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Super Angel Juicer Review — Best Twin Auger Masticating Gadget

Super Angel Juicer Super Angel Juicer Review: The Super Angel Juicer is a pre­mi­um mas­ti­cat­ing twin gear machine. It is the only mas­ti­cat­ing device avail­able on the market.

Which has all parts made from the high­est qual­i­ty stain­less steel. It is man­u­fac­tured in South Korea by a com­pa­ny dat­ed back to 1982, which pro­duces only twin gear domes­tic Super Angel Juicer and com­mer­cial juice extractors.

It cur­rent­ly man­u­fac­tures three domes­tic Super Angel Juicer mod­els – Super Angel Plus, Pro, and Pre­mi­um Deluxe machines — and two extra pack­ages. The cur­rent Super Angel mod­els were upgrad­ed in 2015 — 2016 with few fea­tures to com­ply with U.S. elec­tri­cal specifications.

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Table of Contents


The Super Angel Juicer is capa­ble of pro­cess­ing the widest range of ingre­di­ents with out­stand­ing yield results:

  • This juicer out­shines oth­er mas­ti­cat­ing machines when juic­ing hard pro­duce such as car­rots, beets, cab­bage, broc­coli, gin­ger, and oth­er veggies;
  • It also shows the same best result across mas­ti­cat­ing juicers for firm fruits like apples, pears, and others;
  • It will dou­ble the com­peti­tors when juic­ing wheat­grass or pine needles;
  • The same best yield it deliv­ers from juic­ing leafy greens includ­ing spinach, kale, angel­i­ca, and others;
  • It can per­fect­ly well juice grape, peeled oranges, and kiwi, also show­ing the best result among all mas­ti­cat­ing juicers; squeeze out near­ly all the juice and leave pulp dry. It works very well on leafy greens so that noth­ing is left to waste;
  • The Super Angel is capa­ble of juic­ing soft fruits like pineap­ple, plum (with­out stone), blue­ber­ry, and bananas; how­ev­er, it shows the sec­ond-best result after the ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger juicer when juic­ing them with stan­dard extract­ing hous­ing, it deliv­ers the same result as slight­ly out­per­form the ver­ti­cal juicer with soft fruit extract­ing housing;
  • The same applied to the soft­er veg­gies like cucum­ber and toma­toes; the coarse screen hous­ing is capa­ble of achiev­ing a bet­ter result than juic­ing them with stan­dard Fines Screen Extract­ing Housing;
  • The Super Angel is very good at mak­ing com­bo juice, which includes nuts, buck­wheat, and oth­er non-stan­dard ingre­di­ents along with the car­rot, mel­on, and beets;
  • With the option­al Grind­ing Extract­ing Hous­ing, the Super Angel per­forms a range of homog­e­niz­ing tasks such as mak­ing frozen desserts, raw soups, smooth­ies, sauces, baby food, grind­ing beans, cof­fee, and oth­er ingredients;
  • While it can make nut but­ter with Grind­ing Extract­ing Hous­ing, the ded­i­cat­ed Nut But­ter Extract­ing Hous­ing will show even bet­ter results.

Anoth­er good thing about the Super Angel juicer is that it does not pro­duce a lot of foam (2–5% only) when juic­ing leafy greens and spinach, unlike most oth­er twin gear juicers in par­tic­u­lar (the foami­est ingre­di­ent). That means that Angel Juicer gets more juice from ingre­di­ents than oth­er extrac­tors because the more foam juicer pro­duces, the less juice yield it gets.

Besides, the Super Angel deliv­ers the best juice qual­i­ty juice long shelf life of up to 48–72 hours and an out­stand­ing yield for most ingre­di­ents across all twin gear machines. Fur­ther­more, as a result of its state of art twin gears design, it can extract most of the nutri­ents out of any produce.

