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8 Best Immersion Blenders for all Budgets | KitchenGearPro

Blenders: For every kitchen enthu­si­ast, a hand blender (also referred to as a stick or immer­sion blender) is an inte­gral part of cook­ing. Although it is not a sub­sti­tute for a full-size coun­ter­top blender, it may hard­ly offer the pow­er need­ed to process per­fect smooth­ies, crush ice, or blend mix­tures of thick­er consistency.

At the same time, a good hand blender is ide­al for blend­ing soups, puree­ing toma­toes and oth­er veg­eta­bles, mak­ing may­on­naise, mash­ing pota­toes, and prepar­ing baby food.

Read More: Best Blender Buy­ing Guide | KitchenGearPro

So, most dai­ly kitchen small jobs may require this device to pre­pare per­fect recipes. No won­der, in a com­mer­cial kitchen, a hand blender is an indis­pens­able cook­ing tool, and Chefs opt to use it for all their food prep tasks.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

What Criteria We Used to Select Best Immersion Blenders

It is not easy to select the Best Immer­sion Blender, the same as any oth­er kitchen appli­ance. The «best» is a sub­jec­tive con­cept with dif­fer­ent mean­ings for peo­ple with unalike pref­er­ences and bud­gets. Even the result of the expert’s test­ing depends on the lev­el of exper­tise of the tester, per­son­al pref­er­ences, famil­iar­i­ty with gad­gets, and oth­er fac­tors, so it is not always per­fect­ly unbi­ased when the tester is try­ing to present only one of the best immer­sion blenders.

To offer you the best Hand blender, we made a list of gad­gets from dif­fer­ent price cat­e­gories, from basic to medi­um to pre­mi­um ones. Then, we test­ed dif­fer­ent func­tions they could per­form and pre­sent­ed them with the main para­me­ters such as pow­er, con­trols, and eas­i­ness of oper­a­tion. More­over, we select­ed blenders from rep­utable Immer­sion Blenders man­u­fac­tur­ers only and exclud­ed those that recent­ly appeared on the mar­ket and slapped their logo on a third-par­ty Chi­nese-made hand blender pre­tend­ing to be a trust­wor­thy brand.

So, by the end of the arti­cles, you will have a chance to select the best machines that suit your bud­get and func­tion­al­i­ty requirements.

Basic Immersion Blenders

The basic blender is usu­al­ly sold for under $100; they have enough pow­er for pro­cess­ing basic immer­sion blender tasks; how­ev­er, they often have a sim­i­lar set of acces­sories as any mid-range blender. The dif­fer­ence is motor pow­er, built qual­i­ty, pos­si­ble lifes­pan, and func­tions it performs.

#1 Braun MultiQuick 5 Hand Blender 

braun multiquick 5 lender acessoriesBraun Mul­ti­Quick 5 is a cord­ed bud­get Immer­sion Blender designed in Ger­many and pro­duced in Poland. It offers two (2) mod­els, the MQ505 and MQ537, with a dif­fer­ent selec­tion of attach­ments includ­ed in the set.

Motor and Controls

The Braun Mul­ti­quick 5 Blender has a strong 350 Watts motor, a very com­fy han­dle grip, and 2‑speed but­tons con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed in the han­dle. The entire set with blend­ing shaft attach­ment weighs only 1.6 lbs. It is so light and com­fy that you can oper­ate it with one hand with­out any difficulty.

Attachments and Functionality

Both the MQ505 and MQ537 mod­els come with an excel­lent set of accessories.

A 6.5 inch­es long Blender Shaft with a chop­ping s‑type blade, this key attach­ment per­forms 90% blender:

  • Purees soup, mash­es boiled veg­gies, cooked meat, fish, and oth­er pro­tein ingre­di­ents in the soup or oth­er liquid;
  • Mix­es dips, sauces, sal­ad dress­ings, and mayonnaise;
  • Purees baby food;
  • Makes Bul­let­proof Coffee;
  • Process Basic smooth­ies, pro­tein, and milkshakes;
  • Mix­es sponge sim­ple cake batter

Whisk Acces­so­ry (MQ505 and MQ537 mod­els) is designed for:

  • Whip­ping heavy cream into but­ter, beat­ing egg whites or yolks;

20 oz. Beaker (MQ505 and MQ537 mod­els) made from plastic;

Puree/Mashing Acces­so­ry (the MQ537 mod­el only):

  • Mash­es pota­toes, sweet pota­toes, toma­toes, plums, apples, and oth­er cooked veg­gies and fruits;

Chop­per (the MQ537 mod­el only):

  • Chops cooked meat, hard cheese, onions, herbs, gar­lic, veg­eta­bles, bread, crack­ers, and nuts;
  • Mix­es pesto, gua­camole, and oth­er dips.


