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Kuvings NJE Masticating Slow Juicer Review

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B008M1EJ9M&Format= SL300 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=kitchen0a03 20&language=en USir?t=kitchen0a03 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B008M1EJ9MThe Kuvings NJE Mas­ti­cat­ing Slow Juicer is a sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal mas­ti­cat­ing mod­el man­u­fac­tured by a rep­utable South Kore­an Com­pa­ny. The Kuvings have pro­duced healthy kitchen appli­ances since the 1970s.

The brands are present world­wide and have oper­at­ed in the USA mar­ket since 2007. The com­pa­ny is an inven­tor of the first wide large feed chutes ver­ti­cal slow juicers that are known under the Kuvings S6000 name. It now pro­duces more advanced wide chute mod­els. Besides, it is also known for sev­er­al oth­er sin­gles auger juicer innovations.

Read More: Hurom H101 Easy Clean Slow Juicer Review

How­ev­er, the Kuvings pro­duce only one sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal juicers mod­el, and we will review it in this arti­cle. So stay with us to deter­mine if this Juicer is worth buy­ing and add you to your kitchen appli­ances collection.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Set Includes

The Kuvings Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicers are avail­able in five (5) dif­fer­ent mod­els (NJE-3520, NJE-3530, NJE-3540, NJE-3570, and NJE-3580), which are absolute­ly iden­ti­cal but dif­fer ONLY by col­or. Each of these mod­el sets includes:

  •  Body Unit with Motor;
  • Drum with feed chute and hopper;
  • Sin­gle auger;
  • Strainer/juicing screen, blank screen;
  • Drum/End Cap;
  • Juic­ing noz­zle (+1 replace­ment), one (1) minc­ing, one (1) rice cake, and four (4) pas­ta nozzles;
  • Juice con­tain­er, pulp container;
  • Food push­er;
  • User Man­u­al.

Motor and Body Unit

The Juicer has a heavy body and a very com­pact foot­print that takes up a small counter space area. A charm­ing­ly designed body is made of plas­tic and fea­tures a han­dle for eas­i­er mov­ing the Juicer around. The body also fea­tures a slid­ing half-dome hood that slides over the body when the Juicer is not in use to keep dirt from get­ting into the switch.

The body hous­es 170 watts heavy-duty motor and is also equipped with the gear reduc­tion box, reduc­ing the out­put speed while pro­vid­ing the prop­er out­put torque. The motor rotates the auger with a slow speed of 80 rpm and comes with a decel­er­at­ing gear that decreas­es vibra­tion and noise.

The Kuvings juicer is designed for the 30 min­utes con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion and should be stopped for rest before the oper­a­tion resume. Besides, it has a reset switch that works as a cir­cuit break­er, so when the machine is over­loaded, it will shut off auto­mat­i­cal­ly instead of burn­ing it up, and it saves the motor.

Drum and Feeding Chute

The Juicer fea­tures a clear dark­ened poly­car­bon­ate drum and feed­ing chute so that you can see the juic­ing process inside and a large remov­able hopper.

It has a rel­a­tive­ly nar­row cir­cle 1.5” in diam­e­ter feed­ing chute. So it requires the pre-cut for the major­i­ty of ingre­di­ents. Oth­er­wise, it will some­times take some effort to push them down the chute if you do not cut them. How­ev­er, such a nar­row chute is typ­i­cal for the hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle-auger extrac­tor, and only some hor­i­zon­tal juicers (such as the lat­est Omega Cn800/9000 and 1000) come with the 1.5” X 2” feed­ing chute.


kuvings masticating juicer auger

The Kuvings auger is made from hard ABS ther­mo­plas­tic that is s not as strong as the GE Ultem mate­r­i­al used nowa­days in most sin­gle auger juicers. As a result, the Kuvings auger is not very durable com­pared to oth­er sin­gle auger juicers.

How­ev­er, it has a real­ly well-designed auger shape that pulls the ingre­di­ents down from the feed­ing tube into the drum with lit­tle or no effort. As a result, you will not need to use a push­er to process pre-cut and thin ingre­di­ents such as car­rots and cel­ery. So, the smart­ly designed machine´s auger makes this machine almost self-feeding.

Juicing Screen

The Juicer comes with a juic­ing screen and a blank screen. The juic­ing screen or strain­er is used for all juic­ing tasks, while the blank screen is used to make frozen treats, nut but­ter, grind­ing, puree­ing, minc­ing, crush­ing, and pas­ta extru­sion tasks.

Both screens are made from ABS ther­mo­plas­tic; the strain­er also has stain­less steel mesh inserts to fil­ter squeezed juice from the pulp.

Nozzles and End Cap

The Juicer includes a drum (end) cap, and the 8 noz­zles in the pack­age are made of hard plas­tic, which is easy to clean and does not leave any stains.

