre­mi­um, stress-resis­tant Borosil­i­cate glass and will not crack even if the hot con­tain­er is sub­ject to low freez­ing tem­per­a­tures. Since this jar does not have mea­sur­ing marks, it comes with a mea­sur­ing cup. Com­plete with a glass jar and no plas­tic parts inside of the jar, this Oster machine is the per­fect solu­tion for the cus­tomer who has no tol­er­ance for plas­tic and is look­ing exclu­sive­ly for a glass pitch­er machine. Still, it has a BPA-free plas­tic lid but almost no con­tact with food. The cov­er fits tight on the pitch­er, and it has no leak­ing issues, but it can be hard to remove some­times. How­ev­er, it becomes eas­i­er to open over time. The lid also comes with a lid plug that is con­ve­nient for adding extra ingre­di­ents dur­ing the blend­ing process.


oster blender bladesThe machine is equipped with 6 sharp-point­ed blades — 4 fac­ing up and 2 fac­ing down. This stain­less steel blade sits on a met­al mount­ing and is very stur­dy. It has a replace­able and remov­able assem­bly with a plas­tic nut, screw-on cap, and seal­ing gas­ket. The gas­ket that goes inside the bot­tom cap around the blade is very secure and pre­vents any leak­ing from the pitcher.

Special Features

Most of the Oster brand prod­ucts have inter­change­able acces­sories. A wide choice of jars, blades, and oth­er acces­sories will fit this blender, and this is a con­ve­nient way to upgrade it with more functions.

Col­ors: Oster Reverse Crush Blender comes in sil­ver and red with black trim.

Refur­bished: There is a refur­bished machine avail­able for this machine. But the blender is in the low price range, so it isn’t very sure if invest­ing in the refur­bished mod­el is worth it.

Using in oth­er coun­tries: This gad­get comes with a stan­dard USA 120/127 V and 60 Hz cord and pow­er plug, and it can be used with a trans­former in oth­er countries.


It is a very loud machine with a 90 — 95 deci­bels noise out­put, depend­ing on what is being blend­ed. The noise is com­pa­ra­ble to that of a diesel truck that out­puts 100 deci­bels locat­ed 10 meters away. The machine is nois­i­er when the blender is chop­ping ice using high speed. The low-speed pro­cess­ing is more tol­er­a­ble. The stan­dard advice for noisy gad­gets is to place a rub­ber mat under the blender to reduce loudness.

Warranty and Customer Service

Recent­ly, all Oster prod­ucts were upgrad­ed to a 3‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty for the gad­get and a 10-year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty for all-met­al dri­ve parts. The lim­it­ed War­ran­ty means that the cus­tomer pays all ship­ping costs, and any nec­es­sary repairs for the device may incur extra charges. The Oster war­ran­ty is not trans­fer­able and valid from the ini­tial retail pur­chase date. It requires proof of pur­chase to start the War­ran­ty. The machine also comes with a 30-day mon­ey-back guar­an­tee if you decide to return it.

The Oster Cus­tomer Ser­vice is help­ful and has a good rep­u­ta­tion among consumers.

Optional accessories

Many of the Oster prod­uct acces­sories are inter­change­able, so there is a wide vari­ety of choic­es to upgrade your gad­get. The most pop­u­lar acces­sories the own­ers of the Oster Reverse Crush Machine choose to buy to expand their blender func­tion­al­i­ty are:
1. Milk­shake blade for bet­ter qual­i­ty shakes;
2. Reg­u­lar mouth Mason jar with a screw-on thread cap to fix the blade assem­bly that could be used as a sin­gle-serve con­tain­er for smoothies;
3. Oster Kitchen Cen­tre attach­ments, name­ly: BPA-free food proces­sor jar, stain­less steel S‑blade, Milk­shake Blade, and 5‑Cup Stain­less Steel Milk­shake Jar.

Set Includes

Oster Reverse Crush Gad­get set comes with 1000 pow­er watts base unit, 6 cups (48 oz.) glass jar, blade, seal­ing ring, thread­ed jar bot­tom cap, jar lid, filler/measuring cup (pitch­er does not have mea­sur­ing marks), a user man­u­al with some recipes included.


It is a  com­pact machine for a coun­ter­top blender, with a total height of the unit from the counter to the top of the lid of just under 14 ½ inch­es. There­fore, it will fit eas­i­ly under most kitchen cab­i­nets. The height of the jar with­out the base is 9 inch­es. How­ev­er, it has quite a siz­able base unit foot­print of 7 ½ inch­es by 9 ¾ inch­es and requires some space on your counter.

Pros and Cons


  • It is an afford­able machine with a nice com­bi­na­tion of good val­ue for the money.
  • It is a well-built and durable blender with all met­al fit­tings and blade assem­bly. The man­u­fac­tur­er also backs this gad­get with a fair­ly long 3‑year blender war­ran­ty and a 10-year motor warranty.
  • This gad­get comes with a pre­mi­um qual­i­ty glass pitch­er that ensures that you will not be exposed to any chem­i­cals leach­ing into your drinks.


  • It is a rather basic blend­ing machine with lim­it­ed func­tion­al­i­ty, but good for this price. It is most­ly suit­able for smooth­ies and shakes and is capa­ble of pro­duc­ing some sal­sa, sauces, and mixes.

Oster Reverse Crush Blender Consumer Reviews

With such a good com­bi­na­tion of val­ue for mon­ey and dura­bil­i­ty, this machine is one of the favorite cus­tomer choic­es for the price range.


The price usu­al­ly fluc­tu­ates with many retail­ers; how­ev­er, this gad­get is often avail­able at a spe­cial offer. How­ev­er, if you the price from time to time with a few retail­ers, you will be able to find the best deal for the Oster Reverse Crush blender.



Although this Oster Reverse Crush gad­get is not very func­tion­al and requires some “babysit­ting,” such as shak­ing the con­tain­er dur­ing pro­cess­ing or stir­ring to pre­vent air pock­ets, it still crush­es ice very well and makes fine-qual­i­ty smooth­ies. It also has a very attrac­tive price, con­sid­er­ing the motor pow­er, per­for­mance abil­i­ties, and well-built design. This all makes it a very desir­able invest­ment for peo­ple who do not require more from their blender than just a basic smooth­ie and frozen drinks function.

Con­sid­er alter­na­tive options. Check our articles 

Best Pow­er­ful Blenders with Glass Jar, 

Posted in Oster Review

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