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Masticating vs Centrifugal vs Hydraulic Press Juicer | Best Juicer Buying Guide

There are so many dif­fer­ent juicer styles and brands avail­able on the mar­ket; thus, choos­ing the right one is a dif­fi­cult task with many chal­lenges. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there is no per­fect juicer for every­one and every­thing, and you have to decide what require­ments you have and select the one which most suits your needs.

Dif­fer­ent style of juicers excels at dif­fer­ent tasks while under­per­form­ing at oth­ers; some of them are labo­ri­ous to use and clean, while they out­put the best juice qual­i­ty and yield and vice versa.

Nev­er­the­less, this buyer’s guide will break down the styles exist­ing on the mar­ket and describe how they work, what parts they are con­struct­ed from, the ingre­di­ents they can juice and oth­er func­tion they can per­form, the juice qual­i­ty and yield they deliv­er, and final­ly their pros and cons. As a result, you will be able to select the best juicer based on your indi­vid­ual needs.

Although there are dif­fer­ent clas­si­fi­ca­tions for juicers, we will divide them into Mas­ti­cat­ing, Cen­trifu­gal, and Press juicers.

Table of Contents

Centrifugal Juicers

l'equip centrifugal juicerCen­trifu­gal Juicers are the old­est, most afford­able, and most com­mon type of juicer. They oper­ate at high speed (4500 ‑15000 RPMs) and use cen­trifu­gal force to extract the juice.

Centrifugal Juicer Construction Parts

A typ­i­cal cen­trifu­gal juicer is con­struct­ed from the fol­low­ing parts:

  • Main Body – the shell that hous­es the motor and base to which all parts are con­nect­ed to;
  • Juic­ing Bowl/Filter Bowl– the con­tain­er with juice and pulp out­lets inbuilt, where all the mechan­i­cal parts are oper­at­ed, it col­lects juice and pulp and directs them out in the juice and pulp collectors;
  • Fil­ter Basket/Juicing Basket/Blade– it is con­struct­ed in the form of a bas­ket with a disc on the bot­tom, which has inbuilt blades and sharp teeth and a wire cloth screen on the perimeter.
  • Juicer Cov­er– is fixed to the top of the fil­ter bowl and has a feed­ing chute inbuilt into it;
  • Juice con­tain­er– the con­tain­er that col­lects the juice;
  • Pulp con­tain­er– the con­tain­er that col­lects the pulp;
  • Food push­er- push­es pro­duce down into the feed­ing chute.

How the Centrifugal Juicer Works

The cen­trifu­gal juicer is fed via the ver­ti­cal­ly ori­en­tat­ed feed­ing chute; the juicer is almost self-fed because it gen­er­al­ly has a wide, approx­i­mate­ly 3 inch­es chute open­ing. The ingre­di­ents enter the chute and fall direct­ly inside the fast-spin­ning bas­ket, which grates the pro­duce with the blade and sharp teeth inbuilt into the base of the bas­ket. The torn-apart ingre­di­ents are then pressed with cen­trifu­gal force against the fil­ter screen and squeeze the juice that falls into the juic­ing bowl where it is direct­ed out via the juic­ing out­let while the pulp is eject­ed through the pulp outlet.

The cen­trifu­gal juicers are very easy to use and very quick to process large vol­umes of ingre­di­ents. Hav­ing usu­al­ly a wide chute, they require no or lit­tle pro­duce prepa­ra­tion or pre-cut­ting for juic­ing, and also do not require any food push­ing through the feed­ing chute.

The cen­trifu­gal juicers are very easy to assem­ble and use while a bit labo­ri­ous to clean. They have a large per­fo­rat­ed sur­face of juic­ing bas­ket that is usu­al­ly clogged with pulp and needs effort and time to clean properly.

Cen­trifu­gal juicers are the most afford­able type of juicer ($70–300). Most of them are man­u­fac­tured in chi­na, some under well-known brands such as Bre­ville, Hamil­ton Beach, Black + Deck­er, Cuisi­nart, L‑Equip, and Omega, while oth­ers are by gener­ic pro­duc­ers and dis­trib­uted under unknown short-live brands. In addi­tion, rep­utable South Kore­an Brands also man­u­fac­ture some Cen­trifu­gal Juicers.

