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Best Juicer For Extracting Pomegranate Juice – Reviews 2025

pomegranate juicerPome­gran­ate juice is a healthy type of juice that most peo­ple opt to take, espe­cial­ly in the morn­ing. It is not only deli­cious but also con­tains antiox­i­dants and oth­er nutri­ents that assist in kick­ing off your day. How­ev­er, juic­ing pome­gran­ate can be cum­ber­some for you, espe­cial­ly if you do not know the most appro­pri­ate juicer to use.  Red clus­ter gem-like seeds found in this fruit make it chal­leng­ing to juice it using any juicer with­in your reach. There are two com­mon­ly known juicers that one can use to process pome­gran­ate; these are a mas­ti­cat­ing juicer and a pomegranate/ cit­rus press juicer. These juicers are pop­u­lar since they are mul­ti­func­tion­al and can work on hard or soft mate­ri­als to give high-yield juice. Oth­er juicers, like cen­trifu­gal juicers, are not suit­able for pome­gran­ate juic­ing since they pro­duce low-yield juice. There­fore, pomegranate/citrus juices and mas­ti­cat­ing juicers are the best for your juic­ing pur­pos­es, for they give you the val­ue of the mon­ey you spend on buy­ing the fruits.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Juicing Pomegranate with Citrus/Pomegranate Press Juicer

It is worth not­ing that not all cit­rus juicers are pow­er­ful enough to extract high-qual­i­ty juice from the pome­gran­ate. This is because the fruit requires more force dur­ing extrac­tion than oth­er soft fruits like grapes and oranges. Pome­gran­ate press juicer man­u­al­ly juices fruit by press­ing fruit mate­r­i­al through a can­tilever. Such extrac­tion action allows the user to apply lit­tle force on fruits and pro­duce high-yield juice at a go.

More­over, this method enables you to juice pomes with­out deseed­ing. There­fore, it enables you to save time, espe­cial­ly if you have a tight timetable. Always bear in mind that you need to reseed your pomes while juic­ing with an elec­tric juicer. The cit­rus press juicer cuts the cost you require to run it and ensures that your kitchen is less messy, for it is easy to use. How­ev­er, while juice, half of the pome with pith is extract­ed. Juice con­tain­ing pith has an acer­bic or bit­ter taste, which might not suit every­one. On a pos­i­tive note, the pith in the juice is essen­tial to your health since it con­tains many nutri­ents. Clean­ing the juicer also requires lit­tle effort.

Commercial Grade Can-Can Manual Citrus Press — Pomegranate

cancan manual citrus press juicerThe Can-Can Man­u­al Cit­rus Press is a com­mer­cial-grade cit­rus juicer with some spe­cif­ic design adjust­ments to han­dle pome­gran­ate fruits well. It is pro­duced in Turkey by a rep­utable com­pa­ny with a his­to­ry going back as far as 1958.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This press is designed to juice pome­gran­ate and all range of cit­rus fruits, includ­ing oranges, grape­fruits, oranges, lemons, limes, sat­sumas, and others.

It excels at squeez­ing juice from pome­gran­ates with a yield rate approach­ing 95%

Design and parts, base, press cone, han­dle: The juicer is well con­struct­ed with an iron cast body, rub­ber pads on the base for sta­bil­i­ty, stain­less steel strain­er, and an inner press cone part, while the upper part of the press cone is aluminum.

A large 4.5″ /114.3mm diam­e­ter bowl allows the user to squeeze large pomes or cit­ruses. The strain­er is fixed with clamp­ing clamps on the bowl’s sides that do not allow the strain­er to be raised while press­ing fruits.

The unique fea­ture of the Com­mer­cial Grade Can-Can man­u­al pome juicer is the pres­ence of a short pull lever on the right and a han­dle on the left side, which you can hold to ensure extra sta­bil­i­ty when press­ing a stub­born pome­gran­ate. The juicer is also equipped with a swing-out plas­tic cup that is designed to catch the falling juice drops after juicing.

The press is not designed to unscrew; how­ev­er, it is easy to clean with a soapy wet cloth, and you can rinse with clean water afterward.

Dimen­sions: It has an 11.42 x 7.87 foot­print with 21.65 inch­es in the down posi­tion and 25.75 inches/65 cm in the up position.

Strengths and Weaknesses:


  • It comes with about 4.5‑inch bowl to han­dle large fruits;
  • short lever requires less effort while pressing;
  • The addi­tion­al han­dle ensures extra stability.
  • Well-made and deliv­ers high pome­gran­ate juice yield;


  • The press sys­tem is not remov­able nor adjustable;
  • The strain­er has a shape that makes it bet­ter to fil­ter the juice from small­er fruits;
  • Expen­sive.

