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Best Quiet Blenders – Reviews and Buying Guide 2022

It is chal­leng­ing for con­sumers intol­er­ant to noise to deter­mine a qui­et blender with a sound shield. First, the choice is very lim­it­ed. Sec­ond, the noise lev­el con­sumers may expect from the select­ed blender is not easy to ver­i­fy and thus to decide if it is worth buy­ing the one.

Blender engi­neers usu­al­ly incor­po­rate two ways of design­ing qui­et blenders. First, they muf­fle the noise com­ing from the motor hous­ing and seal it with the sound enclo­sure of the blender con­tain­er, the major emit­ter of the annoy­ing sound. Even using the best prac­tice, there is no way to build the mute machine, but it is like­ly to reduce the sound to tol­er­a­ble deci­bels that are not dis­turb­ing for sen­si­tive ears. An exam­ple of what the noise lev­el con­sumer may expect from the “qui­et” blender is the com­mer­cial type blender’s noise with sound enclo­sure emit­ted in Jam­ba Juice and oth­er pop­u­lar smooth­ie shops.

We are here to help you to solve all prob­lems by select­ing a decent qui­et blender. Fur­ther­more, we will assign and rate the best blenders with a sound shield avail­able on the market.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Read More: Vita­mix Ven­tur­ist V1200 Blender Review 

Table of Contents

How We Selected The Blenders

As was men­tioned above, there is a lim­it­ed choice of qui­et blenders with sound enclo­sures for home use. Because this type of gad­get is usu­al­ly man­u­fac­tured for com­mer­cial use, and the most pop­u­lar among them are Vita-Mix Qui­et One Blender, Vita­mix 36021 Blend­ing Sta­tion, Blendtec Stealth 825/ 875/ Q‑Series blenders, War­ing Com­mer­cial B00BHQSR6U MX1500XTX with Sound Enclo­sure, and Hamil­ton Beach Com­mer­cial HBH755 The Eclipse Blender.

How­ev­er, com­mer­cial blenders are not a good choice for the home envi­ron­ment. It is not only because they are nor­mal­ly over­loaded with cus­tom pro­grams and pro­grammed cycles (often there are more than 30) and thus not easy to use. They are also designed for heavy use (up to 200 cycles a day) that is not need­ed in the home envi­ron­ment. As a result, they are very expen­sive and come with a 1–3 year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty that is much short­er than the house­hold blender’s war­ran­ty. The aver­age con­sumer will not load the machine with so many cycles and will expect a much longer war­ran­ty for the blender.

So, there is no point in over­pay­ing for com­mer­cial gad­gets. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, until recent­ly, a house­hold blender with a sound enclo­sure was unavail­able. The con­sumer had to use tricks to reduce annoy­ing noise or buy sep­a­rate sound shields, which are usu­al­ly suit­ed only for high-end blenders and were also very expen­sive. For­tu­nate­ly, this sit­u­a­tion changed.

Hamil­ton Beach 950-Watts Sound­Shield Blender is avail­able in 4 mod­els. The basic 53600 mod­el comes with three speeds and a pulse func­tion; the 53601 mod­el has 5‑Speed, 3 Pre-Pro­grammed Set­tings, and a pulse func­tion; the 53602 mod­el is equipped with five speeds, three pre-set pro­grams and pulse func­tion, 3 pre-set pro­grams, and a sin­gle-serve attach­ment; the 53603 comes three speeds, pulse func­tion, and addi­tion­al trav­el cup.

Here, we select­ed the best high-end, mid-range, and basic types of house­hold blenders with sound enclo­sures that will suit all budgets.

#1 Hamilton Beach 950-Watts Sound Shield Blender (53600 / 53601 / 53602 / 53603)

hamiilton beach quiteHamil­ton Beach 950-Watts Sound Shield Blender is avail­able in 4 mod­els. The basic 53600 mod­el comes with 3 speeds, a pulse func­tion; the 53601 mod­el has 5‑Speed, 3 Pre-Pro­grammed Set­tings, and a pulse func­tion; the 53602 mod­el is equipped with 5 speeds, 3 pre-set pro­grams and pulse func­tion, 3 pre-set pro­grams, and a sin­gle-serve attach­ment; the 53603 comes 3 speeds, pulse func­tion, and addi­tion­al trav­el cup.

Motor and power

The blender is equipped with 950 watts of motor and a plas­tic motor dri­ve. The machine base also has a sound-absorb­ing jar pad that con­tributes to the reduc­tion of the sound dur­ing blend­ing. The motor hous­ing seems sol­id, sta­ble, and equipped with rub­ber feet that pre­vent the unit from mov­ing about when processing.

