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Best Blendtec Designer 625, 650 and 675 Blenders | KitchenGearPro

Best Blender for Smooth­ies and More – Buy­ing Guide 2022blendtec designer 650The Blendtec Design­er 625, 650, and 675 mod­els are mid-lev­el and mid-priced Blendtec series of blenders’ com­mer­cial-grade blenders for home use. They fea­ture a sleek design and are equipped with more than Blendtec Clas­sic series unit con­trol features.

Design­er 625, 650, and 675 blenders are a per­fect com­bi­na­tion of Blendtec pow­er and a good look. These mod­els are iden­ti­cal in exte­ri­or and func­tion­al­i­ty but slight­ly dif­fer in select­ing speeds and pre-set pro­grams, motor pow­er, and col­or fin­ish options.

Do you want to find out which Blendtec Blender suits you best? Then, go to our Vita­mix Blender Guide arti­cle and reviews.

Read our com­pre­hen­sive review to learn more about these fan­tas­tic blenders.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents


Smooth­ie: The blender makes per­fect qual­i­ty fruit smooth­ies, green smooth­ies, and shakes from soft and hard ingre­di­ents oblit­er­at­ing every bit of food into homo­ge­neous con­sis­ten­cy. The Smooth­ie (60 sec) and Whole Juice (65 sec) pre-set pro­grams are both able to per­form those tasks. How­ev­er, Whole Juice pre-set prob­a­bly slight­ly bet­ter process­es the green smooth­ies from tough ingre­di­ents like car­rots, cel­ery, or berries (straw­ber­ry, black­ber­ry, rasp­ber­ry, kiwi, etc.).

Shakes or smooth­ies from frozen ingre­di­ents may require an addi­tion­al cycle or 15–20 sec­onds of man­u­al run at the high­est speed. Use cold water or ice cubes when pro­cess­ing hard ingre­di­ents, like the Blendtec, and heat ingre­di­ents with fric­tion rea­son­ably fast.

Ice Crush­ing and Frozen Treats: The blender is designed to make ice cream, frozen desserts, and sor­bets. You just have to load the jar with ingre­di­ents accord­ing to your recipe and hit the Ice Cream pre-set pro­gram; the blender will run and auto­mat­i­cal­ly shut off when the frozen dessert is ready. Of course, you must serve your dessert imme­di­ate­ly or store it in the freezer.

Juice: The blender will not make the text­book juice sep­a­rat­ing liq­uid from the fiber but is designed to make so-called whole juice, aka very smooth smooth­ies. So, you will not waste the healthy fiber and pulp that the juicers remove. For the text­book juice, you would need to strain out the pulp.

Soup/hot recipes: The blender can heat ingre­di­ents via fric­tion and bring them to the process’s boil­ing tem­per­a­ture for longer than 5 min­utes. All Blendtec Design­er mod­els are equipped with Hot Soup pre-set pro­gram that runs for 180 sec, so to bring your soup the tem­per­a­ture to boil­ing, you have to repeat the pre-set pro­gram 2–3 times. The Hot Soup cycle is also suit­able for hot bul­let-proof cof­fee, choco­late, syrups, fon­due, etc.

Chopping/food prep: The blender eas­i­ly chops veg­eta­bles like car­rot, onion, cel­ery, or minced gar­lic and makes sal­ad dress­ings, sauces, and dips, includ­ing pesto and hum­mus. It also can per­form a whip­ping task for your dessert recipes. The Bat­ter pre-set (only 650 mod­els), Pulse func­tion, or/and low man­u­al speed are designed for this kind of task.

Puree­ing and baby food: It can eas­i­ly puree any food, raw or cooked, so it is per­fect for pro­cess­ing baby food; for best results, use bat­ter pre-set pulse or man­u­al mode low speed.

Nut milk: Just run the machine at the high­est speed for around 60 sec, and you get the per­fect dairy alter­na­tive milk from nuts or soya. The Hot soup pre-set works well for soya milk. For the best result, you may use a nut bag to strain the liq­uid from the fiber.