The Braun Mul­ti­Quick 5‑Hand Blender has an extra light­weight, ergonom­ic soft-grip han­dle that allows you to use it with one hand and make your favorite recipes with­out extra effort. In addi­tion, it is a well-built gad­get and comes with a 3‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty.


 #2 Cuisinart CSB-79 Smart Stick 2 Speed Hand Blender

cuisinart 179 hand blenderThe Cuisi­nart CSB-179 Smart Stick Hand Blender is a 2019 upgrade to the CSB-79 blender. It is very sim­i­lar to the Braun Mul­ti­Quick 5‑Hand Blender set of attach­ments and functionality.

Motor and Controls 

The blender comes with a pow­er­ful 300-watt motor, an ergonom­ic rub­ber­ized han­dle, and a stain­less steel body. In addi­tion, it is equipped with a Vari­able Speed Slide on the top of the han­dle and On/Off, Lock/Unlock but­tons on the body.

Although the blender is not heavy and weighs only 3.3 lbs, a few cus­tomers find that this gad­get is not very straight­for­ward. You can­not use it with one hand since before you run it, you have to unlock it by push­ing the but­ton on the blender body and then adjust­ing the speed on the top of the handle. 

Accessories and Functionality

The Cuisi­nart CSB-179 Smart Stick Hand Blender comes with a good set of attachments;

An Extra-long 8‑inch Blend­ing Shaft with chop­ping s‑blades:

  • Blend­ing cooked veg­gies, meat, and fish in the soup right on the stove, thanks to an extra-long blend­ing stick;
  • Mak­ing dress­ings, sal­sas, sauces, dips, and gravies;
  • Froth­ing Milk;
  • Pro­cess­ing sim­ple smooth­ies, milk, and pro­tein shakes;
  • baby food;
  • Mash­ing potatoes;

Whisker is designed for:

  • Whip­ping, beat­ing egg whites, beat­ing heavy cream

The chop­per will effi­cient­ly:

  • Chop nuts, bread crumbs, hard cheese, choco­late, and others;
  • Grind herbs and spices like corian­der, clove, and anise;

24 oz./3 cups Plas­tic Mix­ing Cup.


The Cuisi­nart CSB-179 Smart Stick Cord­ed Hand Blender has a great selec­tion of vari­able speeds, an extra-long blend­ing shaft, and a good set of acces­sories. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, peo­ple find it is prob­lem­at­ic to oper­ate due to the con­trol but­tons’ design. How­ev­er, the device is equipped with a three-year warranty.

#3 KitchenAid KHBV53 Variable Speed Corded Hand Blender 

kitchenaid 5-speed immersion blenderThe new KitchenAid cord­ed blender from the basic KitchenAid Hand Blenders range was released in 2020. It offers good per­for­mance and is avail­able at a very afford­able price.

Motor and Controls

The KitchenAid KHBV53 Vari­able Speed Hand Blender is equipped with a 180-watt motor and a plas­tic and stain­less steel body with a com­fort­able grip.

Although it comes with vari­able speeds and safe­ty switch but­tons, they are both locat­ed at the front of the blender body so that it can be eas­i­ly oper­at­ed with one hand, thanks to its light­weight of only 3 lbs.

Attachments and Functionality

Although the KitchenAid KHBV53 Hand Blender comes only with one attach­ment, blend­ing cup, and pro­tec­tion guard, it can suc­cess­ful­ly per­form almost all the func­tions of the basic immer­sion blender.

Its extra-long 8 inch­es extra-long Blend­ing Arm attach­ment with s‑blades is designed to per­form the fol­low­ing tasks:

  • Soups right on the stove,
  • Smooth­ies from soft fruits and veggies;
  • It will not han­dle ice cubes, though;
  • Sauces, sal­sas, dress­ings, and dips (you can do it right in the Mason jar),
  • Baby food;
  • Whipped cream,
  • Choco­late mousse or mayonnaise;
  • Mashed pota­toes, Mix cakes,
  • Chop veg­gies, Chop nuts

A 3 cup/24 oz. Plas­tic Mix­ing Cup with lid.

