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6 Best Juicers for Leafy Greens Juicing — 2025 Guide

Extract­ing the juice from Leafy Greens is instead a chal­leng­ing task, and not every style of juicer will be able to han­dle it prop­er­ly. For exam­ple, all Mas­ti­cat­ing Cold Press Slow Juicers such as Twin Gear, Hor­i­zon­tal Sin­gle Auger, and Ver­ti­cal Sin­gle Auger, but exclud­ing the fast Mas­ti­cat­ing Cham­pi­on Juicers, will do very well at juic­ing all types of fleshy and non-fleshy leafy greens. On the oth­er hand, even pre­mi­um Cen­trifu­gal juicers will be able to extract juice ONLY from fleshy greens like bok choy, let­tuce, and oth­ers (low yield, though) but are almost use­less when juic­ing the non-fleshy pro­duce like kale, pars­ley, or arugula.

So, this arti­cle will not review cen­trifu­gal juicers since it is about the best juic­ing machines for extract­ing juice from Leafy Greens.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

leafy greens

Leafy greens: kale, broc­coli, col­lard greens, let­tuce, spinach, cab­bage, bok choy, pars­ley, arugu­la, chard, curly endive, mache, mizu­na, tat soi, dan­de­lion, water­cress, romaine, turnip green, beet­root green, mus­tard green, Chi­nese broc­coli, broc­coli rabe, arti­choke, Brus­sel sprouts, aspara­gus, rap­i­ni, savoy, cau­li­flower, rhubarb.

Table of Contents

How We Select the Best Juicers for Leafy Greens

Depend­ing on what type of Leafy Greens pro­duce you intend to juice, the dif­fer­ent types of mas­ti­cat­ing juicers will han­dle them with var­i­ous degrees of suc­cess. And unfor­tu­nate­ly, there is no such thing as the per­fect machine for every­thing; each style has its pros and cons, such as pro­duc­ing a lot of foam but offer­ing the best, mul­ti­func­tion­al but very expen­sive yield.

So, we will not present the list of so-called best juicers for the leafy greens but, in fact, list the ama­zon best-sell­ing juic­ing machines as the major­i­ty of reviews do. Instead, we will describe the pros and cons of each type of juice extrac­tor that works well for juic­ing greens and offer you the pre­mi­um and bud­get mod­els for every kind of machine, so you can choose the best device that will gen­uine­ly be best for your needs.

We also will not rec­om­mend the Chi­nese Knock­off machines but will review them lat­er and out­line all the pros and cons of these machines for dif­fer­ent types of produce.

Notice: To dis­pel unre­al­is­tic expec­ta­tions about juic­ing, we must men­tion that spinach will always pro­duce an enor­mous amount of foam regard­less of the type of juicer you use.

Twin-Gear Masticating/Triturating Slow Cold Press Juicers

Twin-Gear mas­ti­cat­ing juicers press and crash pro­duce between two tight­ly rotat­ed rod-shaped gears, press­ing the juice against the fine screen. The gears usu­al­ly rotate with the slow 82–160 rpm speed, the fastest among all the slow mas­ti­cat­ing juicers.

The Twin Gear mod­els are ide­al for juic­ing leafy greens, wheat­grass, all veg­eta­bles, and even most fruits.


  • Offer the best leafy greens juice qual­i­ty of all and thus rec­om­mend by a nutritionist;
  • Deliv­er the high­est yield for leafy greens and most of the oth­er produce;
  • Less pulpy leafy greens out­put than oth­er mas­ti­cat­ing juices


  • They are not the eas­i­est to use and clean;
  • Usu­al­ly pro­duce more foam (because the fastest, the faster speed, the more foam);
  • Most expen­sive.

Super Angel Pro/Plus/Premium Deluxe Juicer

Super Angel JuicerThe Super Angel Juicer is the best and most expen­sive twin gear masticating/triturating slow juicer man­u­fac­tured in South Korea. It is entire­ly made from stain­less steel and is avail­able in 3 main mod­els such as Angel Pro (5500 in Europe), Angel Plus (7500 in Europe), and Angel Pre­mi­um Deluxe (8500 in Europe).  All three mod­els have the same shape, look, and con­struc­tion but have minor dif­fer­ences in con­trols and the type of stain­less steel some part of the machine is made of.

Set includes:

  • Motor Base Unit;
  • Juice and pulp containers;
  • Acces­sories: Clean­ing Brush, Scrub­bing Bris­tle, Screen Scraper, Stan­dard Wood­en Push­er, Wood­en Push­er with Sil­i­cone Seal (for soft fruit juicing);
  • Pow­er Cord;
  • Instruc­tion Man­u­al. 

Main Body and Motor Unit: The entire juicer hous­ing is made of high-qual­i­ty food-grade stain­less steel. All main Juicer body parts, such as a motor, gear­box, cool­ing sys­tems, safe­ty sen­sors, and con­trol pan­el, were upgrad­ed in 2018 to com­ply with the U.S. elec­tri­cal specifications.