Nut but­ter: This blender is pow­er­ful enough to make deli­cious home­made nut but­ter from any kind of nuts. How­ev­er, it does not have the tam­per and sug­gests buy­ing the spe­cial twister jar for pro­cess­ing nut but­ter or thick recipes but using a com­bi­na­tion of low and medi­um speed still capa­ble of mak­ing per­fect­ly creamy nut but­ter just in under 2–3 min­utes of your efforts.

Dough/batter: The Bat­ter cycle (Design­er 650 only mod­el) is designed to mix pan­cakes or cook­ie bat­ter and knead the bread or piz­za dough. The oth­er mod­els have to use slow to medi­um man­u­al speed for the task.

Grinding/milling: The blender is designed for grind­ing cof­fee beans and herbs or milling the bak­ing qual­i­ty flour from any grain or legumes. It can make per­fect flour even from the tini­est grains like quinoa and ama­ranth. The meat grind­ing is anoth­er task the machine per­forms well.

Control Panel, Speed Settings, and Programs

The Blendtec Design­er 625, 650, and 675 blender con­trol pan­els are com­plete­ly flat with­out any pro­trud­ing con­trol but­tons. It is made of glossy plas­tic mate­r­i­al and has respon­sive (with­out lags) capac­i­tive touch con­trol like a smart­phone. The con­trols become vis­i­ble only when the blender is turned ON and dis­ap­pear when it is OFF. It all gives the blender a sleek and futur­is­tic look.

Design­er 625, 650, and 675 mod­els con­trol pan­el features:

  • A dig­i­tal dis­play that counts blend­ing time, num­ber of cycles run by the blender(display on for three sec­onds fol­low­ing pow­er On), and error messages;
  • ON, OFF and PULSE controls;
  • Pre-pro­grammed set­ting buttons;
  • Man­u­al speed capac­i­tive touch slider.

How­ev­er, the mod­els dif­fer in man­u­al speeds and pre-set cycle options.

Blendtec Design­er 625 Blender has a six-speed touch slid­er and 4 Pre-Pro­grammed Cycles:

  • Smooth­ie (for fruit smooth­ies, green smooth­ies, milk­shakes — 60 sec),
  • Ice Cream (for ice cream, frozen yogurt, sor­bets — 65 sec),
  • Whole Juice (for juices, green drinks — 65 sec),
  • and Hot Soup (for soups, hot choco­late, syrups, fon­dues — 180 sec).

Blendtec Design­er 650 Blender comes with an 8‑Speeds touch slid­er and six pre-pro­grammed cycles:

  • Bat­ters (for sauces, dips, dress­ings, bat­ters — 23 sec),
  • Ice Crush (for mixed drinks, milk­shakes, crushed ice, mar­gari­ta drinks — 35 sec),
  • Smooth­ie (for fruit smooth­ies, green smooth­ies, milk­shakes — 60 sec),
  • Ice Cream (for ice cream, frozen yogurt, sor­bets — 65 sec),
  • Whole Juice (for juices, green drinks — 65 sec),
  • Hot Soup (for soups, hot choco­late, syrups, fon­dues — 180 sec).

Blendtec Design­er 675 Blender has the same as 650 mod­els 8 man­u­al speeds touch slid­er and 6 pre-pro­grammed cus­tom cycles:

  • Smooth­ie (for fruit smooth­ies, green smooth­ies, milk­shakes — 60 sec),
  • Ice Cream (for ice cream, frozen yogurt, sor­bets — 65 sec),
  • Whole Juice (for juices, green drinks — 65 sec),
  • Hot Soup (for soups, hot choco­late, syrups, fon­dues — 180 sec),
  • Clean (auto­mat­ic clean­ing cycle — 23 sec),
  • and +10 but­ton (adds 10 sec­onds to your pre-pro­grammed cycles or can also be used as a stand-alone 10-sec­ond cycle ).

The soup pre-set pro­gram runs only 180 sec, so it will not bring to the boil­ing hot tem­per­a­ture. To heat the soup blend­ing, you have to repeat the Hot Soup pro­gram 2–3 times. You should not add very hot ingre­di­ents (over 115°F /46°C) direct­ly to the jar as it han­dles them best when heat­ed gradually.

The key con­cept of Blendtec blender is the auto­mat­ic pre-set pro­grams for the major­i­ty of blend­ing tasks that allow users to hit a but­ton and walk away. The pre-pro­gram set­tings are designed for var­i­ous tasks and will run at var­i­ous speeds and stop at the end of the cycle.

