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Best Juicers for Beets, Carrots and Other Roots

best beets and carrots juicer

Best Juicers for Beets, Car­rots, and Oth­er Roots: All types of juicers cur­rent­ly present on the mar­ket, including

  • Cham­pi­on Juicer,
  • Cen­trifu­gal,
  • Sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal slow cold press juicers,
  • Ver­ti­cal sin­gle-auger slow cold press juicers,
  • Twin gear mas­ti­cat­ing slow cold press juicers,

- are able to juice car­rots, beets, gin­ger, and oth­er root ingredients.

Although the juice yield extract­ed from these ingre­di­ents by dif­fer­ent types of juicers and their mod­els may dif­fer by 20–40%, it is still not easy to select the best machine for juic­ing car­rots and beets, etc., rely­ing only on this impor­tant para­me­ter. The juicers also dif­fer by sev­er­al oth­er para­me­ters such as juice qual­i­ty, juice shelf-life, ease of use and clean juice extrac­tor, juicer func­tion­al­i­ty, speed of the juicer pro­cess­ing ingre­di­ents, war­ran­ty, price, and oth­ers that may be impor­tant to customers.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

How We Selected the Best Juicer

Here, we select­ed the list of juicers that deliv­er the best yield with­in their type. We also sum­marised the strengths and weak­ness­es of dif­fer­ent juicer types for juic­ing car­rots and oth­er root ingre­di­ents. By the end of the arti­cle, it must be eas­i­er for you to decide what type and mod­el of the juicer is the best for you and which juicer para­me­ters you may sac­ri­fice on behalf of others.

P.S. We will con­sid­er only rep­utable brands (the major­i­ty of them from South Korea and the USA) machines that have been present on the mar­ket for sev­er­al years and dis­re­gard the Chi­nese knock­off machines which flood the juicers mar­ket in great num­bers often pro­duced by gener­ic man­u­fac­tur­ers and dis­trib­uted under var­i­ous brands by short-live companies.

Champion Masticating Juicers

The Cham­pi­on juicer tech­nol­o­gy employs a sin­gle screw-like auger that rotates at the 1750 RPM speed. The auger grates mas­ti­cates or chews the pro­duce first and then squeezes it against the meshed screen to extract the juice; unlike mod­ern sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer, the Cham­pi­on juicer auger is cov­ered with a few rows of sharp met­al teeth that allow for grat­ing and chew­ing pro­duce to a bet­ter extent than anoth­er sin­gle auger juicer.

Because Cham­pi­on juicers use a fast 1750 RPM speed and met­al teeth sim­i­lar to the cen­trifu­gal juicer’s blades, it is very good at pro­cess­ing firm ingre­di­ents like car­rot beet­root, and gin­ger and could be regard­ed as the ulti­mate roots juicer.

On the oth­er hand, the fast speed of the Cham­pi­on juicer process ingre­di­ents leads to a high­er degree of juice oxi­da­tion than a mod­ern mas­ti­cat­ing juicer. There­fore, the juice pro­duced by Cham­pi­on Juicers has a short­er shelf life and must be con­sumed immediately.

 Pros for juic­ing roots:

  • Pro­duces the best juice yield from car­rots, beets, gin­ger, and oth­er roots;
  • Very easy to feed Cham­pi­on juicer with firm ingre­di­ents such as whole car­rots or beets with­out any jamming;
  • Fast and can make a large amount of juice in a short peri­od of time;
  • Easy to clean;
  • Durable;
  • Designed to per­form a range of food pro­cess­ing tasks;

Cons for juic­ing roots:

  • Does not han­dle leafy greens, wheat­grass, and soft pro­duce with­out an extra auger;
  • Oxi­dizes juice.

Yield: 2 pounds of car­rots yield between 12.5 oz. and 18.5 oz. of juice, depend­ing on the car­rots’ juiciness.

#1 Champion Classic 2000, Classic Commercial 2000, Legacy 3000, Elite 4000, and Professional 5000 Juicers

best beets carrots juicer

The Cham­pi­on Juicer comes in 5 mod­els — Cham­pi­on Clas­sic 2000, Cham­pi­on Clas­sic Com­mer­cial 2000, Lega­cy 3000, Elite 4000, and Cham­pi­on Pro­fes­sion­al 5000. These five mod­els all have iden­ti­cal motors and very dif­fer­ent exte­ri­or and inte­ri­or designs. Nev­er­the­less, they have sim­i­lar juice yields and excel at sim­i­lar ingre­di­ents when they do not come with the help of extra attachments.

Body Unit and Pow­er: The old­er Cham­pi­on juicer mod­el’s body units — the Cham­pi­on Clas­sic 2000 and Clas­sic Com­mer­cial 2000 — are made from paint­ed stain­less steel; the new­er mod­els — Lega­cy 3000, Elite 4000, and Cham­pi­on Pro­fes­sion­al 5000 — are made from durable plastic.

Even though all mod­els have a dif­fer­ent design, they all fea­ture iden­ti­cal pow­er­ful 540-watt motors. How­ev­er, the com­mer­cial 2000 unit has a bit stronger and more durable motor with out­stand­ing torque that can with­stand com­mer­cial loads.

This pow­er­ful motor rotates the auger with a rather fast 1750 RPMs speed for all mod­els, exclud­ing the 500o mod­el that comes with vari­able speeds and select­ing the speed that rotates from 350 to 1750 RPMs.

 Func­tion­al­i­ty and Attach­ments: Cham­pi­on juicer excels at juic­ing root veg­gies like car­rots, beets, gin­ger, and oth­ers; it actu­al­ly shows the best per­for­mance across all juicers for this type of pro­duce, with the yield on aver­age 20–35% high­er than sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juices.

The same is good at juic­ing cel­ery and some cru­cif­er­ous veg­eta­bles (though not all), such as cab­bage, Brus­sels sprouts, cau­li­flower, and broc­coli for that produce.

It is also quite good at juic­ing some soft veg­eta­bles and fruits, such as toma­toes and grapes, while it deliv­ers approx­i­mate­ly a low­er-than-aver­age yield for cit­rus fruits. 20–30% less yield than ver­ti­cal mas­ti­cat­ing juicers.

While firm fruits like apples and pears are not a strong side of the Cham­pi­on juicer, which deliv­ers up to 15–25% less yield than sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juices.

A cham­pi­on Juicer with a stan­dard auger does not han­dle leafy greens like spinach or kale well and deliv­ers a low yield of about 50% or less than a stan­dard sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer. The new­er mod­els, the 4000 and 5000, include the sep­a­rate green auger for leafy greens in the set, which does a very good leafy greens juic­ing job.

Besides, the cham­pi­on juicer does very well in a range of food pro­cess­ing tasks such as excel­lent qual­i­ty nut but­ter, frozen treats, baby food, and oth­er food homog­e­niz­ing tasks.

