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Ninja Personal Blender 700-Watt Review

ninja personal blender 700 wattsThe Nin­ja Fit Per­son­al Blender 700-Watt (QB3001SS) is one of the most desir­able per­son­al blenders on the mar­ket cur­rent­ly. The gad­get pre­sent­ed in com­mer­cials is ver­sa­tile and will make smooth­ies, crush ice, and process oth­er your favorite recipes. Over­all, it sounds promis­ing, but how does it per­form in the real-life kitchen environment?

It is the most basic Nin­ja per­son­al blender.

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Read More: Nin­ja Kitchen Sys­tem Pulse (BL201) vs Oster Pro 1200 Blender

Table of Contents

Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie:  The blender makes good qual­i­ty smooth­ies from soft ingre­di­ents like banana, man­go, cored pear, or apple. But in the process, you must expect some greed­i­ness when you throw leafy and hard ingre­di­ents like car­rots, kale, or spinach into the con­tain­er. Nev­er­the­less, it still makes decent qual­i­ty green smoothies.

Berries, nuts, and seeds will leave lit­tle bits of unprocessed food and berry seed residues.

Frozen ingre­di­ents:  The gad­get han­dles ice and frozen ingre­di­ents with min­i­mum liq­uid. How­ev­er, it was hard­ly able to shave ice cubes to make snow cones but ide­al­ly suit­ed for mak­ing the smooth­ie, shakes, and iced alco­holic drinks with some liq­uid added.

Juices: This machine is able to process fair­ly smooth smooth­ies, but it will make rather grit­ty “whole” juice.

Puree­ing: It will han­dle only cooked veg­eta­bles to puree them; the more liq­uid you add, the bet­ter it will process.

Chopping/food prep: The gad­get is suit­able for the light-duty job, and with just a few pulse bursts, it will chop veg­eta­bles for sal­ads, sal­sa, and sal­ad dress­ings. It also chops well nuts, grate cheese, or crumbs.

This machine is not designed for such chal­leng­ing tasks as mak­ing nut milk or nut but­ter, pro­cess­ing hot ingre­di­ents (con­tain­ers are not high tem­per­a­ture proofed), or even grind­ing cof­fee beans, and herbs, or milling even soft grains.

Speed Settings and Programs

Nin­ja Per­son­al Blender (QB3001SS) 700-Watt does not have a clas­si­cal con­trol pan­el. It is oper­at­ed using the only one-speed pulse func­tion, which is acti­vat­ed by press­ing down the top of the cup in short inter­vals. The user must keep push­ing until achiev­ing the desired con­sis­ten­cy of ingre­di­ents. For the best result, you may use short 1‑second pulses.

Despite a prim­i­tive con­trol func­tion, the user can adapt this for a vari­ety of blend­ing tasks. It just needs some learn­ing efforts from you.

Ease of Using and Cleaning

Assem­bling and oper­at­ing: The Nin­ja Per­son­al Blender (QB3001SS) is not very dif­fi­cult to assem­ble for use. How­ev­er, it has remov­able blades and thus involves a few steps to set it up and make it ready to run.

Fill the cup with ingre­di­ents in the appro­pri­ate order as instruct­ed in the recipe up to the max fill line. Screw on the sin­gle-serve cup assem­bly. Turn the cup upside down and keep press­ing the top of the cup until desired consistency.

Clean­ing: The con­tain­ers, blades, and attach­ments are dish­wash­er safe. While hand­wash­ing is pre­ferred if you blend thick and sticky ingredients.

How­ev­er, hand­wash­ing is chal­leng­ing because the blades are sharp and should be han­dled with care. The cups and lids are also trou­bled to wash as cups are small in cir­cum­fer­ence and tops have many grooves and cavities.

Self-clean­ing is prob­a­bly the eas­i­est way – fill the con­tain­er halfway with water, add a few drops of deter­gent, and pulse for a few sec­onds. Then rinse thor­ough­ly and dry.

Base Unit and Motor Power

The Nin­ja Fit Per­son­al Blender QB3001SS is equipped with 700 watts of motor pow­er, which is rea­son­able enough for the per­son­al type of blender.

This machine’s weak side is the plas­tic blade shaft and blade to a motor dri­ve cou­pling, which assumes the quick-wear out of the dri­ve parts and the very long life expectan­cy of the machine.


ninja personal cupsThis machine comes with two 16oz. sin­gle-serve cup for blend­ing drinks on the go. The cups are pret­ty thick and made from BPA-free poly­car­bon­ate mate­r­i­al and have a MAX line and mea­sur­ing mark­ing for 200 ml and 400 ml on one side and 8oz. and 16oz. on another.

The set also includes two sip and seal trav­el lids. The lids seem air­tight and do not leak.

How­ev­er, the cups some­times have trou­ble unscrew­ing when tight­en­ing them firm­ly to the blade assem­bly. If you do not tight­en them prop­er­ly, they may leak. Nev­er­the­less, it is a typ­i­cal prob­lem for the major­i­ty of upside-down per­son­al blenders.


This machine comes with a remov­able blade assem­bly set with the usu­al sin­gle-serve blade design. The 4‑prong blades are made of stain­less steel and very sharp but have a prob­lem of dulling, usu­al­ly with­in 1 year of use. The plas­tic parts are also not very durable and wear out also with­in 1 year of ser­vice. For­tu­nate­ly, Nin­ja sold the replace­ment for the blades.