Con­trol pan­el and speeds

The gad­get fea­tures a sim­ple, leg­i­ble, and straight­for­ward con­trol pan­el but dif­fers by mod­el. For exam­ple, the 53600 and 53603 machines’ con­trol pan­el has 3 speeds (low, mid, and high), the pulse and stop but­tons. While the 536001 and 53602 machines’ con­trol pan­el comes with 5‑speed but­tons, 3 pre-set pro­grams (SMOOTHIES, ICE CRUSH, AND CLEAN), and the pulse and stop buttons.

The ON/OFF pow­er switch is locat­ed on the right-hand side of the blender base.

Qui­et shield

It is equipped with a trans­par­ent sound shield hinged at the back and swings up and down eas­i­ly with the han­dle at the front. It could be removed for clean­ing. The man­u­fac­tur­er claims that the sound shield reduces the noise from the machine by approx­i­mate­ly 55%. And I rather believe this because even when I have frozen ingre­di­ents inside of the jug, the noise is not over­bear­ing, and you will be able to talk over it with­out yelling. With Hamil­ton Beach, the noise lev­el is per­fect­ly accept­able, and you can even still con­verse with oth­ers in the same room.

Rough­ly, the gad­get with the sound enclo­sure releas­es 70db at the low­est speed, increas­ing 5db for each speed incre­ment increase. So the deci­bels dif­fer­ence between shield­ed and unshield­ed con­di­tions is approx—3–4db at all speeds.


  • Makes good smooth­ies from soft ingre­di­ents. If you blend greens (pars­ley, kale, and cel­ery) and hard ingre­di­ents (fresh gin­ger), most like­ly, it will leave some small unprocessed food fragments.
  • It can crush ice and frozen ingre­di­ents. The pulse func­tion is a great help, but some­times it may strug­gle and leave some chunks if you use more than 2–4 ice cubes at once. Nev­er­the­less, it can still make a decent mar­gari­ta and oth­er iced drinks.
  • This blender is very good at small chop­ping or puree­ing tasks. It will eas­i­ly puree sauces and mix sal­sa or dips. In addi­tion, it can blend hum­mus to your pre­ferred smooth­ness or puree a fresh sauce.
  • The blender comes with a glass jar, so it is designed to han­dle hot ingre­di­ents. It will eas­i­ly puree boil­ing ingre­di­ents for soup or make bul­let­proof cof­fee. Remem­ber to open the cen­ter vent lid when blend­ing hot liquids.
  • It is good at chop­ping nuts, mak­ing bread crumbs, and pul­ver­iz­ing cook­ies for pie crusts.
  • The grind­ing func­tion is not the pow­er side of this blender.
  • It is cer­tain­ly not pow­er­ful enough to process nut but­ter or blend nut milk.

Using, clean­ing

The blender comes with a remov­able blade assem­bly that includes blades and the jar col­lar.  The bot­tom col­lar fits well and does not leak. After con­nect­ing the blades, you just place the jug on the top of the base, fill the jug with ingre­di­ents, the lid secure­ly, and the sound shield, and it is ready to use.

For clean­ing, just dis­as­sem­ble the blade sys­tem, and you can wash them by hand or place them in the dish­wash­er. The blade sys­tem parts, jug, and lid are dish­wash­er safe.

Con­tain­ers, blades

All Hamil­ton Beach Sound­Shield Blender mod­els (53600, 53601, 53602, and 53603) come with 52 oz. sol­id thick glass con­tain­er and lid with a hatch-style pour spout where you can add ingre­di­ents dur­ing blend­ing. The con­tain­er also fea­tures a han­dle and clear marks in ounces, cups, and milliliters.

The 53602 and 53603 mod­els also include an addi­tion­al 20 oz glass sin­gles serve con­tain­ers. You can use them as sin­gles that serve as an attach­ment with the includ­ed remov­able blade assem­bly or use it as a trav­el cup.

The blender comes with stain­less steel 4‑pronged remov­able blades. It is fixed to the bot­tom of the jar with a plas­tic collar.


The blender comes with 3 years lim­it­ed war­ran­ty for U.S. and 5 years lim­it­ed war­ran­ty for Cana­da. The cus­tomer ser­vice will repair or replace faulty parts; how­ev­er, the con­sumer will be respon­si­ble for all the ship­ping costs.