Sum­ma­ry: This is your must-have brand if you require a juicer mod­el that can be of great use in an intense kitchen. This is because this juicer mod­el has a clamp­ing sys­tem that makes it more effi­cient. A cit­rus juicer is also con­struct­ed in a stur­dy and sta­ble form. There­fore, the juicer does not move back and forth on your kitchen counter dur­ing press­ing. It also allows intu­itive juic­ing; hence, any­one can use it. The mate­ri­als that make up this juicer mod­el are strong, of high qual­i­ty, and super durable.


ROVSUN Commercial Grade Citrus Juicer — Pomegranate

rovsun citrus press juicerThis is anoth­er man­u­al cit­rus press juicer that deals well with pome­gran­ate. This cit­rus press is man­u­fac­tured in Chi­na and dis­trib­uted under an unknown brand, which is owned by the Chi­nese com­pa­ny Fujian Zongteng Net­work Co., Ltd. Though it has good qual­i­ty, it squeezes pome­gran­ate juice well and is avail­able at a very afford­able price.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This heavy-duty cit­rus press juicer juices pome­gran­ate and a wide vari­ety of fruits like limes, oranges, grape­fruits, and lemons using this sin­gle device.

Design and parts, base, pres­sure cap/dome, con­tain­er: The juicer’s main body is made of cast iron. A cast alu­minum mate­r­i­al is used to make this mod­el’s exte­ri­or bowl and upper dome. Oth­er parts, like a strain­er, fun­nel, and ver­ti­cal sup­port shaft, are made from stain­less steel. The bowl has a 4.72″ / 12cm diam­e­ter, suit­able for large fruits, and you can eas­i­ly fit a large pome­gran­ate there.

A strong and long lever with an ergonom­i­cal­ly rub­ber­ized han­dle does not require much effort to oper­ate this press and exerts supe­ri­or lever­age for max­i­mum juice extraction.

The cone’s upper part is not designed to unscrew, but you can do it at your risk. You can wipe it with a wet cloth, or the user can tilt the juicer over the sink and clean it prop­er­ly with a sponge and run­ning water.

The space under the bowl allows the user to fit the 5‑inch tall cup under the device to catch the juice.

Dimen­sions: The juicer is rather big, with an 8.66 x 7.09 foot­print, a 14.57″ han­dle down, and a 28″ han­dle up. It weighs about 13.5 lbs/6.1kg and is sta­ble dur­ing operation.

Strengths and Weaknesses:


  • It comes with a 4.72” bowl to han­dle all fruit sizes;
  • Afford­able price;


  • There is not enough space to fit a large cup under the device for juice collection;
  • The height of the juice bowl is not adjustable.

Sum­ma­ry: The juice can be pre­pared with­out the need for a high force for press­ing. Dur­ing press­ing, the device does not desta­bi­lize. Using the foot that pre­vents slip­ping, the device sits per­fect­ly on the work­top, keep­ing it in a com­fort­able squeeze position.

The remov­able juicer parts are also dish­wash­er-safe. Although it comes with only a 1‑year war­ran­ty, it is a durable device and has long juic­ing service.


Juicing Pomegranate with a Slow Mastication Juicer

Pome­gran­ate is extract­ed using a cit­rus press juicer and can be juiced using a slow/masticating juicer. Although this mod­el takes a longer time to juice, it has an auger that crush­es and squeezes mate­ri­als against a cham­ber to obtain the juice. Deseed­ing should be done when using this mod­el, unlike when using a cit­rus press juicer. Slow juicers are well-per­form­ing and mul­ti­func­tion­al brands that one can use to make oth­er food prod­ucts like nut milk, sor­bets, and nut butter.

Par­tic­u­lar­ly, the main rea­son for opt­ing to use the mas­ti­cat­ing mod­el to juice pome­gran­ate is to retain the fla­vor and nutri­ents in fruits.  When using the slow juicer to extract juice from pome­gran­ates or oth­er fruits, you should feed its chute with small chunks. This ensures that the juicer does not clog or jam the gear. To pre­vent this, you need to cut fruits into small pieces; hence, you require a longer time to prep, which is a draw­back of this juicer. Sup­pose you are very con­cerned with 100% healthy juice; this is the best option since it does not affect the heat-sen­si­tive enzymes in fruits. More­over, it can eas­i­ly work on both hard and smooth food ingredients.

Hurom H‑AA Slow Juicer

hurom h-aa slow juicerIt is a 3rd gen­er­a­tion ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer man­u­fac­tured by a rep­utable South Kore­an Hurom man­u­fac­tur­er. Although it does not have the lat­est design, it has been test­ed to han­dle pome­gran­ate fruits very well.