Pan Guard to pro­tect saucepan from scratching.


Although this device is equipped with only one attach­ment, it has a very user-friend­ly design and vari­able speed con­trol to be oper­at­ed with one hand with­out any effort. Besides, it comes with an excel­lent anti-scratch­er pro­tec­tor, is equipped with a 1 full-year war­ran­ty ant avail­able at a rea­son­able price, mak­ing it very pop­u­lar among consumers.

Mid-Range Immersion Blenders

A mid-range blender is a tool that usu­al­ly costs under $150; it has a pow­er­ful enough motor to per­form a wide range of tasks and few speeds min­i­mum. In addi­tion, they typ­i­cal­ly come with a few attach­ments for var­i­ous tasks.

 # 1 Braun MQ7035X 3‑in‑1 Immersion Blender 

Immersion BlenderBraun is a Ger­man brand that man­u­fac­tures a few immer­sion blenders from the basic to the pre­mi­um mod­els. The Braun MQ7035X 3‑in‑1 is a very pop­u­lar medi­um-priced Hand Blender; there­fore, we includ­ed it in our Best Immer­sion Blenders list.

Motor and Controls

Braun Mul­ti­Quick MQ7035X 3‑in‑1 Immer­sion Blender body is made from stain­less steel, plas­tic, and rub­ber. It is very light­weight (1.9 lbs) and fits well in hand.

The Blender comes with a lock but­ton and con­tin­u­ous mul­ti­ple-speed con­trol, and both but­tons are locat­ed in such a way that you can eas­i­ly con­trol them with one hand. The mul­ti­ple speed is select­ed by press­ing the con­trol but­ton; the hard­er the user press­es it, the faster the speed is turned on. Such a selec­tion of speeds can process a large vari­ety of ingredients.

The gad­get is equipped with a pow­er­ful 500-watt motor. In addi­tion, it is eas­i­ly and quick­ly dis­as­sem­bled and assem­bled for clean­ing and use, and all noz­zles are firm­ly fixed dur­ing assembly.

Attachments and Functionality

Braun Mul­ti­Quick 7 Blender comes with a good selec­tion of attachments.

A long 8 1/8 inch­es Blend­ing Shaft is per­fect for every­day blend­ing and mash­ing needs such as:

  • Blend­ing soups, smooth­ies, and pro­tein shakes;
  • Mix­ing per­fect homo­ge­neous deeps, sauces, and dress­ings with­out lumps;
  • Pure­e­ing mashed pota­toes, cooked veg­gies, and cooked meat or fish.
  • Mak­ing bul­let­proof coffee;
  • Froth­ing

The attach­ment pro­duces a good vac­u­um and is designed with non-splash­ing tech­nol­o­gy. The blender attach­ment also fits the reg­u­lar Mason jar mouth, mak­ing it very desir­able to avid home cooks.

The Whisker hook is con­nect­ed right up to the motor body and can be used for both hot and cold liquids:

  • It is per­fect for mak­ing whipped cream and ide­al for thin or small vol­umes of thick sauces.
  • It also can whip eggs for omelets, mouss­es, and jams.
  • The attach­ment will not work for any dough but will do pan­cake batter.

The 20 oz. The beaker is designed to be used with a blend­ing shaft and whisker for mak­ing smooth­ies, shakes, and small prep recipes.

2‑cup/500 ml Chop­per Attach­ments con­nect direct­ly to the motor and are designed for:

  • Chop­ping and grind­ing firm ingre­di­ents such as nuts, bread, crack­ers, cheese, or mill oat­meal to flour;
  • Chop­ping soft herbs or veg­eta­bles such as onion;
  • Minc­ing greens and garlic;
  • Cut­ting cooked meat and cooked fish;
  • Mix­ing dips and sauces.


The Braun Mul­ti­Quick 7 Immer­sion Blender is a very light­weight, ver­sa­tile, and user-friend­ly gad­get that can be eas­i­ly oper­at­ed with one hand. It comes with a good selec­tion of attach­ments, a pow­er­ful 500-watt motor, and mul­ti­ple speeds and can eas­i­ly replace a few kitchen appli­ances. It works with­out spilling, splash­ing, or mess­ing when using this in the bowl or large pot. In addi­tion, it is a qual­i­ty and very durable kitchen gad­get with a three (3) years war­ran­ty. So, if you are look­ing for a ver­sa­tile immer­sion blender with many fea­tures, this is the one you need.