The pro­gram cycles work for most tasks but are not per­fect and some­times require con­tin­ued blend­ing after com­plet­ing the pre-set pro­gram. The user may use man­u­al mode to bring the job to the desired result on these occasions.

Man­u­al Mode is acti­vat­ed with the capac­i­tive touch slid­er by sim­ply slid­ing with your fin­ger to the right to increase the speed or the left to decrease speed. The man­u­al mode will only oper­ate for 50 sec­onds, and the blender shuts off auto­mat­i­cal­ly at the end of the cycle. To rerun man­u­al mode, you have to start it again simply.

The Pulse func­tion is used for quick tasks such as mix­ing, chop­ping, whip­ping, or oth­ers. The Pulse set­ting runs at speed 7 while the Pulse con­trol is pressed. When the icon is released, the motor shuts off.

Using and Cleaning

Assembling/Operating: The blender is very easy to assemble/disassemble and clean since it has the blades per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt into the jar. The machine also does not have any jar–unit base lock­ing mech­a­nism and sits freely on the base unit’s top.

You just have to load the jar with the recipe ingre­di­ents to start using it prop­er­ly. To reduce cav­i­ta­tion and air, pock­ets load the liq­uid ingre­di­ents first, fol­lowed by soft solids (peanut but­ter, bananas, and oth­er soft fruits, pow­ders), and then hard, dense, or frozen items.

Attach the blender lid firm­ly to the jar, place it on the top of the base unit, press the pow­er but­ton, then the pre-set pro­gram or the cho­sen speed with a slid­er for man­u­al con­trol, and it will run.

You must clean the jar imme­di­ate­ly after blend­ing for the best clean­ing results.

Clean­ing: The Blendtec machine clean­ing is super easy, just put about a half jar of warm water and a few drops of dish soap and run the Clean cycle (675 mod­els) or man­u­al mode for 15–40 sec­onds, depend­ing on the type of food you blend­ed. Rinse with clean water and cloth dry. You may also use a dish brush to remove the most stub­born ingre­di­ents. The base of the Wild­Side+ jar is wide and flat, so remov­ing sticky stuff is very con­ve­nient; more­over, since the blades are blunt, you do not have to risk injur­ing your fingers.

Although the blender jar is safe for the dish­wash­er, I do not rec­om­mend clean­ing it this way because the jar may become cloudy over time.

Base Unit and Motor Power

All Blendtec Design­er (625, 650, and 675) mod­els a motor base made of mold­ed plas­tic with a round­ed shape with­out sharp edges. It has an improved large vent­ed chan­nel to keep the motor cool.

The good qual­i­ty and durable plas­tic hous­ing con­tain com­put­er­ized elec­tron­ics and a very pow­er­ful 13 amps/1560 watts for 625 and 650 and 14 amps/1675 watts/the 675 mod­els. It has a very well-made met­al dri­ve sock­et that cou­ples the jar with the motor to turn the blade assem­bly. A Blendtec Blender equipped with the arma­ture car­bon steel ball bear­ings motor tech­nol­o­gy trans­fers pow­er direct­ly from the motor to the blade via all met­al to met­al the inter­ven­ing parts. This approach results in a qui­eter blender func­tion­ing that allows for high­er speeds (up to 28,000 rpm) and increas­es reli­a­bil­i­ty and the blender’s life expectancy.

Besides, the unit is equipped with the auto­mat­ic detec­tion of over­load, over­heat­ing, and blade block­age by very thick food; the Con­trol pan­el dig­i­tal dis­play shows an appro­pri­ate error mes­sage and alerts the user to take appro­pri­ate action.


All Blendtec Design­ers mod­els (625, 650, and 675 jar assem­bly con­sist of the 90 oz. Wild­Side+ jar, irre­mov­able blade assem­bly, and lid.