Design and Parts: The Cham­pi­on Juicers mod­el dif­fers from mod­ern mas­ti­cat­ing juicer’s auger design; it has a screw with a few rows of sharp teeth that help to grate the ingre­di­ents to real­ly small­er. The met­al teeth are a sim­i­lar future for all juicers, while the shape is var­i­ous for dif­fer­ent Cham­pi­on models.

The dif­fer­ent cham­pi­on juicer mod­els have some dif­fer­ences in the screen design with the meshed stain­less steel screen and plas­tic frame. Where Cham­pi­on 2000 and 3000 mod­els juic­ing have an old­er design made of two parts, and 3000, 4000, and 5000 mod­els have screens very sim­i­lar to mod­ern mas­ti­cat­ing juicers.

The Champion2000 and 3000 mod­els come with 1.75” and 300, 4000, and 5000 with 2.25” feed­ing chute open­ing that is big­ger than most mod­ern juicers, mak­ing it eas­i­er to feed ingredients.

Con­tain­ers: All Cham­pi­on juicer mod­els include only plas­tic juice col­lec­tion con­tain­ers and do not have the pulp col­lec­tion container.

Clean­ing and Using: All Cham­pi­on juicer mod­els (despite the fact they have dif­fer­ent designs) are straight­for­ward to assem­ble, dis­as­sem­ble, and clean, typ­i­cal for all sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicers. While the auger has sharp teeth, the user must be care­ful when clean­ing the auger.

The new­er mod­els have the dish­wash­er save parts, while the mod­els are rec­om­mend­ed to be cleaned manually.

War­ran­ty: All the Cham­pi­on juicers are equipped with a 10-year war­ran­ty on the motor and 1 year on the auger, blade, and screen warranty.

Sum­ma­ry: The Cham­pi­on is undoubt­ed­ly the best juicer for pro­cess­ing root veg­eta­bles that deliv­er the high­est yield across all types of juicers (only the Super Juicer will out­bid the Cham­pi­on at these tasks). It also juices cel­ery, cru­cif­er­ous veg­gies, and some soft­er veg­eta­bles, extract­ing one’s high­est juice yield. Cham­pi­on is also the best machine for mak­ing frozen treats, nut but­ter, and oth­er homog­e­niz­ing tasks. While it oper­ates at a high­er speed than most mas­ti­cat­ing machines, and its juice has a short­er shelf life, it extracts one of the rich­est and tasti­est juice.

Besides, it is 100% made in the USA, mas­sive (16.7” x 7.6” x 8”), heavy (23 – 27 pounds depend­ing on mod­el), and very durable.



Centrifugal Juicers

Cen­trifu­gals are top-rat­ed entry-lev­el juicers. They are fast, easy to use, can feed whole beets or car­rots with­out pre-cut­ting, and are usu­al­ly avail­able at a low­er price than slow mas­ti­cat­ing machines.

This type of juicer tech­nol­o­gy uses a cen­trifu­gal force to extract the juice from the pro­duce. The fast rotat­ing (4000–15000 RPMs) fil­ter bas­ket con­struct­ed with blades and a meshed screen grates the ingre­di­ents and then spins them against the screen to extract the juice.

Cen­trifu­gal juicers are very effi­cient at extract­ing juice from beets, car­rots, gin­ger, and most of the oth­er root ingre­di­ents. To be pre­cise, they extract sim­i­lar to the Cham­pi­on Juicer between 12.5 oz. and 18.5 oz. of juice from 2 pounds of car­rots, depend­ing on the car­rots’ juici­ness. That is about 20% high­er than most sin­gle auger and twin gear mas­ti­cat­ing juicers (exclud­ing only twin gear Super Angel Juicer).

On the oth­er hand, this type of machine has some draw­backs. First, the juicer’s fast pro­cess­ing speed tends to oxi­dize juice quick­ly. Sec­ond, the extract­ed juice usu­al­ly comes out watery and splits into pulpy low and watery top ones. As a result, the juice extract­ed with cen­trifu­gal machines has a short shelf life and must be con­sumed imme­di­ate­ly. This makes the juice extract­ed with cen­trifu­gal juicers low­er qual­i­ty than those with slow-type mas­ti­cat­ing machines.

Cen­trifu­gal Juicers Strengths:

  • Fast and easy process, even large vol­umes of juice;
  • Deliv­er one of the high­est yields from beets, car­rots, and oth­er firm veggies;
  • Gen­er­al­ly cheap­er than slow mas­ti­cat­ing juicers (from $40 to $350);

Cen­trifu­gal Juicers Weaknesses:

  • Pro­duce the low­est qual­i­ty of juice com­pared to slow juicers;
  • More dif­fi­cult to clean than sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicers;
  • Pro­duce a lot of foam from almost all ingredients;
  • Loud­er than mas­ti­cat­ing juicers.

Yield: The best Cen­trifu­gal juicers we list below deliv­er sim­i­lar to Cham­pi­on juicer 12.5 oz. and 18.5 oz. from 2 pounds of car­rots, depend­ing on the juici­ness of carrots.

#2 Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor

best beets carrots juicer JE98XL Juice Foun­tain Plus is one of the Bre­ville best-sell­ing cen­trifu­gal juicers. It is per­form­ing very well at juic­ing roots and is avail­able at an excel­lent price. Although the JE98XL Juice Foun­tain Plus belongs to the mid-range Bre­ville juicers and is sold at a rea­son­able price, it shows out­stand­ing results when juic­ing root ingre­di­ents, out­bid­ding oth­er more expen­sive cen­trifu­gal juicers at this task.

Body and Pow­er: The JE98XL Juice Foun­tain Plus comes with a sleek sil­ver fin­ish body unit made from poly­mer. When assem­bled with the safe­ty lock­ing arm, the juicer body locks the oth­er part, allow­ing the unit to run only if it is assem­bled properly.

It is equipped with a pow­er­ful 850-watt motor, with 2 2‑speed options, that rotates at 6,500 (Low speed) RPMs and  12,000 RPMs (high speed). The motor fea­ture also has auto­mat­ic over­load pro­tec­tion that auto­mat­i­cal­ly shuts off the machine when overloaded.

Func­tion­al­i­ty and Attachments:

  • It deliv­ers one of the best juice yields from car­rots, beets, and oth­er roots across all the juicer types.
  • Very decent yield from cel­ery, high­er than an aver­age juicer, and sim­i­lar to most expen­sive Bre­ville cen­trifu­gal juicers.
  • Very good, the same among the top juice yield for apples and pears.
  • It is also the top proces­sor for soft fruits like cit­ruses and grapes; it is also good at juic­ing toma­toes and shoes, one of the top performers.
  • While aver­age or slight­ly worth than aver­age, juic­ing pineap­ple, cher­ries, apri­cots, and oth­er soft fruits.
  • It can­not juice prop­er­ly leafy greens and wheat­grass, the same as any oth­er cen­trifu­gal juicer.
  • It also does not have any addi­tion­al attach­ments for extra tasks.

