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Best Affordable Quality Juicer — 2025 Reviews

Many juic­ing enthu­si­asts go through has­sle in their jour­ney to find an afford­able juicer that gives max­i­mum per­for­mance. Some wan­der from one cor­ner of the mar­ket to the oth­er, look­ing for well-per­form­ing bud­get qual­i­ty ones in vain.

Gen­er­al­ly, their strug­gle to get the best and the most afford­able juicer is brought about by the pres­ence of cheap poor, qual­i­ty Chi­nese knock­off juicers. Most juicers’ mar­kets are awash with these poor­ly per­form­ing Chi­nese mod­els, which have an attrac­tive appear­ance but even­tu­al­ly dis­ap­point users.

Due to the mar­ket con­fu­sion result­ing from coun­ter­feit juicers from Chi­na, it is fun­da­men­tal for every juicer cus­tomer to under­stand the best bud­get qual­i­ty mod­els to pick. It is worth not­ing that the high­est qual­i­ty mod­els are man­u­fac­tured in South Korea. South Kore­an pro­duc­ers are known to have the most com­pe­tent juicers in pro­duc­tion his­to­ry. Such a his­to­ry has made their prod­ucts rise to the pin­na­cle of most rep­utable brands. Over the years, cus­tomers have built trust in their high-qual­i­ty mod­els. We have select­ed some of the well-per­form­ing juicers just for you.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Read More: Best Cheap Chi­nese Knock­off Juicers 

Table of Contents

How We Selected the Best Budget Juicer

We only choose the out­stand­ing and most rep­utable mod­els in our selec­tion and rat­ing of juicers. Here, we based the per­for­mance and pref­er­ence of these mod­els on var­i­ous fac­tors. These fac­tors include func­tion­al­i­ty, which deter­mines the excel­lence of juice yield, and the mod­el’s abil­i­ty to dry the pulp. Ver­sa­til­i­ty was anoth­er pil­lar to con­sid­er, specif­i­cal­ly for those who juice a wide vari­ety of veg­eta­bles and fruits. More ver­sa­tile juicers enable the user to extract soft greens, hard greens, wheat­grass, and fruits.

Addi­tion­al­ly, we con­sid­ered the ease of use of the mod­els, which involves the sim­plic­i­ty of assem­bling and dis­as­sem­bling them. Juicers that are easy to assem­ble and dis­sem­ble are equal­ly easy to clean. There­fore, we select­ed mod­els that will make you use the least effort and time to juice and clean, espe­cial­ly if you have extra duties to attend to. Out of our find­ings, we select­ed the fol­low­ing mod­els as the best bud­get-qual­i­ty juicers.

#1 Green Power KPE1304 Twin Gear Juicer

best beets carrots juicerGreen Pow­er KPE1304 is a twin-gear mas­ti­cat­ing juicer with great ver­sa­til­i­ty and deliv­ers a high yield for a large vari­ety of ingredients.

Pow­er and speed: Besides, the mod­el has a 150 watts motor and low-speed rota­tion of 160 (rpm), which pro­duces vir­tu­al­ly no heat dur­ing the juic­ing process. Such slow rota­tion is crit­i­cal in pre­serv­ing the heat-sen­si­tive enzymes and nutri­ents found in the food extract.

The motor is equipped with an auto­mat­ic ther­mo­stat that pre­vents motor overheating.

Design and parts, drum, feed­ing chute: The juicer is designed with few parts; besides the main body, it comes with a drum and feed­ing chute cov­er, set of twin gears, screen, pulp dis­charg­ing part, pres­sure knob, and the juicer is not the eas­i­est to assem­ble, dis­as­sem­ble and clean. The chute has 1.6 inch­es open­ing that sup­pos­es pre-cut­ting most of the ingredients.

 Gears: The juicer comes with two gears com­pris­ing two-part – stain­less steel and acetyl resin. The gears do not touch each oth­er, thus exclud­ing the chance of met­al scrap­ing and leach­ing into the juice. In addi­tion, the gears are equipped with bio-ceram­ic tech­nol­o­gy that fil­ters harm­ful chem­i­cals from feed result­ing in purest juice and longer juice shelf-life (up to 72 hours).