Juice Quality

The nutri­tion­al val­ue of juice extract­ed by the cen­trifu­gal juicer is not as high as the juice pro­duced by mas­ti­cat­ing machines. More­over, because the juicer oper­at­ed at high speed, which caus­es juice oxi­da­tion and sep­a­ra­tion into the watery part and dense part; thus, it has a short shelf–life e and must be con­sumed imme­di­ate­ly after processing.

Functionality and Juice Yield

Cen­trifu­gal juicers han­dle very well and out­put high yield fol­low­ing ingredients:

How­ev­er, they strug­gle with leafy greens and soft fruits and are use­less for juic­ing wheat­grass. In addi­tion, the cen­trifu­gal juicer is not designed for per­form­ing food processing.

Pros and Cons of Centrifugal Juicers


  • Very fast;
  • Easy to feed and requires min­i­mum ingre­di­ents pre-cutting;
  • Very intu­itive to assem­ble and use;
  • Deliv­er high yields from hard pro­duce such as car­rots, beets, and oranges;
  • Juice very quickly;
  • A most afford­able juicer with a price range of $70-$300.


  • Labo­ri­ous to clean;
  • Deliv­er poor yield from leafy greens;
  • Does not han­dle wheatgrass;
  • Extract few­er nutri­ents from pro­duce than mas­ti­cat­ing juicer;
  • Out­puts high­ly oxi­dized juice with a short shelf-life;
  • Not ver­sa­tile and does not per­form food pro­cess­ing tasks;
  • Sep­a­rates juice into watery and dense parts;

 Masticating Cold Press Slow Juicers

Mas­ti­cat­ing style juicers use a slow­ly rotat­ing screw (auger/gears) to press the juice. The screw rotates at a slow 43–130 RPM speed and extracts the juice apply­ing high pres­sure on the ingre­di­ents to squeeze the juice out. Hence, the Mas­ti­cat­ing juicers are often referred to as Slow or Cold Press juicers.

The mas­ti­cat­ing juicers extract high yield and high nutri­tion­al val­ue juice using the cold press slow speed technology.

The mas­ti­cat­ing juicers are divid­ed into three (3) major categories:

  • Hor­i­zon­tal Juicers
  • Ver­ti­cal Juicers
  • Twin Gear Juicers

Horizontal Single Auger Masticating Juicer

omega cn800_900 juicerThe Sam­son Brand intro­duced the first mod­ern-style sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer in 1992. Since then, this juicer style has become very pop­u­lar, and cur­rent­ly, it is the most afford­able (200-$400) mas­ti­cat­ing juicer. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, a few South Kore­an brands man­u­fac­tured sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing machines and were duped by numer­ous gener­ic Chi­nese manufacturers.

Horizontal Single Auger Juicer Construction Parts

  • Main Body – it hous­es the motor and serves as a base for con­nect­ing all parts to it;
  • Cham­ber – it is a part that com­pris­es a feed­ing chute and enclos­es all parts for pro­cess­ing the ingredients;
  • Auger — it is the screw that pulls and crush­es ingre­di­ents inside of juicer cham­ber and press­es them against the screen;
  • Screen Cone — it is a cone with an inbuilt per­fo­rat­ed screen that sits close­ly around the augur and auger; press the crushed ingre­di­ents against it to squeeze the juice;
  • End Cap – the cap is attached to the end of the drum and seals all the juicer parts inside it; it also serves as the place where the pulp is eject­ed. For the hor­i­zon­tal design juicers, this part serves the role of pulp ejec­tion and has caused the drum cap to see var­i­ous mod­i­fi­ca­tions over time, result­ing in the addi­tion of pres­sure-adjust­ing noz­zles in some juicers.
  • Noz­zles – comes in two types the pres­sure noz­zle that reg­u­lates the lev­el of pres­sure for the pulp ejec­tion or the food pro­cess­ing noz­zle that has dif­fer­ent shapes for dif­fer­ent task per­for­mance, for exam­ple, the pas­ta shap­ing and serves as a point of past extrusion;
  • Juice Con­tain­er – col­lects juice;
  • Pulp Con­tain­er – col­lects pulp;
  • Food Push­er – it push­es the ingre­di­ents down to the feed­ing chute.