Motor Base Unit

All Super Angel mod­el Motor Base Units are made from the FDA food-grade approved stain­less steel and include the fol­low­ing parts — the motor, gear­box, cool­ing sys­tem unit, safe­ty sen­sors, and con­trol pan­el.

Motor: The motor boasts 180 watts (1/4HP) pow­er, which con­signs a 3 HP grind­ing force to rotate the twin gears set with the 82 RPM speed.

Safe­ty Features: 

  • The red rock­er On/Off switch at the back of the unit pre­vents juicer acti­va­tion if the user acci­den­tal­ly touch­es the con­trol panel;
  • The juicer will not run if not assem­bled the right way.
  • It also has an inbuilt ther­mo­stat (self-con­trol­ling motor ther­mal sen­sor), which means if the inter­nal tem­per­a­ture of the juicer ris­es above 158 F/70C, a short beep will sound, the motor will stop run­ning, and the pow­er indi­ca­tor light will start blink­ing, the cool­ing fan will be work­ing on drop­ping the juicer’s inter­nal tem­per­a­ture, ones the inter­nal tem­per­a­ture drops below 140 F/60c, the pow­er indi­ca­tor will light up again with a short beep sound, and you will be able to use the juicer again;
  • The built-in clutch will pre­vent oper­a­tion if you acci­den­tal­ly place a hard item like a knife in the feed­ing chute;
  • The machine is also pro­tect­ed from elec­tric shock with iso­la­tion between the engine and chassis.

The back of the unit also has a cord con­nec­tor and spare fuse groove.

Con­trol pan­el: The side of the Motor Base fea­tures the con­trol pan­el, which is equipped with START, STOP, REVERSE but­tons, and a pow­er indi­ca­tor light. The START but­ton is designed to start run­ning the juicer, and the STOP but­ton stops the process.

If jam­ming occurs when oper­at­ing the Super Angel Plus mod­el, the user has to press the REVERSE but­ton for 2–3 sec­onds and then press the start but­ton to con­tin­ue the juic­ing process. For Pro and Pre­mi­um Deluxe mod­els, the REVERSE func­tion will acti­vate auto­mat­i­cal­ly with­out users’ need to touch it.

Twin Gear Set

Super Angel Juicer Twin GearsThe Super Angel gears are made from sol­id FDA-approved food-grade antibac­te­r­i­al stain­less steel (sus304 for Plus and Pro mod­els and sus316 sur­gi­cal grade for Pre­mi­um Deluxe mod­el) with no break­able plas­tic edges.

They rotate at low 82 RPMs using a speed reduc­er device that exerts the torque enough for pro­cess­ing even the most dif­fi­cult ingre­di­ents such as fibrous plants, stringy veg­gies, sprouts, and wheatgrass.

The Super Angel gears twin gear set is con­struct­ed with two inter­lock­ing gears that have a mere 0.1 mm (4/1000 of an inch) space between them that allows extract­ing most of the nutri­ents from the plans by crush­ing even the 5 micron-sized bits. They also have the largest length size across all twin gears — 8 ⅜ inch­es /212.7mm long and 1⅜ inch­es /34mm in diameter.

The Super Angel fea­tures a three-stage twin gear sys­tem for effi­cient juice extrac­tion. (1) Stage one is the first part of the gear steep cran­nies sec­tion that applies con­cen­trat­ed pres­sure on ingre­di­ents; this stage is respon­si­ble for 60% of juice yield. (2) Stages two has flat­ter angle spi­ral cran­nies, it is grind­ing and mix­ing ingre­di­ents imi­tat­ing Nor­walk press­er lev­el 1, and this stage is respon­si­ble for 30% of juice yield. (3) Stage three has even the flat­ter angle spi­ral cran­nies; it will also grind ingre­di­ents, squeeze all the last drops from the pulp, and add the final 10% to yield.