The 180 watts motor rotates the twin gears with the slow speed of 82 rpm and comes with the safe­ty fea­tures – 1) it will run if only ful­ly and ade­quate­ly assem­bled; 2) a built-in auto­mat­ic over­heat­ing sys­tem; 3)a built-in clutch that pre­vents dam­age to the engine if a for­eign object gets into the feed­ing chute; 4) pro­tec­tion from elec­tric shocks.

Gears/Auger: The 100% stain­less steel Super Angel Juicer twin gear fea­tures the most effi­cient three-stage pro­duce pro­cess­ing — 1st stage grinds ingre­di­ents, 2nd stage press­es pro­duce, and 3rd stage squeezes all the last drops.

Its twin gear has the largest size among all twin gears juicers — 8 ⅜” (212.7mm) length and 1⅜” (34mm) diam­e­ter) that allows extract­ing the high­est juice yield across all types of juicers and all twin-gear machines.

Juic­ing screen: Three (3) stage screen is designed to sieve the juice from each of the three (3) stages processed by twin gears. This results, on aver­age, in 15% — 30% more juice extract­ed than oth­er mas­ti­cat­ing juicers.

Drum and Feed­ing Chute: The Angel Juicer comes with irre­mov­able 1.7 inch­es (43 mm) feed­ing chute.  The feed­ing chute is not very wide, it is undoubt­ed­ly required pre-cut for most of the ingre­di­ents, but it com­plies with the hor­i­zon­tal juicers’ safe­ty requirements.

Con­tain­ers: The Super Angel comes with 1 Quart/4 cups/32 oz./1000ml Pyrex Glass juic­ing con­tain­er and a large 48 oz./ 1400ml plas­tic pulp container.

Pres­sure Adjust­ment Juic­ing Knob: It does not have any pres­sure adjust­ment option for the pulp; the Angel process effi­cient­ly all types of food with­out this option.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: The Super Angel Juicer is the only mul­ti-func­tion­al juicer on the mar­ket that han­dle all types of fruits and veg­etable almost per­fect­ly, so it can juice:

  • Leafy Greens;
  • Wheat­grass;
  • Shoots and Sprouts;
  • Cel­ery;
  • Pine nee­dles;
  • Cit­ruses;
  • Soft Fruit and veg­eta­bles like pineapples;
  • Pome­gran­ates.

You can also buy blank and grind­ing screens for addi­tion­al food pro­cess­ing tasks such as raw milk from soy, nuts, grains, nut but­ter, and frozen desserts.

Leafy Greens Juice Yield: 2.2lbs/1 kg spinach and kale mix­ture pro­duce 630–650 ml of juice.

Clean­ing and assembling/disassembling: The Super Angel has unique and very dif­fer­ent from any oth­er twin gear juicer’s design. The drum with chute, juic­ing screen, and end cap comes as one piece known as Extract­ing Hous­ing, mak­ing it the eas­i­est twin-gear machine to use, assemble/disassemble, and clean. Three (3) main com­po­nents need clean­ing — the Extract­ing Hous­ing, the two Augers, and Splash Guard.

War­ran­ty: The juicer comes with a ten (10) years Lim­it­ed non-trans­ferrable War­ran­ty that is applic­a­ble for the Motor and a 5‑year war­ran­ty for Extract­ing Hous­ing, Twin Gears, Screen Scraper (Clean­ing Knife), and Pow­er Cord.

Con­tact the Cus­tomer Sup­port Desk at 714–731-0045 or email us at [email protected].

Dimen­sions: 19 1/2″ L x 7 3/4″ W x 10 1/2″ H/495mm x 196mm X 267mm; Weight: 20.8 lbs /9.5kg.

Sum­ma­ry: The Super Angel Juice Extrac­tor is an extreme­ly expen­sive machine. How­ev­er, if you are look­ing for the best juicer avail­able on the mar­ket, then look no fur­ther. It is not only extract­ed 15–30% more juice (that will save on the price of pro­duce) from any ingre­di­ents than any oth­er mas­ti­cat­ing juicer on the mar­ket but also has a stun­ning design, 100% made of stain­less steel, and will last for decades.


Omega TWN30S Twin Gear Slow Cold Press Masticating Juicer

Omega TWN30S Twin Gear Slow Cold Press Masticating JuicerOmega TWN30S is the first and the only Omega twin gear (also called a trit­u­rat­ing) juicer mod­el. It was intro­duced to the mar­ket in 2016 and is still the most afford­able twin-gear machine avail­able. Omega is oper­at­ed by the co-estab­lished USA and South Kore­an com­pa­nies; all Omega machines are man­u­fac­tured in a fac­to­ry in South Korea.

Set includes:

  • Omega TWN30S Juicer;
  • One (1) fine juic­ing screen, one (1) coarse screen, and a blank cone;
  • One (1) juice bowl and one (1) pulp bowl;
  • Acces­sories: 2 Push­ers (wood­en and plas­tic), Strainer/Sieve, clean­ing brush, lock­ing handle;
  • User man­u­al.

Motor unit: It comes with a 150 Watts motor that rotates the auger with a slow speed of 160 rpm. The Omega TWN30S has a small body foot­print and is light­weight. It also comes with an inbuilt han­dle for con­ve­nient moving.

The juicer is designed for 30 min­utes of con­tin­u­ous operation.