The Hamil­ton Beach 950-Watts Sound­Shield is a good val­ue-for-mon­ey blender. It makes good smooth­ies from soft ingre­di­ents but may need to run longer to get a green smooth­ie or iced drinks than more pow­er­ful gad­gets. How­ev­er, it is very sim­ple to use and clean also.

The blender has a glass jar and a well-designed sound shield that prop­er­ly damp­ens blend­ing noise from the strong points. Although the shield seems bulky but still fits under a stan­dard kitchen cab­i­net: 9.06 x 10.24 x 16.14 (inch­es).

Weak points

The jar col­lar is made of very thin plas­tic and could crack when over­loaded. It also has a plas­tic motor dri­ve that reduces the life expectan­cy of the motor, and it does not have an auto­mat­ic shut­down system.


#2 Hamilton Beach Professional 1500W Quiet Shield Blender (58870)

Hamilton Beach 1500 quiteThe Hamil­ton Beach Pro­fes­sion­al 1500W (full review) is anoth­er blender with sound shields for your con­sid­er­a­tion. The blender is pow­er­ful, sol­id, and pro­duced by a well-known US con­sumer man­u­fac­tur­er, so it is def­i­nite­ly worth pay­ing atten­tion to it.

Motor and power

The blender’s strong and stur­dy motor base is equipped with a pow­er­ful 1500-watt (2hp) at-peak motor. How­ev­er, that will be attained only dur­ing the first sec­onds of oper­a­tion and when the gad­get needs the most pow­er to process ice, frozen fruits, and oth­er stub­born ingre­di­ents. The motor is also designed with an opti­mal air­flow sys­tem to cool the gad­get and an over­load pro­tec­tion sys­tem to pro­tect it from motor over­heat­ing and damage.

It also has the Jar Pad, a rub­ber-mount­ed com­po­nent that will muf­fle the sound emit­ted by the motor.

Con­trol pan­el and speeds

HB 1500W control panelThe con­trol is pret­ty min­i­mal­is­tic and straight­for­ward but very func­tion­al. It has PULSE, START/STOP but­tons, and a dial knob. The dial knob con­trols 11 vari­able speeds and 4 pro­gram set­tings (CLEAN, PUREE, CRUSH, and SMOOTHIE).

START/STOP func­tions acti­vate the blender. Rotate the con­trol knob clock­wise for select­ing one of the vari­able speeds and anti­clock­wise for pre-sets. The gad­get will run just by turn­ing the knob to the desired speed or set­ting; the blender auto­mat­i­cal­ly stops at the pro­gram’s end and thus elim­i­nates any guess­work for the user.

The PULSE func­tion could be used with any vari­able speed. Turn the dial knob to the desired speed and push the PULSE func­tion. The selec­tion of vari­able speed and pre-pro­grammed set­tings allows ulti­mate con­trol to the user over the blend­ing process.

Qui­et shield

The remov­able qui­et shield is designed as an upside-down pitch­er placed over the blender jar. The rub­ber pad on the motor base also con­tributes to the blender noise’s damp­en­ing. Although it has a rather uncom­pli­cat­ed design for a sound enclo­sure, it can still muf­fle the amount of noise released from the blender to a more com­fort­able deci­bel (rough­ly 80 decibels).

Of course, it is not whis­per-qui­et but not as aggres­sive and irri­tat­ing as an ordi­nary non-quite blender. Even with the frozen ingre­di­ents inside the jar, you can still hear and talk with a raised voice when the blender is running.


  • Blends very smooth drinks from soft and hard fruits, veg­gies, leafy greens, and nuts with no chunks; effort­less­ly destroy berries seeds;
  • Crush­es ice and blends frozen ingre­di­ents very well using a high speed or CRUSH pre-set pro­gram; able to make sor­bets and iced drinks such as refresh­ing mar­gar­i­tas and Pina Coladas;
  • Pow­er­ful enough to make whole juice or nut milk;
  • Eas­i­ly mix­es and purees a vari­ety of sal­sa, sauces, pesto, and dips like hum­mus and sal­ad dress­ing or horseradish;
  • Chops veg­gies and onions;
  • Eas­i­ly purees pota­to, broc­coli, or baby food recipes;
  • With some effort but being able to make nut but­ter, includ­ed tam­per will help to mix thick mix­tures to the per­fect consistency;
  • Designed to han­dle hot ingre­di­ents and will eas­i­ly puree boil­ing hot ingre­di­ents for soup, it is also able to make bul­let­proof cof­fee; how­ev­er, despite 1500 watts pow­er motor, it will not heat liq­uid with frictions;
  • Grind herbs, cof­fee beans, and grains, mak­ing decent flour for baking;
  • Able to mix muf­fin and pan­cake batter;

Using, clean­ing

With inbuilt into jug blades, it is very easy to use. Just place the pitch­er on the top of the motor base, close the lid, and it is ready to use.