How the Single Auger Masticating Juicer Works

The ingre­di­ents are pushed with the food tam­per into the juicer via the nar­row (1.52 ‑2 inch­es) feed­ing chute from where it crashed and pulled through the juicer drum by slow­ly rotat­ing the auger at 80–160 RPMs speed. The juice is pressed when the auger press­es the crushed food against the per­fo­rat­ed screen which sur­rounds the auger. The juice then drops down into the juice con­tain­er while the pulp is eject­ed at the drum’s open-end through an affixed cap and/or nozzle.

The sin­gle auger machines are con­sid­ered the eas­i­est among all mas­ti­cat­ing juicers to assem­ble /disassemble and clean because they com­prise a small num­ber of parts that are intu­itive to connect.

How­ev­er, the sin­gle auger machine has a nar­row feed­ing chute (cir­cle 1.5 inch­es in diam­e­ter or cres­cent 1.5 X 2 inch­es), thus requir­ing pre-cut­ting of most ingre­di­ents for feed­ing and effort to push the food into the chute. The cel­ery, car­rots, and wheat­grass are the eas­i­est to feed when juic­ing them with a sin­gle auger machine and do not require any pre-cutting.


The sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer machine is a very ver­sa­tile juicer and han­dles almost all ingre­di­ents well. In addi­tion, they are the best at juicing:

How­ev­er, a bit infe­ri­or at pro­duc­ing high yield while still very respectable yield from:

Besides, the sin­gle auger machine often comes with an addi­tion­al attach­ment that allows them to per­form a range of food pro­cess­ing tasks such as nut but­ter, frozen desserts, grind­ing cof­fee and beans, mak­ing baby food, and oth­er homog­e­niz­ing tasks. Some of the sin­gle auger juicers come with the nut oil extrac­tion attachment.

Juice Yield and Quality

The sin­gle auger machine squeezes high-qual­i­ty juice with a long shelf-life of up to 48 hours.

Pros and Cons of Horizontal Masticating Juicers


  • Eas­i­est to assemble/disassemble and clean;
  • A mul­ti­func­tion­al juicer with high yield juic­ing leafy greens, wheat­grass, and cel­ery and good at the firm and soft fruits and veg­gies, aver­age at firm root veggies;
  • Many come with an attach­ment for food pro­cess­ing tasks;
  • Pro­duce high nutri­tion­al val­ue juice;
  • Good choice of well-made South Kore­an Brands juicers;
  • South Kore­an, USA, and Euro­pean brands come with long war­ranties (usu­al­ly 10+ years)
  • The most afford­able mas­ti­cat­ing juicer ($200–400);
  • Qui­et;


  • Require pre-cut­ting for most of the ingredients;
  • Need some efforts to push ingre­di­ents through the feed­ing chute;
  • Slow to process.
  • It makes a max­i­mum of 36–70 ounces of juice per cycle before it may need cleaning.

Vertical Masticating Juicers

omega vsj843 juicerVer­ti­cal juicers are the most recent juicer style that was intro­duced by the Hurom Com­pa­ny in 2005 and became very pop­u­lar. It imi­tates the design of a fast cen­trifu­gal juicer with con­ve­nient quick ver­ti­cal feed­ing. Still, it uses a hor­i­zon­tal mas­ti­cat­ing juicer’s slow mas­ti­cat­ing pro­cess­ing tech­nol­o­gy that allows for pro­cess­ing high nutri­ents in juice.

Vertical Masticating Cold Press Juicer Construction Parts

  • Main Body – it hous­es the motor and acts as a base for fix­ing all parts to it;
  • Juice Bowl/Chamber – it has inbuilt the juic­ing and pulp out­lets and acts as an out­er cas­ing for parts that process the ingre­di­ents and squeeze the juicer (juic­ing screen, spin­ning brush, and auger);
  • Auger — it is the fat-in-diam­e­ter screw that crush­es ingre­di­ents and press­es them against the strain­er to extract the juice;
  • Screen/Strainer - a wide ver­ti­cal cone with meshed screens on the perime­ter that sur­rounds the auger and acts as a part against which the auger press­es crushed ingredients;
  • Spin­ning Brush/Wiper- it spins around the out­er side of the strain­er and catch­es the juice from it since there is not enough grav­i­ty for small drops of juice to drop down the screen;
  • Hop­per /Feed Chute – it con­nects to the top of the juice cham­ber and func­tions as a cov­er for the cham­ber and feed­ing chute for fit­ting ingre­di­ents into it;
  • Juice con­tain­er – col­lects juice;
  • Pulp Con­tain­er – col­lects pulp;
  • Food push­er – helps to push foods down to the auger through the feed­ing chute.