Func­tion­al­i­ty: It allows you to extract the juice and deliv­er a high yield from the widest range of prod­ucts that includes firm and soft fruits and veg­eta­bles, cit­ruses, and leafy greens, and the juicer deliv­ers the high­est yield from wheat­grass and wheat­grass. The juicer also comes with attach­ments that allow users to make soy milk, extrude pas­ta, fruit sor­bet, mince­meat, and fish, and do oth­er tasks.

Con­tain­ers: It comes with juice, pulp col­lec­tion con­tain­ers, and sieves that pre­vent exces­sive froth for­ma­tion. The mod­el comes with bio-ceram­ic jugs that pre­serve juice for up to three days. This ensures that the user has fresh and nutri­tious juice for a longer time.

Sum­ma­ry: Although the juicer is still pri­cy, it is the cheap­est twin-gear juicer. It deliv­ers the best yield for most ingre­di­ents across all juicer types and pro­vides the best qual­i­ty and most pro­longed shelf life juice. It has a mod­er­ate 12″ H x 7.5″ W x 16″ L foot­print for a twin-gear juicer. More­over, the man­u­fac­tur­er gives a lim­it­ed ten (10) years war­ran­ty for the juicer’s oper­a­tional parts. There­fore, cus­tomers devel­op trust in the mod­el’s qual­i­ty and functionality.

The mod­el is known to have the qui­etest motor (60 bB) that gives you a qui­et and con­ducive envi­ron­ment, espe­cial­ly if you are noise-sensitive.


#2 Omega CNC80S Compact Slow Speed Multi-Purpose Nutrition Center Juicer

omega cnc80s juicerOmega CNC80S Com­pact Nutri­tion Cen­tre Juicer is the 6th gen­er­a­tion hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle-gear machine. It is one of the recent Omega releas­es and is made as a com­pact alter­na­tive to the best­selling Omega 8006 juicer.

Pow­er and speed: Omega CNC80S Com­pact Slow juicer is known to have 120 volts, 60 Hz, 200 watts motor that gives 2 Horse­pow­er equiv­a­lent with the gear reduc­tion. It rotates the auger with a slow speed of 80RPM that min­i­mizes the build-up of exces­sive heat, pre­vents oxi­da­tion, and also pre­serves heat-sen­si­tive nutri­ents in the juice.

Design and parts, drum, feed­ing chute: It comes with the trans­par­ent BPA-Free East­man Tri­tan Copoly­mer Hous­ing and chute so that you can observe the juic­ing process. In addi­tion, it fea­tures the oval shape 2″ X 1.5″ feed­ing chute that allows few­er ingre­di­ents for pre-cutting.

This mod­el comes with an adjustable end cup with 1 to 5 set­tings that allow reg­u­lat­ing pres­sure to extract var­i­ous ingre­di­ents efficiently.

Auger: This com­pact Omega is equipped with a patent­ed auger that fea­tures a heavy-duty mill-like screw made of sol­id and durable GE’s ULTEM mate­r­i­al that is typ­i­cal for all mod­ern juicers.

Screen: It has a two-stage screen made of thick plas­tic with dual stain­less steel inserts. The two-stage screen ensures max­i­mum juice extrac­tion and dri­er pulp.

Func­tion­al­i­ty and attach­ments: The ver­sa­til­i­ty of this mod­el offers the user not only juic­ing a vari­ety of ingre­di­ents from fruits and veg­eta­bles (beets, car­rots, gin­ger, apples, pears) to leafy greens and wheat­grass; it is also good at juic­ing cit­ruses and celery.

The juicer comes with extra attach­ments that allow for prepar­ing a vari­ety of the food pro­cess­ing tasks such as nut but­ter, pas­ta, baby food, minced herb, soy milk, and frozen desserts; this is your go-to model.

Con­tain­ers: This juicer has the BPA-free Tri­tan copoly­ester (BPA-free) juic­ing, pulp cups, and a sieve to elim­i­nate the foam.

Sum­ma­ry: The Omega CNC80S Com­pact Slow Juicer is a ver­sa­tile machine that deliv­ers high yields for most ingre­di­ents. It has a com­pact design and is eas­i­ly portable. This fea­ture makes this mod­el the best option to car­ry along dur­ing vaca­tion. Addi­tion­al­ly, with dimen­sions 6.3″ x 16.4″ x 12.4″, it does not require a large counter space and, there­fore, can be ide­al for those with lim­it­ed kitchen space. Besides, the mod­el has an intu­itive juic­ing sys­tem hence; mak­ing it easy to use. Its 15 years war­ran­ty is the best in the industry.