Gears/Augers: It has two inter­lock­ing and rotat­ing inward gears that are approx­i­mate­ly 4.3 inch­es long. They are made of stain­less steel and BPA-FREE nylon mate­r­i­al. The gears fea­ture two-stage trit­u­rat­ing action, which means the first stain­less steel part is respon­si­ble for crush­ing and grind­ing pro­duce, while the sec­ond nylon is account­able for squeez­ing produce.

Gears are about 50% short­er than Angel Juicer gears.

Juic­ing Screen: The machine comes with a fine (stan­dard juic­ing func­tions), coarse (soft fruits and veg­gies juic­ing) juic­ing screen, and blank cone (food pro­cess­ing tasks). The juic­ing screen is made of clear plas­tic (dura­bil­i­ty is ques­tion­able) with stain­less steel meshed sec­tion. The screen is rel­a­tive­ly small, which is con­sis­tent with the over­all mod­er­ate size of the machine.

Chute and Pro­duce Feed­ing: It comes with a cir­cu­lar 1.5” in diam­e­ter feed chute, and the leafy greens are fed with­out prob­lem into the chute.

How­ev­er, the wider chute is desir­able for oth­er ingre­di­ents like beets and apples. The hard prod­ucts such as car­rots, beets, or apples require some effort to push into a chute with the pusher.

Con­tain­ers: The Omega TWN30S Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer comes with two Tri­tan copoly­esters (BPA-Free) con­tain­ers for juice and pulp.

Pres­sure Adjust­ment Juic­ing Knob: The machine fea­tures a pres­sure adjust­ment cup. It does not have any set­tings; how­ev­er, you turn it clock­wise for max­i­mum pres­sure, which is best for leafy greens and healthy veg­gies; release the knob by turn­ing it anti-clock­wise for soft­er produce.


  • Leafy greens juice;
  • Cel­ery juice;
  • Wheat­grass juice;
  • Veg­etable juice like beets, car­rots, sweet pota­to, and cucumber;
  • Cit­rus juice;
  • Fruit juice like apples and strawberries;
  • Nut milk and nut butter;
  • Frozen fruit sorbet;
  • Baby food.

The juicer comes with a coarse juic­ing screen for soft­er pro­duce and a bank cone that allows the user to expand the machine func­tion­al­i­ty and make frozen fruit sor­bets, sal­sas and sauces, nut milk, nut but­ter, baby foods, and grind oth­er foods.

Leafy Greens Juice Yield: The 2.2 lbs/1 kg of baby spinach and kale mix­ture pro­duces, on aver­age, 550ml — 560ml of juice with lit­tle foam. 

Clean­ing, Assem­bling, Dis­as­sem­bling, and Oper­at­ing: This machine is tru­ly very easy to assemble/disassemble, clean, and use. It has few­er parts to assemble/disassemble and clean than oth­er twin auger juicers – juicer body with fix­ing col­lar, drum with chute, two gears, juic­ing screen, and end cap.

The con­trols con­sist of only one swith­er that has ON/Rev/Off posi­tions. The Rev (reverse) func­tion is designed for releas­ing food jams and clogs.

War­ran­ty: The Omega TWN30S Juicer is equipped with a 15-year parts & per­for­mance War­ran­ty for the USA/Canada and a 1‑year Com­mer­cial and Inter­na­tion­al Warranty.

If you need cus­tomer ser­vice, con­tact them direct­ly via e‑mail at [email protected] or call toll-free 1–800-633‑3401 (9 am — 4 pm (EST) Mon­day — Fri­day exclud­ing Week­ends and Hol­i­days). 

Dimen­sions: 12″ (305 mm) H × 6.5″ (165 mm) W × 17.3″ (440 mm) D, weights 14.3 lb (6.5 kg).

Sum­ma­ry: If you do a lot of greens and want to buy an ulti­mate leafy green juicer for a rea­son­able price, then Omega TWN30S Juicer is worth con­sid­er­ing. It is effort­less to use and clean; it deliv­ers high leafy greens juice yield. The only cons of this machine are that it could be hard to feed the firm prod­ucts like beets or carrots.


Horizontal Single Auger Masticating Juicers

Hor­i­zon­tal Sin­gle Auger Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicers employs a hor­i­zon­tal, slow­ly rotat­ing auger with an aver­age speed of 50–120 rpm that squash­es pro­duce against a per­fo­rat­ed fil­ter to squeeze the juice.

They are the sec­ond-best machines for extract­ing leafy green juice. Like the twin gear machine, the hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle auger juicer part for leafy green also per­forms well on grass, hard veg­gies and fruits, and cit­ruses. They also often come with a range of extra acces­sories that allow doing food pro­cess­ing tasks such as mak­ing purees, nut but­ter, nut milk, frozen treats, and extrud­ing noo­dle dough.


  • Shows the sec­ond-best leafy greens juice yield;
  • Easy to feed leafy greens;
  • Eas­i­est to use and clean;
  • Not very foamy juice;
  • Most afford­able;


  • Sec­ond best for the leafy green juice yield.