Juicer Parts Designs: Like most cen­trifu­gal juicers, the JE98XL Juice Foun­tain Plus comes with not many con­struc­tion parts apart from the body unit — juic­ing bowl, juic­ing bas­ket, and cov­er with feed­ing chute.

The Bre­ville JE98XL juic­ing bowl has a large capac­i­ty and is made from trans­par­ent plas­tic. It also fea­tures juice and pulp outlets.

The juic­ing bas­ket is robust and made from stain­less steel with tita­ni­um-rein­forced sharp blade teeth.

The juicer cov­er is also made from poly­mer and comes with an irre­mov­able 3” extra-wide feed­ing chute open­ing. Such a wide chute is very con­ve­nient as it does not require pre-cut­ting for most of the ingre­di­ents. You can eas­i­ly feed whole beet­root or car­rots with­out a prob­lem, and it nev­er will jam.

Con­tain­ers: The Juicer fea­tures a 34 fl. ounces juice col­lec­tion con­tain­er with a froth sep­a­ra­tor and an inte­grat­ed large pulp col­lec­tion con­tain­er with a 100 oz./2850 ml capacity.

Clean­ing and Using: A cen­trifu­gal juicer is usu­al­ly quite easy to assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble as it comes with only a few parts; the Bre­ville JE98XL Juice Foun­tain is not an exception.

Clean­ing the juice and pulp col­lec­tion jug, pulp col­lec­tion con­tain­er, juic­ing bowl, and the cov­er is not a prob­lem either; you clean them in warm, soapy water and a soft cloth. They could also be cleaned on a dish­wash­er top rack, exclud­ing the juicer cov­er. The most com­pli­cat­ed clean­ing part is a juicing/filter bas­ket, which should be cleaned imme­di­ate­ly after juic­ing with the brush.

War­ran­ty: Like most of the Bre­ville juicers, the Bre­ville JE98XL Juice Foun­tain Plus has a one–year lim­it­ed warranty.

Sum­ma­ry: The Bre­ville JE98XL Juice Foun­tain Plus Juicer deliv­ers one of the high­est yields for the car­rots, beet­root, gin­ger, and oth­er root ingre­di­ents not only across the Beeville machine, includ­ing more expen­sive ones, but also across all types of juicers. Besides, it has a very rea­son­able price for such a qual­i­ty juicer.

Although, like any oth­er cen­trifu­gal, it tends to oxi­dize extract­ed juice more than most of the type juicers; how­ev­er, it is speedy to pro­duce even a large amount of juicer and easy to use, and def­i­nite­ly a great option for busy peo­ple. It should also be not­ed that this is a large machine (13.2 x 16.5 x 18.2 inch­es, weighs 9.92 pounds) and occu­pies a con­sid­er­able kitchen counter space.


#3 Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor

breville bje200xl compact fountain juicerBJE200XL Com­pact is a bud­get Bre­ville cen­trifu­gal juicer, and in Europe, it is known as the Sage by Hes­ton Blu­men­thal BJE200SIL. Nev­er­the­less, it is a very pop­u­lar juice extrac­tor because it deliv­ers one of the best juice yields for car­rots, beets, and most of the root ingredients.

 Body and Pow­er: The juicer has a con­tem­po­rary and very com­pact design. The durable poly­mer body is equipped with a safe­ty lock­ing arm that ensures the machine oper­ates only if the cov­er and safe lock­ing arm are assem­bled properly.

The juicer body in-hous­es a pow­er­ful 700-watt motor that only oper­ates at one speed of 14,000 RPM. The body unit equipped with a pow­er cord wraps around a raised disc on the base to ensure neat cord storage.

Func­tion­al­i­ty and Attach­ments: A typ­i­cal cen­trifu­gal juicer does not include any attach­ment for pro­cess­ing any food pro­cess­ing tasks and per­forms only with strait juic­ing functions.

It han­dles very well and out­puts one of the best juice yields across all juicer types for root ingre­di­ents such as beets, car­rots, gin­ger, and oth­ers. It also per­forms well at juic­ing cel­ery and peeled cit­rus fruits, includ­ing oranges, grape­fruits, lemons, and oth­ers. It also han­dles grapes well while deliv­er­ing decent but aver­age yields for apples and pears.

Like any oth­er cen­trifu­gal juicer, it will juice leafy greens only in com­bi­na­tion juice recipes; oth­er­wise, the greens can end up in the pulp untouched.

Juicer Parts Designs: The juicer is equipped with a trans­par­ent plas­tic 28 oz./800 ml juic­ing cham­ber. The trans­par­ent juicer cov­ers an inte­grat­ed extra-large round 3” feed­ing chute that allows feed­ing whole fruits and veg­gies with min­i­mum pre-cutting.

Addi­tion­al­ly, it has a stain­less steel juic­ing bas­ket with a very sharp tita­ni­um-rein­forced cut­ting blade and an Ital­ian-made micro-mesh fil­ter screen.

Con­tain­ers: The juicer comes with juice and pulp col­lec­tion jugs. The pulp con­tain­er has a 1.6 quart/ 1.5 liters capac­i­ty and is designed with­in the foot­print of the unit to save the user counter space. The juice col­lec­tion con­tain­er fits direct­ly under the juicer spout and comes with a built-in froth sep­a­ra­tor and lid. Dur­ing the juice col­lec­tion, the lid can be used to elim­i­nate any splat­ter dur­ing oper­a­tion and as a con­tain­er cov­er for stor­ing in the refrigerator.

 Clean­ing and Using: It is easy to assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble because there are only six parts alto­geth­er: the fil­ter bas­ket, the juic­ing cham­ber, the juicer cov­er, the juice and pulp con­tain­ers, and the push­er. The fil­ter bas­ket screen is the most labo­ri­ous part to clean; how­ev­er, if you clean it with the brush pro­vid­ed imme­di­ate­ly after juic­ing, it is not com­pli­cat­ed; one’s pulp becomes dry. You will need to soak it some­time before cleaning.

This juicer is easy to use and oper­ates only with one but­ton; the wide chute min­i­mizes food preparation.

War­ran­ty: The juicer comes with only a 1‑year war­ran­ty, which is rather typ­i­cal for most Bre­ville products.

Sum­ma­ry: It is very com­pact with a size of 7.4 x 10.4 x 12.7 inch­es and weighs 9.68 pounds. It comes with a pow­er­ful motor, han­dles the tough ingre­di­ents per­fect­ly, and deliv­ers the best yield for root ingre­di­ents. More impor­tant­ly, it is straight­for­ward to assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble, easy to use, very well-designed, and fits well on the counter. The juicer is a bit qui­eter than most of the oth­er cen­trifu­gal juicers. It has an out­stand­ing design, and a juice col­lec­tor lid pre­vents the juicer from splash­ing over the counter. On the neg­a­tive side, it comes with only a 1‑year war­ran­ty and oper­ates at one speed.