Clean­ing is a breeze as well. It has a pre-set CLEAN pro­gram, so you just add some water and soap and set it to the CLEAN pre-set. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can clean it by hand or in the dish­wash­er; the pitch­er, lid, and tam­per are all dish­wash­er-safe parts.

Con­tain­ers, blades

The blender comes with 32 oz. shat­ter­proof and BPA-free plas­tic con­tain­ers. It does not have han­dles, so you would need to use a hot mit­ten when han­dling it with hot liq­uids inside. How­ev­er, it has clear mea­sur­ing on its side and is equipped with a tight­ly sit­ed rub­bery lid and a plas­tic filler cap. Besides, it comes with a handy tam­per tool for pro­cess­ing thick or stub­born mix­tures such as frozen desserts and nut butter.

The blade assem­bly is per­ma­nent­ly installed in the blender con­tain­er. The 4‑prongs blades are sharp and high-qual­i­ty, durable stain­less steel resis­tant to wear and tear.


Hamil­ton Beach 1500W Qui­et Shield Blender comes with 5 years lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. It cov­ers the repair or replace­ment of blenders and parts if found to be defec­tive. The lim­it­ed war­ran­ty assumes that the cus­tomer is respon­si­ble for all ship­ping costs, which some­times could be pret­ty high. The war­ran­ty is not trans­fer­able and is applied only to the orig­i­nal con­sumer or gift recipient.


This pow­er­ful, stur­dy, and ver­sa­tile blender can per­form quite a few func­tions typ­i­cal for pro­fes­sion­al blenders to a very high stan­dard. Although it claims to be pro­fes­sion­al, it will not per­form all the func­tions that Blendtec and Vita­mix do, and the qual­i­ty of the out­puts is not quite sim­i­lar. Nev­er­the­less, it is a decent blender that will pro­duce good qual­i­ty fruit, veg­gie and green smooth­ies, frozen treats, pureed hot ingre­di­ents, mill flour, and oth­ers. It is very sim­ple to oper­ate and clean. Although it is not equipped with the qui­et shield as sophis­ti­cat­ed as the oth­er gad­gets on our list, it still does help cut down on the noise to a tol­er­a­ble lev­el. It has a decent 5 years lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. The gad­get is quite a com­pact 11” X 15.5” X 12.4” and eas­i­ly fits under­neath the cupboards.

Final­ly, it is avail­able at a rea­son­able price for such a pow­er­ful blender, only $120-$160, depend­ing on the retail­er and the dis­count offers.

Weak points

Rather, it has a small 32 oz jar with no han­dle and a basic sound shield design.


#3 OmniBlend Omni‑Q Commercial Blender with Full Sound Enclosure Shield

omniblend with sound shieldAlthough the OmniBlend with Sound Enclo­sure Shield is mar­ket­ed as a com­mer­cial machine if it is pur­chased for domes­tic use, the man­u­fac­tur­er treats it as a house­hold blender and offers a 7 years warranty.

The JTC Omniblend blender has been dis­trib­uted over the world since 1996; it was engi­neered in Tai­wan but assem­bled in Chi­na. The gad­get was intro­duced to US cus­tomers in 2009 and is cur­rent­ly ser­viced for US and Cana­di­an cus­tomers by JTC Elec­tron­ics USA Inc. of Eagle Moun­tain, Utah.


This blender has a very pow­er­ful car­bon brush 2200W/3HP at peak motor. How­ev­er, it most­ly oper­ates at only 950 watts but with a per­for­mance com­pa­ra­ble to the high-end motor. The motor also has a noise reduc­tion and self-cool­ing fea­ture (ther­mal over­ride protection).

Besides, it is equipped with auto­mat­ic over­load pro­tec­tion. So when the motor strug­gles to process the con­tent, the auto­mat­ic over­load pro­tec­tion will cut off the pow­er imme­di­ate­ly. That makes the machine to be safe and lasts longer.

