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All-Clad KZ750D Immersion Blender Review

all clad hand blenderAll-Clad KZ750D Immer­sion Blender comes from a very rep­utable US brand with an excel­lent rep­u­ta­tion that pro­duces a range of kitchen essen­tials from cook­ware to small appli­ances. This is the cord­ed pre­mi­um immer­sion blender rec­om­mend­ed by many well-known reviewers.

Are you inter­est­ed in hav­ing the same high opin­ion about this kitchen tool? Then, read our com­pre­hen­sive review below.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Read More: 8 Best Immer­sion Blenders for all Bud­gets

Table of Contents


Though the All-Clad KZ750D comes with a blend­ing shaft only, it is a pow­er­ful blender and able to per­form a wide range of tasks:

  • Puree soup — with 9.25 inch­es blend­ing shaft, it is per­fect for blend­ing soups even in the pot; it is also pow­er­ful enough for mak­ing broth;
  • Blend­ing smooth­ies – while most immer­sion blenders han­dle only soft ingre­di­ents blend­ing smooth­ies, this machine has enough pow­er to tack­le some harsh ingre­di­ents such as apples, spinach, yogurt, and nut but­ter; it can han­dle even pre-crushed ice cubes and may pul­ver­ize the frozen blue­ber­ry, It also very good at mak­ing milkshakes;
  • Bul­let­proof cof­fee – this blender is more than capa­ble of mix­ing hot cof­fee with but­ter­fat to make a deli­cious and creamy bul­let­proof cof­fee drink;
  • Make baby food – it is ide­al for puree­ing any pre-cut fresh or cooked fruits and veg­gies into tasty and smooth baby food;
  • Mashed pota­toes – this blender has a lot of pow­er and an extra-wide head that is per­fect for mash­ing pota­toes and oth­er cooked root veggies;
  • Mix cake bat­ter – it has more than enough watts to mix the fault­less bat­ter for cakes, cook­ies, and oth­er recipes;
  • Sal­sa, dips, and sauces – it is eas­i­ly will chop the veg­gies and herbs for your sal­sa, sauces, and dips recipes; just remem­ber to run it on low speed;
  • May­on­naise — whip up fresh mayo is a no-brain­er task for this pow­er­ful beast;
  • Omelets – even the blender set does not include the whisk attach­ment; the all-clad blend­ing shaft can also mix the whites and yolks for per­fect fluffy omelet recipes.

Motor Unit

all-clad hand blender speed settingsThe All-Clad KZ750D Immer­sion Blender motor unit has a beau­ti­ful design and fea­tures a stain­less steel body that changes smooth­ly into the soft rub­ber grip part. The grip is ergonom­ic and easy to hold, and has two con­trol buttons.

The motor body hous­es a pow­er­ful 600 watts motor that is twice as pow­er­ful as a typ­i­cal hand blender. The blender is designed for 1 min of con­tin­u­ous run­ning, and then it should be cooled before con­tin­u­ing operation.

The body also fea­tures two lock­ing but­tons for con­nect­ing the blend­ing shaft.

Weak Point: The mech­a­nism locks the motor to the blend­ing shaft with a poor design and tends to break eas­i­ly. The motor unit also comes with a plas­tic drive.

Speed Settings

This blender comes with a vari­able speed dial, tur­bo speed, and Pow­er but­tons. The speed dial is locat­ed on the top of the han­dle, and the tur­bo and pow­er but­tons are on the han­dle. The pow­er but­ton can also be used as a Pulse func­tion. Alto­geth­er, the vari­able and tur­bo speeds plus the Pulse func­tions allow a lot of flex­i­bil­i­ty to the user over the blend­ing process.

Attachments and Accessories

Blender shaft – the blender comes with an extra-long stain­less-steel 9.25 inch­es blend­ing post, mak­ing it very con­ve­nient to use in a deep pot. You also will not burn your­self with steam when blend­ing the hot soup.

The blend­ing shaft head also fea­tures a superb design, hav­ing cav­i­ties and a shaped rim; it cre­ates a flaw­less vor­tex with any ingre­di­ents and, at the same time, pre­vents the splat­ter­ing and splash­ing of ingre­di­ents around.

Weak Point: Despite the excel­lent first look design, the blend­ing shaft comes with few faults. Its blade and dri­ve­shaft assem­bly tends to fall out even dur­ing your first use. And it sucks the flu­id inside the post where it is impos­si­ble to clean and where it accu­mu­lates unsan­i­tary build-ups.

Optional Accessories

all clad immersion blender attachments1Although the All-Clad immer­sion blender comes with only a blend­ing shaft attach­ment, you can buy All-Clad XJ700042 Immer­sion-Blender Mini Chop­per and Whisk Attach­ment Set separately.