Extracting Housing

Super Angel Standard Extracting HousingUnlike any oth­er sin­gle auger or twin gears juicers, Super Angel encom­pass­es a few parts into one Extract­ing Hous­ing, while with oth­er juicers, it will be 2–6 sep­a­rate parts. So, it fea­tures one sol­id piece: a juic­ing drum, a feed­ing chute with a fun­nel, and juic­ing screen.

Feed­ing Chute and Fun­nel: Although the Super Angel Juicer comes with a wider range than most hor­i­zon­tal mas­ti­cat­ing juicers feed open­ings — 1.7 inches/43 mm in diam­e­ter – it still requires pre-cut most of the ingredients.

The pre-cut­ting is a stan­dard pre-juic­ing pro­ce­dure for all hor­i­zon­tal machines. It is the best prac­tice to feed the hor­i­zon­tal mas­ti­cat­ing juicer with a small amount of ingre­di­ents piece by piece. Oth­er­wise, you may over­load the chute, and it will jam or deliv­er a low­er yield than usu­al­ly because the slow rotat­ing twin gears are not designed to grab a lot of food at a time and thus will not be able to process the cel­lu­lose fiber effi­cient­ly and extract all the nutri­ents locked in the fruits and veg­gies cells.

Juic­ing Screen: The juic­ing screen sec­tion of Extract­ing Hous­ing has three-stage screen fil­ters that cor­re­spond to each of the three heli­cal gears stages and max­i­mize pure juice yield, result­ing in almost 20 to 30% more juice extract­ed from oth­er juicers. The three (3) stage screen fea­tures the coarse holes at the first stage and is fin­er than the third one.

Juice Guide: The Super Angel Juicer has a unique con­struc­tion with the guide (slide pan­el) at the end of the juic­ing screen, which directs the juice flow down to the juice con­tain­er and does not allow to splash it around.

O‑Rings: The set also includes a sil­i­cone O‑Ring (plus 2 extra) that goes between the hous­ing and the motor shaft for bet­ter seal­ing; it pre­vents liq­uid from leak­ing from the con­nect­ing part.

Mag­net­ic sen­sor: This anoth­er Super Angel unique fea­ture is locat­ed at the bot­tom part of the extract­ing hous­ing and serves for safe­ty rea­sons; it does not allow the juicer to start oper­a­tion if it is not assem­bled properly.

No Pulp Adjust­ment Knob Need­ed: It does not have any pres­sure adjust­ment option for the pulp; the Angel process effi­cient­ly all types of food with­out this.

Splash Guard

It is sim­ply a cov­er plate that fits the top of the Extract­ing Hous­ing and pre­vents juice from splash­ing around. There­fore, it is not nec­es­sary to fit Splash Guard when juic­ing fibrous fruits and veg­gies, leafy greens, and wheat­grass. How­ev­er, it is bet­ter to use Splash Guard for juic­ing car­rots, beets, apples, etc.


 All mod­els of Super Angel Juicer come with a pre­mi­um Pyrex round-shaped Glass Juice Con­tain­er with a capac­i­ty of 1 Quart/4 cups/32 oz./1000ml and a square-shaped plas­tic pulp col­lec­tion con­tain­er with a capac­i­ty of 48 fl. oz./1400 ml.

Accessories and Replacement Parts

The Super Angel man­u­fac­tur­er offers a few option­al attach­ments that expand the Juicer functionality:

Super Angel Soft Fruit Extract­ing Screen Hous­ing (avail­able SUS-304 Food Grade S.S. and SUS-316 Sur­gi­cal Grade S.S. ver­sions) – this hous­ing replaces the stan­dard Super Anger extract­ing hous­ing; it has a coarse screen hole instead of fine in stan­dard hous­ing and is used for juic­ing soft fruits and veg­gies, such as cit­rus, grapes, straw­ber­ries, pineap­ples, toma­toes, and cucumbers.