How The Vertical Masticating Juicer Works

Ver­ti­cal Sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicers func­tion very sim­i­lar­ly to hor­i­zon­tal ones. Still, it has an auger ori­ent­ed ver­ti­cal­ly to the same axis as the feed­ing chute. So when food enters the feed­ing chute is pulled direct­ly by the slow­ly rotat­ing auger to the juice bowl that con­tains all the major pro­cess­ing parts. The auger rotates at a slow (43–60 RPMs) speed crush­ing the pro­duce and press­ing it against a large strain­er to squeeze the juice. The strain­er is sur­round­ed by a spin­ning brush, the tool that wipes the juice from the strain­er and directs it to the bot­tom of the bowl, where it gets out via the juice out­let. At the same time, the pulp is pulled by the auger down to the bot­tom of the bowl and direct­ed out through the pulp outlet.

Although the Ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger Juicers have a slow 43–60 RPMs rota­tion­al speed, they are con­sid­ered to be the fastest slow juicers since they have an auger larg­er in diam­e­ter and larg­er in sur­face area. Thus they process more ingre­di­ents with every rev­o­lu­tion than hor­i­zon­tal or twin gears juicers.

The ver­ti­cal slow juicers are also con­sid­ered the eas­i­est to use because they gen­er­al­ly have larg­er feed­ing chutes than hor­i­zon­tal ones. The stan­dard feed­ing chute usu­al­ly has a cres­cent shape with a size of 2 X 2.5 inch­es. The wide chute ver­ti­cal juicer has 3 inch­es of feed­ing chute, so wide that they can be fed with whole apples or pears and does not require pre-cut­ting them. How­ev­er, the ver­ti­cal juicer has gen­er­al­ly weak­er torque and will require pre-cut­ting for firmer ingre­di­ents like car­rots or beets; these ingre­di­ents will eas­i­ly fit into the chute.

Although the ver­ti­cal juicers have a larg­er screen and addi­tion­al spin­ning brush parts, they usu­al­ly come with a clos­able juic­ing out­let cap that allows for juicer pre-clean­ing before dis­as­sem­bling it, so it helps remove some pulp and make eas­i­er final clean­ing procedure.


The ver­ti­cal machines are the most ver­sa­tile juicer style, which han­dles all ingre­di­ents and deliv­ers respectable juice yield for most of them. This is the only juicer style which able to extract a high juice yield from soft fruits and veg­eta­bles. So it can extract:

The Ver­ti­cal Slow Juicers extract the high­est yield across all juicer types from soft fruits and a decent yield from root veg­eta­bles, leafy greens, trop­i­cal berries, and oth­ers. How­ev­er, the firm roots and cel­ery must be cut into small­er pieces since the juicer can jam these ingredients.

Juice Quality

The juicer deliv­ers high nutri­tion­al val­ue juice the same as hor­i­zon­tal juicers, with a 48-hour shelf-life.

Vertical Masticating Juicers Pros and Cons


  • Ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger juicers are the fastest slow mas­ti­cat­ing machines;
  • Deliv­er high slow juicer qual­i­ty juice;
  • Most ver­sa­tile mas­ti­ca­tion juicer style and han­dles all types of ingredients;
  • Require lit­tle force to feed the ingre­di­ents and are con­sid­ered almost self-feed­ing machines;
  • Requires less food pre-cut­ting than oth­er mas­ti­cat­ing juicers;
  • Eas­i­er to use than oth­er mas­ti­cat­ing juicer styles
  • Eas­i­er to clean than Cen­trifu­gal juicers;
  • Usu­al­ly have a mod­er­ate foot­print and do not occu­py much of the counter space;
  • Qui­et;


  • Usu­al­ly expen­sive machines ($450 — $650);
  • Need pre-cut­ting for stringy and root produce.