Omega NC800/NC900 Juicer Extractor and Nutrition Center

Omega NC800/NC900 Juicer Extractor and Nutrition CenterOmega NC800/900 is a 6th gen­er­a­tion sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal mas­ti­cat­ing slow juicer released in 2017 and man­u­fac­tured in South Korea. It is avail­able in three mod­els, NC800HDS, NC800HDR, and NC900HDC, that have iden­ti­cal tech­ni­cal para­me­ters but dif­fer only by the col­or — NC800HDS has a sil­ver fin­ish,  NC800HDR has a red col­or, while NC900HDC has a chrome fin­ish — the NC800HDS and NC800HDR mod­els retails about $50-$70 cheap­er than NC900.

Set Includes:

  • Omega NC800/NC900 Juicer Extractor;
  • Juic­ing Screen and Blank Cone;
  • Juice and Pulp containers;
  • Adjustable pres­sure Juic­ing End Cap and Blank End Cap;
  • One (1) adjustable juic­ing noz­zle and four (4) pas­ta nozzles;
  • Acces­sories: Push­er, Clean­ing brush;
  • User Man­u­al.

Motor unit: The juicer body has a new­er design for the 6th gen­er­a­tion NC800 and NC900 mod­els; it also comes with an inbuilt handle.

The machine fea­tures 150 watts 110–120V motor that runs the auger with a slow speed of 80 rpm.

Drum, Chute, and Pro­duce Feed­ing: The Omega NC800/900 Juicer comes with a trans­par­ent made of BPA-free Tri­tan copoly­ester drum, an irre­mov­able chute with hop­per, and the oval shape 2” X 1.5” feed­ing chute (larg­er than Omega 8006/8008 the 5th gen­er­a­tion mod­els). The large feed chute makes it eas­i­er to feed leafy greens and larg­er firm pro­duce pieces. 

Gears/Auger: The auger is made of GE ULTEM, BPA-free, the mate­r­i­al known for extra strength, which is used for med­ical instru­men­ta­tion due to its chem­i­cals and stress resis­tance. So the GE ULTEM ensures a longer lifes­pan for the auger.

Juic­ing Screen: It comes with a two-stage juic­ing screen. The 1st stage is made of GE ULTIMA extra strong plas­tic and extracts juice from the ingre­di­ents that are just smashed; the 2nd stage is made of stain­less steel and squeezes out the rest of the juice from the crushed pulp. 

End Cap and Adjust­ment Knobs: The machine has an adjustable end cap with 1 to 5 set­tings, which sets how much pres­sure to prop­a­gate on the pulp. The leafy greens will require adjust­ing the cap to set­ting 5 for the best yield. At the same time, the soft fruits and veg­gies will need to set one (1) or a com­plete­ly removed cap.

Con­tain­ers: It fea­tures Tri­tan copoly­ester BPA-free stress-resis­tant juic­ing and pulp containers.


  • Leafy greens juice, includ­ing pine needles;
  • Cel­ery juice;
  • Wheat­grass juice;
  • Veg­etable juice;
  • Cit­rus juice;
  • Fruit juice;
  • Nut but­ter;
  • Nut milk;
  • Baby food;
  • Pas­ta.

The juicer set includes a blank cone with a blank end cap and a set of 4 pas­ta noz­zles, so it can per­form a range of food pro­cess­ing tasks such as mak­ing frozen desserts, baby food, sal­sas, grind­ing cof­fee beans, mak­ing nut but­ter, and nut/soy milk and extrudes home­made spaghet­ti, lin­gui­ni, and a breadstick.

Leafy Greens Juice Yield: 2.2lbs/1 kg of baby spinach and kale mix­ture pro­duces 530ml — 550 ml with lit­tle foam.

Clean­ing and assembling/disassembling, oper­at­ing: This Juicer is one of the eas­i­est to assemble/disassemble, clean, and use that is avail­able on the mar­ket. It has only a few parts to assemble/disassemble, and it has only four (4) pieces for clean­ing – drum with chute, auger, screen, and end cap – the three of which could be sim­ply cleaned with run­ning water, and only juic­ing screen will require a lit­tle effort to wash it out with a brush.

Con­trols: The machine has only one switch with On/Reverse/Off functions.

War­ran­ty: Omega fea­tures the best in the indus­try, 15-year parts & per­for­mance for USA/Canada, and a 1‑year Com­mer­cial Warranty.

Cus­tomer ser­vice must be con­tact­ed direct­ly no mat­ter which retail­er you bought your unit from e‑mail to [email protected] or call toll-free 1–800-633‑3401 (EST 9 am — 4 pm East­ern Time Mon­day — Fri­day exclud­ing Week­ends and Holidays).

Dimen­sions: 6.5” W × 14.5” D × 15.5” H (165mm W × 368mm D × 394mm H), Weight13.0 lb/ 5kg.

Sum­ma­ry: This “mul­ti­ple use” appli­ance does a great job with juic­ing leafy greens; it not only deliv­ers good juice yield but also does not pro­duce as much foam as most twin-gear machines do. The adjustable pres­sure end cap and larg­er juic­ing screen allow this to excel juicer at a wide range of prod­ucts such as firm veg­gies and fruits, cel­ery, and wheat­grass juice; it also can make soft fruit juice (though it is not excel­lent), and the includ­ed blank cone and blank end cup allow to per­form a range of food pro­cess­ing tasks. Besides, this machine is straight­for­ward to clean and avail­able at a very rea­son­able price for such a rep­utable brand juicer.