# 2 KitchenAid KHB2561 and KHB2571 Series 5‑Speed Hand Blender 

KitchenAid Series 5-Speed Hand Blender The KitchenAid 5‑Speed is anoth­er mid-range hand blender from a well-known and rep­utable man­u­fac­tur­er on our list. It is avail­able in two mod­els — the KHB2561 with 8‑inch blend­ing Shaft and the KHB2571 with 8 and 13-inch blend­ing Shaft, with all oth­er iden­ti­cal tech­ni­cal para­me­ters and attachments.

Motor and Controls

The KitchenAid 5‑Speed Hand Blender motor body is made of stain­less steel and non-slip rub­ber. The Blender fea­tures 5 vari­able speeds and an On/Off pow­er but­ton. The speed dial is locat­ed on the top of the blender body, while the pow­er but­ton is on the front, so you need to use both hands to oper­ate the blender.

The KitchenAid 5‑Speed KHB2561/ KHB2571 Hand Blender is equipped with 200 watts motor, and despite the fact it has a low wattage, it has excel­lent torque, so it per­forms all the typ­i­cal mid-range hand blender func­tions very well.

Attachments and Functionality

The KitchenAid 5‑Speed KHB2561/ KHB2571 Hand Blender is equipped with three attach­ments and three remov­able blades for blend­ing arm acces­sories so that it can per­form a large vari­ety of functions:

  • Blend­ing Arms has an option of 8 (KHB2561 mod­el) and 8+13 inch­es (KHB2571 mod­el) blend­ing arm attach­ment. Both mod­els’ blend­ing arm also comes with three (3) types of remov­able blade (S‑blade, Mul­ti-Pur­pose, Frothier/Beater) com­pat­i­ble, with 8 and 13-inch shaft.

Blend­ing Arm attach­ment with S‑blades is designed for mak­ing smooth­ies (with small ice cubes), milk­shakes, blend­ing soups right in the pan, puree­ing pota­toes and cooked veg­gies, mix­ing sauces, dress­ings, and mak­ing baby food; it is also capa­ble of blend­ing a per­fect bul­let­proof coffee.

Blend­ing Arm with Mul­ti-Pur­pose blades will chop cooked meats, mince herbs and gar­lic, or crush ice;

Blend­ing Arm with Frothier/Beater Blade is intend­ed to blend cake, cook­ies, pan­cakes, or muf­fin bat­ter; it is also designed for blend­ing froth recipes.

  • Whisk Attach­ments are designed for whip­ping cream, egg whites, emul­si­fy­ing may­on­naise, and mak­ing sauces and mouss­es; you can also froth milk with it;
  • 5 cups/20 ounces Chop­per Bowl with chop­per s‑blades blades and chop­per adapter is designed for chop­ping and dic­ing all types of veg­eta­bles, herbs, cooked meat, crack­er crumbs, nuts, hard cheese, var­i­ous sal­sa, and dips, or prepar­ing baby food.
  • Three Pan Guards are used to pro­tect the cook­ware from scratch­ing surfaces.
  • 4 cups/1L Blend­ing Pitch­er can act as a coun­ter­top blender when used with Blend­ing Arm.

It is also rel­a­tive­ly easy and quick to set up and clean.


The KitchenAid 5‑Speed Hand Blender is our sec­ond-best option. Although it has only a 200 Watts motor, its excel­lent torque and good qual­i­ty attach­ment can replace many kitchen gad­gets. In addi­tion, it is equipped with a few non-typ­i­cal hand blender acces­sories, such as remov­able blades for the blend­ing Shaft, a pan guard to pro­tect cook­ware from scratch­ing, and a blend­ing pitch­er that can trans­fer this hand blender into a coun­ter­top mod­el. Although this Chi­na-man­u­fac­tured gad­get comes with only one one-year war­ran­ty, the rep­utable KitchenAid brand has out­stand­ing cus­tomer sup­port. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, although the blender is light­weight (2 lb. 2 oz.), you can­not oper­ate it with one hand. Its speed dial is locat­ed on the top of the body while the push but­ton is on the body side, so you have to select the speed using both hands before operating.


#3 Breville BSB510XL Control Grip Immersion Blender 

Breville hand blender easy gripThe Bre­ville BSB510XL Hand Blender is our third option among the mid-range cord­ed Immer­sion blender. This well-built Blender is a very pop­u­lar hand blender mod­el and comes with a few attach­ment choic­es that per­form very well in var­i­ous functions.