Mini Chop­per – The mini chop­per com­pris­es the 10-ounces chop­ping bowl, gear­box, chop­ping blades, and an extra lid. You can use the chop­per bowl as a shak­er cup or stor­age con­tain­er with the cover.

The All-Clad mini chop­per is designed for chop­ping nuts, veg­gies, minc­ing onion and gar­lic, grat­ed cheese or crumbs, and many others.

Bal­loon Whisk — The whisk comes in 2 parts — a gear­box that fix­es to the blender motor body and a whisker itself that con­nects with the gearbox.

The whisk is intend­ed to make whipped cream, whip egg whites, inte­grate dry ingre­di­ents into wet ones such as a muf­fin or cake bat­ters, and many more.

Clean­ing: The chop­per and whisk attach­ments gear­box­es should not be immersed in the water and could be wiped with dump clothe, while the chop­per bowl, lid, blades, and whisker are dish­wash­er safe.

War­ran­ty: An entire All-Clad XJ700042 Immer­sion-Blender Mini Chop­per and Whisk Attach­ment Set is backed by a man­u­fac­tur­er’s life­time warranty.

Weak point: The chop­per attach­ment looks cheap, and the whisk attach­ment is wob­bly dur­ing the operation.

Assembling, Dissembling, Using, and Cleaning

Assem­bling /Disassembling: It is straight­for­ward to assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble. First, align the motor body with the blend­ing shaft and screw them togeth­er clockwise.

Using: You have to select the desired speed before acti­vat­ing the blender with the dial on the top of the motor unit, and then start run­ning it by press­ing the tur­bo speed or pow­er trig­ger but­ton for puls­ing fic­tion. The blender will run as long as you hold a pow­er or tur­bo button.

Clean­ing: For clean­ing, you have to unscrew the blend­ing shaft from the motor body, and you can clean the blend­ing shaft under the run­ning water or on the top rack of a dish­wash­er. You must clean the motor body only with dump clothe and nev­er sub­merge it in the water or expose it to the run­ning water.


The All-Clad KZ750D Immer­sion Blender is equipped with a Lim­it­ed Life­time War­ran­ty From the date of pur­chase in the US or Canada.

How­ev­er, cus­tomer ser­vice was not very respon­sive when cus­tomers were report­ing about the poor qual­i­ty of the KZ750D blender.

Country of Production

Even though it is adver­tised that all All-Clad prod­ucts are man­u­fac­tured in the USA, the All-Clad KZ750D Immer­sion Blender is made in China.


The All-Clad KZ750D Immer­sion Blender is a large tool with the total length of the motor body con­nect­ed with a blend­ing shaft of 17.25 inch­es. The blend­ing shaft itself is 9.25 inch­es long and has an extra-wide head of 3‑inch in diam­e­ter. It is a heavy machine that weighs 2.8 pounds (motor unit and stick), while with the long 5‑foot pow­er cord, it is easy to maneuver.


Unfor­tu­nate­ly, a large num­ber of cus­tomers report this blender the lock­ing mech­a­nism fail­ure, shaft assem­bly col­lapse, and suck­ing of food inside of shaft that makes it non-durable and unsanitary.

Set Includes

  • Motor unit with 600 watts motor;
  • Blend­ing shaft;
  • User Man­u­al.


The All-Clad is a pre­mi­um blender and is avail­able at a pre­mi­um price with most retail­ers. How­ev­er, you can find it often at a dis­count­ed price.


Pros and Cons:


  • Pow­er­ful 600 Watts motor;
  • Extra-long 9.25 inch­es blend­ing shaft;
  • Non­splat­ter and low suc­tion blend­ing shaft head;
  • Vari­able and tur­bo speed settings;


  • The blend­ing shaft to motor body lock­ing mech­a­nism is not durable;
  • Dri­ve-to blade assem­bly may fall apart after a few uses.


The All-Clad KZ750D Immer­sion Blender has a range of attrac­tive fea­tures such as a mighty 600 watts motor, vari­able speeds, an extra-long 9.25 inch­es shaft, a large and well-designed non-splat­ter blend­ing head, stain­less steel body, and a beau­ti­ful exte­ri­or design. Besides, it seems very well made, shows excel­lent per­for­mance, and does not tend to over­heat. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it has a few sig­nif­i­cant con­struc­tions falls that make it non-durable and unsan­i­tary in use. Even though it comes from a very rep­utable USA brand with a flaw­less rep­u­ta­tion, we can­not rec­om­mend buy­ing this blender.

Posted in Immersion Blenders

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