Motor and pow­er: The juicer has a sin­gle-phase induc­tion 150-watt motor with excep­tion­al torque; this is why it is very effi­cient at juic­ing the pome­gran­ate. The motor rotates the auger with a speed of 43 RPM, which is typ­i­cal for ver­ti­cal sin­gle-auger slow juicers. This ensures that the fruit juice retains its nat­ur­al nutri­ents and fla­vor, which are essen­tial to your health.

The juicer comes with an auto­mat­ic over­heat­ing sys­tem and a cool­ing fan that ensures this machine’s long life span.

Design, feed­ing chute, and chamber:

This juicer body unit has a stream­lined design with smooth curves and mod­ern beau­ty. It comes with a 17 oz./500 ml juic­ing cham­ber that is made from BPA-free East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester material.

The juicer gas is a cres­cent shape 1.5 X 2.5 inch­es feed­ing chute and will require pre-cut­ting most of the ingre­di­ents; how­ev­er, it does not affect the pome­gran­ate as you have to deseed it before feed­ing into it the mas­ti­cat­ing juicer.

Notably, the Hurom H‑AA Slow Juicer has a pulp con­trol lever where the user can adjust the pres­sure depend­ing on the type of ingredients.

Auger: It comes with a sin­gle auger made from GE Ultem poly­mer, an extra-strong mate­r­i­al that effi­cient­ly process­es pomegranate.

Screen/strainer: The juicer comes with a fine and coarse strain­er where the frame is made from Ultem poly­mer and stain­less steel meshed parts. You should use the coarse screen to juice pome­gran­ate for max­i­mum juice yield.

Con­tain­ers: The juicer comes with 36 oz./100 ml juic­ing and pulp containers.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: The ver­ti­cal juicers are the most ver­sa­tile mas­ti­cat­ing machines and can work on a wide vari­ety of food ingre­di­ents – firm and soft fruits and veg­eta­bles, leafy greens, wheat­grass, and cit­rus fruits. The juicer set includes coarse and blank screens that allow this juicer to make frozen treats, nut but­ter, tofu, and baby food.

Sum­ma­ry: This is a very effi­cient Hurom juicer and is known to deliv­er one of the high­est juice yields from most of the ingre­di­ents. So, if you buy this machine for juic­ing pome­gran­ate, you will get high-qual­i­ty, one of the most ver­sa­tile juicers on the mar­ket that will han­dle a wide vari­ety of ingre­di­ents for juic­ing and food pro­cess­ing. Besides, the Hurom H‑AA Slow Juicer comes with 10 10-year war­ran­ty on the motor and 2 years on the parts.


Omega J6006HDS/J6008C Masticating Slow Juicer 

Omega J8006HDS JucierIt is a 5th gen­er­a­tion hor­i­zon­tal sin­gles auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer by the well-known Omega. How­ev­er, it is not the lat­est design. Omega hor­i­zon­tal juicer is the best Omega to han­dle pomegranates.

Motor and pow­er: It is equipped with a pow­er­ful 200-watt motor and has a slow rota­tion speed of 80 rev­o­lu­tions per minute. This low-speed motor min­i­mizes oxi­da­tion and heat buildup, which might even­tu­al­ly lead to the loss of healthy enzymes.

The juicer is also equipped with an auto­mat­ic over­heat­ing sys­tem to extend the machine’s life expectancy.

Design, feed­ing chute, and cham­ber: Fur­ther­more, the Omega 6006/6008 juicer has a BPA-free East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester trans­par­ent drum and a cir­cu­lar shape 1.5 inch­es feed­ing chute.

Besides, the juicer has a five-set­ting adjustable end cap, increas­ing juice yield and pro­duc­ing very dry pulp.

Auger: This juicer comes with a sin­gle auger made from extra-strong GE Ultem resin material.

Screen/strainer: This juicer has a dual-stage screen with both parts made from stain­less steel, mak­ing this juicer more suit­able for pome­gran­ate juice extrac­tion than the new­er Omega CN800/CN900 models.

Con­tain­ers: The Omega J6006HDS/J6008 set includes juice col­lec­tion and pulp containers.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This juicer is a very ver­sa­tile juicer that can do a lot more than only juic­ing pome­gran­ate juice; it is also very good at extract­ing juice from leafy greens, includ­ing wheat­grass cit­ruses, soft and firm fruits, and veg­eta­bles. Besides, it comes with an extra attach­ment that allows users to expand this machine’s func­tion­al­i­ty to mak­ing frozen treats, nut but­ter, baby food, extrud­ing pas­ta, or whip­ping soy milk. All these can be done in a flash using this sin­gle device.