#3 Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Slow Speed Masticating Juicer

Omega J8006 JuicerOmega Mod­el J8006 Nutri­tion Cen­ter is Omega’s 4th gen­er­a­tion hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle-gear mas­ti­cat­ing juice extrac­tor. At the same time, this juicer was upgrad­ed with the J8006HDC mod­el. How­ev­er, this J8006 machine is avail­able at a dis­count­ed price.

Pow­er and speed: Omega J8006 Nutri­tion Cen­ter is a slow-speed mas­ti­cat­ing juicer with 80 rev­o­lu­tions per minute rota­tion speed. This slow rev­o­lu­tion vir­tu­al­ly gen­er­ates no heat and can­not destroy food nutri­ents or enzymes in the fruits. It also has a pow­er­ful 150 watts motor. In terms of ener­gy con­sump­tion, such a wattage is a friend­ly ener­gy con­sump­tion rate, mak­ing the juicer ener­gy efficient.

Design and parts, drum, feed­ing chute: It comes with a clear plas­tic drum, chute, and irre­mov­able fun­nel. The feed chute open­ing has a round shape and is 1.5 inch­es in diameter.

The juicer comes with an adjustable end cap that allows set pres­sure for max­i­miz­ing juice yield for dif­fer­ent ingredients.

Auger: The Omega J8006 Nutri­tion Cen­ter is equipped with the durable patent­ed extra strong GE’s ULTEM sin­gle auger that has the same shape and size as the lat­est gen­er­a­tion Omega sin­gle auger juicers.

Screen: It is a two-stage juicer since it has two stain­less steel inserts in the juic­ing screen for effi­cient juice extrac­tion. This J8006 mod­el has a slight­ly small­er screen area than the upgrad­ed, more expen­sive J8006 HDC model.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: The mod­el is suit­able for extract­ing juice from a wide vari­ety of food like leafy greens, includ­ing wheat­grass, firm, and soft veg­eta­bles and fruits, and cit­ruses; very good at juic­ing cel­ery. The machine comes with extra attach­ments such as a blank screen and pas­ta noz­zles that expand the juicer func­tion­al­i­ty to a range of food pro­cess­ing tasks, includ­ing mak­ing nut but­ter, baby food, and frozen desserts.

Con­tain­ers: The juicer is equipped with 32 oz juic­ing and 40 oz pulp containers.

Sum­ma­ry: This mod­el has a larg­er foot­print and small­er juic­ing careen than the upgrad­ed Omega J8006 HDC mod­el; how­ev­er, this machine per­forms all the func­tions and has a sim­i­lar yield as upgrade mod­els but is avail­able at a low­er price. So it is very worth con­sid­er­ing if you have a tight bud­get. More­over, the J8006 juicer comes with an excel­lent Omega 15-year warranty.


#4 Omega VRT350 Heavy Duty Low-Speed Masticating Juicer

omega vrt350 juicerOmega VRT350 is a 2nd gen­er­a­tion Ver­ti­cal Sin­gle Auger Mas­ti­cat­ing juicer that was released more than ten (10) years ago. Nev­er­the­less, it is still very pop­u­lar and is one of the most afford­able ver­ti­cal juicers on the mar­ket from a rep­utable brand.

Pow­er and speed: The mod­el is a low-speed juicer, and its pro­cess­ing speed is 80 rev­o­lu­tions per minute. There­fore, this speed slow­ly squeezes the green or fruits to pro­duce juice with a nat­ur­al taste and pure col­or. In addi­tion, it fea­tures a sin­gle-phase induc­tion type 150 watts motor, which is pow­er­ful to process even the most stub­born ingredients.

Design and parts, drum, feed­ing chute: The drum is made of a BPA-free clear plas­tic juic­ing bowl and fea­tures juice out­lets and pulp out­lets. The pulp out­let is equipped with a qual­i­ty pulp extrac­tion rub­ber plug that ensures the pulp is squeezed to the last drop. The juicer comes with the stan­dard for this type of machine 2.5″ x 1.5″ feed chute opening.

Auger: This juicer comes with an extra-strong GE’s ULTEM mate­r­i­al auger that is stan­dard for all the newest mod­el juicers.