Super Angel Nut But­ter Grind­ing Hous­ing (avail­able SUS-304 Food Grade S.S. and SUS-316 Sur­gi­cal Grade S.S. ver­sions )- This sol­id stain­less steel hous­ing with­out the screen oper­at­ed at a high­er pres­sure than stan­dard hous­ing and is used for pro­cess­ing nut but­ter. Although this hous­ing is also per­fect­ly capa­ble of pro­duc­ing frozen treats, sauces, hum­mus, and more, you can also buy ded­i­cat­ed grind­ing housing.

Super Angel Grind­ing Hous­ing (avail­able SUS-304 Food Grade S.S. and SUS-316 Sur­gi­cal Grade S.S. ver­sions) – this hous­ing is designed for a vari­ety of homog­e­niz­ing tasks such as mak­ing sor­bet, and sauces, hum­mus, sal­sa, and more.

All replace­ment parts are avail­able to buy from the man­u­fac­tur­er and oth­er retail­ers, includ­ing twin gears, stan­dard hous­ing, pulp, juice con­tain­ers, etc.

Assembling/Disassembling and Cleaning

The Super Angel Juicer is con­struct­ed from only 4 main parts. Thus, it is super easy to assemble/disassemble and not as labo­ri­ous as most twin gear trit­u­rat­ing juicers to clean.

super angel control panelAssembling/Disassembling: Insert the twin gears into the dri­ving shaft, care­ful­ly align the shaft teeth with gear teeth, slide the Extract­ing Hous­ing over the twin gears and con­nect it to the Motor Base Unit by tight­ly secur­ing down the Lock­ing Clamp inbuilt into the motor unit. Fit the Splash Guard on the top of the Extract­ing hous­ing when need­ed. Place the juice con­tain­er direct­ly under the juice guide pan­el and the pulp col­lec­tor under the pulp out­let. Con­nect the pow­er cord to the Motor Base and plug it into the elec­tri­cal out­let. Turn the red Pow­er Rock­er Switch on the Motor Base Unit’s back pan­el to the ON position.

Now The Super Angel Juicer is ready to operate.

Con­trol Pan­el and Oper­a­tion: The Angel Juicer, like any oth­er juice extract­ing machine, has a straight­for­ward con­trol pan­el. It com­pris­es the REVERSE, STOP, and START but­tons, and a red POWER indi­ca­tor light. When you switch the pow­er switch­er on the base unit’s back, the juicer must be indi­cat­ed by light­ing the red light on the con­trol pan­el. Now push the Start but­ton and slow­ly start to insert the ingre­di­ents into the feed­ing chute help­ing with the food push­er. If your machine jams, just push the Reverse but­ton. When you fin­ish juic­ing, press the Stop button.

Clean­ing: The Super Angel Juicer must be cleaned imme­di­ate­ly after using it; oth­er­wise, it may accu­mu­late screen clog­ging that may cause the juice yield drop ratio.

The Super Angel Juicer has only two (3) — Extract­ing Hous­ing and 2 Gears — or three (4) parts (if you use Splash Guard) to clean, and it is, no doubt, the eas­i­est Twin Gears machine to clean. Twin Gears and Splash Guard are very easy to clean, you just have to rinse them under the run­ning water, while the Extract­ing Hous­ing is more com­pli­cat­ed to clean, and its screen part is the most labors part which requires about 4–5 min­utes. You will need to use a clean­ing brush and screen scrap­per pro­vid­ed in the pack­age, and it will take about 4–5 minutes.

You may also pre-soak the screen area of the Extract­ing Hous­ing for eas­i­er clean­ing; how­ev­er, you must not ever soak the sen­sor area; oth­er­wise, it may com­pro­mise the Super Angel Juicer oper­a­tion ability.


The Super Angel Juicer is a very qui­et machine that releas­es only 66 dB of noise dur­ing oper­a­tion, com­pa­ra­ble to the sound from a nor­mal con­ver­sa­tion or oper­at­ing dishwasher.