The jar has made of durable BPA-free, light­weight, clear glass, impact, and tem­per­a­ture resis­tant (up to 212°F, 100°C) East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester mate­r­i­al. It has a patent­ed square shape design, a nice wide bot­tom that accom­mo­dates 4” blades, and a nar­row fifth “wild” side to help cre­ate a bet­ter vor­tex and pre­vent cav­i­ta­tions. The square shape also allows for easy jar food load­ing and extrac­tion. How­ev­er, the blender has a capac­i­ty of 90 oz. but has marked for only 36 oz. ( mea­sur­ing vol­ume units in oz., cups, ml, and cl.) and rec­om­mends load­ing no more than 2/3rds full. Oth­er­wise, since the lid suc­tions on flat, it may be pushed off by flu­id increased pres­sure dur­ing pro­cess­ing. The jar’s square shape at the brim allows the user to pour with min­i­mal drip­ping from three corners.

The jar is designed for pro­cess­ing wet and dry ingre­di­ents with equal suc­cess. How­ev­er, the grind­ing tasks will leave some scratch­es in 1/3 of its bot­tom that will result in a cloudy appear­ance. This is the stan­dard prob­lem and com­pro­mise for the poly­car­bon­ate and copoly­ester con­tain­ers. Still, man­u­fac­tur­ers can­not use the glass jar for the com­mer­cial-grade blenders as they will not with­stand the load these blenders are exposed to. Some herbs release chem­i­cals that may make the jar cloudy. So to keep your main con­tain­er aes­thet­ic, you may be advised to buy an extra jar for per­form­ing the grind­ing tasks.

Lid design. The blender comes with a vent­ed rub­ber latch­ing lid; it has a plas­tic insert at the cen­ter that releas­es an excess of pres­sure when blend­ing hot ingre­di­ents and adds extra ingre­di­ents while the blender runs with­out remov­ing the lid.

Small batch­es. The 90 oz. Wild­Side+ jar has a wider bot­tom, and larg­er 4” blades are best suit­ed for pro­cess­ing large food batch­es (4–6 peo­ple). The min­i­mum liq­uid vol­ume it can process prop­er­ly is about 8 oz. At the same time, it han­dles thick recipes like bread/pizza dough and bat­ter; the wide bot­tom is per­fect for this task. If you often process small food batch­es, you are advised to look at the Four­Side, Mini Wild­side +, or twister jar options.


All Blendtec blenders, includ­ing the Design­er 625, 650, and 675 mod­els, come with the blades sys­tem per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt into the jar. This is a stan­dard design for pow­er­ful com­mer­cial-type blenders. The Wild­Side+ Jars are equipped with cold-forged ultra-hard stain­less steel, very thick blades with 4 inch­es patent­ed ver­ti­cal wingtips, and pre­ci­sion angles design. The jar and blades are suit­able for wet and dry blend­ing tasks.

The blade design makes ingre­di­ents fall down, cre­at­ing a prop­er vor­tex for effi­cient and cav­i­ta­tion-free blending.

Optional Accessories and Attachments

The Twister jar with a capac­i­ty of 37 oz. (mea­sure­ments up to 16 oz.) is designed for thick and small­er blends. It comes with a twister lid, grip­per lid, and spatula.

The twister lid has spikes that are turned dur­ing pro­cess­ing, pre­vent­ing ingre­di­ents from stick­ing to the jar walls. It is intend­ed for easy and effi­cient thick recipes blend­ing such as nut but­ter, dips, hum­mus, baby food, thick shakes, dress­ings, etc.

The grip­per-vent­ed lid is designed to han­dle small­er por­tions of the stan­dard Blendtec blend­ing task.

Four­Side Jar has a capac­i­ty of 75 oz. (with mark­ings up to 32 oz.). It is a clas­sic, an old­er ver­sion of a stan­dard Blendtec jar. It has a small­er 3” blade size and nar­row jar bot­tom and per­forms all typ­i­cal Blendtec tasks but is able to han­dle small­er batch­es of food than the Wile­Side+ jar.

The mini Wild­Side+ jar is just a small­er size than Wild­Side+ with a capac­i­ty of 46 oz. (mea­sure­ments up to 24 oz.). It has a small­er size blade and nar­row­er bot­tom and is designed to han­dle small batch­es of nor­mal wet and dry blend­ing jobs. Suites for small house­holds and peo­ple who often make small recipes like baby food, sal­ad dress­ing, etc.