The drum cap is not adjustable and must only be fas­tened to a tight posi­tion. The adjustable cap is designed to reg­u­late the pulp ejec­tion pres­sures and be tight­ened for the firm ingre­di­ents and relaxed for the soft ingre­di­ents. The Kuvings work very well on the soft­er ingre­di­ents and leafy greens and show a slight­ly low­er juice yield than the juicers with adjustable caps (Omega J78008 and NC 800, for example).

The Kuvings eight (8) noz­zles include 2 for juic­ing pur­pos­es (one of the replace­ment) and 6 noz­zles for food pro­cess­ing tasks. These food pro­cess­ing noz­zles include the minc­ing noz­zle designed for puree­ing tasks such as baby food, mak­ing nut but­ter, frozen desserts, or grind­ing. The Cake Noz­zle will be made com­mon in Japan­ese and Kore­an cui­sine as “mochi.” While small round Pas­ta Noz­zle, large round Pas­ta Noz­zle, small flat Pas­ta Noz­zle, large flat Pas­ta Noz­zle. They are designed for mak­ing a few types of pasta.


The pack­age includes 20 oz./600 ml juic­ing con­tain­er and 40 oz./1150 ml pulp con­tain­er are both made of polycarbonate.

 The juice con­tain­er comes with a pour cap acces­so­ry that is a sub­sti­tute for a mesh sieve. Even though this pour cap does not com­plete­ly remove the pulp from the juice, it does fil­ter out the lumpy bits that get into the juice in the juice strain­er. How­ev­er, if you like clear juice, it is bet­ter to use the prop­er sieve.


kuvings masicataing juicer end cap

The Kuvings NJE-3580U is a ver­sa­tile machine that extracts almost pulp and foam-free juice and can per­form a myr­i­ad of food pro­cess­ing tasks such as puree­ing, minc­ing, grind­ing, basic ice crush­ing, and grind­ing, and mak­ing rice cakes and pasta.

For exam­ple, using the strainers/juicing screen and juic­ing noz­zle will juice the fol­low­ing ingredients:

  • Wheat­grass deliv­ers the high­est yield among all sin­gle auger juicers;
  • Leafy greens, includ­ing kale, broc­coli, and oth­er leafy greens obtain a high juice yield com­pared to oth­er sin­gle auger juicers, though it is so bril­liant with spinach;
  • Soft­er pro­duce such as grapes, and cit­rus fruits achiev­ing above-aver­age yields, it also will han­dle well pineap­ple and some vari­ety of berries;
  • Extract aver­age for sin­gle auger yield from celery;
  • Juic­ing apples and pears and obtain­ing pret­ty good juice yield that is typ­i­cal for a sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal juicer;
  • How­ev­er, it extracts rather a low yield from hard veg­gies like car­rots and beets juice that is usu­al for the sin­gle auger juicer;

When using a blank screen and minc­ing noz­zles, the Juicer per­forms food pro­cess­ing tasks such as:

  • Makes frozen treats that are made of pure­ly frozen fruits, such as frozen bananas, straw­ber­ries, and others;
  • Makes nut butter;
  • Minces dried and fresh veg­eta­bles and fruits, sprout­ed grains, herbs, and seasonings;
  • Mix­es great pesto, a vari­ety of sauces, and dips such as sal­sa and hummus;
  • Ground meat;

Set­ting just a blank screen and remov­ing all noz­zles will allow per­form­ing the fol­low­ing tasks:

  • Crush ice turn­ing it into the snow;
  • Grind cof­fee beans and others;

Plac­ing the blank screen and pas­ta noz­zles, depend­ing on the par­tic­u­lar noz­zle, will:

  • Extrude angel hair pas­ta, spaghet­ti, and fettuccine;

Fix­ing the rice cake noz­zle instead of the pas­ta noz­zle will:

  • Do a “mochi” which is a Kore­an and Asian style rice cake;

Assembling, Disassembling, and Cleaning

Like most sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicers, the Kuvings NJE is very easy to assem­ble, dis­as­sem­ble, and clean.

The Kuvings NJE assem­bling is stan­dard to the sin­gle auger juicer. It requires secur­ing the hop­per to the feed­ing chute with the cham­ber part, attach­ing the cham­ber to the main body by turn­ing the lock­ing clip from “open” to “lock” sta­tus, fit­ting the auger into the main body, attach­ing the juic­ing screen, or a blank screen over the auger, screw in the drum cap to end of the drum assem­bly and attach the appro­pri­ate noz­zle to the drum cap. Final­ly, the Juicer is ready to juice.

The Kuvings NJE clean­ing is even eas­i­er than most of the sin­gle auger juice extrac­tors since it has a small­er screen area, which is the hard­est. More­over, you can soak the juic­ing of the screen before clean­ing it for 10 min in warm water, so you will scrub it much faster and with less effort. The spe­cial juic­ing screen clean­ing brush is includ­ed in the set, which cleans the screen fast. So, the entire clean­ing pro­ce­dure takes no longer than 2–3 minutes.