Set Includes

  • Motor Base Unit;
  • Twin Gear Set;
  • Stan­dard Extract­ing Hous­ing (fine holes);
  • Soft Fruit Extract­ing Hous­ing (ONLY Deluxe mod­el and Pre­mi­um Deluxe with soft fruit Extrac­tion Hous­ing package);
  • Splash Guard;
  • Glass Juice Con­tain­er and Plas­tic Pulp Container;
  • Set of food push­ers: Stan­dard Wood­en Push­er, Wood­en Push­er with Sil­i­cone Seal (for soft fruits);
  • Acces­sories: Clean­ing Brush, Screen Scraper, Scrub­bing Bris­tle, Sil­i­cone O‑Ring plus 2 extra;
  • Pow­er Cord;
  • Instruc­tion Manual.


Super Angel Juicer WarrantyThe Super Angel Juicer comes with 10 years Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty for the Motor, Switch Pan­el, Con­trol Pan­el, Fan, Splash Guard, and a 5‑year war­ran­ty for Twin Gears, Extract­ing Hous­ing, Screen Scraper, and Pow­er Cord. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there is no War­ran­ty for Juice and Pulp Con­tain­ers, Wood­en Push­er, Pulp, Fuse, Sil­i­cone O‑Ring, and others.

The Lim­it­ed war­ran­ty applied for per­son­al, fam­i­ly, and house­hold use only and cov­ered only the orig­i­nal pur­chas­er (non-trans­fer­able if pur­chased sec­ond-hand). The Lim­it­ed war­ran­ty means that you have to cov­er the ship­ping costs if you send the machine for repair.

You have to con­tact Cus­tomer Ser­vice direct­ly no mat­ter which retail­er you pur­chased your machine from—the Cus­tomer Sup­port Desk by tel.: 714–731-0045, email: [email protected], or online.


The Super Angel Juicer is a big machine, and with dimen­sions of 19.5 x 7.75 x 10.5 inches/488 x 194 x 263 mm, it will occu­py a large space at your counter and stor­age. Being made 100% from stain­less steel weighs 28.7 pounds/9.5 kg and is not very easy to move around.

Pros and Cons of the Super Angel Juice Extractor


  • The juicer is entire­ly made of stain­less steel; there­fore, it is durable and stur­dy and will not wear out easily;
  • Made from the high­est qual­i­ty stain­less steel, it ensures that no harm­ful chem­i­cal will leach into the juice;
  • The Super Angel Juicer han­dles the widest vari­ety of ingre­di­ents across all types of mas­ti­cat­ing juicers;
  • The Super Angel Extrac­tor out­per­forms its com­pa­tri­ots in terms of extract­ed yield by 20–30%;
  • The unit is very easy to assemble/disassemble and clean;
  • It is equipped with a few safe­ty fea­tures that ensure smooth machine oper­a­tion and dura­bil­i­ty of the unit;
  • It has a sleek design;


  • The Super Angel is heavy and does not have any han­dles for eas­ing mov­ing it around;
  • It may have some bal­ance prob­lems, and the juicer may tilt for­ward a bit dur­ing the pro­cess­ing of the tough ingredients;
  • As with all hor­i­zon­tal mas­ti­cat­ing machines, it requires ingre­di­ents pre-cutting;
  • It is expen­sive, a very expen­sive machine.

Angel Plus vs. Angel Pro vs. Angel Premium Deluxe vs. Angel Deluxe Juicers

There are three (3) dif­fer­ent mod­els in the Super Angel range and (two) 2 extra pack­ages. They all come with iden­ti­cal inte­ri­or design, motor, auger design, same con­trols, and Extract­ing Hous­ing. The func­tion­al­i­ty and yield are also the same for all three Super Angel mod­els, while 2 extra pack­ages come with extra Extract­ing Coarse Screen Housings.

