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Food Processor Buying Guide | KitchenGearPro

Choos­ing a food proces­sor is about find­ing the right one for you based on your culi­nary aspi­ra­tions, house­hold size, bud­get, stor­age pref­er­ences, etc. You also need to under­stand the dif­fer­ent types of food proces­sors and their fea­tures when mak­ing your pur­chase. To make the tasks more man­age­able, you can read this arti­cle cov­er­ing the var­i­ous impor­tant para­me­ters when choos­ing the best food proces­sor and help­ing you make the best deci­sion possible.

Food Processor
Food Proces­sor

Table of Contents

Best Capacity Size For Food Processor

The capac­i­ty of the food proces­sor is one of the most impor­tant fac­tors to con­sid­er when mak­ing your pur­chase. It deter­mines how much food you can process at one time, and this capac­i­ty can be divid­ed into three cat­e­gories – large, medi­um, and small (food chopper).

  • Large food proces­sors with a capac­i­ty of 8 — 14 cups or more are ide­al for larg­er fam­i­lies or those who enter­tain often. A few Large mod­els may include one or two addi­tion­al mini bowls, which fit in the main bowl and is help­ful if you want to process a small­er amount of food, such as chop­ping herbs or nuts. In addi­tion, they typ­i­cal­ly come with mul­ti­ple blades, discs, and oth­er acces­sories to help you tack­le more com­plex tasks like shred­ding, slic­ing, dic­ing, or knead­ing dough.
  • The next size down is a medi­um food proces­sor with 4 to 7 cups. They have all the func­tions of a large food proces­sor, just with a small­er work bowl and weak­er motor. If your dai­ly cook­ing is main­ly for one or two peo­ple, a medi­um-size unit should be a fan­tas­tic choice.
  • The gad­gets with a capac­i­ty of few­er than 4 cups should be con­fid­ed not as stan­dard food proces­sors but rather as food chop­pers. They have lim­it­ed func­tion­al­i­ty but are best for quick chop­ping, mix­ing, puree­ing, minc­ing, or basic food prep tasks.

What size of Food Proces­sors you should get depends on the task and func­tions you are look­ing to accom­plish.

It would also help to remem­ber the dif­fer­ence between the liq­uid and dry food proces­sor capac­i­ty. The dry capac­i­ty is usu­al­ly small­er than the liq­uid, and the liq­uid capac­i­ty is what the sell­er will usu­al­ly tell on the gad­get box.

Motor Power

The typ­i­cal food proces­sor usu­al­ly has motor pow­er start­ing from 300 to 1300 watts. The big­ger the capac­i­ty and attach­ments set, the stronger the motor because it has to run a big­ger food batch and per­forms more tasks vari­eties. A good start­ing point is to look for a food proces­sor with a motor of at least 500 watts. With ample pow­er, the gad­get is capa­ble of more chal­leng­ing tasks.

Most units are also equipped with safe­ty mea­sures and motor pro­tec­tion sys­tems. So, the unit will not start unless it has been assem­bled cor­rect­ly, and cut off pow­er if it is overheated.

Attachments and Functionality

food processor attachments

Typ­i­cal­ly, a food proces­sor comes with a set of acces­sories, includ­ing a chop­ping blade, Slic­ing Disc, Shred­ding Disc, and Dough Hook.

  • S‑blade or chop­ping blade is the stan­dard blade that will per­form most of your food pro­cess­ing tasks, such as chop­ping, minc­ing, and com­bin­ing ingre­di­ents for a dip, sauces, sal­ad dress­ings, pesto, and hum­mus, or salsa.
  • Slic­ing Disc resem­bles a reg­u­lar cut knife designed for slic­ing veg­gies, fruits, cheese, and some­times meat. The open­ing on the slicer deter­mines the thick­ness of the slices. Some mod­els may come with a reversible slic­ing disc, with one side for thick slic­ing and the oth­er for thin slic­ing. The oth­er type of slic­ing disc is a vari­able one adjust­ed with a tun­ing dial, giv­ing you even more con­trol over the thick­ness of your ingre­di­ents.
  • Grat­ing or Shred­ding Disc mim­ics man­u­al grat­ing and is suit­able for shred­ding large batch­es of food, such as coleslaw and oth­er recipes. It is usu­al­ly reversible that han­dles thick and thin grat­ing tasks. At the same time, some brands offer two sep­a­rate discs for both sizes.
  • Dough Tool is designed sim­i­lar to the S blade, except it is made from hard plas­tic. It is knead­ing dough for bread, piz­za, cook­ies, pas­ta, etc. It is ide­al for a bak­er who does not have space or bud­get for a sep­a­rate stand mixer.