Vertical Single Auger Masticating Slow Juicers

The ver­ti­cal mas­ti­cat­ing juicers use the ver­ti­cal pro­duce feed­ing con­cept (sim­i­lar to cen­trifu­gal juicers), which makes them easy to use and quick to process ingre­di­ents. But they use slow sin­gle auger tech­nol­o­gy, rotat­ing ver­ti­cal­ly and run­ning the cold press mas­ti­cat­ing juic­ing process, deliv­er­ing high-qual­i­ty juice with a long shelf life.

The sin­gle ver­ti­cal auger juicers are not the ulti­mate root juicers. How­ev­er, they are easy to use and quick­ly process ingre­di­ents, deliv­er­ing high-qual­i­ty juice with a long shelf-life. Besides, Ver­ti­cal Sin­gle Auger Juicers are true mul­ti-pur­pose machines that juice all types of ingre­di­ents well.

Strengths of juic­ing roots:

  • Easy to feed;
  • Quick to process ingredients;
  • Deliv­ers high-qual­i­ty juice;
  • Mul­ti-func­tion­al and han­dles a wide range of ingre­di­ents well;

Weak­ness­es in juic­ing roots:

  • Ingre­di­ents must be pre-cut; oth­er­wise, they could jam;
  • Not the eas­i­est to clean.

Yield: Best Ver­ti­cal Sin­gle Auger Mas­ti­cat­ing juicers yield sim­i­lar to the hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle auger machine 10 oz. — 15 oz. from 2 pounds of car­rots that are 20% less than Cham­pi­on Juicer.

4 Hurom H101 Easy Clean Slow Juicer

Hurom H101 Slow Juicer

Hurom H101/H100 Easy Clean Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer is one of the lat­est inno­v­a­tive juicers by a well-known South Kore­an man­u­fac­tur­er that man­u­fac­tures high-qual­i­ty juicers. Although this machine is pre­sent­ed as the eas­i­est to clean ver­ti­cal juicer, it also processed very well bets, car­rot, and oth­er root ingre­di­ents and pro­duced an excel­lent juice yield.

Body and Pow­er: The Hurom H101/H100 Easy Clean Mas­ti­cat­ing Slow Juicer has a sleek and mod­ern look exte­ri­or design and a small foot­print for sav­ing counter space. The body unit also fea­tures an unusu­al ver­ti­cal juicer, the dial knob con­trol that is respon­si­ble for reg­u­lat­ing On, Off, and Reverse functions.

The juicer has a pow­er­ful 150 Watts motor with a slow auger speed of 43 RPMs that guar­an­tees high-qual­i­ty juice extrac­tion with a long shelf-life.

Func­tion­al­i­ty and Attach­ments: The Hurom H101/H100 juicer does have more pulp in the juice than juicers with the tra­di­tion­al screen; how­ev­er, it shows good results even after straining.

  • It out­puts one of the best car­rots, beets, gin­ger, and oth­er root juice yields across the ver­ti­cal slow juicers;
  • This mod­el is also very good at juic­ing cel­ery and shows excel­lent results for apples and pears;
  • It shows decent leafy greens juice yield out­put less than a good hor­i­zon­tal juicer, though;
  • It also excels at juic­ing oranges and oth­er citruses;
  • Will eas­i­ly juice pineap­ples, berries, and grapes;
  • One of the best juicers for mixed juicers with all types of ingredients.

Besides, the Hurom H101/H100 juicer is equipped with a blank screen and a smooth­ie strain­er for per­form­ing tasks such as mak­ing frozen desserts, nut but­ter, baby food, smooth­ies, and others.

Parts and Designs: The juicer fea­tures the Tri­tan copoly­ester BPA–free juic­ing cham­ber with the 16.9 oz. and pio­neer­ing dou­ble-open­ing feed­ing chute — the top chute is 1.5 X 1.5 inch­es for feed­ing nar­row ingre­di­ents, and the side chute is 2 x 1.5 inch­es for feed­ing small­er pre-cut pro­duce. Anoth­er nov­el fea­ture of the juicer is a unique pulp out­let lever that reg­u­lates the pulp pres­sure ejection.

The Juicer is equipped with an extra-strong ULTEM resin dual-wings auger. The dual-wing auger is designed to cut the ingre­di­ents before they get into the cham­ber for fin­er processing.

The juicer does not have the usu­al fil­ter screen; instead, it has two plas­tic strain­ers that fit one into anoth­er and make slim gaps that fil­ter the fiber’s juice liquid.

Con­tain­ers: The Hurom H101/H100 juicer includes the East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester BPA-free look-like glass juice and pulp col­lec­tion con­tain­ers in the set.

Clean­ing and Using: The Hurom H101/H100 juicer, due to its inno­v­a­tive strain­er design, has few­er parts than stan­dard ver­ti­cal sin­gle-auger slow juicers; thus, it is effort­less to assem­ble and disassemble.

This machine was con­struct­ed to be the eas­i­est ver­ti­cal juicer to clean; no won­der it takes less than a minute to com­plete the clean­ing pro­ce­dure. But, unfor­tu­nate­ly, the strain­er is the most labo­ri­ous part to clean for any typ­i­cal ver­ti­cal juice. At the same time, this mod­el is replaced by con­ve­nient two nest­ed strain­ers that only require rins­ing them with luke­warm run­ning water.

War­ran­ty: The Hurom H101/H100 Easy Clean Slow is equipped with a 10-year war­ran­ty on the motor and a 5‑year war­ran­ty on parts.

Sum­ma­ry: The Hurom H101/H100 Easy Clean Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer is not only one of the best machines to han­dle beets, car­rots, oranges, gin­ger, spinach, and apple juice, but it is also tru­ly the eas­i­est ver­ti­cal slow juicer on the mar­ket to clean. It deliv­ers 20% less root juice than a cen­trifu­gal machine; how­ev­er, it deliv­ers high-qual­i­ty juice and han­dles a wider range of ingre­di­ents than all oth­er types of juicer, includ­ing soft fruits and veggies.

In addi­tion, it has a very mod­est foot of 6 x 6 inch­es (though the high pro­file of 18 inch­es), has a mod­ern design, and will add a lux­u­ri­ous look to any kitchen setting.


Hurom HP Slow Juicer

hurom hp juicerHurom HP is not the 2nd gen­er­a­tion ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer (not the newest mod­el). Yet, it is a high-qual­i­ty machine that the South Kore­an Hurom Com­pa­ny, an inven­tor of ver­ti­cal slow juicer tech­nol­o­gy, man­u­fac­tures. Most impor­tant­ly, it shows the out­stand­ing results for juic­ing car­rots, beet­root, and oth­er roots pro­duced across all sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicers.

Body Unit and Pow­er: Hurom HP Slow Juicer comes with a nice-look­ing com­pact impact-resis­tant ABS plas­tic body, will fit under any kitchen cab­i­net, and will look nice on the counter. Its body unit hous­es a 150-watt AC motor that is very effi­cient and qui­et. The Hurom HP motor rotates the auger at a slow speed of just 43 rev­o­lu­tions per minute.