Screen: It fea­tures GE’s ULTEM strain­er with stain­less steel screen and an auto-clean­ing brush with a sil­i­cone wiper. It is known to be a dual-stage juicer where­by juice is extract­ed from veg­eta­bles and fruits by crush­ing dur­ing the first stage. Then, dur­ing the sec­ond stage, the pulp is whol­ly squeezed before the pulp is eject­ed. This dual process even­tu­al­ly bears a high­er yield of drink­ing juice and ejec­tion of very dry pulp.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: The VRT 350HD deliv­ers a high yield for many ingre­di­ents, includ­ing soft fruits and veg­eta­bles; it excels at leafy greens and wheat­grass and has the abil­i­ty to juice cit­ruses and pome­gran­ates well while it deliv­ers an aver­age yield from apples and pears. This mod­el does not come with any extra attach­ments, so it will not make nut but­ter and oth­er food pro­cess­ing tasks.

The low-speed sys­tem of this mod­el reduces the for­ma­tion of foam and froth. That makes this brand stored for three days (72 hours) with no juice sep­a­ra­tion or degra­da­tion since oxi­da­tion does not occur. Fur­ther­more, the mod­el has three set­tings: off, on, and reverse. They give the user three options, where­by the reverse option is essen­tial for unclog­ging in case some­thing gets stuck in the juicer while at work.

Con­tain­ers: The juicer comes with juic­ing and pulp containers.

Sum­ma­ry: Omega VRT350 Heavy Duty juicer is small and com­pact, 15.83″ x 9.84″ x 6.81″, and takes a lit­tle space due to its ver­ti­cal foot­print. With this juicer in the kitchen, it will be eas­i­er to store it, whether the kitchen counter is spa­cious or not. It is very ver­sa­tile and deliv­ers a high yield for most of the ingre­di­ents; more­over, it is very easy to use and comes with ten years warranty.


#5 HUROM HP Slow Juicer

hurom hp juicer

HUROM HP Slow Juicer is a 2nd gen­er­a­tion ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer. It is pro­duced by one of the most rep­utable South Kore­an brands in the mar­ket, spe­cial­iz­ing in man­u­fac­tur­ing all types of juicers, and is known to be an inven­tor of ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger juicer technology.

 Pow­er and speed: This mod­el has a 150 Watts motor with a rota­tion­al rate of 43 RPM. The slow rota­tion­al speed is typ­i­cal for ver­ti­cal juicers that reduce juice oxi­da­tion and ensure max­i­mum nutri­ent reten­tion in the juice.

Besides, the juicer is fit­ted with a safe­ty sen­sor that enables the mod­el to oper­ate if only accu­rate­ly assem­bled. An inte­grat­ed cool­ing sys­tem with an inbuilt vent pre­vents the juicer from overheating.

Design and parts, drum, feed­ing chute: Fur­ther­more, it has a com­pact size and com­pact juic­ing bowl of only 11.8 oz. (350 ml). The juic­ing bowl fea­tures pulp and juice out­lets, where juice out­lets come with a sil­i­con cap to keep the juice inside of the bowl dur­ing pro­cess­ing. The sil­i­con cap is also used to sim­pli­fy the clean­ing pro­ce­dure. All machine parts are made of 100% BPA-free materials.

The juicer comes with a 2 x 1.5‑inch cres­cent shape feed­ing chute open­ing and will require pre-cut­ting for most types of ingredients.

Auger: Notably, it has a heavy-duty ULTEM auger, which is eight times stronger than ordi­nary plas­tic. Such a fea­ture makes it meet all you need for juicing.

Screen: The juicer fea­tures a strain­er made from an extra-strong ULTEM and stain­less steel fine screen. This mod­el comes with a spin­ning brush/wiper that ensures bet­ter juice flow in ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger machines.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This juicer comes only with a fine strain­er and does not include any extra attach­ment for food pro­cess­ing tasks. Nev­er­the­less, it can per­form all major juic­ing tasks and deliv­er a high yield for the major­i­ty of ingre­di­ents. What­ev­er you need to juice, be it a firm or soft veg­etable, the Hurom will leave the dri­est pulp. This machine is also excel­lent at juic­ing cel­ery and leafy greens, includ­ing wheat­grass; it han­dles cit­ruses well.

Con­tain­ers: This machine comes with pulp and juice col­lec­tion cups.