Sum­ma­ry: The Omega Omega 6006/6008 is very effi­cient at extract­ing pome­gran­ate juice and han­dles most of the juic­ing ingre­di­ents very well. This machine is easy to use and easy for all types of juicers to clean. Besides, the man­u­fac­tur­ers of this brand offer 15 years of cov­er­age on both per­for­mance and juicer parts.


Super Angel Juicer

Super Angel JuicerIn all hon­esty, the Super Angel Juicer is the best pre­mi­um twin-gear mas­ti­cat­ing juicer found in the juicer mar­ket. While it is enor­mous­ly expen­sive, we decid­ed to include this machine in our list of best pome­gran­ate juicers just because it is the only twin-gear juicer that can safe­ly han­dle juic­ing pomegranate.

Motor and pow­er: The juicer fea­tures a 180-watt pow­er­ful motor with 82 RPMS twin-gear rota­tion­al speed.

Design, feed­ing chute, and cham­ber: It is an excep­tion­al juicer with a range of unique fea­tures. While the unique fea­ture of this juicer is that it is 100% made from stain­less steel. It is unique for the twin-gear machine; the design includes a screen, feed­ing chute, and drum in one piece, mak­ing this juicer rel­a­tive­ly easy to use and clean com­pared to oth­er twin-gear juicers.

Besides, it has the widest among all twin gear juicers, the 1.7 inches/43 mm feed­ing chute that makes the food juic­ing prepa­ra­tion task much easier.

Gears: The twin-gear juicer crush­es the pro­duce by close­ly rotat­ing two gear that has a very nar­row gap between them. The ingre­di­ents, such as pome­gran­ate, may not process prop­er­ly and cause jam­ming unless the gears are made entire­ly of stain­less steel.

The Super Angel is the only juicer on the mar­ket with its twin gear set 100% made from stain­less steel; thus, it makes this juicer the only twin gear mod­el that will safe­ly han­dle pomegranate.

Con­tain­ers: The Super Angel Juicer comes with glass juice and plas­tic pulp containers.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This juicer does not han­dle every sin­gle ingre­di­ent the oth­er juicer does; it also deliv­ers 10–20% more juice yield for most of those ingre­di­ents. To be pre­cise, it juices firm and soft veg­gies and fruits, cel­ery, leafy greens, wheat­grass, sprouts, cit­ruses, pome­gran­ate, and even such exot­ic ones as pine needles.

Sum­ma­ry: Super Angel Juicer is made of stain­less steel, which is a durable and safe met­al that can­not leach chem­i­cals. If it comes to ver­sa­til­i­ty, this mod­el is among the top­ping brands. It can effi­cient­ly juice veg­gies, fruits, soft berries, pome­gran­ates, or even wheat­grass. The mod­el is not only known for easy clean­ing but also for its ease of oper­at­ing and for obtain­ing high-yield juice. Ease of clean­ing and oper­a­tion make it suit­able for dai­ly use. The juicer comes with a ten-year war­ran­ty to assure you of long juic­ing service.


Final Thoughts

Last­ly, how to select the best pome­gran­ate juicer from the list above? They come in vary­ing types; each mod­el has its strengths and weak­ness­es. Their func­tion­ing also dif­fers in terms of juice qual­i­ty, time tak­en when juic­ing, and juice yield.

If you intend to juice most­ly pome­gran­ate and cit­rus fruits, then you bet­ter select the cit­rus press juicers depend­ing on your bud­get. The Can­Can Cit­rus Press is a pre­mi­um device that will deliv­er an excel­lent pome­gran­ate juice yield. If your bud­get is tight, the Rov­sun juicer will also do a decent job. Although it is Chi­na-made, it is a very good qual­i­ty device and will per­fect­ly extract deli­cious pome­gran­ate juice.

The slow mas­ti­cat­ing juicer will be an excel­lent option if you plan to extract juice from a wide range of ingre­di­ents, includ­ing pome­gran­ate. We list­ed the Hurom H‑AA Slow Juicer and Omega J8006HDS/J8008C not out of the box or because they are best­sellers; each of these two juicers is tru­ly han­dled very well pome­gran­ate while one of the best machines with­in their juicer styles.

Thus, if you want to buy the mul­ti­func­tion­al machine, the juice is not the only pome­gran­ate well but the widest range of ingre­di­ents; while you do not mind some food prepa­ra­tion for juic­ing, you should go for the Hurom H‑AA Slow Juicer. While look­ing to buy a brain­er machine that is easy to use and clean while you can com­pro­mise on slight­ly low­er juice yield for firm fruits and veg­eta­bles, you should con­sid­er the Omega J8006HDS/J8008C option.