Motor and Controls

Bre­ville BSB510XL Hand Blender has a super com­fort­able ergonom­ic design with a body con­struct­ed with stain­less steel and soft-touch rub­ber that ensues a sta­ble grasp.

The Blender fea­tures 15 vari­able speeds and an On/Off trig­ger but­ton.  Like the KitchenAid 5‑speed Hand Blender, it has the speed selec­tion con­trol locat­ed on the top and a trig­ger but­ton on the front of the blender body. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the user can­not only ini­ti­ate the gad­get oper­a­tion with one hand.

Fur­ther­more, the gad­get comes with an excel­lent torque 280-watt motor pow­er. So, despite the low pow­er, it is a pow­er­ful hand blender. More­over, the anti-suc­tion design allows easy and effec­tive blending.

Attachments and Functionality

The gad­gets come with Blend­ing Shafts, a Whisker, a Chop­ping Bowl, and an extra-large Jug:

  • 8 inch­es long Blend­ing Shaft with s‑blade and no scratch base is a superb tool for blend­ing soups, smooth­ies, milk­shakes, alco­holic and non-alco­holic cock­tails; mix­ing dips, dress­ings, may­on­naise, and sal­sas; puree­ing pota­toes and cooked veg­gies; mak­ing baby food; it is designed to blend small ice cubes in drinks; it also suit­able for pro­cess­ing bul­let­proof coffee;
  • Whisker is intend­ed for whisk­ing egg whites whipped cream, mix­ing light batters;
  •  Chop­ping Bowl chops onion, gar­lic herbs, veg­eta­bles, shreds cheese, chops nuts, bread crumbs, or chops cooked red meat or fish;
  • 42-ounce Large Jug with lid, han­dle, and mea­sur­ing is designed for blend­ing and stor­ing food; it is espe­cial­ly use­ful because the Blend­ing Shaft bell is too wide and does not fit into the typ­i­cal con­tain­ers and stan­dard Mason jar.


The Bre­ville BSB510XL is the most com­fort­able Hand Blender to grip on the mar­ket with an agro­nom­ic han­dle designed as a gun, so the hand grasps the han­dle in a nat­ur­al posi­tion and pro­vides nat­ur­al sta­bil­i­ty dur­ing the blender usage. It also has excel­lent torque, low suc­tion con­struc­tion, and no scratch blend­ing bell guard. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, sim­i­lar to the KitchenAid blender, it is impos­si­ble to oper­ate this gad­get with one hand; the weight of 3.8 pounds will need a strong hand to man­age. Also, the same as KitchenAid, it comes with a 1‑year warranty.

Premium Immersion Blenders

Pre­mi­um hand blenders are avail­able at the $150 + price. They are bet­ter made than mid-range blends and per­form func­tions oth­er immer­sion blenders can­not do. They can be run for more than 1 minute with­out stop­ping and per­form heavy tasks.

#1 Bamix G200 Gastro Pro‑2 Hand Blender 

bamix gastroBamix G200 Gas­tro Pro‑2 Hand Blender is man­u­fac­tured in Switzer­land by the inven­tor of immer­sion blenders. Need­less to say, the Bamix machines are the best hand blenders on the mar­ket and is rec­og­nized by all the pro­fes­sion­al chefs around the world.

Motor and Controls

The G200 Gas­tro Pro‑2 Hand Blender comes with a soft shat­ter­proof han­dle and irre­mov­able chrome-plat­ed brass Blend­ing Shaft. The blender body hous­es a 200-watt motor; how­ev­er, it has 750 Watts of effec­tive pow­er and very pow­er­ful torque despite such low pow­er. In addi­tion, it also has all-met­al dri­ve connections.

The Blender comes with only two (2) con­trol but­tons that acti­vate speed one (12000 RPM) and speed two (17000 RPM) and can be eas­i­ly oper­at­ed with one hand only. Although this gad­get has out­stand­ing para­me­ters, no oth­er immer­sion blender is on the mar­ket, even with much more pow­er­ful motors that can reach 17000 RPM speed.

In addi­tion, all the Bamix parts are made from eco mate­ri­als and have no lead leach­ing into the food.