Twin Gear or Triturating Juicers Masticating Juicer

Tribest-Green-Star-Elite-JuicerSouth Kore­an Gren­pow­er Com­pa­ny intro­duced the first Twin Gear Juicer in 1993 with the Kem­po Juicer Twin Gear Extrac­tor release. The idea of the Twin Gear Juicer is pret­ty sim­i­lar to Sin­gle Auger Hor­i­zon­tal Juicer, but it uses two gears for pro­cess­ing ingre­di­ents instead of one auger. How­ev­er, the twin gear tech­nol­o­gy is more sophis­ti­cat­ed; thus, it is not copied by Chi­nese gener­ic man­u­fac­tur­ers. As a result, the twin gear juicers are rep­re­sent­ed only by 5 Brands only – Super Angel, Tribest, Green­pow­er, Omega, and BioChef.

Twin Gear Juicer Construction Parts

Although all of the twin-gear machines use the same food pro­cess­ing tech­nol­o­gy, they dif­fer great­ly in many con­struc­tion details. Here are the core parts of the typ­i­cal Twin Gear Juicer:

  • Main Body – hous­es the motor and the base for con­nect­ing all the juicer parts;
  • Twin gears — two screw-shaped gears that rotate inward in align­ment with each oth­er and pull ingre­di­ents between them, then crush­ing and grind­ing before they are pressed for juice;
  • Juicer Strainer/Screen – each twin-gear juicer mod­el has its unique Screen style, but in gen­er­al, it is a per­fo­rat­ed wire cloth that lies tight around the gears, so the gears press the ingre­di­ents against it for juice squeezing;
  • Juic­ing Drum – is unique for each twin gear machine; some of them resem­ble the sin­gle auger drum, and some are con­struct­ed of a few parts (safe­ty hood for gears hous­ing + Juice and pulp out­let). In gen­er­al, it is an out­er hous­ing that con­tains the gears and screen and keeps pro­duce pro­cess­ing tidy;
  • Drum cap – present in some twin gear juicers only, it is fas­tened at the end of the drum guide and shuts all the juicer parts in place, It also acts as the chan­nel for pulp ejec­tion in the hor­i­zon­tal design; some juicer also has a pres­sure adjust­ing noz­zles to reg­u­late the pres­sure put on the pulp before ejec­tion, so it tight­ened for firmer and loos­ened for soft­er ingredients;
  • Juice con­tain­er – col­lects juice;
  • Pulp con­tain­er – col­lects pulp;
  • Food push­er – helps to push food through the feed­ing chute.

How the Twin Gear Juicer Works

The twin-gear machines extract the juice in a very sim­i­lar process to the sin­gles auger juicers do. First, the user feeds the pro­duce through the ver­ti­cal­ly locat­ed nar­row chute (1.5 ‑2 inch­es on aver­age), push­ing it with the food tam­per. How­ev­er, twin-gear machines employ two hor­i­zon­tal­ly slow­ly rotat­ing gears with 70–130 rpm speed instead of an auger. The gears drag ingre­di­ents, which are pushed down to it. Then trit­u­rate them, pulling through the Cham­ber and press­ing against the juic­ing screen, squeez­ing the juice from it, while the pulp is eject­ed at the end of the noz­zle at the end of the hor­i­zon­tal­ly ori­ent­ed Chamber.

The twin gear juicers are usu­al­ly con­struct­ed with many parts, so they are labo­ri­ous to assemble/disassemble and clean. They also require pre-cut­ting for most of the prod­ucts due to the nar­row chute, efforts while feed­ing them, and a large screen that takes time to clean.

The twin gear juicers are the most expen­sive machines juicer style ($450 -$1700); the good news is that they are not duped by the Chi­nese and are avail­able from orig­i­nal man­u­fac­tur­ers only.

Juice Quality and Yield

Twin gear juicers deliv­er the high­est juice yield and qual­i­ty across all avail­able juicer styles on the mar­ket (and com­pete with hydraulic press machines only). They extract most of the nutri­ents and enzymes from the pro­duce and deliv­er rich-col­ored juice with the longest shelf life of 48–72 hours.