Omega CNC80S Compact Slow Nutrition Center Juicer

Omega CNC80S Compact Slow Nutrition Center JuicerOmega CNC80S is the most com­pact low-speed mas­ti­cat­ing sin­gle auger juicer and nutri­tion sys­tem that can per­form all the func­tions of CN800/CN900 Omega machines and is man­u­fac­tured in South Korea.

Set Includes:

  • Omega CNC80S Juicer;
  • Juic­ing Screen and Blank Cone;
  • Juice with Pulp containers;
  • Adjustable pres­sure Juic­ing End Cap and Blank End Cap;
  • One (1) adjustable juic­ing noz­zle and four (4) pas­ta nozzles;
  • Acces­sories: Push­er, Clean­ing brush;
  • User Man­u­al.

Motor unit: The motor body with an inbuilt han­dle hous­es the 200 Watts, 110–120V motor that rotates the auger with a slow 80rpm speed.

Drum, Chute, and Pro­duce Feed­ing: It has an irre­mov­able feed chute that makes one peace with the drum and is made from BPA-free Tri­tan copoly­ester mate­r­i­al. The chute has a cres­cent shape of 2 inch­es X 1.5 inch­es in diam­e­ter. This wider than usu­al­ly sin­gle auger mas­ti­cat­ing juicer chute is very easy to feed, espe­cial­ly with leafy greens. How­ev­er, you will need to cut larg­er pro­duce like apples and beets. 

Gears/Auger: The sin­gle auger screw is made of GE ULTEM plas­tic used to pro­duce med­ical and chem­i­cal equip­ment because it is very strong, heat, and sol­vent-resis­tant. The Omega CNC80S auger is slight­ly short­er than the CN800/900 mod­els. 

Juic­ing Screen: It fea­tures a Tri­tan copoly­ester (BPA-free plas­tic) two-stage juic­ing cone with two stain­less steel juic­ing screens. The two-stage screen means more juice yield since it squeezes it in two stages. The 1st stage is siev­ing the first juice from just crushed pro­duce; the 2nd small­er juic­ing screen deals with the pulp and press­es out the rest of the juice from the pulp. 

End Cap and Adjust­ment Knobs: Like all Omega’s 5th and 6th gen­er­a­tion sin­gle auger juicers, this machine has an adjustable end cap with 1 to 5 set­tings that sets how much pres­sure to force on the pulp. The leafy greens will need set­ting 5 for the best result, while soft fruits will require set­ting 1 for the best yield.

Con­tain­ers: The Juic­ing Extrac­tor comes with 24 oz./700ml Tri­tan copoly­ester (BPA-free) juic­ing cup with mea­sure­ments only in ml and a sim­i­lar size to the pulp con­tain­er. The juic­ing con­tain­er also includes a remov­able sieve for strain­ing excess pulp.

  • Leafy greens juice;
  • Cel­ery juice;
  • Wheat­grass juice;
  • Veg­etable juice;
  • Cit­rus juice;
  • Fruit juice;
  • Nut but­ter;
  • Nut milk;
  • Baby food;
  • Frozen treats/sorbet
  • Pas­ta.

The machine is excel­lent for leafy greens and wheat­grass and very good for fruit and vegetables.

Addi­tion­al acces­sories such as blank cones, caps, and pas­ta noz­zles allow this machine to per­form var­i­ous food pro­cess­ing tasks.

Leafy Greens Juice Yield: 2.2lbs 1 kg of leafy greens pro­duce 530ml — 550 ml of juice. 

Clean­ing, assembling/disassembling, oper­at­ing: This machine is one of the eas­i­est juicers to assemble/ dis­as­sem­ble, clean and use. It has only a few parts to assemble/disassemble — drum with chute, auger, screen, and end cap and thus few parts to clean. You just rinse the drum, auger, and cap and brush the juic­ing screen, which is also very easy and fast to clean.

War­ran­ty: As with all the Omega Juice Extrac­tors, this machine comes with an out­stand­ing 15 years war­ran­ty on parts and per­for­mance for the USA / Canada.

You should con­tact Omega cus­tomer ser­vice direct­ly if you have any issues with the machine: e- [email protected] or call toll-free at 1–800-633‑3401. 

Dimen­sions: 6.3” W × 16.4” D × 12.4” H (160mm W × 416mm D × 314mm H), weight13.0 lb/ 5kg.

Sum­ma­ry: Omega CNC80S offers a very good qual­i­ty juicer at a very afford­able price, and it is also one of the eas­i­est machines to clean and use. This juic­ing extrac­tor shows excel­lent per­for­mance for leafy greens and the range of oth­er prod­ucts. It is also designed for food pro­cess­ing tasks.


Vertical Slow Juicers/ single auger masticating juicers/cold press

A ver­ti­cal juicer works sim­i­lar­ly to a hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle-auger, with the only dif­fer­ence being that the auger/screw is rotat­ed hor­i­zon­tal­ly instead of ver­ti­cal­ly. They are the slow­est juicer among all the mas­ti­cat­ing extrac­tors rotat­ing the auger at a speed of 40–80 rpm.