Special Features

Col­ors: The machine comes in dark gray with sil­ver trim­ming col­or only.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: A cer­ti­fied refur­bished mod­el is avail­able for the Nin­ja Per­son­al Blender (QB3001SS), and it is usu­al­ly priced at $10 cheap­er than the orig­i­nal version.

Use in coun­tries out­side the USA/Canada: This machine comes with a 110–120 volt­age sys­tem and is suit­able for oper­a­tion in the USA/Canada and the regions with an appro­pri­ate volt­age. Cus­tomers from the coun­tries with the 220–240 volts sys­tem should buy the blender from local dis­trib­u­tors. How­ev­er, it could be oper­at­ed via the volt­age adapter but is not rec­om­mend­ed for extend­ed use by a man­u­fac­tur­er and will void the war­ran­ty in this case.

Set Includes

  • 700 Watts pow­er base with pulse technology;
  • Two 16 oz. (2 cups) sin­gle-serve cups;
  • Two seal and sip lids;
  • Blade assem­bly;
  • User man­u­al;
  • The 50 recipes cookbook.

Warranty and Customer Service

warrantyNin­ja Per­son­al Blender 700-Watt (QB3001SS) comes with a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty, which means the cus­tomer must pay the ship­ping cost for repaired or returned units. In addi­tion, the man­u­fac­tur­er may also charge an extra fee for some repairs or replace­ment parts. Over­all, cus­tomer ser­vice does not have a good rep­u­ta­tion among con­sumers; how­ev­er, it is improv­ing over the last few years.

Ama­zon offers extend­ed war­ranties of up to 4 years as a salu­ta­tion for a short war­ran­ty. So this option is worth con­sid­er­ing if you decide to go for this blender.


Despite its very low pow­er motor, this machine is quite noisy and def­i­nite­ly out­puts some­thing around 90 deci­bels. The stan­dard advice to reduce blenders’ nois­i­ness is to place a rub­ber mat under­neath the base unit.

Optional Accessories and Attachments

Nin­ja blender does not have inter­change­able attach­ments, and there are no extra acces­sories avail­able to buy for this mod­el. How­ev­er, man­u­fac­tur­ers or oth­er online retail­ers could buy all replace­ment parts.


The machine has quite a small foot­print of 5.91 inch­es x 9.45 inch­es; thus, the motor base will not occu­py much space on the counter, and with a height of 13.7, it fits under all the kitchen cab­i­nets. It is also very light and weighs only 4.63 pounds so that it could be tak­en on trav­el. The unit comes with a 1.75 ft. long cord.

Pros and Cons


  • The blender makes fair­ly decent smoothies;
  • It pul­ver­izes ice fair­ly well;
  • It is very com­pact and will not occu­py much of your kitchen counter space;
  • It is not tall and fits under all kitchen cabinets;


  • Blender takes an effort to assem­ble and disassemble;
  • The gad­get is not easy to clean because of sharp blades parts;
  • Non-durable plas­tic motor dri­ve to blades coupling;
  • It comes with only a 1‑year war­ran­ty and is not durable;

Ninja Personal Blender (QB3001SS) Consumer Reviews

There are some com­plaints from the cus­tomers regard­ing a few issues. The major one is that it may leak if not tight­ened prop­er­ly and may be dif­fi­cult to unscrew when tight­ened firm­ly. Anoth­er one is that the blades usu­al­ly get dull over time and need to be replaced at least once a year. Final­ly, plas­tic gear does not con­tribute to the life expectan­cy of the blender.

Nev­er­the­less, this machine has excel­lent pri­ma­ry reviews on most online resources. Noth­ing sur­pris­ing, though, as Nin­ja blenders are trendy among con­sumers and keep a sub­stan­tial share in the per­son­al blenders segment.

This par­tic­u­lar mod­el is well deserved as it is com­pact, per­form well for mak­ing smooth­ies and light food prep task, and has a rea­son­able price.

Ninja 700 Watts Personal Blender Price

This is the most basic Nin­ja per­son­al blender mod­el, and it is avail­able at an afford­able price. Ama­zon also offers an extend­ed war­ran­ty for an addi­tion­al up to 4 years for a rea­son­able price.



The Nin­ja Per­son­al Blender 700-Watt (QB3001SS) has a num­ber of excel­lent reviews and out­stand­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty. And I can cer­tain­ly rec­om­mend this machine to peo­ple look­ing for an afford­able com­pact per­son­al blender designed to per­form light-duty tasks for the solo per­son or small house­hold. Although it is not a very ver­sa­tile machine, it is quite pow­er­ful and able to make very decent smooth­ies, includ­ing the green ones, chop veg­gies, make sal­sa and dress­ings, chop nuts, and bread scram­bles. In addi­tion, it is small enough and will take lit­tle room in your cup­board. Final­ly, and most impor­tant­ly, it is avail­able at a very rea­son­able price.

Alter­na­tive­ly, check here our arti­cles the Best pow­er­ful but afford­able per­son­al type’s blenders.

Posted in Ninja Reviews

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  1. Stacy Griffin

    I received my Nin­ja fit QB3001SS for my birth­day Decem­ber 13,2020 today Jan­u­ary 13,2021 is my sec­ond day using it,so I clean it prop­er­ly with hot water,so while mak­ing my kale,spinach and banana with water smoked after 1 minute of mix­ing it. Is this nor­mal how do I replace it and who do I con­tact January13,2021 11am cen­tral time.

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