The Blendtec GO is a per­son­al blender attach­ment. It is equipped with two sin­gle trav­el bot­tles (30 oz. and 24 oz. capac­i­ty), a sin­gle-serve blade sys­tem (Blendtec GO micronized base), and two grab-and-go trav­el bot­tle lids.

Warranty and Customer Service

The Blendtec Design­er Series 625, 650, and 675 mod­els are equipped with the typ­i­cal Blendtec 8‑year war­ran­ty. The war­ran­ty cov­ers all parts of the unit, includ­ing the jar and lid. This fan­tas­tic war­ran­ty con­firms the qual­i­ty of the machine that is engi­neered and man­u­fac­tured by the fam­i­ly-owned USA Company.

Although cus­tomer ser­vice used to have some issues in the past, it is among the best in the indus­try (while Vita­mix proud­ly keeps the num­ber 1 posi­tion). You do not need to keep safe your proof of pur­chase and reg­is­ter your unit for war­ran­ty pro­vid­ing to cus­tomer ser­vice the ser­i­al num­ber that is locat­ed on the base of the unit, the date of pur­chase, and the retail­er you pur­chased it from. Cus­tomer Ser­vice will usu­al­ly read­i­ly repair and replace any faulty part of the blender free of charge. How­ev­er, you may be asked to pay for the ship­ping cost one or both ways depend­ing on the terms and con­di­tions of the retail­er you have bought your unit from.

The Blendtec also has a pol­i­cy of a full refund with­in 30 days (minus ship­ping costs) if you do not like the blender and decide to return it.



Set Includes

  • Design­er series blender base unit;
  • Wild­Side+ jar with lid;
  • Blendtec 101 booklet;
  • Cus­tomer Ser­vice and War­ran­ty Reg­is­tra­tion Card.

Var­i­ous retail­ers often sell the Blendtec blenders in a bun­dle with oth­er acces­sories like the spat­u­la of the extra con­tain­er (twister jar, mini Wilde­Side+ jar, Blendtec GO).

This spi­ral-bound book is a prop­er guide on the func­tion­al­i­ty and capa­bil­i­ties of the Blendtec blender. You can also watch online the Blendtec 101 book­let videos.

You can also find on their web­site extra infor­ma­tion on Blendtec recipes.

Blendtec set does not include a user man­u­al, which you can down­load from here.

Special Features

Col­ors: The Blendtec Design­er 625, 650, and 675 blenders are avail­able in the fol­low­ing vari­ety of colors:

  • 626 — black, polar white, pome­gran­ate, and slate grey;
  • 650 –black and pomegranate;
  • 675 — pre­mi­um paint­ed fin­ish in Cham­pagne, Char­coal, and Dark Roast.

 Use in coun­tries out­side of the USA/Canada: The man­u­fac­tur­ers do not advise using 110–120 volt­age blenders sold in the USA or Cana­da fea­ture in regions with 22–240 volt­age sys­tems. It may com­pro­mise the func­tion­al­i­ty of the blender(although it will work with the volt­age trans­form­ers). The 110–120 V machines are suit­able for oper­a­tion in the North and South Amer­i­can region, Tai­wan, Japan, Sau­di Ara­bia, and oth­er coun­tries with the 110–120 volt­age system.

How­ev­er, the man­u­fac­tur­er also does not cov­er with a war­ran­ty the units shipped to the coun­tries where it does not have local distributors.

Regions with 220–240 volt­age should buy the gad­get local­ly or near­est coun­tries. The UK has the best selec­tion and price for the Blendtec blenders.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: The Blendtec web­site offers only 625 mod­els in recon­di­tioned con­di­tions with a small dis­count of only $100. How­ev­er, Ama­zon has it now for a very lim­it­ed time for only $275.


Blendtec Design­er mod­els are slight­ly qui­eter than the Clas­sic series mod­els machine; they release 93–100 dB depend­ing on blend­ing ingre­di­ents (ice and frozen fruits cause the noisiest).

Peo­ple sen­si­tive to noise are advised to place a rub­ber mat under the base unit that will damp­en some noise. How­ev­er, Blendtec blenders’ pro­fes­sion­al sound enclo­sure that will reduce sound to 65 dB is expen­sive and may cost you around $200.