This machine also fea­tures a safe­ty sys­tem that does not allow the machine to run if it is not assem­bled the right way and is equipped with a cool­ing sys­tem for pre­vent­ing motor overheating.

Func­tion­al­i­ty and Attachments

  • Hurom HP Slow juicer deliv­ers the best yield on roots veg­gies across all sin­gle auger juicers;
  • It han­dles bril­liant­ly soft and firm fruits, cel­ery, cru­cif­er­ous veg­eta­bles, and leafy greens, includ­ing wheatgrass;
  • This machine also excels at juic­ing cit­rus fruits, includ­ing tan­ger­ine, lime, orange, lemon, man­darin, and grapefruit;
  • Besides, it is designed to make nuts and soy­beans, milk, tofu, and more;

This juicer requires pre-cut­ting into small­er pieces for almost all ingre­di­ents for bet­ter results. At the same time, stringy ingre­di­ents like cel­ery must be cut into 1‑inch pieces.

The juicer has an option­al coarse strain­er to buy sep­a­rate­ly for han­dling soft­er fruits and berries.

Parts and Design: It comes with the 11.8 oz./350 ml trans­par­ent juic­ing cham­ber that fea­tures a pulp out­let and the juic­ing out­let with a sil­i­cone cap that allows you to keep the juice inside of the cham­ber until you fin­ish for more nutri­ents in the juice. The sil­i­con cap also makes it eas­i­er for all clean­ing process­es because you can use it for pre-clean­ing. In addi­tion, the juicer cov­er fea­tures an irre­mov­able feed­ing chute with a cres­cent shape 2 x 1.5‑inch opening.

This machine has a dual-wing auger that is made from the extra-strong Ultem mate­r­i­al, while the twin-wing auger ensures bet­ter ingre­di­ent shred­ding and results in a high­er juice yield. In addi­tion, the qual­i­ty stain­less steel strain­er and the spin­ning brush are also smart­ly con­strict­ed and con­tribute to the abil­i­ty of the machine to extract the high juice yield for most of the ingredients.

Con­tain­ers: The juicer comes with BPA-free Juice and Pulp col­lec­tion Containers.

Clean­ing and Using: The Hurom HP Slow Juicer has the stan­dard for a ver­ti­cal juicer set of parts – cham­ber, strain­ers, wip­ing blade, juicer cov­er with feed­ing chute – it is well designed and made and thus easy to dis­as­sem­ble, assem­bled, and used.

Clean­ing this machine is also not too dif­fi­cult. An auto­mat­ic cleanup sys­tem (clos­able juic­ing out­let cap) allows pre-clean for an easy process. The rest should be done by hand, rins­ing the cham­ber, wip­ing the blade, and scrub­bing the strain­er with the brush­es pro­vid­ed in the set. These brush­es allow reach­ing small crevices a breeze.

War­ran­ty: The juicer has a 10-year war­ran­ty on motors and a 2‑year war­ran­ty on parts.

Sum­ma­ry: Hurom HP Slow Juicer is a fan­tas­tic ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing machine that pro­vides a great user expe­ri­ence and com­pact build (7.6 x 6.9 x 15.5 inch­es). It deliv­ers high-qual­i­ty juice, show­ing the best car­rots, beets, and root juice yield across all ver­ti­cal juicers. Besides, this machine is one of the best val­ue-for-mon­ey juicers and is avail­able very rea­son­ably. How­ev­er, it is not an ulti­mate roots juicer (extracts 20% less than a cen­trifu­gal juicer); how­ev­er, if you plan to juice oth­er types of pro­duce and mix recipes with soft ingre­di­ents or leafy greens, then it is an excel­lent option to buy.


Horizontal Single Auger Masticating Juicers

The sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal juicer sys­tem is designed to grind the pro­duce in a tight cham­ber and then press it against the meshed juic­ing screen to squeeze the juice out.

It is the most ver­sa­tile juicer type and can juice a wide vari­ety of ingre­di­ents and per­form the widest range of tasks added to juice mak­ing. In addi­tion, the hor­i­zon­tal juicers extract high-qual­i­ty and nutri­tion­al val­ue juice with a 24–48 hours fridge shelf-life.

Besides, the hor­i­zon­tal juicers are the eas­i­est to use and clean. They also have a good torque to process the firmest car­rot or beet with­out jamming.

Yield: The only prob­lem with sin­gle auger juicers is they show 15–20% lees juice yield for beet­roots, car­rots, gin­ger, and most of the oth­er root s ingredients.

 Sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal juicer strengths:

  • Eas­i­est to use and clean;
  • Pro­duce high-qual­i­ty juice with a long shelf-life;
  • Feed the whole car­rot with­out cutting;
  • Han­dle firm ingre­di­ents with­out jamming;

Sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal juicer weak­ness­es:

  • Deliv­er the low­est yield from car­rots and beets across all types of juicers.

Yield: Best Sin­gle Auger Hor­i­zon­tal Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicers yield 20% less juice than Cham­pi­on Juicers, which is about 10 oz. — 15 oz. from 2 pounds of car­rots, depend­ing on the juici­ness of the carrots.

Tribest Solostar 4 Slow Horizontal Single Auger Masticating Juicer

tribest solostar 5 horizontal single auger juicerThe Solostar 4 Slow is the lat­est hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle auger juicer mod­el by the well-known South Kore­an Tribest Com­pa­ny which spe­cial­izes in man­u­fac­tur­ing healthy kitchen appli­ances. This machine has an excel­lent mas­ti­cat­ing juicer and deliv­ers one of the high­est juice yields for most root ingredients.

Body Unit and Pow­er: The Solostar 4 body unit has a sharp and con­tem­po­rary design, and due to its com­pact size, it takes up less space on the counter. All the juicer parts that come into con­tact with food are made from BPA-free and BPS-free mate­ri­als and do not leach harm­ful chemicals.

Tribest Solostar also fea­tures an inno­v­a­tive 150-watt gear reduc­tion motor equiv­a­lent to a 5.4 HP that boasts high­er torque than oth­er sim­i­lar devices. Such effi­cient torque implies less jam­ming and ensures easy pro­cess­ing for tough root ingredients.

The motor rotates the juicer auger with a slow speed of 48–57 RPMs, mak­ing it the mar­ket’s slow­est sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal juicer. The Solostar 4 sin­gle auger oper­ates at as slow as 47 — 57 RPM (depend­ing on the volt­age sys­tem), mak­ing this machine the slow­est and gen­tlest hor­i­zon­tal mas­ti­cat­ing juicer on the mar­ket. The slow speed min­i­mizes the juice oxi­da­tion and pre­serves more vital nutri­ents and essen­tial enzymes.