Attachments and Functionality

The G200 Gas­tro Pro‑2 Hand Blender has a unique design; it has a non-remov­able 9.8 inches/25 cm blend­ing stick and a set of four (4) remov­able blades that are con­nect­ed to the blend­ing shaft end. The blades set includes Mul­ti-Pur­pose (chops), Slic­ing (minc­ing meat), Whisk (blends), and Beat­er (aer­ates), blades that are designed to per­form the fol­low­ing functions:

  • Mul­ti-Pur­pose Blade can be used for the major­i­ty of tasks such as blend­ing smooth­ies, shakes, or up to 1 gal­lon (5L) of soup; mak­ing bul­let­proof cof­fee, ice slush­es, or pro­cess­ing nut milk; chop­ping raw and cooked veg­gies and fruits; cut­ting cooked meat and fish; crush ice even with­out any liq­uid added; mix baby food, sauces, and thick cake bat­ter; it can eas­i­ly han­dle such thick mix­tures as a frozen dessert;
  • Whisk Blade is ide­al not only for whip­ping cream or eggs but also for blend­ing oily recipes such as sauces, dress­ings, may­on­naise, mash­ing pota­toes, and cooked veg­gies, and even mix­ing non-thick dough;
  •  Beat­er Blade is designed for aer­at­ing and beat­ing tasks such as beat­ing up to 0.45 quarts/0.5 L egg-white, cream, meringue, frappes, etc. In addi­tion, this blade is so unique that it can whip even low-fat or non-dairy nut of oats creams or cream with fresh lemon added; no oth­er hand blender on the mar­ket is designed for such recipes. Its blade also can dupli­cate the func­tion of all-pur­pose and whisk blades and mix up to 1 gallon/5 L sauces, dips, and dressings.
  • Slic­ing Blade is used for the same recipes as Mul­ti-pur­pose Blades; how­ev­er, it can mince and chop up to 1.1. lbs/500 g of raw meat, fish, and firm veggies;
  • In addi­tion, the Bamix G200 Gas­tro Pro‑2 Hand Blender also comes with a Wall Hold­er acces­so­ry intend­ed for orga­niz­ing blender and blade storage.

A few addi­tion­al acces­sories are avail­able to buy sep­a­rate­ly for this gad­get, which great­ly expands the blender’s functionality.


The Bamix Gas­tro 200 is an immer­sion blender that pro­fes­sion­al chefs use every day world­wide. So it is undoubt­ed­ly the best machine on the mar­ket with per­for­mance no oth­er blender can show. Apart from the per­for­mance, it is one of the light­est pro­fes­sion­al hand blenders on the mar­ket, weighs only 2.2 lbs/1 kg, and is made from food-friend­ly mate­r­i­al from the inside out. In addi­tion, it is a very qui­et hand blender. Final­ly, although it comes with only a one-year war­ran­ty for parts (blades and wall hold­er), it has a Life­time Motor Guar­an­tee and will eas­i­ly serve you for over 15–20 years.


#2 Vitamix Immersion Blender 

vitamix immersion blenderAlthough the Vita­mix Immer­sion Blender is not a 100% pro­fes­sion­al hand blender, The Vita-Mix Com­pa­ny knows how to build such gad­gets. Since it has man­u­fac­tured com­mer­cial and home-use coun­ter­top blenders for over 100 years, despite the fact it is the first immer­sion blender by Vita-Mix, it can gen­uine­ly com­pete with pro­fes­sion­al machines on the market.

Motor and Controls

Vita­mix Immer­sion blender has an ergonom­ic design with a stain­less steel body and rub­ber han­dle. The body fea­tures ON/OFF con­trol, a five (5) vari­able speeds but­ton (from 8500 RPM to 13500 RPM) on the blender body front, and a speed LED dis­play show­ing the speed in use on the top of the body. The gad­get is designed to oper­ate with one hand easily.

The Blender comes with a pow­er­ful 625-watt motor com­pa­ra­ble with coun­ter­top blenders and can per­form a most com­pre­hen­sive vari­ety of func­tions. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it has a plas­tic blade-to-motor dri­ve connection.

Attachments and Functionality

Vita­mix Immer­sion Blender comes with only one attach­ment – an 18-inch/22.6cm long stain­less steel Blend­ing Shaft with stan­dard s‑blade and the heat-resis­tant guard bell head guard. The 2.5‑inch with reduced suc­tion blender bell eas­i­ly fits into the stan­dard Mason jar mouth. So, the attach­ment is designed to per­form the fol­low­ing functions:

Blend­ing smooth­ies and shakes; puree­ing soup right on the stove; mix­ing dips, dress­ings, and sauces; emul­si­fy­ing may­on­naise; whip­ping creams and eggs for omelets; crush­ing ice for slush­es, and even mak­ing frozen desserts; chop­ping nuts, cheese veg­gies, and bread crumbs. Besides, it can eas­i­ly make a bul­let­proof cof­fee or even make nut but­ter (though it will not be the per­fect silky smooth one);

For­tu­nate­ly, a user can buy a set of extra attach­ments such as a Whisker, Mini Chop­per, Blend­ing Jar, stor­age case, and stor­age sta­tion sep­a­rate­ly. In addi­tion, the Blender is very easy to set up and clean.