A qual­i­ty food proces­sor may include addi­tion­al attach­ments that come in the set or are avail­able to buy sep­a­rate­ly. These include a spi­ral­iz­er or juli­enne disc that makes the dec­o­ra­tive slic­ing for an artis­tic fin­ish, a French fry disc for healthy home­made chips, dic­ing blades, and acces­sories stor­age cas­es. In addi­tion, some food proces­sors can offer extend­ed attach­ment options that include blenders and mini-mills for spices for even more ver­sa­til­i­ty at mealtime.

Feed Chute Size

When it comes to buy­ing a food proces­sor, the size of the feed chute is one of the cru­cial para­me­ters. The large feed tube can process larg­er items, such as pota­toes or cucum­bers, with­out chop­ping them up first. It also allows food to be eas­i­ly pressed into the cut­ting discs and can be adjust­ed for dif­fer­ent food shapes. So, the big­ger Feed Chute, the better.

Control Panel

Food proces­sors usu­al­ly are equipped with a sim­ple con­trol pan­el. Some come with only one Con­tin­u­ous or Pulse Speed. More advanced mod­els can have few speeds and even pre-set pro­grams.

How­ev­er, this gad­get needs no more than Low and High speeds and a Pulse func­tion; any­thing more than that is an exces­sive option. Slow speed allows the pro­cess­ing of soft ingre­di­ents, while hard speed han­dles hard ingre­di­ents. In addi­tion, the pulse usu­al­ly per­forms chop­ping func­tions and allows con­trol­ling the size of chopped pieces. Since if you use con­tin­u­ous speed for chop­ping, you are like­ly to over-process this.

How Easy To Set Up And Clean

Wash­ing food proces­sor attach­ments by hand can be a real pain. If you have a dish­wash­er, look for a mod­el with dish­wash­er-safe acces­sories. Most Food Proces­sors come with an attach­ment that is safe to clean on the top rack of the dish­wash­er.

Size and Weight

The size and weight of Food Proces­sors are oth­er essen­tial fea­tures because most of them are pret­ty hefty and tall. If you want to keep the gad­get on your coun­ter­top, make sure it fits under your kitchen cab­i­net, so it should have a pro­file of few­er than 18 inch­es. The device lid with the feed tube must also fit under the cab­i­net; oth­er­wise, you have to have a space to keep them sep­a­rate­ly since the feed tube could be tall and bulky.

If you min­i­mal­ist-style kitchen and do not keep appli­ances out­side, you have to make sure you have a cup­board space to store them and lift them eas­i­ly. Some units are hefty and can weigh more than 20 lbs.

Food Processor Cost

They are not the cheap­est appli­ances around. For exam­ple, the prop­er food proces­sor could cost about $600, such as Bre­ville or Mag­im­ix machine. Oth­ers could be around $100 while equipped with all major acces­sories, such as a Nin­ja Food Proces­sor.

How­ev­er, keep in mind that the most pop­u­lar food proces­sor will cost between $200 and $400. So, ulti­mate­ly, the best way to decide how much to spend is by set­ting your bud­get and find­ing the best mod­el for that price.


This guide is designed to help you find the best food proces­sor for your needs. By under­stand­ing the dif­fer­ent fea­tures and options avail­able, you can make an informed deci­sion and find a suit­able food proces­sor for your kitchen.

If you find this arti­cle help­ful, please drop a com­ment to let us know. We would appre­ci­ate it.

Posted in Buying Advice, Food Processors

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