Func­tion­al­i­ty and Attachments:

  • The Tribest Solostar 4 Slow deliv­ers the best yield for the car­rots, beet­root, and oth­er roots across all sin­gle auger juicers (approx­i­mate­ly 15% more than a good cen­trifu­gal juicer).
  • It is also one of the best machines for juic­ing cel­ery and leafy greens, includ­ing wheatgrass.
  • The juicer shows the top per­for­mance for soft­er fruits like cit­ruses and grapes.
  • While aver­age out­puts still yield decent results in juic­ing apples and pears.

In addi­tion, it is designed to per­form a range of food pro­cess­ing tasks. It does come with a few attach­ments, such as a blank screen pas­ta-mak­ing noz­zles. It will grind cof­fee and grains and make nut but­ter, sauces, and baby food.

Parts and Design: The Solostar 4’s sin­gle juic­ing cham­ber and all parts in con­tact with food are made from BPA — and BPS-free mate­ri­als. It also comes with a longer than typ­i­cal hor­i­zon­tal mas­ti­cat­ing juicer auger that ensures thor­ough crush­ing and ingre­di­ents pro­cess­ing. The auger is made from extra strong Ultem material.

This juicer has a dual-stage fil­ter screen with a larg­er than stan­dard hor­i­zon­tal juicer meshed sur­face screen area that crush­es and press­es pro­duce more effi­cient­ly. The juicer also fea­tures the pulp pres­sure adjust­ing knob that, togeth­er with a larg­er fil­ter screen, con­tributes to this juicer’s high­er yield.

Yet, this juicer comes with a nar­row 1.5″ diam­e­ter round feed­ing chute and requires food prepa­ra­tion for juicing.

Con­tain­ers: The juicer comes with juice and pulp col­lec­tion con­tain­ers; both of them are made of plastic.

Clean­ing and Using: Like any oth­er sin­gle auger juicer, it is con­struct­ed with very few parts — cham­ber, auger, juic­ing screen, and end cap – thus, it is very easy to assem­ble, dis­as­sem­ble, and clean.

How­ev­er, since this juicer has a big­ger juic­ing screen area than oth­er juicers, it could take longer to clean. How­ev­er, clean­ing the screen imme­di­ate­ly after juic­ing with the brush includ­ed in the set will not be too labo­ri­ous. The juicer parts are not dish­wash­er safe, though.

War­ran­ty: The Tribest Solostar 4 Slow Hor­i­zon­tal has an out­stand­ing 15-year war­ran­ty for motors and parts; the con­tain­ers and push­ers are excluded.

Sum­ma­ry: Although the Tribest Solostar 4 Slow Hor­i­zon­tal juicer deliv­ers 15–20 % less juice for car­rots, beets, and oth­er roots than the Cham­pi­on and Cen­trifu­gal juicer, it still shows the best yield for these ingre­di­ents across sin­gle auger juicers. Addi­tion­al­ly, it out­puts the best yield for most oth­er ingre­di­ents, such as cel­ery, leafy green, wheat­grass, and soft and firm fruits. No won­der it comes with a longer than oth­er juicers auger and a larg­er screen area.

So if the root is not only your juic­ing pri­or­i­ty, but you think about extract­ing high-qual­i­ty juice from oth­er ingre­di­ents, then you can­not go wrong with this machine.


#5 Omega J8006HDS / J8008 Juicer and Nutrition System

Omega J8006HDS Jucier

The Omega J8006HDS/J8008C Juicer is a 5th-gen­er­a­tion sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal juicer and an improved ver­sion of pop­u­lar Omega J8004/8006 machines. The upgrad­ed mod­els come with a new exte­ri­or design and a range of new con­struc­tion features.

Body and Pow­er: The Omega J8006HDS/ J8008C Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicers come with an upgrade sim­i­lar to the CN800 exte­ri­or body unit design and an inbuilt scoop handle.

The juicer is equipped with a 200 Watts gear Reduc­tion motor that boasts a sim­i­lar 2 HP torque, so it process­es even ingre­di­ents with less effort. In addi­tion, the motor turns the auger at a slow 80 RPM speed to ensure low oxi­da­tion of the juice.

 Func­tion­al­i­ty and Attach­ments: The Omega J8006HDS/ J8008C Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer is a tru­ly mul­ti­func­tion­al juicer.

  • Although sin­gle auger juicers are not good at juic­ing car­rots, beet­root, gin­ger, and oth­er roots, this machine shows one of the best results for these ingre­di­ents, fol­lowed by the Tribest Solos­r­tar 4 juicer.
  • Omega J8006HDS/ J8008C shows one of the best results for juic­ing cel­ery and cru­cif­er­ous veg­gies com­pared to oth­er types of juicers. It also excels at juic­ing apples and pears; it is one of the best juicers for extract­ing leafy greens ingredients.
  • It is also excel­lent for juic­ing cit­rus fruits while show­ing an aver­age yield for oth­er soft fruits.

The juicer also comes with a range of extra attach­ments that allow it to per­form a range of food pro­cess­ing tasks.

Juicer Parts Design: The Omega J8006HDS/ J8008C Juicer comes with a clear drum made from BPA-free clear East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester mate­r­i­al and a remov­able hop­per, so you can observe what is going on inside of the juicer while it is pro­cess­ing ingredients.

The juicer also fea­tures a cir­cu­lar shape rather than a nar­row 1.5 inches/4 cm feed­ing chute open­ing, which requires pre-cut­ting for most of the ingre­di­ents for feed­ing. How­ev­er, you can eas­i­ly feed whole car­rots with­out pre-cut­ting as it has enough torque for chew­ing them with­out jam­ming. You also will not require any effort to push hard pro­duce into the chute as the auger pulls it smoothly.

The Omega J8006HDS Juicer has the stan­dard omega auger shape made from extra strong GE Ultem resin mate­r­i­al, mak­ing them more durable under juic­ing pres­sure. In addi­tion, it has a 2‑stage juic­ing screen where both screen parts are made from stain­less steel.

The Omega J8006HDS Juicer also fea­tured three (3) lev­els of pres­sure adjust­ing cap, which allows the reg­u­la­tion of the pres­sure exert­ed on the pulp before it is eject­ed. You usu­al­ly set the max­i­mum pres­sure for such prod­ucts as beets and carrots.

Con­tain­ers: The juicer comes with BPA-free plas­tic juice and pulp col­lec­tion square-shaped containers.

Clean­ing and Using: The Omega J8006HDS/J8008C Juicers are the eas­i­est to assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble, and clean across all types of juicers.

The clean­ing is also very easy and takes very lit­tle time; it is enough to rinse most of the parts just under­wa­ter. How­ev­er, the juic­ing screen takes longer to clean (up to 2 min) and requires a brush to scrub it. The remov­able parts – auger, screen, and cham­ber are also top-rack dish­wash­er safe.

War­ran­ty: The Omega J8006HDS Juicer comes with the longest and best in the indus­try 15-year War­ran­ty. 