You may also check our arti­cle about the best blenders for home use with sound enclosures.


All Design­er Series mod­els have iden­ti­cal dimen­sions.  It has fair­ly large foot­print of 7’‘ wide x 15.5″ tall x 9.25″ but mod­est pro­file of 15.5’’. So it eas­i­ly fits under­neath the major­i­ty of kitchen cabinets.

Although Blendtec Design­er blenders are not very light, 9.25 lbs of the 3HP pow­er make them shake and move around the counter dur­ing pro­cess­ing. There­fore, you may be advised to place it on the rub­ber­ized mat to make it more sta­ble, and addi­tion­al­ly, it will reduce the noise com­ing from the blender.

It also comes with feet 35 inches/3 feet/91 cm thick cord with a stur­dy Vel­cro wrap attached for cord management.

Pros and Cons


  • Pow­er­ful — pul­ver­ize any­thing you put into the jar;
  • Mul­ti­task­ing – it is not only a smooth­ie mak­er but han­dles any­thing from frozen desserts to hot soups;
  • It comes with 6 speeds, 4 programs/8 speed, and 6 pro­grams and pulse functions;
    Very sleek and attractive;
  • Fits eas­i­ly under kitchen cabinets;
  • Very easy to clean and use;
  • Equipped with a fan­tas­tic 8 years warranty.


  • Heats ingre­di­ents quickly;
  • It tends to splash lots dur­ing processing;
  • Trav­els around the counter;

Consumer Reviews

The Blendtec Design­er blenders are inno­v­a­tive mod­els of one of the mar­ket lead­ers for com­mer­cial-type blenders for home use. The cus­tomers who decide to invest in an expen­sive machine usu­al­ly make a well-judged deci­sion. How­ev­er, such mul­ti-func­tion­al blenders require need time and effort to get famil­iar with.

There are some com­plaints from the cus­tomers. For exam­ple, some peo­ple com­plain that it heats the ingre­di­ents fast, oth­ers do not like that it trav­els over the counter, and few peo­ple talk about unse­cured con­tain­er lids.

Undoubt­ed­ly, most cus­tomers are thrilled with the blender that can make smooth­ies, frozen desserts, and soup They think it is an indis­pens­able piece of equip­ment for peo­ple who fol­low a healthy lifestyle.


The Blendtec 625 mod­el is the sim­plest one with 6‑speed and 4 pre-set pro­grams; how­ev­er, it has a man­u­fac­tur­ing price between 650 and 675 mod­els. The 650 and 675 mod­els are almost iden­ti­cal; they both have 8 speeds and 6 pre-set pro­grams; the 4 pre-set are the same, while 2 of the pre-set are dif­fer­ent. How­ev­er, the 675 mod­el has a slight­ly more pow­er­ful motor and pant­ed fin­ish col­or option; thus, its man­u­fac­tur­ing price is con­sid­er­ably high­er than the 650 models.

For­tu­nate­ly for cus­tomers, Ama­zon has a very attrac­tive pric­ing pol­i­cy for Blendtec design­er blenders.




The pow­er­ful com­mer­cial type of blender is expen­sive; it will be worth every pen­ny for peo­ple with a healthy lifestyle who intend to use the blender dai­ly for smooth­ies and oth­er healthy recipes or exper­i­ment with pro­fes­sion­al recipes. More­over, it is a very durable unit and has a great war­ran­ty, so it will most like­ly be the last blender you buy. While this is an expen­sive pow­er­house is overkill for those who will use it occasionally.

Anoth­er point for those who can­not decide between Blendtec and Vita­mix. The Blendtec is designed main­ly on its auto­mat­ed modes for blend­ing your food. The ben­e­fit of that is you can sim­ply hit the smooth­ie but­ton and walk away. Indeed, it will not work 100%, and you may need to use man­u­al mode some­times for tweak­ing your recipes, but the con­cept works most of the time; for those who pre­fer con­trol and use man­u­al speed, the Vita­mix is prob­a­bly a bet­ter option.

Do you want to find out which Blendtec Blender suits you best? Then, go to our Vita­mix Blender Guide arti­cle and reviews.

Posted in Blendtec Reviews, Best Products

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