Super Angel Plus Juicer (known as 5500 in Europe and Aus­tralia) is a based Super Angel mod­el. It is 100% made of SUS-304 high-qual­i­ty food-grade stain­less steel and comes with a Man­u­al Anti-Jam­ming Auto-Reverse sys­tem. In the event of a jam, it will beep, then stop auto­mat­i­cal­ly. The user has to push and hold for 2 sec­onds the REVERSE but­ton on the con­trol pan­el that will move the jammed food back­ward, release the REVERSE, and press­es the FORWARD but­ton to start the machine oper­at­ing again.

Super Angel Pro Juicer (known as 7500 in Europe and Aus­tralia) is also made of SUS-304 high-qual­i­ty food-grade stain­less steel; how­ev­er, it has an Auto­mat­ic Anti-Jam­ming Auto-Reverse fea­ture. When the jam­ming occurs, the juicer will beep. The auto­mat­ic Auto-Reverse sys­tem will stop the motor, reverse it, and set it FORWARD again auto­mat­i­cal­ly with­out the user touch­ing the con­trol panel.

Super Angel Pre­mi­um Deluxe Juicer (known as 8500in Europe and Aus­tralia) is made of high-qual­i­ty food-grade SUS-304 (Motor Base Unit exte­ri­or) and sur­gi­cal-grade SUS-316 stain­less steel (Extract­ing Hous­ing, Twin Gears, and Splash Guard). It comes sim­i­lar to the Pro mod­el with the Auto­mat­ic Anti-Jam­ming Auto-Reverse fea­ture, where in the event of jam­ming, the juicer will reverse and put for­ward again automatically.

Both SUS-304 and SUS-316 stain­less steel grades do not rust, do not react with food, and do not leach out any chem­i­cals. But they dif­fer in the stain­less steel alloy for­mu­la, where the SUS-304 con­tains 18.0–20.0% Chromi­um and 8.0–11.0% Nick­el, while SUS-316 con­tains 16–18% Chromi­um, 10–14% Nick­el, and 2–3% Molyb­de­num. The addi­tion­al Molyb­de­num con­tains stain­less steel, which is even more, resis­tant to chem­i­cals such as sea salts or chlorides.

Super Angel Deluxe Juicer is a Pro mod­el (7500) + addi­tion­al Extract­ing Hous­ing with Coarse Screen for juic­ing soft ingredients.

One more pack­age is avail­able: the Super Angel Pre­mi­um Deluxe + Extract­ing Screen Hous­ing for Soft Fruits.

Super Angel Juicer Price

The Super Angel Juicer is the most expan­sive mas­ti­cat­ing machine avail­able on the mar­ket, and it is worth every pen­ny of its price. The man­u­fac­tur­ing engi­neers and pro­duces the same machine for over 50 years, and it is still a peak in juic­ing tech­nol­o­gy. The juicer price varies depend­ing on the mod­el and pack­age (mod­els — Super Angel Plus/Pro/Premium Deluxe – and pack­ages – Deluxe and Deluxe Pre­mi­um with soft fruits Extract­ing Housing).

The price is pret­ty sim­i­lar across dif­fer­ent retail­ers, and the dis­count­ed price is rarely avail­able for this machine.





If you are look­ing for the best juice extrac­tor avail­able on the mar­ket, then the Super Angel is the right one. No oth­er juicer comes close to it in terms of qual­i­ty and juic­ing per­for­mance. Yes, it comes at a hefty price tag; how­ev­er, the extra 15–30% yield you can extract from most of the ingre­di­ents with the Super Angel ver­sus any oth­er mas­ti­cat­ing or cen­trifu­gal juicer will jus­ti­fy its high price over a few years since you can save on buy­ing few­er ingre­di­ents and squeez­ing more juice.

Besides, Super Angel has an awe­some design. It is very easy to assem­ble, dis­as­sem­ble, and clean, 100% made of stain­less steel ensures the machine’s incred­i­ble dura­bil­i­ty and that it will not leak any harm­ful chem­i­cals into your drinks.

Posted in Juicers

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