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Hamilton Beach Professional 1500W Quiet Shield Blender (58870) Review

Hamilton Beach 1500 quiteThe dis­rup­tive noise lev­el in most house­hold blender out­put is the real prob­lem for con­sumers with noise sen­si­tiv­i­ty or those who pre­pare their morn­ing smooth­ie when most house­hold dwellers and neigh­bors are still asleep. The blenders with sound enclo­sures are the com­mon equip­ment main­ly for the com­mer­cial envi­ron­ment. For­tu­nate­ly, these blenders are now com­ing to pri­vate homes. The Hamil­ton Beach Pro 1500W Qui­et Shield Blender is one of them.

Read this review if you would like to find out all the “good and bad” sides of this Qui­et Shield Blender for home use.

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Table of Contents

Quiet Shield

The Hamil­ton Beach Pro 1500W sound shield has a sim­ple design and is con­struct­ed as a remov­able upside-down hard plas­tic jug arranged over the blender pitch­er. The rub­ber pad on the base unit base also con­tributes to the muf­fling of a noise released by the blender. Despite such an unso­phis­ti­cat­ed design, it still does the job and reduces the noise emit­ted by the blender to a com­fort­able 80–85 deci­bels depend­ing on the processed ingredients.

Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie: This blender blends soft and tough fruit and veg­eta­bles like kale or pineap­ple into a very good qual­i­ty smooth­ie. Car­rot and apple may come out a bit tex­tured but still of decent con­sis­ten­cy. It pul­ver­izes well blue­ber­ries and straw­ber­ries seeds but will leave some seed residues when blend­ing black­ber­ries and raspberries.

Juic­ing: It will not remove the liq­uid from the fiber to pro­duce clas­sic text­book juice. How­ev­er, it will process ingre­di­ents into smooth con­sis­ten­cy to make the “whole juice,” aka smooth smoothie.

Crush­ing Ice and Frozen Desserts: This machine will crush ice cubes to the snow con­sis­ten­cy or frozen fruit and veg­eta­bles in smooth­ies with­out much effort. The cus­tom tam­per that comes with the blender will sim­pli­fy the process of thick or frozen mix­tures to make a decent-qual­i­ty frozen yogurts, ice creams, and sorbets.

Soup/ hot ingre­di­ents: This blender will not heat food via fric­tion; nei­ther has its heat­ing ele­ment to pro­duce soup with­out pre­cook­ing. But it can also han­dle hot ingre­di­ents and blend heat­ed ingre­di­ents for soup with­out the need to cool it. How­ev­er, you should not fill the 32 oz. jar beyond the 2‑cup (473-ml) lev­el when han­dling hot liq­uids. It is also suit­ed to make bul­let­proof coffee.

Puree­ing: It will puree cooked and uncooked vegs into a good qual­i­ty puree, but lit­tle liq­uid might be need­ed to achieve the best quality.

Chopping/food prep: The blender con­trol pan­el is equipped with vari­able speeds and a pulse func­tion that is per­fect for prepar­ing hum­mus, dips, sal­ad dress­ing, and sal­sas. It also will chop the onion, and cab­bage for coleslaw or minced gar­lic for a wide range of recipes.

Nut milk: This gad­get has enough pow­er to pul­ver­ize nuts to the con­sis­ten­cy suit­able to pro­duce rea­son­ably good nut milk after strain­ing it through the nutbag.

Nut but­ter: With some effort, this machine can make quite a good nut but­ter with the help of a tam­per. When mak­ing nut but­ter, the user must process it at 1‑minute inter­vals to avoid motor over­heat­ing; oth­er­wise, the blender will shut off, and you have to wait 15 min to start it again.

Grinding/milling: It will grind well cof­fee and any herbs, and chop nuts or flour the oats. It is not capa­ble of milling bak­ing qual­i­ty grain, bean, or rice flour.

Dough/batter: It is not designed to make dough but is capa­ble of mix­ing the batter.

Over­all, this machine is able to pro­duce a wide range of recipes, but it comes with small capac­i­ty jars and is able to serve 1or 2‑person house­holds. The min­i­mum amount of liq­uid need­ed per recipe is one cup (8 ounces/237 ml) when using 32 oz for best per­for­mance. For pro­cess­ing pro­tein pow­der drinks, blend less than 16 oz. (473 ml) since pro­tein pow­ders expand dur­ing blending.


Speed Settings and Programs

Screenshot 12The Hamil­ton Beach Pro 1500W con­trol pan­el has a sim­ple design and is oper­at­ed by ON/OFF, PULSE keys, and a dial knob with 10 vari­able speeds, O (start/stop) mode, and 4 pre-pro­grammed set­tings posi­tioned around the knob. The 10 speeds, CLEAN, PUREE, CRUSH, and SMOOTHIE pre-set pro­grams and stop mode are con­trolled by turn­ing the nob to an appro­pri­ate func­tion position.