The ver­ti­cal mas­ti­cat­ing slow juicer is also the best all-func­tions juice that is good not only at extract­ing leafy green juice but also at hard and firm fruits and veg­eta­bles, cit­rus, and berries. Some pre­mi­um ver­ti­cal juicers also come with acces­sories for food pro­cess­ing tasks and are able to make nut milk and frozen treats.


  • Deliv­er sec­ond to third best yield for leafy greens juice:
  • Pro­duce less foam than any oth­er mas­ti­cat­ing juicers;
  • Very user-friend­ly;
  • Best mul­ti­func­tion­al juicers;


  • Not easy to feed leafy greens, and they need pre-cutting.

Hurom H‑AA Slow Juicer

Hurom H-AA Slow JuicerThe Hurom H‑AA Slow Juicer is one of the lat­est 3rd gen­er­a­tion Clas­sic mid-range ver­ti­cal juicer mod­els by the South Kore­an Hurom Com­pa­ny, which is the inven­tor of the ver­ti­cal slow juicer mod­el and the world’s largest man­u­fac­tur­er of mas­ti­cat­ing s juicers.

Set includes:

  • Hurom H‑AA Juicer;
  • Addi­tion­al acces­sories: coarse screen, blank screen, pusher;
  • Juice and Pulp Containers;
  • Recipe book
  • Man­u­al
  • Acces­sories: two (2) brush­es, tofu press, dry­ing rack (option­al), and hop­per lid for stor­age (option­al).

Motor and Body Unit: Hurom H‑AA Slow Juicer has a very sleek and mod­ern design. The ABS plas­tic hous­es the high-qual­i­ty sin­gle-phase induc­tion 150 Watts motor with excel­lent torque, so it does not expe­ri­ence any clog­ging with firm ingre­di­ents like beets or car­rots. It runs the auger with a slow speed of only 43 rpm.

The machine is equipped with a cool­ing fan and over­heat­ing sys­tem, which auto­mat­i­cal­ly stops the motor if it is over­loaded. It also has an inbuilt safe­ty mag­net­ic sen­sor that will not start the machine unless assem­bled cor­rect­ly. The Juicer is designed to run for up to 30 min­utes before the user advis­es to cool it out before con­tin­u­ing; how­ev­er, it may run for a few hours with­out stopping.

Drum, Hop­per, and Feed­ing Chute: The Hurom drum, with a capac­i­ty of 17.6 oz./500 ml, is made of BPA-free Tri­tan copoly­ester mate­r­i­al and fea­tures a fair­ly wide pulp out­let and inno­v­a­tive pulp con­trol lever that is designed to release the pulp if it is stacked, thus min­i­miz­ing clogging.

The Spout comes with a non-drip juic­ing cap that keeps juice inside the cham­ber until you open it. It is also equipped with a good-qual­i­ty bush­ing that pre­vents drum leaking.

The feed­ing chute has a 1.5 X 2 inch­es cres­cent shape open­ing. The leafy greens ingre­di­ents (as with any oth­er ver­ti­cal machine) must be cut into 1–2 inch­es pieces before feed­ing them into the chute; oth­er­wise, it will clog.

The Hop­per and feed­ing chute is also pro­vid­ed with safe­ty fea­tures that pre­vent the machine from run­ning if it is not prop­er­ly con­nect­ed to the drum. In addi­tion, the hop­per is made from a semi­trans­par­ent mate­r­i­al that allows the user to see the ingre­di­ents as they are insert­ed into the chamber.

Gears/Auger: The machine fea­tures a two-wing sin­gle ver­ti­cal auger made of strong, chem­i­cal-resis­tant GE Ultem poly­mer. The two-wing auger has a new and improved design com­pared to the Hurom 2nd gen­er­a­tion juicers that ensure more effi­cient cut­ting of the prod­uct when they are com­ing down to the auger stage for processing.

Juic­ing Screen: It con­sists of two parts — the Juic­ing Screen and Spin­ning Brush­es. The juic­ing screen sieves the mashed pro­duce sep­a­rat­ing the juice and pulp while the Spin­ning Brush ensures that the juice and pulp are mixed thor­ough­ly before the sep­a­ra­tion, thus max­i­miz­ing the nation­al val­ue and yield of the final juice.

The juic­ing screen is made of extra-strong Ultem plas­tic with stain­less steel sieves, while the spin­ning brush is made of the same extra-strong Ultem plas­tic with sil­i­con blades.

The juicer pack­age also includes two(2) addi­tion­al screens – the Coarse screen (for soft fruits and veg­gies juic­ing) and the Blank screen for mak­ing smooth­ies, frozen treats, nut milk, and oth­er homog­e­niz­ing food pro­cess­ing tasks.

Con­tain­ers: The H‑AA Slow Juicer comes with a nest­ing 35 oz./1000ml Juice and Pulp con­tain­ers are both made from BPA-free, impact-resis­tant Tri­tan copoly­ester material.


  • Leafy Greens;
  • Cel­ery;
  • Wheat­grass;
  • Hard and soft fruits;
  • Hard and soft veggies;
  • Nut and soy milk;
  • Ice cream, sor­bet & frozen yogurt;
  • Makes tofu.