Final­ly, if you intend to become a true juic­ing enthu­si­ast or you require a juicer for health rea­sons, then the twin-gear Super Angel Juicer is indeed not only the best twin-gear machine on the cur­rent juicer market.

FAQs: Pomegranate Juicer

Is there a juicer for pomegranates?

Yes, there are juicers that are designed to extract juice from Pome­gran­ate. Typ­i­cal­ly, it is the same as a man­u­al cit­rus press that also juices pome­gran­ate, sep­a­rat­ing juice from seeds and attain­ing a high yield. Nev­er­the­less, a few mas­ti­cat­ing juicers also do this job well.

 Why should I use a pome­gran­ate juicer?

Pome­gran­ates have tough out­er skins and numer­ous seeds, mak­ing extract­ing juice with a blender or cen­trifu­gal juicer dif­fi­cult. A pome­gran­ate juicer sim­pli­fies this process, ensur­ing you get the max­i­mum juice yield with­out the hassle.

 Can I use a reg­u­lar cit­rus juicer for pomegranates?

Only the cit­rus press is suit­able for juic­ing for pome­gran­ates; the oth­er types of cit­rus juicers are unsuit­able. Citrus/Pomegranate press juicers are specif­i­cal­ly designed to han­dle juic­ing pome­gran­ates, result­ing in high­er juice yield and less mess.

How does a pomegranate juicer work?

Pome­gran­ate juicers typ­i­cal­ly work by slic­ing the Pome­gran­ate in half, plac­ing it on the juic­ing cone or plat­form, and then apply­ing pres­sure to extract the juice. Some mod­els may have addi­tion­al fea­tures like adjustable pres­sure set­tings for customization.

 Are pome­gran­ate juicers easy to clean?

Most pome­gran­ate juicers are designed for easy clean­ing. They often have remov­able parts that can be washed sep­a­rate­ly. Be sure to check the pro­duc­t’s clean­ing instruc­tions for spe­cif­ic details.

Can I use a pomegranate juicer for other fruits and vegetables?

Pome­gran­ate juice press­es are pri­mar­i­ly designed for pome­gran­ates and round-shaped juice fruits like oranges and oth­er cit­ruses. How­ev­er, some mas­ti­cat­ing juicer mod­els may also juice the pome­gran­ate juicers and cer­tain­ly han­dle a wide range of oth­er pro­duce types.

 Do pome­gran­ate juicers remove seeds from the juice?

Yes, one of the key func­tions of a pome­gran­ate juicer is to sep­a­rate the seeds from the juice, pro­vid­ing you with pure pome­gran­ate juice with­out any unwant­ed pulp or seeds.

Are there electric and manual pomegranate juicer options?

Yes, elec­tric and man­u­al juicers are avail­able that can juice Pome­gran­ate. Elec­tric juicers are more con­ve­nient and effi­cient, while man­u­al juicers require phys­i­cal effort but are often more afford­able and portable.

What should I consider when buying a pomegranate juicer?

When pur­chas­ing a pome­gran­ate juicer, con­sid­er fac­tors such as the type (man­u­al or one of the mas­ti­cat­ing elec­tri­cal juicers), ease of clean­ing, build qual­i­ty, juice extrac­tion effi­cien­cy, and any addi­tion­al fea­tures like adjustable set­tings or safe­ty features.

 Can I use a pome­gran­ate juicer for com­mer­cial purposes?

Some heavy-duty pome­gran­ate juicers are suit­able for com­mer­cial use. How­ev­er, be sure to choose a mod­el specif­i­cal­ly designed for high-vol­ume juic­ing that can with­stand fre­quent use.

 Do pome­gran­ate juicers come with war­ranties?

Many pome­gran­ate juicers come with war­ranties that vary in length. It’s a good idea to check the war­ran­ty infor­ma­tion before pur­chas­ing to ensure you have pro­tec­tion in case of defects or issues.

 Can I juice frozen pome­gran­ate seeds with a pome­gran­ate juicer?

It’s not rec­om­mend­ed to juice frozen pome­gran­ate seeds with a pome­gran­ate juicer, as the seeds may dam­age the juicer’s com­po­nents. It’s best to thaw the seeds before juicing.

Posted in Juicers, Best Products

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    • lucy

      Hel­lo Cynthia,

      You can find the link in the arti­cle above to the Super Angel Juicer review on our web­site. If you need more infor­ma­tion about the juicer just post your ques­tion in the com­ment area and we will answer you shortly.

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