The SMOOTHIE set­tings are designed for stub­born and frozen ingre­di­ents; it puls­es a few times and then runs at the high­est speed for anoth­er 60 sec­onds. The CRUSH mode breaks the ice for slushies or fine cock­tails by puls­ing from speed 1 to 5 for 1 minute. The PUREE pro­gram process soft fruit or veg­eta­bles into a per­fect­ly creamy con­sis­ten­cy by slow­ly ramp­ing up from speed 1 to 10 for 1 minute 15 sec­onds. The blender auto­mat­i­cal­ly stops at the end of the program.

Low speeds are usu­al­ly applied for chop­ping and food prep tasks, while a high speed is per­fect for green smooth­ies, grind­ing, and puree­ing the soup.

Pulse can oper­ate at vari­able speeds to con­trol air pock­ets dur­ing blend­ing when han­dling stub­born, iced ingre­di­ents or mak­ing nut butter.

Such a vari­ety of speeds, set­tings, and pulse mode makes this machine very ver­sa­tile and allows the user to eas­i­ly adjust the blender pow­er for easy prepa­ra­tion of a wide range of recipes for a pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­ty result.

Ease of Using and Cleaning

Oper­at­ing: With the blade assem­bly per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt into 32 oz. jar, this blender is very easy to use. To start oper­a­tion, the user has to locate the con­tain­er on the base, add ingre­di­ents, and it is ready to run; the user only has to rotate the dial knob to the appro­pri­ate speed or pro­gram set­ting. The blender can be used with or with­out a qui­et enclo­sure, but the enclo­sure has to be removed if you want to add extra ingre­di­ents dur­ing oper­a­tion or use the tamper.

Clean­ing: This machine is very easy to clean up, and what could be eas­i­er than the self-clean­ing pro­ce­dure? Sim­ply fill the pitch­er with water, add a few drops of dish soap, blend it for 30 sec­onds, and rinse and dry thor­ough­ly. The user can apply vine­gar, bak­ing soda, or dish deter­gents, or use a dish brush clean­ing to clean extra stub­born ingredients.

The blender parts such as the main pitch­er with non-remov­able blade assem­bly, sound enclo­sure, sin­gle-serve cup, lids, and cap, and sin­gle-serve blade assem­bly parts are safe for dishwashing.

Base Unit and Motor Power

The Hamil­ton Beach Pro 1500W motor base is equipped with a pow­er­ful 2.0 peak HP motor that cor­re­sponds to 1500 watts. The all-met­al dri­ve to the blade sys­tem seems strong and last­ing. The top of the base unit is equipped with a rub­ber pad that also helps to reduce the noise emit­ted dur­ing blending.

The unit base inte­ri­or is wrapped in durable plas­tic. The bot­tom of the base unit is also equipped with non-slip details that make it sta­ble on the counter dur­ing the oper­a­tion. The base is also pro­vid­ed with a 3‑prong ground­ed plug to reduce the risk of elec­tric shock. In addi­tion, it comes with 36 inch­es long cord that is not retract­ed to the base but is equipped with a hook loop cable tie for easy storage.

The machine also has motor auto­mat­ic shut­off pro­tec­tion to pre­vent sys­tem over­heat­ing dur­ing the oper­a­tion; the sys­tem can resume oper­a­tion after 15 min­utes if the shut­off was triggered.


This blender comes with Tri­tan 32 oz. con­tain­ers. It is made from a high-qual­i­ty shat­ter­proof BPA-free copoly­ester and is able to han­dle the tough­est jobs. In addi­tion, the con­tain­ers have easy-to-read mea­sure­ment marks. The 32 ounces pitch­er comes with a vent­ed lid with a remov­able cap for pro­cess­ing hot food, adding ingre­di­ents, and using it with the tam­per. The lid is made from hard plas­tic with and soft rub­ber insert to sit secure­ly on the jar.

How­ev­er, the con­tain­er is rather small, and although it is good for pro­cess­ing small batch­es of food, you will need to run two or more cycles to serve more than 2–3 peo­ple. In addi­tion, it does not have a han­dle, which makes han­dling the jar and pour­ing a lit­tle tricky and awk­ward. You would prob­a­bly need to use a mit­ten when han­dling it with hot ingre­di­ents inside.


The blender is equipped with per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt 32 oz con­tain­er blades. The blades are made from high-qual­i­ty sin­gle-piece hard­ened stain­less steel. The 32 oz. the non-remov­able blade is a pop­u­lar con­struc­tion type for high-pow­er blenders; this blender design pre­vents the pitch­er-blade leak­ing prob­lem and is very con­ve­nient since it requires min­i­mum steps for assem­bling blenders for operation.