The pack­age includes a coarse juic­ing screen for the best result when mak­ing soft fruits and veg­gies juice; it also comes with a blank screen that allows pro­cess­ing frozen treats, nut milk, and others.

Leafy Greens Juice Yield: 2.2lbs/1kfg of spinach and kale mix­ture pro­duces about 520–530 ml of juice.

Clean­ing and assembling/disassembling: The ver­ti­cal juicer gen­er­al­ly is not the eas­i­est to clean as it does not have a very easy-to-clean drum, small pulp out­let, and largest juic­ing screen. How­ev­er, some of the 2nd and 3rd gen­er­a­tion juicers, includ­ing Hurom H‑AA, which comes with the non-drip cap juic­ing out­let, allow doing a pre­wash by pour­ing some after and run­ning juicers after the juic­ing ses­sion. This pro­ce­dure allows you to do some job and make it eas­i­er to clean the juicer after it is dis­as­sem­bled. The most com­pli­cat­ed part of clean­ing this machine is the juic­ing screen which must be scrapped with the brush­es pro­vid­ed in the package.

Con­trols: How­ev­er, the ver­ti­cal juicer is very easy to use; first of all, they are prac­ti­cal­ly self-feed­ing, so they do not require push­ing any ingre­di­ents, and the same as all oth­er slow juicers, have sim­ple con­trol that con­sists of one switch that reg­u­lates On/Off and revers­es function.

War­ran­ty: The Hurom H‑AA machine has ten (10) years’ motor and two (2) years parts Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty. It is a glob­al com­pa­ny, so for cus­tomer sup­port, con­tact the region­al sup­port team direct­ly; the con­tact details you may find on their web­site

Dimen­sions: 8.8” X 7.1” X 16”/223x 179.7 x 407.4mm, weights 10.6lbs/4.8kg.

Sum­ma­ry: After Hurom invent­ed the ver­ti­cal mod­el, oth­er com­pa­nies start­ed to repli­cate it. They spend a lot of time and effort on juicer improve­ment and R & D; there­fore, no doubt they are ahead of all oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ers when inno­vat­ing this type of juicer, from man­u­fac­tur­ers juicers for many brands such as Omega, Sana, and oth­ers. The Hurom H‑AA mod­el has many new fea­tures, such as a pulp con­trol lever, a new auger two-wing design, and a no-drip juic­ing out­let cap; Hurom’s ear­li­er inven­tion was intro­duced with 2nd gen­er­a­tion mod­els and lat­er was repli­cat­ed by oth­er brands. This mod­el also comes with extra acces­sories that allow it to expand the juicer func­tion­al­i­ty and pro­duce the best qual­i­ty soft fruit juice and a range of food pro­cess­ing tasks, such as frozen treats, that ver­ti­cal juicers are usu­al­ly not capa­ble of per­form­ing. Also, this is prob­a­bly the qui­etest ver­ti­cal juicer avail­able on the cur­rent market.


Shine Kitchen Co. by Tribest SJV-107‑A Slow Juicer

Shine Kitchen Co. by Tribest SJV-107-A Slow JuicerThe Shine Kitchen Co. by Tribest is a low-range com­pact slow ver­ti­cal juicer that is avail­able at a very afford­able price. It is man­u­fac­tured in Chi­na for the rep­utable Tribest, which is a US and South Kore­an co-estab­lished com­pa­ny (yet most of the Tribest prod­ucts are man­u­fac­tured in South Kore­an Tribest man­u­fac­tur­ing facilities).

Set includes:

  • Stain­less steel main body;
  • Auger Juic­ing Screen — Sep­a­rates the juice from the pulp;
  • Drum/Auger Hous­ing with Feed­ing Chute;
  • Juice and Pulp Containers;
  • Pulp Con­tain­er — Catch­es the pulp;
  • Acces­sories: push­er, brush, fruit, and veg­etable Slicer.

Drum, Hop­per, and Feed­ing Chute: The Shine Kitchen Co. Juicer drum, hop­per, and feed­ing chute are made from BPA-free plas­tic with a cres­cent feed­ing open­ing 1.5” X 2.5″. How­ev­er, the feed­ing open­ing is fair­ly big for ver­ti­cal mas­ti­cat­ing juicers but still will need pre-cut­ting for most ingre­di­ents. For exam­ple, the leafy greens usu­al­ly need to be cut into 1–2 inch­es pieces; oth­er­wise, they tend to jam since the ver­ti­cal juicers do not han­dle their long fiber very well.

Over­all, the Shine Kitchen drum is well-designed for low-end machines; it has a large pulp out­let (min­i­miz­ing clog­ging) and a nice sil­i­con flap (max­i­miz­ing yield).

Spout cap: The juicer comes with a well-con­struct­ed low-end machine spout cap, which you can keep close while pro­cess­ing juice; this allows you to mix juice inside for more nutri­tious juice.