Sum­ma­ry: Although the hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle auger juicer is not very good at juic­ing beets, car­rots, and oth­er hard veg­gies, this machine deliv­ers one of the high­est yields among sin­gle auger juicers. Omega J8006HDS Juicer also has out­stand­ing torque, so you will not require any effort when feed­ing the pro­duce into the chute, which is com­mon for hor­i­zon­tal mas­ti­cat­ing machines. How­ev­er, if you plan to juice not only the hard veg­gie, you can sac­ri­fice 20% less yield than with cen­trifu­gal and cham­pi­on juicer and look for a mul­ti­func­tion­al juicer that extracts high-qual­i­ty juice with a longer shelf-life than Omega J8006HDS Juicer is a great option to consider.

Besides, this machine had aver­age sizes (15.5” x 6.5” x 14.5”, weight 13 lbs.), has an attrac­tive design, and will look good on any counter.


Twin Gear Masticating Juicers

Twin Gears Cold Press Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing juicers employ two close­ly aligned rotat­ing stain­less steel gears to chew and crush the pro­duce. The two gears usu­al­ly rotate at a slow 80–160 RPM speed, so tech­ni­cal­ly, use the slow cold-press process to extract the juice.

Pros for juic­ing roots:

  • High­est juice yield;
  • Best juice quality;
  • Longest juicer shelf-life;
  • Han­dles a wide range of products;

Cons for juic­ing roots:

  • Labo­ri­ous to clean;
  • Most expen­sive type of juicer.

Yield: The twin-gear mas­ti­cat­ing juicers usu­al­ly deliv­ered the high­est juice yield for most of the ingre­di­ents. While most of them under­per­form juic­ing car­rots, beets, and oth­er roots pro­duce deliv­er­ing 5–7% less juice than Cham­pi­on and Cen­trifu­gal juicers, the Super Angel Juicer extracts 20% more juice yield from roots ingre­di­ents than oth­er juicers on the market.

Super Angel Juicer

Super Angel JuicerThe Super Angel Juicer is a pre­mi­um and expen­sive twin-gear mas­ti­cat­ing machine. It is avail­able in 4 very sim­i­lar mod­els and is man­u­fac­tured in South Korea by a com­pa­ny with a great rep­u­ta­tion. Although this pre­mi­um machine is not for every­one, it still deliv­ers the high­est juice yield across all types of juicer models.

Body Unit and Pow­er: The Super Angel base unit is 100% made from food-grade stain­less steel; no won­der it looks absolute­ly stun­ning. The body hous­es a pow­er­ful 180-watt motor that deliv­ers a 3 HP grind­ing force and rotates the gears at 82 RPM speed.

It fea­tures a nice-look­ing con­trol pan­el with START, stops, REVERSE but­tons and a pow­er indi­ca­tor light.

Besides, the juicer is equipped with a few safe­ty fea­tures that include the sen­sor that pre­vents the juicer from oper­at­ing if it is not assem­bled prop­er­ly, the sen­sor that shuts off the juicer if a hard item like a spoon gets into the feed­ing chute, the auto­mat­ic over­heat­ing sys­tem which will stop the machine if its tem­per­a­ture reach­es 158 F/70C, the elec­tric shock pro­tec­tion sys­tem and other.

Func­tion­al­i­ty and attachments

  • The Super Angel Juicer not only deliv­ers 20%-25% more car­rot and beets juice than Cham­pi­on and Bre­ville, but it also out­puts the high­est yield from almost all ingredients;
  • It also excels at cel­ery and out­puts the best yield. The leafy greens, includ­ing wheat­grass, and most exot­ic ingre­di­ents line pine needs;
  • It deliv­ers the best yield from apples and firm fruits;
  • While it will not out­bid a good ver­ti­cal mas­ti­cat­ing juicer and deliv­er the same or 5% few­er juice yields from soft ingre­di­ents, with the option­al soft fruit screen, Extract­ing hous­ing will out­bid even a ver­ti­cal juicer.

Only one Super Angel Juicer mod­el includes extra acces­sories in the set. How­ev­er, you can buy a range of option­al attach­ments – Soft Fruits, Grind­ing, and Nut But­ter Extract­ing Housings.

Designs and Parts: Super Angel Juicer is tru­ly unique when it comes to its con­struc­tion. Unlike many oth­er mas­ti­cat­ing juicers, it has very few con­struc­tion­al parts. To be pre­cise, the Super Angel Extract­ing Hous­ing incor­po­rates in one part the juic­ing cham­ber with an irre­mov­able feed­ing chute and juic­ing screen where the juic­ing screen has a three-stage fil­ter that ensures that the juice is extract­ed to the last drop.

It also has a splash­ing guard cov­er­ing the juic­ing screen on the top, though this part is option­al and is used only when select­ed ingre­di­ents are processed.

The Super Angel juicer fea­tures the 1.7 inches/43 mm in diam­e­ter feed­ing chute open­ing, which is also rel­a­tive­ly large for mas­ti­cat­ing juicers and still requires ingre­di­ents pre-cutting.

Besides, the juicer gears are made from sol­id food-grade antibac­te­r­i­al stain­less steel rotat­ed with slow 82 RPMs.

Con­tain­ers: All mod­els of Super Angel Juicer come with a pre­mi­um Pyrex round-shaped Glass Juice Jug and plas­tic pulp col­lec­tion container.

Clean­ing and Using: The Super Angel Juicer is com­prised of a small num­ber of con­struc­tion­al parts; there­fore, it is very easy to assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble, unlike most twin-gear mas­ti­cat­ing devices.

While clean­ing this juicer will require some time and effort. It should be cleaned straight after juic­ing and dis­as­sem­bling.  If not, it may build up screen block­ing with dry fiber residues, result­ing in a decreas­ing juice yield ratio. Each Super Angel set includes a spe­cial brush and scrub­ber for clean­ing the screen, which is a great help; still, it will take around 4–5 minutes.

 War­ran­ty: The Super Angel Juicer is cov­ered with a 10-year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty for the base unit and splash­es guard and a 5‑year war­ran­ty for a twin gear set, extract­ing hous­ing, and screen scraper.

Sum­ma­ry: The Super Angel is a very expen­sive juicer and prob­a­bly not the option for most peo­ple who intend to juice rather cheap car­rots, beet­root, and oth­er root pro­duce. How­ev­er, we includ­ed it in the list since it does not only deliv­er the high­est yield across all types of juicer and out­bids by at least 20% the best extrac­tor for these types of ingre­di­ents, such as Cham­pi­on juicer and Bre­ville cen­trifu­gal machines, but also can extract the high­est yield for most of the ingre­di­ents. Besides, it is a unique machine 100% made from stain­less steel and must be a pri­or­i­ty option for peo­ple who do juice to fight seri­ous ailments.



Are you still con­fused with the juicers’ pros and cons that deliv­er the best car­rots, beets, and oth­er root juice yields? It is no won­der that the Cham­pi­on Juicer and Cen­trifu­gal Juicers deliv­er the high­est yield among afford­able machines and extract infe­ri­or qual­i­ty juice with a short­er shelf life than the Sin­gle Auger Mas­ti­cat­ing juicers, which deliv­er supe­ri­or qual­i­ty juice but 20% less yield. The Super Angel machine that can extract the high­est yield and best qual­i­ty juice is so expen­sive that not many peo­ple can afford it. Here, we will sum­marise the results to help you decide which juicer is the best for you.