The twin gear deliv­ers absolute­ly the best yield at juicing:

How­ev­er, it will not shine at juic­ing soft­er fruits and veg­gies like pineap­ples or toma­toes and will show approx­i­mate­ly 10% less yield than ver­ti­cal and hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle-auger juicers for these ingre­di­ents. Thus, this juicer is not rec­om­mend­ed if you plan to extract a sig­nif­i­cant soft fruit and veg­etable volume.

Twin gear using the option­al attach­ment can make nut but­ter, frozen treat, and oth­er food pro­cess­ing tasks.

Twin Gear Juicers Pros and Cons 


  • Mul­ti­func­tion­al and han­dle all types of ingredients;
  • Deliv­er the best yield from juic­ing leafy greens, wheat­grass, firm veg­gies, and celery;
  • Deliv­er best qual­i­ty juice with the longest shelf life (48–72 hours);
  • Most of them are made in Korea from high-qual­i­ty materials;
  • Come with long warranties;


  • Gen­er­al­ly more com­pli­cat­ed to assem­ble than oth­er styles of juicers;
  • Require food pre-cut­ting for some ingre­di­ents due to the nar­row feed­ing chute;
  • Need some force to push food into the feed­ing chute;
  • Labo­ri­ous to clean;
  • Take a long time to process juice;
  • Most expen­sive style of juicers ($450-$1500).

Hydraulic Press Juicer

A Hydraulic Press is the first iden­ti­fi­able juic­ing machine that was invent­ed in 1930 by Dr. Nor­man Walk­er. At present, it is known as the most effi­cient way to extract juice that deliv­ers the same juice yield or 10% as the most effi­cient Twin Auger Super Angel Juicer. There­fore, the Ger­son Insti­tute rec­om­mends the Hydraulic Press for extract­ing the most nutri­tion­al­ly valu­able juice from any type of produce.

Only three hydraulic press juicers are present today — the elec­tric Nor­walk Mod­el 280, Pure Juicer, and man­u­al Sam­son Welles Press Juicer (People’s Press).

Elec­tric exert pres­sure 1750 ‑2600 psi bar.

Construction Parts

  • Exte­ri­or — is a body that hous­es the motor and hydraulic press and where all oth­er parts a connected;
  • Off­set Feed Tube – a cham­ber with the feed­ing chute and pulp out­let, which col­lects and grinds all the ingre­di­ents, then directs the wet pulp into the pulp col­lec­tion bowl.
  • Feed pan – is a hopper;
  • Grids — grids reg­u­late the fine­ness of the grind; the typ­i­cal hydraulic press comes with a set of grids for dif­fer­ent ingre­di­ents types;
  • Grid Tray –it is used for hold­ing the grids, hang­ing press bags, as a cut­ter removal tool or release tab; the grid tray is insert­ed into the off­set feed tube;
  • Cut­ter – it is a stain­less steel heli­cal blade that, togeth­er with a grid tray, grinds ingredients;
  • Press­ing Cham­ber – the part of the exte­ri­or where all the press­ing parts are con­nect­ed to;
  • Press Plate with retain­ers – the plate that press­es the bags with wet pulp from the bottom;
  • Juice Tray – it is a tray where the bags with wet pulp are placed for pressing;
  • Food Push­er — is designed to push all the prod­ucts through the Feed Tube;
  • Press Bags, Cloth, Cloth lin­ers – the cloth where the wet pulp is placed before it goes under the press.

How the Hydraulic Press Works

The elec­tric hydraulic press­es such as Pure Juicer and Nor­walk 280 Press extract the juice in 2 steps.

( 1 ) The ingre­di­ents pass through a trit­u­rat­ing or grind­ing process on the grinder side of the machine. The grinder mech­a­nism includes a feed tube with the cut­ter, grids, and grid tray sit­ting inside of a ver­ti­cal stain­less steel tube.  The ingre­di­ents fit through the wide feed­ing chute of the feed tube and fall into the tube part where the blades rotate with the speed of 3450 RPMs; togeth­er with the grid and grid tray, they smash ingre­di­ents into the wet pulp, then the pulp is eject­ed via pulp out­let in the pulp col­lec­tion con­tain­er or into the cloth bag attached to the feed tube.