Motor unit: The Shine Juicer comes with stain­less steel, which hous­es a good qual­i­ty 200 Watts 110–120V motor with three (3) stage reduc­tion gear that cre­ates more torque for effi­cient pro­cess­ing of firmer ingre­di­ents like beets and car­rots with­out clog­ging. The motor rotates the sin­gle auger at a slow 40 rpm speed.

The juicer is also equipped with a safe­ty fea­ture that pre­vents the machine from run­ning unless it is assem­bled cor­rect­ly. How­ev­er, it still has the typ­i­cal low-end machine, only 10 min­utes duty cycle, which allows users to make a max­i­mum of 60 ounces of juice only.

Gears/Auger: This machine’s one-wing sin­gle auger is made of BPA-free plas­tic and has a pock­et recess to elim­i­nate jamming.

Juic­ing Screen: It has a typ­i­cal ver­ti­cal slow juicer screen design with a BPA-free plas­tic frame and stain­less steel meshed part. How­ev­er, it does not have a stan­dard for high­er-end machine wip­ing blades. Oth­er­wise, it is a decent­ly designed juic­ing screen with­out all the under­gone details of Chi­nese knock-offs.

Con­tain­ers: It fea­tures BPA-free plas­tic 32 oz. juic­ing and pulp con­tain­ers. The juicer’s size and height allow you to use a 30-ounce wide-mouth mason jar for juice col­lec­tion (The Mason jar is not includ­ed in the set).


  • Leafy greens;
  • Cel­ery;
  • Wheat­grass;
  • Firm and soft veg­gies such as beets, car­rots, and cuke;
  • Firm and soft fruits such as apples or pineapples;
  • Cit­rus juice.

The juicer does not include the extra acces­sories for mak­ing frozen treats, baby food, and pasta.

Leafy Greens Juice Yield: 2.2lbs/1kfg of spinach and kale mix­ture pro­duces 510–520 ml of juice.

Clean­ing and assembling/disassembling: This juicer has not had many parts, a flat drum base with­out nooks and cran­nies (cav­i­ties and grooves), and a fair­ly wide pulp spot, too; this all makes the juice one of the eas­i­est to clean. It is also equipped with a spout cap that allows you to pre­wash the machine before dis­as­sem­bling and hand cleaning.

Con­trols: It is very easy to oper­ate as it has only one switch with ON/OFF/Reverse functions.

War­ran­ty: The Shine Kitchen Co. by Tribest Juicer comes with a 3‑year FULL war­ran­ty for all parts and repairs backed by the Tribest Company.

If you need to con­tact cus­tomer ser­vice, you should call Tribest direct­ly on Toll-free num­bers: 1–888-254‑7336 or Inter­na­tion­al: +1–714-879‑7150.

Dimen­sions: The juicer has a very com­pact foot­print of 5.5″ x 5.25″ base diam­e­ter but a tall 19.5” pro­file; it weighs only 6.2 lbs.

Sum­ma­ry: The Shine Kitchen Co. by Tribest does not only squeeze an excel­lent qual­i­ty leafy greens juice but is also very good at han­dling the ingre­di­ents the typ­i­cal ver­ti­cal slow juicer does (cel­ery, wheat­grass, soft and firm fruits, and veg­gies). It is man­u­fac­tured in Chi­na for the rep­utable USA-based Tribest com­pa­ny, serv­ing as the juicer war­ran­ty. Besides, it is very easy to clean and use, has a very small foot­print, eas­i­ly fits even into the small­est kitchen, and is avail­able very affordable.



If you want the best of the best machine for juic­ing Leafy Greens, then you will go for the Twin Gear type of machine. The Super Angel Juicer is undoubt­ed­ly the best machine avail­able on the mar­ket. It is 100% made of stain­less steel, so you will not have any ques­tions regard­ing its con­struct­ed mate­r­i­al. It also per­fect­ly han­dles the leafy greens and almost any ingre­di­ents you may wish to juice. How­ev­er, it has only one issue — a very high price. Still, the Omega TWN30S is the juicer that is worth con­sid­er­ing if you decide to go for the Twin Gear machine.

If you pre­fer a no-brain­er juicer that is easy to use and clean but still will deliv­er high-qual­i­ty juice and decent yield, then go for the pre­mi­um Omega NC800/NC900 or bud­get Omega CNC80S. Both Omegas are a great option and almost have the same per­for­mance, but CN has bet­ter func­tion­al­i­ty, so it depends on your bud­get; both of them are great for Leafy Greens and a large vari­ety of oth­er ingre­di­ents such as firm fruit and veg­etable, cit­ruses, and others.

How­ev­er, if you plan to juice not only the Leafy Greens but also a vari­ety of oth­er prod­ucts, then the ver­ti­cal juicer option is what you need. The only prob­lem, you have to pre-cut your leafy greens and put some effort into feed­ing the juicer, while for any oth­er ingre­di­ents that are not Leafy Greens, these machines are almost self-feed­ing. So if you are not tight on the bud­get, the H‑AA Slow Juicer machine is not only one of the best ver­ti­cal juicers on the mar­ket but also deliv­ers the high­est yield for leafy greens, the same as for most of the oth­er ingre­di­ents. There­fore, Shine Kitchen by Tribest is a very decent alter­na­tive to con­sid­er if you are tight on a budget.


Posted in Juicers, Best Products

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