Special Features

Tam­per: A cus­tom tam­per helps pre­vent air pock­ets when blend­ing thick or frozen recipes and is a handy tool for mak­ing nut but­ter or frozen desserts.

Col­ors: This machine comes in one met­al sil­ver with dark gray trim only.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: There is no cer­ti­fied refur­bished mod­el avail­able for this blender.

Use in coun­tries out­side of the USA/Canada: This blender comes with a 110–120 volt­age sys­tem for use in the USA and Cana­da; how­ev­er, it is pos­si­ble to use this gad­get with a spe­cial adapter in oth­er countries.


The sound enclo­sure con­sid­er­ably min­i­mizes noise while blend­ing, and with the shield fit­ted over the con­tain­er, it reduces noise out­put by 40% approx­i­mate­ly and pro­duces around 82 deci­bels, so you can con­tin­ue the con­ver­sa­tion with a slight­ly raised voice when the machine is blending.

Warranty and Customer Service

The Hamil­ton Beach Pro­fes­sion­al 1500W Blender comes with 5‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty. The Lim­it­ed war­ran­ty assumes the extra charges for replace­ment parts and unit repair ship­ment. This blender seems a durable and well-built machine, and most like­ly, it will have a long lifespan.

The Hamil­ton Beach cus­tomer ser­vice has a good rep­u­ta­tion with their bud­get blender’s prod­uct lines and must sup­ply good ser­vice to this machine customer.

Optional Accessories and Attachments

Some mod­els come with an addi­tion­al sin­gle-serve cup and blade assem­bly attach­ment. But there are no addi­tion­al acces­sories and attach­ments are avail­able for this blender. How­ev­er, you can always con­tact cus­tomer ser­vice if you need some parts replaced.

Set Includes

  • Unit base with the 1500 Watts motor base;
  • Quite Shield/ Enclosure;
  • 32 oz. jar with blade inbuilt and lid with filler plug;
  • Sin­gle-serve attach­ment — 20 oz. cup, remov­able blade assem­bly, blade col­lar for sin­gle-serve attachment(optional);
  • Cus­tom tamper,
  • Recipe book.

The online Hamil­ton Beach resources are also could be con­sult­ed for addi­tion­al recipe ideas.


The height of this blender with 32 oz. pitch­er and qui­et enclo­sure on the top of the base unit is 17.2 inch­es which allow this machine to fit under stan­dard 18 inch­es kitchen cab­i­nets. The foot­print of the blender is rea­son­ably com­pact and mea­sures 7.7 inch­es x 11.4 inch­es. The unit weight is 9.7 pounds.

The machine is also equipped with 36 inch­es pow­er cord that comes with a hook and vel­cro cable tie for con­ve­nient storage.

Pros and Cons


  • It is real­ly quite a blender with noise out­put that allows users to car­ry on a nor­mal con­ver­sa­tion when it is running.
  • It is a well-made and durable machine with an all-met­al dri­ve and is cov­ered by 5‑year lim­it­ed warranty.
  • This machine is ver­sa­tile and allows you to make a wide range of recipes, from smooth­ies to frozen desserts.
  • This pow­er­ful machine is able to pro­duce good qual­i­ty green smooth­ies and crushed ice to snow cone consistency.


  • This is a small house­hold blender that will serve only one or two peo­ple since it has a max­i­mum pitch­er capac­i­ty of 32 ounces and those who intend to blend more in one go are bet­ter to look at larg­er models.

Consumer Reviews

The Hamil­ton Beach Pro 1500W is a new prod­uct on the mar­ket but already has a high con­sumer reviews rat­ing with many online retailers.

Hamilton Beach Pro 1500W Quiet Shield Blender Price

Hamil­ton Beach Pro 1500W price fluc­tu­ates around $150 with dif­fer­ent retail­ers for the set with the sin­gle-serve jar and $10 cheap­er if you choose the gad­get with 32 oz. only. The price is very rea­son­able for the unit with a qui­et enclo­sure, and if you want to buy the only enclo­sure (with­out the blender) that is avail­able for buy sep­a­rate­ly for some blender brands, it will cost you around $200.



The Hamil­ton Beach Pro 1500W Qui­et Shield Blender is a good solu­tion for some­one who is look­ing for a rea­son­ably priced blender that will do your morn­ing smooth­ies while the rest of your house­hold is still asleep. The Hamil­ton Beach Pro plas­tic shield does a decent job of reduc­ing noise out­put. It is a well-made and ver­sa­tile machine that out­puts good-qual­i­ty blend­ing for many tasks. It has a met­al cou­pling gear, and a strong motor, and promis­es to last for many years.

For the alter­na­tive quite blender option check our arti­cle Best Qui­et Blenders – Reviews and Buy­ing Guide 2022.

Posted in Other Blenders Reviews

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