( 2 ) This wet pulp is then pressed in an elec­tric hydraulic press on the press­ing cham­ber part of the machine. The wet pulp inside of the cloth bag must be man­u­al­ly placed on the juice tray, which sits on the met­al plate at the bot­tom of the press­ing Cham­ber. The user starts the press oper­a­tion by switch­ing on the switch­er on the side of the machine, and the met­al press is moved upwards and press­es the bags with pulp against the stain­less steel sta­tion­ary plate with a huge force of over 5000 pounds. This makes the juice flow out to the juice tray and then down via the spout into the juice container.

The Welles Press is a man­u­al press, so it does not fea­ture the trit­u­rat­ing process and works only as a man­u­al­ly oper­at­ed press. To extract juice with the man­u­al Welles Press,  the user has to cut pro­duce man­u­al­ly or process it with the mas­ti­cat­ing juicer, then place wet pulp into the cloth bag and home it into the juice tray of the Welles press. Final­ly, the press is acti­vat­ed man­u­al­ly with the man­u­al lever.

The Hydraulic press juic­ing process is very messy because it requires man­u­al­ly trans­fer­ring the pulp into the press­ing Cham­ber with juice spills and wet pulp drops around. The cloth bags also require wash­ing and stor­ing, and all this makes it quite laborious.

The Hydraulic Press­es are made from stain­less steel and thus very heavy to move around. They are also the most expen­sive juicer style, with the man­u­al Welles press cost­ing around $400 and elec­tric hydraulic press­es over $2000

Juice Yield and Quality

The hydraulic press is a very effi­cient juic­ing method that extracts juice via the cold press slow process and deliv­ers the high­est pos­si­ble juice quality.

Even though it is wide­ly mar­ket­ed as the best juice qual­i­ty and advo­cat­ed by Ger­son Insti­tute, no inde­pen­dent sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies are con­firm­ing this fact. Many nutri­tion­ists and health pro­fes­sion­als insist that twin gear juicers deliv­er the equiv­a­lent qual­i­ty juice.


Hydraulic Press­es are tru­ly mul­ti­func­tion­al juicers and han­dle all types of ingre­di­ents and a range of food pro­cess­ing tasks:

  • Hard veg­gies root like car­rots and beets;
  • Hard fruits like apples and pears;
  • Gin­ger, turmeric;
  • Cel­ery;
  • Cit­rus fruits;
  • Pome­gran­ates;
  • Soft fruits like pineap­ple, banana, mel­on, peach­es, and others;
  • Soft veg­gies like toma­toes or cucumbers;
  • Leafy greens such as broc­coli, brus­sels sprouts, cab­bage, and others;
  • Berries, includ­ing cher­ry and grapes;
  • Nut but­ter;
  • Frozen dessert and shaved ice;
  • Baby food;
  • Jams;
  • Pesto and sauces;
  • Grind cof­fee;
  • Shave and grate cheese.

Hydraulic Press Juicers Pros and Cons


  • Extracts an extra 10–20% more juice than any oth­er juicer available;
  • Deliv­ers the high­est pos­si­ble juice quality;
  • The Ger­son Insti­tute rec­om­mends the hydraulic press juicer is the best way to extract most nutri­ents from any ingredients.


  • Expen­sive ($400 — $2500);
  • Time-con­sum­ing process;
  • Require the use of cloth bags when juic­ing; that makes a lot of mess;
  • The Nor­walk juicer is extreme­ly heavy.


How to decide between Cen­trifu­gal, one of the Mas­ti­cat­ing styles, and a Hydraulic Press Juicer?

Cen­trifu­gal juicers are per­fect for busy peo­ple who wish to incor­po­rate fresh juice into their diet and do not mind com­pro­mis­ing on the juice qual­i­ty and low­er con­tent of nutri­ents in the juice.