Con­trol panel

omniblend controlsThe OmniBlend Blender con­trol pan­el is equipped with the Pow­er On/Off switch encased in a trans­par­ent rub­ber cas­ing, three speeds (LOW to MED to HIGH), three timed pre-sets (35”, 60”, 90”), and pulse func­tion. Just press any but­ton to stop the oper­a­tion at one of the speeds or cycle at any time.

Timed pre-sets spec­i­fy the blend­ing time cycles — 35 sec, 60 sec, and 90 sec. When you select one of the pre-sets, the machine will run the cycle and stop auto­mat­i­cal­ly after the select­ed time has passed. The blend­ing speed increas­es from LOW to MED to HIGH dur­ing the cycle. When high or med speed is pressed, the machine will start from low speed for 1–2 sec­onds and then increase to high.

The Pulse func­tion instant­ly works at high speed and can be acti­vat­ed by press­ing the button.

Qui­et shield

OmniBlend blender is equipped with the hinged, 2‑piece sound shield that opens and clos­es over the blender jar. The sound enclo­sure is con­struct­ed with high-qual­i­ty mate­ri­als used in air­craft wind­shields and fight­er jet canopies. It ful­ly wraps around the blender to max­i­mize noise reduc­tion. The shield pro­vides at least 80% noise reduc­tion. As a result, the blender’s noise will reach a max­i­mum of 72 dB and allow the user to car­ry on a nor­mal con­ver­sa­tion dur­ing the blend­ing. The OmniBlend is tru­ly one of the qui­etest blenders cur­rent­ly avail­able on the market.


  • Makes per­fect­ly smooth fruit and veg­etable smooth­ies from soft and hard ingre­di­ents, includ­ing kale and oth­er greens; skin, stem, and seeds are eas­i­ly oblit­er­at­ed by this machine;
  • Process frozen ingre­di­ents in sec­onds to make smooth­ies, ice slush, ice cream, and frozen desserts;
  • Blends qual­i­ty nut or soy­bean milk;
  • Mouss­es, whip­ping creams, and oth­er dessert treats;
  • Makes per­fect sal­sa, sal­ad dress­ings, var­i­ous dips, sauce and pates, chops and minces veg­eta­bles and roots, grate cheese;
  • Minces meat for mak­ing fresh burg­ers, meat­balls, and koftas;
  • Can puree veg­gies for side dish­es or baby food;
  • Can make super healthy and deli­cious baby food;
  • Han­dles hot ingre­di­ents to puree soup or make bul­let­proof cof­fee, makes hot soup from scratch via fric­tion in 6 minutes;
  • Crush­es any grain such as bar­ley, wheat, buck­wheat, oats, brown rice, or soy­bean into bak­ing qual­i­ty flour; pow­der cashew, pine, grinds cof­fee beans or spices; grinds spices in seconds;
  • Makes the bat­ter for cup­cakes, muffins, and sponge cakes and kneads dough for bread;
  • Able to process nut butter;

Using, clean­ing

The gad­get is very easy to use and clean. Place the Jar on top of the base, fill the con­tain­er with the food ingre­di­ents, close the lid, close the Noise hood, and it is ready for use. Push the on/off switch to the on posi­tion, press one of the speeds or pre-set func­tions, and the blender will run. The speed func­tion (low, mid, high) will run con­tin­u­ous­ly until they stop by press­ing any of the but­tons on the con­trol pan­el. The pre-set func­tions (35”, 60”, and 90”) will run on the high speed (grad­u­al­ly increas­ing from the low speed) for the rel­e­vant dura­tion and stop auto­mat­i­cal­ly. To stop the machine at any time, just press any but­ton on the con­trol pan­el. If you need to use the tam­per, you will have to open the hood to use it.

Clean­ing is also an easy task. Fill the jar with water and soap for self-clean­ing and blend for 10–30 sec­onds. Anoth­er way is hand clean­ing using clean­ing utensils.

Con­tain­ers, blades

The OmniBlend blender comes with the qual­i­ty 1.5 liters (50 oz.) East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester con­tain­er. The East­man Tri­tan is a US man­u­fac­tur­er that pro­duces copoly­ester blend con­tain­ers for Vita­mix and Blendtec. The shat­ter-proof, scratch and impact-resis­tant jug are FDA and UL-approved. It is also designed to with­stand up to 125 degrees (257F).

The con­tain­er has a square design with round­ed cor­ners, allow­ing for con­ve­nient pour­ing from any of the three sides. It has ounces, cups, and mil­li­liters marked. It also includes a rub­ber lid, lid plug, and tam­per. The lid does­n’t “lock” in place but fits tight with rub­ber inserts, and the cov­er secure­ly holds it in, so it can­not come open unless you have the cov­er open.