This Blender does not per­form unique func­tions like the Bamix machine and does not have the Bamaix built qual­i­ty from 100% eco-mate­r­i­al. How­ev­er, it is very easy to oper­ate and per­forms typ­i­cal immer­sion blender func­tions much bet­ter than oth­er com­peti­tors on the mar­ket. It is not the light­est one and weighs 2.86 lbs. But, like a typ­i­cal pre­mi­um blender, it is not noisy.

In addi­tion, it comes with a full three (3) years war­ran­ty and best-in-indus­try cus­tomer ser­vice. It is unlike­ly that the Vita­mix Immer­sion Blender will have a life expectan­cy as long as Vita­mix coun­ter­top blenders or leg­endary Bamix; how­ev­er, it will serve more than three (3) years with­out a doubt. Although it is the first Vita­mix Blender man­u­fac­tured in Chi­na, it is designed in the USA and fol­lows high Vita­mix stan­dards and quality.


Final Thought

Hence, how to select the best immer­sion blender for you?

You will prob­a­bly buy a bud­get machine if you plan to spend under $80 on a hand blender or do not often cook recipes requir­ing an immer­sion blender. The Braun Mul­ti­Quick 5 Hand Blender is our favorite basic machine. First of all, it is very light, com­fy to hold and oper­ate with one hand, and has 350 watts of pow­er. It also has a three-year war­ran­ty, which is one of the best among basic blenders.

Cuisi­nart CSB-79 Smart Stick 2 Speed Hand Blender is cheap­er than the Braun Blender. It also has an ergonom­ic design, a safe­ty con­trol but­ton, and a long blend­ing shaft. How­ev­er, it is twice as heavy as its Braun com­peti­tor, and you can­not effi­cient­ly oper­ate it with one hand.

KitchenAid KHBV53 Vari­able Speed Cord­ed Hand Blender is our list’s cheap­est basic blender. It is no won­der it comes with Blend­ing Shaft and whisker only and does not include a chop­per, it is slight­ly lighter than the Cuisi­nart CSB-79 machine but heav­ier than Braun and has only 180 Watt motor com­pared to the Cuisi­nart CSB-79’s 300 Watts motor. You also will not be able to use it with one hand. Nev­er­the­less, this is one of the best immer­sion blenders for low prices.

If you are ready to spend up to $150 on this gad­get and need an excel­lent qual­i­ty machine, you should go for a mid-range immer­sion blender. How­ev­er, the Braun MQ7035X 3‑in‑1 Immer­sion Blender is anoth­er of our favorite among the mid-range machines. The same as the basic Braun mod­el, it is a very light and com­fort­able blender designed to oper­ate with one hand. In addi­tion, it has the most pow­er­ful 500-watt motor among the mid-range blenders and can per­form most of the func­tions bet­ter than oth­er sim­i­lar qual­i­ty machines.

The sec­ond-best mid-range blender on our list is the KitchenAid KHB2561 and KHB2571 Series 5‑Speed Hand Blender. Although it is heav­ier than Braun and has only a 200 Watts motor, it has the best attach­ments that make this machine gen­uine­ly out­stand­ing. In addi­tion, it has the stan­dard set of acces­sories such as a Blend­ing Shaft, whisker, and chop­per and comes with the blend­ing shaft with a set of remov­able blades that sub­stan­tial­ly expand the machine’s functionality.

Bre­ville BSB510XL Con­trol Grip Immer­sion Blender is also an excel­lent gad­get. How­ev­er, although it is very pop­u­lar with con­sumers, it is infe­ri­or to the oth­er two mid-range on our list. First of all, it is not a light machine (3.8 lbs), and even if it has a 15-vari­able speed, you can­not oper­ate with one hand effi­cient­ly. The pop­u­lar, rep­utable man­u­fac­tur­er and good per­for­mance were why we chose it for our list.

How­ev­er, if you want the best immer­sion blender that rep­utable Chefs use around the world and do not spend over $200 for it, you will go for the pre­mi­um immer­sion blender.