The cen­trifu­gal machine’s main advan­tage is the speed it process­es to pro­duce and the min­i­mum food pre-cut­ting; you can make a cup of car­rot juice in 30 sec­onds. The sec­ond advan­tage is that it is the most afford­able juicer on the mar­ket and so com­mon that you can find it in many depart­ment stores. How­ev­er, the cen­trifu­gal juicer also has neg­a­tive sides, the main one is that tends to aer­ate the juice and, as a result, destroys some nutri­ents in it. Anoth­er dis­ad­van­tage is that this juicer han­dles only a lim­it­ed range of prod­ucts such as hard veg­gies and fruits such as car­rots, apples, and oth­er cit­rus fruits. It is almost use­less for leafy greens and wheat­grass. It also hard­ly will suit noise-sen­si­tive peo­ple as it is the nosiest style of juicer and will release sim­i­lar to the blenders’ noise level.

Hor­i­zon­tal Sin­gle Auger Mas­ti­cat­ing machines are the most pop­u­lar juicers among con­sumers because they are ver­sa­tile and han­dle almost any type of ingre­di­ent well. They are eas­i­est to use and clean and deliv­er a high qual­i­ty and nutri­ent con­tent juice. They under­per­form when juicer hard roots (delver still respectable yield), while excel juic­ing leafy greens, wheat­grass, and soft fruits; they also come with few attach­ments and are very good at per­form­ing food pro­cess­ing tasks such as nut but­ter and frozen treat mak­ing. The fact that sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal juicers are the cheap­est mas­ti­cat­ing machine style also con­tributes to their pop­u­lar­i­ty. How­ev­er, these machines also have a neg­a­tive side, such as they come with a nar­row feed­ing chute and need pre-cut­ting for most of the ingre­di­ents, and that slow to process ingredients.

Ver­ti­cal Cold Press Juicers are true mul­ti­func­tion­al machines and are able to juice high-qual­i­ty juice and deliv­er good yield from almost any ingre­di­ent, from firm fruits and veg­gies to leafy greens and soft fruits, and even berries deliv­er good yield all ingre­di­ents and high-qual­i­ty juice. They are also very pop­u­lar because they are the fastest mas­ti­cat­ing juicers across all slow cold press machines. How­ev­er, they require pre-cut­ting for most ingre­di­ents. They are not as mighty with food pro­cess­ing tasks as hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle auger machines; how­ev­er, some of the mod­els come with food pro­cess­ing attach­ments. The only neg­a­tive side they have is the price; the major­i­ty of them are avail­able in the range of $450–600.

The twin gear machines are the juicers and are the true health enthu­si­ast juicers. Although they have the high­est juice qual­i­ty and deliv­er the high­est yield for the major­i­ty of the ingre­di­ents, they are very expen­sive and labo­ri­ous to use and clean; they are also the slow­est mas­ti­cat­ing juicers and require pre-cut­ting for most of the prod­uct types.

Hydraulic Press Juicers are rec­om­mend­ed by Ger­son instate of peo­ple who fight seri­ous dis­eases because they deliv­er the high­est pos­si­ble lev­el of nutri­ents in the juice. How­ev­er, they are very dif­fi­cult to use, messy, and slow to process ingre­di­ents while out­put is even slight­ly high­er than twin gear machines’ juice yield. Besides, they are heavy, gen­er­al­ly not user-friend­ly, and very expen­sive machines.

The Cham­pi­on Juicer is a very well-made and durable machine; it is fair­ly qui­et, excels at the roots, makes best-frozen desserts, and is good at food pro­cess­ing tasks, includ­ing nut but­ter. The cham­pi­on juicer is quick­er at ingre­di­ent pro­cess­ing than stan­dard mas­ti­cat­ing juicers. How­ev­er, it is slight­ly under­per­forms pro­cess­ing apples and firm fruits and not a good per­former at leafy greens unless you buy the lat­est mod­el 5000, which comes with a spe­cial auger for leafy greens. The juicer runs at 1725 RPMs speed and does oxi­dize the juice while the juice is tasty and rich. Nev­er­the­less, the newest Cham­pi­on 5000 mod­el comes with 11 speeds where the low­est runs at 350 RPMs, so with this machine, you can enjoy the fast and slow mas­ti­cat­ing juicer benefits.

To our read­ers: We would like to let you know that you can find the rewrit­ten copy of this orig­i­nal review here, the same as many oth­er reviews. For con­fir­ma­tion, you can com­pare the date of the review publication.

Posted in Juicers, Buying Advice

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