The 6‑prong sharp blades are per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt into the con­tain­er. The blades are designed for wet and dry blend­ing and grind­ing. The heavy-duty blade assem­bly is made from high-qual­i­ty, Japan­ese-pre­ci­sion stain­less steel. The blender also has a durable met­al dri­ve socket.


The OmniBlend blender has a 7‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty cov­er­ing the motor and con­trol func­tions. Lim­it­ed means the user will pay the ship­ping cost for the gad­get ser­vice both ways. The con­tain­er, blade assem­bly, and dri­ve sock­et have only 1‑year cov­er­age. Although the cost for the con­tain­er, blade assem­bly, and dri­ve sock­et replace­ment is afford­able repair for these parts, the cus­tomers should accom­plish it themselves.


OmniBlend is very pow­er­ful and one of the qui­etest blenders on the mar­ket. The machine per­forms all func­tions that the high-end blender does at a com­pa­ra­ble qual­i­ty (but requires 20–60 sec­onds longer time to pro­duce an equiv­a­lent result). The good point, it is avail­able at a notice­ably low­er price (around $50) than the best on our list high-end blender Blend­ed 800 with Sound Enclo­sure ($799).

It is also not very bulky; even with an enclo­sure, it mea­sures 260 mm x 290 mm x 420 mm and will fit under most kitchen cab­i­nets. It comes with a nice recipe book and instructions.

Weak points

Only 3 speeds.


#4 Blendtec Professional 800 Blender With Sound Enclosure

Blendtec 800 ProBlendtec Pro 800 is a com­mer­cial qual­i­ty blender for domes­tic use that comes with an array of top fea­tures. It is equipped with a stealth noise reduc­tion hood and is known as the qui­etest domes­tic blender.

Motor and power

Blendtec Pro 800 hous­es 15 amp/120 volts/2800 watt/3.8 peak horse­pow­er direct-dri­ve motor. It is one of the most pow­er­ful blenders on the mar­ket and allows the finest and smoothest blend­ing of almost anything.

It is equipped with an all-met­al dri­ve cou­pling and a jar blade shaft. The sock­et has a life­time war­ran­ty. The motor hous­ing con­tains the elec­tric motor, dri­ve train, and oth­er com­po­nents that opti­mize sound and air­flow for cool­er, qui­eter oper­a­tion. In addi­tion, it is undoubt­ed­ly equipped with an auto­mat­ic shut-off sys­tem to ensure the longer life expectan­cy of the motor.

Con­trol pan­el and speeds

blendtec control panelThe Blendtec Pro 800 con­trol pan­el is a smooth black sur­face (easy to clean) with back-lit touch-sen­si­tive con­trols. It has, from right to left, a Pow­er Key, Switch­er Key (to switch between 6 pre-sets and the man­u­al speeds), 11 incre­men­tal speed capac­i­tive touch slid­ers (from 4,000 RPM to 29,000 RPM), 6 pre-set pro­grams (Bat­ters, Mixed Drinks/Cocktails, Smooth­ies, Ice Cream/Frozen Treats, Whole Juice, Soup) enabling you to press a but­ton and walk away, the Pulse Key, Stop Key, and LCD Infor­ma­tion Center.

Such a vari­ety assumes an incred­i­ble ver­sa­til­i­ty of the gadget.

Qui­et shield

The Blendtec Pro­fes­sion­al 800 fea­tures the most advanced sleek sound enclo­sure; it is made of thick, clear plas­tic hinged at the back and ful­ly remov­able for clean­ing. It damp­ens blender noise so well that you will not hear it blend­ing in the next room, even when it is work­ing at the high­est speed. Accord­ing to the man­u­fac­tur­er, it max­es out at 67 deci­bels, and it is tru­ly qui­eter than a dish­wash­ing machine.