Cham­pi­on Juicer is a great machine that out­puts the best juice yield (mar­gin­al­ly high­er than cen­trifu­gal juicers), is well-built and durable and is 100% made in the USA. Although it deliv­ers the juice with a short shelf-life, the deli­cious one does not sep­a­rate into the thick­er and watery parts as the juice is extract­ed with a cen­trifu­gal juicer. While it can­not extract well leafy green juice, it han­dles root veg­gies very well and makes excel­lent frozen desserts and baby food. Nev­er­the­less, it is an awe­some machine for those who are fond of reli­able old-school gadgets.

Cen­trifu­gal Bre­ville JE98XL Juice Foun­tain Plus and Bre­ville BJE200XL Com­pact Juicer are less ver­sa­tile machines among all juicer styles and han­dle a lim­it­ed vari­ety of pro­duce — firm veg­gies and fruits, cel­ery, and cit­ruses — and are use­less at leafy greens and most the oth­er ingre­di­ents. These types of machines will also pro­duce the low­est juice qual­i­ty, which must be con­sumed imme­di­ate­ly. How­ev­er, cen­trifu­gal juicers are the cheap­est and quick­est machines and will be an excel­lent entry juicer option. Both machines extract a sim­i­lar yield and qual­i­ty, while the BJE200XL Com­pact comes with one speed, and the JE98XL Juice Foun­tain comes with two speeds; thus, it is slight­ly more ver­sa­tile and more expensive.

The Ver­ti­cal and Hor­i­zon­tal Sin­gle Auger machines extract the same amount of juice yield but dif­fer by a few oth­er parameters.

The Ver­ti­cal machines are the most ver­sa­tile juicers across all types that han­dle the widest range of prod­ucts, from leafy greens to soft fruits, deliv­er­ing high-qual­i­ty juice sim­i­lar to oth­er mas­ti­cat­ing machines. How­ev­er, this type of juicer will need some pro­duce prepa­ra­tion, includ­ing pre-cut­ting the beets and car­rots into small­er pieces; oth­er­wise, they may jam the machine. If you are look­ing for the most ver­sa­tile machine that deliv­ers high-qual­i­ty juice and decent yield for most of the prod­ucts, does not mind the pre-cut­ting ingre­di­ents before juic­ing, and has a slight­ly low­er juice yield extract­ed from car­rots, beets, and oth­er roots. One of the Hurom juicers must be your choice, depend­ing on your budget.

The Sin­gle Auger Hor­i­zon­tal Juicer is a very ver­sa­tile machine, specif­i­cal­ly that con­cerns food pro­cess­ing tasks. They are excel­lent for juic­ing leafy greens and wheat­grass while deliv­er­ing a bit infe­ri­or juice yield when juic­ing roots. Most impor­tant, they are the eas­i­est to clean and the cheap­est among the mas­ti­cat­ing juicers. So, if you want to buy a ver­sa­tile machine that extracts not only qual­i­ty car­rots and beet juice but also leafy green juice, then the Tribest Solost­star 4 or Omega J8006HDS Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer will be the best options. Besides, both machines have the longest in the indus­try, 15 years war­ran­ty from very rep­utable companies.

Final­ly, the Super Angel Juicer will pro­duce the high­est yield (20 % more than Cham­pi­on juicers and cen­trifu­gal Juicers and 40% more than sin­gle auger juicers) and the best qual­i­ty juice with the longest shelf life (up to 72 hours). Still, it is the most expen­sive juic­ing machine on our list and in the mas­ti­cat­ing juicers mar­ket. Nev­er­the­less, this juicer is a great option if you want to become a real juic­ing enthu­si­ast. The twin-gear juicer will also han­dle a wide range of pro­duce, includ­ing leafy greens and wheatgrass. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are juicing beets good for you?

Yes, juic­ing beets can be good for you. Beet juice is well-known for its poten­tial health ben­e­fits since it con­tains essen­tial nutri­ents like vit­a­mins, min­er­als, and antiox­i­dants. So, it may improve blood pres­sure and sup­port liv­er health due to the pres­ence of com­pounds like nitrate.

Can beets be juiced?

Absolute­ly, beets can be juiced. They are a pop­u­lar choice for juic­ing due to their hard tex­ture, so all type of juicers eas­i­ly han­dles it.

Can you put beets in a juicer?

Yes, you can put beets in a juicer—most juicers, whether cen­trifu­gal or mas­ti­cat­ing, can eas­i­ly han­dle beets.

Is it better to juice raw or cooked beets?

Both raw and cooked beets can be juiced, depend­ing on your pref­er­ence. Raw beets retain more of their nat­ur­al nutri­ents, while cooked beets may have a slight­ly dif­fer­ent fla­vor pro­file. It’s up to you!

Is beet juice as good as eating beets?

Beet juice is a way to eas­i­ly con­sume the beets’ nutri­ents, but eat­ing whole beets pro­vides addi­tion­al fiber. Both options have their merits.

What kind of beets are best for juicing?

Any vari­ety of beets can be juiced, but red beets are the most com­mon choice due to their rich col­or and fla­vor. Gold­en beets and Chiog­gia beets are also great options.

When juicing beets, do you peel them?

Peel­ing beets before juic­ing is unnec­es­sary, espe­cial­ly if they are organ­ic and well-washed. How­ev­er, peel­ing can remove dirt or wax coat­ings and may result in a slight­ly smoother juice and bet­ter taste.

Can you put raw beets in a juicer?

Yes, raw beets can be juiced. Just make sure to wash and scrub them thor­ough­ly before juic­ing to remove any dirt or debris.

Can you juice canned beets in a juicer?

While you tech­ni­cal­ly can juice canned beets, it’s not the most com­mon prac­tice. Canned beets are typ­i­cal­ly cooked and often packed in syrup, which may not yield the same fresh and nutri­tious juice as fresh beets.

Can you juice soft beets?

Yes, you can juice soft beets, but it’s best to use firm and fresh beets for juic­ing, as they will yield more juice and bet­ter flavor.

How do you juice beets in a juicer?

First, wash and prep the beets by remov­ing any greens or stems to juice beets in a juicer. Cut them into small­er pieces that fit into your juicer’s feed­ing chute. Feed the beet pieces into the juicer and col­lect the juice in a con­tain­er. Don’t for­get to clean your juicer after use.

What is the best budget juicer for beets?

The beets can be juiced by cen­trifu­gal and mas­ti­cat­ing juicers equal­ly well. The cen­trifu­gal juicers are gen­er­al­ly cheap­er, and the Bre­ville JE98XL Juice Foun­tain Plus is the best among them.

Posted in Juicers, Best Products

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