Sum­ma­ry: Despite being on the mar­ket for over ten (10) years, the HUROM HP Slow Juicer is still very pop­u­lar. It is one of the cheap­est ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicers and deliv­ers one of the high­est juice yields for most of the ingre­di­ents. It is also a qui­et machine com­pared to some noisy cheap­er ones on the mar­ket. Due to its small size, the mod­el is suit­able to car­ry along when embark­ing on a vacation.

This machine is also easy to clean, reduc­ing the time and strug­gles required.


#6 Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor

breville bje200xl compact fountain juicer

The BJE200XL Com­pact Juice Foun­tain Extrac­tor is a bud­get cen­trifu­gal juicer mod­el from the pop­u­lar and well-known Bre­ville brand. It is a heavy-duty mod­el that takes less space. This juicer’s small size makes it the most suit­able option for those with lim­it­ed kitchen counter space.

Motor and speed: The juicer has a pow­er­ful 700 watts motor, which rotates the blades at 14,000 RPM when pro­cess­ing. The high-speed motor ensures max­i­mum juice extrac­tion with­in a short time.

Design and parts, bowl, feed­ing chute:  The juicer body is made of plas­tic and has a trans­par­ent 26 oz. (700 ml) juic­ing bowl so that the user can observe the juic­ing process. It also comes with the stan­dard cen­trifu­gal juicer 3‑inch feed­ing chute and assumes few­er ingre­di­ents pre-cut­ting for juicing.

It is designed with a safe­ty lock­ing sys­tem in a way that it can­not oper­ate if the juicer cov­er is not in place or if the lock­ing arm is not set at a ver­ti­cal oper­at­ing position.

Filter/Juicing bas­ket: This juicer is equipped with a heavy-duty tita­ni­um-rein­forced blade disc and stain­less steel micro-mesh fil­ter bas­ket that all ensure the dura­bil­i­ty and effi­cien­cy of this impor­tant juicer con­struc­tion part.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This machine per­forms typ­i­cal cen­trifu­gal juicer func­tions that include juic­ing firm fruits and veg­eta­bles such as apples, pears, broc­coli, car­rots, beets, gin­ger, and oth­ers; this juicer is also good at juic­ing cel­ery and cit­rus fruits.

How­ev­er, it will not deliv­er a decent juice yield from leafy greens and use­less pro­cess­ing wheat­grass. It is also not effi­cient at juic­ing soft fruits and veg­gies, includ­ing toma­toes, pineap­ple, and oth­ers. For juic­ing soft pro­duce, you must con­sid­er ver­ti­cal mas­ti­cat­ing juicers.

Con­tain­ers: The juicer is equipped with a plas­tic 1.6 quart/1.5 l pulp con­tain­er and a 27 oz./800ml juice jug with an inbuilt froth separator.

Sum­ma­ry: The BJE200XL Com­pact Juicer is a good qual­i­ty bud­get Bre­ville mod­el that deliv­ers decent juice yield from the typ­i­cal cen­trifu­gal juicer ingre­di­ents. Besides, this mod­el has a mod­er­ate foot­print of 7.4 x 10.4 x 12.7 inch­es and will not occu­py much of the counter space. The machine part is dish­wash­er safe and not com­pli­cat­ed to clean. It comes with only a 1‑year war­ran­ty; how­ev­er, it is typ­i­cal for Bre­ville machines s, and it usu­al­ly does turn out the Bre­ville customers.


#7 Hamilton Beach Pro Big Mouth Juicer (67608)

hamilton beach pro big mouth juicerHamil­ton Beach Pro Big Mouth Juicer comes from a very well-known brand with a his­to­ry of over 100 years. It is a bud­get cen­trifu­gal-style juicer known for pro­duc­ing a very high yield from most of the ingre­di­ents the cen­trifu­gal juicer handles.

Motor and speed: It has a pow­er­ful 800 watts motor that rotates the fil­ter bas­ket with a speed of around 14000 RPM and works thor­ough­ly on the food to pro­duce deli­cious juice. This machine comes with one speed that is switched with a dial knob.

Design and parts, bowl, feed­ing chute:  The Hamil­ton Beach Pro Big Mouth Juicer has a met­al and plas­tic body and all BPA-free mate­r­i­al zone that have con­tact with food. Two plas­tic latch­es are designed to secure the juic­ing bowl and cov­er it in place.