  • It makes super smooth smooth­ies from soft and hard ingre­di­ents, includ­ing raw spinach leaves, kale, hard frozen berries, nuts, and core the apple. Thus it is per­fect­ly suit­able for green smooth­ies also. In addi­tion, it effi­cient­ly blends berry seeds to give you per­fect smoothies.
  • Crushed ice and frozen fruits make frozen treats, includ­ing ice cream, sor­bets, and frozen yogurt, shav­ing ice for snow cones, mar­gar­i­tas, daiquiris, and oth­er frozen concoctions.
  • It com­plete­ly oblit­er­ates tough and dense ingre­di­ents, includ­ing stems, seeds, or skins, and out­puts per­fect whole juices.
  • Per­fect­ly han­dle hot liq­uids. More­over, heat liq­uids with the pow­er of blade fric­tions, from cold water and fresh ingre­di­ents for home­made soup in a few short min­utes will cre­ate steam­ing hot and ready-to-eat soup. Like­wise, I will eas­i­ly make hot choco­late, syrups, fon­dues, or bul­let­proof coffee.
  • Will stir, chop, mince, or use a Pulse function.
  • Puree­ing and baby food.
  • Makes hemp seed, almond, coconut, and oth­er nut milk with­out effort.
  • Although Blendtec rec­om­mends using a spe­cial Twister Jar for nut but­ter, it is per­fect­ly pos­si­ble to make it with a Wild­Side+ jar, it will take a bit longer, but the algo­rithm is avail­able from Blendtec recipes online.
  • Per­fect­ly capa­ble of mak­ing sauces, dips, dress­ings, and bat­ters. Quick­ly mix bat­ters or knead the dough for pan­cakes, waf­fles, cook­ies, muffins, crêpes, piz­za, and cakes.
  • It will grind seeds, nuts, and any­thing you put into it. This blender can also make per­fect flour from absolute­ly any grain.

Using, clean­ing

The Blendtec Pro 800 comes with blades inbuilt into a jug; thus, it is very easy to assemble/disassemble, use, and clean.

It is very easy to assem­ble. To set it up, sim­ply open up the noise hood and place the jug on the top of the base unit, ensur­ing it is cor­rect­ly fitted/aligned. Stuff the ingre­di­ents into the blend­ing jar and pour a suit­able amount of liq­uid on top of them. Select one of the blend­ing cycles and run it or an 11-speed touch slider.

To clean it, pour some water and wash liq­uid into the jar, select the low pow­er set­ting, and leave for 40 sec­onds before turn­ing it off. This will remove any gunk around the blade.  Stick­i­er jobs such as nut but­ter and bread dough usu­al­ly require addi­tion­al scrub­bing after the first self-clean­ing. Rinse the blend­ing jar. Clean the base by sim­ply wip­ing the base and inter­face with a damp cloth.

Con­tain­ers, blades 

The Blender comes with high-qual­i­ty East­man Tri­tan co-poly­ester 90 oz. Wild­Side+ con­tain­er and Vent­ed Grip­per lid. The con­tain­er is impact and tem­per­a­ture-resis­tant (up to 212 degrees F).

The Wild­side + jar has a unique five-sided design, cre­at­ing a vor­tex and pulling the ingre­di­ents down into the blades. In addi­tion, you can scrape out the thick­er mix­tures thanks to its square, flat-sided design.

The jar’s nom­i­nal capac­i­ty is 90 oz. The actu­al capac­i­ty is 72oz, but the mark­ing on the jar goes up to 36oz. The line for 36 is only about halfway up the jar. The con­tain­er does not have a spout, but a squared shape allows it to pour out liq­uid effi­cient­ly with­out spilling it out.

The lid is made of a rub­bery mate­r­i­al, needs to be firm­ly pressed into posi­tion, and fits snugly.

An open­ing at the cen­ter allows steam and pres­sure to escape when you are blend­ing hot ingre­di­ents or through which you can add ingre­di­ents dur­ing processing.

It does not include a Tam­per because the patent­ed five-sided jar design auto­mat­i­cal­ly pulls ingre­di­ents toward the blade.

The Blendtec 800 has inbuilt into the con­tain­er laser-cut stain­less steel blades. It is a wingtip, two-pronged, and blunt blade design. The wingtips break up larg­er ingre­di­ents, allow­ing a quick­er blend—the blunt blades make a jug safer to clean and handle.


Blendtec Pro 800 comes with a very good and one of the best in the indus­try with 10 years war­ran­ty and cov­ers ship­ping both ways for service.

It also offers a free 30-day mon­ey-back guar­an­tee if you tried out, did not like it, and decid­ed to return it. How­ev­er, the war­ran­ty is not trans­fer­able and applied only to the orig­i­nal cus­tomer, so if the unit is sub­mit­ted for repair must be accom­pa­nied by proof of orig­i­nal purchase.

Cus­tomer ser­vice is good and reputable.