The Bamix is the best immer­sion blender on the mar­ket. Although the gad­get motor has only a 200-watt motor, it has such an out­stand­ing design that it can out­put 17000RPMs speed, the high­est immer­sion blender speed avail­able. No won­der it can per­form all the func­tions bet­ter than oth­er blenders. It also can pro­duce whip­ping cream from the nut milk and mix lemon into the dairy recipes, so it does not form curds. It is tru­ly a fan­tas­tic blender and per­forms tasks no oth­er blender on the mar­ket can do. Thus, it is bizarre why such rep­utable review­ers as the Wire­cut­ter web­site did not include it even in the best immer­sion blender list, claim­ing it has infe­ri­or per­for­mance. I use this blender every day and can vow that this is the best machine on the mar­ket. More­over, many pro­fes­sion­al Chefs around the world can attest to the same.

Although The Vita­mix Immer­sion Blender is slight­ly infe­ri­or to the Bamix Blender, it is still an excel­lent semi-pro­fes­sion­al blender. It is not as well built as Vita­mix coun­ter­top machines and Bamix blenders. How­ev­er, it comes with a pow­er­ful motor and per­forms all its func­tions to a high degree. It is cheap­er than Bamix, but it comes with only one Blend­ing Shaft attach­ment, and buy­ing extra attach­ments will increase the ini­tial blender price. Any­way, it comes with three years Full war­ran­ty and the best cus­tomer ser­vice in the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Hand Blenders 

Can I use an immersion blender in a glass jar?

Yes, immer­sion blenders are not very pow­er­ful devices and are per­fect­ly safe to use in glass jars and oth­er con­tain­ers such as pots and bowls.

What should you not use an immersion blender for?

Immer­sion blenders may not be effec­tive for blend­ing hard or fibrous ingre­di­ents, such as raw car­rots or nuts. They may also not be suit­able for mak­ing large batch­es of food, as they are typ­i­cal­ly designed for small­er quantities.

How­ev­er, immer­sion blenders are ver­sa­tile tools that can be used for a wide range of tasks.

What is the difference between a stick blender and an immersion blender?

There is no dif­fer­ence between a stick blender and an immer­sion blender — they are two dif­fer­ent names for the same appli­ance. An immer­sion blender is also known as a hand blender.

In fact, an immer­sion blender is a hand­held blender that can be used to blend, puree, and emul­si­fy ingre­di­ents direct­ly in a container.

Is Immersion Blender worth it?

It depends on the func­tions you need to per­form with this device. While they may not be as pow­er­ful as tra­di­tion­al blenders, they are often more con­ve­nient and eas­i­er to use for blend­ing soups in the pot; they also occu­py less stor­age space and are easy to clean. Besides, they can be used for a wide range of tasks, includ­ing mak­ing smooth­ies, puree­ing soups, and whip­ping cream.

Many peo­ple find immer­sion blenders to be a valu­able tool in the kitchen due to their ver­sa­til­i­ty, ease of use, and portability.

What Immersion Blender do professional chefs use?

Pro­fes­sion­al chefs may use a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent blenders depend­ing on their spe­cif­ic needs and pref­er­ences. How­ev­er, some pop­u­lar brands among pro­fes­sion­al chefs include Bamix and Waring.

Is it better to have a cordless immersion blender?

A cord­less immer­sion blender may be more con­ve­nient for some peo­ple, as it allows for greater flex­i­bil­i­ty and ease of use. How­ev­er, they are usu­al­ly not as pow­er­ful as a cord­ed immer­sion blender and may have a short­er bat­tery life.

When choos­ing an immer­sion blender, it is impor­tant to con­sid­er fac­tors such as bat­tery life, pow­er, and price.

Is an immersion blender as good as a regular blender?

While immer­sion blenders are not as pow­er­ful as tra­di­tion­al blenders, they are often more con­ve­nient and eas­i­er to use. Nev­er­the­less, they can be used for a wide range of tasks, includ­ing mak­ing smooth­ies, puree­ing soups, and whip­ping cream.

How­ev­er, they may not be as effec­tive for blend­ing hard or fibrous ingre­di­ents and may not be suit­able for mak­ing large batch­es of food.

It is impor­tant to con­sid­er your spe­cif­ic needs and pref­er­ences when choos­ing between an immer­sion blender and a reg­u­lar blender.

Posted in Immersion Blenders

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