It comes with a 3‑inch round chute open­ing that allows users to feed it with ingre­di­ents with­out pre-cut­ting them.

Filter/Juicing bas­ket: Notably, the juicer’s fil­ter bas­ket and cut­ter are made of durable stain­less steel and are easy to clean. Fur­ther­more, the fil­ter mesh has an extra fine size that prob­a­bly explains the high yield the juicer deliv­ers from most ingredients.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: The juicer is excel­lent at juic­ing cel­ery and deliv­ers one of the high­est yields across all cen­trifu­gal juicers; it is very good at juic­ing car­rots, beets, apples, pears, cit­rus, and grape pro­duce. Though the juice I pro­duce may come a lit­tle pulpy for some ingre­di­ents, still, even after strain­ing, it out­put out­stand­ing yields.

As with any cen­trifu­gal juicer, it is not suit­able for leafy greens and wheatgrass.

Con­tain­ers: The juice is equipped with an extra-large pulp con­tain­er; unfor­tu­nate­ly, it does not include a juic­ing cup.

Sum­ma­ry: This is a very good val­ue-for-mon­ey juicer and is avail­able at a very rea­son­able price of under $100. As men­tioned above, the juicer deliv­ers one of the high­est juice yields, even com­pared to pre­mi­um expen­sive cen­trifu­gal juicers. There­fore, it is cer­tain­ly worth con­sid­er­ing if you are on a bud­get. More­over, this machine is very com­pact (11.5 inch­es x 7.8 inch­es x 14.4 inch­es) and easy to use.

Con­sid­er­ing that the cen­trifu­gal juicer usu­al­ly has a short­er war­ran­ty than mas­ti­cat­ing ones, this machine comes with a rea­son­able three (3) years lim­it­ed warranty.



Last­ly, how to select the right juicer? First, you have to decide which juicer style you wish to go for – the twin gear, sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal or ver­ti­cal juicer, or cen­trifu­gal one.

Sup­pose you are a juic­ing begin­ner and plan to intro­duce fresh juice into your dai­ly rou­tine in the eas­i­est way; how­ev­er, you are not plan­ning to juice leafy greens and wheat­grass. In that case, you have to choose between cen­trifu­gal Bre­ville and Hamil­ton Beach juice extrac­tors. They both deliv­er a high yield for major ingre­di­ents, with the only dif­fer­ence being that the Bre­ville is bet­ter made, more durable, and thus a more expen­sive machine.

If you plan to juice a range of ingre­di­ents, includ­ing leafy greens and wheat­grass, then you have to decide between the hor­i­zon­tal or ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger juicers. The hor­i­zon­tal juicers are eas­i­er to assem­ble, dis­as­sem­ble, use, and clean than ver­ti­cal ones; they also require less pre-cut­ting for most ingre­di­ents like car­rots or leafy greens. How­ev­er, the ver­ti­cal deliv­ers a high­er yield for roots (car­rots and beets) and han­dles bet­ter soft­er pro­duce like berries, toma­toes, and pineap­ple while more tedious to juice leafy greens. On the oth­er hand, the hor­i­zon­tal juicer shines when it comes to juic­ing leafy greens and wheat­grass. What con­cerns the mod­els? If you do not mind the big­ger foot­print of Omega J8006 over the more com­pact and light CNC80S, then Omega J8006 will out­put a slight­ly high­er yield just because it has a larg­er auger and screen. The ver­ti­cal Hurom and Omega VRT 30 are almost iden­ti­cal, and like­ly that both are man­u­fac­tured in Hurom fac­to­ries (a few Omega juicers are made in Hurom fac­to­ries in South Korea). So, check the price for both and find which one is avail­able at a cheap­er one.

Final­ly, if you are a true juic­ing enthu­si­ast, wish to become one, or need a juicer for health rea­sons, then the Green Pow­er KPE1304 Twin Gear Juicer is the best option. Although twin-gear juicers are the most expen­sive juicer-style machines, they are more dif­fi­cult to use and clean; how­ev­er,  they han­dle the widest vari­ety of ingre­di­ents and deliv­er the high­est yield for most of them. More­over, this juicer style out­puts the high­est qual­i­ty juice with the longest shelf-life. Besides, the Green Pow­er KPE1304 is the cheap­est twin-gear machine on the market.


Posted in Juicers, Best Products

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