It is a stur­dy and well-made machine, tru­ly the qui­etest blender in the world for home use, and fea­tures com­mer­cial pow­er and ver­sa­til­i­ty. So if you can man­age the cost, it will be an excel­lent addi­tion to your kitchen that will last you a long time. The hinged cov­er makes such a big dif­fer­ence in the noise lev­el. It still has the same loud jet engine fea­ture, but the enclo­sure muf­fles the sound so much that my wash­ing machine is loud­er than it is while run­ning. With an 1800-watt 3.8 horse­pow­er peak, it has more than enough pow­er to go through all your blend­ing needs.

This is a heav­ier blender that is not meant for trav­el. It weighs 16.2 pounds. The height of the swayed-up shield is 24 “(62 cm) and will not fit most of the kitchen cab­i­nets. While when it is swayed down closed, it is only 16.2” tall and fits under the cabinets.

Weak points

It is very expensive.



Which blender is the best for you depends on what you want from your gad­get? For exam­ple, if you are look­ing for the best com­mer­cial type of qui­et blender with a sound shield, then you have to choose between Blendtec Pro­fes­sion­al 800 and OmniBlend Omni‑Q Com­mer­cial machines. On the oth­er hand, if you are OK with basic to medi­um range blenders, you will decide between Hamil­ton Beach Pro­fes­sion­al 1500W and Hamil­ton Beach 53600/53601/53602/53603 950-Watts gadgets.

Blendtec Pro 800 is no doubt the most sophis­ti­cat­ed high-end blender for home use, with the sound enclo­sure avail­able on the mar­ket today. It is not only a very pow­er­ful machine but equipped with many very advanced fea­tures, such as six pre-pro­grammed set­tings, 11 con­tin­u­ous speeds, a touch screen con­trol pan­el, and a beau­ti­ful design. The blender will be per­fect for any recipe, from green smooth­ies to hot soup or ice cream. The sound shield is also top-notch, and you will be able to con­tin­ue the nor­mal con­ver­sa­tion even if it blends ice next to you (max at 67 dB). Besides, it comes with 10 years of unlim­it­ed war­ran­ty and excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice. It has only one draw­back; it is very expen­sive. How­ev­er, if you can afford the best of the best com­mer­cial type blender with the qui­et shield at a pre­mi­um price, then it is the best option for you.

If you are still hop­ing to grab the high-end gad­get with the sound shield but can­not splash the $800 on it, then you must con­sid­er the OmniBlend Omni‑Q Com­mer­cial machine. It will also make per­fect­ly smooth green smooth­ies, hot soup, nut but­ter, and ice cream; the out­put is not as per­fect as Blendtec but very close and will take 20–40 sec longer to achieve a com­pa­ra­ble result. Although it is Chi­na assem­bled, it has a good rep­u­ta­tion and sev­en years lim­it­ed war­ran­ty ser­viced by US Com­pa­ny. It has only 3 speeds, and the con­trol pan­el is not the same state of the art as the Blendtec con­trol pan­el. But the sound shield is top qual­i­ty and muf­fles the sound almost as effi­cient as Blendtec. The good news is it costs half as much as the Blendtec Pro 800, which is almost half the price of the Blendtec 800.

The Hamil­ton Beach 950-Watts is a rather basic blender but still pow­er­ful enough to per­form many func­tions such as decent smooth­ies, chop­ping, puree­ing, and mix­ing, but it will not do per­fect green smooth­ies. How­ev­er, it has a prop­er­ly engi­neered hinged sound enclo­sure that will muf­fle sound-emit­ting to the lev­el you can con­tin­ue a nor­mal con­ver­sa­tion with a slight­ly raised voice. It has a well-known man­u­fac­tur­er and is good for this type of blender with three years lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. The good point is it has a very attrac­tive price of only under a hun­dred dol­lars (depend­ing on the model).

The Hamil­ton Beach 1500W has a more pow­er­ful motor and is able to per­form more func­tions to a bet­ter qual­i­ty than HM 950 watts. It will make decent green smoothest, good dips, and almost per­fect soup. How­ev­er, it has a rather more prim­i­tive sound shield than oth­er blenders on our list. There­fore, we should acknowl­edge that it will not pro­vide an effi­cient sound reduc­tion as Hamil­ton Beach 950-Watts. 

So, if you pre­fer bet­ter qual­i­ty blend­ing with not very effi­cient sound reduc­tion, then Hamil­ton Beach 1500W must be your best option. On the oth­er hand, if you are OK with a rather basic blender, but the sound reduc­tion is real­ly impor­tant to you, then you will be bet­ter off with the Hamil­ton Beach 950-Watts machine.


Posted in Other Blenders Reviews, Best Products

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