It is also designed to be safe for most parts of dish­wash­ing; nev­er­the­less, it is advised to clean your Juicer man­u­al­ly to pro­long the gad­get’s life expectancy.


Like most sin­gle auger juicers, the Kuvings juicer is oper­at­ed using the one switch that is con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed on the top of the body near the hand and makes it very easy to operate.

The switch fea­tures “For­ward,” “Stop,” and “Reverse” func­tions. Where the “For­ward” and “Stop” func­tion starts and stops machine oper­a­tion, respec­tive­ly. The “Reverse” func­tion is designed to con­trol clog­ging; you turn it on to remove what is jammed inside with reverse motion.


The Kuvings Mas­ti­cat­ing Slow Juicer comes with only a 5‑year war­ran­ty which is not very long for a rep­utable brand; for exam­ple, the Omega juicers have 15 years war­ran­ty. How­ev­er, Kuvings Cus­tomer Ser­vice is very cour­te­ous and prompt­ly serves its war­ran­ty. The com­pa­ny also pays ship­ping and han­dling fees if you claim a war­ran­ty with­in your pur­chase’s first year.

The Kuvings brand head­quar­ters is locat­ed in South Korea, with offices world­wide. The USA cus­tomers are served from Elk Grove Vil­lage, IL. The USA cus­tomer ser­vices are avail­able via email, toll-free phone num­ber, phys­i­cal address, and online.


The com­pact size of 4.1 x 12.5 x 11.4 inch­es / 360 x 320 x 290 mm of Kuvings juicer makes it per­fect for using the machine even in tiny kitchens. In addi­tion, this machine occu­pies just a small counter space; it fits per­fect­ly under the counter. The machine also comes with a long 5.5 ft. pow­er cord.

Besides, it is quite heavy, and with 15.4 lbs/7kg, it will not move over the counter dur­ing operation.


The Kuvings Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer is a qui­et machine; it releas­es 60 dB dur­ing oper­a­tion on average.

Special Features

Col­ors: Kuvings Mas­ti­cat­ing Slow Juicer is avail­able in 5 col­ors — orange NJE-3520U, green NJE-3530U, white NJE-3540U, sil­ver NJE-3570U, chrome NJE-3580U.

Volt­age: It is man­u­fac­tured with both 120V (60Hz) and 230V (50Hz) volt­age sys­tems. The man­u­fac­tur­er does not advise using the Juicer via volt­age trans­former as it may cause oper­at­ing prob­lems. So, you should watch out when buy­ing the Juicer and select the one with the appro­pri­ate volt­age system.

Pros and Cons


  • It is a very ver­sa­tile juicer that han­dles well most of the ingre­di­ents, sim­i­lar to any oth­er sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal mas­ti­cat­ing juicer;
  • It comes with a range of extra acces­sories that expand the func­tion­al­i­ty of the machine;
  • Extracts low pulp and foam juice from all of the juic­ing ingredients;
  • Has dish­wash­er safe most of the parts;
  • Deliv­ers out­stand­ing wheat­grass juice yield;
  • Extracts high yields from most of the leafy greens and a few soft fruits, includ­ing orange and grape;


  • Has a nar­row 1.5 inch­es in diam­e­ter feed­ing chute that requires ingre­di­ents pre-cut­ting before juicing;
  • Deliv­ers poor yields from hard pro­duce like car­rots and beets; how­ev­er, it is typ­i­cal for all hor­i­zon­tal juicers;
  • Comes with a rel­a­tive­ly short, only a 5‑year warranty.


The Kuvings Mas­ti­cat­ing Slow Juicer is one of the cheap­est sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicers that is avail­able among rep­utable brands such as Omega, Tribest Hurom, and exclud­ing the Chi­nese knock­off models.



The Kuvings Mas­ti­cat­ing Slow Juicer is a very effi­cient and ver­sa­tile juice extrac­tor that han­dles a whole range of ingre­di­ents from apple and car­rots juice to leafy greens and wheat­grass juice and deliv­ers low pulp and low foam juice. Actu­al­ly, it extracts the high­est yield among all sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicers from wheat­grass and leafy greens (exclud­ing the spinach). This machine is also designed to per­form a range of food pro­cess­ing tasks, from mak­ing frozen desserts to extrud­ing a vari­ety of pas­ta types.

Besides, this qui­et and easy-to-clean machine is one of the cheap­est sin­gle auger machines which comes from a rep­utable brand. There­fore, this Juicer will undoubt­ed­ly be a great addi­tion to your kitchen if you plan to process a lot of wheat­grass, leafy greens, and a vari­ety of oth­er fruits and veg­eta­bles and are also keen to exper­i­ment with healthy or no-gluten pas­ta recipes.


Posted in Juicers

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